The Phony Problem: Employers can't fill open positions
You are starting to see news articles about how employers can't find people to fill all the jobs vacancies they have.
For instance, there is this one today.
U.S. job vacancies rose to a record high in July, at 5.87 million, according to a Labor Department report released Wednesday. A range of industries – from professional and business services to construction and retail trade – saw big increases in available slots. ..
"In many districts, businesses reported trouble filling job vacancies for high skilled positions, especially those aimed at technology specialists, engineers, and selected construction workers," according to the latest Beige Book, released on Wednesday.
It wasn't just at the high end of the labor market that employers expressed difficulties. "A few resort hotels reported increased hiring of foreign workers because they were unable to find employees locally," according to the Richmond report. Meanwhile in New York, "A trucking industry analyst notes that there remains a shortage of drivers, as firms do not have enough pricing power to enable them to afford raising salaries." The Boston region cited a staffing agency as saying it may need to come up with "creative techniques to secure qualified candidates faster than their competition."
That wasn't the only one. There is also this small business report.
Fifty-three percent reported hiring or trying to hire (down 3 points), but 46 percent reported few or no qualified applicants for the positions they were trying to fill. Fourteen percent of owners cited the difficulty of finding qualified workers as their Single Most Important Business Problem. This issue ranks third out of nine major issues listed. Twenty-six percent of all owners reported job openings they could not fill in the current period, down 3 points from, the highest reading in this recovery.
Holy sh*t. The economy is so good that...uh, wait a sec.
Something stinks.
What smells like bullsh*t? Oh, it's these job reports.
A few years ago, I was trying to fill an opening in our New York office. I offered what I thought was a competitive salary for a junior position, including good benefits. No one seemed to fit the bill.
I mentioned this to a friend who had a lot more hiring experience. I showed him all the details: Fast-growing company, exciting work environment, lots of perks (window office, unlimited coffee). When it came to pay, he laughed at me. “You are trying to hire someone in a high-paying industry in the most competitive and expensive city in the country for that job,” he said. “Try raising your offer.”
We did, by 50 percent. Suddenly, we had lots of qualified applicants.
If the job market was really that tight, and employers needed to fill those positions, then wages would be going up.
They aren't.
Eight years after Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy filing signaled the start of the financial crisis, the U.S. has posted the worst salary recovery among developed Group of 20, or G-20 countries, according to executive search firm Korn Ferry's Hay Group unit.
U.S. salaries have fallen 3.1% after adjusting for inflation since Lehman’s bankruptcy on Sept. 15, 2008, the study says. That’s the worst among the G-20, which also includes the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and South Korea.
Meanwhile, working-age men aren't working.
Something is rotten in the U.S. economy. Poor men without a college degree are disappearing from the labor force. The share of prime-age men (ages 25-54) who are neither working nor looking for work has doubled since the 1970s.
The U.S.’s labor participation rate for this group of men is lower than every country in the OECD except for Israel (an outlier, because of the high number of non-working Orthodox Jewish men) and Italy (an economic omnishambles). Today, one in six prime-age men in America are either unemployed or out of the workforce altogether—about 10 million men.
Which, of course, leads to blaming poor people for being lazy. Because capitalism would work perfect in every way if it wasn't for those darn, lazy poor people.

What's that I smell?
Oh, bullshit. I thought I recognized it - been around lots of BS in my day.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
involved with a local group in my area. We try to address problems concerning housing, education and one of the big ones, transportation. We have a lot of low paying jobs in my area and there are people who want them. The problem is transportation for them to get to and from work. We have a bus line in our local city but it shuts down at 5PM. That just kills the opportunity for a lot of people's job prospects. What we have plenty of is the worthless "temporary job service agencies". In our small community there are 13 different ones. One of these bloodsuckers was supplying a factory in a local town with workers. They had an old school bus they used to transport these workers. They charged them $10 each way. $20 a day for people making minimum wage. God how I hate these bastards. Nothing but traders of flesh. Raking in money off the backs of people just trying to survive. No wonder a lot of folks say "screw it"......
If Hillary truly cared ...
in the problems of poor people, people of color, inner city residents, she'd be focused like a laser on the transportation issues many face. You cannot hold a job if you cannot get to it.
If God wanted poor people to have jobs, he'd give them cars.
If Hillary wanted poor or middle class Americans to have jobs, she'd call bs on this, instead of being an accessory via her "gold standard" trade and visa policies.
We're so afraid of government creating jobs that we twist into pretzels to have government subsidize and otherwise enable grasping corporations to create jobs those same corporations strive continually to eliminate via consolidation, robots, importing people from other countries who will work for lower wages, etc. Literally shooting ourselves in the foot would be much faster and less damaging. But, as long as it's corporate welfare, no one can accuse us of "creeping socialism." Whoopie.
Removing the stench from something we've been stinking up with propaganda for a century is a real challenge, especially since corporate media will keeping shoveling the crap into the Augean stables, rather than out of them.
This is a greatly insightful point of view.
I've never really it heard it put like this before and I've certainly never thought about it like it, but once I saw what you wrote it became so obvious. I guess this is what happens to the scope of ones viewpoint having grown up in a time where is seems like every move companies and governments make seems designed to screw over workers.
Thank you for the very kind words.
She even might take a moment to ponder how on earth it makes sense that a person working a full-time job cannot even afford basic transportation to get to that job. Oh wait. She's for the $12/hr minimum wage right? I am waiting with baited breath to see her tackle that problem with all of her well-documented strength, determination, and ability to get things done.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
It sounds like you live in ...
... Broome County, State of New York. Yes, we have a bus system; no, it isn't worth a damn. Good luck using it to get to work (or to escape our local food desert) unless you have a few hours to spare.
Or Salt Lake City.
Takes an hour and a half to get where you could drive in 15 minutes. Monthly passes are something ridiculous like $80-something. UTA's solution to the efficiency problem is to jack up their rates. Feh!

This shit is bananas.
The list is endless
There are many men now who don't have driver licenses because they have been out of work & couldn't pay child support. You can get a work license if you have a DUI, but not if you owe child support, at least in Florida. I don't know how that is supposed to help their children. There are the temporary agencies who don't make their contractors follow the rules - there were major complaints to our Labor Ready office about the local garbage services whose drivers liked to try to throw the workers off the truck by driving & taking corners fast, even in the rain. One guy finally busted his head, but nothing has seemed to change. Many of those guys have a little weed in their system, so unless they can afford a good lawyer who can fight that (and a good one can), they are SOL. Transportation IS a big one here. We're a small city with a jitney type bus that never seems to go where you want it when you want it. You may sit for 2 hours waiting for one & it only runs until 6 pm. The cab services here make their money mostly on people going to work - you can work out a deal with a cab driver to charge less for a regular pick-up sometimes. One temp services used to provide transportation - a lot of the jobs are in nearby towns 30-45 miles away - but stopped when their business dropped during the recession. Or you take your chances on riding with a drunk or drug addict who still happens to have his license, paying $5 each way on a little over $8 an hour. And some of those guys decide to walk off the job & leave you without a ride. Many jobs are only 4 hours (minimum required by the agency), so you earn about $32 before taxes, then have to pay $10 transportation & possibly taxes, so if you owe child support, you end up with about $12 for back-breaking labor that no one else wants to do. One contractor's regular employees even thought it was funny to steal my ex's lunch that he brought & were puzzled when he was so angry. Jobs for dishwashing & other low-level jobs refuse to take ANYONE with a record, no matter how old the charge is, no matter that his rights have been reinstated & that it had nothing to do with drugs, sex or violence - possession of a stolen car at 19 (which would have been dropped if he'd had a good lawyer). He was covered in sewage at one job because the supervisor thought it would be funny to have him open the wrong valve. We have had a few good people who even fed the workers or tipped them, but they are few & far between. Most of the guys who work at the labor hall live behind the Winn Dixie where they are harassed on a regular basis & their clothes and other things are thrown out. Even trying to keep clean clothes is a problem. Now there is a 20-hour work requirement per week for food assistance, so if the temp services doesn't have anything that week, you're out of luck. There are food banks, but you need transportation to get there. Many of them change their hours without posting the info, so you may pay for a ride & get there & no one is there. You need phone service & internet access to look for work or get called for jobs. They have now instituted the pay cards if you want to get paid the same day. If you want a check, you have to wait a week. The cards charge fees to get their money at all but a couple of places, and you can wait up to 9 pm at night to get your money. These are just a few of the hardships those at the bottom of the ladder face.
Beat Trump with Bernie!
It's heartbreaking
Then the talking heads get on tv and wail about lazy people, moochers, slackers. We had one of these types sit in in some of our meetings. It was nice to see when the bulb turned on in his head. Once he saw, like what you described Suzzzi, he did a complete turn around. The poor have no voice in the US.....
This times 10!
Public transit sucks most places. Working class people can't "afford" to take the bus because it takes five times as along to get anywhere and isn't reliable and way too expensive.
Who can afford to be late 20 minutes 4 times a week? It's a job killer. Our Max train line stops before most of the shows, restaurants and bars are closed. What about the customer... and the employers? One of the main reasons I don't go into the city for shows. I don't want to be stuck in Portland because the damn Max stopped before the evening started.
My son uses public transit because he's disabled and there are times the damn bus just drives by.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
That's why I retired.
All the positions in my area for registered nurses now require a bachelors degree or a requirement to enter a bachelor program. At 59, that was a money losing proposition.
Now these same hospitals are hiring those with a bachelors degree at wages that those with an associates were receiving 3 years ago.
I'm fortunate as I have the house I built paid off and no outstanding bills.
It pays to be frugal and not a materialistic person. I have what I need and require little to enjoy what life has to offer.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I understand that...
I posted in an earlier thread about my 18-month experience job hunting at 58. Had all the professional experience in the world, but employers apparently want a 20-year-old PhD with 30 years of experience who can juggle flaming cats while riding a unicycle blindfolded, neither eats nor excretes (or whatever other arbitrary bullet points some HR person has typed in to set up the filters for a position), and will also work for minimum wage. Every bullet point *must* be present. Nothing less will make it through the online resume processing systems to be looked at by an actual human being any more...
HR people don't give a shit if 20,000 nearly-perfect resumes go on the floor unread, as long as that one unicyclist turns up sooner or later (H1B visas welcome!). That's the beauty of the online resume processing age, apparently: you can look, see that nobody has met all the requirements, and go play golf. Easy, no?
Faugh. Shoulda been born in a country that put more emphasis on the circus arts in primary education. Next time around, I'm by-Gawd-well gonna pick my parents better...
To the OP: Brilliant topic. Thank you.
Resume Magic
I was looking for a professional white collar job in the late 90's and learned at a job search seminar that one of the details HR was looking for was a resume that had been printed with the watermark right side up.
The first thing they did was hold the resume up to the light. If the watermark was upside down it went straight to the trash. Detail oriented professionals were all they hired.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
That reminds me of those ads for “Hammermill Bond” paper
The idea was, using high-quality, watermarked paper for business letterhead stationery is a key factor if a company wants to maintain a prestigious image.
I think Human Resources
is a true oxymoron. In every place I or my friends & family have worked, they are the least human of all the departments.
Beat Trump with Bernie!
Not at all, it's more honest than most titles.
To corporations, humans are resources, like pork bellies or coal. They're not screwing people over, they're just looking for the most efficient way to convert their resources into money. And they sleep like babies.
“Human Resources” makes it sound like an extractive industry
Like mining or fracking.
Don't forget the personality test!
"Which is worse--to steal office supplies from your company, or to habitually come to work late?"
Not shitting you, that was a question my boyfriend got on the personality part of an online test--so he could get an interview for an entry-level call center job.
He flunked the "personality" test, and though he aced the skills test, when he asked the guy "Why don't you give me an interview and see what you think?" the guy said: "No, I'm sorry, if you didn't pass the test, we can't move forward."
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
And Group interviews!
I had a couple group interviews at a local grocery chain (different locations). Now, I'm an introvert; I've had several years in customer service, I can interact with customers just fine, but throw me in a room with some complete strangers and I'll just sit there and observe. But if you don't talk to the other people in the group interview you won't move on to a real interview; was told by a former coworker that works there they judge you just on the group interview. What a bunch of garbage!!
This shit is bananas.
true for most "adult" wage jobs
You also, rather obviously, have had the good fortune to have been continuously fully employed or near so. Nurses of our age (I'm 58) had that going for them for the prime of their work lives.
I was an analog electronic technician. Most American jobs for our kind of folks dried up by the time we turned 40. Folks didn't repair stuff, and they didn't make it here in the USA, either. The story of my adult life is one of ever-decreasing wages in ever fewer jobs suiting my talent set. And, like yourself, re-training was out of the question for cost reasons. Even in my economic "salad days", a bachelor's degree of any kind was miles out of my reach even with available government aid. (Colorado, being a good little Republican State in the 1970s, started the Reagan-Gingrich privatizations and death-by-a-thousand-budget-cuts early.)
So, Pricknick, I'm glad you managed to make it out OK. Some of us weren't so fortunate -- through no fault of our own. And today's youth are simply fucked.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
In the 1950s I was fascinated by my dad’s TV technician
who could track down bad resistors, capacitors, etc. in a TV set using an oscilloscope and a volt-ohmmeter.
Then suddenly things went solid-state and, boom! No more searching for the problem, just try replacing whole circuit boards, one by one, until the problem goes away.
Suddenly, electronic gadgets all had a warning label on the back: “Do not remove back. No user-serviceable parts inside.”
Come to think of it, a fitting label for our political process would be: “Warning: Deep State oligarchy. No voter-serviceable parts inside.”
My RN daughter got her BSRN in May, going on for NP
The hospital where she is employed (since a year after her associate's degree) gave her no raise, or pennies per hour, can't remember which. They are contributing over $1K/semester to her tuition. So she's FT RN, FT grad student. Nice. Not.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Increasing worker pay....
Has that ever been tried before? The US is at the forefront of innovation after all.
We should have an Ideation on the consequences.
from a reasonably stable genius.
The $5 Day
Henry Ford raised worker pay so they could buy the Ford they were building:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
And buy Fords they did, and still do.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
As legend has it
Henry Ford got really ticked off at seeing Chevys and ehatnots in his lot at the plant and asked "Wassup?"
After they got their raises the lot was jam packed with nuthin but Fords and they made damn sure quality was job one because any given car could be one they bought or the guy working next to them bought.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
The movie “Gung Ho” with Michael Keaton
is a comedy about auto workers struggling to adapt when the abandoned plant in their town is re-opened by a Japanese outfit.
Job One?
When did they start that? I had three Fords, a 1957 Fairlane, a 1968 Mercury Monterey, and 1975 Mercury Montego. All were unreliable pieces of crap. Three strikes and you're out!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
1979 Ford Fairmont Futura
My mom had one. It was the root of much suspense in our lives - will it start this time?
My MIL has a 2012 Ford Focus
with the dual-clutch transmission that Ford fucked up. She's taken it into the dealership several times to have it "fixed"; a couple weeks ago it was about to die on her, and this was a recall issue! and they told her they wouldn't have the part in to fix it until October, and refused to give her a loaner or have her towed if it died on her on her way to or from work and she couldn't drive it anywhere else. Hubby got on Ford's FB and Twitter pages and made a big stink; it got fixed last week, now hopefully it stays fixed.
As for me, I will never buy a Ford product, and wouldn't drive one if you gave it to me (and I don't even have a car right now!); all the Fords I've ever had to deal with have been POS's too.
This shit is bananas.
Looks like they want
to increase the number of H1-B visas, setting the stage for more internal outsourcing.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
They do this same shit and run these same phony stories every time they want Congress to give away more visas. Studies have shown that 1/2 of all graduates with tech degrees each year can't even get hired in their field.
There must be a big media push going on
I glanced at a story in the local rag the other day about a green card and visa backlog.
Looks like domestic graduates hoping for decent salaries are shit out of luck.
from a reasonably stable genius.
That would be the shelling from offshore
to soften up the defenses before the landing craft arrive, I think.
The mainstream media is now all about creating a receptive audience, not informing the public on matters of import. The only question remaining for Joe and Mary Sixpack is whether they really cancelled the Kardashians or not...
So what, precisely, are we being prepared to receive _now_? Enquiring minds want to know- but there are fewer and fewer of us every day.
Enquiring minds....
What are those?
Do they make them somewhere?
from a reasonably stable genius.
Corporate media is now about propaganda and brainwashing.
"Always was, always will be."
(Hillary Clinton, on the tarmac during her first real press conference in gazillion days, this A.M. Or sometime, in which Her Heinous, yet again, claims that she never sent or received classified emails.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Pence suit versus pantsuit.
It’s like “Spy vs. Spy” in the old Mad magazine.
Even our small local lawn service
uses Guatemalans every summer. My ex got a job with them when they were hiring in the spring for that summer. He worked 3 weeks & then most of the new employees were laid off once the Guatemalans came in. If they had said it was temporary, I could even understand, but there was no warning. I don't blame the Guatemalans - they all lived in the same house & had a "handler." I'm betting he got a lump sum & doled out money to them, charging for rent & other necessities. I doubt they saw minimum wage.
Beat Trump with Bernie!
That's a real problem.
Employers and middlemen exploit the foreign workers, citizens lose their jobs, and wages are driven down for everybody. As usual, the 1% profits at the expense of everybody else.
Not so fast. I'm a manager and I can't find people
The problem is that upper management demands that I find people willing to work for intern salaries but they also have to have all the experience and skills of a 5-10 year veteran. They are absolutely sure that the great recession is still going on for programmers so...
Now I'm doing the work of a full time programmer AND a manager. They don't want foreign workers -- they want to eke out more from their managers.
All these businesses think they have to act like Walmart. Exported tech jobs are coming back because the work product was inferior. They think salary surveys lie. And they think I'll never leave.
Let these businesses hang themselves. The companies who treat their workers well don't have trouble finding workers because they consider their workers an investment not an overhead item.
We have a winner!
First thing I thought of when I read this post !
Peace -
Profits, to rise quarter after quarter . . .
. . . when the economy is anemic at best, have to come from somewhere. If you're not just gonna give the corporations money (like the Fed does with low rates), then they're just gonna have to squeeze it from the cost side, the workers. The more audience-friendly way to express that is "We can't find qualified people for the jobs we offer."
My brother-in-law is the former CFO of a start-up corporation that made it big -- you'd recognize the name in an instant. He retired when it was still smallish, just before they went public, with enough of a parachute to settle down on a farm. A staunch Republican, he watches Fox News 24/7. One day when I was visiting, some idjit made that audience-friendly statement:
"We can't find qualified people for the jobs we offer."
Reflexively ('cuz I usually don't say much politically around that house) I said rather forcefully "That's not true." Uh-oh. All eyes, Republican pro-corporate eyes, in the room trained on me. Okay, I have to explain. And I point out that the foreign workers these companies hire to fill those vacancies that Americans "are unqualified" for, those foreign engineers or whatnot go to the same schools and get the same marks as the Americans who "are unqualified." The only difference is that the foreign professionals will work for less than the Americans will. The Americans know it's a sub-par wage and reduced benefits package that screws the applicant.
Silence. But my ex-CFO brother-in-law, who knows damn well how corporations operate, where the bottom line is, how profits are generated quarter after quarter, by brother-in-law who never, ever, ever agrees with anything this leftie thinks or does, this brother-in-law respectfully nods.
Yup. It's all bullshit.
I have 2 associates degrees in graphic design and database administration and I can't get a job in either field. the requirements for 'entry level' positions get more ridiculous by the year. And that's just the private sector. The same thing happens in the public sector except for the fact that veterans and transfers take priority.
As someone with multiple disabilities, I figured education might actually make me employable, as did my county Voc Rehab. Nope. Still stuck in a rut I'll likely never get out of.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
The impossible qualification list at least in high tech.
First, best wishes and good luck to you.
My experience in high tech is that when you see a listing for an open position and the qualifications are bizarre, contradictory, or impossible to meet, at least in high tech they are trying to disqualify American applicants so the company can justify a H-1b visa slot or using some foreign based job shop. I have seen video clips of law firms teaching HR departments how to write these sorts of job descriptions to get around immigration law requirements.
And with the lower-skilled jobs too.
Buzzfeed (I know, I know) did a fantastic investigative report in December about companies that deliberately deny jobs (such as agricultural and housekeeping jobs) to Americans so they can claim a qualified labor shortage and hire foreign workers on H-2 visas. It's well worth the read.
The definition of entry-level
The definition of entry-level these days seems to be "Entry level for OUR company, but you must have 3-5 years experience doing the exact same job with the exact same responsibilities, using all the same software (including proprietary software) at another company." It's ridiculous.
He knows. And he knows you do. Kudos for getting the nod.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
schools and marks
Actually, most of the H1B's these corporations are seeking attended schools with the same accreditations as the corresponding American schools, but they did it in their home countries where education is fully or mostly socialized, which is why they can work more cheaply than Americans who are completely equal in every other respect.
At one company I worked for, there was an H1B application posted which demanded a Master's degree in Computer Science (MSCS) with a UNIX emphasis and familiarity with the whole GNU/Open Source world at a level only available via experience in that world. Salary: $40,000 per year before taxes.
A typical non-rich American with that MSCS degree is paying a significant part of that amount in student debt service; such an American would be working that job in essence for free or at less net wage than minimum. Such an American would be better off flipping burgers without ever having seen the inside of a college. This, of course, is why the employer couldn't find "qualified Americans" to do that job: they can't exist.
Pissed me off right imperially, needless to say.......
And please never forget, friends: any time someone complains that "Americans aren't willing to work", what he really means is that he can't get any to work for him, for free.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Yep, they want people to work for nothing,
then complain that no one wants the shit sandwich they're offering. Boo hoo hoo!
This shit is bananas.
I Can't Qualify For My Current Job
I have worked my job for over 30 years, yet if I were to apply for it now, despite my experience, I'd be rejected. Age would be the biggest reason, but that's against the law to discriminate on that basis! My past income would be another, for I now earn at least twice the rate my employer pays to a successful new hire. I am grandfathered into coverage with certain benefits new hires cannot have. And, there are other factors which would discriminate against me.
I watch as my employer manoeuvres me into a corner where they can decrease or eliminate all of this without me being able to fight back. I'm still too young to retire at a comfortable level and not have to scrounge for a midnight Del Taco shift somewhere. My health isn't good enough for me to start a starving business for myself.
Many are in similar straits to mine, which is why they support Trump [For the record, I do not]. They want to believe his "straight" talk will deliver the past to them, for there is no future.
That is all long gone.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
A Total Snow Job
My employer has been losing skilled workers for months now, and not replacing a single one. Even though the remaining crew complain about the extra hours they are expected to put in, and the amount of necessary work not getting done, our management is under orders to trim the staff as much as possible. They don't even attempt to hide this. Those of us who have lengthy service terms see this as the fabrication of an excuse to replace us with outsourced (and likely foreign) workers.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I Remember a Piece on NPR in MI Claiming a Lack of CNC
I contacted my buddy, one of 10 who was an out of work manufacturing specialist, and asked him.
He laughed and told me that nobody trained on a CNC machine in MI is going to work for $10/hour. They can't hire them at unskilled wage levels. That's the problem.
Lack of unqualified applicants who will work for peanuts.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
This is a lie.
All the moneyed folks want is the cheapest laborer possible.
I call bull shit.
Filled with "smart employers", total dumbass design.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
An interesting graphic
Blackmarket laborers
Having been self employed for almost all my working years, I have had to compete against individuals that don't pay their employees' SS, work comp, or unemployment ...let alone benefits. Many of those employees prefer to avoid the hassles of dealing with taxes that eat a large share of their take home pay. Then you have sole proprietors like myself who can gamble they won't get caught dodging the system. If you aren't earning six figures, your tax liability is so low the IRS can't afford to chase you down for the few bucks you may owe...and if you have a kid, or two, or more, they probably will owe you money for EIC. Add to it the complexity of the tax forms, and the $200 per hour accountants and attorneys charge to help set up, and maintain a legit business, and WTF!! AND!!!! anyone working in the trades, landscaping, home maintenance, housekeeping, kitchen work, food service, retail sales, blah, blah, blah, is seldom willing to even apply for a job that tests for pot. We prefer to work in the "blackmarket". I don't think this is rocket science that requires a fucking overpaid Ivy League economist to figure out why one in six men aren't in the statistical workforce. We're there, we are just not competing for the job "The Man" wants us to work for minimum wage.
All this cheap money (low, low interest rates, for years on end)
and economies still perform poorly.
Would seem to suggest that said economies are built on sand.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Low interest rates
are just another form of corporate welfare, and a way to pilfer any savings a common working man, or woman, manages to have in a savings account. The entire economic system of our country requires we gamble in the stock market with our future savings, or potential retirement, if we are that fortunate. Low interest rates are a result of electing nothing but millionaires to Congress. They all earn a living on capital gains, rather than wages...which require investment into SS and Medicare. Why bother with that??? Especially when you get free healthcare??
In Search of Excellence
A Forbes review of a classic:
And how those companies performed 20 years later:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
The law of supply and demand took the last train to the coast.
Apologizes to Don McLean. But yes, does the law of supply and demand work? Supposedly if demand is high and supply is low, wages should go up. If there is any idea that is universally accepted it is supply and demand.
Seems the employers do not want to pay higher wages because they want to see higher profit margins, or they are in industries where businesses can only be profitable by using low wage workers; and thus they cannot offer higher wages due to supply shortages--in which case, tough shit, that is the capitalist way for choosing that business model.
Of course, the pro-business punditry will shake their finger at Americans for not filling in low wage jobs as having no morals and moxy.
Also about the resorts. Read a rather extensive article may have been in Mother Jones about Aspen resorts having to pay higher wages to locals to work there. The resorts did not want to pay the higher wages so they imported indentured foreign labor.
And when all the workers spend less
and less, that lowers those businesses' profits even more, so they cut even more people, so they make less, & so on. I thought this when I was in my 20's but thought maybe I was just naive, although it seemed to be common sense. Now the chickens have come home to roost, and many businesses that cater to lower income & middle income people are going out of business, so now we have more people out of work. This whole world is being turned into one big 3rd world country.
Beat Trump with Bernie!
India holds the moral high ground as “world’s biggest democracy”
And “moderate” Saudi Arabia holds the moral high ground because, well, oil and U.S. arms.
The elite figured out that America can keep its #1 position in both hard and soft power, even if our degree of democracy becomes like Saudi Arabia’s and the standard of living for the bulk of the population becomes like India’s.
As far as the Trucking industry
They have all kinds of openings where you can make 40k - 50k a yr,and of course you will be home a couple weekends a month and if you are lucky enough to get a local job you will be expected to work 10 -12 hrs a day, 5-6 days a week for this money. This industry is being taken over by Polish and Russian immigrants, I assume many are here on visa's because you need a CDL (commercial drivers license) issued by the state but it is really like a Federal license because if you have one you are in a Federal database. I made this kind of money in the 80s and 90s driving a tractor trailer and a lot fewer hrs. of course it was with a union company before the majority of them were put out of business because of deregulation and union busting.
Where's the problem?
Why not just hire foreign workers willing to share expenses with a few others in a small apartment? We can pay them peanuts, and they'll still send money home. American workers just need to lower their quality of life and they could get those jobs.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Hoping this is snark...
They are already doing this. And most of their the money is going overseas. Which is why many companies that cater to low & middle class income are going out of business.
Beat Trump with Bernie!
Here's an article from yesterday I enjoyed
This was the money quote for me, no pun intended. That's right, once again it's the governments job to train people BEFORE they're hired. So exactly what does an employer do any more ? They are not responsible to train, they don't raise wages and benefits to lure qualified people and get this:
That's right, the home builders can't build starter homes because they can't get cheap labor. So what, you are building expensive homes no one wants ? I doubt it very very very much. No you're building expensive homes because there is better margin and not hiring at higher wages because you don't want to bother. That's not a labor shortage that's a business decision.
It's all about profit margins !
Oh, there's a shortage.
As far as the Ubers and Filthys (rich, 1%, oligarchs) are concerned. There's a Yuuuge shortage of workers that won't work for $4.75 an hour. And, it's holding up The Economy™, costing Ubers and Filthys yuuuuge profits. If those lazy ass slackers would just sign on for $4.75 an hour they'd be working nonstop 'til the Second Coming.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
off topic
but I really like the word 'omnishambles'. fits nicely with 'clusterfuck': things totally messed up, but with different dynamics.
"If those lazy ass
mofos would just work for $4.75 an hour we couldn't give jobs away!" Instead, we have to hire "illegals" at min. wage, costing us money.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
They don't want to fill them.
They don't want to hire long-term unemployed.
This is a lie they hide under the idea that the American workforce is insufficiently skilled (look at the study carefully)
I think the ultimate idea is to keep shrinking the workforce, using various excuses, and loading more and more work onto the fewer and fewer "lucky" people who get to remain employed.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The more qualified unemployed there are, the better for the
capitalists whose goal is to have their workers being job-scared because there are people ready and willing to replace them in a second.
This is why the academic economists' "natural rate of unemployment" is a sham because the 5% or 6% figure isn't "natural" it's just the number of unemployed needed to keep those employed in line and not asking for decent wages, hours and benefits.
Many of the workers who are off the charts - not counted in either the establishment or household surveys - are in the shadow economy where they eke by but don't pay into Social Security or Medicare so, in reality, they are in the work-ti-you-die economy.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Here's the most significant quotation from that study:
Okay, so what is a Beveridge curve? Well, it just shows the relationship between job openings and unemployment. There should be a pretty stable relationship between the two, assuming the labor market isn't broken. The more openings there are, the less unemployment there should be. If that isn't true, if the Beveridge curve "shifts up" as more openings don't translate into less unemployment, then it might be a sign of "structural" unemployment. That is, the unemployed just might not have the right skills. Now, what Ghayad and Dickens found is that the Beveridge curves look normal across all ages, industries, and education levels, as long as you haven't been out of work for more than six months. But the curves shift up for everybody if you've been unemployed longer than six months. In other words, it doesn't matter whether you're young or old, a blue-collar or white-collar worker, or a high school or college grad; all that matters is how long you've been out of work.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The other thing that is crucial--and I'm having a bear of a time
finding the article in the Penn Gazette to back this up, though it came to my house in hard copy some years ago--
are the online job tests, that you have to take before you get anywhere near a real interview, and which are designed to winnow people out, not only on the basis of skill, but of personality.
This guy at Penn did some excellent research on those tests, and I *can't goddamned find it*, and it's making me cross, but the upshot is, they are designed to make us fail.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Do you happen to remember how many years back?
It's an article I would be very interested in reading, and the Penn Gazette has online archives of back issues from 1997 onward. I did find a very interesting report on the problems of software-based hiring systems from January/February 2013.
Economic: -9.13, Social: -8.56
I misremembered it as the cover article--that's the problem!
Thank you!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Was that the correct one?
If so, you are most welcome! I'm glad I found it but even more glad that you mentioned its existence, so I knew to look! A fantastic and insightful read. It was by Trey Popp; here's a link for anyone else interested in taking a look: Home Depot Syndrome, the Purple Squirrel, and America's Job Hunt Rabbit Hole.
Economic: -9.13, Social: -8.56
Yes, that's the one.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
"It's the best and brightest"
being the most corrupt egoistical assholes who only worry about next quarters EPS, their stock price and their performance bonus, employees be damned.
Today's neoliberal business model is nothing but a WS sham.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
All the business magazines and economists were praising Enron,
weren’t they? “The smartest guys in the room,” my a--.
And in my generation’s day, JFK tried to assemble a “brain trust” of the best and the brightest. Headed by guys like Robert McNamara, that iteration of “the best and the brightest” ended up sending us straight into the bloody quagmire of Vietnam.
Bernie said it over and over, and over...."it's a rigged economy". That's why they neutered him
This is a sign that Supply and Demand does work...
Who would have thought that workers not receiving a living wage wouldn't take the job rather than lose money by working...
Of course we can rely on our government to interfere with basic supply & demand in favor of their corporate donors, to artificially inflate the supply with visa's for people willing to work 2.5 jobs to make a living...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
This is the biggest load of crap
I've ever read. "No qualified applicants"? Really?
Well, it's no wonder when your job requirements for the most entry-level admin position are a Bachelor's degree or greater ("not community college, real college, otherwise the passive-aggressive jokes will sail right over your head" - an actual job requirement), knowledge of all the propriety software in existence and DNA samples. Never mind your 25 years of experience in multiple industries - ranging from mom-and-pop plumbing outfits to Federal defense contractors - in every position from receptionist to office manager to executive assistant.
Supposedly this country is short 300,000 welders because we've got a generation or two raised to sneer at manual labor (and no more union apprenticeships). If that's so, why is my husband (a 6G certified pipefitter/pipe welder) making half what he should be making?
These are all excuses to hire foreign workers and undermine pay scales.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Well considering that...
most of the job offerings are actually two to three jobs wrapped into one job title, with the pay of an entry level worker.
I spent 15 years as a principal systems consultant for fortune 50 companies. NASA, Berkeley Labs, Sandia Labs, GM, Lockheed Martin, DynCorp, Nortel, IntelSat, were all my clients. It wasn't until after 9/11 that anyone, ever, I mean ever, wanted to know if I had a degree, well except for Canada. I got fined ($250) under NAFTA for entering that country for business purposes, and not being able to PROVE I was a business professional, by having my degree with me when entering the country.
Today, I don't even bother. The job descriptions read like a fucking bad novel, that would require someone to have multiple degrees, just to be an entry level worker. I hear Starbucks is now requiring degrees, for coffee servers.
When you can require a degree to make and pour coffee, you can claim there is not enough "qualified" workers. See how easy that is?
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
The perfect example
And many times, those foreign workers are brought in
to help companies move jobs overseas, even though that is not how the program is supposed to work.