Top 10 Western lies about Syrian conflict
Here are the lies:
1. The West has failed to intervene in Syria - and that's been the problem
2. The conflict is the fault of wicked Assad (and Russia for supporting him)
3.President Assad enjoys little support in Syria
4. Assad has made no concessions and isn't interested in peace and reconciliation
5. Syria's conflict is simply sectarian
6. It's an established fact that Assad/the Syrian government used chemical weapons at Ghouta
7. Russia and the Syrian government have been helping ISIS
8. The West is on the side of the ‘good guys’ in Syria
9. There are 70,000 moderate rebels in Syria
10. Western intentions in Syria are humanitarian, whereas Russia is acting out of self-interest
And here is the article which tells the truth:
I am sure we can find further lies about Syria, Iraq, Russia, China. We in Bolivia are used to seeing outrageous lies from the USA about us and our governance. War, bankrupting the USA, murder of civilians, wholesale destruction of whole countries... all based on an endless stream of lies. Lies repeated so often that most people believe them.
These corporate/war/state capitalists can't tell the truth about ANYTHING big or small. They appear to live in some alternative universe built of illusions... illusions which are at the core of death and destruction of the planet.
And OMG! ALERT! ALERT! The deep issues facing the empire are Trump is the Devil (a traitor and a puppet of Putin and whatever) vs. Clinton is Beelzebub (has whooping cough and Huma's bitch and whatever)... while every morning greets us with new videos of little children being blown to meat, a new sea surge flooding some coastal slum, a new giant die-off of one organism or another, another lunatic armed pig shoots down another unarmed civilian...
ALERT! ALERT! Putin is the Archfiend!! Trump is Satan!!! Clinton is the Anti-Christ. Says so in the right wing extremist liberal communist main stream media.

I'd add the lie or false narrative that the war
in Syria is a civil war. It is not, never has been.
Big Al,
are you changing avatar? Or did shit get messed up?
And AO? We've been lied to since media began to keep people in power In power.the elections, the wars, the economy, it just doesn't matter what it is about, they gonna lie to us to keep us quiescent.
If we let them.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
JtC mentioned that too. I see my avatar of me with a
tied dyed shirt. Is that not what others see?
It says "Big Al's Picture"
on my view. I kinda thought it was intentional
No not intentional. I was switching to this new one right
when the site went down, that must have been the problem. All fixed.
Me on a sub.
Oh! Well, there you are now....
what'd you do, re-upload? It's black and white, thought I'd mention that in case it was meant to be in color
Ya, an oldie.
"When I was young and we thought life was just for fun"
is that a 'classified secrets' photo?
Not technically. It's in the torpedo room of a fast attack
submarine. Might be some nuke tipped, we had those occasionally.
This bologni about an avatar seems like hijacking my essay.
This happens to me all the time and I am kind of tired of it.
From the Light House.
Well pardon me man, (Edit)
I'll be sure to stay out of your diaries from now on.
Take a chill pill.
(Edit) that was a knee jerk reaction. You're right, it was overly long. I apologize for that, and the reaction, and will try not to let it happen again.
No problem
I have had something similar happen in two essays about Palestine, and you weren't even the one who brought up the change in avatars.
From the Light House.
Sorry about that,
I did comment on the post, though.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
We have to find a way to stop
them getting away with these lies. IMO, the "American mainstream press" is just as big a war criminal as the Bushes are.
.....and Hillary too!
Well, Sy Hersh has said
that Ghouta was a false flag using Libyan sarin. And Clinton may have approved it.
I get frustrated
... whenever a USA politician come up with the bullshit that Assad "bombed his own people with chemical weapons" when all the evidence points to the damn jihadis the USA supports as the perps.
And I have heard the often repeated bull that Evo Morales (and Hugo Chavez, RIP) is a dictator so many times that I now believe that "brutal dictator" means "social justice populist" in Orwellian double-speak.
The word "dictator" originated as the title of a magistrate in the Roman Republic appointed by the Senate to rule the republic in times of emergency. Since 1976, when Congress passed the National Emergencies Act, presidents have declared at least 53 states of emergency...
From the Light House.
I get frustrated
... whenever a USA politician come up with the bullshit that Assad "bombed his own people with chemical weapons" when all the evidence points to the damn jihadis the USA supports as the perps.
And I have heard the often repeated bull that Evo Morales (and Hugo Chavez, RIP) is a dictator so many times that I now believe that "brutal dictator" means "social justice populist" in Orwellian double-speak.
The word "dictator" originated as the title of a magistrate in the Roman Republic appointed by the Senate to rule the republic in times of emergency. Since 1976, when Congress passed the National Emergencies Act, presidents have declared at least 53 states of emergency...
From the Light House.
Western Lies vs. The Guardian
Good morning Alex. Your post triggered something I've been wondering about for quite a while now. I've been turning to Al Jazerra and The Guardian for reliable news reporting on American politics and foreign policy.
So I decided to check out The Guardian:
I guess we can thank the Good Lord for small favors that there are still one or two reliable news organizations left on planet earth and we have the internet to spread the word to Americans.
The Vampire Squid is everywhere and is very clever. Murdoch is just one of the evil bastard's minions.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Another perfect example of The Guardian Speaking Truth
Might have missed this story if not for this post. Thx again Alex:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
The Guardian is much better than most US media but..
they have turned much more Washington concensus, Neolib, pro trade agreement in recent years and they are solidly pro Hillary. Still, they have a lot of thoughtful intelligent correspondents and they cover US news more completely than many US outlets.
Thanks to Alex, and Meteor Man
I too would have missed the Guardian article.
Lived in London for many years, the Guardian was one of our daily papers on the doorstep every morning. Never started a day without reading it. Still read it daily, but not the same as having it spread out on the table in front of me. I miss article like the one Meteor Man linked. THANK YOU.
Remember being amazed when I moved back to the States, & "learned" the Guardian was "left wing."
eta: Thank you Bill Keller.
It's gotten to the point that you cannot get information about Syria from the western media, much less a coherent story. The level of propaganda has increased as the American narrative strays farther from the truth. You have to read other sources, like RT and others, to figure out what's happening over there. For people who want to get a better view of our foreign policy, I suggest Robert Parry's Consortiumnews (beware of columns written by Graham Fuller), The Duran, Moon of Alabama, Vineyard of the Saker et al.
Next time you get a war hawk in a discussion, ask him this: We invaded Afghanistan to catch bin Laden. Why are we there fifteen years later?
publishes some foreign news also
Is it a pipeline war?
It sure is part of the story. The more I think about this pipeline, Russia and Turkey's involvement and why Assad must go - but dictators in Saudi and Bahrain are our allies, the more credence the pipeline theory has in my mind.
I first heard about this from RFK Jr
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Not only is it a pipeline war
but Ukraine was a pipeline coup. The 2008 Georgia war against Ossetia was a pipeline war. Afghanistan is a pipeline war. (Look up TAPI)
We are killing people in the Middle East for energy company profits.
Read the PNAC manifesto--
a 1990s fringe crazyperson movement becomes unshakeable official US policy
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I posted this in another thread
about a new neocon propaganda offensive. Good read.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
The question in my mind is
are the lies really working, or are they only fooling themselves?
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Assad step aside
The US and allies turned solely to violence as the only solution to getting rid of Assad from the very start.
What is interesting about this attempt to gradually remove Assad proposed by the Russians was a Salon article about Hillary's role in the Libyan disaster. Appears Qaddafi was ready to talk, but Hillary refused all attempts at a settlement--actually refused to talk to any representative much in the same way that Bush refused Iranian overtures after 9-11. In fact, the Pentagon got involved with trying to reach a settlement with Qaddafi, and Hillary told them to stop.
As for Assad, obviously DC wants a hot war
(or war-like activity, if they can't get an official "war"), at least with Russia's satellite states, if not with Russia itself.
As for Qaddafi, he wanted to buy and sell oil in something other than dollars. Unless he gave that up, there was no way he wasn't going to end up dead.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
You make an equivalence I don't accept.
The problem with TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST! is at once that it's too obvious--you can see a lot of what's wrong with Trump quite easily, and over 60% of the American public apparently does--and that it goes over the top as well. In other words, the character attack ends up relying on style, assumption, particular crazy things he's said--in order to stop paying rigorous attention to other things he says or does. The TRUMP IS AN ANTICHRIST becomes the prefab assumption which allows the reader, or writer, to turn off their critical thinking.
The Clinton criticisms I see--most of them--do not go over the top in the same way. Only occasionally do I see the same level of a priori assumptions in anti-Clinton criticism.
Of course, when you hand out rich cultural and economic rewards, system-wide, for bashing Trump, and offer mainly social disapproval, ranging from being swarmed by Brock trolls to getting fired from your job, for bashing Clinton, it's not surprising that you get a lot more garbage on the anti-Trump side. If there's a cost to saying something, fewer people will frivolously say it.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Clinton govt. documents (e-mails) and Bahrain's Arab Spring
Deleted and moved to a new essay
From the Light House.
I am mocking the mainstream media.
I don't believe in Jesus, God, the Anti-Christ, Satan, the Devil or any of the other gods, prophets or saviors whom infect the planet.
From the Light House.
How 'bout a few more..
My memory goes back even further. Back when the massive bomb blew up Rafiq Hariri. There was not one single article in the West that did not include the phrase 'Many believe Bashar Al Asad ordered...".
The Atlanta Journal Constitution had a way to email the author of each article for a while. So I did. It was actually one of the rare articles that was factual, but it included 2 paragraphs with the above mandatory bullshit. So I queried him on it. He did not write the two paragraphs in question. That was an editor's addition. Eleven years later and there is still not the slightest bit of evidence to point to Syria, but 'Many still believe' thanks to our media.
I have an old Doonesbury cartoon from circa 2004 with a Paul Bremer'ish figure in Baghdad looking all sad as things are going to shit. He complains that everything is going wrong. The other guy says "What, democracy in Iraq?"
"No" he says. "Syria".
To think there hasn't been a long plan by many a country to topple Bashar Al Asad is to be blind. Sadly, many people are blind and don't care that their government has caused massive trauma to Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen. And given her way, Iran would follow suit. Iran will modernize quickly if we don't fuck it up. The people don't remember the Israeli-trained police force that kept Shah in power. They only see the current idiotic leadership and want change. Is it to much to ask for Democracy for just one God-damn time in my life?
But sadly we will do our best to install some right-wing, fascist leader in Iran that way talk about Democracy while locking everyone up and causing massive chaos.
It's not like history hasn't shown us. Just like it has shown us that a corporation in America can bulldoze land for a pipeline like they are doing in the Dakotas.
If only we had an ex-Marine blue avatar.....
Because the assholes in Washington sure don't care about us. Or any other civilians of any nation.