Random Data From The FBI Notes Not Seen Published Elsewhere

It's easier for me (for anyone, I guess) to report on someone else's reporting - here, I'm looking for what's been missed, and it's taken me some time... here's what I've got:

1) For some reason, there are names blocked out in the chronology when the FBI is describing who did what with respect to the clintonemail.com servers especially when maintenance was migrated from being serviced by Cooper/Pagliano to Platte River Networks (PRN). It appears that at least two names are redacted.

2) Although Clinton declined to use a State.gov account for herself, there was one which was used on her behalf:

Investigation identified the existence of two State-issued email accounts associated with Clinton, however, these accounts were used on Clinton's behalf and not by Clinton, herself.

Just because the FBI knows that now does not make it clear whether the Staff at State were aware of this arrangement. The account SMSGS@state.gov was used to send out messages from the Secretary's office to all State Department employees. This account could not receive emails. There was a second account used to to keep a Calendar for Clinton, but it neither sent nor received emails other than calendar invitations.

3) The only information of substance which has stuck with me about John Bentel from the JW depositions (of others) is that at least a couple of people indicated that when they went to Bentel to ask about Clinton using her own email account, Bentel told them to never bring the subject up again. So the following tells me that either I'm mis-remembering, or that a perjury investigation is warranted on someone(s) (page 10):

"According to the State OIG report, State employees alleged that John Bentel, then-director of S/ES-IRM, discouraged employees from raising concerns about Clinton's use of personal email. When interviewed by the FBI, Bentel denied that State employees raised concerns about Clinton's email to him, that he discouraged employees from discussing it, or that he was aware during Clinton's tenure that she was using a personal email account or server to conduct official State business."

4) Page 10
"The FBI determined some Clinton aides and senior-level State employees were aware Clinton used a personal email address for State business during her tenure. Clinton told FBI it was common knowledge at State that she had a private email address because it was displayed to anyone with whom she exchanged emails. However, some State employees interviewed by the FBI explained that the emails from Clinton only contained the letter "H" in the sender field and did not display her email address. The majority of the State employees interviewed by the FBI who were in email contact with Clinton indicated that they had no knowledge of the private server in her Chappaqua residence. Clinton's immediate aides, to include Mills, Abedin, Jacob Sullivan and (redacted) told the FBI they were unaware of the existence of the private server until after Clinton's tenure at State or when it became public knowledge."

Abedin had an account on that server - how the heck could she have NOT KNOWN? Wasn't she the one who was constantly working with Cooper when there were glitches? This makes no sense! (Or, Abedin simply LIED to the FBI.)

5) page 11
State policy during Clinton's tenure required that "day-to-day operations [at State] be conducted on [an authorized information system]" (while her secret server was NOT authorized)

6) Page 11
The notice we've all read about which was sent to all Sate employees under Clinton's name (which she says she does not recall) indicated that folks who used personal email accounts to conduct State business forward those exchanges to their State.gov accounts so that they would be electronically preserved in accordance with legal requirements. The system for preserving emails was was being rolled out at State as Clinton came on board, however, the Executive Secretariat managed to avoid being part of that system during her tenure.

7) page 12
Clinton stated that she received no instructions or direction regarding the preservation or production of records from State during the transition out of her role as Secretary of State in early 2013.
One of the limitations of this was that the only alternate system for preserving emails was by printing them. Back when I was still watching MSDNC, I recall Rachel ranting about how primitive State was, suggesting that it was no wonder Clinton struck out on her own with respect to communication. I see here, however, that the Clinton administration first delayed (and then ended up avoiding entirely) the tech upgrade which was taking place at State while she was there.

8) page 12
Mobile devices were not allowed to be brought into the executive suite known as Mahogany Row because it was considered a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF). While Clinton apparently did not send or receive emails from that office, she did store her Blackberry (and iPad) there, which was also not allowed (rules are for little people).

9) page 13
There were thirteen people with whom Clinton was in regular email contact, and she exchanged between 100 and 1000 emails with those people. 68% of all her exchanges were with Abedin, Mills or Sullivan. The three sent their own communications as well as forwarding information they received from other State employees. "Multiple State employees advised they considered emailing Abedin, Mills and Sullivan the equivalent of emailing Clinton."

10) page 14
Hundreds of emails were sent to (redacted)@presidentclinton.com asking that those emails be printed. This person is apparently retired from the U.S. Navy Reserves (if anyone knows who worked for President Clinton and had been in the Naval reserves). There is apparently some question of whether this person had the clearance level to be working with the material sent to him.

11) page 15
There are a lot of redactions, but it appears to say that Clinton emailed President Obama while she was overseas and there was some concern that classified information may have been subject to hacking.

12) page 15
It appears that the request for emails to former heads of State happened because of an agreement between the House Select Committee on Benghazi and the State Department in the summer of 2014. This prompted the email production done by Heather Samuelson and overseen by Cheryl Mills and David Kendall of Williams and Connolly. Here's the most definitive statement about Clinton's role in that that we've yet seen:

"Clinton told the FBI that she directed her legal team to provide any work-related or arguably work-related emails to State; however, she did not participate in the development of the specific process to be used or in discussions of the locations of where her emails might exist. Clinton was not consulted on specific emails to determine if they were work-related."

13) page 16
It appears that a redacted person may be in trouble with the FBI for providing inconsistent testimony. We don't have the person's name, but we learn that the FBI has spoken with this person three times giving varied answers. What they want out of him is where he found the emails on the server(s), and they apparently have not been able to confirm his story based on their forensics.

14) page 16
Ready for this? This is how Samuelson conducted her selection of emails to be turned over to State. You may find one or two places where holes may exist in her process...
*The emails had been uploaded to her laptop.
*She created a folder in Microsoft Outlook for the work emails
*She imported to this folder all emails TO Clinton from .gov or .mil email addresses
*Among the remaining emails, she searched for all the names of State senior leadership, members of Congress, foreign leaders or 'other official contacts.'
*She did a key-word search and we are given three examples (so we have no idea how many terms she searched for): Libya, Benghazi and Afganistan.
*She did not read the emails, but made her evaulations by looking at the name of sender and recipient of each email from the above searches.
It appears that any subject -or any correspondent- outside these parameters would not have been identified by her to turn over to State.
She then printed all of these emails on Mills' printer and gave them to Mills and Kendall. Mills and Kendall then shredded the ones they felt should not be turned over, and it appears to say they also deleted the shredded emails from the electronic folder Samuelson had created. Samuelson had provided the electronic folder to Kendall on a thumb drive.

15) page 17
Ok, I've just found a write-up on this bit from The Guardian from a few hours ago, but I'm going to try to write it up anyway:
Monica Hanley worked with Cooper in 2013 to attempt to archive the Clinton emails. I'll cut to the chase: she stored them on an Apple laptop and a thumb drive which were both lost in the mail. A very detailed chronology can be found here.

The above crosses over with what's been referred to as an 'oh-shit' moment...apparently, a staffer at Platte River Network was told by Mills to get rid of emails, but he forgot. And he remembered right after the Benghazi committee sent out a notice to preserve all the emails. So the guy went ahead and deleted them. The one piece of this which is not clear to me is there's reference to a work order from Mills and Kendall after the instruction to preserve them... I suspect we'll hear more about this going forward. This person's attorney instructed him not to comment on what he learned from Kendall and Mills because of Clinton's attorney-client confidentiality (I don't think privilege extends like that to a service-provider...)

16) page 18
Here we see that Mills asserted in December 2014 that Clinton indicated that she did not need to keep her emails longer than 60 days. Obviously, that meant ALL emails from her time at State would no longer be needed by her. However, to the FBI, "Clinton stated that she never deleted, nor did she instruct anyone to delete her emails to avoid complying with FOIA, State or FBI requests for information."

17) Not sure which page
There are actually TWO clintonemail.com addresses in play here, hrc22@clintonemail.com and hrc17@clintonemail.com - I don't think Judicial Watch has asked why there is more than one or what the numbers mean.

18) page 21
You've seen this elsewhere, but of the 81 email chains which contained classified information, 8 email chains were TOP SECRET and 37 were SECRET. Several were 'Not Releaseable to Foreign Governments,' (NOFORN) - I guess we can get details on them from the Chinese or the Russians. /s

19) page 26
Clinton was aware that she was an Original Classification Authority (OCA) at State; however, she could not recall how often she used this authority nor could she recall any training or guidance provided by State. (MsGrin: I seem to remember reading that she REFUSED training from State, but never mind...)

20) page 26 WORD SALAD ALERT
"Upon reviewing an email classified SECRET/NOFORN dated December 27, 2011, Clinton stated no policy or practice existed related to communicating around the holidays, and it was often necessary to communicate in code or do the best you could do to convey the information considering the email system you were using."

I can't even type what it says next - I am too embarrassed to be an American by it.

21) Page 28
Pagliano 'tried' to review the firewall logs once per month to see if hackers were getting through. He also set up an alert which notified Cooper of attacks. This stuff is of a technical nature beyond my paygrade.

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truehawk's picture

Thanks for saving me some time.
I thought I read somewhere that Platt River said that they DID NOT delete the Emails, but rather turned them over to the FBI


Still waiting for Wikileaks to get though going over what they have got and decide how to release it without getting anyone else killed.

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riverlover's picture

(paraphrasing) to prosecute. But OMG.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

snoopydawg's picture

Thanks for all of your work on this and writing it up for us.
How Comey and Lynch could have access to this information and decide that Hillary didn't break the law is beyond my understanding.
They sold out by not charging her and Comey admitted as much when he said that if anyone else had or does what Hillary did then they would go to prison.
I don't know what Assange is waiting for, but I wish that he had released his information while Bernie still had a chance to win the election instead of Hillary.
She continues to lie about what she did and if the republicans hadn't gone after her about Benghazi we wouldn't have known about her server.
I agree with you that Huma Abedin, Mills and others did know that she was using the server in her home because she stated during her deposition that they knew that the server was hacked and needed to be taken offline and because it had to be serviced by the guy who has pleaded the 5th. Plalangino?

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture

I'm pretty sure that if she had mailed such an expensive item as a MacBook she would have insured it and gotten a tracking number.
Hell, I get a tracking number when I mail my photos without even asking for it.
How many people are helping Hillary stay out of prison?

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

riverlover's picture

A true 99% effort by them to protect her, a reported 1% effort to block her, which may get more traction.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Raggedy Ann's picture

Without what you are publishing,new would not know jack! A million thanks. I know how much work you're putting into this. I, for obe, am grateful. Clapping

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

snoopydawg's picture

combed through this report and says that Hillary didn't do anything wrong.
Instead of reporting on the page numbers that MsGrin did, he instead focused on the ones that he felt exonerated her.
It's amazing how two people can look at the same report and come up with different opinions.
He also says that no classified information was sent to her and also regurgitates that people in the state department should know that they shouldn't be sending classified information on an insecure server. I wonder if that pertains to Sidney Bluementhal too since we know that he sent her classified information from Libya and Sudan which he didn't have proper clearance for?
I'll leave you with this paragraph to see if it makes sense to anyone

While there are a couple of stray questions to be resolved, example - Clinton should explain her answer regarding the (C) markings as the FBI Report is rather unclear, what is clear is that the FBI Report fully exonerates Clinton not only from criminal charges but from any charge of carelessness of recklessness with classified information.
Clinton was careless with her record preservation obligations and, in my view, violated those obligations.
But on the rest? Not only is she cleared, she is fully exonerated.
In Part 2, I will review the notes of the FBI interview of Clinton and attempt to demonstrate that her answers to the FBI fully conforms to her public statements on this matter.

I wait with baited breath for part two of his diary

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Baited breath due to the fishy smell of Armando's claims?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.