Heather Samuelson - A New Name In The Clinton Email Scandal

Some of you have noted and engaged with me in speculation about who, exactly, has been involved in deleting those 30K or so 'personal' emails. It turns out that Cheryl Mills played a BIG role in this. Hat Tip to Caerus for this link which describes some of Mills' role and names Samuelson.

Here's what I found searching under Samuelson's name, and it's just been published in the last hour by POLITICO:

HILLARY CLINTON EMAILS: Meet the Clinton insider who screened Hillary's emails

Hillary Clinton chose a former campaign staffer who followed her to the State Department to make the initial determination about which of her emails should be preserved as federal records, according to closed-door testimony by Clinton’s former chief of staff Cheryl Mills, a GOP source told POLITICO.

Heather Samuelson, a lawyer and 2008 Clinton campaign staffer, worked under Mills and Clinton’s attorney David Kendall to sift through her ex-boss’ messages. She helped separate those that were purely personal, which were not turned over to the State Department, from those that were work-related.

The news that another Clinton loyalist — who, according to the GOP source, had no background in federal records keeping — helped make those determinations raised concerns among conservatives. Republicans had wanted an independent watchdog to do the job of separating the emails.

The piece says it was Kendall and Mills who made the final decisions about what to cut.

In a related story

What Cheryl Mills told Benghazi investigators

we learn this new tidbit about an ADDITIONAL FBI referral:

While probing a batch of the more than 35,000 emails Clinton turned over, an intelligence community watchdog found messages it argues were or should have been classified at the time they were created — never left on an unsecured server. The State Department has classified 188 messages but refuted the notion that the content of those messages was classified when Clinton and her top aides, like Mills, fowarded them around on an unsecured network.

Still, the intelligence community referred the matter to the FBI, which is probing the special email arrangement to learn if top secret information was ever put at risk.

Looks like this is even more controversial, however:

One of the biggest surprises to the right was that she said she made suggestions to change State's accountability review board report. The report was supposed to be independent from state officials that may be involved, and the GOP argues top officials should not have had input, long questioning how independent the findings were.

Here's a data point I had not seen:

Mills has come under scrutiny for turning down a federal judge's request that she and Huma Abedin sign an affidavit swearing that she handed in all her federal documents. She testified, however, that she did turn them all in.

A federal judge asked her to swear that she turned over everything she was supposed to, and she REFUSED.

There's more here:

Clinton confidants set for GOP grilling

(Jake)Sullivan is a core member of the campaign, and currently serves as Clinton's No. 1 policy aide for Hillary for America. He's expected to serve in a leading national security role should she win the White House next fall.

Mills no longer works directly under Clinton — she heads a sub-Sahara Africa development project called BlackIvy Group — but her relationship with the Clinton family runs very deep. She's advised them legally and strategically on and off since the 1990s, when she defended Bill Clinton during his impeachment trial. She also sits on the board of the Clinton Foundation and has a reputation for being the family's most blunt adviser.

The committee is upset that State has not produced all of Mills' and Sullivan's emails to them yet.

The Republicans are trying to learn more about Sidney Blumenthal:

...GOP investigators have increasingly turned their focus on a series of Blumenthal associates who were trying to establish a business venture in postwar Libya, including floating hospitals, training for new police forces and other types of humanitarian assistance. One such associate, private contractor Tyler Drumheller, a former CIA operative who passed away last month from cancer, was the original author of the Libya memos Blumenthal forwarded to Clinton. Another associate working on the venture also had ties to the Clintons.

Pagliano took the Fifth again instead of going before the committee:

Ex-Clinton staffer who set up email server to invoke Fifth Amendment

...in a letter to the committee, his lawyer said he’d take the Fifth to refuse to answer self-incriminating questions, according to a copy obtained by POLITICO. He also is refusing to turn over documents, citing the ongoing FBI investigation.

Judicial Watch is paying attention and has been quick to pounce again:

On Thursday, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking all documents related to Pagliano’s job, his hours worked and records relating to his service and maintenance of Clinton’s techology. The conservative group is seeking to determine whether Pagliano was specifically hired by the State Department, and thus paid using taxpayer money, to oversee Clinton’s email server .

“Mrs. Clinton’s argument that her ‘server’ was private fails on many levels, especially if Mr. Pagliano, a State Department employee, was paid by taxpayers to take care of it,” said group President Tom Fitton in a statement. “We must wonder if Mr. Pagliano has emails from the Clinton server.”

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riverlover's picture

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

just added that same link to your newest essay...
WOW, and we thought Taylor Swift had a "posse" - nothing like what Hyena has!

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MsGrin's picture

Really wondering if Samuelson is one of the redacted names ... she went on to work as counsel at the WH after she left State, so it's possible they're covering for her. The POLITICO reporter thinks she's now at the campaign.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

lunachickie's picture

because what do you wanna bet that anything related to Pagliano is the vast majority of those deleted docs?

On Thursday, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking all documents related to Pagliano’s job, his hours worked and records relating to his service and maintenance of Clinton’s techology. The conservative group is seeking to determine whether Pagliano was specifically hired by the State Department, and thus paid using taxpayer money, to oversee Clinton’s email server .

What are the odds that there's a Vegas line on how much longer the guy has to live?

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riverlover's picture

Somewhere undisclosed.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

MsGrin's picture

...but Pagliano's own ass is certainly on the line. I suspect his stuff is about personal (and rather petty) illegality as opposed to the massive surge in weapons sales (and other favors) to countries which donated to the Foundation and paid speaking fees to Bill.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Alligator Ed's picture

but he is the proverbial fly on the wall, who oversaw and facilitated all the transmissions to and from the Clinton Crime Family--and probably had his hands covered with Bleach-Bits before all this voluntary and complete turnover of Medusa's allegedly occurred. I think he didn't use enough bleach. That's okay because a representative of the CCF will soon be pouring bleach into Bryan's brain.

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who wiped them. Seems to be the most logical conclusion.

If he had the tech smarts to set them up, he probably had the tech smarts to wipe them and his wiping them would mean another techie did not have to brought into the circle of knowledge. I've always believed he pleaded the fifth because of that. Setting up servers is not a federal crime. Destroying federal records is.

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MsGrin's picture

Doesn't look like it's Pagliano.

At least one name is at PRN.

The most details I've seen are in this piece: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-02/fbi-report-shows-how-bleachbit-...

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

to that source. So, if that source is solid, at least we know that the directions came from Hillary, after all. That's what I thought.

Comey has already said that Hillary and her people did not commit a crime because they had no crimainal intent. I don't think the FBI is going to find criminal intent in the employee of the server company. Pagliano, who set up and maintained the servers got immunity.

"Nothing to see here."

O, my prophetic soul! as Hamlet might say. As soon as I heard about the FBI investigation, I posted (elsewhere) that I thought the purpose of of the FBI investigation was to clear her before the general election campaign. When Obama endorsed her before the investigation results were announced, I knew for certain that the FBI was not going to find she had committed a crime. The decision whether or not to prosecute is the responsibility of the AG. Finding Hillary "not guilty is the job of a jury, not of the FBI or of the AG. However, the AG conveniently "had to" remove herself from decision making about prosecution because--oops!--she let Bill Clinton on her plane while his wife was under investigation. (How does someone get to be AG without knowing a prosecutor doesn't make nice in private with the spouse of the person under investigation?

But Republicans are the only reason most Americans polled find her untrustworthy. This is just like Hillary blaming "the vast RW conspiracy" for Bill's being accused of having misbehaved with Monica.

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LamontCranston's picture

No, but there are Federal Standards as to how one can, and cannot set up hardware and how it has to be approved if they are a Federal Government employee. They are referred to as basic Infosec policies, and N.I.S.T. standards:

Special Publication 800-123
Guide to General Server
Recommendations of the National Institute
of Standards and Technology


I once was very educated and up to date with all of these standards and policies as this is what I had to adhere to doing what I used to do for a job working for, and with the Federal government in IT security matters. INFOSC polices were but the very basic ones, and from there they get far more detailed and stringent as to what an what you cannot do, and who needs to approve what you intend to do. Any high ranking government official (and their IT staffing) knows of these and is advised to follow them. The "Colin Powell Did It" defense doesn't "cut it", either. This is but another example of either arrogant above the laws mentality, or very bad judgement at the very least which this county cannot afford in this day an age of cyber security issues, and compromise.

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"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." - Howard Zinn

AFAIK, at the time the servers were set up at the Clinton home in Westchester, neither of them were govt. employees or had reason to know the servers were going to be used for federal govt matters. I am not sure the guy at the tech company ever had reason to know that, even when he was asked to wipe the servers. His job description probably does not include reading everything a customer's server before he wipes it. In fact, his terms of employment may prohibit that. And he never became a government employee. Pagliano took the fifth and got immunity.

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MsGrin's picture

incorrect... I believe it was I who did an essay here (but I can't recall how I stumbled on the info, so I may have read it here written by someone else) about the money Bill has been collecting from the govt as an ex-president. It enables him to pay a small amount to staff, but it does cover benefits for them, and I believe they *do* count as staff through the GSA.

So, it depends who did the wiping and when. Arguably, Pagliano, Cooper and Samuelson (and some others) were all eating out of the GSA trough at least sometimes.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member


The issue being discussed is whether someone setting up a server for Hillary in her home without knowing she was going to use it for government business broke federal law. Because that is the issue being discussed.

Pagliano set up at least one server, I believe, the first one. I don't know if he set up her replacement servers, do you?

Also, are you saying that you know for certain that Pagliano was a federal employee when he set up Hillary's server at her home? (Even if he was Bill's federal employee, that does not mean he was acting in his capacity as a federal employee when he set up Hillary's server.) But, as I posted twice, Pagliano got immunity, so "nothing to see here." Who else involved in setting up HIllary's servers was supposedly acting as federal employee when setting up Hillary's server?

BTW, I assumed nothing. I said "as far as I know." Calling a comment about the state of my own knowledge incorrect assumptions is going some.

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MsGrin's picture

They were receiving stipend money and benefits from GSA periodically and over time, so it's arguable that they WERE govt employees. Pagliano absolutely knew that HRC was doing work at State by the time the second server was obtained - it's why they upgraded from the Apple server.

Um, I'm not sure why my saying that I believe there may be some incorrect information is a crime. There are a LOT of moving parts and the stories keep bumping up against and contradicting each other at least a bit. This stuff is hard to follow - I think we're all doing our best. I don't know what you know or don't know, I just think it's arguable that people receiving benefits from GSA may technically be government employees as far as the law is concerned. I'm not in human resources, but I have been aware of some cases where receiving benefits is the difference between being a contract worker and being an employee - granted, those cases were at the state as opposed to federal level. I don't know where this falls on that continuum.

Best of my knowledge, Pagliano set up the first two servers - maybe with Cooper's assistance, maybe Cooper did more of that work than I'm aware from what I've read. The first was an Apple server which was in use by the Bill Clinton staff before Hillary became SOS, and then they upgraded not long after she began serving in that capacity (to a non-Apple machine). I believe the details about the initial two servers is in the FBI notes (those are in at least a couple essays here, one by Thumb was published today, it's also in my piece about the FBI notes a couple days ago). Pagliano does have immunity, but there is some limited discussion of what he told the FBI, as I recall.

I believe both Pagliano and Cooper were receiving stipends from the GSA account and benefits. Dunno if Samuelson was ever getting that money, as well. I believe Abedin sometimes collected it. Mills may well have too when she wasn't at State. This article mentions the GSA monies, but does not appear to discuss how the folks who got these stipends received their benefits through GSA, and I don't recall at present where I saw that thread developed: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/294063-bill-clint... In the article I saw which discussed the GSA benefits, it made a point of saying a number of the employees at the Foundation got their benefits from GSA at least at an earlier point.

Bill submitted hours to the GSA and divvied up the stipend money as he chose, apparently. The number I recall was $94,000 annually, and I believe that generally he gave $10 grand per person who was receiving benies. But of course most or all of those folks were also working for other Clinton endeavors as well. There's no way to pin any of them down on who was doing what work for whom at any particular moment, HOWEVER...

Of course Pagliano was also hired at State at some point and most of his work there was working on the server, apparently. I don't keep a sufficiently sophisticated filing system of links to remember where I read earlier in the summer that the IT folks to whom Pagliano reported at State were upset that he didn't seem to be doing the work they thought they hired him to do for the State Department. He decided he was just working for Clinton, apparently. Was he getting a stipend from Bill concurrent with all that? Not sure if JW has demanded that information - if they have, I'm pretty sure they have not received it yet. One would assume that while I was a State employee that he did not need to receive the GSA benies.

As far as I know, PRN purchased and set up the third - I have no idea what they were told. On the back end, PRN received instructions form Mills and Kendall - I don't recall who instructed them on the front end, but I did read an article about someone selecting them. Can't remember whom.

Look, I'll I'm trying to do is follow the dancing balls. It's not my intention at all to insult you, although I gather that you feel I have. I do apologize.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Um, I'm not sure why my saying that I believe there may be some incorrect information is a crime.

It is interesting that you equated a claim that you are wrong with a claim that you committed a crime.

You claimed my post was wrong, and I asked for links. After a could of quick(ish) looks, I did not see a thing in your reply that disproves my post, though. Something similar happened the last four out of four times you claimed a post of mine was wrong. We all make mistakes, but 4 out of 4 is 100%.

This does not insult me. However, it takes time, for me, for you, for the people who bother to read this stuff and it leaves readers somewhere between confused to misled.

Bottom line: I see nothing unreasonable about asking that, you know that a post is factually wrong before you claim it is factually wrong.

FYI: http://caucus99percent.com/comment/168458#comment-168458

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MsGrin's picture

I think it would be healthier for both of us and for the community. We seem to observe the world a bit differently and to communicate differently.

I actually thought that we might share information when we have not seen or interpreted information the same way, that we might enrich each other to some degree. I have attempted to share what I have found because I thought maybe you'd find it interesting.

I was wrong, and my efforts apparently looked like overreach. I backed off when I got that.

You've made abundantly clear that whatever I've said has been unsatisfactory. If I stop and you stop, then this will stop. I think that would be an excellent idea.

People can disagree and the world can keep turning. I am sorry to have offended you or irritated you or whatever it is I've done to unsettle you to this degree. I apologized earlier and I meant it. I hope that a truce is possible.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

first server. Justin Cooper bought the first server (off the shelf) in June 2008, but an Apple employee set it up. That was 5-6 months before Obama nominated Hillary as Secretary of State in December 2008. Two of the three domain names associated with the server initially were Bill Clinton's, not Hillary's.

From the Thompson timeline http://www.thompsontimeline.com/category/clinton-email-server/timeline-l...

Around June 2008: Clinton’s first private email server is set up in her house.

The Apple Power Macintosh G4 Server (Credit: public domain)

According to the FBI, around 2007, Justin Cooper purchased an Apple OS X server. Cooper is a personal aide to former President Bill Clinton at the time. On February 1, 2008, the domain names clintonemail.com, wjcoffice.com, and presidentclinton.com were registered, but apparently the server that uses them won’t be operational until a few months later. The server is physically located in a house in Chappaqua, New York, where Bill and Hillary Clinton live.

The server consists of an Apple Power Macintosh G4 or G5 tower and an HP printer. According to Cooper, around June 2008, an Apple employee installs the server in the basement of the Chappaqua house. Cooper is the only person with administrative access to the server. However, the Clinton family and their house staff have physical access to it.

Hillary Clinton uses her att.blackberry.net email account as her primary email address until around mid-to-late January 2009 when she will switch to a newly created hdr22@clintonemail.com account hosted on this server. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 9/2/2016)

I don't think an Apple employee setting up the server in the Clinton home for what seemed like Clinton family use months before Hillary became Secretary of State would have been on notice of a need to comply with federal regulations.

Autumn 2008 to Mid-January 2009: It is decided to replace Clinton’s first private server with a larger server built by Pagliano.

The Mac OS X Logo (Credit: Apple)

Justin Cooper is an aide to former President Bill Clinton, and he is the administrator for the private server located in the Chappaqua, New York, house where Bill and his wife Hillary live. Cooper will later be interviewed by the FBI, and he will say that the decision is made to replace the server because the current server (being run on an Apple OS X computer) is antiquated and people using it are having email troubles.

At the recommendation of Hillary Clinton’s longtime aide Huma Abedin, Cooper contacts Bryan Pagliano, who worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign as an information technology specialist, to build a new server system and to assist Cooper with administrating it. Pagliano was getting rid of the computer equipment from Clinton’s presidential campaign, so it is decided to use some of this equipment for the new server at the Chappaqua house.

According to a later FBI interview, Hillary Clinton “told the FBI that at some point she became aware there was a server in the basement of her Chappaqua residence. However, she was unaware of the transition from the Apple server managed by Cooper to another server built by Pagliano and therefore, was not involved in the transition decision.”

Between the fall of 2008 and January 2009, Pagliano gets computer equipment from Clinton’s former presidential campaign headquarters, and also works with Cooper to buy additional necessary equipment.

Clinton becomes secretary of state on January 20, 2009, and begins using a clintonemail.com email address around that time, which is hosted on the old Apple server. The new server won’t be operational until March 2009. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 9/2/2016)

I guess Hillary was a Senator when Pagliano began building the second server. However, she had already been a Senator for years, the server was to be in her home, others besides Hillary had email accounts linked to that server and Obama had not yet nominated her for SOS. The pay for creating and setting up the second server, was $5,000, so it sounds like a flat fee, independent contractor arrangement. It does not seem that Pagliano had a duty to inquire whether she intended to use the server for official government business. (It's probably dicey that her Senate PAC paid for it, but that is a different issue. I don't think independent contractors are at peril of prison to make sure their employers are paying them from the correct pocket, or even to research what a PAC is. If they are, it's probably moot anyway because of Pagliano's immunity.)

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Alligator Ed's picture

I've had trouble avoiding having a drink overtime more of this crap is uncovered. Vodka? Gin? Single malt? Beer? Nah, all of the above (burp).

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And hold fast, matey! I think it's gonna get blowsie for the s.s. clinton!

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

LamontCranston's picture

Not quite sure what you are implying.

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"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." - Howard Zinn

MsGrin's picture

that he was double or triple-dipping at the Clinton trough. State requires that employees divulge if they are being paid by others outside.

Abedin did it correctly and got special status (which JW is challenging, but nevermind that). Pagliano simply did not disclose that he was working for Clinton off the books and for her husband's office as well (and maybe for the Foundation - hard to keep track of all these folks).

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

doing that. I don't think it's up to an employee to figure out if his boss is breaking the law. If, however, he was told, "Shush! because this is illegal," he might be criminally liable, but I don't anyone in the Clinton operation or DOS in a position to hire would be so stupid as to say that to anyone.

Also, I am not sure even paying him out of several entities is illegal. If he actually worked for several entities, each entity for which he worked owed him wages--unless he knew what he was doing was illegal.


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MsGrin's picture

that he was getting money from elsewhere - THAT is the infraction, not that he received money from multiple sources in addition to State. And not reporting it is ON HIM and not his employers.

I'm sure this is about making sure State employees are not blackmail-able.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Is about ethics. (That pagliano had to file one is proof that he was a govt employees). It's a way to ID potential conflicts of interest, which govt employees are supposed to avoid.

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I did not discuss the claim about failing to disclose.

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MsGrin's picture

since it's not OK to be on multiple payrolls without having pre-clearance for such an arrangement if one is working at State.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

However, failure to disclose other employment does not turn working for other employers into double and triple dipping. Failure to disclose is failure to disclose, one wrong, not two.

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MsGrin's picture

I was attempting to be lighthearted in my language - an employee is not allowed to have a second gig without getting that cleared ahead of time.

I think having a second job which is not cleared is a form of double dipping.

I get that you think it is something other than that. Thank you for letting me know you see it differently.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

gulfgal98's picture

Thank you for all the hard work you have put into ferreting out this information and posting it here for us.

As much as I despise Hillary Clinton and hope she (and her co-conspirators) gets charged for all the lying and misuse of taxpayer money to avoid the FOIA and to launder money through the Clinton Foundation, I see another story here too. If too many people are involved, governmental corruption is allowed to continue forever. Look at how far throughout the State Dept and the White House, this goes. Everyone knew she was using a private server for her government emails and no one did anything about it. Are people that afraid of the Clintons? I think so. They are ruthless and corrupt.

This is where this type of pay to play needs to stop. As a taxpayer, I am angry at the misuse of my hard earned dollars to pad the bank accounts of people who do not care one whit about the little people. The Clintons are the poster children for this deeply embedded corruption and the hubris they exhibit toward it. I want them gone.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

MsGrin's picture

We need to make sure this kind of corruption stops. I don't know how that will be done.

...and you've reminded me that I had forgotten to pull up an article I had made a mental note to go find.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Bollox Ref's picture

Seems to me that a lot of these 'aides' spent/spend an inordinate amount of time covering for HRC and her 'gaffes', all on our dime.

Shame that real jobs aren't so remunerative.

Parasites on the body politic.


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from a reasonably stable genius.

snoopydawg's picture

state that the Clinton foundation reaches into every area of the government in this country and others and if the foundation went down then would so many people.
Maybe that's why they seem to have so much power over people.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Betcha Hyena is just gonna keep weaving & dodging, and telling lies trying to just make it to Nov.

Her spin now is "look at us" - we're using a bigger plane so more press can come with us - vetted up the whazoo, and does not mean a thing - it ain't a PRESS CONFERENCE. Also willing to bet, that she is physically, emotionally, unable to handle questions coming at her if they aren't "screened" first.

Paranoid - and now we know she has real reason to be. GUILTY as hell - and she can't hide it anymore.

Anyone remember her first presser, at the UN, a year ago May, when she said her emails were just between her husband & herself, PRIVATE, and "they were going to remain that way." Jeez - what it's taken to get to this point - hide, dodge, LIE, LIE, LIE, and spin so even Moaning Joe is laughing at her response to FBI reports. Sick stuff.

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snoopydawg's picture

Bluementhal that leads to criminal charges against Hillary. Obama told her not to hire him at the state department so she hired him to work for her foundation as an information specialist, whatever that means.
He sent her emails from Libya and Sudan and the ones from Sudan were stolen from the NSA. She then would erase his name from the email and send it to Obama.
But why he wasn't charged for stealing the classified information from the NSA is very suspicious. The article I read about this said that the NSA was very upset with him.
Here is a great question from a different article.

If Hillary did not keep any classified information on her server, then where did she keep it?

Has anyone asked her this? Or are we to believe that during the 4 years working at the state department Hillary didn't send one classified email ?
She says that she didn't send any in one sentence and then says that her employees should have known not to send classified information.
So how the hell did she do her job?
She accepted Obama's terms to keep her duties at state separate from her foundation. My question is did Obama know about the many speeches Bill gave to the people or corporations that had business with Hillary's state department?
And didn't people question why they were getting emails from Hillary with the return address hrd@clintonone.com?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

MsGrin's picture

I may have answers to some of the questions.

There is an entire SEPARATE email system for classified information, so theoretically, she was receiving and sending emails on that as well. I believe it had it's own stand alone room. Presumably, she did communicate some on that system.

I believe the clintonone email was prior to the one she used at state - that it was one of the accounts used in the President Clinton office. The one she used at State, I believe was clintonemail.com. Am I wrong?

I've been working (slowly) on reading through the FBI redacted notes to find what has not yet been reported on, and one piece of that is that her return email was apparently NOT VISIBLE to people who received emails from her - all they saw was 'H' according to one of her aides who was asked about that.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

They should have verified that "H" was Hillary before replying. (And probably did at some point)

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snoopydawg's picture

investigation, but you are right that there was one already set up for Bill's office before she became secretary.
As we learned from Abedin's deposition, Chelsea had access to one of them and I think that is the one that got hacked because Huma said that they had to take it offline for a few days.
I'm getting confused because of all the information coming out and Hillary's lies which the FBI and the state department keep refuting.
The video from yesterday with Hillary and Gowdy was excellent.
He nailed Comey to the wall and I'm wondering how much interference Obama is running?
The fact that Bill had an ex partee meeting with Lynch has corruption all over it. And he got away with it just like he got away with interfering in the Michigan election.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

MsGrin's picture

Bill had an Apple server is my recollection when Hillary was being sworn in. I believe they upgraded that one (to a non-apple) soon after, and I don't recall if there were more after that.

Mostly, however, there were multiple iPads and Blackberries - some 13 total.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

edg's picture

At least one, the last one, was likely a Microsoft Windows server. The guy that erased the email file with BleachBit is said to have used it on the PST file. PST is the file extension used for Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange email software.

[Paragraph deleted due to response below.]

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reflectionsv37's picture

that PRN referred to the Platte River Network server. The timeline for that was right since most of that occurred in May of 2015, but then again, the FBI did admit that there were "several" servers. I think that section released by the FBI was intended to be confusing and misleading.

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

MsGrin's picture

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

edg's picture

But Platte River didn't take over server duties until after Clinton left State. So at most they would only have had a copy of the original email databases that were in operation during the years she was Secretary.

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edg's picture

Emails have 3 identifying components. There is the sender email address, the reply to address (usually but not always the same as the sender), and the friendly name. I'd say H was her friendly name. Most people use their first and last name, but it can be set to anything the email user prefers.

In most email clients, you'll see something like this in the header panel: Ed G , with Ed G being my friendly name and the part in my sender addresss.

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I take it you mean a separate server and not only a separate email account.

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edg's picture

I think the State Department operates two email systems. One is the public facing, non-secure system and the other is the secure system used for internal communications, both classified and unclassified.

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