What, me worry, no WMD? Just watched the "The Green Zone" (2010)

We have been pretty much movie free except for airline movies since we began our current Africa trip back in early August, so tonight we took advantage of the free wifi here at the guesthouse and watched someone's copy of "The Green Zone" posted up on YouTube. I won't provide the link to the youtube posting we watched but here's some info from the wikipedia entry in case you, like me, are unfamiliar with the flick.


Addressing some of the contentions in the film, Greengrass has said that the arguments about disbanding the Iraqi army portrayed in the film represent debates that actually took place by US policy makers. The issue of the culpability of the Fourth Estate, i.e. the mainstream (news) media, or MSM, in taking intelligence at face value, although embodied by a single character, represents a broad based failing in both the USA and UK, but for Greengrass the fault ultimately lay with those trying to manipulate them.[18]

Greengrass has said that both the Bourne films and Green Zone reflect a widespread popular mistrust of authority that was engendered by governments that have deliberately lied and have let their citizens down over the Iraq war.[19] The confusion surrounding the absence of WMD in Iraq also provided an ideal scenario for a thriller, in which the protagonist battles for the truth.[18]

It was slowed down which was weird to experience, but which apparently keeps the copyright bots from finding it for a while or some such. But after Donald 'I'll say anything' Trump reported comments about Shrub being President during 9/11 and the resultant hoo ha, it seemed a fitting flick to see.

FWIW we are misfits in US culture, in that we have never watched network TV for 99% of the 45 years we have been married, nor have we been big customers of movie theaters with the exception of a couple of hot and heavy experiences at the drive-in back in the day.

Since we retired though, we have been watching more, and after reading here and dkos and Common Dreams a while over the last week or so, thought it time for a little fictional relief.

Damon and "The Green Zone" producers/directors etc. must surely have caught a heap of sheet over the film. For me, it brought back all the sadness and anger of the aftermath of lies from my government at the highest levels, and the resultant death and destruction that followed.

And here we are now, with another President and team apparently spreading other kinds of lies to keep us going past 15 years of fail, bombing a hospital, killing civilians, and promoting in endless war, but hey, the economy is teed up for a big downturn, so no way can we end Afghanistan when lots of peoples jobs depend on it ftw !!!! /?

Don't know if you saw the movie, or what your take on it was. Guess I just thought I would post this here as a 'hello' since we are hopelessly out of sync time zone wise to check in with the EB.

Namaste, ya'll.

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shaharazade's picture

Thanks divineorder I'm going to find it online at my excellent county library and put a hold on it. I liked the first Bourne movie but like you we don't have cable or TV and aren't big fans of action thriller blockbusters. This movie sounds interesting and I like all the actors including Matt Damon. I have been horrified at the war propaganda/porn that Hollywood has been making for the last few years. Seems like movies like The Hurt Locker and American Sniper just fuel the the insane 'patriotism' and love of violence. killing, war mentality that our society has embraced. This sounds like a good political thriller that I somehow never even heard of.

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MarilynW's picture

I'm sure it is available at our local video shop. Thank you for the recommendation.

By the way. We saw the new Canadian film "Hyena Road" about the military occupation of Afghanistan. It's excellent because it really delivers on the complexity of the situation. Even Canadian veterans of the occupation like the movie.

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To thine own self be true.

shaharazade's picture

at my county library and put it on hold. We have a great library system where you can go online and order (place on hold) any book DVD or audio, at any branch, when your turn comes they ship the DVD or book to your closest branch. They even offer inventory they have on order. I'm 228 in line on 68 copies of the latest Louise Penny novel, which they have on order, so I may get it around Christmas. The best part is this is free so if you get a clinker it's no big thing. The search function is pretty clunky and complex but I've learned how to navigate it and notice it's getting better.

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divineorder's picture

Santa Fe Library has a huge dvd repository which we have not used enough, instead opting for the easier but hella expensive Hulu via our Verizon mobile wireless data account to sate our escapism desires. Thanks for the comment.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

divineorder's picture

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.