Disability Caucus 8/30/16: The Futility of the (Job) Hunt
So tomorrow my employment specialist wants to take me to a few places she applied to on my behalf. No doubt they'll tell me they don't do anything face to face anymore and that everything is done online now because that's the default response. Even when I do get to introduce myself to a higher-up, it never really goes anywhere. You simply can't get your foot in the door in the IT world. You already have to be working somewhere so some other company can poach you or you have to apply from within.
That, among many other things, is why I'm not putting any applications in and haven't been for the last month or so. I decided to throw in the towel when it comes to employment in general because I'll never live up to the qualifications or demands of any employer no matter how hard I try to.
Some of you may call me a coward and tell me that's not an option, but why should I bother? Give me a reason besides 'ya gotta prove them wrong' because that kind of crap doesn't matter to hiring managers anymore when they can get what they want, when they want, where they want. We didn't count before. Now? We don't even register. If we did, Rick Scott and his business cronies wouldn't be gutting disability services every chance they got.
So if this is what they want, then this is what they'll get. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.
See ya around,
I understand your frustration. The job market really sucks.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Hey, sometimes things actually work.
Maybe this will be one of those times. It's an experience. It would be cool if it turns out to work. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I’m retired now, thank goodness, but in recent years
the IT job-seeking advice I’d been getting was, someone with so much experience might be expected to be publishing code (e.g. on their own Github account), giving programming tips (on their own blog or on sites like Stack Overflow), making tutorials, having tech discussions with other experts on social media, etc.
The implication was, if you’ve been working in the field that long and you aren’t doing any of those things, well . . . you haven’t been investing in your own personal “brand,” so don’t be surprised if no one is buying.
I think I originally got into programming because, as an Aspie type — long before it was generally accepted that there was such a thing — I anticipated being no good with people and only being good with the machine / the software tools.
Nowadays, it’s not enough to be good with the machine, IT people have to market themselves and their ideas, be able to lead groups, communicate well in a team, etc. — in short, they must be good with people too.
the only skill that matters
IOW, the only talent that matters is sales. Which, by definition, aspies don't have (along with 99%+ of the rest of us to one extent or another). Note well, also, please, that I did not call selling a "skill"; I used the word "talent", because most of the ability to sell is born, not made.
The ability to code and the ability to sell are almost exactly polar opposites, too. The former is classic introversion, the latter, extroversion to the edge of sociopathy.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It seems nice to me that your employment specialist applied
for jobs on your behalf. So I'd go ahead and let her take me places. Partly as sort of a thank you for her time. But mostly so that she can see how these people act in person.
Good luck, maybe one of them will pleasantly surprise us!
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It is incredibly painful,
and it attacks the very core of your self-worth. Warning- rant follows...
I was essentially out of work for 18 months as the industry that supported my engineering consulting practice suddenly ceased to exist, and my practice of 20 years failed. I started applying for engineering jobs using all of the various online mechanisms, and got no (and I mean *zero*) responses, from over 200 applications. The online resume sorters that all companies seem to use these days simply throw every resume on the floor that doesn't meet 100.000% of the bullet points that the HR person has entered. That 20 years of successful self-employment looks like 20 years of unemployment to the filters: "What, you mean you didn't have a corporate job all those years? What was *wrong* with you?"
Being in my late 50s didn't help, either. It seems that there were some jobs out there that wanted 30+ years of experience in my field, but only if the applicant was in their 20s. The irony was completely lost on some HR people...
I had one HR person that I'd been badgering tell me that they weren't interested in me because I'd be retiring in just a year or two, and they didn't want to invest in someone who would only be around for a "short time". Here's the news, Bucko: that 18 months of dwindling income guaranteed that I will *never* be able to retire. Home gone, 401K gone, assets gone. Barring a lottery win, my retirement plan is now to simply die at my desk. No smiley.
I finally landed a good job with a company that was actually downright desperate for someone with my specific skills and experience. But that only happened because of a personal connection with someone who worked there and could hand-deliver my resume directly to the hiring manager, bypassing HR altogether. My resume would never have made it through their filters, had I used what has become the "normal channels" these days.
The bottom line is that current highly-automated HR recruiting practices simply do not work for any technical job: there will always be some obscure gotta-have-it bullet point that will make the resume sorter throw your resume on the floor with everyone else's, and it'll never even be seen. Intrapersonal networking is the only thing that still works- and for back-office folks like me, who have made a career out of toiling along productively but quietly in the background, that can be a real issue.
Yes, I'm bitter. To the HR people of the world: "Just apply online"? Not to put too fine a point upon it, but fuck you, and the horse you rode in on.
End of rant. Whew.
To the OP- I feel at least some of your pain, and I was in the depths of despair for a good portion of that year and a half of no callbacks or interviews. It can happen, but probably not in the way that the HR people of the world have set up the many and various hoops to be jumped through. Hang in there as best you can: at least you do have an advocate working on your behalf...
Unfortunately having said advocate makes me a target.
When employers see her with me they scramble. It's funny, we're always told to use Voc Rehab and other services that are supposed to help us, yet we're punished at all turns when we actually use them.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
What about
hanging your own shingle?
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
what they want where and when they want
In other words, hiring managers are spoiled. And the employment market is seriously glutted, If you're a participant at all, you need to be a buyer, not a seller.
In a genuinely balanced market, there'd be as many employers having to compromise to get the help they need (train on the job, accept real people rather than ideal ones, etc.) as workers having to compromise in order to get hired at all. As you correctly point out, Aspie, the former no longer exist. And it's been that way continuously for the past 40 years or so.
This is further proof that the Population Ponzi Scheme is collapsing, by the way.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
And it doesn't seem to matter how many times I explain this.
Especially to those closest to me. They just won't hear it. "Your attitude sucks. That's why no one will hire you.", says my mother in law who has held the same job in the same school district for decades. Hah. The current attitude of hiring managers and employers in general sucks much worse.
Besides, if my attitude really sucked, I wouldn't have as many references as I do. Am I bitter? You bet your ass. And I have every right to be given how much I've busted my ass over the years.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Oh Cat, it's theold beLIEf that "Attitude Matters!" again!
It's more of that fucked up Prosperity Badspell crapola: "if your heart is right you will prevail". We both know that's pure bullshit. Facts are more importamt that attitude and always will be. And the only relevant fact here is that buyers of labor can get exactly what, when, and where they want it, while it is essentially impossible to anticipate and prepare for the exact nature of such demands. And it is also far too easy in this day and age to catch someone attempting to tailor the facts of his/her life to match the exact bullet points of the employer's demands, a process which always requires a nonzero amount of falsification (read: lying).
For your mother-in-law to admit to these facts would be to face the fact that her employer cannot hope to do for its charges what we need it to do for them -- render them eminently employable citizens of their locality. So she hides behind the never-ending river of sewage emitted by Chuck Swindoll and Company, and blames you, the victim, for what you are suffering. If faith plus effort ever fails -- and it fails often -- the whole "attitude" house of cards comes tumbling down like the fabled walls of Jericho.
(Suffice it to say that between you and your MIL, I'm to the wall with you here!)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
To be fair, she does think I should go after Social Security.
And I think she does understand. She just doesn't like seeing me bitter over it. I just know that after what happened with SNAP I've reached a breaking point and have no real desire to be 'gainfully employed' anymore.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I agree with her re: Social Security.
Without SSDI I'd probably be dead right now, as I've become progressively more physically disabled since I was last working. So thank Cat for it!
You might want to consider getting some help if you're going after SSDI for the second (or more) time.
My heart is with you on this. As you now know, I know what you've been through painfully well.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides