Sexism, misogyny and Hillary's neuropathology
Not just junk science from Huffiest, offal science. In an essay from the highly learned medical journal, a recent socio-political pronouncement was delivered that any questions about Hillary's health are sexist and misogynistic. Much of the essay is devoted to Trump-bashing (what a surprise!) while the rest of the article lumps in modern science with ancient, truly sexist medical views. The classic example is the idea behind "hysteria", said to be a disorder confined to women said to be caused by a "floating" uterus". Even though the anatomical basis for such poppycock was disproven as far back as Galen and Vesalius, that stupid notion hung around for 2000 years. Hat tip to Ms. Grin for this citation.
The implied idea in the HuffPost essay, if I may be so gracious to call it that, is that "anybody who claims Hillary has ANY medical defect is a misogynistic pig not worthy of further consideration". This is a favorite HillBot meme, that all Clinton-denouncers are possessed of deep hatred for womankind, as if Medusa were a role model for femininity and mothering. Think upon those hundreds of thousands of Middle East mothers who were deprived of their families, and often their own lives, by "motherly" Hillary.
So are women immune to the following medical issues:
1. concussion (mTBI)
2. post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE)
3. post-concussion syndrome (PCS)
4. dural sinus thrombosis (DST)?
5. Parkinson Disease (PD), which by the way I do not contend is one of the maladies affecting her brain.
Previous essays by me have bombarded c99'ers with probably more medical facts than you ever wished to know. So in the interest of brevity, which is really insufficient to do justice to any of the top 4 illnesses elucidated, I will simply post briefly an analysis of gender ratios in the epidemiology of those diseases.
Note: I do not like Hillary Clinton--statement of bias. However, all the medical citations are from peer-revised medical journals having nothing to do with political thought. Once again, feel free to check these articles out for yourselves. That's why they are clearly cited. If you have a criticism, please: no PC, sexism, or Wikipedia. I'm happy to discuss medical facts.
1. mTBI: there was equal incidence of post-mTBI brain injury among females as among males in this study of post-traumatic cortical thickness
2. PTE: although not a direct connection to PTE this article points to greater structural damage of the brain in female athletes:
Compared with their male counterparts, female athletes appear to be at greater risk of sustaining a concussion and they exhibit a higher number of symptoms in the acute phase and typically require a longer recovery time.
One more thing about PTE: Subclinical seizures
More recent data have emphasized the incidence of subclinical (nonconvulsive) seizures after TBI that, although not routinely documented in the human population, can be recorded using monitoring procedures, including long-term electroencephalography surface recordings. Investigators have described a high incidence of subclinical seizures that appear in patients at variable periods after TBI.
3. PCS: Predictors of PCS worse in women
The mean age of the subjects was 35 years, and 65% were men. Physical symptoms were the most prevalent in the 3 days to 10 days postinjury with most declining thereafter to baseline levels. Emotional and cognitive symptoms were less prevalent but more likely to remain elevated at 3 months; 41.8% of subjects reported PCS at 3 months. The strongest individual symptoms that predicted long-term PCS included anxiety, noise sensitivity (NS), and trouble thinking; reported by 49%, 27%, and 31% of the subjects at 3 days to 10 days, respectively. In multivariate regressions including age, gender, and early symptoms, only anxiety, NS and gender remained significant in the prediction of PCS. Interactions revealed that the effect of anxiety was seen primarily among women. NS had an odds ratio of 3.1 for PCS at 3 months.
After MTBI, anxiety among women and NS are important predictors of PCS. Other physical symptoms, while more prevalent are poor predictors of PCS.
4. DST: gender differences
in DST: 50 of 59 patients in this study were female, which is an incidence of 85%.
Two points must be made.
A. I found no evidence in extensive medical literature search about the incidence of PTE according to gender. Thus there were no articles stating that the incidence of PTE was any greater or any less in females compared to males.
B. Reminiscent of my claim that HRC has post traumatic epilepsy, please note the information about non-convulsive epilepsy (NCE). By definition, NCE does not look like a typical motor seizure and indeed can only be diagnosed in some cases by video-telemetry. But NCE may have observable consequences, the most common of which is speech arrest. Another manifestation is abruptly changing the topic of conversation. Of course either phenomenon may be seen in non-epileptic settings.
How disprove post-traumatic non-convulsive epilepsy: either prolonged or repetitive EEG monitoring.
So let's get back to that Sexism-Misogyny garbage being spewed by the HillBots. It is just garbage. To use antiquated and discarded medical theories (e.g., hysteria) as your one and only pretext for labelling doubters of Hillary's health is pretty lame.
Alligator Ed,
You should know by now that the standard hillbot response to any questions they don't like about Hillary is sexist!
Now, if I said that Hillary was more likely to bomb countries due to her having pms, that would be sexist.
But she's well past the age of menopause, so that doesn't explain things. It's more likely that cooties from Henry fucking Kissinger explain why she's even more eager to bomb Iran than McCain.
interesting is that I thought feminists believed that women in government would result in a less militaristic government. Seems not. So why aren't they conflicted about this?
Where was I? Oh, yeah, we were talking about her health. You had a great fall, you hide from the public, people are going to come up with theories that connect the two. So get your ass back on the campaign trail where people can see that you're ok.
"interesting is that I
"interesting is that I thought feminists believed that women in government would result in a less militaristic government. Seems not. So why aren't they conflicted about this?"
Because most of them were being dishonest the whole time.
"possessed of deep hatred for womankind"
I've mentioned previously here that I was called a misogynist enough times over at TOP that I learned to spell the word (so, I had practice over there). To be fair to her supporters, however, ANY criticism of her is considered as misogynistic as any other, in my observation.
I think it's quite ironic that HRC is calling out Trump on his doctor's note today - seems like it's tempting fate to me... People might start noticing that the one she produced is a year and a half old at this point and that we don't have a neurologist weighing in on her recovery.
Thanks for the hat tip - thought you'd find it a provocative read.![Wink](
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Ha! I missed this.
If she's calling Donald out on his doctor's note, it means only one thing: projection.
She really can't help herself, it would seem. Get nervous about a potential issue, strike first and accuse the other campaign of said issue.
I hope you're correct about the logical result (not that it will matter; she'll just get her doctor to manufacture a newer "clean bill of health").
There is another explanation (not really)
It's a Rove tactic - if your opponent has a strength, attack that strength (Bernie's Medicare for all would be" too expensive", even though it would cost less) and if you have a weakness, denature that weakness. (If you have mental health issues call your opponent crazy, it makes the whole issue seem petty and therefore meaningless. If you have physical health issues claim your opponent is unforthcoming about his own health; that discredits his attack, especially if it is legitimate)
On to Biden since 1973
Knock 'em dead, Ed.
You always do your homework. Those suffering from the Hillarian pox will pull the sexism card without end.
It has been my observation that in fact, many if not most of the women that are voting for Clinton are doing so for no other reason than that she is a woman. The heart wants what the heart wants and emo power rules over intellectual discernment en masse when it comes the female voting block and Hillary Clinton. I wonder if Barrack Obama would have won if he were a white man, which he is, sorta. Without the black vote, Hillary would have won the nomination in 2008. Does that make me racist?
Let 'em call me a sexist. It's nothing more than a trite, handy label anymore.
These remarks approved by my own Mom.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
"So let's get back to that
"So let's get back to that Sexism-Misogyny garbage being spewed by the HillBots. It is just garbage."
Really, this would have sufficed. And the answer to the Hillbots isn't to bombard them with medical statistics; it's to deny them social capital.
Did you see this?
Huff Post Contributor fired for talking about Hillary's Health
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Fired over the weekend is smelly.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Interesting. His twitter feed has lots more info
including attachments of released clinton emails that raise a lot of questions.
I loved this comment from someone on his tweet feed: "She's 1 bad spill away from green jello & Wheel Of Fortune". Hahahaha.
We can only hope.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Is she WEARING in that tweet you reference? It looks like couch upholstery. And she doesn't look so well, either ...
Hahaha. Yeah Her Wardrobe Now Seems To Consist of Potholders
Huge Potholders sewn together. And yeah she looks awful in that photo. Apparently missed her nap and hasn't troweled on her makeup.![Biggrin](
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
OMG! Please post this picture and your comment again
I don't think many people had a chance to see it and it's hilarious!
I haven't laughed this hard for a long time.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Hope Solo has said she'll donate her brain
for investigation of the effects of years of heading the soccer ball. Investigators are just now beginning to consider the probability of brain injury in battered women. Nobody seems to have considered that regarding battered children, although domestic violence is very common, and often still justified even when it's exposed.
Apparently Hillary's father was very strict. Might he have been physically violent with her? She has been said to have become violent enough herself with Bill in the White House that the Secret Service considered intervening, at least once giving him a black eye. The effects on football players often take many years to appear. Maybe there are multiple causative factors. But it sure looks like something's wrong.
The results of childhood trauma
Physically, emotionally and mentally is known to result in anger issues. I suffered from all 3 and before I started with therapy I crashed my motorcycle and the bike landed on my face. It broke my jaw in 5 places, but the severest damage was the kickstand fractured my skull resulting in a TBI.
So on top of the childhood trauma, the TBI made the anger issues worse.
The therapy has helped me get a handle on my anger, but stressful situations brings it out and I have to try hard to get it under control.
Imagine the stress of being president even without having had a TBI.
I don't want her anywhere near the WH again. The two of them did enough damage during the first time they inhabited it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.