Open Tummler 08/30/16

I learned recently that the new guy at the cigarette store, he is a genuine hero.

Like everyone who works there, this young man, he is Syrian. And, like too many of them, he is tangled up, in deep blue, with the immigration authorities, of the Americans. Because, and for no reason that makes any sense to any decent human being, these Syrians, they must "prove," to these authorities, that they should be "allowed," to remain in the United States. Otherwise, they shall be "removed."

This, is preposterous. Because Syria, it is a charnel house. Everyone in the world, with a bomb, they are at present, hurling it onto Syria, or handing it over to someone else, to hurl. All three of the empires—Eurasia, Eastasia, Oceania—are amuck there. Anyone who is Syrian, who manages to get out of the place, needs to be welcomed, and immediately, wherever they might happen to land. The immigration authorities of the Americans, they have no right, to require any Syrians, to run any gauntlets. The job of these authorities, it should be to Photo-14-Broken-stock.jpgconfer citizenship, if that is what is wanted, and at once—together, with fulsome apologies.

Each of the Syrians at the cigarette store, s/he has a different story. Because all of the humans, they are different from one another. Even, as they are all the same. If these people, they want to tell me their story, I listen. But. I do not pry.

The other evening, this man, he told me his story. Seems there came the time, when he came of the age, in which he would be drafted, into the Syrian military. "I don't want to be in a war," he said. "I do not want to be shooting anybody." And so, he left Syria. And then, eventually, in the course of things, he made his way, here. "Sometimes, yes, I will watch war in a movie," he said. "But I don't want, to shoot any people."

Absolutely: goddam: right.

Not only should this young man be permitted to remain in the United States, but a statue should be cast of him, that will then be placed on a float, that will be towed, slowly, down all the streets, in all the lands, in all the world, with softspeakers, that will broadcast, from the float, his story, and also encourage, all and every one else, in all the world, to do, as he has done.

Because, the very first thing, that needs to happen, before anything else can, is that all the humans, in all the armies, in all the world, need to put down the guns, and walk away. If everyone were as this young man, all the armed conflicts, in all the world, would, in this instant, cease. All of the people, in all the politics, all of the generals, all of the weaponsmakers, they are but big impotent mouths, without the millions of humans, who pick up the gun, and then go out, and shoot, and kill, as they are told.

The Syrians at the cigarette store, they are a prime example of how, if a person ever just gets out of the tubes, and goes out into the real world, they will there quickly discover that everything—and I mean everything—that The Hairball says, it is Wrong.

The Hairball, he says that if you are a Syrian Christian, you cannot get into the United States—only if you are a Muslim, will you be admitted here. Wrong. All the Syrians at the cigarette store, and all their relations, are Christians. The Hairball says, that the people coming to the US from Syria, "they may be ISIS, they may be ISIS-related," that "we don't know who they are." Wrong. The Syrians at the cigarette store, they are not ISIS, and they are not ISIS-related. And I know exactly who they are. They are human beings. Just like me. And, when The Hairball is being a human being, they are just like him, too.

Coming to the United States to avoid conscription into some imbecilic army—this is a long-standing American tradition. Some of the very best Americans, came to be in the country, in this way. Gore Vidal, for instance, he was an American, masciotra-vidal-splsh.jpgbecause his great-grandfather, Eugen Fidel Vidal, floated over to the American shores, to avoid service, in the imbecilic Austrian army.

It is, also, true, yes, that some of the very worst Americans, they, too, came to be in the country, in this way. To wit: The Hairball's grandfather, Frederick Hairball, he journeyed from Germany to the US, shortly before he would be made to serve three years in the imbecilic German army. In the US, he made some money. Then, after sixteen years or so, he sought to return to Germany. But the Germans, they kicked him back into the US. Because, they decreed, that his sojourn to the US, it had been for the purpose of avoiding military service: he was, the Germans decided, "a draft dodger."

It hardly seems fair. That the Americans. Would permit into the country, a progenitor of the hideousness of The Hairball. Yet deny residency, to the young man in the cigarette store. For I will tell you this. That guy in the cigarette store. He is never going to produce. Any Hairballs.

When the humans, they at last understand, that they are not going to be having any more wars, any more guns, they can then turn to various peaceable methods, in which to burn off any residual aggressions. One such, could be the roast.

The roast, at least the contemporary American version, this was developed by tummlers, in the New York Friars' Club, back in the early 1900s. Therein, various wits, would use their wit, to verbally skewer, in various degrees of savagery, the roastee, who, at least in the beginning, was one of their number. These events aborned informal, but, over the decades, assumed a more formal mien. For many years, they were private affairs. Because, if the content happened to get out into the public, all those involved in the roasts, would be arrested. This is because, as one historian puts it, "the content of the earliest roasts was extremely blue for their time." The tummlers, at these roasts, were able to indulge in language, and imagery, that, if they were to bring such to the public stage, would have led them straight into the pokey. As the pale frail wildwood flower Larry King recalls: "Seeing someone say 'fuck' is nothing now, but when I was thirty years old and went to my first Friars roast in New York and I heard Maurice Chevalier say, 'Fuck,' I thought I'd die."

Tamer versions of these roasts, they went onto the television, with Dean Martin, and various Rat Packers, in the 1970s. More recently, the Comedy Central people, they have been broadcasting roasts. People, they can, now, say "fuck," and even on the television, without having to go into the jail, and, so, now they do. It is said that none of these latter-day roasts, can even remotely approach, in ribald vivaciousness, and viciousness, those once-upon-a-time private Friars Eliran 2 censored 3 BW.jpgaffairs, presided over by tummlers like Milton Berle, and Henny Youngman. But: we work in the dark. We do what we can.

Recently the Comedy Central people, they decided to roast Rob Lowe. A minor American thespian, best known for filming his penis entering a 16-year-old, and also for being cast as the "star" of the television show The West Wing—except the audience, they didn't want Lowe, to be the star. The audience, and very soon, it proved more interested, in the characters Josh and Toby and CJ and Leo, and, also, the president, Martin Sheen (who, in some of the universes, actually was the president, rather than just playing one, on the television). So, Lowe, he had a Pout, and, eventually, left the series.

Some inspired someone, s/he decided to invite the unholy harridan Ann Coulter, to be one of the Lowe roasters. Coulter, she is an out racist, proud sheet-wearing white supremacist, who, for no reason known to me, has been allowed to shriek like a banshee, across all and every tube, for more than two decades now. She is a shameless twit for publicity, and is currently out hawking her hideous extended fellation of The Hairball, In Hairball We Trust. Without shame, she admitted she agreed to attend the Lowe roast, not really knowing what a roast was, so she could there peddle her Hairball pedophilia. Because she did not really know what a roast was, she did not know that the roasters, they commonly cannibalize one another, as well as the designated roastee. And so, the Lowe Roast, it became, instead, the Coulter roast.

The secret of any good zinger, at a roast, is that it contain an element of truth. Thus, for instance, at the Quentin Tarantino roast, it was observed, correctly: "All your films are about torture."

And, so, too, the roast of Lowe, turned roast of Coulter, it contained (as examples), these, Truths:

"I just realized that I'm not the only athlete up here tonight. As you all know, earlier this year Ann Coulter won the Kentucky Derby."

"If you are here, Ann, who is scaring the crows emscrim.gifaway from our crops?"

"She seems stiff and conservative, but Ann gets wild in the sheets. Just ask the Klan."

"It looks like she’s having a good time. I haven't seen her laugh this hard since Trayvon Martin got shot."

"Ann, you are awful. The only person you'll ever make happy is the Mexican that digs your grave."

"Ann hopes the Republicans can hold onto the House so she can still haunt it."

"Ann Coulter has written eleven books—twelve if you count Mein Kampf."

Coulter, I don't know how her people, got into the United States. But I do know, that said entrance, it was a crime, against all of humanity.

Different people, they Fear, different things. For instance, I fear Ann Coulter, coming into my dreams. For if ever that were to happen, I would need, immediately, a head transplant. Or all the cocaine in Colombia. So that I might never. Sleep. Again.

Other people, they Fear—say—clowns. I know this, because, for many years, I lived with a person, who could not countenance, any clowns, or clown-like personages. If I were given over to Fristian Phrenology, I would even say, that she was phobic, about it. I say this, because, when we could go to the library book sale, and I would gather up tomes about clowns, and mimes, and ventriloquists, and the like—such people, they interest me—then, 3511810534_b877e39b8a_b.jpgwhen we would get home, she would request, politely, but firmly, that I slot the books, on the shelves, so that the spines, did not show. Because, if she happened to pass through a room, and saw, on a spine, a word like "clown," or "mime," she would be seized, by The Fear.

I have since & meanwhile learned that, many other people, they too, Feel the Fear, of clowns, and their associates. I myself never saw any particular reason to fear such beings. But, here, I could be wrong. As in so many realms. And so, as a service, to any clown-fearers, who may be, here, deep, into this tummler, I offer this news, which seems, to, indeed, justify, clown-Fear.

In an Aug. 21 report to Greenville County deputies, a woman said her son had seen "clowns in the woods" around 8:30 p.m. An investigating deputy then spoke with another person who said a clown was also seen near a garbage dumpster.

There were also claims from some children that several clowns had been seen in the woods trying to persuade them to follow them with large amounts of money.

"There has been several conversations and a lot of complaints to the office regarding a clown or person dressed in clown clothing trying to lure children into the woods," the property manager of Fleetwood Manor wrote to residents in a letter.

"Witnesses told investigators that they believed the clowns lived in a nearby home, but a deputy wrote in the Aug. 21 police report that he followed a trail through the woods to the home and found no evidence related to the clown sightings."

I don't know. I still think it would be a lot scarier. If Ann Coulter. Tried to lure children into the woods. Or showed. In my dreams. But maybe. That's just me.


Fairly scarifying, I think, is the complete inability, of Anthony Weiner, to cease portaling his penis, through all and every tube.

Of course, first, it must be said, that every man, and every woman, has the perfect right, to publicize their genitalia, in any way they see fit. The problem, here, is that Weiner, he is in the politics. And the Americans, though they themselves, may be flashing their genitals, through all and every tube, all day, and all of the night, when once they get a whiff, that a person in the politics is up to something, like the same, they will then get all Puritan, and J'accuse. There is additionally the problem that Weiner, he is marrried to Huma Abedin, that well-known agent of the Muslim Brotherhood, and chief aide to The Mad Bomber, who is herself married to The Clenis, who is legendary, for spraying about more semen, onto and into the Americans, than even John Holmes.

Abedin, she announced Monday, that she is Officially Separating, from Weiner. And The Mad Bomber, she will announce, later today, that she is Officially Separating, from The Clenis.

Weiner, and The Clenis, they will then be taking a house together, in the East End. Which they will call: Horndogs In The Hamptons. They are also buying Al Gore's old television network. Which they are renaming The Penile Channel. And which shall offer, 24/7, images, at work and at play, of their penii. For those so inclined.

It is better. This way.

The Science Men, they have been waiting, oh so long, for some extraterrestrials, to send them a radio signal, saying, something, like, "hello."

And, now, that contact, at last, it is here.

And it seems like these ETs, ensconced there upon the solar system of the unimaginatively human-monikered sun HD 164595, they have been following the Weiner saga—or perhaps, somehow, they tuned into, the old Friars roasts. Because, the aliens' first message, once it had been painstakingly decoded, and deciphered, by the Science Men, it reads as follows:

"What . . . is . . . a . . . 'penis'?"

Also kinda scary, is that it seems that more of the Americans, they are exercised, that one of the football men, he has declined to stand for the national anthem, than are they concerned, that all of the football men, from playing the football, they will have their brains, completely, and permanently, destroyed.

The eternally scarifying Ferret, he has recently taken to appearing on the television, 36FA9F7E00000578-0-Rudy_Giuliani_appeared_on_ABC_s_This_Week_with_a_massive_bump_on-a-40_1470596593153.jpgwith a huge protuberant bulge on his head. This Bulge, it is so awful, and so obvious, that the Ferret, he was finally compelled, to issue a Statement: that he had incurred the Bulge, through hitting his head, in the shower.

But this, it is a Lie. For, in Reality, that Bulge, it is a manitou. Growing. In the Ferret's head. A manitou—spirit—of the Lenape people. The Lenape, the original inhabitants of what is today NYC, and environs. Eventually, the manitou, it shall burst out of the Ferret's head, and then, it shall Deal, with all the white invaders. And then, the planet, it shall be plagued. No longer. By people like the Ferret. And The Hairball. And Weiner. And The Clenis.

Meanwhile, though nobody even once asked her about it, Meth Mouth, she took to her Faceborg, and there posted photos of her own head-swelling, which she claimed to be the result of "a fall." No. For, in Truth, there, in her head, too, is a manitou. This, of the Inuit people. And, when it emerges, that will be the end of Meth Mouth, and all of her Crime Family.

So let it be written. So let it be done.

The Americans, they are just going to have to give it up, and close all the airports. Because, in the airports, they are, these days, the Americans, so filled with Fear, that they can neither Cope, nor Deal.

Recently, here, we reviewed how the Americans, they went stone-mad, with Fear, in the NYC airport, because people, clapping for somebody or other, doing something or other, in the Olympics, this clapping was Heard, to be gunshots. And then. The fear-maddened. Lemmings. Did they run.

And now—and so soon—the infection, it has spread, and from coast, to coast. All the way to Los Angeles International Airport. Where, still, as of this hour, unknown "loud noises," they caused the Americans, to believe gunshots, they were all and everywhere. And so, it was time, to commence, fear-maddened, the lemming-run.

False reports of gunfire at Los Angeles International Airport sent panicked passengers running from terminals and onto the tarmac on Sunday night.

Police responded to 911 calls of shots fired at the airport but later said the reports were unfounded and there had been no gunfire or injuries.

"Reports of a shooting incident at LAX have been proven to be loud noises only," the Los Angeles Police Department said about 45 minutes after the reports sparked chaos at the airport.

"We were on the jetway and someone starts pushing behind us," Jon Landis, a sales representative from Boston who was boarding a flight home, told The Associated Press. "One man was frantic saying there was a shooter."

Los Angeles International Airport said the departures and arrival areas of the central terminal area were closed amid the chaos; around 23 flights were diverted during a 30-minute ground stop.

"People immediately started looking at social media, where they saw reports that there was an active shooter," Rosenbusch told the AP.

That's right. Go, for Truth, to "social media."


Meanwhile, in the mayhem, officers of the LAPD, they inside_right.jpgespied an actor, black, in a Zorro costume, and immediately assumed that he, black, dressed non-ordinarily, was the culprit.

The fact that this black man, he was not shot, and at least 32 times, this was immediately pronounced a True Holy Miracle, by the Vatican; the search is now on, only, for whatever would-be saint, this miracle, should best be attributed to.

It is not only the Americans, who are crippled by Fear. Oh no. For the Fear, it runs, world, wide.

For, recently, a mushroom cloud, it was espied, in the sky, there over Siberia, and the people, they believed, had hence come, the very End, of Days.

The clouds matched the hallmark of a nuclear explosion, or so it appeared to watchers in Kemerovo on Sunday.

"Local emergency services report receiving a high volume of calls by petrified town residents fearing that the end of days was upon them," said news agency Sputnik.

But officials insisted that the spectacle was an anvil thunderstorm cloud. They explained it was a natural weather-related sight.

Uh-huh. Sure. That's what. They. Always. Say.


Except. There in Siberia. There was at least one person. Like you. Like me. Like the young Syrian, there in the cigarette store. Not giving in to fear. Not practicing, anything even resembling, war, no more. Dropping the gun. Dropping the fear. Going up, and out. Into, the great wide open.

"A mushroom cloud has grown today, so this is probably a hint that the mushroom season is in full swing.

"It is time. To pick mushrooms.

"So beautiful!"


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riverlover's picture

Which over days grew larger and became Chicken of the Woods, a highly edible shelf fungus. So I picked some, they are quite the vehicle for butter saute. Then I fell and hit my head (no correlation but time) and ended up in the hospital in Sayre PA, with 6 staples in my head. The staples were removed by my PCP later. Meanwhile, the Chicken of the Woods, it had disappeared, eaten by something. Now I suspect clowns. Thanks, hecate.

PS, I have not gotten the bill for the two ambulance rides, I also was cut out of a very comfortable shirt then. Another loss.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Lily O Lady's picture

a nephew who is fond of Chicken of the Woods, so much so that he posted pics of it on Facebook. Hope you're feeling better.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

riverlover's picture

Shaky today, nearly a month out. At least on occasion I can type. Latter sentence showed a fail. I fixed.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

hecate's picture

might be scarier even than the teddy bears.


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mimi's picture

This grandfather of Trump, you made me read his bio. I think it's funny how you used the accusation of being a draft dodger by German authorities. Really smart ....hmmm.

On December 24, 1904 the Department of Interior announced an investigation to expel Trump from the country. Officially, they found that he had violated the Resolution of the Royal Ministry of the Interior number 9916, a 1886 law that punished emigration to North America to avoid military service with the loss of German citizenship.[4]:99 For several months, he unsuccessfully petitioned the government to allow him to stay.[4]:100 He and his family finally returned to New York on June 30, 1905.[4]:102

I think one should go back to the German military history of the Middle Ages to look for more appropriate examples. But what the heck, you made me read something I would never had otherwise. Frederick Trump left Germany at age 16 in 1885, came back somewhere around 1904....

Just shaking my head to pull that guy Frederick Trump as an example for a supposed "anti-war conscientious objector" from nineteenth century...

I am so tired. I am going back to sleep a little bit more. Would be nice if the damn heat would go away. I can't think straight anymore.

I just wonder should I recommend my loved one to emigrate from the US to avoid the next draft in the next war by the US to defend "your freedoms"? I mean he had already served once in the US military and lost his German citizenship for it. Same like that Frederick guy a century earlier. Ack, what can I say, those Germans, they never learn... BTW, can the US draft their folks twice, meaning if you are already a Veteran and retired from the US military institution , can they pull you back in again? Oh my, I foresee another draft dodger in that case.

Have a nice day.

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mimi's picture

as a German citizen at age 18 you are asked to serve in the military, but you can be a conscientious objector any time and do a social service year instead. No losing of citizenship involved. Being a bad boy and living with your parents in the US and then having the audacity (a case of brain malfunction) to join the military of the US later on, will lead to losing your German citizenship. Well, no big deal, you get another one. When it comes to war, both sides are equally bad. Who cares for citizenship really? We have endless wars all over the globe with people from all over the world involved, be it as victims or perpetrators.

So, with the words of Knucklehead, nowadays my family is already against the next war. We never were for wars anyhow, especially not for such idiotic ones you are engaged in right now. But somehow we had to learn that the hard way.

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edg's picture

Every U.S. veteran is placed on Standby or Ready Reserve status. When I was discharged in 1976, inactive reserve was for a period of 10 years following discharge. In the event of all-out war, though, the U.S. would simply enact a draft and pull in anyone they wanted to.

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What you described the Syrians' going through sounds a lot like what Trump said he would put them though.

Re: Lowe. He left the series, which, in my opinion, was a long love letter from Lawrence O'Donnell to Bill Clinton, because the producers sent him a message not entirely dissimilar from the one The Godfather received about Luca Brasi: one year, they gave everyone in the series a raise but Lowe. Lowe is pretty, but has all the acting skills of Manny Quinn,* who "married" a character on Two and a Half Men, the show in which Charlie Sheen starred, until he blew it up. Lowe originally seemed intended to be the main character of that show, but generated considerably less excitement than an Alka Seltzer tablet.

Another wonderful thread. Thank you.

*For those who did not see these episodes: A recurring character on the show pretended to marry a mannequin to make Charlie Sheen's character jealous.

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hecate's picture

is that, currently, the Syrians can at least attempt to navigate the Kafkaesque immigration system. Under The Hairball, they would simply be rounded up, and heaved out; prevented from entering, at the border.

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mimi's picture

What Will Happen to Donald Trump’s Voters If He Loses the November Election? - Posted on Aug 30, 2016 - By Robert Reich /

I think Trump will lose the election, but I doubt he’ll be “history.” ...

But Donald Trump won’t disappear. Trump needs attention the way normal people need food. ...

For starters, he’ll dispute the election results. He’s already warned followers “we better be careful because that election is going to be rigged and I hope the Republicans are watching closely, or it’s going to be taken away from us.“ ...

A recent Pew Research Center survey shows even now, 51 percent of Mr. Trump’s supporters have little or no confidence in the accuracy of the vote count nationally. That’s a big change from supporters of the defeated Republican nominees in 2004 and 2008. ...

Reportedly, Trump is also considering launching his own media network. He’s already hired two of the nation’s most infamous right-wing fight promoters – Roger Ailes, the founder and former CEO of Fox News, and Stephen Bannon, the pugilistic former head of Brietbart News – who’d take to such an enterprise like alligators to mud. ...

The poison has even seeped down to America’s children. A Southern Poverty Law Center survey of 2,000 school teachers recently found Trump’s campaign producing an “alarming level of fear and anxiety among children of color” and inflaming racial and ethnic tensions in the classroom. “Teachers have noted an increase in bullying, harassment and intimidation of students whose races, religions or nationalities have been the verbal targets … on the campaign trail.” ...

Trump will leave the GOP sharply split between its corporate donor class and its working class. Clinton will preside over a party divided only somewhat less dramatically between its own donor class and an increasingly vocal progressive base.

Which raises an intriguing, if unlikely, scenario. What if Trump’s authoritarian populists join with progressive populists to form an anti-establishment third party dedicated to getting big money out of American politics?

I guess in such an imaginary third party the racists will win. YMMV.

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Lily O Lady's picture

like trying to join the N side of a magnet with the S side of another magnet. The closer together they get, the more they will push apart.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

riverlover's picture

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

hecate's picture

of The Hairball, they already know, who will be stealing the election. ACORN.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

My favorite film with Gene was Young Frankenstein.

No matter what you hear in there,
no matter how cruelly I beg you,
no matter how terribly I may scream,
do not open this door,
or you will undo everything I've worked for.
Do you understand?
Do not open this door.

Length: 1:52

PS. Loved the Ann Coulter roast segment. Man I hate her.
PPS. Hey Hecate, what? No Betty Board today? Hahaha. Biggrin

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

hecate's picture

should be made to drag a barge down the Erie Canal, like the braying jackass she is.

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riverlover's picture

Viking ship is exiting via Erie canal today and an Hawaiian canoe ship transiting into the Lakes. An historic meetup? Vikings and Hawaiians?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

hecate's picture

that they would be compatible, foodwise. Hawaiians do poi. Vikings go in for svartsoppa, which is a soup that consists mostly of blood.

A song about Coulter, on the canal.


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Lookout's picture

in NE Alabama was a holy place for the Cherokee. In the boom days of the late 1800's it became a tourist attraction. One of the back rooms was used as a dance hall.
Manitou 056.jpg

One of the formations is called the crying eyes of Manitou.
Manitou 031.jpg

Sequoyah's signature (his English name was George Guist) is in the cave as is some of his syllabary.

Manitou 025.jpg

Below the cave was one of the forts used to round up the people for the trail of tears. A fate much like that of the Syrians today.

Access to the cave is limited these days, but I was included recently in a trip. Manitou is still crying.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

riverlover's picture

Drove many times down the Trail of Tears highway feeling discomfort.

0 users have voted.

Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

MsGrin's picture

From Politico:

Makes as much sense as anything else today.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

MsGrin's picture

Strom Thurmond once hit on teenage Chelsea Clinton: report

Chelsea Clinton allegedly once had to endure advances from the late former Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.) while seated next to him at a lunch when she was a teenager.

Former House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Texas) recalled observing Thurmond, who had a reputation for flirting shamelessly with women, come on to a 16-year-old Chelsea during former President Bill Clinton's 1997 inauguration lunch.

"She had Strom Thurmond on one side of her and me on the other," DeLay told Mother Jones in an interview published Monday. "I thought, 'What a terrible thing to do a young lady.' Strom Thurmond, he kept hitting on her."

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

mimi's picture

Why do we need to know that trash. Isn't the guy dead by now?

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enhydra lutris's picture

not to a Clinton (nor a Kardashian, nor any other celeb), but to a building, a Hotel, and a song:

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mimi's picture

the trash collection company uses his trucks and rams them into my house and throws everything they got into my living room. Then they expect me to clean up after them for hours.

I am so mad that even Sanders email to donate for candidates he supports gets thoroughly on my nerves. I am not giving a damn dollar anymore. Fix your fucking election system and leave me alone. How often do you ask for damn 27 dollars or more? Have you no decency?

Just saying. If my email inbox had the same "privacy protection" as my house has, I think we could all sue anyone who drops their solicitations uninvited and turns my email inbox in a trash can. And I am not even talking about the real assholes.

Fuck this technology. You can all go where the sun doesn't shine. Go all to the dark side. At least there you couldn't read your own shit, because it's pitch dark and nobody could see anything, including yourself. Which would be a good thing.

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shaharazade's picture

to your spam folder.. I just don't open mine anymore and when I go to my email delete the political garbage without opening them. Bernie sent us a email yesterday that was soliciting money and support for more better Dems. in Congress. Is this what Our Revolution is about? What a farce. I have the same rant Every time I read the internet political insanity. Shah got so mad I heard him yelling at Bernie in his office because he opened a Bernie email and he is not a an angry yeller like I am.

Somebody I know in real life was complaining on fb because people on the net had calmed down about The Hairball and that was dangerous as we all need to be very very afraid. This guy used to be Mr. Counterculture until he turned into a Clinton era yuppie. Somebody said what about Hillary being scary? Another person said He's not going to win the fix is in. The Giant Meteor ending it all is starting to sound it might be a positive thing. In real life the silence about what's happening is deafening. It's not apathy it's the fact that everybody knows unless their brains have been washed.

On a better not I took a 2 mile bike ride the other evening through the back streets of my neighborhood and did not see one single political yard sign. I did however see a lot of Black Lives Matter yard signs. This gave me hope because there are a lot of people who are just not buying this shit. I think the tubes give you a tainted perspective of reality, that is not real. Maybe as this surreal election unfolds people who are not full of hate and fear will just refuse to give their consent to this political madness.

'Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give and appearance of solidity to pure wind.' George Orwell.

There seems to be nothing on any media online or off that is not political language and pure wind. I'm also getting stalked all over the net by ads for work pant's and overalls because I went looking online 2 weeks ago to see if I could find some affordable gardening gear. So now there are overalls on every page I open. Now that's some junk mail and so is Bernie's hustling for the Democratic party. I still get daily urges to throw my computer out the window from the second story. But then what? I would have to get a life and where to begin?

Just a little rant to compliment yours dear mimi.

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hecate's picture

there are worse things to be stalked by than work pants and overalls. : /

Do you have installed adblockplus and ghostery and all that good stuff? I do, and I don't think I get stalked by ad badness—not even work pants. But I trained myself all the way back in the days of newspapers to totally tune out ads, so maybe they're there, and I'm just not seeing them. I will try to be more attentive.

The other day a friend was ranting about the daily Olympic dancing fruit on the google page. I had no idea what she was talking about. Because I just don't see it. I go straight for the search bar, to enter whatever I'm going to enter, and ignore everything else: I would miss it even if the google logo was blaring my own name.

And yes. The tubes, in my opinion, present a totally whacked perspective, of what is Real. You learned that on your bike ride. None of your neighbors there, were caring about The Hairball, or The Mad Bomber. But they were caring, about black lives, mattering.

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shaharazade's picture

the local geeks put it on my computer when I got a new one. It went away when I refreshed my browser because jtC siad I needed to after he did a major fix on the site. I should put it back on. I too know how to block ads visually. When we had TV I got really good at it. The work pants and overall ads however do not stay on the side or top they brazenly come on the page I'm reading and cover the content. I will get Shah to reinstall Ad Block.

I thought today as the overalls rolled by it could be worse it could be ingrown toenails, belly fat and lizard faces that need lifting. Maybe I could go on a search for native plants and flowers from nurseries and have them stalking me across the internet.

Interesting how the Tubes turn ordinary caring people into fear crazed and hateful gangs. I noticed the houses and apartments with Black Lives Matter signs were not quite as gentrified and ship shape as the new demographic the city government wants and is preparing for. They want to move the lefty losers out and get a whole new population living here. One that does not care about anything but winning the race to the top and eating salted ice cream.

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hecate's picture

pretty aggressive—the overalls coming in, and actually obscuring the content. If my computer did that, I would Fear it, like some people Fear the clowns. Here is the Adblock Plus page. I was able to install it myself, and I am Stone Age man.

What is "salted ice cream"? Is that, like, a thing? Doesn't the normal ice cream, already have salt in it? Is this where people actually put salt on the ice cream, like the aorta-blow Americans do, with their steaks?

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shaharazade's picture

it's a hipster yuppie urban thing. They put big chunky gourmet salt, like Pink Himalayan salt, on ice cream, brownies and cookies and scones. There is a chain of hipster ice cream parlous here called 'Salt and Straw' that wafts out by fan the sticky smell of sugar cones and always on weekends and in the evenings have lines that go down the whole block.

They are all in the neighborhoods where they bulldoze and demolish all the former business/residential main streets which used to be funky laid back, esthetic and full of small business like vintage thrift stores, health food stores, record/music stores, head shops, real hardware stores and local diverse eateries from black soul food, Lebanese Mediterranean, or vegetarian kinda healthy greasy spoons. Now meat and salt American cooking dominates with burgers going for 15.00$ (they are made with pasture raised beef) along with high end clothing stores where jeans and overalls sell for 250$ and up. This city is hell bent on becoming the new San Fransisco. Nike figures large in the rebuilding and salting.

So that is why I took to the net for overalls. We took my son and his wife out to dinner last summer and afterwards he said let's go get some hipster ice cream so we got in a line like a Disneyland ride full of cell phone wielding hip people who were taking pictures of the line and The Canyon. The Canyon is Division Street, a name the ordinary people who live here call the bulldozed and rebuilt with 6-10 story monstrosities that have ground level retail below the prison cell apts. above. These building form a canyon of density with no trees, no visible sky and they are all built to the sidewalk and hooked together. A ugly toxic Canyon of hipster yuppiedom which likes coarse fancy salt on all foodstuffs and thinks these developer's monstrosities are somehow environmental.

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MarilynW's picture

My street is turning into one. On the new buildings going up, there is no setback: the front of the buildings meets the sidewalk. The first thing to go when the construction starts are the mature trees. Don't worry they tell us, "we will replace them." Yes, they replace them with wispy locust trees that are already cropped on top. We were told that the city insists that the buildings meet the sidewalk because of the homelessness problem.

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To thine own self be true.

hecate's picture

that we need $15 burgers, $250 overalls, and Pink Himalayan salt on the ice cream. Do these people have empty lives, using their money to try to buy some substitute for love? And what is with the streets with the 10-story buildings and no trees and no sky? Don't they know such B.F. Skinner experiments demonstrably make people demented?

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martianexpatriate's picture

Trump will contest the elections and cast doubts on them. His doubts will be based on his own sick ego and what he wishes to believe.

Despite that, I would have to say that every election I've seen has been somewhat corrupt, and I say that based on my knowledge that even local officials I've seen have deliberately thrown out votes based on the fact that it was from a certain party or neighborhood they felt might vote against their party.

We need election reform in this country. I'm talking about broad, far-reaching changes in the way we handle our elections. Our process is very old and conducted stupidly, and we need to re-evaluate it, in order to give people faith in the system again. We lack it, and we need to get it back.

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hecate's picture

that, in the olden days, "ballots" were actually long skiens of paper, and ruffians for opposing candidates, they would endeavor to tackle the ballot-bearers, before they reached the counting-house, and snatch the ballots away, then go dump them?

The elections. They have always. Been roiled.

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WaterLily's picture

Bill, I want, to be with you all of the time
All day, and all of the night

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shaharazade's picture

from Shah's Pandora Mersey Beat station and I got the Searchers song 'Don't throw your love away' stuck in my head. I could not go to sleep as I find the Searchers almost as scary as clowns. They sound like demented rodents to me. So Shah had to sing other songs to get the singing rodents out of my brain. This Kinks song did the trick.

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riverlover's picture

And I have always had a soft center for Kinks.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

janis b's picture

You are loopy.

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hecate's picture

will indeed be in heavy rotation, there on The Penile Channel.

This is the song Huma and The Mad Bomber are playing, as their ex-boys pack up, and prepare to leave for their new digs, at Horndogs In The Hamptons.


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janis b's picture

I’ll bet you as a child would never have followed that Coulter apparition into the woods, no matter how much you enjoy clowns or wild women.

That is the most beautiful rendition of send in the clowns. Playing that song before bed can be your assurance she never appears ; )

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janis b's picture

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hecate's picture

Thank you.

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janis b's picture

Wow - It's hauntingly and electrifyingly beautiful!

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hecate's picture

favorite Hicks. He used to cycle through here, every few years. Good fun.

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hecate's picture

ever tried to lure the childhood-me into any woods.

Once, though, when I was wee, a man, he pulled his car over, displayed to me all this candy spread out on the front seat, and invited me to get in with him, to there enjoy the candy.

I said no. I think, maybe, he had the wrong candy.

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janis b's picture

reeses peanut cups, gummi bears or, what were those candies with the hard sugar coating around little oval liquorice bombs?

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hecate's picture

really like any of those candies. I don't think I liked candy much at all, as a child. And it was only fairly late into adulthood, that I developed a chocolate addiction. And that only because a secretary I was flirting with always had a bowl of chocolates on her desk, so I had to eat the chocolates, to continue the flirting.

Maybe if the bad man in the car had tried to lure me with potato chips, I would have been a goner. I think I had a jones for said chips, when wee.

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janis b's picture

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hecate's picture

Yeah. I would have got, in your car. ; )

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janis b's picture

Okay, truth is though that I was imagining what would have lured me!

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janis b's picture

would have also.

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janis b's picture

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hecate's picture

was and is a serious Good & Plenty person. Also, a major fan of the Big Hunk.
The Big Hunk, it will remain in your teeth, for thirteen years.

I like Good & Plenty, in the movie theater. Though it's best to smuggle in your own. Because the theater wants, like, $800 for it.

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janis b's picture

I remember the salt water taffy my parents returned home with from wherever. It was a novelty that I never quite got.

Into NZ cinemas, you don’t have to smuggle your favourite indulgence. Anything goes.

I hope your mom’s teeth are still accomodating her favourite candy.

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hecate's picture

Is there, like, the communism, in New Zealand, that the theaters, they don't get to have the monopoly, on the snack bar?

Here, even if you just try to bring in your own water, they will put you in the Dungeon.

Yes, her teeth are in fine shape. Perhaps the Big Hunks even helped. ; )

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janis b's picture

I guess like communist snack bars might be. But they do have the most delicious ice cream cones, which of course are usually more enticing than anything you could bring to eat. Dairy is Big in NZ.

Maybe that's the secret ... Big Hunks.

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shaharazade's picture

from the candy store in the back cooler were my addiction. No bad man in a car would have enticed me or my mates we all knew they were the monsters your parents told you about. The Grimm's brothers tales they read me at night were enough to make me vigilant against strangers offering goodies in cars or on foot.

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Lily O Lady's picture

be aliens trying to escape the horror which would explain why their home planet may be sending radio signals with Google Universe directions so that they can get the hell out of here.

The recent discovery of a planet near Alpha Centauri is really no surprise as it was the destination of the Space Family Robinson on the '60s TV series Lost in Space.

As to Weiner's weinee, I remember a time when he was the champion of a Medicare for all bill in the House. His speeches in favor of progressive causes were very popular until his little friend said hello. He definitely seems to have a disorder vis-a-vis sexting, but it's a shame because he really seemed to be a voice for the 99%.

And if you dream about Ann Coulter, be sure that it ends with her being eaten by a clown. Since you don't fear clowns, you may wake up laughing.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

hecate's picture

No Coulter dreams! Clowns, though, those are fine.

Weiner, he is not the first person to be brought down, who may have had good in his heart, but also, alas, ants, in his pants.

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Lily O Lady's picture

[video: width:420 height:315]

I suggest bailing before the full 10 minutes, but this may be a good representation of how many ants Anthony has in his pants and on his brain.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

hecate's picture

enough Medicine, to get past the first minute. ; 0

Maybe Weiner, and The Clenis, they could join up, with that outfit.

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shaharazade's picture

they always have. Like pop stars it's one of the reasons they go into there 'profession'. Power lust seems to take all the good right out of there hearts. I don't mind about the zipper problem but they seem to have all gotten out of hand in this era with brazenly spreading their weird sexuality all over the net. Like the ruling class Victorian's or the Romans who were flagrantly decadent and preverse sexually perhaps it a symptom of Empire, power and arrogance. Throw in the Puritan streak in American culture and you get weird and creepy sexual criminal abusiveness that is way beyond just a zipper problem. Just like with the killing they have the power to do it and feel they are exempt form any laws or human rights.

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MarilynW's picture

too much blood flowing to the zipper area not enough flowing to the brain. Politicians need all the brain power they have.
When is this guy going to give up? Even with his little boy beside him. Does he get a thrill from the risks he is taking?

When will he just go away.

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To thine own self be true.

hecate's picture

all that shit, it would just stay in his head. The tubes, lets it all, hang out.

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Lily O Lady's picture

I'm also obliquely reminded of the adventures of the Democrat-eating Alferd Packer. The presiding judge ranted:

Stand up yah voracious man-eatin' sonofabitch and receive yir sintince. When yah came to Hinsdale County, there was siven Dimmycrats. But you, yah et five of 'em, goddam yah. I sintince yah t' be hanged by th' neck ontil yer dead, dead, dead, as a warnin' ag'in reducin' th' Dimmycratic populayshun of this county. Packer, you Republican cannibal, I would sintince ya ta hell but the statutes forbid it.

from wikipedia

There are so few genuine progressive voices in Congress that it's a shame to lose even the very flawed ones.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

hecate's picture

The Hairball, he will command his people. To go out. And actually eat. The Others.

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QMS's picture

then laughter would be sweet

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare