The Evening Blues - 10-13-15
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features blues shouter Big Joe Turner. Enjoy!
Big Joe Turner - Oke-She-Moke-She-Pop
“It is far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has.”-- Hippocrates
News and Opinion
Former U.S. Detainees Sue Psychologists Responsible For CIA Torture Program
The American Civil Liberties Union filed suit on Tuesday morning on behalf of three former U.S. detainees against the psychologists responsible for conceiving and supervising the Central Intelligence Agency’s interrogation program that used systematic torture.
From 2001 to 2010, James Mitchell and John “Bruce” Jessen, along with their employees, netted almost $85 million dollars in contracted fees from the CIA for executing a pseudoscientific plan to extract information from alleged terrorists.
The plaintiffs in the case, Suleiman Abdullah Salim, Mohamed Ahmed Ben Soud, and Gul Rahman, are just three of 119 detainees who were tortured through means developed by Mitchell and Jessen. Rahman died in a CIA black site due to his treatment, and the ACLU is suing on behalf of his estate.
Salim and Soud were never formally charged by the U.S. with a crime and are now free, but are still suffering severe physical and psychological impairments as a result of their treatment in various CIA “black sites.”
The plaintiffs were subject to being waterboarded repeatedly, crammed into tiny coffin-like boxes, stripped naked and then slapped and beaten, and left alone in the dark with nonstop loud music, among other torture techniques.
The plaintiffs argue that Mitchell and Jessen, charged professionally as psychologists with promoting mental health, are guilty of commissioning “torture, cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment; non-consensual human experimentation; and war crimes, all of which violate well-established norms of customary international law.”
The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles
Needling Obama for More Wars
As demonstrated by Steve Kroft of CBS’ “60 Minutes” in his contentious interview with President Barack Obama, a key role for the mainstream news media is to enforce whatever warmongering “group think” dominates Official Washington, such as today’s perceived need to escalate U.S. military involvement in Syria and hit back against Russian President Vladimir Putin. ...
In that way, the mainstream media reflects the views of what some analysts call the “deep state,” i.e., the underlying assumptions of the ruling elite that are profoundly influenced by decades of massive investments in what President Dwight Eisenhower famously termed “the military-industrial complex.” Also shaping the “group think” is the pressure from well-entrenched lobbies, such as those representing Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Thus, on Sunday evening, Kroft castigated Obama on behalf of those interests, badgering the President of the United States to intervene more aggressively in the Syrian conflict in line with the desires of the Saudis and the Israelis who have both adopted an intensely hostile position vis a vis the so-called “Shiite crescent,” the string of Shiite-led governments and political movements from Iran through Iraq to Syria and southern Lebanon.
On “60 Minutes,” there was no debate as to why the United States should jump in on one side of a sectarian conflict between Sunnis and Shiites dating back to the Seventh Century — or whether U.S. national interests ally with either Saudi support for the Wahhabi fundamentalist form of Sunni Islam or Israel’s opportunistic teaming-up with Saudi Arabia. In Kroft’s world, it is just taken as a given that Obama should do what the Saudis and Israelis want.
Syrian al-Qaeda Leader Urges Escalated Attacks on Alawites
In a new audio message released today, al-Qaeda’s Syrian faction leader, Abu Mohamad al-Golani is calling for his forces to escalate attacks against Syria’s Alawite minority, the religious group to which President Bashar al-Assad belongs.
“There is no choice but to escalate the battle and to target Alawite towns and villages in Latakia,” Golani said, calling for “daily” attacks against them, saying the attacks will defeat both the Assad government and their Russian allies, who he called “Christian crusaders.” ...
Al-Qaeda, backed by other Islamist factions, seized materially all of the Idlib Province over the summer, and has since been trying to expand westward toward the Latakia coast, though significant military resistance has largely kept them out of the area.
French Jihadists in Syria Might Have Been Killed by French Government Airstrikes
The United States has killed American citizens abroad who are suspected of fighting alongside terrorists, and last month Britain killed two of its own citizens in drone strikes in Syria. Now it appears that France has probably done the same.
French airstrikes against an Islamic State training camp southwest of the Syrian city of Raqqa could well have eliminated French nationals. Reports suggest that six French fighters were among the dead of the attack, which was carried out overnight on Thursday. A French military source told AFP that he could not confirm these casualties, suggesting that they had been provided by a non-governmental Syrian organization. But he conceded the possibility that French citizens could have died at the camp, which is said to have been involved in the planning of suicide missions. ...
Ever since it announced the launch of its operations in Syria, the French government's official line has been that it is not targeting individual jihadists but rather IS as a whole.
"We are not fighting individuals but a terrorist group made up of [fighters] with different nationalities, under the rules of international humanitarian law," French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in September.
France seems eager to avoid the controversy surrounding extrajudicial executions, the legality and morality of which has been hotly disputed in both the UK and the US.
US Airdropping Weapons to Syrian Rebels, as YPG Is Accused of War Crimes
US forces airdropped small arms ammunition and other supplies to Syrian Arab rebels following the start of Russia's air campaign in the country, it was revealed on Monday — as the release of an Amnesty International report documenting evidence of alleged war crimes by the YPG, a Kurdish militia which is an American ally.
A US source told CNN that 50 tons of ammunition on 112 pallets were dropped to a coalition of rebels groups vetted by the US, known as the Syrian Arab Coalition. The group is fighting alongside the Kurdish YPG as part of a new rebel grouping around 3,200-strong known as the Democratic Forces of Syria.
On Tuesday, Turkey warned the United States and Russia it would not tolerate Kurdish territorial gains by Kurdish militia close to its borders in north-western Syria, two senior officials said. ... Turkey has accused the Kurdish militia of pursuing "demographic change" in northern Syria by forcibly displacing Turkmen and Arab communities. Ankara fears ultimately the creation of an independent Kurdish state occupying contiguous territories currently belonging to Iraq, Syria and Turkey.
Amnesty International on Tuesday accused the YPG, which has seized swathes of northern Syria from IS this year, of committing war crimes by driving out thousands of non-Kurdish civilians and destroying their homes. Its report claims the forced displacement was often retribution for perceived sympathy with IS and other armed groups. ...
The Kurds, who have emerged as the US-led coalition's most capable partner in Syria against Islamic State on the ground, say the allegations are false. They say those who left areas they seized did so to escape fighting and are welcome to return.
Did Turkish Security Forces Know About Deadly Ankara Attack?
Ankara Bombing Sets Turkey Into Uncharted Waters
Since a popular uprising against the Syrian government began in 2011, the Turkish government has been forced to manage a difficult balancing act with regard to its southern neighbor. Prior to the uprising, Turkey had instituted a “zero problems” policy with regard to the other countries in its region, and maintained good relations with the Assad government. Once it began, Turkey initially maintained this posture, even offering to mediate between Bashar al Assad’s regime and the opposition. But after the Syrian military and intelligence agencies began to wage a brutal crackdown on protesters, Turkey’s position shifted, and the country began to support a wide range of militant opposition factions seeking to topple the regime. As part of this policy, Turkey loosened restrictions on its southern border, accepting hundreds of thousands of civilian refugees, but also allowing militant groups and foreign fighters to cross south and join the battle against the Syrian government.
Unfortunately, this strategy failed to achieve Turkey’s goal of toppling Assad and allowing a new government to come to power in Syria. While Turkey and other countries in the region had expected an international coalition to eventually intervene on behalf of the rebels, as NATO had intervened in Libya, such an intervention never materialized. Instead, the Syrian uprising has devolved into a grinding war of attrition, with millions of refugees fleeing the country and terrorist groups establishing themselves in contested areas.
In light of these circumstances, Turkey’s open border policies, as well as its singular focus on toppling Assad at any cost, has now shown itself to be disastrously misguided. Not only is Assad still in power, but some of the same groups that Turkey had once indirectly supported are now apparently conducting attacks against civilians in Turkish territory. As Turkey also confronts the growing authoritarianism of the ruling AKP government and a revived insurgency by the Kurdish independence group PKK, its stability looks increasingly threatened. Furthermore, while there is no evidence that the AKP government had foreknowledge of the bombing, the fact that its leaders had been openly inciting against the HDP in the weeks and months leading up to the attack has fed allegations that they bear responsibility for the bloodshed that has now come to pass.
This November, Turkey will hold another general election, after the June election failed to produce a viable governing coalition. The HDP party may actually end up benefiting from a wave of popular sympathy and outrage over the Ankara bombing; its members were the primary victims of the attack.
NATO Vows Military Support if Turkey Goes to War with Russia
Addressing questions about the possibility of Turkish threats against Russian warplanes escalating into a full-scale war, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stollenberg committed NATO to providing military support in such a conflict, since NATO is there to “help and assist” Turkey. ...
After similar complaints about Syrian planes, NATO sent some additional air defense assets to the Turkish border, though it was clear this was not done at the time with an eye toward starting a new world war against Russia, a fact that may be lost on the Turkish government, which in the run-up to elections is eager to please nationalists with a show of force.
Major Taliban Sweep Continues as Forces Near Key Afghan City of Ghazni
The Taliban’s advantage in their latest offensive against the Afghan military seems to be growing, with the strategically important city of Ghazni in their sights, and clashes reported along the outskirts as Taliban forces approach from multiple directions.
Just two weeks after the Taliban capture the important northern city of Kunduz, the fall of Ghazni, in the southeast, could be a sign of a growing trend, as reports grow of the Taliban having more territory under their control than at any other time during the 14-year US occupation.
Ghazni is a smaller city than Kunduz, but arguably more important, located on the nation’s main highway, connecting the capital city of Kabul to the rest of the nation.
Outsourcing a Refugee Crisis: U.S. Paid Mexico Millions to Target Central Americans Fleeing Violence
After Nearly $20 Million Spent Watching Assange, Scotland Yard Ends 24-Hour Guard Outside Embassy
UK police have withdrawn from their round-the-clock cordon outside of the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has lived under asylum for the past three years. ...
Instead of posting uniformed guards at the embassy, police said they would employ "overt and covert tactics" to nab the Australian journalist. But as Wikileaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson told the BBC, the change in operation will not affect Assange. "They will still arrest Julian if he steps outside the embassy so there is no real change to the situation, other than the removal of uniformed police officers," Hrafnsson said.
In remarks to Sputnik News, he added, "I don’t think I'd call anything a victory unless the siege was called off and Julian is allowed to enjoy the political asylum that he was granted fully in compliance with international law by the Ecuadorian government. So this doesn't make a huge difference in my mind, it's obvious that the Metropolitan police is somewhat reacting to the outrage among the public for spending over £12 million on this ridiculous attempt to arrest him."
Libor interest rate-rigging scandal: British bankers' trial begins in US
Two British bankers will on Tuesday become the first people to stand trial in the US over allegations of Libor interest rate rigging.
Anthony Allen and Anthony Conti, who worked in London for Dutch bank Rabobank, are charged with wire and banking fraud in connection with an alleged global scheme to rig Libor, which underpins $450tn of financial products globally from mortgages to credit card loans.
Their trial will begin in a Manhattan courtroom on Tuesday with jury selection. Both men have pleaded not guilty, and claim that the UK authorities in charge of Libor setting knew that the rate was often set in banks’ self-interests.
The trial comes shortly after British banker Tom Hayes became the first person to be convicted of Libor rate rigging and was sentenced to 14 years in jail [in Britain - js]. ...
Last month US attorney general Loretta Lynch set out new guidelines designed to ensure that more executives, bankers and other businesspeople are held personally accountable for their actions.
It comes after intense criticism that under Obama’s administration very few individuals have been prosecuted for their roles in the 2008 financial crisis or other big corporate scandals.
Credit scores in America perpetuate racial injustice
In response to aggressive marketing by the “big three” multinational credit bureaus – Equifax, Experian and TransUnion – employers, landlords and insurance companies now use credit reports and scores to make decisions that have major bearing on our social and economic opportunities. These days, your credit history can make or break whether you get a job or apartment, or access to decent, affordable insurance and loans.
For decades, banks have systematically redlined black and Latino neighborhoods, refusing to make conventional loans or locate branches in non-white and lower-income areas, notwithstanding laws that obligate banks to meet the credit needs of all communities they serve, consistent with safe and sound banking operations. Thanks to financial services deregulation and the advent of asset-backed securitization, a multi-billion dollar “fringe” financial system has filled the void, characterized by high-cost, destabilizing products and services, from payday loans to check-cashers – which banks typically also own or finance.
People and communities of color have been disproportionately targeted for high-cost, predatory loans, intrinsically risky financial products that predictably lead to higher delinquency and default rates than non-predatory loans. As a consequence, black people and Latinos are more likely than their white counterparts to have damaged credit.
This firmly-entrenched two-tiered financial system has had devastating consequences for entire neighborhoods of color. Starting in the 1990s, financial institutions began flooding historically-redlined neighborhoods with predatory mortgages that ultimately led to the meltdown of the global economy. Waves of foreclosures hammered neighborhoods of color for more than a decade before the crash and black and Latino Americans bore the brunt of the ensuing foreclosure crisis, recession and spiking unemployment. Droves of people turned to high-rate credit cards to cover even basic expenses, contributing to the consumer debt crisis and spawning a bottom-feeding debt-buying industry that purchases old debts on the cheap and then uses the courts to extract judgments disproportionately from people and communities of color. These judgments are then listed in their credit reports, which also brings down their credit scores, in turn limiting a whole range of opportunities.
Campus to Protest Concealed Guns with Unconcealed Dildos
Campus community will protest fact that, starting in August 2016, they will be allowed to carry concealed weapons, but not sex toys, on school grounds
The campus community at the University of Texas at Austin has found a creative way to protest the fact that soon they will be allowed to carry concealed guns—but not sex toys—on school grounds.
On August 24, 2016, soon after the gun law goes into effect, students and alumni will stage a Campus Dildo Carry in which they strap "gigantic swinging dildos to our backpacks in protest of campus [gun] carry." ...
The "campus carry" bill, signed into law by Texas Governor Greg Abbott in June, mandates that, starting in August 2016, public universities will not be allowed to ban guns on campus.
In contrast, "obscene materials" are banned on school grounds, according to UT rules, which cite the Texas penal code. According to event organizers, this means "You would receive a citation for taking a DILDO to class before you would get in trouble for taking a gun to class."
"The State of Texas has decided that it is not at all obnoxious to allow deadly concealed weapons in classrooms, however it DOES have strict rules about free sexual expression, to protect your innocence," the announcement continues.
This is in a state where, until seven years ago, the sale of sex toys was banned.
Presidential candidates must answer uncomfortable questions about Syria
Hillary Clinton and others have called for military action against Assad, a no-fly zone and an escalation of the war. But key questions remain unanswered.
At the Democratic presidential debate on Tuesday night, there will certainly be a question about the increasing chaos in Syria. But before the candidates opine based off questions from pundits inevitably itching for more war in the Middle East, maybe the first question should be: why can’t we have an honest debate about Syria?
Much of the talk over the last few weeks - beyond Russia’s military entrance into the country, already saturated with foreign countries bombing it - has been the US’s failed Syrian rebel training program. ... Steadfastly ignored, however, has been the CIA’s parallel weapons funneling program that has been steadily feeding arms into the country for two or three years (much longer than the Congressional approved program). Unlike the military program, which was only focused on Isis, the CIA program is arming rebels who are attacking the Assad regime directly, while most of the media pretends that the US is refusing to take on Assad at all. ...
The CIA’s foray into Syria is almost always ignored during the Syria debate, despite the fact that it seems to be increasingly dictating facts on the ground (or at least that’s what “anonymous US officials” have been suddenly telling multiple media outlets in the last week). ... In addition to the Washington Post, the Associated Press also reported that the CIA program is alive and well late last week. Funny how all of a sudden anonymous administration officials are so willing to talk about the program no one would mention for months!
While the article focused on the supposed sudden success of the CIA program, they also quoted Syria expert Joshua Landis, who said this: “Probably 60 to 80% of the arms that America shoveled in have gone to al-Qaida and its affiliates.” ...
This brings up several unanswered questions for Clinton or any of the candidates who have called for military action against Assad, and are also now blindly calling for a no-fly zone and an escalation of the already tragic war. Do they think the CIA - or any US agency - should be funneling weapons into Syria without the American public’s knowledge? Are they OK committing 70,000 US military personnel (and untold billions of dollars) to make it happen, like just-retired Joint Chiefs of Staff Jim Dempsey told Congress two years ago would be required? Are they OK basically starting an open war with Assad, given that we’ll need to destroy the Syrian air force to make it happen? And are they willing to engage in direct military combat with Russia - a nation with thousands of nuclear warheads - now that their planes are flying over Syrian skies as well?
An Undemocratic Party? Ahead of First Debate, Criticism Grows over DNC’s Move to Control Process
Hillary Clinton's U-turn on TPP deal has team working overtime ahead of debate
Last week, the treaty was partially leaked to less than enthusiastic reception as the US Congress, which awaits a “legal scrub” of the full document. Clinton, consistently the highest-polling candidate for the Democratic nomination, was among the first to snub the Obama-backed plan.
“I’m worried about currency manipulation not being part of the agreement,” she told PBS. “We’ve lost American jobs to the manipulations that countries, particularly in Asia, have engaged in.” ...
Wall Street, which has been very supportive of Clinton, is worried.
Morgan Stanley, one of the largest investment firms in the US, has lobbied extensively on the TPP as the Center for Responsive Politics noted in May, spending $4m in 2013 and nearly $5m in 2014 on the deal. Tom Nides, Morgan Stanley’s vice chairman, is one of Clinton’s closest advisers.
“It is not desirable for trade agreements to include provisions aimed at so called currency manipulation. This is because monetary policy affects the value of currencies. Attempts to penalize countries for supposedly manipulating exchange rates would thus impose constraints on US monetary policy, to the detriment of all Americans,” some 14 economic advisers wrote in a letter to Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid on 5March 5 of this year.
Morgan’s Laura D’Andrea Tyson, a major Clinton supporter, was among the signatories. Erskine Bowles, another Morgan Stanley board member, served alongside Tyson during former president Bill Clinton’s administration.
Another Clinton adviser, former Goldman Sach’s vice chairman Robert Hormats, is another big supporter of TPP. “On the base of what I’ve seen, it looks like we’re doing quite well [on TPP],” he told Bloomberg TV last week, the day before she rejected it.
Why Build the Green Party? - Jill Stein
Will Sanders challenge Clinton on foreign policy?
On the campaign trail, Sanders offers cogent critiques of the economic power structure while deftly tapping into anger at what he calls “the billionaire class.” But beyond domestic issues and trade policies, his positions don’t really conflict with the interests of corporate profiteers who get rich and richer from military spending, global arms sales and perpetual war. ...
Glimmers of a shift appeared earlier this month when Sanders diverged from Clinton on expanding military intervention in Syria. “I oppose, at this point, a unilateral American no-fly zone in Syria, which could get us more deeply involved in that horrible civil war and lead to a never-ending U.S. entanglement in that region,” he told The Washington Post on Oct. 3.
He made that statement two days after Clinton called for “a no-fly zone and humanitarian corridors to try to stop the carnage on the ground and from the air” in Syria. She is among the many politicians who are inordinately fond of the no-fly zone euphemism for aerial bombing and military intervention. As secretary of state, she championed such a deadly maneuver in Libya four years ago — causing more deaths on the ground and lethal chaos that extends to this day. ...
As a candidate for president, Sanders has begun to make statements on foreign policy that Clinton never would. Those statements amount to high jumps over a low bar of Clinton’s overt militarism.
Yet, with the notable and laudable exception of Sanders’ opposition to NATO expansion (which Russia sees as a close-to-home military threat), there are few significant differences between his positions and Obama’s on foreign policy. Evidently, Sanders isn’t willing to distance himself from administration actions that have propelled the U.S. into its 15th year of continuous war.
Rising numbers of Americans believe climate science, poll shows
Around 70% of Americans believe in the science behind global warming - the highest level of acceptance in the US since 2008 - according to a new survey.
The level of belief has increased seven percentage points in the past six months, the polling by the University of Michigan and Muhlenberg College shows.
The researchers said the significant rise in acceptance is particularly notable among Republicans and evangelical Christian groups.
The swing is largely due to recognition of the role that climate change is playing in changing weather patterns, with respondents citing weather events close to home, according to Prof Barry Rabe, a co-author from the University of Michigan.
The report revealed a “strong recognition of recent weather patterns” with a particular emphasis on severe droughts in the US and warmer local temperatures, he said.
The report reveals strong backing for wind power, energy efficiency measures and natural gas. Support for solar power is the strongest, with 90% approval ratings.
Capitalism is Mother Earth's Cancer
Decrying capitalism as a "threat to life," an estimated 7,000 environmentalists, farmers, and Indigenous activists from 40 countries convened in the Bolivian town of Tiquipaya for this weekend's World People's Conference on Climate Change, aiming to elevate the demands of social movements and developing countries in the lead-up to upcoming United Nations-led climate talks.
"Capitalism is Mother Earth's cancer," Bolivian President Evo Morales told the crowd, which also heard over the course of the three-day conference from United Nations Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon as well as other Latin American leaders.
The people's summit, which concluded Monday afternoon, produced a 12-point declaration (Spanish) that will be presented during the COP21 climate negotiations taking place November 30-December 11 in Paris, France, during which 200 countries will attempt to cement an agreement to curb global warming. The COP21 agenda has been criticized for its sidestepping of issues like the role of capitalism in climate change and for the robust involvement of multinational corporations in the talks.
According to a translation, the Declaración de Tiquipaya calls for, among other things:
- the creation of an international tribunal with "a binding legal capacity to prevent, prosecute and punish states that pollute and cause climate change by action or omission";
- compensation from wealthy countries to developing nations for "climate, social, and ecological debt accumulated over time";
- reclamation of the global commons; and
- wholesale rejection of global capitalist and colonialist systems.
"We demand that the Paris Agreement does address the structural causes of capitalism," the declaration reads. "It does not have to be an agreement that reinforces the capitalist model, through more market mechanisms, allowing volunteer commitments, encouraging the private sector and strengthening patriarchy and neo-colonialism."
Don't Drink the Water in Flint, Michigan
This article is very much worth reading in full:
Why Sale of National Geographic To Fox Signals Perilous Times For Photojournalism
When the news broke that National Geographic was sold to Rupert Murdoch, fans of the magazine gasped.
A magazine known for its photo essays paired with reports often based on scientific research being under the control of an outspoken climate change denier worried them.
As a photojournalist, it is to difficult for me to imagine that the sale of National Geographic to Murdoch won’t contribute to the decline of photojournalism, because it is one of the few publications left whose brand is connected to original, visually-oriented content. ...
Six corporations own 90 per cent of the media companies in the U.S., according to a report by Business Insider. What most Americans read, watch, and listen to is filtered through those corporate interests. And media that isn’t corporate-owned is often corporate-sponsored. National Public Radio, for example, took funding from America’s Natural Gas Alliance, which leads those who oppose fracking to point out how weak NPR’s reporting is on the topic.
“Propaganda by omission is something to watch out for,” Daymon Hartley, former photographer for the Detroit Free Press, told DeSmog. “Now corporations control what you see and what you don’t see. They look through lens of their own ideology and control the message by hiding what it doesn’t want you to see.”
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
The Debate the Democrats Should Be Having on Defense
How CNN Shapes Political Debate
13 vital questions CNN should (but won’t) ask at tonight’s Democratic debate
A Little Night Music
Big Joe Turner - Flip Flop and Fly
Big Joe Turner - SK Blues
Big Joe Turner - If you remember
Big Joe Turner - Shake, Rattle & Roll
Big Joe Turner - Feelin' Happy
Big Joe Turner - Honey Hush
Big Joe Turner - Juke Joint Blues
Big Joe Turner - Boogie Woogie Country Girl
Big Joe Turner - I Hear You Knockin'
Big Joe Turner - Crawdad Hole
Big Joe Turner + Elmore James - TV Mama
Big Joe Turner - Married Woman
Big Joe Turner - Low Down Dog
Big Joe Turner - Bump Miss Susie
Big Joe Turner + Pete Johnson - Roll 'Em Pete
Big Joe Turner - Corrine Corrina
Big Joe Turner - Piney Brown Blues
The Trumpet Kings Meet Joe Turner - TV Momma
Big Joe Turner - Rock the Joint Boogie
Joe Turner - Jumpin' At The Jubilee
Big Joe Turner Full 1965 UK Show

Did you get that email or link to a postcard
we are supposed to send to Sanders to wish him luck for the debate? I did and I filled out the comment section as well. I hope some campaign wiz kid had to read it. All about being clearer, more forceful in presenting his foreign policy ideas. I don't want wishy-washy weaseling around when it comes to the MIC, to being anti-war, to being very critical with the hawks among the Democrats. He should be clear up front and totally himself confronting all those "professional weasel word Democrats".
So, now I am supposed to go to a debate watch party. I really have no appetite for it. But I will do my civic duty and join my neighborhood folks to watch it. They are sure all Democrats, FDR Democrats, engaged and all and mostly very old. I will see.
Have a a great "Debate
DiscussionFahr Vergnuegen".
evening mimi...
have fun at your debate watching party. i'm going to see if i can find cnn's livestream (i don't have or want cable teevee) so i can watch it.
Good for you mimi
I'm all for grassroot neighborhood meet ups of any sort. have a good time and root for Bernie. I may grouse, piss and moan about his 'foreign policy' but I really hope he wins as the movement he has engendered is sincere and a heartening push back on the anti-democratic, corrupt, sold out Democratic political machine. The Clinton's personify everything I want gone from the Democratic party. I hope she is totally unbelievable and lets her true colors fly. I can't watch it as I'm that upset with this farce of an election. Hope you let us know how your debate party went. My lefty neighborhood once very active politically has been eerily silent and dark politically both local and national since 2010. Although one neighbor a former Clinton supporter who didn't speak to me for a year cause I was an active Obama volunteer in the 2007 primary now sports a Bernie sign in his front yard. I think ordinary people of good spirit have had enough and are collectively holding their breath and hoping Bernie can kick the inevitable ones butt.
Good Evening, Joe,
thanks for the EB. Your selection is much to my liking...
Will you discuss here the debate? Just thinking about the CNN moderators makes me already wanting to turn around and not watch it. heh.
good night.
as long as my bandwidth holds up...
i'll be happy to chat about the debate.
Good evening Bluesters ...
Can I get a little help here ?
What's the easiest way to do links and blockquotes at this site ? The last time I tried to do a link here, I used that little thingie in the tool bar above the comment box. The link worked but it didn't turn blue.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Evening AZ...
try the link icon again, it works quite well, you can also post links with good old HTML just like DKos or anywhere else on the net.
The easiest way to blockquote is to highlight the text you want to blockquote with your mouse cursor and then click the blockquote icon in the toolbar, it's the one with the quotes ("), the highlighted text will automatically be wrapped with the blockquote tags.
How goes it out in desert land?
oh, that is the icon for the blockquote... thanks
I missed that too. What does the code icon do?
We're doin' pretty well.
The weather finally cooled off enough to where you can go outside, it's damn beautiful. We're getting ready to watch the big debate. Don't you guys even read the GOS anymore ? Seems like e l is the only one I ever see in my tip jar these days. Here's my report on the Bernie event in Tucson last Friday. You'll note that former Bluester cosmic debris has come off her hiatus to feel the Bern. Here's a pretty good piece on Bernie
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
See, no links.
What's the difference between Link Title and Link Text ?
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
See my comment right below this...
put the link in the "Link URL" box and the text in the "Link text" box. If you click the preview button you'll see the HTML code. It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it.
For links
I just highlight and copy the URL and paste it directly into the body of my comment here. Seems to work fine.
Seems like your links...
didn't work again. Just copy the link url into the "Link URL" box and then type or paste the text into the "Link text" box and you're good to go. You're probably missing the "Link text" part.
I've been working my butt off lately and haven't been posting much anywhere, especially DKos. Since Joe moved here and we don't do the Weekend Edition anymore I hardly even make it over there any longer, don't miss it much to be honest.
OK, I'll try again.
I recommend Bernie Does Baja
and this on Bernie from The New Yorker
God, she pisses me off.
P.S. - My problem was trying to add target=blank so the links would open in a new tab. Back to beer and cursing. Have a nice night.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
i'm rarely over at the gos...
and probably won't be much until after the elections. i've posted a couple of things over there since i moved the eb, and when somebody here points out a worthy diary over there, i sometimes pop in to read and rec. but right now, i'm livin' here and likin' it.
...may be you forgot to put a text portion between
the end of the a href= ....tag > and the beginning of the end tag of the href thingy did you put a text here?
it turns blue and works for me for the link.
For blockquotes you have to type the tags for the blockquote yourself.
evening azazello...
use the funky purple icon for links and the quotation mark icon for blockquotes. it seems to work ok for me at least. if it doesn't work, then jtc is gonna buy you a mockingbird...
I find it easier
here to link, blockquote, embed or use any function of getting outside content into my comments or posts. Easy and direct is the mode at caucus99. Haven't figured out yet how to do pictures but since my computer died and I got a new one I do not have a flicker account. Need to resign up so I can embed art and photos. I'm sure the JtC has made that easy as the link embed functions are. User friendly is what this site is all about.
CNN barricades Dem Debate...
...Whoa! According to my TV schedule, the Democratic debate will be available on ONE, and only ONE, TV channel, and that is the cable channel CNN. Too bad for those poorer folks who can't afford, or won't pay, the exorbitant cable rates.
But excuse me, CNN is also offering it live streamed for FREE on it's web site, which means you need enough money for a computer, or access thereto. And even then I had to spend an inordinate amount of time clawing through google absurdities, answering survey promo reading / and/or / answering questions about how many pizzas I eat per week, ad infinitum absurdum!
Of course it's the poor folks who can't afford cable or computers who most need to hear Bernie, or anybody but Hillary. The powers that be have planned carefully to eliminate all possibility of Democracy from happening in the USA!
OMG: We either take this country back NOW, as Chris Hedges recommends, or we content ourselves with eating ice cream for the rest of our days and never having any say about anything, including what flavor!
Rant temporarily and briefly off, while I regroup.
Down with Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
evening syd...
heh, you sound like a more polite version of ms. shikspack when she found out that the debates aren't available to regular folks on free teevee. i think that i've got the livestream as long as my bandwidth holds up.
on the way to taking back the country, we need to take back the election process so that it can't be dominated by corporate parties and corporate media.
But polite. You have heard me a tad ago!
as the Democratic political machine just wants people to crown Hillary with no contender who just might offer some damn democracy. Be afraid is all you need to know. Step out of line and get all liberal or populist and you'll end up with a raving theocratic lunatic as pres. Or maybe the reality show, real estate, developer hairball? At least he will fire a lot of people and generally cause global and national mayhem. I think not as the powers that be would not tolerate a loose cannon like Trump. But then again I thought the same thing about Bush2. I have a hard time dealing with any of this farce of democracy and an electoral system run amok. I am rooting for Bernie even though I have no idea what a Bernie presidency would entail. Chaos at this point sounds like a good alternative to the rigged kabuki show were offered.
evening shaz...
we've had years of idiocy and externalized chaos with occasional blowback at home. sooner or later it is going to have to get sorted out. even in the best case scenario (as it appears now) with bernie getting elected (a long shot for sure) it seems that the externalized chaos (continuing campaigns of destabilization in the middle east and now a potential war with russia) is not going away. the only question is how assiduously the next president will pursue imperialism and building (as pepe escobar calls it) the empire of chaos.
Evening Syd...
debate here, sans CNN hassle.
TY ...JtC! n/t
Evening Joe and BluesFolk...
tonight's Democratic debate live stream here. And you don't have to fuss with CNN.
evening jtc...
thanks for the link! i hate cnn and their awful website.
You am...
most welcome, sir.
Here's another link in case it goes down
Pirate TV stream. The event starts in just minutes!
[video: width:420 height:236]
Thanks Crider...
always wise to back up the back up!
evening crider...
Thanks! TY n/t
If they do a phone in poll after debate... sure to call in and vote. Remember Denis Kucinich won the first ABC debate in 2007 with more than twice the votes of Hillary and Obama. ABC's reaction! ABC did not invite Kucinich to the next debate claiming he did not have adequate funds to be viable!!!~~~!!!
bernie sanders "the surprise threat"
cnn is really sinking low to sell this crap. the intro sounds like a football game rather than a political debate.
when Hillary is speaking, I'm keeping an eye out for orange pom poms in the audience.
Did I just see...
Knucklehead in the audience?
Didn't take Hillary...
long to start triangulating, or is that strangulating?
same old song and dance...
from the hit parade of platitudes.
I'm watching and listening
despite my vow to ignore this puut up job. So I finally figured via CNN how to watch this farce of a debate. Bernie included my response is 'fuck you' to all involved including Bernie. What a joke from Webb to Bernie. Iraq was what 13 years ago and these so called leaders are still rehashing the fucking cold war. Lordy this is just nuts. Oh fuck you Hillary fuck you Bernie and fuck all this war bs.
Bejeesus what a horror show disguised a election. Variations on the theme of killing and destruction for what. Commander in Chief, violence, domestic and global and no one from either party including Bernie offering any deviation from the who's the toughest biggest killer . Chafee seems to be the only sane person on this stage of these clowns Democratic and the supposed Indie. Oh Bernie so sorry you suck. Shake the hand of the psycho Hillary as you both agree on the endless bloody imperialistic so called foreign policy. What a farce Bernie. A democrat in the WH yeah that's the ticket.
Now they are on to the fake out of regulation. Lol, Dodd Frank. Bernie's only redeeming grace is the economy. Yeah Bernie shake Hillary's hand she's changed her position and this whole so called debate is totally useless. Big Al is right it's time to take these fuckers out. I really do not like Anderson Cooper another purveyor of what passes for journalism. So Bernie you suck. You may talk the socialist democratic line but you are just another DC asshole who parrots and equivocates the status quo ad nauseum.
That is enough I cannot handle this shit. They all suck. I read the news I am not low information. I know what we as a nation does here and in the world at large and this debate made me sick. Forget about supporting any of these fuckers including Sanders. None of this bs. has anything to do with the reality we are living in. So there you go my live blog of this farce. Fuck them all including Bernie. I reject the whole fucking mess that they present as reality or 'the world as we find it. Chafee seems like the sanest person up there maybe I'll vote for him. Maybe He seems the sanest person on this stage of slightly better then the R's lunatics. Bernie is full of shit as you cannot have a revolution by shaking hands with teh queen of the oligarchs. Be it here or in the wold as we find it.
My live blog of this pathetic debate. live and how I heard it. None of these people should have power they all suck.
[Insert Deity here] help us all.
thank you
for validating my not even live-streaming
The Show. I am so beyond this
American-style fake "democracy" sh*t.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I didn't watch
I knew it would piss me off and not change my mind about anything. Hillary is such a liar. Queen of Goldman Sachs. TPP, climate change -it has to be addressed. Bernie or bust. I may yet vote for Trump just to blow it all the fuck up. The least we can do is take them down with us.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
heh, don't do that...
blow it all up, I mean.
Bernie was weak on gun control. The whole excuse of being from a rural state isn't really doing anything good. Hunting rifles can be controlled for those who have a right to hunt. To me that's just not a reason to defend the rights to have hand guns, but that's just me. I usually don't even listen to those gun discussions, because to me it sounds like lunatics are discussion their favorite cake they like to eat or some such.
I saw MB's diary about Coopers 'honeymoon in Russia" question. I was amused that this got so many people upset. I mean I got so used to Americans constantly bashing anything Russian, that I overheard the question, because it's a matter of habit in the MSM for doing such shite. It's that ridiculous. But I really respected it that MB took care of correcting the whole thing and put Cooper on the spot for negligence and bad intentions to bash Sanders as "commie". I wonder when people get over the cold war mentality.
As for Hillary, I believe a couple of questions she got upfront, because she was so fast in her response that not even a fraction of a second she could have thought about the answer. So, it sounded very forceful, but fishy to me.
Heh dkmich, if you vote for Trump, I never talk to you again here.
(arggh, may be that's just what you would like to happen ...
Hillary's email server had open ports
Port scanning is ubiquitous...
on the internet. Check your firewall logs sometime to see what I'm talking about, it is constant. If there was exploitable ports open on that server, they were compromised.
Didn't she have a reliable system administrator for her servers?
That sounds all too horrible. And amateurish. Why did she run a Microsoft based server? At least she could have used a Unix based one and get a serious sys adm to set up the server properly. Amazing.
Do you think someone gave...
...the questions to HRC ahead of time? If so, who, and for how much?
She certainly looked confident and contained, like she knew what was coming. And DWS was right there in the front row!
It sure seemed like it...
even the questions that were antagonistic to her positions gave her a platform to flip flop like a flounder. Politics is like professional wrestling, it's all choreographed.
what I got from that debate: Hey, Big Al was right!
Hillary Clinton pretended to not know how whistleblowers are treated. Bernie is better but still one of "them". So maybe he's not better, after all.
I was thinking of switching my registration back to Democratic so I could vote for Bernie as a protest against Hillary. Now I think it might be a waste of time. The greatest threat to U.S. security? They all whiffed. It's U.S. military killing that puts us at risk.
If you asked a German (hi Mimi!) in the 1930s what was the greatest threat to German security he or she might have said "Poland" or "the Soviet Union" or "France" or "Jews" but by the middle of the 40s it was clear that the greatest threat was German militarism. So too, here in the U.S.
Evening Merseybeat - doing Joe Turner
Here's Kingsize Taylor and the Dominoes. Ted Taylor is actually a guy I talk with on occasion on Facebook which is pretty cool.
Here's his group doing Lipstick, Powder and Paint
back from my local "debate watching meet-up" ... late
May be 30 people in all, somewhat reluctant and more watching their phones and tablets than the TV. There was little discussion at all. Two Afro-American women (mother and daughter) were clearly Bernie supporters. Two women were Hillary supporters, one was undecided, all the men were mute.
So, what I like to know is, what was the worst answer Sanders gave, what was his best answer. The same for Hillary Clinton.
I have seen O'Malley in a debate situation for the first time and thought he hold up pretty good. Definitely a smart weasely candidate, but pretty smart. Can't stand when people start talking about their family background, lovely wives and daughters etc. Had never seen Chafee before and just was wondering ... what made him think he could convince the audience. Webb was horrible. So, that leaves Bernie and Hillary.
Imo Hillary's worst answer to me was that it is a big change if a woman becomes president. I thought that was cheap. Women in the audience of the debate watchers started laughing mockingly. She is a strong debater, very fast and quick to answer, but well, to me she isn't convincing and I don't believe in anything. There were women, who clearly didn't believe in Clinton anymore.
Bernie was too weak with his answers to the ME and nobody was even slightly questioning NATOs role. He definitely needs to distinguish himself and distance himself from the drone wars and all war activities. It was not enough to say he doesn't want boots on the ground in Syria. He could have said to bring all troops home, reduce troop levels and bases overseas, and clearly distance himself from Obama's continued Bush policies. He could have been more courageous and say Snowden is a hero. Why not. I was amazed how chicken littles all other candidates were when it comes to the issue of surveillance. Sanders could have be more clear in including the media as corporate entites, who are enablers of undemocratic campaign procedures and misleading information manipulations. He just did it one time and almost as a byline in a trailing voice at the end of a longer sentence. Not enough.
He could have used more often the words oligarchy and more often make clear what it means that corporations control all aspects of the political and even social life in the United States.
Bernie has to learn to attack more clearly current Obama policies and with it Hillary's. Can't get around it. All in all, I am not that hopeful. O'Malley's final statements tried to give the audience a little vision and hope. Not bad, but I guess that's way too late and way too little.
The "damn email" line was really nice to watch and hear, just unfortunately too much is hidden in all "the damn emails", not only Hillary's. Nobody talked enough about surveillance, destruction of email as methods of cover-ups etc.
Kinda tired. Good Night. Somehow those debates ... won't change anything. So, now what?
is wrong with Jim Webb's head. It looks like it was squeezed in a vise.
Martin O'Malley is stuck in Groundhog Day. He even has Punxsutawney Phil's teeth.
I would feel a lot better about Bernie Sanders if he had a birthmark of Florida on his head, like Gorbachev.
Lincoln Chafee is what Bill Maher will look like in 30 years.
There is not enough heroin in this country to enable me to either view or listen to the Clinton II robot.
Hello joe, bluesters!
Funny, glad he did this.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Saw where Jill Stein will be on Democracy Now! to
talk about what was left out of debate etc.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.