Raising Funds From Everyone

Funding c99 Image 25 percent.jpg
I'm a poor man, writing about fundraising. Because we are advocating that all of us make a minimum commitment of $24/year, and because our team is well aware that some members need some form of team help in earning and/or transmitting that amount, we're more likely to be believed if the stuff I tell you we're prepared to do is presented by a poor man. That is what my being poor has to do with our fundraising thoughts, plans and policies as a fundraising team.
So we'll authenticate my life-long poverty briefly, and then talk about fundraising. I was born into and raised in poverty. Life-long poverty is the tiny price someone like me pays, to be all I can and need to be, so I've been poor my entire life. It has honestly never been any real price for me because I don't approve of capitalism or any other form of dividing a culture by financial class. That's a story for another essay, though. For here and now, I only want all the members to know that a poor man thought our proposals feasible, and that you keep remembering it as you read them. --And yes, I'm still poor as a retired/disabled person. In 2002 my three checks totaled $879/month. In 2016 they total $874/month.
We're proposing a $2/month commitment because that would allow us to reasonably hope to meet JtC's necessary monthly floor. It is also a commitment every blog member can make. We are prepared as a team and as fellow blog members to assist every member to earn that amount him or herself. We'll broaden our team as needed, to help individual members reach that goal.
What every member gets with a commitment to recurring funds is an equality of shared ownership in maintaining this space. Maintaining a people's blog by the pledged finances of the people who use it is revolutionary. It is enormously self-empowering. It is also achievable.
From the start, the $2/m pledge, whether paid-up-front or as a regular monthly donation is both our goal and our benchmark of achievement in both enfranchisement and finance. We are going to count a lump-sum payment as a paid-up-front $2/month subscription commitment if the sender has so indicated.
Please donate, by going to the gold button in the upper right hand corner of this page. You can also send in your donation by USPS-click the "Donation Info" link at the bottom of the donate section, and by POP Money -click this link for how. Then, write a comment and tell us what you contributed, and how you want it to be regarded. --but only if you wish to write a comment or list an amount in it.

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mimi's picture

I like your essay a lot and though I am not that poor, I have some feeling for the hardship of people who are. In a way I am also haunted by the kind of poverty, described in your book link.

I like your $2.00/month commitment and make a donation of $24.00, which can cover those, who can't afford to come up with that amount for the whole year. However that is taken care of, I don't know. But I like to help.

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davidincleveland's picture

$5. With that caveat about how your gift will actually be applied, we thank you and accept. We won't accept gifts that are predicated in any way as gifts of the $2 minimum. We will cheerfully accept gift subs of any other sort but we also won't accept gift subscriptions targeted at individual users. We cannot give self empowerment as a gift. We can show users ways they can earn and pay their own $24/year

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Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

mimi's picture

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Wink's picture

$2 a month. I got blasted for that comment a week or two ago in another thread, but if you're getting on the internet for $25 or $35 (or $65 in my case - damn you, TWC!) a month, you can afford the $2 a month. Just give up the Starbucks or Drunken Donuts once a month. Done.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

davidincleveland's picture

assist members who can't afford even their own internet service provider to earn that $2. How are those of your fellow members who can't afford twc or anyone else logging on to here? They go to their public library. How come you're just finding this out? Well people in that sort of financial straits are unlikely to share their little strategies and make-dos with someone who has declared a priori what you did in this comment. Though I'm sure you're a good person (or I wouldn't waste both our time explaining this) the average poor member of this blog can't have any security in the idea that you know poor people are real in the first place. Not from this comment you made, anyhow.

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Wink's picture

World. A paycheck away from the street. Not exactly living large. And, I'm Not that nice a person. And, working where I work I Know there are people even worse off than me. As in way. I suspect some on here are living on $600 S.S. checks, one or two others here are living on the street, making the trek to the local library to log on using a crappy 5 year old windows p.o.c. God bless them! And, yes, their voices are every bit as valid as anyone else! But, most all of us playing on the 'Net - maybe 99% - have $2 at the end of the month. And, sure, ones living on $600 S.S. checks would rather spend it on a quart of milk or loaf of bread. Got it. So don't kick in the $2! I'd rather you ate something instead. The rest of ya's are not off the hook. If I can afford it on my $24 Large a year...

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

davidincleveland's picture

right SS check size to mention too. Mine is $615 (I get two others as well) per month. But Wink, we can come up with ways that enable the public library-using member here to come up with the $24. Meanwhile, you're beautifully correct, the rest of us are not off the hook. We don't even want to be. Not when we know that every recurring donation of more than $2.01/month, combined with every gift subscription donation, and all one-time donations (unless marked as paid-up-front $2/m) will combine to always have us substantially above our threshold $4K/month income.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

how some of us live. It has now been 11 days since my bank balance hit the 23 cent level, and that's where it's still at. A week late on buying one of my meds (8 mini strokes, 2 major strokes, and always high blood pressure that freaks the doctor's out) BUT I did manage to keep my Ponzi Scheme life style going by borrowing $50 of the $140 I was supposed to pay back 24 days ago to cover money I borrowed to keep my fucking electricity on. I have a phone, my daughter pays for itIt's an Iphone. I feel so guilty. I have internet. I have to have internet. It's my ONLY luxury. That's how I apply for all the damn jobs that I never get probably never will because I'm 66 years old. OH. and after my rent and the other automatic deductions and student loan payment (there was a waste of time and money)I have $200 to live on for the month. And yesterday M.U.D. (Metropolitan Utilities District, Omaha NE 402-504-7789 Leslie - a very nice lady) told me the cost of the curbside water main valve, which is MY responsibility to pay to fix, will cost a "maximum" of $1,500 if I use a particular plumber that they recommend. Of course any one I find on my own to fix it must first be approved, the work must be inspected and okayed, and then I get to sit here worrying myself sick day and night trying to figure out how to pull all this off and pay for it.

The average food budget for a lot of people like me is around $3 to $4 a day. THAT'S WHY WE OLD CROAKS AND CROAKETTES NEED JOBS. If we want meds, can't have food. If we want meds and food, can't have heat or electricity. And if you don't have internet, how would we receive those lovely "we wish you luck in your job search" emails we get? That is, if the person you interviewed with bothers to reply at all.

BTW, haven't been to Starbucks or Dunken Doughnuts for a long time. Can't remember when I was last there. I go no where that I'm not taken by someone else. Which means I prefer to stay home. And if you want, you can look a couple posts back of mine and see that I was typing on my phone because my internet was shut off. I just got the money to get it turned back on today. And then I see this shit. How lovely.

P.S. - Don't think I need pity or am trying for any. I'm not. I have what I need for today, my internet is back on, I have a week to have the water valve fixed (Leslie is really trying to help me). I found one of my old Ross Macdonald books that I haven't read for years (The Doomsters, The Zebra-Striped Hearse, and The Instant Enemy) so I have that to look forward to. And I hope you've learned something. Because $2 can be a lot of money when you have none, Toots. It can even be a meal if you're not too particular.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

katchen's picture

you do not have to pay anything. I don't care what anyone on the fundraising team thinks, or JtC, or anyone at all. But you don't have to pay anything.

You. Do. Not. Have. To. Pay. Anything.

Yes, the blog needs funds, but enough is enough.

And your willingness to pay, despite your circumstances, is more than enough.

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CS in AZ's picture

anyone's behalf, from what I've seen JtC has never asked or expected that people in dire circumstances in any way feel pressured or obligated to donate, in fact he has seemed to me very opposed to that.

I understand that David wants everyone to feel empowered by the idea that they can contribute, but my view is that no one should feel obligated to do so, and anyone sacrificing meals or medications already should definitely put their health and well being first.

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katchen's picture

you said that far more reasonably than I. But I was getting a little hot under the collar there for a bit--even though that doesn't happen easily. As a member of the fundraising team (along w/ you) I don't endorse even the appearance of pressure on those who are hard-pressed enough. And of course I didn't mean to imply that JtC does either.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

Trust me, finding $5 is a hell of a lot easier than med money. No one makes me fell like I HAVE to pay anything. I AM THE ONE who feels that way. I just get mad when some people try to 'lay a guilt trip' (that tells you how old I am) on others when they don't have a clue about their life or their circumstances.

Plus, I'm getting really good at this stuff. If I was younger I bet I would have made Madoff look like a piker. Or maybe not. Maybe only I'd know because I would hope I wouldn't have been caught.

EDIT: Spelling

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

katchen's picture

And your donation is very generous, Amanda.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

CS in AZ's picture

writers who develop excellent content actually deserve to be paid for their work.

I buy books. I love the fact that writers can now self-publish ebooks, and if a find an indy author who does excellent work (and makes sure to have quality editing done), if I love one of their books and want to share it with a friend, I buy another copy for them instead of loaning mine. I oppose pirating and distributing free copies. Because I know that good writing involves very hard work, and I believe that excellent authors deserve to earn a living doing their craft.

I'm also aware that a lot of us like to write for fun, just to communicate, to share our thoughts, make connections, etc. and this site provides a platform that allows for that. And yes the basis of the fundraising effort is to make sure we can keep it going. Part of how that can work is to make sure c99p is a great site with excellent content and stuff worth reading, so we continue to attract more members and more people supporting it.

Again I want to emphasize that what I'm saying here is my personal opinion - it's not any kind of official position of the site or the fundraising team. But my view is that money is not the only kind of contribution that has value.

Amanda, you write excellent articles for this site. Your work here is one of the things that makes this site a valuable place to hang out. I personally feel that giving your work *is* a contribution. If you want to give money too, great! But I'm having trouble with the idea that people who contribute excellent content would feel they should pay to do so -- when ideally it would be the other way around.

No, c99p cannot pay writers for their work here, but I hope we can at least recognize that they are giving something of value. Again, my opinion only. I volunteered to assist the fundraising team, if and when there's something useful I can do, and it's possible I may get disinvited from it for this apparently contrary point of view. I've been stewing on this since last evening. But I've realized I feel pretty strongly about it, and I want you to know that I think your writing here is a contribution that has real value, and I hope you will to.

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katchen's picture

Keeping c99p vibrant and interesting by writing essays (or even comments) is in itself a contribution. And, because that's likely to attract new members, it also contributes to the blog's financial health.

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davidincleveland's picture

Caucus 99%. That is one of the reasons why we would never insult her worth by suggesting they were cheap enough to be good for/as a quid pro quo. I could have written your second paragraph myself except the parenthesis, wise and useful, was one that wouldn't have occurred to me.
We can get artists like Amanda Matthews (and me and a lot of the other artists on this blog) paid for their work. However, the various things we can do are either reduced in number & possibilities, negated or negatively influenced by even one written sentence from us that the blog or its fundraising team accepted or awarded fundraising 'credit' to her writing.
One of the things I pointed out in one of our discussions was that, as a fundraising team, we were in a good position to set up a forum specifically to promote and aid writers to hook up with publishing possibilities. That sub-forum's goal would be to do just that, on an ongoing basis. Naturally we would never dream of handicapping that sub-forum by trumpeting (or even whispering, because money always talks) that we'd just used her work and put a money value on it. Pennies on the dollar.
CS I'm not the least bit surprised you missed this discussion; you've been quite busy and still you've been there with the rest of us whenever you could be. Ordinarily, I'd have made sure you were up-to-date, but you know what my hours have been like as we've set up, and I missed doing that.
When I was 48, having decided to go back to college and become a paralegal, I was called to jury duty, in federal court. The other eleven jurors and two alternates were all agreed to by both sides easily enough, just as we all had been agreed to in my earlier experience as a juror. The two counsel side-barred with the judge over the issue of having me on the jury. The judge called me forward to his side bar so opposing counsel could question me. I already knew what the issue was, because I knew that generically neither side at trial wants a lawyer or law school student on the jury.
It would take an essay to explain why I left the jury box determined to return as an accepted juror. I did. I knew most of my fellow jurors had heard both counsel. Since neither side needed discretion from the already-picked non-law jurors on the issue and the court was otherwise empty, counsel hadn't whispered. The jurors hadn't heard my answers and they also couldn't hear the judge; we had both whispered. We were off to the jury room and I smugly leaped for the bathroom door, congratulating myself on being fortunate enough to snag it. I came out of the jury room john to discover I'd been elected Foreman.
CS thank you so much. On behalf of our fundraising team I am happily asking you to head up and develop the above-mentioned sub-forum of the team. You'd have had the task three days ago if I had realized we already had a 'you' on this issue already in place.

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CS in AZ's picture

I am very busy, as I work full time and have other responsibilities outside of work that require a lot of my time and attention, including right now helping out a friend who is undergoing cancer treatment, and trying to find foster homes for his pets, possibly to become permanent homes depending on an unknown future. My nerves are a bit frayed, and my ability to be here is sporadic. I honestly do not have time or the energy to commit to what you request in heading a subforum like that. I think you've misunderstood what I was trying to say, but as I said repeatedly I'm only giving my opinion, not speaking on behalf of the fundraising group. If that's a problem then it's probably best I'm not on the team, to avoid confusion. My interest in seeing the site succeed remains strong and my own goals will be to find ways to increase my monthly donation as much and as soon as I can. Thanks for understanding and for all the work you're doing.

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davidincleveland's picture

You believe writers should get paid for their work. I agree.
You believe we should specifically be part of that process. We will be.
You have a strongly held belief that we can thank writers like Amanda Matthews for the achievement of adding outsize value to the blog with something beside words. I disagree with that assessment both on behalf of myself and every other writer who happens to feel that way, and on behalf of JtC's creation because the gesture divides by financial class and by perceived talent class.
We only have a problem with you being on the team if you persist in believing that we can't afford or wouldn't welcome you because you disagree, publicly or privately.
I know what I'm asking you to take on is a job you don't really have time for. The only justification for my asking you to take up any part of it is that you're not only the right person for it, you're the logical one available at all, to at least provide oversight/direction to the working group in that sub-forum. Your being busy would urge you to get your sub-forum working team self-sufficient as soon as possible (a plus) and your passion and vision would have you easily get your sub-forum group focused in the right direction with only minimum ongoing effort on your part, but I have a more compelling argument to offer, in private.

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CS in AZ's picture

I do think that good writers (and editors) do valuable work. I do not believe that the fundraising team should be part of the process of having writers be paid for their work here (unless someone - other than me - wants to focus on that). At least for the immediate future, I believe that the fundraising team should be focused on raising the funds needed to keep the site in JtC's excellent hands. At least, that is what *I* want to focus on.

My point was that - in my opinion - writing and contributing excellent content, as Amanda does and many others do, is an extremely valuable contribution to the site. It is worth far, far more than $2, or even $200, per month. Saying it's not good enough and they still need to also give money, no matter their circumstances, does not sit well with me. I do expect I will persist in the view.

I don't think someone like that, who is already contributing such WORK for the site, "should" also be or feel obligated to donate money, in addition to their work - especially if it is money that they cannot afford. Far from "devaluing" her writing, my point was exactly the opposite. I hope that makes my position more clear.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

I should contribute. I'm always on here. And I'm a pushy person. And I like to have my say. I think that people that don't vote should just keep their mouths shut. And I think that I should pay to be able to put my 2¢ in here and that comes at a small cost. Plus I'm getting better at juggling this shit around. And anyway, as soon as I get past the first time, I'll have it set up automatically and I'll never miss it. But me and MUD are really going to have to come to some kind of understanding because there is NO WAY I'll be able to weasel $1500 (maximum they say) out of anyone.

I'd be willing to bet that there are some here in my boat. I wouldn't be surprised if some people were in even bigger holes than I am. Because I will always have a roof over my head. That's taken out of my SS first thing. Some don't even have that. Which means they don't have a place to sleep, fix meals, bathe, or (importantly!) clean their clothing. I do have the house, and the utility bills may be iffy, but I've gotten by so far. And I have a place to eat, sleep, and keep clean. That is way way more than so many have. I was told by my old boss at the ACLU that there are at least around 2,000 homeless people, many of them kids, on the streets of Omaha on any given night in any given season. I'm not one of them, thank God.

Although for anyone interested, that $5 will buy a multi-pack of Ramen noodles and a squash. I prefer acorn.(Actually that's a lunch AND dinner there if you eat like me.) Except for all the salt in those noodles, it's an okay meal. It reminds me of when I was young and starting out and eating a lunch meat sandwich and a can of Franco-American canned spaghetti. most nights, Hated Chef Boy-ar-Dee or whatever is was called, but ate Franco-American happily. And if they still made the stuff, I'd probably still be eating it.

And finally, you are such a sweet person. Maybe my $5 could be a donation of $3 for me and $2 for someone else. But that's undoubtedly more bookkeeping work that it's worth. Whatever. I'll always remember how sweet you are.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Wink's picture

are the exception. Most anybody that lives in the U.S. of A. today has an extry $2 at the end of the month. Hell, I rarely have much more than that myself, but I got the $2. The crime is that no one should have to live on $600 a month. S.S. checks should be a minimum of $1,000. Not that a thousand dollars a month is any great shakes, but it might keep the wolf off the door, and maybe add a can of tuna to the mac & cheese. S.S. tells me I will be getting about $1,400 a month in "benefit" checks. Hardly living large, but still enough to kick $2 in the can here. That you're living on so little is criminal. Criminal. But, hey, once Hillary gets elected all our S.S. troubles will be over, happy days here again!

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Lady Libertine's picture

Im sure you're heart is in the right place but this shit:

you can afford the $2 a month. Just give up the Starbucks or Drunken Donuts once a month. Done

jeezuz. no wonder you're getting blasted. Just give it a rest. Starbucks? really??

Poor-shaming people is not helpful.

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riverlover's picture

for most of us, not poor-shaming at all. And DD, many years for me.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

jwa13's picture

in past, I have contributed in single donations, as payment checks came in from here & there (I am an "independent contractor" -- part of the "gig economy"). I plan to take a hard look at my finances projected over the next six months or so, and come up with a monthly amount that I believe I can float for the purpose of keeping c99 above water --

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When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.

riverlover's picture

I am on a fixed income, mostly due to being a widow, but at $2/month, I can cover some members who appreciate c99. I don't think that's in place yet. And I am not rolling in money at all. We want to include as many readers/members as possible and still support the site. We are trying to pay the rent.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

davidincleveland's picture

subscriptions as an award of the $2 minimum subscription. The minimum is a payment by every user who cares to make it, but it can't be given to any user as a gift. What gift subscriptions will do is make up the difference between $2 and $5. They will never be applied as a way to give the basic subscription to all members. We want every donation we can get, and gift subscriptions are a wonderful community and bank account builder. I simply want every giver of gift subscriptions to know that we won't use any gift subscription donation as a gift of the basic $2 subscription, whatever you say about wanting it recorded or used in that particular way. We will use it though, for the blog, and gift subscription totals will be a reported figure.

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Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

mimi's picture

mean and have understood also the reasoning behind it. I have absolutely no objections against it and never meant to be understood as if I had. I am sorry to be that unclear and/or misunderstood.

Let's hope this is the last time I am not clear in my words or thinking.
Cray 2

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mimi's picture

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riverlover's picture

pm you. Good for clarification. And I gather it was not clear from what I typed (post-concussion excuses from me) that any gifts to members would be equivalent to more than basic. Have I just made things worse? Sorry.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

davidincleveland's picture

gave me a chance to reinforce the team's positions and policies about the non-giveable minimum $24/year, and to explain that we're taking and keeping and applying such gifts --just not in the name of gifting the minimum commitment to another member. The fact that both of you were speaking and had publicly committed to those gifts, out of your states of having looked around for the last coin, totally explains any inadvertent errors you or Mimi might seem to have made; errors of explanation caused by enthusiasm and generosity of mind, wallet and spirit.

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elenacarlena's picture

person, but I would like to earn my way. That statement intrigues me. So can you please tell more about how the poorest of us can earn our $2/month ourselves?

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

davidincleveland's picture

of the possible ways we can teach cashless members to raise cash is technically as long as we need, in order for individual members to find something that fits them. I've listed an a, b and c on our list. It would be interesting if members would chime in with their own ideas. We'll get a chance to see what's already on our list and what we've so far overlooked, and need to study

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davidincleveland's picture

are ready to regularize that commitment, so this next is addressed to others who might want to do the same thing you're going to do:
Have you thought about declaring an intention to regard your lump-sum (and not regularly scheduled) payments as paid-up-front $2/month subscriptions? Please consider it.

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Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

QMS's picture

Hi, I already stated that I would commit to X$/month. My hang up is method. Would prefer something not entangling my checking account, as in automatic with drawl. Could send checks, but wonder if that is firm enough? Also, what is the cost of credit card donations to c99p? Do you lose 10% for processing fees? Thanks, Scott

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

davidincleveland's picture

Click on the Donation Info link in the upper right hand corner of this page and both your questions will be answered.

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QMS's picture

my options were to pay by cc and sign up with paypal. won't do the paypal thing, so whatever the CC company takes out is money you aren't getting. THX

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

davidincleveland's picture

button, at the top of that cluster. The bottom line is a hyperlink named 'Donation Info'. Clicking on that brings one to this page:

Monetary Contributions to caucus99percent.com
Please help support further development and maintenance of this site by contributing whatever amount you wish to send, or you may set up a recurring plan that will donate your chosen amount on a monthly basis. If you are tapped right now, please feel no pressure to do so.

No PayPal account, no problem! Credit cards are also accepted by clicking the gold "Donate" button and then click the "continue" link at the bottom of the page. Continue by filling out the credit card information. No credit card information will be sent to the recipient, such as credit card numbers, so feel safe in sending your contribution. And the payment page is HTTPS so there is no worries about the security of the connection.

And Now: USPS Snailmail! If you don't have a PayPal account or credit card, you can now send your contributions by the USPS mail.

For the mailing address:
1 - Contact me by typing in JtC in the "To" field of our Private Messaging system and leave a message.

2 - Or contact me by using the "Contact Us" link in the header banner at the top of every page and leave me a message.

Thank you.
caucus99percent.com Administration

h/t to you for bringing this back up to me. I realized that info should have been in the final paragraph. I've now updated the essay.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

thing on 9/3 when I get my check. Is there something wrong with Paypal?

Thank you.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

davidincleveland's picture

up-to-date account, or if you've never used PayPal but figure it is your most convenient option, by all means use PayPal. Options like paying through POP Money or by check are for those who would rather use those those methods for whatever reason. The idea is to make donating as painless as possible for each member.
Amanda, you were absolutely wonderful up-thread. You left nothing for me to do but sit back and wipe away the tears moisture out of the wrinkles under my eyes as I read your magnificent response, enjoying every well-parsed passionate truth you hurled.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

was a long time ago. My problem is I just can't find the 'recurring' box or whatever. But when I actually send money it will show up.

And thank you for your kind remarks. I just don't understand some people. On July 22nd my daughter who pays for my phone service took me to the Orpheum Theater to see Diana Ross (what an amazing performer). Being me, I had no money because it was late in the month so she paid for everything. We were walking across the street on 16th across from the Panda House (good Chinese food btw) going South and there was a young kid sitting against the wall on the SW corner and it looked like he was fixin' to pass out and die. Carrie ran across the street to the Panda House and bought a cold water and broke a $20 bill. She gave the water and $9 to the kid. And this part is the God's truth (I am a firm believer in a higher power, I just don't understand it), he was so confused and sweating so bad (his clothes were soaked, it was 90 + degrees out) that he was in OBVIOUS DISTRESS and all these people going to the Orpheum (it was sold out) were walking right past this kid. A freaking young kid. Glassy eyed, having trouble standing up, and was NOT asking for a hand-out.

That is how I trained my kids. And I feel very confident in saying that NONE of my kids would ever have passed up that poor boy as long as they had a dime in their pockets.

Being 'poor' is not a shame and it is not a crime. I have the benefit of being a child of the 60s. I don't care about fashion. I don't care about a new car (I don't have any car). My only luxuries are the internet and the used book stores. People who have never had to figure out how to live on a couple dollars a day tend to be flip and smarmy. I always expect the old "pull yourself up by your bootstraps lecture or the old "there's always something you can do" line of bullshit.

Hell, someday maybe I'll tell you the story about how, when we had no gas when we were living in the projects as kids. my Mom made homemade tomato soup on a bar-b-q grill. It was to this day one of the meals I remember most from my childhood not only because we were hungry, but because it was so GOOD! I don't think these people MEAN to be arrogant jerks, I just think they're clueless as to what being poor really means.

I look at it this way. I am making homemade noodles for tonight so I'll eat well. I have a roof over my head. I still have some time to try to figure out this water main crap. And I have the internet. I'm doing great today BUT

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

riverlover's picture

All we do is daily hang on and be happy the sun rises again.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Granma's picture

Too. I think not all the information is up yet at donate button.

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LeChienHarry's picture

direct deposits. All you need to do is:
- check whether your bank offers popmoney as a service;

- it might be without a fee, or have a minimum amount

- set up your bank account

- check the box for recurring withdrawals

- for the recipient - put Caucus for the first name, and ninety nine as the second name;

- send a Private Message here to JtC, he will get you his donate email back to you. His email is tied to his bank account, so when you designate his email, it is automatically deposited into his bank account.

If your bank does not offer popmoney as a service, you can still sign up with popmoney as the intermediary instead of your bank.

They do have a flat fee per transaction: .95 cents.

That's it.

Thanks everyone. For the record Dave, we set up a monthly bank to bank withdrawal using popmoney, for $10.

If the extra can be used for adding to another member's account, we are happy to share.

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You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce

If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.

Alex Budarin's picture

to the site administrator (JtC). I just paid for a one-year subscription and sent instructions via the PayPal message box that it should be regarded as such. JtC, please let me know whether you get that message. Things don't always work as they are supposed to. Wink

Special thanks to Davidincleveland and all other members of the c99p fundraising committee.

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"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper

davidincleveland's picture

through will be a great piece of research for us. The team needs to know what part of sorting software we don't need to purchase (and hand to JtC to apply) so he can effortlessly print out an accurate subscribed pledge total for our team. Thank you, the research is as needed as the cash.

0 users have voted.

Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

Alex Budarin's picture

"special instructions" message I sent with the donation:

Please consider this my subscription for one year.

Just so you know.

0 users have voted.

"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper

davidincleveland's picture

whether that works out OK at JtC's bank.

0 users have voted.

Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

Fleur de Lisa's picture

I set up a recurring monthly donation of $7 through PayPal. I may change to another method, but you can count on at least this amount from me.

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davidincleveland's picture

To All Members: Our team will build a small archive of the various ways to transmit a donation. We want to make all the awkward parts of donating as smooth as possible, and give users a way to pick the transmission 'vehicle' which makes them most comfortable.

0 users have voted.

Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

davidincleveland's picture

given us a painless (at both ends) way to transmit our donations. My bank charges neither my nor JtC's accounts in POP Money transfers. LeChienHarry has been 'da man' in setting us all onto this donation method.

0 users have voted.

Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

As I understand it, you're proposing a $2 a month (or $24 a year) basic subscription rate, with an alternate $5 a month regular subscription rate. Gift subscriptions would be used to convert people from the basic to the regular subscription rate. Is that right?

Other than increasing the support for the blog, the fundamental need, what is the difference between the $2 and the $5 subscription? Will any distinction be made in identifying members? Will we review statistics in fundraising drives? I would understand better if the aim were clearer. Sorry If I missed something.

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Please help support caucus99percent!

moneysmith's picture

for $20/mo for my own self should be coming in from PayPal. Plus I can chip in another $20/mo to help keep C99 afloat. There are so few places like this left, where you don't have to worry about getting nailed by a Hillbot. It's worth every penny.

0 users have voted.

Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare

davidincleveland's picture

agree that being thought-police free is worth everything one can afford.

0 users have voted.

Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

davidincleveland's picture

our aims as a team; it is understandable we've caused a little preliminary confusion. Welcoming the chance to amend this oversight, here goes:

  • We want commitments of support up to $2/m per member to be exclusively the right of each blog supporter to pay.
  • We want it understood that $4K/m is a total low-ball figure that allows the machine/software/hosting costs and one full time admin to be remotely possible. It is our 'afloat' position and not our true goal. It is our floor.
  • We want every user of the right to help fund his/her hangout to know that a contributor of a minimum commitment will automatically have that amount enhanced to $5/m via our automatic assignment of gift subscriptions to do that generically.
  • We want donors to feel completely unrestricted about ongoing personal or gift pledge amounts. We gladly accept everything from $2.01 to rockefeller. Pick the price that pleases.
  • We believe a substantial majority of the members will be routinely putting us in the financial bullseye of $10K/m well before every (95%) blog member has self-committed with a minimum pledge/payment.

If this isn't enough, just ask for more; not just you but anyone.

0 users have voted.

Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

I like the leveraging of $2 monthly donations with the additional gift subscription revenue. I'm a big believer in encouraging donations with matching money, which is why I presented my fundraiser in the way I did. Leverage multiplies donations on both ends: encourages people to donate who might not otherwise, and it shows people who donate more that their generosity can be multiplied. It's a virtuous circle.

If this idea is adopted, I'm kicking around the idea for another fundraiser. I'll run it by the committee to see if we can make it a group effort. Thanks again to you and all the wonderful folks taking on this most important task.

0 users have voted.

Please help support caucus99percent!

davidincleveland's picture

the next fundraiser by you (same timing we discussed) would use this theme. The team will be delighted to work with you in a group effort. Drop in when you can, you'll always be welcome in the shop.

0 users have voted.

Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

janis b's picture

I am committed to helping this wonderful site continue to provide what we all here desire.

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Ajaradom's picture

Thank you for caring about and leading us here at C99! I appreciate your honesty! C99 is going to be just fine because of all the great and good people like you, like Mimi, like Harry, like Dallasdoc, like dkmich, and on and on with the fabulous C99 powerful peoples Smile

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

I'm taking the Luddite option. Smile

0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

davidincleveland's picture

way that's most comfortable for each member. Thank you for being counted.

0 users have voted.

Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

The work you're doing is, for me, the antithesis to the stuff that's happening on a Very High Level in DC. This is the sort of thing--much expanded--that constitutes real, good work.

0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Lady Libertine's picture

for doing this kind of work, and thanks to JtC too, of course!

Ill send JtC a PM.

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