Dural sinus thrombosis--Hillary had it--and the damage it may have done

This is the fifth essay in my series of why Hillary Clinton has brain damage. I was still trying how to figure this out--the best way to present often highly technical information to a lay audience (although I know that there are other physicians here). In some essays I presented in the text relatively little cut-and-paste from journal articles, although I did link to them. In other essays I presented text extensively from cited journal articles. This was especially true in essay number 4 about PCS. In that essay, I particularly presented lots of text because PCS is such a controversial subject, so that lots of explanatory material was needed. From the comments received to the essays (for most of which I am grateful), it was apparent that there was still considerable misunderstanding of the material. This material requires close reading to be correctly understood.

Today's essay is about cerebral dural sinus thrombosis (DST), which actually is a much simpler situation that the controversial PCS situation. To really understand DST, you must have some understanding about the cerebral venous circulation. More on that below.

Bias alert: I do not like Hillary Clinton. All the material linked in this essay are from peer-reviewed medical articles. Where there is speculation, and I certainly admit to speculation, I will try to be certain the readers understand which is speculative. This whole series of essays would be unnecessary if Hillary released her unaltered medical records for independent medical analysis.

I have and continue to request the dissemination of my essays by those who feel the inquiry is worth that effort. I am not afraid of FACTUAL criticism. I am hopeful that those physicians amongst us contribute to commentary--or even write independent essays of their own regarding my material.

Because the subject matter is DST, I will usually only cite limited portions of the linked articles. At the end of this essay, I will translate, in a very simplified fashion, from Medical to English.

Undebated and uncontested is the FACT that HRC suffered from a DST. What we don't know, amongst many other things, is how much more symptomatic she became after the DST. We don't know if Clinton sustained a venous infarction nor subarachnoid hemorrhage as a result of the DST. I will posit that, contrary to the MSM's mindless HillBot talking, that those sequelae have been much more detrimental than stated.

The conventional wisdom (?) about these two events, concussion (aka mTBI) and DST is that the mTBI occurred about 2 weeks before the DST was diagnosed. Since DST has an incidence of between 2.7 and 7 per million, this situation is often over-looked. Which came first: the chicken or the egg? In this case, the comparison would be the mTBI or the DST. The timing of such events may actually be more deleterious if the DST preceded the mTBI as opposed to the more widely believed reverse situation. More on this in next essay.

Both conditions are well-known causes of neuropathology (in people talk this means "brain damage"). The questions before us is how much? Not included in this article are the following:
1. Hillary's Sociopathy
2. Hillary's politics
3. Consideration of the presence of subcortical vascular dementia (SVD) also known as Binswanger's disease; the reference to which is in a possibly faked medical document from Dr. Bardack.

Cerebral venous anatomy

The above illustration is, of course the topic of interest, taken from the article Cerebral and sinus vein thrombosis. The lateral sinus is also known as the transverse sinus. Sometimes the whole complex from the superior sagittal sinus (SSS) to the origin of the jugular vein (which is the continuation of the sigmoid sinus at the skull base) is called the "sigmoid sinus" because of it's resemblance to the letter S.

More basics: thrombosis means blood clot. Blood clots age along a continuum from acute to sub-acute to chronic. The difference is somewhat arbitrary according to cut-off points, because the occurrence and maturation (which is usually dissolution) of blood clots continues smoothly over a time frame particular to the victim. When blood clots (thromboses) do not complete dissolve, they are said to be "recanalyzed", which means that blood is now flowing through a portion of the vein previously obstructed by clot. In the majority of cases, a completely obstructed blood vessel, even arteries, are only partially recanalyzed.

What are the presenting signs of of DST?

With such a wide spectrum of neurological signs and mode of onset the clinical presentation of CVT is mainly divided into the five following patterns:
1. Isolated Intracranial Hypertension
2. Focal Cerebral Signs
3. Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
4. Subacute Encephalopathy
5. Unusual Presentations

What are some the consequences of DST? These are some of the complications--

Complications associated with cerebral venous thrombosis.

Residual epilepsy

Seizures are observed only in patients who had seizures and focal signs in the acute stage, and only in a minority. It has been reported in 10% to 30% of patients who had seizures during the acute stage. Out of a follow up of 77 patients, 4 had residual epilepsy in Preter et al. analysis while 7 out of 57 patients suffered recurrences in a French study. (3
Seizures usually occur in the first year and are easily controlled with antiepileptic drugs. Preter et al. recommend that due to low occurrence of seizures it is appropriate to maintain anticonvulsant therapy for a year and to taper off gradually thereafter. If seizures recur, anticonvulsants should be given on a long-term basis.
Psychiatric complications

Psychiatric complications are rare and depend upon the area of involvement. There can be an acute presentation like Korsakoff-like amnestic syndrome with confabulation in bilateral mesial temporal lobe infarction following bilateral cavernous sinus thrombosis or there may be long-term deterioration in behavioral and cognitive functioning. Data on this subject is extremely varied with a Dutch study group stating cognitive impairment in 35% of their patients while a Portugal study group argues that cognitive impairment is not that frequent. However, both acknowledge that despite the functional recovery, more than half of the patients still feel unwell depressive and anxiety symptoms.

Interesting cases of catatonia and dementia syndrome are described in separate case reports, making CVST a constant headache for researchers and physicians.

Other rare long-term complications

Other rare long-term complications like progressive diskinesia, spasmodic torticollis with multiple cranial involvements, visual impairment and other residual neurologic deficits are reported in different parts of the world. It is interesting that there is no significant effect of treatment on these long-term outcomes.

Seizures with symptomatic DST may not be so rare as many in the press and c99 have conjectured. Early seizures with symptomatic DST

Early seizures in cerebral vein and dural sinus thrombosis: risk factors and role of antiepileptics.

Prospective, multinational, observational study that included 624 consecutive adult patients with symptomatic CVT who were diagnosed at 89 participating centers in 21 countries from May 1998 to May 2001.

Frequency of Presenting and Early Seizures

Two hundred forty-five patients (39.3%) experienced presenting seizures before the diagnosis of CVT. Seizures were focal in 58 (9.3%) patients, generalized (from onset or secondarily) in 123 (19.7%), or of both types in 64 (10.3%). Three (0.5%) patients presented with convulsive status epilepticus…Twenty-six (60.0%) of the 43 early seizures were recurrent, as they were experienced by patients who already had a presenting seizure.
In logistic-regression analysis, supratentorial parenchymal lesion on admission CT/MR (OR 3.09, 95% CI 1.56 to 9.62) and presenting seizure (OR 1.74, 95% CI 0.90 to 3.37) predicted new early seizures.

Weakness of this study: In fact, we did not register familial history of
seizures and we did not record electroencephalographic data.

Despite the study authors not performing their own electroencephalography, does not mean the results are false; it does mean the authors relied upon other medical experts for the diagnosis of epilepsy. This was a huge, international study, which would have criteria to be satisfied before allowing patient entry into the study.

What is the mechanism of neuronal injury in DST?

Infarctions and haemorrhage

Infarctions and haemorrhage are endpoints of CVT [cerebral venous thrombosis] cascade. These are most important determinants of neuronal injury and long term outcome of patients. Haemorrhagic tendency in venous thrombosis is more frequent as contrary to arterial thrombosis, occurring approximately in 10-50% of cases. Haemorrhagic infarctions principally affect the cortex and gray-white matter junction. The bleeding in CVT is attributable to increased venous and capillary pressure. Small cortical veins are vulnerable to rupture in the setting of these haemodynamic changes, resulting in bleeding on the cortical surface. Sudden development of venous occlusion due to thrombus, rather [than] slow developing occlusion is presumably responsible for the haemorrhagic infarction.
Neurological recovery or long term outcome is dependent on extent of neuronal injury and early recanalization of occluded sinuses.

A large international study published on a subset of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage, especially Early-Intracerebral Hemorrhage (E-ICH) about predictors of outcome in DST.

This study was conducted in the largest prospective cohort ever published of CVT patients. It has shown that: (1) the proportion of CVT revealed by ICH is high; (2) among CVT patients, those with E-ICH were older, and more likely to have a severe clinical presentation and a worse 6-month outcome that CVT patients without ICH; (3) in patients with E-ICH, independent predictors of death or dependency were older age, male gender, having a thrombosis of the deep cerebral venous system or of the right lateral sinus, and having a motor deficit; (4) in patients with D-ICH, those who had a worse outcome were less likely to have been treated by heparin, and to have had an E-ICH.

Did Hillary have E-ICH? Only her doctors know and they ain't telling'.

More on this ICH theme. One form of ICH is subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) which is a usually diffuse bleed between the arachnoid membrane and the brain itself (including the pia mater, usually). Here's another quote about acute SAH as initial presentation of dural sinus thrombosis:

The spectrum of clinical presentations of CVT ranges from headache with papilledema to focal deficit, seizures and coma. Up to 75% of cases are characterized by focal neurologic deficit and headache; 30-50% of affected patients present with seizures, often followed by Todd's paresis. Rare, but classical, clinical pictures are those of SSS thrombosis (4%) with bilateral or alternating deficits and/ seizures. SAH is related to ruptured aneurysm in 85% of cases and to nonaneurysmal perimesencephalic hemorrhage in 10%; the remaining 5% are related to a variety of rare conditions such as arterial dissection, dural arteriovenous fistula, pituitary apoplexy, and cocaine abuse. In an exhaustive review of SAH, CVT was not listed as a cause of SAH. This omission is rather surprising because erythrocytes are commonly present in the CSF of patients with CVT. One can speculate that plain CT scan may cause small amounts of subarachnoid blood to be overlooked, especially when the blood is located in the sulci of cerebral convexity or when larger amounts of extravasated blood are present in the sub acute stages. The exact cause of SAH associated with CVT is unknown. Venous hemorrhagic infarct can be responsible for secondary rupture into subarachnoid space and cause SAH. None of the patients reported herein had intraparenchymal signs of bleeding on CT scan or gradient recalled echo (GRE) MRI. DST with secondary venous hypertension may lead to SAH into the subarachnoid space due to rupture of fragile, thin-walled cortical veins. Sinus thrombosis may produce dilatation of the cortical veins, which may rupture and bleed into the subarachnoid space and produce an SAH. A similar mechanism has been proposed to explain the presence of extravasated blood confined to the prepontine or interpeduncular cistern in nonaneurysmal perimesencephalic hemorrhage.

Please note that MRI is about 6-10 times more proficient at detecting SAH than is CT.

Hillary Clinton had a right lateral sinus thrombosis. Right lateral sinus is a bad prognostic indicator

Four main clinical patterns of CVT are generally recognized and these include presentation with focal neurological deficits and/or seizures, isolated intracranial hyper-tension, subacute diffuse encephalopathy and painful ophthalmoplegia and the distinction of patients into these clinical patterns carries prognostic implication. Altered mental status and cerebral haemorrhage at presentation have been found to be the most consistent and strongest predictors of death and disability. Older age (>37 years in ISCVT), male sex, seizures at admission, rapid evolution of thrombosis, the presence of focal deficits and CNS infection and cancer as the underlying cause also predict poor outcome. Although the site of thrombosis has not been found to correlate with the outcome in certain studies, ISCVT found involvement of cortical veins, deep cerebral veins and superior sagittal sinus, intracerebral haemorrhage on right side…to be poor prognostic factors. It is generally recognized that although several predictors of good and bad outcome have been identified in patients with CVT, the prognosis of a given individual patient remains variable and highly unpredictable.

Few studies have looked at the long-term outcome in patients with CVT. One of the common sequelae in these patients is epileptic seizures. These almost always occur in those patients who had seizures during the acute stage of the disease and a rate of 5-16% has been reported in various studies. Studies using various neuropsychological batteries aimed at assessing long-term cognitive outcome have reported cognitive impairment in approximately 35% of the patients in different cohorts usually in the form of non-fluent aphasia, working memory deficits and depression.

Increasing age, male gender, having a thrombosis of the deep cerebral venous system, having a motor deficit, and having a right lateral sinus thrombosis are predictors of poor outcome in CVT patients with ICH

More on prognosis: DST prognosis in 59 patients

Between July 1992 and November 1996 60 patients were recruited in 14 hospitals in The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. No patients were lost to follow up. One patient was ineligible due to a wrong diagnosis (arterial cerebral infarction). Thus 59 patients (50 women, nine men) were studied. Mean age was 37 years, with a range from 18 to 80 years (median 33 years).
After 12 weeks six patients had died, and four patients had an Oxford handicap score of 3 or more, which results in 10 of the 59 patients (17%) with a poor outcome. All patients at entry without intracerebral haemorrhage, and who were not in coma (GCS(39%) had some degree of impaired conscious- ness. Twelve patients (20%) presented with a clinical syndrome of isolated intracranial hypertension (headache with or without papilloedema or visual impairment, and no other symptoms and signs).
The mean delay between the onset of symp- toms and the time of randomisation at admission was 10.6 days (range 1 to 30 days, median 8 days). Five patients (9%) had an acute onset, with symptoms developing within 48 hours before the diagnosis. There were no patients with progression over more than a month.

This what DST with ICH looks likeon MRI scan Note, these are scans from 4 different patients. Source: Isolated Lateral Sinus thrombosis.

Long-term prognosis in 77 patients with DST

Results Sixty-six of 77 patients (85.7%) had no neurological sequelae during follow-up. Eleven patients (14.3%) remained neurologically impaired. Two who initially presented with isolated intracranial hypertension had blindness due to optic atrophy. The other 9 had focal signs at the time of CVT and were left with various cognitive or focal deficits. Four of 28 (14.3%) patients who had seizures at the acute stage had recurrent seizures. One of the 51 patients with lateral sinus thrombosis developed a dural arteriovenous fistula. Nine of the 77 patients (11.7%) suffered a second CVT, all but one in the first year. Noncerebral thrombotic events occurred in 11 patients (14.3%). No recurrence of CVT occurred during later pregnancies, but 1 patient had a postpartum deep vein thrombosis.

Conclusions In the present series, CVT has an essentially good long-term prognosis. The frequency of long-standing epilepsy was low, suggesting that long-term anticonvulsant treatment is not necessary in the majority of cases. A second CVT or another thrombotic episode occurred in 20% of patients, stressing the need in a minority of cases for long-term anticoagulation.

Now for a very oversimplified analogy for those of you not fluent in "Medical". Imagine an automobile with dual exhausts--but each of the exhausts arises from one primary outlet, then splits in two. The "exhaust" in this case is venous blood leaving the brain. Then imagine someone stuffing a potato into one of the exhaust pipes (nasty trick, eh). So where does the exhaust go? If the other exhaust is wide open, then--no problem. But what happens if the other exhaust is partially or completely obstructed? Yes, back pressure is transmitted to the engine--not good. In the case of this analogy, the "engine" is the brain. Back-pressure first manifests itself by dilating the capacitance vessels, i.e., the dural sinuses. When dilation of these sinuses is no longer able to contain the back-up exhaust, i.e., blood, then smaller veins are distended. Small veins do not have adequate capacity to compensate very well from the back-pressure--so they burst. When the veins pop, the bleeding may go into one or two or three of the following places:
1. into the substance of the brain (ICH)
2. into the subarachnoid space (SAH)
3. in a space between the arachnoid and the dura--the dura being the membrane through which the majority of brain venous drainage flows. This is known as a sub-dural hematoma (SDH).

None of these outcomes are particularly pleasing.

As mentioned above, there's lots of speculation here.

Let me reiterate some important issues that need elucidation:
1. What was Hillary's state of consciousness at symptom onset?
2. Did she present with seizures?
3. Did she present with focal neurological deficits?
4. What did her initial imaging reveal, such as a bleed or a stroke?
5. Was the DST really acute or did it actually precede the mTBI.
6. What does her EEG show?
7. What do her neuropsychologic tests show?

I will continue to speculate. The incompetence due to brain damage is a much more serious issue than her corporatist, war-mongering, sociopathic traits.

Please, feel free to disseminate these 5 essays as you see fit. I tolerate Factually-based criticism--but please, not Wikipedia. Your comments are welcome--if factual. By the way, some comments about the 4th essay were at variance with my knowledge and experience; but, I elected to not deflect onto subjects having only peripheral bearing on the main subject matter.

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for this series. I find it most fascinating. I am not a medical professional, so I offer no critique.

Maybe its just my gut reaction to her, but when I watch her, something just doesn't seem right.

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MsGrin's picture

that it's clear she can't be trusted to be in public for ANY length of time whatsoever. All the secrecy is like a bad fairy tale...

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Bollox Ref's picture

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from a reasonably stable genius.

AGREE!!! It is so much more than just the ususal secret service - she literally had "minders" next to her at all times, including the man with the ever present EPI pen in case she has another seizure.
The pod cast instead of a press conference, should be laughable, but no one is laughing.

She's already appointing her "transition team" - laughed when saw Maggie Williams was on it. Williams was the person who went before Congress and SWORE under oath she took no papers out of Vince Foster office immediately upon learning of his death - when she was SEEN by individuals when she did it. Lie with a straight face under oath, isn't perjury when a Clinton or a Clinton sycophant does it.

Her Heinous will not be deterred this time.
A version of buy low, sell high, = by stock in Diazepam Auto Injectors Smile

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talking her through one of her freeze ups. The clip says she's in fear. Bullshit. I hadn't seen this clip before. Very unnerving.

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Still haven't gotten the message - yelling, shouting, into a microphone does NOT make you look stronger.

Who would want to listen to that voice? Never. Never.

Imagine a real press conference - without her "minder" telling her "keep talking, you're ok." Ugh..

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has to yell in order to stay on track? So she can talk over the voices in her head? Seriously, maybe if she talked normally whatever the hell is wrong with her would come out so she has to get her adrenaline pumping to keep it at bay. IOW, I don't know what the hell I'm talking about but it sure sounds good.....

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Santa Susanna Kid's picture

"So she can talk over the voices in her head?" Food for thought; makes me ponder even more than I already have about certain possibilities regarding her health...SSK

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Anja Geitz's picture

Several times and what always catches my attention is when her head snaps to the right and she freezes. It happens quickly but in that space of time where she stops talking, she begins compulsively licking her lips, with her head still in that pose. There is another video with a longer cut where that move with her head is much more obvious. She breaks out of the freeze and "comes to" after her minder instructs her to keep talking. What an odd thing for a secret service agent to say to a Presidential nominee in his capacity to protect her from harm. None of it computes. It just bizarrely stands out as a big WTF?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

WaterLily's picture

I must have seen a different cut of this, because I'd only ever noticed her handler (SS my ass) say, "Keep talking."

But "Keep talking, you'll handle this, we're not going anywhere?" Christ on a shingle, how the hell can this woman possibly run the country???!!!!

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riverlover's picture

Very not.good. I wished for a handler some time, but not like that gentleman, although he seems competent and reassuring. I don't want a POTUS who can't be on stage without reassuring words.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

I don't think so. He wasn't wearing the requisite ear piece. Also, think he was the same person holding the Diazepam Epi pen in another video.

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WaterLily's picture

I agree, the whole thing is unnerving and begs explanation.

Not that we'll ever get one.

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lunachickie's picture

wrong with her.

We need to commiserate on this. I appreciate that AE has taken the time to go into depth on the documentation of the possibilities.

Whether it's completely true where she is concerned (or not) is obviously for her doctor to decide, but there's enough question that it should be pushed on--again and again--until the questions are answered thoroughly and honestly.

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people who, to protect the Clintons, will steal government papers, will lie under oath and will go to jail for contempt of court. And then, people like Bill Maher point to the fact that they've never prosecuted, as though that means they are innocent.

Maher is smart, but nowhere near as smart as he imagines he is. Then again, bias gets in everyone's way, I suppose.

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WaterLily's picture

"never tested positive," either.

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lunachickie's picture

when it's your physical body that isn't working, and the optics of that are being accommodated, in a way that does not show the handicap too blatantly. This was done during FDR's time, as it was thought that seeing him in a wheelchair would convey a lack of a perception of strength. There was nothing wrong, however, with his mind.

This is new territory, here. There isn't really a comparison to anything past, because in all those cases, the issue was physical and not mental, and/or it was AFTER the person was sworn in as POTUS. If this is true about Hillary's mental state, then we appear to be in a very dangerous situation.

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When did he start experiencing alzheimers symptoms?

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WaterLily's picture

until after he was in office. I'm sure there was some sort of cover-up there, but it was much easier to pull something like that off then.

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lunachickie's picture

there is no known POTUS that there were questions about medical conditions affecting their mental capacity BEFORE being elected.

It is wrong for this to be happening. Hillary Clinton's doctor, it is said, cleared her as "fit to run" but that was over a year ago. This info has come to light since then. Her doctor needs to clear her again, IMO.

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Santa Susanna Kid's picture

Definitely, yes, to that. But, I think it should be, maybe, at the minimum, an Independent, Neurologist, (Among other Specialists), with fresh CT scans, and other, more advanced brain scans, that I nothing about. I think they some kind of live, real-time, MRI, up at the University of San Francisco? It is a real-time scan, just imaging slices. (If someone know more about this; help me out). Most people can have their long-term Family Doctor, embellish reports a bit, in order to make their condition "worse", for the purposes of an insurance claim, employment, personal case, etc. I would suspect that a good Neurologist would generate more than a 30 or 40 page report; with a lot of the medical evidence, to back up the scans presented on DVR, or vice-versa...

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Santa Susanna Kid's picture

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CS in AZ's picture

I was just informed by a friend of mine that her doctor actually did issue a new statement today, so I checked and found it.

In a statement provided to FactCheck.org by the Clinton campaign, Bardack dismissed the authenticity of these documents, saying they are “false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts.”

Bardack, Aug. 16: As Secretary Clinton’s long time physician, I released a medical statement during the campaign indicating that she is in excellent health. I have recently been made aware of allegedly “leaked” medical documents regarding Secretary Clinton with my name on them. These documents are false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts. To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States.


Are we convinced? No? Of course not.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

CS in AZ's picture

which I've seen posted several times now, that it would be ok/acceptable/expected or in any way hunky-dory for a candidate with a physical disability to hide it or stage-manage the "optics" because using a wheelchair or having a prosthetic limb or using any kind of assistive technology just wouldn't look good, ya know, and people think having a disability makes one look "weak" and less-than people without a visible disability.

The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed more than 25 years ago now, and the idea that people with disabilities should be kept out of sight is archaic and, frankly, offensive. Should Stephen Hawking stage manage his body in order to have his brain respected? Tammy Duckworth was elected without hiding her amputee status. People with disabilities are quite capable of performing as well as and better than able-bodied people. What you keep saying about physical disabilities being unsavory to see openly is what is known as an attitudinal barrier. Because while the ADA and people with disabilities have made great progress in some areas of accessibility, like wheelchair ramps, attitudes that they are less-than are still in place. I'm asking, please stop promoting this idea. It's wrong.

On the subject of Hillary's possible but entirely unprovable "brain damage" let me ask you a serious question. All of you who think this matters. Just say, for the sake of argument, they release a new doctor's statement today declaring her healthy and fit to serve. It won't be believed. So say they release her complete medical records, showing no residual effects from her previous problems. They will be declared untrustworthy, redacted, etc. So let's say she agreed to undergo a public MRI and whatever other assessments and tests are relevant. And let's say these show no diagnosable medical conditions or cognitive impairment. Would this change your mind about her fitness for the presidency?

I think the answer to that is no. Because she is morally unfit for the presidency or any public office. She lies continually, she is chomping at the bit to bomb as many countries as she can get away with, she will continue to favor Wall Street and the rich while grinding the rest of us into dust. Her possible medical conditions don't change any of that. I just cannot understand the obsession with this "issue" when there are so many real, unquestionable reasons to oppose her.


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MsGrin's picture

But as a society, we tend to treat that as an issue which is in the eye of the beholder. Do we have the fortitude to get rid of her on those grounds? We often describe differences of morality in political terms, and as a society, we tend to be rather laissez faire about assessments to that end. We've also erred in the opposite direction in our history. and that has hurt people enormously.

I think people are looking for what can be demonstrated scientifically because that seems less prejudiced, perhaps.

Having been disabled (with many cognitive issues) for the bulk of my adult life, I'm sensitive to the points you raise. AND YET, it is extremely important to me that this woman be stopped from ascending the thrown, as she sees it, because of the damage she will do to people like me and so many around the world.

I remember the Administration which was termed Teflon, and this candidacy has gone the same way. We will be extremely sorry if she has been sworn in. I don't like saying this, but it may well take EVERYTHING which can possibly be thrown at her for ANYTHING to stick given the level of entrenched corruption which has been built around her.

But I'm fallible - Dick Cheney proved me wrong. I didn't think he was fit to survive the first W Administration. Damn, that guy's too mean to die. I just hope that new heart he's got was actually taken from someone who had gotten all the use out of it they could before it was removed.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

CS in AZ's picture

Believe me I understand the desire to stop her. I'm sick about the fact it appears likely she will not be stopped in time. I would be delighted if something came to light that would actually force her out.

Unfortunately, speculation about her possible medical conditions are not something that can be "proven scientifically" even if she does have one or more, because she doesn't legally have to undergo a public MRI and medical testing, and there is no way to force her to do so. Any records or doctor's statements they would release would show nothing, and prove nothing. Therefore this remains a distraction from that goal.

Moral and/or legal failings have actually brought down politicians. Some politicians have been forced out by medical issues, but only in cases where they are obvious and undeniable, or the politician is the kind of person to step down if they can't function at 100% or close to it. Which of course the Clintons are not. So this is a road to nowhere. Focusing on her moral and legal shadiness is more likely to succeed - although I'm doubtful of that path too. But medical issues won't, unless she has a serious, undeniable public episode that cannot be hidden or papered over.

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MsGrin's picture

if anything knocks her out.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

orlbucfan's picture

AE, you're an optimist. Smile REC'D!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

studentofearth's picture

With certain types of changes in mental status the person involved can be unaware of the changes, simply because of decreased critical thinking skills. It is those closest to them that generally notice the changes, unless they are in deep denial or want to use the opportunity for personal gain.

Hillary is surrounded by power hungry people. Their ticket to power has been through Hillary and they have no other option to keep her propped up as a candidate and as president.

If you do not like Hillary speak up and share your concerns about her past choices and your concerns as a leader.

If you admire Hillary, protect her legacy from the leeches that will use an ill person for their own personal gain.

Thanks Alligator Ed for laying out a possible reason for the unease I have been feeling about Hillary the past year. I had been thinking auto-immune disorder, but you lay out a better argument for a physical event.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

mimi's picture

I put this down for the record. I do not like what is happening here. I will not even spell out what I think is very wrong with it. It is very inhumane, and very unfair, imo.

Especially using the video above. I would freeze for a moment too if I would fear that someone would go nuts in the audience and possibly harm me physically. Here it is used to make a completely different point and I would say that sucks.

I needed to put that down. Of course YMMV, but as a member supporting this site, I do not want to be associated as being in support of this series. Period. You may do and say and research and discuss whatever you want.

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lunachickie's picture

that speculation is allowed here.

I don't mind what is happening here at all. Reasonable adults can disagree, but speculation and discussion are healthy things. Take what you want and leave the rest. Thanks!

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MsGrin's picture

...but this is someone who has been lying, cheating, and stealing to grab the presidential brass ring. So we are left to our own defenses to determine whether she is or isn't fit for the job (and if we determine she is not, to see if we can make that case to the world).

There is an accepted standard of health to be 'fit' for the presidency, and I think in this case it is allowable. I don't feel easy about it, but what we're seeing doesn't seem to fully add up. And certainly we know her camp (specifically: Brock) attempted to start a whisper campaign about Bernie's health. I haven't taken swipes at her in this regard, but I think speculation is fair game in this case.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Cassiodorus's picture

that such a tainted candidate will be President because the elites don't want their quid pro quo arrangements disturbed.

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"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione

lunachickie's picture

if she's being "handled" to such an extent. Why on Earth would you want to be POTUS if you weren't altogether yourself, and there was a possible diagnosis of a compromised future for your mental health?

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Cassiodorus's picture

She's a woman, it's her turn, and by golly rich people love her and are showering her with money and all sorts of expectations.

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"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione

lunachickie's picture

they're going to be pissed...

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Cassiodorus's picture

she can die, and Tim Kaine and Ken Salazar will take it from there.

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"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione

lunachickie's picture

she doesn't win.

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Cassiodorus's picture

Jill Stein gets fifteen percent in a poll and into the debates.

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"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione

lunachickie's picture

and it's all over for Team Heinous!

Note that Gary Johnson is getting shoved handily into the debates. Now if he's polling 15%, then so is Stein. Any outlets stating she's not and he is is lying out their ass.

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Has been decades in the works - think she still resents not being anointed in 2008 of course. Also, knows she would have done a better job than Billy did - causing less sandal too.

What else has she got? the sycophants will all leave if she's not POTUS.

Worse than desperation. Also agree, all her sycophants will prop her up just to get their own deals!

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ThoughtfulVoter's picture

For those of us following Hillary's health concerns either for or against, there is an opinion piece that puts many of the conspiracy theories into one article. Several video compilations of the various images we may or may not have already seen. Someone even put together a "coughing montage." I was not aware that Secret Service SUV's had been modified for her either.


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Alligator Ed's picture

I exclude the following from this comment: coughing fits, hole in tongue, possibly faked reference to subcortical vascular dementia.

There is plenty of documented, i.e., video, evidence of serious neuopatholopgy (brain damage): numerous speech arrests, bobble-headed doll-like seizures, and the most telling of all: the aversive seizure at the end of her acceptance speech significant for Right Frontal Lobe Epilepsy. I don't give a damn what Dr. Bardack says, We the People need independent medical reviews of her history, examination findings, EEGs, neuropsychological testing, and very importantly, her imaging at all stages--including up-dated ones.

What you may call conspiracy theory, I call cover-up.

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lunachickie's picture

fall all over themselves to use the phrase "conspiracy theory", repeatedly.

It's visually obvious there's a problem of some kind. All Clinton has to do is release her medical records or get her doctor to clear her this year like he did last year. A lot can happen in 365 days.

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CS in AZ's picture

I posted the link for you last night. Guess you didn't see it, so here it is again:


In a statement provided to FactCheck.org by the Clinton campaign, Bardack dismissed the authenticity of these documents, saying they are “false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts.”

Bardack, Aug. 16: As Secretary Clinton’s long time physician, I released a medical statement during the campaign indicating that she is in excellent health. I have recently been made aware of allegedly “leaked” medical documents regarding Secretary Clinton with my name on them. These documents are false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts. To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States.

Somehow I suspect that the bar for "all she has to do" will be raised now. And by the way, her doctor is a woman, not a he.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

and who gets other people to lie for you about anything important, then when you want someone to tell the truth for a change, neither you nor they will be believed.

Harcourt Fenton Mudd syndrome.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

CS in AZ's picture

"Clear her again" or to release her medical records then. Yay! Progress.

I said yesterday (before I knew this statement had been released) that even if they did that, no one would believe them!

It makes no sense to keep saying "all she has to do is have her doctor clear her again" when you know that any such statements would be meaningless and dismissed as lies. That was my entire point!

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