Connecting Dots: My Mind Blown over Buried Politics of a Secret Server
Can I get an 'oh shit' outta people? 'Amen' ain't gonna cover this... my mind is a bit blown.
There are new press releases to wade through today at Judicial Watch, and especially given the surge of information gurgling up over our heads, it's kinda hard to keep all the moving parts in mind as the puzzle image begins to emerge. In this essay, we're gonna work with this press release:
New Documents Show Top Clinton Aide Alerted On Email Inquiry
Judicial Watch today provides information so we can follow them in how information about the private server came to light. In this email, we learn just how it was that the private server was suspected and who submitted the original FOIA request to the Department of State fishing for how Clinton corresponded with her staff and others. The thread of this story begins back in December of 2012 when Cheryl Mills receives an email from Brock Johnson, a State Department Spokesman, pointing out that State has received a significant request for FOIA information:
Anne Weismann of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) requesting “records sufficient to show the number of email accounts of or associated with Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the extent to which those email accounts are identifiable as those of or associated with Secretary Clinton.”
Follow the dancing ball here, it gets a little crazy. We learn the following information through a link JW provides to a March 2016 Washington Free Beacon article. Here we learn that CREW made this request on a hunch based upon recently revealed information:
CREW’s request came on the heels of news that former EPA administrator Lisa Jackson had used an alias email account to conduct government business, and the organization was seeking to see if other senior officials used similar pseudonymous email accounts.
Read the Politico story on the Lisa Jackson email (spoiler alert: the account was named after her dog). Here's a preview:
The internal account exists so that Jackson’s communications with other government officials aren’t buried under the crush of emails flooding into her public account,, which got 1.5 million emails in fiscal year 2012, EPA says. The agency says such dual- account arrangements have been standard practice since the Clinton administration, when EPA Administrator Carol Browner was first assigned two email addresses.
“For more than a decade, EPA administrators have been assigned two official, government-issued email accounts: a public account and an internal account,” EPA said in a statement to POLITICO. “The email address for the public account is posted on EPA's website and is used by hundreds of thousands of Americans to send messages to the administrator. The internal account is an everyday, working email account of the administrator to communicate with staff and other government officials.”
Going back to the Free Beacon piece, we learn next that CREW got an acknowledgement of receipt of their request by State, then nothing further, and that the log file at State shows this FOIA request as closed. Seems odd. The following is the list of others Free Beacon asserts who have not heard back from State on FOIA requests:
CREW is only one of several groups whose FOIA requests for records on the former secretary of state and her top staff were either rejected or slow-walked to the point of being a de facto denial.
Gawker filed a FOIA request in 2013 for emails between Philippe Reines, a former State Department spokesman and longtime Clinton staffer, and more than 30 news organizations, only to be told a year later that the department could locate no such emails.
The Associated Press has several outstanding FOIA requests regarding the secretary of state’s office, one of which is over four years old, and is currently mulling a lawsuit against the State Department.
Citizens United, a conservative political advocacy group, sued the State Department in December for failing to turn over flight records showing who accompanied Clinton on overseas flights.
A Vice News reporter is also suing the State Department for its records on Clinton.
The Washington Free Beacon has filed FOIA requests for the internal processing notes on how the State Department handled Gawker and CREW’s requests.
We apparently know all of this because Judicial Watch picked up the ball earlier this year. Here's the clue Free Beacon slips in about why CREW dropped pursuit of this matter:
CREW is now run by David Brock, a staunch Clinton defender and founder of Media Matters. Brock has saturated cable news airwaves this week pushing back against allegations that Clinton acted unethically in using private email.
Let's let New Republic bring us up to date from back in August 2014:
Here's Another Sign That Hillary Clinton's the New Boss in Town
Wednesday night, Politico’s Ken Vogel broke the news that David Brock, right-wing-hitman-turned-Hillary-Clinton-bodyguard, is taking over the government watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW). That means Brock now controls not only CREW, but also the Democrat-backing nonprofits and Super PACS Media Matters, American Bridge, American Independent Institute, and Correct the Record. It’s a veritable empire of liberal third-party groups! All of which prompted Vogel to write on Twitter, immediately after his CREW scoop came out, that Brock is now the Democrats’ version of Karl Rove.
It’s a title Brock has been gunning for since at least 2010, when, in the wake of the Republican rout in the midterm elections, he announced his plans to start American Bridge. Brock, who at the time only counted Media Matters as a jewel in his crown, initially positioned American Bridge as the liberal analogue to Rove’s American Crossroads group, the outside conservative group that played such a key role in the GOP’s 2010 efforts. In Brock’s vision, American Bridge would be a behemoth that raised and spent millions of dollars, primarily on television ads, to benefit Barack Obama and other Democratic candidates in 2012.
I presented it that way to reinforce a name which may be newly familiar to many of us - this is the same Ken Vogel who ran a piece by the DNC on Hillary Victory Fund before publishing it. He's been paying attention.
David Brock expands empire
By Kenneth P. Vogel
In a major power play that aligns liberal muscle more fully behind the Democratic Party — and Hillary Clinton — the self-described right-wing hitman-turned-Clinton enforcer David Brock is taking over a leading watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.
Brock was elected chairman of the group’s board last week after laying out a multifaceted expansion intended to turn the group into a more muscular — and likely partisan — attack dog, according to sources familiar with the move.
Did David Brock take over CREW to silence the inquiry about the server or was that just a bonus cake?
I'll close with more verbiage from Judicial Watch in case anyone is still glued to this train wreck in progress:
In January 2016 the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a report titled “Evaluation of the Department of State’s FOIA Processes for Requests Involving the Office of the Secretary,” which highlighted systemic problems within the State Department’s FOIA processing practices that led to “inaccurate and incomplete” responses to records requests:
In December 2012, the nonprofit organization Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) sent a FOIA request to the Department seeking records “sufficient to show the number of email accounts of, or associated with, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the extent to which those email accounts are identifiable as those of or associated with Secretary Clinton.” On May 10, 2013, IPS [Information Programs and Services] replied to CREW, stating that “no records responsive to your request were located.” At the time the request was received, dozens of senior officials throughout the Department, including members of Secretary Clinton’s immediate staff, exchanged emails with the Secretary using the personal accounts she used to conduct official business. OIG found evidence that the Secretary’s then-Chief of Staff was informed of the request at the time it was received and subsequently tasked staff to follow up. However, OIG found no evidence to indicate that any of these senior officials reviewed the search results or approved the response to CREW. OIG also found no evidence that the S/ES [Office of Secretary and Executive Secretariat], L [Office of the Legal Adviser], and IPS staff involved in responding to requests for information, searching for records, or drafting the response had knowledge of the Secretary’s email usage. Furthermore, it does not appear that S/ES searched any email records, even though the request clearly encompassed emails.
On August 11, 2014, the Department produced to the House Select Committee on Benghazi documents related to the 2012 attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi. The production included a number of emails revealing that Secretary Clinton used a personal email account to conduct official business. OIG discovered four instances, between July and September 2014, in which staff from L, A, or the Bureau of Legislative Affairs reviewed the CREW request and the Department’s May 2013 response, but the Department did not amend its response. L and A [Bureau of Administration] staff also told OIG that the Department does not customarily revise responses to closed FOIA requests. Nevertheless, during the course of this review, Department staff advised OIG of their belief that the Department’s response to CREW was incorrect and that it should have been revised to include the former Secretary’s personal email account used to conduct official government business.
When asked during her deposition by Judicial Watch about CREW’s FOIA request, Mills spent several minutes testifying she could not recall much of anything about the controversy, despite its recency:
Q Okay. Do you recall a FOIA request that came in from CREW that’s discussed in this document [a letter from Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) inquiring about the handling of the CREW FOIA request]?
A I don’t recall the specific FOIA request in terms of what was in the request. But I’ve obviously seen references to this in the media since then.
Q Do you recall a FOIA request that came in relating to — when you were at the State Department, of course, relating to the e-mail accounts used by Secretary Clinton and records that would provide for what the e-mail address was?
A I don’t have a specific recollection of it. But I certainly have read in the media exactly what is in here. And so while it doesn’t necessarily refresh my recollection, I do know that this – obviously this matter took place.
Q Okay. Do you recall or did Brock Johnson bring this FOIA request to your attention?
A I don’t have a specific memory of that.
Q Did you ever – or did you speak with Heather Samuelson [State Department and Clinton attorney who handled Clinton emails] regarding the CREW request?
A I don’t have a memory of that.
* * *
As much as I do NOT generally agree with Judicial Watch and their priorities, they've got their teeth in this whole issue and they are doing their damnedest to shake the story out.

Good job. Please continue to stay on this
The private email sever was set up so that she could keep the emails from people in her foundation from being requested under the FOIA.
The foundation is so big that if it was taken down it would bring down our government because of all the people connected to it.
The Clintons have dirt on so many people, I don't think anyone is going to try to bring them down.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oh shit!
At least I now know not to trust anything from CREW.
Oh $hit! I hate David Brock
with a hateful... hatitude.
Go get 'em, Judicial Watch!
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The Clintons are as dirty as they come. They're starting to
make Cheney look like an amateur. None of these people will ever be held accountable. Comey caved. Lynch cut a deal with Bubba. Bankers are free. Obama is holding release of Clinton's records until after the election. Malia's photographed smoking dope - ha, ha and no cops. Nope to big to jail - all of them. They coup is so complete, they don't even have to hide it anymore.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Sooner or later
even the slickest crooks screw up eventually. Don't be down, they're gonna get theirs. Believe it.
It's funny you bring up Cheney--we were talking about it at work today, as in "who's slicker and more evil--Hills or Dicks"?? Boss finally settled it by noting that it would probably depend on who's the best shot
I'm not so sure that they are going to ever be charged
with anything.
The FBI as the DOJ to look into the Clinton foundation and they declined. They stated that there wasn't enough evidence to support the fbi's claims, but with each passing day there is more and more information being released about the Clinton's email server and why it was set up.
I believe it was so that the people from the Clinton foundation could also access it.
Here's the link about the DOJ
Here's the link to an article about how the Clinton foundation could bring down the government of this and other countries.
Again I can't verify if this is a credible website, but there are others that state the same things, they didn't have as much information.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Well, gee, it's evidently so
Well, gee, it's evidently so much worse to bring down corrupt governments than to let them bring down the people and destroy life on the planet, amirite?
How did the corruption get so bad in the first place if not from freaking ALLOWING IT TO CONTINUE?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I don't understand your point
And why you seem to be angry with my comment. Care to explain yours?
I wrote that the DOJ refused to look into the Clinton foundation.
And put a link to an article that shows how far the tentacles of the Clintons reach to not only this government, but to others.
Did you read the article?
Do you think that you or I or anyone else has the power to stop the corruption of our government officials while they are allowing the corporations to ruin this planet?
You do remember how OWS was brutally taken down by the DHS when they were peacefully protesting against the government and the bank bailouts?
You have seen how the cops show up in riot gear along with all the toys they got from our government.
The reason why the government militarized the police was to get around Posse Comitatus.
What is your plan to stop them from ruining the planet?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
not sure about that story...
I read the ascension article and haven't made up my mind about it. That being said, do we have any way of verifying the validity of this and that its not part of the Media Matters group of journalists on the Clinton payroll? Because the twist on this story is more of the same psychological game of everyone is doing it so Hillary isn't breaking the law.
I read your ascensionwithearth link.
It's a bit gut-wrenching to read confirmation of what Smedley Butler warned us about nearly 100 years ago - the United States and our great "American way of life" are nothing more than a giant, global shake-down racket.
Hillary and Bill Clinton are significant, but expendable, pieces of it. Taking them - and Chelsea and the grandkids - out of the picture isn't going to change much, just the players.
If the anonymous FBI insider is right, it looks like World War III (which we've already started) and civil war in the US (which, win or lose, Trump will be heading up) are inevitable.
Thanks for the link, snoopy, but - I hate this shit
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Yes, Smedley told us the truth about the wars and what they
were really about, but people haven't heard of him or dismissed what he told us.
We know that the banks, Prescott Bush, the Ford foundation and others were funding Hitler and making huge profits off of the deaths of many innocent people, including IBM when it was a different name by supplying the Nazis with the nerve gas that they used in the gas chambers.
He goes on to describe all of the companies that got rich from WWII when they supplied guns, boots, clothing, airplane parts and other all kinds of other items.
He then tells us how to end this racket of wars.
Have the members of the government, the people who profit off the wars sign up and fight them themselves instead of people joining the military.
Too many people join it because they believe that they are fighting to protect this country and its freedoms.
No country or terrorists groups can take away our freedoms, besides our own government did that when they passed the Patriot act.
I wish that more people would read his book and understand that the wars that they are risking their lives for is so that institutions, defense contractors and banks can profit from them and steal other countries resources while killing billions of innocent people who happen to live in countries where the resources are.
And I love his last suggestion.
This reply is to dancingrabbit
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
... any doubt about $hill/Clenis corruption NOW??!?
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
This is how the rotten
This is how the rotten bananas take over the Republic. Bern them out - and/or paint the town Green.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I really appreciate your continued reporting on this, MsGrin
I've heard it said that news reporting is 'the first rough draft of history'. Your continuing efforts to capture these first reports, and put them into a context for your readers, is a very valuable effort. Thank you!