BLM, ALM, Racism, and Violence
I expect to receive a lot of negativity for this essay. I'm okay with that. I care more about facts than I do the opinions of others, and I am aware that truth can hurt more than bullshit can, and that people lash out when they hurt.
I've done a lot of thinking about the movements we've seen come and go and what becomes of them in the future. In particular, I've been thinking about BLM, and how it has deteriorated rapidly into a leaderless mass of angry people with no direction, and the harm it is causing. Sure, there have been good intentions from the movement, but there has also been a rise of violent and racist rhetoric caused by BLM among both blacks and whites on either side of the argument.
And yes, there is an argument, and it's all because of BLM's name, which itself is racist in appearance. I don't care about the implied "too." The fact that the "too" has to be implied at all says to me there is a problem with the name that was either intentional to get controversy (any publicity is good, right?) or unintentional and never fixed, even when the problem was pointed out.
And that lead to the "All Lives Matter" counter chant. Yes, some of the people saying it are racists. Just like some BLM activists are racists (I'll get to that). But a large portion of the people saying "All lives matter" really do mean that. They feel that "black lives matter" is focused solely on black lives, that there's racist intent behind the name, and when they say "all lives matter," they do literally mean all lives. If "black lives matter" has an implied "too," why doesn't "all lives matter" have an implied "including black lives?"
Now, about the racism part. It's unquestionable that BLM has given rise to racism on both sides. There are people who see BLM as a violent black uprising, and that should be enough of an excuse to kill more blacks, or to strip them of rights again, or put them back in chains and cages. But there are also black people, either part of BLM or simply inspired by the group, calling for the executions and lynching of white people for the deaths of black people, or for the slavery that black people suffered centuries ago Edit: 150 years ago. If you don't believe me, just watch the beginning half of this video (the last half is just the guy quoting half-true statistics (I plan on addressing those) and a "blue lives matter" homage.)
And this video:
I know. It's not the whole group. The problem is that it's never the whole group. It's always just a few bad apples. Isn't that the problem with the cops though? It's just a few bad apples, they say, but we rightly point out that nothing is done about those bad apples. Why should any movement be any different? If there's bad apples, something has to be done about them. But I haven't seen people supporting BLM doing anything about BLM's own bad apples. Not anything more than cops have done for their own, anyway. Just some finger wagging and dismissing the problem.
In my opinion, BLM has become a bigger problem than the one it's trying to solve. It's lead to dead people. It's lead to a rise in racism. It's lead to an increase in weapons sales due to people finding reason to fear the other race. What have we gotten in return for that? Bodycams on cops in some places, sure. But we have more militarized police now as well. Plus, with how many cops have been killed by people inspired by BLM, they're probably even harsher on black suspects now. That part's not a truthful statement yet, though, just my speculation as to what will be happening.
Now, I said I'd get to those half-true statistics, and hopefully that will make it clear that I'm not some racist plant, or that I have some sort of anti-black bias, or whatever else you may be thinking that would allow you to dismiss everything I've said.
So the statistics that guy quoted are true in part. Black people are charged and convicted with more violent crimes than their population percentage. But the statistics don't take into account false arrests or convictions, which is more likely to happen to black people than any other race. And yes, it's technically true that more white people are killed by cops than black people, but when you account for population percentage, whites are killed at a far lower rate than blacks. He also doesn't account for unarmed death rates, of which black people are killed at a higher number and rate than white people. Those numbers should also be questioned, though, as it's been shown that cops may plant a gun or a taser next to a body to justify their shooting of someone who was unarmed. And a statistic that isn't discussed much is that the people most likely to be killed are those living in poverty, and even when that's discussed it's usually left out that black people live in poverty at almost twice the average rate.
If you want to dismiss me and this essay as just a plant, or the ramblings of a fool brainwashed by racist propaganda, fine. Just remember, I value facts and truth more than your opinions of me. And I also agree with that cop when he says we should drop the qualifier. Life matters, regardless of whose life it is. I don't care if it's a cop's life, a black person's life, a white person's life, a jewish life, a muslim life, an atheist life, an anthropomorphic dog's life, a xeno life, it doesn't matter to me. Life is life, and nobody has the right to decide when another person's life should come to an end.
It should have to go without saying, but I'll say it anyway: I support the positive goals of BLM. I just wish they'd ditch that stupid controversial distraction of a name, either by adding that implied "too," dropping "black" so it's just "Lives matter," or changing it completely. Anything that let's us move past the racism and hatred and arguing over the name so we can focus on the actual issues.

You wrote "slavery that black people suffered centuries ago". The last known person born into slavery died when I was 16 years old, and I ain't centuries old.
Why does the time frame matter more
than the calling for the execution of white people for something that nobody alive today lived through?
Because ...
I seriously doubt that any legitimate member of BLM has ever called for the wholesale execution of white people. That sounds far more like a rightwing talking point than something that members of a group created in abhorrence of death would promote.
It's never "legitimate members."
It's always easier to dismiss people saying and doing horrible things with the no true Scotsman fallacy. Don't have to take accountability when it's some other causing the problems.
What makes one a "legitimate member?" Would that argument fly with you if it was a group of Republicans saying others who also call themselves Republicans that practice and act on hate speech as not legitimate members of the Republican party?
No True Scotsman
In our day and age of Reductio Ad Orwellum (slavery is freedom, ignorance is strength, etc.) we're dealing with an increasing number of situations where "No True Scotsman" is NOT fallacious.
An easy example of this: Independent Baptists. There is quite literally no one who can state that any given organization is not Baptist in any way, shape, or form and make it stick. I could go out tomorrow morning, open a Temple dedicated to Satan, call it an "Independent Baptist Church", and there's not one fucking human being who can tell me it isn't a Baptist Church at all and make it stick whether I approve or not.
Numerous other examples exist.
Please note that I make no claims that these situations are in any way rational......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Name A Few
BLM is focused on the problem of cops capriciously shooting unarmed, innocent men, women and children for absolutely no reason at all.
What is the problem BLM has caused that is bigger than daily homicides by American cops?
BLM has increased racism? Because America was a post-racist society until BLM came along?
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Why do you ask these questions?
Like, why ask me to list the problems it has created, when you not only quote one of the problems, but then ask questions in response to what I listed out?
And did I say BLM was the cause of racism? No. Did I claim that the US was a post-racist society? No. Why attribute things to me that I did not say?
I don't know about you, but I think increased race hostilities among the civilian class is a huge problem. I think the increased arming of the racist population is a dangerous problem. I think that the combination of the two, combined with the radicals in both camps calling for the ritual execution and murder of the other camp is a terrifying problem. Because all of this looks like the beginnings of a race war. And I don't know about you, but I'd rather we do everything we can do to avoid repeating that chapter of US history. And part of working to avoid that is to stop getting defensive when people point out problems in one group.
Or, we could be just like the democrats that shut down any conversation pointing out things like Hillary's unsettling glee at the brutal execution of foreign leaders.
Bernie already addressed this. The correct answer is "Yes!"
"Because all of this looks like the beginnings of a race war. And I don't know about you, but I'd rather we do everything we can do to avoid repeating that chapter of US history."
Pardon me, but this is very much like the Class War. Off the media, off the radar, explained away, and only called a Class War when the Commoners fight back.
-And I know you must not know this, so I'm bringing it up. There already IS a race war. The so-called "War on Drugs" is a RACE WAR. Using the USJD's own stats, I did the simple math, and found that under W, black people were 23 times more likely to be imprisoned for non-violent "drug crimes", than white people. Under Obama's first term, that fell to a mere 11 times more likely. -So much improvement! A mere 11 times more likely to be imprisoned...
-And those 'harsh sentencing" laws that were championed by so many of the oligarchs, and their tools, including Her Royal Clinton, not only rob black people of years of their lives over bullshit charges that white people routinely walk away from, but it also closes off opportunities for education when they are released, and acts to disenfranchise black people on a gargantuan level. It may be a low intensity war, but... -That's a RACE WAR. Ongoing. There were militarized cops WAY before BLM came along. Ditto about privatized prisons, where a disproportionately black population can work as wage slaves for as much as 60 cents an hour! This helps to enrich private corporations, but also helps depress wages for the rest of us, who might want minimum wage or something. It may not be chattel slavery, but it's still slavery.
Race War. Already happening. Not "beginnings" of one, but rather an entrenched, systematic, established one. Complete with a minority of bad cops that really do want to abuse their power, and keep the War going. A minority of bad cops that would answer the question "Do Black Lives Matter?" with a resounding "NO!"
I have been saying that we have a low-intensity race war in this country for over a decade now, to anybody. i'm a white boy, and I have never, EVER, had any black person argue with me for saying it. I have had a fair share of initial shock that they've met a white person that gets at least part of it. But no arguments. None.
I have, however had my fair share of white people rolling their eyes at me. I've even had a few cases of my fellow caucasians white-'splaining things to me. Usually with made-up "statistics" straight off of a RW website.
When the BLM protestors first started hitting political rallies, they were asking a simple question. Do Black Lives Matter? Hillary had security show them the door. Trump had security show them the door, and encouraged his followers to take swings at them on the way out, and a few complied. Bernie answered that question "Yes!" without hesitation. Then he gave them the mic for a bit.
It's not a hard question, but it's deeply laden with subtext. Uncomfortable subtext. And answering a very specific question with a generalization, without directly answering it, tells me that one is dodging the subtext, or denying it outright.
Honestly, the All Lives Matter reply has its own subtext. And it's frankly dismissive, if not insulting. It's a verbal rolling of the eyes. It is one of those technically accurate statements that was carefully chosen to hide the implicit rudeness. It is answering a question like "You wouldn't torture me to death, would you?" with "I've never tortured anyone to death, up to now." All technically true, and accurate, and leaving the subtext of living in fear completely unanswered. -And certainly not repudiating the fear, or trying to put it to rest. -Which is essentially leaving an implied threat in place, whilst never making an overt one. It is purposefully leaving a doubt in place, to nag.
This is an abuser's pattern, which is why Trump the sociopath brought it out immediately, and Clinton the psychopath only used that as an excuse to attack him, whilst remaining rather silent on those issues like militarized police, and packing the prisons with black people. Neither of them are directly answering the question. It's because they both want to leave the fear in place. The neoCONs worked hard to terrorize black people, and whip up all that propaganda against them. They have no plans to undo that.
I don't buy this false equivalency argument on race. Imprison white people at the same rate as black people, and bombard us with decades of non-stop propaganda about whites being criminal by nature, and deserving to be gunned down on a regular basis, and then maybe we could have that equivalent argument about race. If one in every four white people you or I know was already in the criminal justice system,
then one could say that we get it.
Short of that, it's the mainstream propaganda talking.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
How should I take your reply
As anything other than dismissive itself about there being any problems caused by BLM?
Those videos are more of that same propaganda.
i.e., Look at how horrible these black people are, complete with attempts to juxtapose actual peaceful protestors with violent thugs. 15 SHOTS! Flashing on-screen, instead of the MSM's sterilized and passing mention of an innocent black man dying in a HAIL of police bullets. Funny, I missed all of the even-handed weighing of the facts in the second video under the name-calling, and cutesy, insulting camera / audio cuts. In fact, I missed any mention of the statistic that an overwhelming majority of black crime is perpetrated against other blacks. It really is the way it breaks down. Whites kill whites, and blacks kill blacks. -And poverty drives crime, and black communities have more of that, especially under neoCON economic policies, AND they have higher unemployment than whites.
The first video spent plenty of time on the fact of the officer in question being a family man, and about the community response to his murder, the collection for his family, etc. Why don't we get the other side of the larger story, like that the police removed a similar memorial that was growing over the shooting of Michael Brown?
Yes, there are a few black people angry enough and prejudiced enough to talk about killing white people. A few have acted out. The internet gives this all a large megaphone. And what is the end point of the first video? That we will arm and train ourselves so this doesn't happen again? So many unstated implications. I can barely keep the dog-whistles straight.
IF this were to break out into open war, (which I doubt) THEN our loving and understanding government would smash it with military force. The plans are already in place. Since this open warfare isn't going to happen, videos like the ones you link to are a boon to TPTB, keeping us distrustful and fearful of our fellow citizens, and thus divided.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
So dismiss things that have been happening
because what? Because it's not you or anyone you know causing the problem? Isn't that what white america did that gave the KKK such power? Or what cops do now when one of their own is shown to be a criminal?
And who cares if a majority of black crime is committed against other blacks. Does that make it okay because it's kept in ethnicity? Crime is crime, whether it's across racial lines, within racial lines, or committed by cops. And I pointed out the flaws in the half-true statistics quoted in the first video, including the relation between poverty, crime, and black Americans. Don't know why you're repeating to me something I pointed out myself in the essay.
I posted the videos to show a growing problem on the BLM side of the argument. There isn't any attempts being made by BLM to do anything about people saying they're part of the movement calling for ethnic cleansing. Saying "they don't represent us" doesn't cut it any more than when cops say that racist cops or cops that shoot unarmed civilians don't represent all cops. TPTB don't need to bother keeping us divided and fearful when we don't take steps to counter our own from doing the work for them.
As for a race war never happening, I'm sure the same thing was said about the civil war. The US is a country fond of making impossible things reality. And if it does break out into open conflict, which side do you think the government will be cracking down on? I'm betting it's not going to be even handed on that.
Got any facts?
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
A Large Portion of Racists Don't Think They Are Racists
If your family, friends and neighbors were getting gunned down by cops at the same rate that cops shoot black men, women and children, you just might have a different opinion.
How many members of your family and friends have been shot down by cops?
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
If you want to have a conversation
Keep it to one comment, don't spread it out.
Srsly? You have one person actually willing to engage with you
and you're going to try to tell him HOW to comment?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I'm inviting them to engage civilly.
Posting multiple comments like this isn't a conversation. It's a suppression tactic favored by people who want to actually avoid having to discuss something.
You Got 'Nuthin
Making specific comments about a specific false statement is not a suppression tactic. You are refusing to engage because your position is indefensible.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Can't Keep Up?
Then leave. You got 'nuthin.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Your Solution Is A Name Change?
Really? Changing the name BLM would allow us to get to the real issues? That's why you wrote this ridiculous post?
A name change? Dude. You got more than a few screws loose.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Lol, yeah, I know, right?
Lol, yeah, I know, right? Like changing the names of such as the 'Women's Liberation' movement would have let us move past the sexism and arguing over the controversial distraction of the name to focus on the issues, lol. Let men have the vote and right to own property and to graduate all university courses, etc., which they already had - IF they were US citizens of the right colour.
As seems clear to many of us, the overarching issue is that Black lives - regarding both potential quality of life AND outright murder for Breathing While Black - evidently do not matter to those in authority within America; an abusive/killer cop culture is too-often given tacit approval, if not outright encouragement, by the reaction and protection given the perpetrators and by the fact that people like Hillary Clinton believe that public officials who enable and encourage the murder of citizens by helping to cover over and conceal the evidence of police murders of People of Colour are fit to retain office. Only in a banana republic...
Any issue must be identified in order to be addressed.
Indeed, life matters, but sometimes those most at risk must come first in emergencies. This has been an emergency situation in the US forever. Enough is enough!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Kind of proving my point
I identified an issue, and instead of addressing it, you throw out a red herring. It's the US. Low information people are the norm, and low information people take things at face value. They see "Black Lives Matter," so they take it as meaning the movement only cares about black people, and they label it racist, and therefore not worth supporting, but maybe something worth fighting against.
I don't care how dismissive you get about the idea that a name can cause such division. What an organization is called holds a lot of power of what people think of that group. Why do you think there are groups dedicated to coming up with names for other groups?
Edit: one thing I forgot to mention is that emergency situation line. There's a group that is far more likely to be killed by cops than black people: the mentally ill. Despite making up around 2.6% of the population, around 25% of the people killed by cops had a mental illness. So if you want to talk about addressing the most severe issue first, shouldn't the movement be named after the mentally ill killed by cops?
Nice RedHerring
I do not agree that racial hostility has increased. BLM has simply revealed racist, elitest hostility that allows cops to murder an innocent man, woman or child for no reason other than the color of their skin.
Radicals calling for rituial execution? I'm calling bullshit pally. You got 'nuthin.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
How about you stop acting like you're on GOS?
Does truth matter less to you than what you feel? How about you listen to what I'm saying instead of getting pissed off that I dared point out problems?
The reason I'm asking you to respond in one comment is that it's easier to have an actual conversation if all of your points are laid out right there to address. It's just a matter of civility.
You Got 'Nuthin To Say
I directly responded to specific false characterizations I put in block quotes.
You are dodging and weaving while you ignore the issues.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
You responded to specific quotations
Across multiple different comments. That's an argument suppression tactic, as it makes it far more difficult to respond to everything being said. That is especially true on this website, where responding to a comment makes it so you can only see the one comment you are responding too.
I'm not ignoring any issues at all. I'm actually inviting you to politely put all the issues you have in a single comment so that it's easier to respond to what you have to say. And if anyone's doing any dodging, it's you. You flat out refuse to answer any of my questions. You apparently also didn't watch either of the videos I posted in my essay, both of which back up things I said in it.
Honestly, it looks like you would rather choose to be offended that anyone suggest there is a problem being caused by the BLM movement than work to fix said problem. If that's the case, then you are part of the problem. You want proof of that? Just look at your behavior here. You're reminding me of the exact same tactics people at GOS made to shut down any conversation that doesn't conform to a hive mind mentality.
Are You A High School Debater?
Dude! You are refusing to engage with a reply to specific quotes I put in blockquotes. How am I preventing you from defending your mischaracterizations of BLM?
You can keep whining about GOS and "suppression tactics" all you want. Or you can make some feeble effort to reply to legitimate criticism.
What's it gonna be?
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
The irony here
You saying I'm mischaracterizing BLM is a mischaracterization of my essay. In fact, that's all you've been doing. You've been straw manning me, all but saying that I don't care about black lives as much as other lives, when right in my essay, I proudly proclaim my value of all life, regardless of religious belief, skin pigmentation, or any other qualifier you can think of. You talk as if I should be valuing certain people's lives over others', as if I'm supposed to view life as unequal, but I don't view any life as more important than another, and I repeat myself: nobody should have control over when someone else's life ends.
On top of straw manning, you are deliberately misquoting me, twisting what I say into new meaning, or cutting off part of what I said. When I point out that the police has become more militarized and speculate that they will be harsher to black suspects as a result of cops being killed by BLM inspired radicals (I don't care if you deny it, facts are facts regardless of your feelings), you misquote me, making it sound like I was asserting a truth, when in that very same paragraph I say that it is just speculation.
But why should I even bother trying to have a conversation with you anyway? When I responded directly to your question on what's worse than daily cop shootings, you immediately dismissed it as a red herring. That's not even what a red herring argument is! How can me responding directly to your question possibly be an attempt at distracting from the conversation? The fact that I was answering your question is evidence contrary to that assertion! And what was your response to that? That you don't agree that there's more racial hostility. Gee, what an amazing counter argument! Is that all it takes to convince you?
Of course, you'd actually have to care what other people had to say in order to be convinced, wouldn't you? And everything you've said so far today shows that you simply don't care about others. You don't care about black people being killed by anybody other than the cops. And you certainly don't care about the cops being killed. You just dismissed that it's happening by saying you don't agree that racial hostilities have been increasing. I guess that makes the black church arsons and the charleston church shooting non-racial. It has to be non-racial in order for your "disagreement" that racial hostilities are on the rise to make any sense at all. Personally, I see that as a major sign that racial hostilities have been increasing.
Hell, you even go so far as to dismiss the idea that people are calling for race-based executions, when there is video evidence of it right in my essay! That's just completely irrational! How can you sit there, watching people call for the lynching of other people solely based on their skin color, and say it's nothing? That's a call for ethnic cleansing! That's way worse than homicide. Do you deny that there is calls for that coming from either side? Or do you only deny that there's any calls of it from your favored camp?
The choice is yours now. You can either have a rational discussion on the issues presented, or you can prove me right about BLM not being a movement worth supporting by yet again misquoting, mischaracterizing, and straw manning me.
Just remember: I don't give a single damn about your opinions. I only care about what is factual and true. If you care about opinion more than facts, don't even bother replying. I couldn't care less about whether or not you agree with reality.
An isolated video is not evidence of anything except that somr idiot knows how to make a video.
Ask your high school debate coach how a block quote can be deceitful or a mischaracterization. A quote is a quote. It is accurate or inaccurate. A block quote is necessarily accurate.
You don't like getting spanked? Stop whining like a little baby.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Well, you've proven me right
You don't care about anyone other than yourself. You are arrogant and dismissive of anybody who doesn't blindly accept everything you say as true, you dismiss evidence that doesn't fit your perception of reality, you try to use bullying tactics like deliberately misquoting me and questioning my age, and you don't actually respond to a majority of what I say. You're not interested at all in an honest conversation. All you want to do and have been doing is trying to silence anybody who points out a legitimate problem with your favorite movement and bury your head in the sand. So I'm done with you.
I couldn't agree more with
I couldn't agree more with your answers to the OP, but if I may add a few thoughts to yours?
Trayvon's murder appeared to me to have been used as a test case for the free-form murder by armed White citizens of virtually any citizen of Colour, especially if they were Standing Their Ground against an attacker. Increased arming of the racist population has been going on a looooong time. People of Colour in too-many areas of the States are effectively living in a war zone, aware that Breathing While Black can be fatal.
Going to take a break from this thread for a while, crynig like an idiot and need to get a grip. FSM help America!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Yummy! Meteor Man loves pie!
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
In a revolution, violent or
In a revolution, violent or not, things always get worse before they get better. Then there is a period of rest. This is the third wave of the revolution for black people and those who support them. Number one was the Civil War and number two was the civil rights movement of the 60's. There are very few people who truly do not understand what Black Lives Matter means. So far, everyone who I have heard or read criticizing the phrase have never been a supporter of black people anyway: they were being disingenuous. If they add "too," those same people will find something else to complain about. They are people who are looking for a politically correct reason to be against the movement
Beat Trump with Bernie!
So True
Excellent historical analysis as well. The Civil Rights Movement of the 60's was highly unpopular. And divisive!
BLM is the new civil rights movement. Here in L.A. we have bern Occupying City Hall for 30 days fighting the most murderous PD in America.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
So what?
If they were to change the name, the biggest argument against BLM as a racist movement disappears.
And saying there are very few people who understand what BLM means is false. A majority of millennials may know what BLM means, and high information voters or people who use the internet like us, but we don't make up the majority of the country's population. There are people who don't use the internet at all. There are low information voters/people. They legitimately think BLM is a racist movement, because it's in the name: "Black lives matter." The first time I heard about BLM, I thought it was only about black lives in general. Do you think any low information person would come to a different conclusion?
And revolution or not, there is no excusing crimes committed against innocent people, regardless of who is committing them. I don't recall MLK delivering speeches calling for the ethnic cleansing of white americans.
I don't know why I'm even bothering to comment
I look at some of the responses to the relatively MILD condemnation of BLM in this essay, and it's pretty clear what I'm about to say is gonna be nuked. Oh well...
Anyone who truly believes BLM is, or ever WAS intended to do anything good, to "right wrongs", is living in fantasy land. As the author of this essay says, BLM "has deteriorated rapidly". While that's true, it can also be implied from that statement that the group was, at one time, something much better. WRONG! This is a so-called "movement" that was founded, from the very start, on LIES, HYPOCRISY, RACISM, VIOLENCE, AND SELF-PROMOTION. I've been following them, and their predecessors, for over four years now (in the current incarnation, at least). Even though most people think this "movement" began with the GG Mike Brown case, it actually had its genesis in the Trayvon Martin case. And any "movement" that starts with two such cases, cases based from start to finish, top to bottom on LIES, was NEVER a good thing.
I won't go on, though I could talk for days on what I know, what I PERSONALLY know about those cases (and my personal contacts with some of the players involved). I could go on about how the BLM and their ilk (much higher up the food chain than you might suspect) has destroyed ANY chance of starting a legitimate, honest debate about race problems* in this country. In fact, that's not their intent AT ALL. No doubt BLM has a purpose, has an agenda... but it's ANYTHING but good. Sorry if that fact bothers anyone, but it's plain to see for anyone who really wants to see.
(* By the way, anyone who believes the worst of this is still white-against-black has been living under a rock...)