Open Thread - Wed. Auguest 10, 2016 - Neo-liberalism and our Crumbling Infrastructure
Good Morning 99%'ers. Today's Open Thread topic in another in the series on neo-liberalism. For those who may be interested in previous essays on this subject, here are the links to those essays.
Week 1 - The Curse of Neo-liberalism
Week 2 - Neo-liberalism Part 2
Week 3 - The Neo-liberal Myth of Meritocracy
Week 4 - Characteristics of Neo-liberalism
Week 5 - Neo-liberalism - Obama and the Clintons
Week 6 - Neo-liberalism - The Legacy of Bill Clinton
Week 7 - Neo-liberalism - Lack of Empathy
Week 8 - Overview of the Impacts of Privatization
Week 9 - The Rule of the Market
Week 10 - Effects of the Neo-liberal Push for Deregulation
Week 11- Cutting Expenditures for the Social Safety Net
Week 12 - Neo-Liberal Commoditization of Education
Week 13 - Impact of Neo-Liberalism on Higher Education
In one of my first essays in this series on neo-liberalism, I referenced an excellent article titled What is Neoliberalism? This article was written by Elizabeth Martinez and Arnoldo Garcia and published by Corp Watch. This article provided an excellent definition of neo-liberalism as well as a listing of the five characteristics of neo-liberalism. Among the five characteristics of neo-liberalism is the cutting of public expenditures for social services and reducing the safety net for the poor.
CUTTING PUBLIC EXPENDITURES for social services like education and health care. reducing the safety net for the poor, and even maintenance of roads, bridges, water supply -- again in the name of reducing government's role. Of course, they don't oppose government subsidies and tax benefits for business.
Neo-liberals are constantly declaring that we must cut government expenditures in order to reduce the tax burden upon the people. But their real purpose is to reduce government's role in the provision of services. Among those traditional services is the provision of infrastructure. Public provision of infrastructure is a critical component for every family, business, and community to safely survive, grow and thrive.
Often we hear people complaining that government should be run more like a business. That whole premise is fallacious, but even for those who may believe this to be true, no business can survive if its owners are not willing to invest in it and maintain it. So it is with public infrastructure. It must be maintained and upgraded in order to meet the demands of the community it serves. However, in recent decades, investment and the maintenance in infrastructure has been sorely neglected.
Every four years, the American Society of Civil Engineers compiles an infrastructure report card. The last report card was issued in 2013 and infrastructure throughout the United States was given a D+ rating. While that means infrastructure throughout the United States remains at a Poor plus rating, there was a small amount of good news.
An Advisory Council of ASCE members assigns the grades according to the following eight criteria: capacity, condition, funding, future need, operation and maintenance, public safety, resilience, and innovation. Since 1998, the grades have been near failing, averaging only Ds, due to delayed maintenance and underinvestment across most categories.
Now the 2013 Report Card grades are in, and America’s cumulative GPA for infrastructure rose slightly to a D+. The grades in 2013 ranged from a high of B- for solid waste to a low of D- for inland waterways and levees. Solid waste, drinking water, wastewater, roads, and bridges all saw incremental improvements, and rail jumped from a C- to a C+. No categories saw a decline in grade this year.
The American Society of Civil Engineers categorizes infrastructure into four broad categories, most of which have two or more sectors totaling sixteen sectors in all. The broad categories are Water and the Environment, Transportation, Public Facilities, and Energy. The Society has estimated that it would take $3.6 Trillion dollars investment by 2020 to bring our infrastructure up to standard.
There is a tendency in government whereby elected officials, under the pressure of cutting taxes, end up cutting budgetary items each cycle. Usually among the first cuts are the budgets for maintenance. Maintenance is something that is not easily seen when it is done on a regular basis to keep our facilities and infrastructure up to date. But when budget cuts defer maintenance and upgrades, eventually it becomes an economic detriment and often a safety and risk factor.
Studies have shown that when our infrastructure falls into disrepair or becomes out dated, the costs to the community are very high. Deferring maintenance is a penny wise but pound foolish choice. Beyond the safety concerns, the economic impacts to both families and business are very real when infrastructure is not maintained or becomes obsolete. The American Society of Civil Engineers has estimated that each household in the United States will lose an estimated $3,400 in disposable income per year over the next ten years due to inadequate or outdated infrastructure.
Over time, these impacts will also affect businesses’ ability to provide well-paying jobs, further reducing incomes. If this investment gap is not addressed throughout the nation’s infrastructure sectors by 2025, the economy
is expected to lose almost $4 trillion in GDP, resulting in a loss of 2.5 million jobs in 2025.
It is very rare that I post an essay based upon only one source, but this essay is an exception. I am using the American Society of Civil Engineers site and their postings as an introduction to the issue of our crumbling infrastructure and how greatly it is and can affect each of us. I intend to expand upon the issue of our crumbling infrastructure further in at least one and possibly more essays in the coming weeks.
As always, this is an Open Thread and any subject that you may want to discuss is welcomed in this thread.

Here is an interesting tidbit I found thru FB:
Anyone else noticed the sunny approach given to perceived problems?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good morning, riverlover!
I hope you are doing better today.
Can you check your link? I tried to access it and got an error message. I would love to read it.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I arrived at a 404 page that was yet "Business Insider",
entered "ndaa propaganda" in the search box & got:, a 2012 article about the 2012 ndaa, which did authorize propaganda.
Also on the results page: Together, they paint a picture of gvt. propaganda being allowed and one propaganda arm denying that their propaganda is propaganda.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks, those links work quite well....
Loved the Orwellian euphemism for this program: "Information Operations." The last thing propaganda (or rather, I should say, modern propaganda, as in the not terribly distant past it was not seen as a pejorative term) is about "informing" but rather about persuasion through lies and appeals to emotions.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Government run like a business
Social Security operates on less than 2% overhead. Medicare operates on approximately a 3% overhead.
Private insurance operates on a 15% to 18% over head.
Why? In large part this is due to waste built into capitalism: advertising; other marketing; excessive executive compensation; planned obsolescence; etc.
When a powerful system cannot compete, yet wields enormous influence, it tries to kill off the competition to reach a monopolistic state where it is able to administer prices instead of letting them be set through competition. We see this in neo-liberals killing off the commons: refusing to keep the infrastructure in good repair; allowing corporations to skim tax dollars from education; water treatment; delivery of power; roads and bridges; and so on.
It will continue until the people demand otherwise. It's a sad situation when most things were better in the recent past and yet we are not allowed to organize society like we once did.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The purpose of businesses and government
are vastly different. This is something I constantly explain to people who have never worked for government. The purpose of a business is to create profit for its owners/shareholders. Without profit, the business will go under. The purpose of government is to provide services to the citizenry, including businesses, that otherwise would be either impossible to do via private enterprise or most costly to do privately. I have even had this argument with members of my own family despite the fact that they all know I worked in government nearly my entire working career.
Lack of investment in government provided infrastructure and facilities is a very short sighted and foolhardy thing. Future generations will pay a heavy price for our lack of foresight.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good morning! Yes government and business have different
objectives and methods.
I think that there are areas where private enterprise hurts more than it helps: Delivery of health care services; roads and bridges; electric power generation and maintaining the grid (TVA does a good job particularly serving rural areas where private power doesn't really want to operate); fire and police service; water and sewage. I think we would be better off if government had owned the steel making capacity and would have kept it in this country instead of 90% of it going foreign.
In some cases, I believe government should own and operate production of core products.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
If you look at things objectively
its pretty obvious what has happened. We've eliminated a lot of taxation of businesses and destroyed a lot of government services. The weird thing is that even when people know that, they never seem to feel any desire to fix it. Its a strange world we live in.
The odd thing is that
those government services, particularly infrastructure benefit businesses as well as citizens. It is a very strange world we are living in when everything is so upside down and keeps getting more and more that way.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The polling I have seen indicates majorities agreeing with you.
It is the insinuation of corruption into our politics that allows monied interests to override public wishes.
In advertising-free referenda, I think most of what people on this forum know needs to be done would be enacted. Right now, it seems like it will never happen.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Short personal rant
I absolutely hate Windows 10!
Carry on...
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Me too.
(BTW, nice essay.)
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
LOL and Thanks
I absolutely dread dealing with whatever little bug Windows 10 throws my way, especially when it does updates. I was ready to hurl my laptop out the window this morning.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Heh, I wouldn't know. Snicker.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
#WinExit, indeed!
Stealing that. *So* stealing that...
... went to Win 8.1 a couple of years ago (from XP)
and never have regretted it. A fast, smooth-functioning OS with some great features (and not exclusively for tablets, either); and I probably will stick with it even when it no longer is supported. After I determined that a number of the Win 8.1 features were being eliminated in the Windows 10 "upgrade", I decided to resist The Borg.
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Can I tell you a secret?
I'm still using a more than ten-year old computer using Windows XP. I've seen my father go through 3 laptops and having to work with each successive iteration of the Windows OS. It's why I'm holding on to this old workhorse till it dies.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
The Beginning!
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Choke government ....
until it doesn't work and then holler how ineffective it is. Rarely mentioned is the fact the Clinton-Gore eliminated about a half million federal jobs.
We have a national preserve nearby. They keep cutting jobs, as tourism increases. We need a national jobs program, and as bridges fall and roads crumble we better have an infrastructure program too! If we were smart we would generate many decent paying jobs for infrastructure and green energy.
Thanks for another nice essay gg. I'm still on a windows 7 machine, and considering going linux next time.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
For a lot less than what we have and will spend
on these wars of choice, we could have upgraded our infrastructure and created millions of good paying jobs. Instead we have squandered our national treasure on endless war and have created more enemies world wide.
Hang on to Windows 7 if you can. I got stuck with Windows 10 when my old computer died.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Smedley Butler (a certified "war hero",
and clearly NOT anti-American --
is on record as stating that "War is a Racket" (i.e., a rigged system via which insiders make a lot of money). Again, from Wiki --
"Butler is well known for having later become an outspoken critic of U.S. wars and their consequences, as well as exposing the Business Plot, an alleged plan to overthrow the U.S. government."
U.S. conflicts abroad henceforth will remain as "eternal wars", because the individuals and organizations controlling our government and society are making a lot of money from this situation.
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
To illustrate your well taken point, the National Park Service
was investigated by the Inspector General of the Interior Dept about 15 years ago and one of his findings was that the NPS needed to add 600 park rangers - the rangers who do search and rescue, fight fire and do law enforcement - immediately just for the protection of the park ranger staff. He found that there was no effective backup for the rangers and that NPS park rangers were, by far, the most likely to be injured or killed as the result of assault: 15 per 1000 officers. (The DEA and FBI had figures of 1.2 per 1000 and 1.1 per 1000).
The NPS has not added park ranger staff in spite of the IG's findings.
This is one example of starving government - particularly the jobs that carry out the agency function like food inspectors and IRS auditors - and then saying what a lousy job government does.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I have said this on numerous occasions, but it cannot be said enough. Your comments are pure gold. They add so much to the discussion and I thank you for them.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
You're welcome but I think you are too kind. Here's my take
on the "starve the government" scam: The RW, the Republicans and majority of elected Democrats, don't really want to be seen as cutting government functions that protect the citizens. So, in my opinion, they make small cuts and the agency managers are allowed to decide where the cuts fall within their agencies. Naturally, in this day and age, the managers protect themselves and their pay as well as their staff and travel budgets, so the workers who actually do the work, who go out into the field to inspect the wholesomeness of food as an example, get the axe. At the IRS, the senior executive service managers are protected while the auditors are the ones who have unfilled vacancies and the treasury loses out because tax cheats get away with their cheating.
The politicians can say, "We gave X agency the requested funds" when they know that the agency's core function will be allowed to wither. It's maladministration on the part of the executive branch. Obama could tell the IRS: "We will have a auditing staff the 10,000(say) and managerial positions will be eliminated to pay for them. You mangers who will be affected can apply for the auditor jobs if you qualify, but your pay will be cut down the auditor pay grade." He hasn't, Congress doesn't want him to, the managers don't want to lose their cushy jobs, and the scam on the American people is accomplished.
Sure hope you can keep up the Wednesday morning diaries: They are outstanding.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
It was recently reported in a professional journal that maternal
death rate has risen at least 20% during the Bush and Obama administration. 20% more women in the USA are dying in childbirth than before the year 2000.
The other industrialized countries, from Korea and Australia to Europe have continued to fall.
I think this is another symptom of what neoliberalism and its mindset is doing to this country. It also points out the importance of the safety net and what happens when it's shredded.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
From "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail"
by Hunter S. Thompson:
Indeed. In-fucking-deed. We miss you very much, HST...
Change a few names and it's still on the nose
Nothing changes except for the worse.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
How low do you have to
stoop to be a city supervisor, mayor, governor, state rep. or hold any elected office? You have to be willing to privatize everything including the infrastructure. Oregon is open for business! was the first thing out former Dem. governor Kitzhaber's corrupt mouth when he was elected as a progressive. He resigned in a pay to play environmental scam. Here in Portland the infrastructure is allowed to fall apart except in the upscale areas that are being 'developed' with investment.
They are finally replacing the old crumbling toxic sewer system in the gentrified hot real estate areas but go out side these areas and the streets are barely paved and the sewer systems are spewing sewerage into the Willamette river which is a super fund toxic mess. The city hires out the infrastructure jobs to dubious contractors many out of state. They ripped up our sewer line and had to redo it three times they did a horrible job that literally stank. Do the developers pay for the upgrades to the infrastructure that occurs only in the profitable not market neighborhoods or do we all pay for this with our sky rocketing property taxes?
Don't even get me started on the state of our railways. There was a horrible fiery derailment in the Gorge this summer as they use the freight trains which run on deteriorating rails to transport coal,gas and oil to ship off to China. It's business and endless growth for profit and the public pays the price.
Morning, guys!
Well, the mods blew up kossacks for sanders last night. Didn't even take 5 months for them to issue their own Markos-like edict.
Hmmm. Just went over there and caught up.
I'm beginning to believe that all of social media will eventually be rendered unusable in the course of this election runup. It used to be that the statement "If you aren't paying for the product, then _you_ are the product" was always true. Now, I'm starting to believe that it should be something more along the lines of "If you aren't the truck, then you are the pavement".
None of us are trucks.
Good morning, GG! I love this series and am so happy to see
the entire list, since I'm often not able to read much in the mornings.
I guess the priority for multinationals is to cut taxes; let the little people pay for their roads. The truck drivers that deliver goods to market are probably independent owner/operators responsible for their own expenses anyway, so increased expenses due to potholes aren't the multinationals' problem.
What's up with 10? I have 8.1 and it's constantly nagging me to upgrade to 10 but I have resisted so far. Of course the day will come when they stop supporting 8.1. And this computer doesn't work all that well anyway, for all I know 10 would improve it. Or would it?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Windows 10
Let me preface this remark with the fact that my computer literacy is minimal. But with Windows 10, there is no way to control when they install updates. Further, when I shut down after an update is installed, half the time it will not allow me to log back in, giving me an error message that my password is not correct. If I do not shut down after an update is installed, Window 10 either freezes my cursor or prevents me from using the space bar, forcing me to shut down. These are just a few little buggy things. Prior to this, I had Windows 7 which was fine and before that Windows XP which I really liked. I am just an average user, so that is the perspective from which I gripe about Windows 10.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It is amusing to me to note
how many of the big outdoor LED advertising screens I've seen lately displaying a purple background with "Just a few more minutes...", instead of whatever hype the owner intended. Much more fun than just the regular BSOD!
Microsoft has shot itself in the foot again. I have only two remaining Windows boxes: one runs XP, and one runs W7, and all automatic updates are turned off. When they die, they will not be replaced- everything else is running a Unix-like OS. If I absolutely have to have some Windows functionality, I'll spin up a temporary W7 virtual machine under VMware (or VirtualBox, or Parallels) just for long enough to do whatever (usually Visio, as one client still requires that format for work product). Count me as one who will never use W10, and who will never give Microsoft another dime. I have come to hate them almost as much as I hate the democratic party... (;-)
I wish I had your technical expertise. I have an old XP but it
has half a virus that I was never able to get rid of, and how would I keep viruses out now that XP is no longer supported?
Also, the 8.1 computer is much faster than the XP, I will give it that.
But as someone with little money for whom the computer is a work tool, I think I'm stuck with Microsoft.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Well, that is the truly cool thing about virtual
machines: they don't really matter as such. A virtual machine is at its root simply a file that contains all the code, and is run under a virtual environment manager. To spin up a machine when I need it, I make a temporary *copy* of the file that represents the original uncorrupted machine, and run that. If it gets a virus, self-corrupts, encounters bit-rot, or does any of the other thousand-and-one things Microsoft machines always seem to do in order to commit suicide: I just throw that now-corrupt copy of the file away, create a new copy of the original uncorrupted machine file, and pick right back up where I left off.
So I have permanent read-only W7 and XP VM files that will never be run again after their initial creation (and will therefore never get a virus or self-corrupt). When I need them, I copy them, and run the copy. They are, for all intents and purposes, immortal.
The good news is that I never use these VMs for internet activity, so they are well isolated from the really nasty stuff that is out there (like Cryptolocker and the like), and I always keep them very well isolated (sandboxed) in any case. When a VM dies, you just trash it and move on. It's not like having it wipe your hard disk or encrypt all your files. It _can't_. All it can touch is whatever is in the sandbox with it. It *thinks* it is a real machine, but it is just a simulation; an android dreaming of electric sheep, so to speak. That's the price of immortality.
Bottom line is that they are used only for very specific tasks that can't be done with my other machines. They still seem to self-immolate occasionally, but that's just life with Microsoft.
This is good to know. One of the problems I have had repeatedly
with 8.1 is that the cursor freezes every few days, requiring me to reboot. But at least usually it is a quick reboot.
Another problem was that the damn thing would update when I was in the middle of something on a deadline, and take forever before I could use the computer again. I just recently figured out how to make it wait until I tell it to install updates. So I don't want to return to that mess.
So it sounds like "upgrading" to 10 would only solidify what I already hate about 8.1! Not going there.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
continue resisting ...
We have one really good computer/electronics store, service center in Rockville MD. They are independent and established since a long time. They don't need to sell you something. When I came in with my computer a couple of month ago, I told them that Windows pops up the "Get Windows 10 now for free" etc. and it annoys me so much. Each time I had to
postpone and reschedule the upgrade to avoid the upgrade. I have Windows7 Pro and it's the only one I am used to enough that I can do basic stuff with it.
The tech guys who do the repair services told me point blank, they would never advize me to upgrade to Windows 10. These are the old Unix guru lovers ... and I think they know a thing or two.
My neighbor, an elderly lady, told me that somehow Windows was able to enforce an upgrade to Windows10 on her laptop and now she is lost. Couldn't access what she wanted. Way to much trouble.
So, if I were you, I would resist ... first they seduce you, then they enslave you, then they .... heh, it's Microsoft, they don't need your business.
Microsoft is stuck in a rut where they alternate
between absolutely HORRID versions, and versions that are OK once the bugs are mostly found and fixed.
Windows 98 was OK, eventually.
Windows Me was a horrorshow.
Windows XP took until Service Pack 3 to be stable and solid.
Windows Vista was a disaster.
Windows 7 required either two or three Service Packs to stabilize, then was good.
Windows 8 and the cosmetic fix 8.1 were bombs.
Windows 10 - some experts say that after several fixes it will work about as well as 7, but right now it's a bugfest.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I actually liked 8/8.1
once I got past the learning curve--about two weeks. About the same for any system "upgrade". Same problem of older programs not working as with every new version of Win. Hell, I still have a 5" floppy of a Win3.1 day planner proggy I wish I could use. More versatile, easier to use, and smaller footprint than anything I've seen since.
Went ahead and opted for 10 upgrade with the assurance I could revert at anytime. Freezes, crashes, restarts, updates, and so FEW of my progs would run right. I was assured I could make the progs usable if I go into the registry, but be careful because if one character of the b'jillion you have to input is wrong, your box is forever rendered unusable. Two weeks of that and I reverted back.
Or tried to. After that trial 8.1 was snakier'n shit. And the damn "Win10 is ready to upgrade" popups 3-5 times an hour that would never go away. I was assured I could stop it if I just go into the registry...
Add the data mining that can be stopped if you go deep, deep into the registry, and Win10 is a crapfest.
Good news is that box fried; bad news is I'm stuck on a kindle. Consequence is every post is tedious and painstaking as pulling hen's teeth.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
For those who are sick of the "Get W10!" nagware,
and are stuck on having to rely upon Windows anyway, the following site has good advice. To probe further:
I personally just killed off the KB3035583 update (several times!), hid it, and then finally shut off all further updates, but your mileage may vary.
I think my computer is my computer and noone
should be able to get in there and upgrade against my will. I would love to sue them for it. Somehow its a violation of my "home". Nobody can come into my house either and just ... you know... upgrade my infrastructure inside the house while I am gone.
Too bad I read that. Now I am already mad and it's only 1 pm EST.
Well, Microsoft's new business model is
that you don't own their software- you are just leasing it, and they can do whatever they want with their property that you don't own whenever they want. It is all moving towards subscription-based eternal monthly fees and the like, and away from "buy it and you own it". Which is just another reason that time stopped for me with Windows 7, and that they'll never get another dime from me. If you look at the fine print in the W10 Terms of Service, you'll find this gem:
Not going there, and especially not paying eternal subscription fees for the privilege. No smiley.
I know, all this sucking lease and cloud business,
if it were for me they could go to hell with it. I have to renew some licenses on my PC and the time I waste to figure out how to not use their lease options, gets pretty heavily on my nerves.
I need to go back and relearn some stuff. I shouldn't have to do that, but they force you to do it.
Just as another kicker:
another Microsoft bungle...
Duplicate post- sorry about that...
Thank you, GG, for this series...
We need to be armed and informed, and pass on this information in order to make the change we seek work and stick. These essays help inform, instruct and focus us about the systemic problems we are organizing, protesting, and agitating against. Valuable contributions. Thank you.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Thank you for reading and
commenting. This series never started out to be this long, but the more I researched and read, the more I realized just how much there is that we should know about this ideology that dictates everything that is happening in the world today. IMHO, knowledge is power. Now if we can harness that power.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
your series is a treasure and your sig-line like the icing, thx.
I love all the OTs here. Have a good day, gg.
thank you, mimi! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Having just finished a book on Philip IV of Spain
The internal crumbling of the U.S. reads a little like the massive over extension and bankruptcy that was mid-17th C. Spain shuffling off into a historical twilight.
As for Windows 10.... no thanks.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Thank you for an excellent topic for discussion
I will catch up on reading your great research, gulfgal98, as well as the comments.
thank you
for reading and commenting.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
And now for something different: a video suveying a shipwreck
enjoy, those are zebra mussels coating everything, another gift from Russia (not really their fault, you know).
ca 14 min
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
thank you gulfgal
I appreciate this series. It helps us all to know what we're dealing with. Global neoliberalism is not separate from politics. At this point it's what drives politics globally. It's also not inevitable or some kind of natural order. It helps me connect the dots and see the hand that has brought us to Axelrod's 'world as we find it'. This is not just the way of the world is. It's a destructive carefully constructed global takeover by anti-democratic entities and the 1% who have implemented this global 'free market' endless war nightmare.
Excellent comment
This in particular.
One of the reasons I started doing this series is to show that fighting against one symptom or another is not going to stop the ideology. We need to understand the ideology and educate ourselves and others to attack it at its roots instead just attacking its symptoms.
Thank you.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Your right
and even though I know these are symptoms it's easy to get caught up in the drama and pull of politics. It's alright as democratic governance is something most of want and need. It's hard to face the fact that unless you address the underlying sickness and only treat the symptoms there will be no recovery or cure. Me I'm tired of pols all of them. I place my hope in people globally to stop listening to the pols and the powers that be and use their collective power to stop them all. It's madness and until humans really say enough is enough it will continue and get worse. It's always been up to we the people to rein in these assholes who if left unchecked always unleash hell on earth. I don't think caucusing with them will do anything at all but give their agenda legitimacy.