Does Hillary Clinton have major health issues that we are not aware of?
Recently I have come across several people posing this question, and there are some credible arguments to be made.
There was the video of her apparently having a seizure.
Then I have seen several images of what looks to be a hole in her tongue.
Then there was the decidedly odd reaction to protesters by Clinton and her handlers.
Secret Service agents surround @HillaryClinton after protesters disrupt her rally
— POLITICO (@politico) August 4, 2016
What was also noticed was not just the comments the aid that rushed to her was saying by itself but when it appears that he was also carrying an Epi-Pen injector of Diazepam in an earlier photo. (A drug used in the treatment of seizures.)
With the first video, I thought she was maybe trying to be goofy and acting like the tea was just really great possibly, but when coupled with the problem with the stairs, the tongue, her earlier hospitalization, avoiding the press for months, etc. I am seriously starting to wonder about her condition.
It certainly makes her VP selection that much more concerning as well.
What are your thoughts? Is this a nothing-burger or yet another example of Clinton being less than truthful?

I appreciate your kind words..
I was told that for most people, the recovery, if there is one, will take about 6 months. I was still noticing improvement by that time, and continued to make more progress. Then, I seemed to hit a wall, haven't gotten better or worse since that happened, but I've just learned some ways around it :~) I very probably would not have paid much attention to Hillary (actually, I would rather not have to see her at all), but I could see myself there, with that blank look. Knowing what I want to say, but not having it quite organized to speak it. It was devastating when it happened, because reading and understanding was so much a part of my life. I just feel very blessed and lucky to have regained so much of ME. My first grade teacher still lives in my home town, so I wrote her a note and told her how much learning to read had always meant to me and how pleased I was to have it back again. I've been married nearly 50 years to the best guy, he's always been there for me and has had to take over some things that I normally did. So yes, blessed is the word.
That "seizure" video is nothing but imagination amok.
Maybe some people have never seen this exaggerated mannerism, but I've known several people who do it, and that's all it is. It's a clownish response to having personal space encroached. It's a passive aggressive way of saying, "Whoa, look at you, you're so inappropriately close you're knocking me out of balance." We might explore the psychological reasons she would do this, but you'll have to show such a "seizure" happening outside of that context before there's any valid reason to suspect a physiological issue.
And the valium injector? That's "Obama's No God But Allah Ring" level photo interpretation going on. Other than being a small cylinder, it doesn't look like the injector at all. What he's more likely carrying is the flashlight shown in this video.
Look, people perceive what they want to perceive to support their belief, and there's no situation where this axiom can be safely omitted from our assessment of what's going on. And it is ridiculous to assume that either side of the political spectrum has a monopoly on the tendency. The less guarded we are against this, the more we will just become a joke.
The tongue thing's kinda weird though.
You and Shopkeeper2 offer almost the exact same "explanation."
Seems almost ... shall we say ... coordinated.
Sorry, but after all the shit at GOS, I'm highly suspicious of this kind of stuff.
I hadn't even seen Shop's response before coming up with mine.
Considering that the correct explanation about something will of course have multiple proponents, it's ludicrous to conclude that more than one person having similar interpretations automatically becomes suspicious. It is important to judge an explanation on its merits before opting for more paranoid theories.
And what, pray tell, would I gain from coordinating with someone to defend Hillary? You may not know me from Adam, but I've got plenty of history of being a critic. My concern is that fringe theories with flimsy evidence only detract from the more important areas of concern and paint us as little better than typical right-wing conspiracy nuts.
It's not Hillary I'm really defending here, it's our rationality.
Theories with flimsy evidence
This also applies to your explanation for these events, FWIW.
Personally, my goal isn't to prove or disprove a specific physiological cause for these episodes. I'm not a doctor, and can't spot epilepsy in real life, let alone on video. I'm not interested in fringe theories. I'm interested in the truth. The questions raised by these videos are valid, and if HRC were smart, she'd address them head-on and put the whole thing to rest. I won't hold my breath.
Plenty of other commenters have made a more eloquent case for why shutting down discourse on this issue is actually unhelpful. I won't repeat them here. If you don't want to talk about it, don't. It's as simple as that. There's no need to denigrate others as irrational CTers.
WaPo reported in 2012 about hr concussion
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
That thing in the agent's hand looks to me like an e-cig
Partly covered by his hand, but still:
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Mostly, from the way it's being carried,
it looks more like how one might carry an epi-pen, if one wanted to get to it quickly. If that's Secret Service, he's not vaping. Either that, or they've gotten a bit lax. You don't see their agents smoking cigarettes....
I would be surprised if he was secret service. He doesn't look
to be in the physical condition that they demand and the competition is fierce for such duties.
That and the way he was talking to her when she froze in the video, telling her, "You're Ok, Keep talking" would be a bit out of place for an agent I would think.
He sounded much more like a medical aide than a security aide, but who knows.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
She's just had a heavy session of Electroshock Therapy
Administered by the Rothschild/Rockefeller New World Order globalists.
Ooooohhhhh Spud!
We can't resolve this
remotely, only raise questions that will not be answered.
It might be that she has a condition brought about from her fall. It might be that she has a condition which developed for some other reason, that caused her to want to maintain a private email server so that she could be 100% certain that no emails alluding to her (alleged) condition, directly or indirectly, would be made public. It might be that her condition resulted in her fall.
Does anyone remember Clinton being so reclusive during the 2008 campaign? Now she is avoiding the press and only appearing in tightly controlled events. Is that not a change? Concern about a seizure in an uncontrolled setting would explain that.
In the end it may not matter whether she actually has a condition or whether this is all just made up nonsense. All Trump (possibly Johnson, I can't imagine that Stein would take this line of attack) has to do is figure out how to use surrogates instead of attacking personally. He finds a suitable surrogate who goes all in talking about Clinton's seizures. The press asks Trump about it, he responds reasonably that he's not a doctor, doesn't know if she has a condition, but he hopes if she does she gets appropriate treatment.
That puts the media spotlight back on Clinton. Her numbers drop, Trump's numbers drift back up again. The general public is terrified of any sort of mental illness or brain disfunction. Any open accusation would have a big effect on her numbers. How long until the Trump campaign figures it out?
I personally don't think that a 10 second seizure that does not leave her impaired afterward disqualifies her from the job. But if 10% of Clinton supporters think it might, that would throw the election.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
The difference with 2008
is that she was behind and needed the press. This time she had that taken care of for her.
Apologies if this is a re-post
I still haven't made it all the way through the comments here, but I just saw this new addition on Facebook -- it apparently happened just yesterday. Once again, she spaces out and loses her train of thought mid-sentence.
I'm not familiar with the source, so I offer it for what it's worth ...
Not worth much, I'm afraid
When you loop a moment to magnify a momentary aberration it reflects very poorly on those presenting their 'Breaking News' and makes it all too easy to dismiss out of hand.
That said, there did appear to be a bit of dead air in Hillary's presentation that could support some of the recent speculations. Too bad it was not presented without the blatant visual manipulation.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
If it was any one of these incidents by itself I would dismiss
it outright as people reading things into it that don't exist, but when you look at all of these "little" things together it starts to form into a very disturbing collage.
I don't know what the problem is, or if there even is one,, but it does appear that there is indeed the potentiality that something is wrong with her, which is a legitimate reason for concern and so speculation about it is warranted.
Particularly when coupled with the Clinton's predilection to lying.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Lying and Cackling
What has disturbed me about Clinton, beyond her blatant non-stop lying, is her stretched out wide mouth cackling and braying at completely inappropriate times. This was noticeable as early as 2008 (see vid) ... Based on her political record and statements, I think she is a malignant sociopath. Being older than Clinton is, I don't think the 70's is particularly suitable age for Presidency with brain problems/mental illness.
From the Light House.