Pentagon Doesn't Know Where $6.5 Trillion Went
Yep. That's trillion with a capital T.
“Army and Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis personnel did not adequately support $2.8 trillion in third quarter adjustments and $6.5 trillion in year-end adjustments made to Army General Fund data during FY 2015 financial statement compilation,” wrote Lorin T. Venable, the assistant inspector general for financial management and reporting. “We conducted this audit in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.”
I googled "Department of Defense Inspector General Report" and got zilch. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.
In turn, employees of the DFAS were routinely told by superiors to take “unsubstantiated change actions” commonly referred to as “plugging” the numbers. These “plugs” – which amounted to falsifying financial records – were then used to create the appearance that the military’s financial data matched that of the U.S. Treasury Department’s numbers when discrepancies in the financial data couldn’t be accounted for, according to the Reuters investigation.
Are we really supposed to believe that none of that missing $6.5 trillion went into lining the pockets of any Generals and Admirals? Why are the government watchdog types silent about this? Pentagon waste isn't news anymore?

A trillion here, a trillion there...
...but it seems to NOT add up in terms of an explanation (other than that they take us for chumps).
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Oh, oh! The last time we were told that $2.3 trillion was
missing was on 2/10/2001.
But that is a damned good question. Why hasn't anyone asked where that money went?
No one seemed concerned when $9 billion went missing in Iraq during the war. We heard of it for maybe 2 days and then the story disappeared from the news.
And did anyone bother to ask why a plane flew huge pallets of cash into Iraq during a war and there was a any security around it?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Millions, billions, Trillions----math is haard!
Bignum money goes woosh, not even heat from the bonfire. Has anyone tagged the CGI or Foundation for such sums? I am happy that I am not a government accountant.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
This country has become nothing
but a big con game. We rubes are being sapped dry by the carnies.
Missing is a little misleading. What this means is that
that DOD has not conducted the audits mandated in 1996 so it can't tell exactly where the money has been spent. Of course there is waste, fraud and abuse, always has been, but this is about proper accounting more than anything. The total budget of DOD since 2001 hasn't been more than 6.5 trillion, they must be taking this back to 96.
What it means is that it isn't capable of being audited.
They do not have the paper/records behind the expenditures to reconcile or prove anything in their books. This has been the case for years and nobody gives a shit.
If you are unemployed, however, and you want job retraining or a job, YOU must provide proof of age, citizenship, income, family size and document your fruitless job search and labor market support for the occupation for which you want to be trained. We will accept birth certificates, passports, baptismal records, check stubs, tax records, divorce papers, labor market statistics from reliable sources, and applicants statements signed by the applicant and a witness. This is the documentation you are required to provide if you want to receive even $1.00 in government job training funds.
The job counselor and facility receiving the money to serve you must document staff wages/benefits and the allocation of their time to the appropriate funding source. All other expenditures must provide three quotes even if it is $10.00 worth of pencils. If they fail to document the applicants eligibility or their expenditures, it will result in a disallowed cost to the funding recipient and the money must be repaid to the federal government. Unless you're funded through DoD. Every time the fed would come in to audit us, I just had to ask if we could have some of that free and funny money from DoD instead.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I was merely trying to explain that 6.5 trillion isn't really
missing, by and large it was spent on DOD programs, but they can't do the accounting. People look at this and think 6.5 trillion dollars actually went missing, like it was stolen or something. That's not the case.
As a long time anti-imperialist, I've gone over this issue many times.
But people will believe what they want to believe.
While it may not be missing
it would be interesting to know exactly what and or who it was spent on.
It was spent on aircraft carriers, F-35's, combat operations,
military bases, etc. That is the DOD budget, it adds up to around 6.5 trillion since 96. In other words, that was their budget, they just can't say exactly where the money was spent.
This country makes me want to puke.
The sheer hypocrisy, the evilness, the corruption. There is zero justice. Zero accountability.
But god damn if your child is disabled you got to fill out paperwork and explain every fucking receipt.
If you work in a marijuana dispensary you are not allowed a paycheck, my income doesn't count toward mortgage, loan.... but they sure as fuck tax my income.
They tell us there isn't enough money to educate our kids.
They tell us there isn't enough money for "free" stuff like clean water, good shelters, hell there isn't money to fucking mow the weeds from many blvds or parks.
But they have money to LOSE. Money to KILL with.
Fuck this country. It's high time the slaves and peasants of the "free and the buhhhrave" wake the hell up and start fighting back.
But it isn't going to happen because we are "fighting" about Trump vs Hillary. And that right there is insane. It shows how fucked up we the people have allowed things to fall apart. I'm not sure how it all happened, not all at once. But I know that pretending there's some fucking election is not the answer.
Between the brutal, murdering "cops" and the loss of any voice and choice... all there is left to do is fight.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
The more I read about just what this country
has done over the years, I agree this is one hell of a corrupt country. Not sure it was ever that much better than now in reality, but it sure as hell seemed to be. Makes me want to leave here sometimes, but there really isn't any place where it can be escaped, we've exported our stupidity to the world. Who in hell can blame them for calling the US "the Great Satan?" Not me, not anymore. Actions speak louder than our platitudes ever could.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Yet the arms merchants keep track of every last cent.
US approves $1.15 billion sale of tanks, other equipment to Saudi Arabia
Only connect. - E.M. Forster