Please stop the "Scumbag Trump" and other such derogatory memes. Don't help Hillary lie.
The goal of this essay is to discuss Trump and his criticism of Hillary, Obama, and Bush's Middle East Foreign policies. In response to the following essay I wrote a comment, which several people suggested I turn into an essay.
Having just reread the above essay, I do feel that my comment still stands. However, I don't want to bash that essay or its author. Some of what he is saying about the NSA and the CIA, and the information he is providing, is informative and well worth the read. The title is unacceptable to me. It is the empty "Anti-Trump" meme, based upon what I felt was a misstating of Trump's argument, an argument I happen to agree with, that I have a problem with. Promoting a negative meme and narrative, based upon a falsehood, helps Hillary. The Hillary campaign has been spreading outright lies, half truths, and derogatory memes about Trump, just like they did about Bernie. Let's not help them do this to Trump as well. I am actually inclined to post a series of essays debunking the bullshit, and more importantly, discussing Trump's positions in a honest forum. I do believe Trump will be the next President so I think it is important worthy endeavor. The following is illustrative of some of the false memes that Hillary and her shills have been spreading, contrasted with Hillary's history:

The ultimate goal of this essay is to discuss Trump, and by way of contrast, his criticisms of the Hillary's Middle East Foreign Policies. And, along those lines, if anyone has an authentic criticism of Trump, on any subject what-so-ever, I welcome and invite those criticisms.
My original comment...
You know, I have spent the last 3 weeks listening to Trump's complete speeches, start to finish, as well as, several relevant clips from the Republican debates, not the Clinton anti-Trump propaganda, in order to be fair to Trump and have an accurate understanding of what he has to say, given he is at least a legitimate candidate, having won the Republican Primary fair and square, (unlike Hillary who rigged the election, stealing it from Bernie). And if Clinton and her minions could misquote, skew, and outright lie about Bernie, they could and would do the exact same thing with Trump. Let's not help Clinton get away with lying and cheating anymore, even and especially about Trump (or Jill Stein, for that matter.)
Apparently, for the past 12 months Trump has been criticizing Bush, Hillary and Obama -- all three -- for their joint Middle East policies (Bush's Iraq War and Hillary/Obama's Libyan Military Intervention), which did cause ISIS, if George Washington's "good overview" is accurate, and I think we all agree that it is:
"ISIS started as rebels under the US occupation of Iraq. They grew by ravaging Libya and Syria."
And honestly, I don't think Trump is at all wrong. The Libyan Military Intervention was entirely Hillary's doing, with Obama's support, of course. And let's remember, Hillary not only voted for Bush's Iraq-AUMF, but she went out of her way to give a somewhat impassioned speech, using her clout as a Democrat and her clout as the former First Lady, to sell Bush's Illegal War to her fellow Democrats in Congress:
And to add insult to injury, Hillary, the real scumbag in this story by all accounts, not only gave that speech selling the lie about WMD, she had the nerve to cite "intelligence reports" that she didn't even bother to read:
Records: Senators who OK'd war didn't read key report
Clinton did not read the 90-page, classified National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq, according to "Her Way: The Hopes and Ambitions of Hillary Rodham Clinton."
For members of Congress to read the report, they had to go to a secure location on Capitol Hill. The Washington Post reported in 2004 that no more than six senators and a handful of House members were logged as reading the document.
After patiently watching 4 or 5 of Trump's full speeches (over 5 hours), including his acceptance speech, I have yet to see anything that warrants calling him a "scumbag." In fact, I have surprisingly been quite impressed with his level-headed temperament, his well thought-out critiques, and his take on Foreign Policy. Yes, it would be nice if all of the members of NATO paid what they agree to pay. And Japan should pay for 100% of their defense, not 50%. And the Saudi should be paying us for defending them, not us paying them rent. I knew nothing about these issues prior to listening to Trump, and from my read, Trump is entirely right. But then for Hillary to misquote Trump, taking what he said out of context, claiming that Trump was against NATO, is no different than Hillary's lies about Sanders' positions on Single-Payer Health Care, or any of a number of issues.
In contrast, Hillary's apparently legendary explosive temper as First Lady frightens me, almost as much as the chilling glimpse into her cold-hearted sociopathic psyche from this renowned clip...
... not to mention the truly frightening implications about her mental state, given her disturbing Bosnia Sniper Fire lie, a lie she told repeatedly, clearly she is not just a liar, she is a pathological liar. Now, I am sure Trump has exaggerated or colored certain stories from his past, but I don't think he has done anything even remotely in this league. When listening to Hillary tell the tale of that supposed Sniper Fire landing, it sounds like she actually believes her own lie. And she wants to be Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces?
Truly frightening.
And like many here have said, I do love Trump's rebuke of the TPP. And, I can only applaud Trump's relentless attacks on #CrookeHillary exposing her lies and her corruption. Bravo! FINALLY a major candidate is calling out Hillary and the Clinton Foundation for their corruption:
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Aug 1
When will we see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation corruption and Hillary's pay-for-play at State Department?
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Aug 1
Hillary, whose decisions have led to the deaths of many, accepted $ from a business linked to ISIS. Silence at CNN.
WIKILEAKS: Hillary Took Cash From Company Accused of Sponsoring ISIS
Maybe now these stories will get the MSM attention they deserve, even if it is only Fox News, for now. Eventually CNN and MSNBC will have to stop ignoring this major story, especially if WikiLeaks drops another smoking-gun email bombshell, this time, implicating Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation for racketeering outright, blowing the story wide open. Hell, if we are gonna discuss Hillary and the Middle East policies, it is wholly irresponsible to not discuss the Clinton Foundation's nefarious "pay to play" racketeering deals. And while I am praising Trump, I must confess that Trump is my hero just for posting this comment on his Twitter feed:
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Aug 4
President Obama should ask the DNC about how they rigged the election against Bernie.
Credit where credit is due. Bravo, Trump! Bravo!

I am of the idea that the purpose of that last tweet...
was specifically to allow the DNC to dismiss all accusations against themselves.
Well, if TRUMP came out against it, clearly he's a moron... is the standard media cry.
What better way to completely dismiss an issue than to have Trump tweet about it.
Which is of course, assumes that Trump is just taking orders from Hillary, because let's face it, the sudden heel turn is too quick to be anything but bad writing. (Course, the Media is expert at bad writing... and they too are taking cues from her Royal Worshipfulness)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
OK, but
isn't the DNC doing this anyway?
And not just them, I might add, but that takes away from the point of this post. Which, oddly, I agree with, mostly because it's correct to point out "Why would we help Hillary lie?" I mean, I don't have to actually commit to voting for Donald Trump, just so I can point that out, do I?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding
Are you saying that, in running for president, Trump is acting on Hillary's behalf? Umm... I've heard that before, and I actually find it downright laughable. Anyone who knows Trump would feel the same. Now do I believe that Bill/Hillary wanted Trump to jump into the race, hoping he'd do enough damage to her PRESUMED opponents (Jeb, Lil' Marco, etc) that she'd win easily? I think that's a possibility. But do I think Trump got into the race with that mindset? NOT IN A MILLION YEARS. Once Trump decided to enter the race, it was exactly as Melania said... "He never starts anything unless he thinks he can WIN." So throwing the fight? NOPE.... Donald don't play that.
I agree. His ego wouldn't allow him to throw a fight.
The stupid things he does are just that...stupid things done by a stupid person. Trump isn't a genius, that's for sure.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
After patiently watching over 5 hours of Trump speaking,
and studying his media narratives and memes over the past 3 weeks, I am starting to think that Trump actually is a genius. He has yet to say a single thing that, after reflection, I do not agree with. I know there is the meme floating around the liberal community that Trump is an idiot, but have you taken the time to actually patiently listen to any of his speeches, start to finish. I strongly recommend that you do, and let go of any judgements you have heard. After having watched 5 of his speeches, end to end, I am starting to think that Trump is actually a calm cool collected, and brilliant man, but he is a man who knows how to play the media. So, he says seemingly inflammatory non-politically correct things, to get the media's attention, and then when he has their attention, that is when he takes the time to patiently explain.
I am serious. Trump is a fucking brilliant man, and I was as shocked to discover this, as you probably are to read me saying this. Trust me. Do take the time to listen to his FULL speeches. Either way, it would be unfair of you not to do this. But, mark my words, you will be very surprised at what you discover. Pleasantly surprised. And yes, he is a Republican. So try to forget that when you listen to him speaking. Don't be prejudiced, just because he is a Republican.
And forget Hillary's Liberal Media "derogatory memes" about Trump when you listen to his speeches, in fact, that really is the main point of my essay.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Just listen to the Rush Limbaugh show...
every day on your drive to work, and you'll see that he's actually RIGHT about things.
Heard it before in the 90's. No thanks.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
You lost me at "Rush L..."
We are talking about Trump, not Rush L.
Either you have listened to Trump's entire speeches, start to finish, or you haven't.
Have you?
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
You lost me at 'genius'
Sorry. The man is a child.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Have you listened to any of his speeches, start to finish?
I was as surprised and in disbelief as you are.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Actually, no. I have known about and even worked next to tRump's
organization before his heyday and I can assure you he is indeed, an idiot.
He can be spectacularly gracious, he is media savvy, but he is the opposite of brilliant. He is a bad businessman as well as an inveterate thief. He's never earned an honest dollar in his life. He steals from everybody, even when he could make more just doing it right.
He is a great salesman in the automotive sense, who understands that media is all in America, and there are some who categorize that talent as brilliance. But don't confuse the ability to utilize tools and technique to achieve a result with intellect. Like the shrub before him, he is an affliction imposed on us all by the ruling class.
The greatest irony to me, so far, is that he epitomizes the ideal of the Clinton agenda. Without people like the DLClintons, tRump would just be another faceless rich kids blowing through the family fortune.
Well, I have worked in corporate,
Well, I have worked in corporate, so I appreciate your analysis, and that is exactly the type of analysis I am looking for, so thank you. I am studying him and listening to his speeches, putting aside the media blurbs. I have heard about his bankruptcy, but I do not necessarily think that a failed business, in and of itself, is an indictment. Hell, look at Abraham Lincoln's track record, and no, I am not comparing Trump to Lincoln, that comparison would be absurd, but the point remains.
Your recounting of Trump's history and modus operandi, however, is entirely relevant:
I honestly have not paid any attention to Trump prior to 3+ weeks ago. I did not listen to even one of the Republican debates. I was solely focused upon Bernie and I stupidly believed that James Comey was an ethical man, and would do the right thing, recommending to indict Hillary, but I was sadly mistaken. And I thought that Bernie would destroy Trump, but I believe Hillary is wholly unacceptable, and furthermore, I believe she is an illegitimate candidate, and as such, anyone who votes for her or supports her candidacy is complicit in her criminal theft of the nomination. Hence, I resigned myself to supporting Trump and Stein. I do not believe Stein is a viable candidate to win in 2016, much as I would support that, mainly because the yellow dog democrats will vote Hillary, without thinking, and the Hillary acolytes will obviously vote Hillary, and that will split the liberal base in two. Due to this, I think the most I can hope for is for Stein/Green Party to win the majority of the liberal vote, and I believe this is absolutely imperative, and entirely likely, because I do believe that Bernie won the majority of the liberal vote, but that is not enough to beat Trump. In any case, I felt it my duty to listen to and study Trump. And in doing this, I ignored any of the liberal media/bias against him. However, I am very interested in learning any and everything about his past, fact-based past, not the slander. If you have any links, I would appreciate it, and I am especially interested in any and all negative information. Now, if all you have is "word of mouth" and rumor, I am interested in hearing that, too, yes. As long as it is not simply name calling. Telling me that he is "dishonest" or a "thief" is acceptable, that is not "name calling" in my book. You are telling me what he did. If you cannot provide links, that's okay, at least you are telling me what to look for, so I will use google, etc, to follow up on that. And to clarify, I had a problem with "scumbag" not because I have a problem with calling him a "scumbag" .... no .... I had a problem with calling him a "scumbag" based upon a lie. THAT I have a problem with.
For example, the people in this documentary are entirely justified to call Trump a "scumbag"
I don't think Trump will be the best on environmental issues, but given his position against the TPP, alone, makes him far superior to Hillary, but I bet he would support Fracking, for example, but I don't know for sure, either way, that's why I want the Green Party to rise to dominance and win in 2020.
Listen, I am looking for a candid honest analysis of Trump, the good with the bad ... that is all I am interested in ... just not the Hillary Propaganda bullshit.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Trump made millions playing the villain, and he knows better than anyone that the villain doesn't need to win to be the one who wins.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
I understand that many believe that Trump is
I understand that many believe that Trump is just a "fall guy" ... and that he is set up to help Hillary win. I don't share in that belief. I have heard the story that Bill Clinton asked Trump to run several years ago, and I don't doubt this occurred. However, I don't think Trump plans to take that fall. Trump hates to lose. Trump doesn't like people lying about him or disparaging him, and Hillary and her people went out of their way to disparage and lie about Trump, which is their M.O. However, this has pissed Trump off. So now Trump is out for blood and is going to destroy Hillary, simply because he can. Many people question whether or not they can trust Trump. I trust Trump to be Trump. And Trump is a ruthless cutthroat New York City Businessman, a True New Yorker, unlike Hillary is just a "Carpetbagger" New Yorker. Trump is going to expose and exploit Hillary's weakness, and Hillary's main weakness is her corruption, and one of her main corruptions is that she stole the election. So of course Trump is going to draw the media's attention to this. Trump is going to draw the media's attention to any and every corruption of Hillary's. It's his winning strategy. The "enemy of our enemy is our friend." This is my read. More and more, I see Trump as an ally, and I have yet to see anything in his speeches or tweets that I disagree with, in fact, I am starting to think quite highly of him.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
But if you go back and look at his days as a WWF promoter it looks like he's following that same "villain" script almost exactly. He never cared that people were lying and hating on him then because he knew it was fake and built his brand.
And modern politics is no more real than WWF is.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
For those who don't read Drudge
and the other RW sites - Drudge is leading with a picture of Hillary "trying" to walk up stairs into a house, and she has a person on BOTH sides of her holding her by the arm helping her up the steps.
No kidding. I haven't posted the other "memes" about her being sick - just no proof. Except a great deal of coughing. But this is the strangest picture, it really looks like she can't make it up the stairs by herself.
Who knows?
Is this the picture?
I have removed the picture because according to Reuters, it was taken on February 24.
Links to Reuters proof in my comment below.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
That's the one leading the list now. She looks strangely, very strangely discombobulated? Awkward -
the list of falls in the past few years, ominous.
Never been a whiff of any of it in MSM.
Also reports of the man who immediately came to her aid when protesters disrupted, showing he's not secret service, but MEDICAL, badge on chain, and close up of his carrying something that almost looks like an Epi-Pen ( but isn't, I know what Epi's look like) -
I checked the net for Hillary needing help up the stairs
And there are plenty of hits. One image has the caption that the photo was taken 5 hours ago.
I'm going to read the articles, but if Reuters took the picture, why didn't they write an article about it?
If this picture was from today, then she needs to release a health report, right?
This could be big news.
I did more checking and this image was taken on February 24
There isn't any more information from this site, so I'm not sure what to make of this.
I'm thinking of removing the picture because I think it damages the credibility of this site.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
The MSM wouldn't say a word
If she arrived for debates in a casket. Bill consolidated the media. He owns them.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
:D lol! "The MSM wouldn't say a word If she arrived for the
debates in a casket."
& chris matthews (gag) would fall all over himself praising her.
yes, please redact the image or add a disclaimer.
Thanks, JtC
If people want to see the picture they can click on the Reuters and the Twitter links
I still think it's fair to ask for Hillary to release her medical records if people are questioning her health.
I don't know when candidates release them or if they do, but people are questioning her health because it is known that she fell and was hospitalized because of a head injury.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
there's lots of speculation all over the net.
Thanks for the redaction, snoops.
Thank you again for your stewardship of this site. Had no idea of date of picture, there was a whole list of them. My main point was her health has been a big question on so many sites, but never mentioned on MSM.
This was right under the picture
It says slipped, not tripped. Is there ice in SC in Feb?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
IIRC, a trip is whenyou stub your toe on something & go down,
and a slip is any time you lose traction, for whatever reason, and regardless of result.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
There could easily be ice in SC in Feb.
Freezing rain is more common there than snow,
Also note she's wearing what look like your average impractical women's heels, which have poor traction. Even a wet stair could cause a slip. And I don't see any handrails.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Well, if it's true
I suppose Hillary could add another "progressive" claim to her list: first president to need a stair lift installed in the white house.
It's TWO consecutive pictures
The first one, featured on Drudge, shows Hillary straddling the first and second steps (from the top). She's listing to one side, but it really looks like the guy to her right is helping her up. The second photo she's at the top of the steps, one and a half strides into walking. She's still using his arm to support her weight, and he's still got a white-knuckle grip on her arm. Draw your own conclusions.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
If I liked the woman, I'd feel sorry for her
But I don't... and I don't
As for the "RW sites"....
... strangely it's those where you're more likely to find the truth than elsewhere this election season. Maybe it's not that they've suddenly become more honest, maybe it's just the real facts actually lend themselves to their reporting more than usual. Either way, yep... it feels strange for me to be reading so much from those kind of sites.
Exactly how I feel
if I want to know what's really happening - the first place to check is a rw site. Doesn't even feel strange anymore.
Used to be a very regular reader of NYTimes, and WashPost - now both are a complete waste of time. Except for the comments, which sometimes take the stupid articles to task, but still not worth it.
Foreign press like The Guardian, al Jazeera, and RT are more
honest than our own 'fourth estate'.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
They are geting as bad as ours though.
Don't get me wrong, they learned it from the US, and the US MSM is more often than not worse, but all the rags you named are shells of their former selves.
Solidarity forever
Interesting. Thank you for sharing about this.
I am personally very concerned about Hillary's health and I do firmly believe that she has her minions in the Liberal Media on a "media blackout" about anything to do with her health, in fact, I read somewhere that she forbids anyone to film her getting on or off of a plane ever since she took that fall walking up the stairs onto a plane 5 years ago.
This is just wrong.
Because, as a Presidential candidate, if she is unhealthy, the public and the military, MUST know this, because this would make her unfit for duty. Now, Hillary's health was not really the focus of my essay, but again, I do believe it is a very valid discussion that this entire nation should be focused upon, and I bet that Trump will very soon start to ask about Hillary's health too, to get the media to focus upon it, and they should. And no, this is nothing like their "taxes" .... a serious health issue will physically prevent Hillary from performing her duties as Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces, the main job of the President.
And speaking of Trump's taxes, I am far more interested in seeing a FULL AUDIT of the Clinton Foundation's tax returns, than I am with Trump's Taxes. I mean, come on, folks, who does Hillary think she is fooling? Seriously.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
but to me, if Trump doesn't take this and make hay out of it--because let's face it, he can be really obnoxious. And what wouldn't be obnoxious about making a public stink about your opponent's health condition, even though it's a valid question?
Come on. It's a valid question. Why isn't Trump asking it yet?
If he doesn't, he's gotten quite stupid in a real short time. Either that, or there's something to that rumor about his candidacy being a setup to make Hillary look sane. I still think Big Dog put him up to it. If he really did, then Donald Trump will never mention her health. Never.
I agree completely! 100%! ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY!!!!
But.... Timing is everything a fight.
For the past week, Trump has been hammering Hillary on her lack of Press Conferences, so in response, because Trump does have her on the ropes, Hillary had a pseudo Press Conference with select friendly journalists, and she FAILED. And Trump made a series of short videos making fun of her. "She short circuited?" Have you seen them? They are obnoxious and hilarious, and yet, every concern they raise is actually valid. He is ridiculing and mocking her. Trump is obnoxious ON PURPOSE.
And so..... wait for it .....
A health issue is a "knock out blow."
Hillary would never recover from such an issue becoming the main meme/narrative. Never. And if Trump is anything, I think we can all agree that he is a master at timing in working the media narrative, to work the media into a frenzy... to play the media. I fully expect Trump to focus on this, but I bet he is waiting till the right moment, for him to "seemingly" react to... in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that attack doesn't happen this very week. Like NOW.
Because THAT PHOTO of Hillary being helped to walk up the stairs, which JtC asked someone to take down, after researching, was allegedly taken 5 months ago. So why did that photo surface NOW?
And on Drudge?
lol .... yeah, Trump is ruthless, and brilliant. Mark my words. And you are right, this is an excellent litmus test. I agree completely. Ask yourself, "Do you honestly doubt that Trump is ruthless?" I am almost glad that Hillary stole the nomination from Bernie, so now we get to see Trump destroy her, and the entire Democrat Party in the process, and out of the ashes of the death of the Democrat Party, the Green Party will be born. I think it became clear to all of us Bernie or Bust folks, we don't just need to defeat Hillary, we need to defeat the entire Democrat Party.
Bernie or Bust the DNC. They chose bust...
#GreenParty2016 -- Beats the Dem Party in Presidential election.
#GreenParty2018 -- Sizeable Victories in Congressional elections.
#GreenParty2020 -- Wins the Presidency.
Hence, I will support Trump in defeating Hillary and destroying the Democrat Party, and I will support Stein/Green Party in winning as much of the Liberal Vote as possible. We need to attack Hillary on two fronts. So yeah, I view Trump as "The enemy of our enemy is our friend."
But your test is entirely valid. Hillary's health is her biggest weakness, so this is a valid test to see if Trump is truly going to destroy her.
We shall see.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
@DetroitMechWorks: Of course he's taking orders from Hillary.
I think that's why he won't release recent tax records. Probably would show payments from Clinton Foundation. She urged him to run, originally. He and Bill used to golf together. The Clintons were at Trump's wedding. And Bill and Donald both had their phone numbers in the "little black book" of a convicted child sex trafficker. Clearly the oligarch's circus.
-But I'll be politically correct here, and not call either of them "scumbags". The pending rape case against Trump is no reason to call him a "scumbag". Nothing is proven. Yet. Lots of fine upstanding citizens end up with pretty much ALL of their phone numbers in the address-book of a child sex trafficker, I'm sure. Doesn't mean anything, does it? Don't you know lots of people that party with child sex traffickers?
Still, kinda makes you wonder about Hillary's judgment, huh? -The part where she never divorced Bill? -Or never exposed either of the seriously creepy golf buddies?
But let's just keep bashing Hillary, the war criminal, because Donald is a saint by comparison, or something. It's apples and oranges, I know, but when they're both in the same bag, and are moldy, dripping, liquid rotten, it's hard to tell the difference.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
Very strange.
Good Luck!!!
If you don't play the game right, you LOSE
"Have you ever tried to do business in New York without sucking up to the politicians? I’d never get anything built!" -- Donald Trump, on why he was friendly and donated to Hillary and Bill (and many others).
He has admitted over and over that he's benefited by using some of the same tactics used by nearly all businessmen and politicians. But he's also said that knowing the intimate inside details of how it all works, he's uniquely positioned to help CHANGE all that. Of course we can debate about whether he'll actually follow through (I think he WILL).... but there's NO doubt he knows how the game is played.
Do you honestly think Trump would "take orders from Hillary"?
I've been doing a character assessment of Trump, and I really cannot believe that Trump would take orders from anyone. That's just not his M.O. Have you taken the time to patiently watch any of his speeches, start to finish.... to really listen to what he has to say?
I wrote some of this in another comment above...
I understand that many believe that Trump is just a "fall guy" ... and that he is set up to help Hillary win. I don't share in that belief. I have heard the story that Bill Clinton asked Trump to run several years ago, and I don't doubt this occurred. However, I don't think Trump plans to take that fall. Trump hates to lose. Trump doesn't like people lying about him or disparaging him, and Hillary and her people went out of their way to disparage and lie about Trump, which is their M.O. However, this has pissed Trump off. So now Trump is out for blood and is going to destroy Hillary, simply because he can. Many people question whether or not they can trust Trump.
I trust Trump to be Trump.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Trump is a ruthless cutthroat New York City Businessman, a True New Yorker, unlike Hillary, who is just a "Carpetbagger" New Yorker. A poser. Trump is going to expose and exploit Hillary's weakness, because it is in Trump's nature to do this. Trump is an animal. The analogy that I think most describes the situation is this:
Trump is a shark and Hillary is also a shark. Except, Hillary is wounded. She is bleeding. She is spilling blood from multiple wounds into the water. And Trump, a fellow shark, tastes that blood, so like all sharks do when they go into a feeding frenzy, they close their eyes and they start to rip their prey to shreds.
So, I trust Trump to be Trump...
Hillary's main weakness is her corruption, and one of her main corruptions is that she stole the election. So of course Trump is going to draw the media's attention to this. Trump is going to draw the media's attention to any and every corruption of Hillary's. And he won't stop focusing on these weaknesses until he destroyed her. It's his winning strategy. It's his only strategy.
And, I really don't think Trump would be able to stop himself even if he wanted to, and I really don't think he does, because they pissed him off, by saying "nasty lies about him." They hurt Trump's feelings. lol ... I am laughing, but, I am actually being serious. Trump is a beast. And Hillary is actually very weak.... very weak PREY.
Trump will eat Hillary alive, simply because it is in his nature to do so. And that's why I trust him. That's the ONLY reason I trust him ... lol ... Ironically, it's for the very reason that most liberals hate him that actually he can be trusted, namely, because he is ruthless, and because Hillary has pissed him off, and because she is wounded. Big mistake on her part.
"The enemy of our enemy is our friend."
This is my read. More and more, I see Trump as an ally, and I have yet to see anything in his speeches or tweets that I disagree with, in fact, I am starting to think quite highly of him.
You wrote...
I am going to repost my comment from my essay, please reread it:
It is the empty "Anti-Trump" meme, based upon what I felt was a misstating of Trump's argument, an argument I happen to agree with, that I have a problem with. Promoting a negative meme and narrative, based upon a falsehood, helps Hillary. The Hillary campaign has been spreading outright lies, half truths, and derogatory memes about Trump, just like they did about Bernie. Let's not help them do this to Trump as well.
And you have posted an allegation about a lawsuit against Trump that has not been proven, as you noted, but I have read allegations about similar behaviors, but far far worse, about Bill Clinton .... allegations which, given Bill's KNOWN track record, I fully believe, but I am not posting those, no, but you are posting allegations about Trump. And, by posting your allegations about Trump, even in the supposedly "innocent" and "politically correct" manner that you have done so, you are helping Hillary discredit Trump. Now, maybe the allegation is true, but you stating this, in this manner, makes me wonder, so I have to ask, are you going to be spreading those same sorts of quality of rumors and allegations about Hillary and Bill, of which there are legion and FAR FAR WORSE?
Shall we speak about Hillary and Bill's Arkansas years?
Or what the Clinton Foundation has done?
I am not saying anything is off limits, no, but I am say, let's be even handed and look at both candidates with the same candor.
And that is kind of my point here.
Trump WILL be focusing on all of these "allegations" about Hillary and Bill ... of which there is quite a lot of proof, and much of the proof is Public Record, and Hillary cannot possibly want that, no. And so no, I seriously doubt Trump will be "taking Hillary's orders" when he exposes them. As noted in the essay I linked... Trump has been calling Hillary "weak" lately, and Hillary hates, more than anything, to be called "weak." It drives her bat shit crazy. She has voted for two wars, Iraq and Libya, killing over a million people, just because she did not want to be known as "weak." So no, Trump is not taking orders from anyone. Trump is noone's bitch. If Trump is anything, he is his own man. I can't wait till the debates, gonna have a lot of popcorn handy, he is gonna go to town on her .... lol ... in fact, he's already begun, and he won't stop, and he already has her on the ropes, so he is gonna be relentless. I would, if I were in his shoes. He will destroy her. I bet she is already having nightmares.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
I'm new here, so I need to say something about Bernie
I really like the guy, and thought it was great when he got into the race. I actually really had hoped he'd jump in in 2012 to go after Obama, but of course he didn't. So this time, I was thinking well, better late than never. And for awhile, I was totally loving what he was doing. I admit to being very disappointed when he began to grovel to the BLM frauds, but I thought that was just the price he had to pay when going up against Hillary. Overall, I thought he was a champion, willing to fight right till the end no matter what came. I loved seeing how hard he worked, and the huge crowds he was drawing (second only to Trump). It was inspiring.
But once he went all in for Hillary, and started his "full-throated" attacks against Trump? Well, saying I'm disappointed is a massive understatement. I'll just say what others have said: I believe Bernie or his family was PHYSICALLY THREATENED in some way. I just can't believe a guy that ethical, honest, and caring would suddenly do a 180 and throw his full support behind a person like Hillary Clinton. So as odd as this sounds, I hope Bernie WAS threatened... because the alternative is really hard to take.
Bernie lost me when
he lost his integrity.
Trump has positions on trade, foreign policy and political correctness that I agree with totally. The media is as corrupt as the Clintons and I only listen to keep my enemy close.
While I don't agree with every Trump policy position....
... I agree on quite a few, including some big ones. And I ABSOLUTELY agree with his war on political correctness. As for the person, Donald Trump the person, I actually LIKE the guy. I didn't know much about him before he got into the race. I knew he was a good businessman and self-promoter, but not much more. Like a lot of people, when I heard his name I thought "arrogant" and "fake hair".
And so when he jumped in, I was at first like "hmmm???" But over the past year I've studied him closely, including a lot of his past. And I've found that nearly all of the hits aimed at him by his political enemies and media are exaggerations, half-truths, or most often just downright LIES. I am a lifelong Democrat, a lifelong liberal... and yet I've come to strongly believe that Donald Trump is a GOOD person. If that means I have to turn in my "Good Liberal" card... so be it. 
Trump is change
And change is good. I was for Bernie all the way, donated money to his campaign and he disappointed me profoundly by endorsing his antithesis HRC.
Trump 2016!!!
I think you are off here: 'he was a good businessman'
Trump is maybe worth $250 million (not billions) and he has failed at many business opportunities. I wouldn't consider him a 'good businessman', just a typical rich child who was born on third base and thinks he hit a homer.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Forget the fake hair, what about his fake "university"?
N.Y. attorney general on Trump University: 'This is straight up fraud'
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I'm just going to redact this, I don't want to get into it
fucking good grief.
Okay, even if I don't agree...
... with your take on Trump, that right there is funny! I can almost see you throwing up your hands...
The legitimate reasons for criticizing Trump
are legion, but I, too, am troubled by the illegitimate criticisms of him in the media and the failure of the media to evaluate Clinton's record as Secretary of State. The corporate media have reached a new low in this election.
I have never seen so many-
The.Clintons, media, Supreme Court, GOP, DP, CEOs, celebrities - brutalize a candidate and his wife and children so rabidly, so frequently, for so long.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
And don't forget... even the Pope! :)
But you're right, any other candidate, any PERSON, would have wilted away long ago. Trump is not your normal person. And I hope people keep in mind the threat, the actual, PHYSICAL THREAT to Trump and every member of his family. This man could have lived out his life in total peace and luxury... and instead he put himself out there, literally RISKING HIS LIFE day in and day out. The lack of respect he gets for that is disgusting.
Trump isn't running to make America great. He's running
to feed his own ego and to enrich himself. He sat back the last few years and watched the Clintons make millions off of our political system. He wants in on some of that action. Trump doesn't do anything unless he perceives it to be in his best interest. Fuck Hillary and fuck Trump.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I think it is wrong, more than inappropriate for the President of the United States to be making the statements he is about the Republican nominee for POTUS.
By this time, I don't care what Obama thinks. But I do respect the office of POTUS, and I think he is damaging it by his statements.
Excellent Analysis
Thank you.
Thank you.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Good essay
Yes . . . I believe it is a terrible thing to lie about Donald Trump too. Facts about the whole spectrum are important.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Thank you. Agreed.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Trump is reprehensible spoilt brat, sorry but that is
about as nice as I can be.
From my very limited analysis of him over the past
3 weeks, I cannot say that you are wrong. And, some of what I have seen from his past may warrant "scumbag" even, but not the example given in the essay that I linked. That was my point, only.
Trump's critique of Hillary's Middle East Foreign Policies, a.k.a. "war crimes," are correct, I believe, and did, rather directly, foster ISIS, or set up the very conditions within which ISIS was founded. Bush Senior, Bush Junior, Hillary and Obama's policies are responsible. Trump has been saying this and I agree him 100% on this analysis. Bear in mind, Trump is criticizing BOTH Republicans AND Democrats, equally. Trumps criticisms of NATA also appear to be entirely valid.
All I am asking for is a fair analysis.
Like it or not, I think he is going to destroy Hillary and become the next President, so I want to know at least know what he is saying and not merely dismiss his analysis out-of-hand based upon a derogatory Hillary Propaganda meme based upon a lie about what Trump said.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
I did the same thing
I listened to every speech and interview of Trump that I could find on you tube. Then I listened to some of Hillary's. I could not believe how much better he sounds . His English is better, he is easier to listen to. You might have to not look at the video as the MSM has been successful at linking his appearance to being irrational. I am really looking forward to the debates. Try it and see if you don't agree. There is definitely something grating about her speech. Of course the other factor is that she does not get past three sentences without a major lie. And can you imagine that she claimed that Comey found no problems with her use of a private server, just bad judgement.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
That is my analysis too.
I am contemplating posting a series of essays discussing at length certain passages from his speeches --- complete passages, in order to have an open forum to fairly discuss his arguments.
I cannot bear to listen to Hillary for more than a few minutes, simply because she is lying outright so much, as soon as I hear her lie, I feel it is an insult to my intelligence, so she does not deserve to have me listen any longer. And, given her outright theft of the election, I consider her an illegitimate candidate and really doesn't even deserve to be on the ballot, much less, taken seriously on the world stage.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
They're BOTH sociopaths. It's an insult to condoms (which serve
a USEful purpose) to refer to either candidate as a 'scumbag'. My sub culture calls people who praise race and ethnicity baiting thieves like Trump maggots, because they feed and grow healthy on rot and corruption.
Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.
You see, now I do not have a problem
with your statements because they are based upon what appears to be, maybe an accurate analysis of what Trump has been saying in the Republican Primary elections. I have no analyzed what he said during the Primary yet, not fully, but I do intend to do so. I am aware of this stuff, but I have to say that I ignored the Republican Primary entirely, focusing solely upon Bernie and the Democratic Primary. I assumed that Bernie would destroy Trump, and I didn't expect Trump to win, either.
In any case, let me be clear, my problem was the term "scumbag" used to dismiss what I felt was an accurate criticism of Hillary's Middle East Foreign Policies and how they had fostered/founded ISIS. I agree with Trump's criticism of Hillary on this subject.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Very good essay - this has been bothering me, too
It's like the war-with-Russia propaganda that Hillary & the neocons have been pushing (because Putin!), like the propaganda for capitalism (because markets!), no reasons, just sneering and essentially spitting, lots of indignation - how dare you question that? Bring out McCarthy and HUAC!
He's clearly running to the left of Hillary on many issues, but many people don't seem pleased about that. Odd. Do we care about issues, or do we care about the candidates' hair? Are we just Team Blue, no matter what? How about the TPP he opposes and our invasions of everyone that he criticizes? How about his radical idea that we should negotiate with Russia rather than threatening it? Oh, no, we can't have peace!
I don't agree with him on everything, like deporting all illegals, but I also don't think it will happen. Besides, it's Obama who's been actually deporting more people than anyone else ever before, and Hillary who wants to send children back to be killed to "send a message."
Thank you. You have echoed my sentiments entirely.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Sorry, but Trump hates Muslilms, hates Mexicans, is a racist,
hates poor people, and would destroy the economy. That the same can be said of Her Heinous does not negate the statements made against him. That he never sounded like a racist until he decided to run as a Repug and was willing to go there to pander to the racist base doesn't make him a good person, it makes him a racist. If you haven't heard his statements against all these people, and deriding Warren by calling her Pocahontas, and refusing to condemn David Duke or the KKK, then you aren't paying attention. Sure, Hillary has destroyed her credibility by smearing Bernie. Much of the MSM has done the same. But you can see widespread video clips of him saying things against all these people, and tweets that he himself has put out there, so this isn't made up.
Don't vote for either one of them.
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Then I sincerely hope you vote for Stein.
I think she is wonderful, through and through, though I have only been studying her over the past 2 weeks, but I like everything I have heard her say so far.
I have started to review Trump's past statements over the last 12 months, but I want to review his comments IN CONTEXT. I fully realize that he has been pandering to a RW Base, and this is disconcerting, offensive, and dangerous.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
It is my plan to vote for Stein, unless I find something
substantive about Jill or Hill that changes my mind. I don't consider my vote locked in until November. But I have actually been collecting signatures of registered voters in KY to get Stein on the ballot here.
Please see my latest Video News. I go through the foreign policies of all of them. I pick short videos so that no one has to listen to very much, but I listened to tons to find those that seem representative.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I will definitely review your Video News posts.
Thank you very much. This will be very helpful.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
My issue is that by propelling the Hillary propaganda that Trump is so much worse than he probably is (and I think the gridlock he would face would be a GOOD thing compared to Hillary working cooperatively with so many Republicans) we make him SO scary that many people who would be open to voting for any 3rd party candidate will be intimidated into supporting Hillary because they buy into how "dangerous" Trump will be.
I firmly believe the best chance for the most votes for Jill or any 3rd party candidate will require balancing out the fear and loathing between Hill and Trump, and not allowing the Hillary campaign to paint such an extreme portrait.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
I think you're right. The best reasons to vote third party are
because the two main candidates are almost the same, and Jill is much better.
I don't think Trump will face gridlock, though. I don't think he has a stance he cares about that much. I think he will do whatever a Repug Congress wants him to do.
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But look at his history - everything he's saying now is new, and in contradiction to his being a Dem all these years and holding otherwise liberal views. He's still PT Barnum more than any GOPer, and I don't say this as a means of support, just that voting for Stein isn't risking unleashing Trump regardless of whether it does or doesn't. Hillary is equally bad but for different reasons.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
So what do we have here. I've seen a number of people
on this site thinking about voting for Trump primarily to try to stop Clinton from becoming President. That's one thing. But here we have people who are apparently going to vote for Trump because they like him, think he is "change", and that he will make a good President. A good number of people judging by the recs. That's another thing entirely.
I will not participate on a blog that has this many people supporting a Republican presidential candidate for President. I see absolutely no purpose in that for me. I support neither Clinton or Trump, I've said in the past I'm boycotting the Presidential election because both of these "Scumbags" are completely unacceptable. That's what I'm going to do.
But I won't debate with Trump supporters, it's a waste of my time. My purpose here is (was) to try to accomplish something. That accomplishes nothing. If I wanted to do this I'd go to a right wing republican site.
Good bye and good luck.
c'mon, al
Just because some dumb-ass dog wanders by your house, and dribbles fetid coils of filthy yellow shit on your lawn, that doesn't mean you pack up and move.
Why don't you support Stein/Green Party?
Do you have a criticism or negative view of Jill Stein?
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
I might have this all wrong
But to me I see the positive effects of softening the extremism of Trump being that it allows for people to be less worried that a vote for a 3rd party candidate is "a vote for Trump!" It's only if people truly do view them as equally bad, or at least take the view that Trump wouldn't be the "end of the world as we know it" that they can be assured that their 3rd party vote isn't a wasted vote or a vote for Trump.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
No need to absent yourself, just don't get involved in these
comment threads and disputes. I almost suspect false flag stuff here, but, what the heck, we support open and free discussion as long as people keep it civil, so I guess this stuff gets a pass. Besides, there is some truth here, Hillary and her camp do lie about Drumpf, and everybody and everything else, but that doesn't make everything negative about him false, nor does it make him a good person or a good candidate.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It gets a pass because we're adults here
just sayin'....
I hate it when people say, "If you're going to do/say/believe
such and such, then I'm leaving".
Discussing all sides of an issue doesn't make us pro-one side of the issue.
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I'm sorry you are buying into the
latest meme of Trump's "brilliance" here. IF you honestly think that man will do one damned thing about trade, wars, income inequality, health care, infrastructure, or anything the least bit productive for the 99% then he's sold you a bill of goods as surely as he's sold it to the Tea Party loons who support him. The man is OF them and for them, he is merely campaigning right now.
I don't believe he's the boogeyman Shillary would like us to believe, but he sure as hell is not the answer to the problems this country faces. He can sit there and level blame now, but when he gets into office, he'll do the SAME DAMNED THINGS any of them do and he'll tell you that's all he could accomplish under such a corrupt system. While that would be true, are we going to just give him a pass on that too? Are we just gonna say, "oh well, he DID try, and he IS brilliant, but even he can't do it, so move along, nothing here left to see" like we've been doing for the last 30 fucking years?
As for the scumbag meme, it fucking fits here. Just because he may say a few things you think are "true" and "brilliant" does not mean he's correct, a stopped clock is right twice a day after all. And your citing Rush Fucking Limbaugh as anything near "right" or "true" or "correct" is a Godamned insult to the rest of us who saw through that ugly mess too, and lost family members to it - family members now solidly in the Rump camp. You just willfully ignore that the Limbaughs of the world created Trump as surely as Bill Clinton ever thought about doing.
We no longer have a "good" side to vote for in Murka, stop trying to pretend like we do. And really, I don't think YOU have the right to come in here and demand we say, or not say, anything. This isn't that other hell hole, if you'd like to censor then go back there.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I am not "buying into' a meme,
I watched 5 of his complete speeches, and I will be watching a lot more. I realize he is being a politician, and if he does nothing more than expose Hillary and the Clinton Foundation corruption, defeat her, and destroy the Democrat Party in the process, in order for him to win, then he will have done enough. My ultimate goal is for the Democrat Party to die and the Green Party to rise to prominence as the Party for the Liberal Base, in 2018, 2020, and beyond. THAT is my goal. As I have tried to explain, I trust Trump simply TO BE TRUMP. Nothing more. Nothing less. He is a ruthless animal, who hates more than anything, to lose. So, he will destroy Hillary.
"The enemy of our enemy is our friend."
I think Trump has genius in certain areas, I actually believe everyone has genius in their own unique way, and depending upon their life, sometimes it blossoms and sometimes it does not. I think Trump is brilliant in certain areas which allow him to expose the corruption in the Republican and Democrat Parties. I applaud that, alone. As I've said, "Credit where credit is due." I may admire a shark, doesn't mean I am gonna go swimming with a Great White Shark anytime soon.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Clinton's Police State is Already Real
I am just finishing a more academic, neutral, book on the Ukraine and Russia, "The Return of the Cold War" and am shocked at the amount of toxic bullshit and completely false news reports slung at Russia and Putin by the Corporatist Parties (D) & (R).
Tonight I read one of the trade agreements with Dominica and wondered why the Caribbean Islands even consider ourselves independent. I am trying to figure out here a couple million dollars of funds supposedly granted to Dominica vanished to, if it did vanish.
At the same time, as a card carrying Socialist of the anarcho-communist stripe I have been listening to all the Corporatists (Capitalists), everyone from Bernie Sanders and Keith Ellison to right-wing Republicans nutcakes making attacks which amount to "Trump is the devil". No substance but a drumbeat of fear-mongering without a single word about any issue. "Trump is a clown", "Trump is a bigot"... Hell, I'd like to hear a debate on disbanding NATO...
I realized that I have never listened to anything Trump says except from edited out clips brought to us by the corporate left. And, I wondered... if the damn Clintonian corporate fascists (and their sheep-dogging progressives) from Sanders to Lewis and Gabbard to nutcake rightists such as Rubio, Cruz, Ryan and McCain all hate this Trump character so much (and vice versa)... not to mention MSM raking him over the coals like they do Putin, well maybe hes got something worth a listen. He is one of the only ones in both corporate parties sticking a burning fag up their sorry war mongering, lying asses and I like it. If a gun were held up to my head and I was forced to vote Clinton or Trump, I'd take Trump.
Luckily no one is holding a gun to my head yet so I can I support #BLM, Green, Socialist Alternative and the Worker's World Party... My own opinion is that only massive, daily, worldwide protests are going to bring down the empire. And judging from the record, I would say that Clinton, following Bush and Obama have already turned America into a militarized police state with no respect for the poor, people of color, or constitutionally protected rights and liberty. I really don't have time to listen to five hours of Trump, and I can only take 10 seconds of Clinton... so I don't know what Trump's response to blocking roads is. I doubt it would be worse...
From the Light House.
Trump is a clown: Just one example, he sued Bill Maher for
a birther joke, apparently not realizing that he did not have to prove that his father was not an orangutan. Another example: In 2012 he was railing on David Letterman against outsourcing jobs to China. Letterman showed him that his ties are made in China. Letterman proposes shutting down the Beijing factory and opening a tie factory in Queens. Trump says he would love to. Here's the video if you don't believe me:
[video: width:500]
Trump announces his candidacy in 2015, once again railing against China. I went shopping at Macy's at that time to see for myself. Trump's entire clothing line, suits, shirts and ties: Made in China.
Then, of course, there's that Tribble he wears on his head, a clown show all by itself.
Trump is a bigot, won't tolerate protest: He had a woman thrown out of his rally because she was covered up and wearing a head scarf. He has ignored violence on the floor when his minions threw people out of his rallies for being black. He has thrown people out of his rallies for silent protests, such as wearing issues T shirts.
BLM: Here's Trump on how awful BLM is, and throwing Planned Parenthood under the bus for good measure. It's short but seems pretty definitive. There are multiple clips of him saying similar things, but he tries to squirm away from making definitive statements most of the time. O'Reilly pins him down. September of 2015:
[video: width:500]
This is not to say that he never gets anything right. But he has a long history backing up statements like the above.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
In contrast, a black female Trump executive debunks the racist
claim about Trump:
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Let's talk about the NATO meme and what Trump really said.
You wrote...
Hillary and her people have misstated what Trump said.
Here is what Trump said, in his own words, from his speech.
Start listening at 35min 10secs:
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Actions speak louder than words
And eight years of Democrats' actual actions in power speak louder than eight months of Trump's words — end of story.
This has been my exact sentiment as well.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman