Dying In a Corner of the Sky

With Bernie Sanders disposed of and the coercion of "moderate Republicans" underway, Hillary and the "Democrats" will continue to move further to the right, corporate power will continue to expand after the "election", the Constitution will continue to be shredded, the Pentagon beast will continue to prowl through the Middle East, there'll be finger pointing at Putin and fearmongering about terrorism every damn day of the week, by everyone in power, by everyone in the corporate media, by everyone accustomed to profiting from the slaughter and carnage of Endless War, Incorporated.

There won't be days of hope, there'll be days of lasers in the jungle, lasers in the jungle somewhere. There won't be days of disengagement from the Middle East, there'll be days of Reaper and Predator drones, killing in the desert somewhere. There won't be days of economic justice, there'll be days of TPP treachery, plotted in the shadows of the Deep State somewhere. There won't be any days of miracle and wonder, there'll only be days of betrayal and plunder.

[video:https://youtu.be/h1ki3AbK8tM width:500 height:333]

Corporate propaganda will be even more pervasive, those staccato signals of constant information are becoming a 24/7 deluge of constant disinformation, that loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires is consolidating into a global cartel called the Clinton Foundation. They want what the Clintons want--POWER. Absolute, beyond challenge, permanent. They want what the Clintons want--WARS. With Russia, with China, with ISIS and Iran and Pakistan, pick a country, any country, if it has resources worth at least $10 it's on the target list.

And guess who'll get to fight their wars?

It was a dry wind,
And it swept across the desert,
And curled into the circle of birth.
And the dead sand falling on the children,
And the mothers and the fathers,
And the automatic earth.

The political establishment sowed the winds of war in the Middle East, but we're the ones reaping the whirlwind. The economic establishment sowed the winds of exploitation across American society, and we’re the ones reaping that whirlwind. The media establishment sowed the winds of Trump vs. Hillary, and the whole world is going to reap a whirlwind of ruin because of it, a whirlwind of ruin because a pathological liar is going to be in the White House no matter who wins that pig circus propaganda contest they're calling an election.


Decent human beings.

Seven billion of them.

Dominated and exploited by monstrous hypocrites.

That's the way we looked to Bernie until he endorsed one of the monstrous hypocrites, that's the way we look to anyone with a conscience, that's the way we'll look to whoever is left to pick up the pieces, that's the way we'll look to a distant constellation that's dying in a corner of the sky, while our own world is dying all around us in this little corner of the sky.

But don't cry baby, don't cry,
Don't cry, don't cry.

Because we're doing everything we can to turn things around, because we're giving everything we've got to make this world a better world. Because we're facing in the right direction, and when you're facing in the right direction you just keep going.

Welcome to Caucus99, new members and new readers. Welcome, exiles from TOP and refugees from what used to be the Netroots. I know what it's become, you know what it's become, we all know what it's become--the DNC Ministry of Information. Well to hell with them, we're here to tell the truth and we're going to keep telling it.

It's great to see you here, it's great to have you with us . . .

You'll need a good companion,
For this part of the ride,
So leave behind your sorrows,
Let this day be the last,
Tomorrow there'll be sunshine,
And all this darkness past . . .

[video:https://youtu.be/MWWpQJXVBeU width:500 height:333]

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mhagle's picture


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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Only a radical extremist would want to save the planet for our kids.

What is wrong with you? Smile

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mhagle's picture

All of them actually.

There are so many many excellent writers here. And then when they are poetic as well . . . a cherry on the ice cream sundae.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

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I am so thankful you are here.

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I appreciate your kindness and support, crescentmoon. I think we're all thankful for this community, and grateful to the wonderful people who got it started and to the new readers and members who have joined us.

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detroitmechworks's picture

linked me to a Australian anti-war song. They know how to do it over there. We seem to have morphed our anti-war music into harmless materialist pop that challenges nothing.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

I discovered it on YouTube about a year ago in a recent concert performance by Redgum member John Schumann. This version is great as well.

Thank you for posting it here, detroitmechworks.

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"Waltzing Matilda" by the Pogues, about the fallout from Gallipoli in WW1. What glory they achieved (well, not really, mostly dead and broken bodies for little/no gain).

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I've featured that song in an essay or two over the years.

Thank you for posting the link, MichaelSF.

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Lady Libertine's picture

thank you Rusty, keep 'em comin'.

I am just so very very tired... Ill bounce back but meanwhile it helps to have these reminders. We have the numbers, we are not crazy, etc. We have Truth. Aaaaaand .... we have Rusty!


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But someone is always there to lift our spirits, to energize and inspire us. It's the way to stay forever young, it's our source of strength, and that's why we're going to win this fight

[video:https://youtu.be/y-ef6l8L2Hk width:500 height:333]

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featheredsprite's picture

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

Thank you, featheredsprite.

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the Pentagon beast will continue to prowl through the Middle East

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Scrappadoo's picture

my favorite essay I've ever read here. Beautiful mix of truth and poetry. Love it.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

If it were not for your writings, I would feel empty. If it were not for this community, I would feel despair.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

You're a very active and devoted member of this community, your love and support for everyone sets a shining example for all of us.

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Thank you for this.

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joe shikspack's picture

a beautiful articulation of our current position as a people.

poised on the precipice of the rim of the frying pan, watching our fellow americans argue over which lever will eject us all into the fire.

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And a big thank you for all the hard work you've done here. Just don't run yourself ragged, I think it would be okay with most of us if you took a few minutes off a couple times a year to rest a little. Smile

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The Parable of the Young Man and the Old

So Abram rose, and clave the wood, and went,
And took the fire with him, and a knife.
And as they sojourned, both of them together,
Isaac the first-born spake, and said, My Father,
Behold the preparations, fire and iron,
But where the lamb for this burnt-offering?
Then Abram bound the youth with belts and straps,
And builded parapets the trenches there,
And stretched forth the knife to slay his son.
When lo! an angel called him out of heaven,
Saying, Lay not thy hand upon the lad,
Neither do anything to him. Behold,
A ram, caught in a thicket by its horns;
Offer the Ram of Pride instead of him.
But the old man would not so, but slew his son,
And half the seed of Europe, one by one.

--Wilfred Owen

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Please help support caucus99percent!

Thank you, Dallasdoc.

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janis b's picture

and soul to compensate for the heartlessness.


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to find truth. But there's no shortage of them here, I see beauty and truth everywhere I look at c99.

Thank you, janis b. I bookmarked that video, it's great.

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Damnit Janet's picture

Thank you so much for sharing.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

I wish the NHL season would hurry up and get started again, I'm ready for some hockey! I grew up in Minnesota so I'm a Wild fan, but I've always liked the Sharks. I hope they get to the Stanley Cup Finals again, and maybe the Wild will finally get that far.

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I've always liked that Dylan song, this version is great!

Thank you for posting the video, native.

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