Open Thread - Wednesday September 23, 2015
Unfortunately, I may not have much time to interact with comments on today's Open Thread as the first of my back to back company will be arriving today. When it rains, it pours. My MIL and SIL are coming today and leaving on Thursday. That gives me just enough time to wash sheets and towels for company that is arriving on Friday. I feel like I am running a bed and breakfast. The two visits are unrelated, but just happened to come back to back. So I am going to be a busy bee over the next couple of days.
I had originally hoped to be able to attend the big regional dkos meet up in Asheville this weekend, but with my company coming in on Friday, my plans became moot. The folks with the Asheville dkos group are a really cool bunch. The main organizers of that group are randallt, Joieau, dave houck and Lamont Cranston, all good and very fun people. I am disappointed at not being able to attend because I wanted to hear Dr. William Barber speak on Friday and to meet Meteor Blades who is one of many of the FP'ers coming.
The main reason we are entertaining company this weekend is that my husband is riding in the annual fall Mountains to Coast bike ride. Each year the ride begins and ends in a different town in North Carolina. The starting point is always in western North Carolina mountains and the finish is always somewhere along the North Carolina coast. This year it starts in Waynesville which is not far from where we are so my husband decided to do it. It will finish at Oak Island, NC. One of our neighbors is also riding it along with three of my husband's Florida friends. We are hosting one of the Floirda couples coming up for the ride and on Saturday I am having a big breakfast send off for our friends who are riding this and their spouses. It should be quite the adventure as the guys who are riding this with my husband will all be camping each of the seven nights on the road. The ride offers a meal program which they are all going to use so that they do not have to carry their own food or cook out each night. At the end, the ride provides a shuttle back to Waynesville.
Tomorrow, Pope Francis is scheduled to address Congress and already a lot of folks are in an uproar. I am not Catholic, but I believe that it is great to see the leader of a major religious group address some of the most pressing issues facing humanity today. Not everyone is particularly happy about that prospect.
Pope Francis is scheduled to address Congress on Thursday. There's a good chance he'll dwell on two of his signature issues: global poverty and climate change. These issues are not especially popular with congressional Republicans. So perhaps it's a bit surprising that, so far, only one of them has publicly expressed trepidation about the speech.
Already Republicans in Congress are trying to dictate what the Pope should be saying to Congress. This is the same group that invited Netanyahu to speak before Congress on the issue of treaty negotiations with Iran.
In interviews with CNN, a wide array of GOP lawmakers argued that the Pope's message should stay away from the political fights consuming Washington, and many expressed strong disapproval of the fiery views he's espoused since taking over the papacy in 2013.
"I think it's totally inappropriate that the Pope is weighing in on all the real sensitive, far-left issues," said Oklahoma Republican James Inhofe, one of the most conservative senators. "I'm not a Catholic, but my Catholic friends in Oklahoma are not real pleased with it."
Rep. Paul Gosar, a Catholic Republican from Arizona, plans to boycott the event.
"I don't need to be lectured by the Pope about climate change," Gosar said in an interview off the House floor. "When he wants to take a political position, I will tell you: He is free and clear to be criticized like the rest of us."
It's high time someone from outside will say what needs to be said to Congress and to the American people about climate change since only 48% of all Americans believe that climate change is caused by human activities. I think Pope Francis might be just the man to do it since he has a world wide audience. From what I have been reading, the Pope's remarks will be intended to be provocative and to make law makers uncomfortable.
"He is coming to the richest country in the world. I believe he is going to challenge us to say with that comes great responsibility," said Rudy Lopez, executive director of Interfaith Worker Justice.
Many observers expect Francis to implicitly rebuke Republicans -- some of whom deny a link between human behavior and climate change, a topic which he addressed in an encyclical in June -- for their reluctance to tackle global warming. The Pope may also wade into the raging debate about immigration in the United States, after warning earlier this year that nations that close the door on migrants should seek God's forgiveness.
But he's going to be an "equal opportunity disturber," said Rev. James Martin S.J., editor at large for America magazine, the journal of U.S. Jesuits.
Reaction to the Pope's speech should be very interesting.

Two-part history retrospective by another American about my age
Part 1: Mom, Is it War Yet?
Part 2: Two Suns in the Sunset
Good Morning lot lizard
I began reading your links and I highly recommend them to everyone here. Highly interesting reading. I do not have time to read them through right now, but hope to get back to them this evening or tomorrow after my first wave of company leaves.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks GG. Right now I'm with my quasi-adopted family in Dresden
I look at my two "atheist goddaughters," 11 and 15-going-on-16, and wonder what kind of world my generation of Americans is leaving them.
"We" supposedly "won" the Cold War on their behalf. Now instead of wall-to-wall media control by the USSR, they're immersed in wall-to-wall media meme casting controlled by Disney and the other privately owned global megacorps.
Ho ho ho, what fun! Disney's series "K.C. Undercover": in kids' minds, rebranding government spies and police informants as the good guys now …
Ironies, contradictions, and paradoxes abound.
Great articles - joeshikspack & gjohnsit response please
Those articles provide, what the author says we need, namely context.
I am asking those here who know the history better than I do to check the articles and give us their opinions.
Are they true?
This is an alternative treatment of the empire than the analogy to the Roman Empire that I have read about. But it is related and it is brought up to the present and the past and what happened during and after WW I and WW II
I have been following Greenwald for over a decade and Jeremy Scahill, wikileaks, Thomas Drake, Jesselyn Radack (on twitter ) so I have been aware of the issues of whistle blowers and wikileaks, etc.
This video of the kick off of the book on the empire from wikileaks, hosted by Jeremy Scahill in a dark auditorium in the Bronx, with Assange on the screen through a video feed, this really hit me hard.
We are an empire. The State Department with their offices are the sites for military and economic dominance of our empire. (Know about the one thousand or so military bases around the world, the special forces in 105 countries, Manning, Thomas Drake, etc., etc.) but this link really brought home that there has been a coup and wikileaks is an essential link to the cover up in classification.
The physicist Freeman Dyson has had top security clearance for decades and he comments that only 2% is really secret and the system is used to hide fraud, waste and abuse and is a threat to democracy.
But the Scahill & Assange session shock me. They said that the most important first amendment trial in the last 20 years, Manning's trial, was not covered by the corporate media even though it has direct relevance to their own work.
The ISA, I think it is the International Studies Association, the top foreign policy academic organization, forbids the references to the wiki leaks foreign policy cables. They said that this is the biggest set of foreign policy documents, 40 years worth, in the history of the world, and academics cannot work with them and publish their results. That is why Assange and wikileaks wrote their book.
These two articles have a longer historical and economic focus, the video has a more narrow focus about how the rulers of the world use national security to hide their deeds like those in the 2 articles
Here is the link to this video
Book Discussion on The Wikileaks Files
Julian Assange talked about his book, The WikiLeaks Files: The World According to US Empire, in which he lays out the information contained
Great News: US updated nuclear weapons in Germany!!!
our Nobel Prize president signed legislation to spend $1 trillion updating nuclear weapons over the next decade
the only places we can use them is Russia and China (unless we come up with some new enemy - maybe Polar Bears)
this article is from Germany and I had to click to translate it
It was in English a little while ago
1 trillion! think of how that could have bought for
Americans comprehensive medical care including price controlled prescription drugs, eye-glasses, dentistry and hearing aides.
To thine own self be true.
Add to that the true costs of the wars
In Afghanistan and Iraq will end up costing the US taxpayers between $4.5 and $6 Trillion when it is all said and done. That estimate was done in early 2013 by Linda J. Bilmes of Harvard University. I suspect those costs have probably risen again. What a waste down a black hole when we could be investing in our future to combat climate change, our youth, and jobs here at home.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good morning gulgal and all you 99%ers....
And a Happy Equinox to you all:
And as if on cue, to take advantage of the Pope's arrival, HRC (aka FSC, aka Her Nibs) decided to ride his cassock tails and declare she was opposed to KeystoneXL for the following reasons:
I just wonder what kind of dressing goes with that word salad?
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Good Morning Lapsed Lawyer
Over and over, Hillary continues to prove that she is not a leader, but a follower. It seems to take forever for her to even take a position and it is long after her two main opponents have already staked out theirs. Her "me too-ism" is incremental and self serving and does nothing more than nibble at the edges because she cannot afford to offend her big money backers.
BTW, that word salad is served with generic triangulation dressing.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
So your typical light and sweet crude oil and vinegar ;)
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
so she's not really opposed to the project
just opposed to that it gets in the if other things were "cleared up and dealt with" then she could revisit this topic and perhaps be in favor.
Yep, that is the triangulation
She is trying to make it appear that she might be opposed to it, but never really says one way or another. This is the kind of bullshit that should be exposed to the American people.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
After 7+ Years of hearing
absolute bs. double speak coming form the Dems in congress and the Obama administration you would think that anyone with a brain in there head would wise up. I think the problem isn't that anyone believes what the pols say but that many just believe that this state of affairs is normal (inevitable) and are okay with it as they are frightened of what would happen if the god awful system was broken. Chaos and anarchy Oh no's the Chinese and Russians would invade. stock markets would crash and savvy business men would not rule the world. They cannot envision a world without tyranny.
Axelrod called this 'the world as we find it.' It wasn't always like this look at the trouble Nixon got in with his illegal sleazy 'it's the law of I say so.'. Nowadays people say well this is legal cause a bunch of freaking banksters, war criminals and bent pols and courts/supremes said that it was. This is what happens when the underpinning of the rule of law, the separation of powers and checks and balances are abolished. Assange once said that the US government was not only writing and implementing new illegal laws but they we're interpreting old law to write new law. Everything is wide open because national security and national interests. This also includes international, universal law and human/civil rights that have been established by humans to keep these freaking psycho's in check and stop them from making 'the world as we find it' a lawless viscous hell.
autumn. heh.
Gotta sign off for a bit
Company is supposed to arrive early this afternoon and I need to finish getting ready for them. Y'all be good and I will check back in a while.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
the most
catholic person I've known, was Robert Stone. He said this:
He said this:
He said this:
He said this:
And he said this:
Iran General Dismisses ISIS War Cooperation With ‘Hypocritical’
But we are important!
This should be broadcast all over the MSM
But of course, they will not. If the American people really had a clue about these wars, they would be mad as hell about all the money being wasted. I will not even go into the immorality of all these wars.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Kurdish Ministers Resign in Turkey to Protest Offensive Against
We should keep an eye on this
A modern day Robin Hood
Compare and contrast Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon, et al.
Different souls have different ideas of what that entails — putting oneself on the line for the sake of "doing G~d's work."
China's new normal
Is something happening?
Good Morning!
Hey Nancy, I'm so sad over this, I have nothing to say. Two 60' trees taken down that could have been saved but they were not in the plan. The brown brick building is also for sale, so the other trees down the street are doomed as well.

To thine own self be true.
Why and what is the rationale for this?
I am a big lover of trees. Our yard is very well shaded and during the summer, the temperatures here at my house are easily 10* F cooler than down the street where there are no trees.. I noticed how sterile the streetscape is now compared to the before.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The roots might interfere with the building
envelope. They are building 2 towers, 11 stories and 15 stories, right to the sidewalk with no set back, so the trees must go. They cut 4 mature trees. All the neighbours I talked with are upset. There's a real estate boom going on here.
To thine own self be true.
Gross Tells Fed to `Get Off Zero Now!' as Economies Run on Empty
Bill Gross is right
Zero interest rates do, hwever, by some odd coincidence,
drive the savings of those who have some into the Wall Street casino. Costs of living continue to rise, and saved funds, at zero interest, effectively evaporate, thus those who have some must gamble in the market. It works on most small & mid-sized businesses with any temporary cash surpluses as well.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The Pope is in town, all behave godly, and the courts are closed
...see what the Pope can do... For two days there is no justice spoken. Courts have to pray for forgiveness with the up on high for all the bad decisions they have imposed on innocent lives...
Good Evening. I am late. I know. Sorry for that. One day I will be on time. Have a good rest of the day.
The Pope has arrived to much adulation from some who
are enamored that he purports to support one or two things that they also support and that he thereby pisses off the G.O.P. Temporarily ignored are the things he opposes that they support and the things he supports that they oppose. Unnoticed, or at least unmentioned in that fact that he devotes essentially none of the Church's vast resources to attacking these problems that he exhorts us all to solve.
Meanwhile, he is also here to sanctify Fra. Junipero Serra, an imperialist colonizer, slave holder and slaver, guilty of torture, genocide and mass slaughter. He is being "sainted" because he was such a great recruiter, by force, bribery and other nefarious means, converting the natives by the score. He is, in short, being sainted for committing cultural genocide. This has ever been the Church's role and model in world affairs, and rings like a bell in the conscious when one reads the "is it war yet" article.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --