The Evening Blues - 8-3-16


Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features New Orleans singer and piano player Cousin Joe Pleasant. Enjoy!

Cousin Joe - Everything Made of Wood Once Was a Tree

"America's entire war on terror is an exercise in imperialism. This may come as a shock to Americans, who don't like to think of their country as an empire. But what else can you call America's legions of soldiers, spooks and special forces straddling the globe?"

-- Michael Ignatieff

News and Opinion

Obama says supporting Libya's fight with Islamic State is in U.S. interest

President Barack Obama said on Tuesday it is in the U.S. national security interest to support Libya's emerging government's fight against Islamic State, a day after his administration said it launched air strikes there. ...

The United States, Europe and countries around the world "have a great interest in seeing stability in Libya because the absence of stability has helped to fuel some of the challenges that we’ve seen in terms of the migration crisis in Europe and some of the humanitarian tragedies that we’ve seen in the open seas between Libya and Europe," Obama told reporters.

Islamic State has struggled to win local support in Libya but has exploited the chaos that followed the ouster of dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Its presence in Sirte has been reduced to a few hundred fighters who once controlled what was Gaddafi's hometown.

A U.S. government source familiar with American intentions said the U.S. military's plan was to pulverize Islamic State militants through aerial bombardment to deny them the safe haven of Sirte, even though such a strategy risks dispersing the group's forces to neighboring countries and beyond, where they may carry out attacks to show they are still "a force to be reckoned with."

Obama: US failed to plan for peace and security in Libya after toppling of Gaddafi

Get Ready for Obama’s ‘October Surprise’ in Iraq

The American public could be treated to a major U.S.-led military victory in Iraq this fall, just as voters are deciding who will be the nation’s next president—but U.S. military officials insist the timing of the operation has nothing to do with politics.

Iraqi and Kurdish military and paramilitary units are preparing for a push on Mosul, the Islamic State-held city that is now in the cross hairs of the U.S.-led coalition battling the terrorist group across the Middle East. “The idea is to isolate Mosul, cut it off, kill it,” a senior U.S. Central Command officer told me. ...

If Mosul is retaken, it would both mark a major political triumph for Barack Obama and likely benefit his party’s nominee at the polls, Hillary Clinton, undercutting Republican claims that the Obama administration has failed to take off the gloves against the Islamic State.

... U.S. officials have confirmed the Pentagon is planning ways to time their offensive against Mosul with an attack on the Islamic State “capital” in Raqqa, Syria. A coordinated Mosul-Raqqa military offensive could yield a dual defeat to the ISIS caliphate, unhinge ISIS power in both Syria and Iraq and have the added benefit of pinning ISIS units moving into Iraq along interior lines from Syria in place. In late March, the Centcom stepped up its monitoring of the Syria-Iraq border, with the intended purpose of spotting and bombing ISIS units headed toward Mosul.

The ambitious plans for Mosul and Raqqa reflect a shift in tactics and deeper U.S. involvement that has not been fully reported in the U.S. media—or talked about in the presidential campaign.

Erdogan: US, Western Nations Siding With Coup-Plotters

Despite suggestions that the US and Turkey are both softening their tones in an attempt to get back on the same page, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a harsh speech today, accusing the West in general and the US in particular of “supporting terrorism” and siding with coup-plotters against his country.

Erdogan insisted that the coup attempt may have been carried out inside Turkey, but the script was “written abroad,” adding that the Gulen Movement, which he has blamed for the coup, receives most of its funding through charter schools inside the United States. ...

“What kind of strategic partners are we,” Erdogan asked, “that you can still host someone whose extradition I have asked for?” Turkey requested Gulen’s extradition almost immediately after the coup attempt, and officials have presented US requests for evidence as a national insult, insisting if the US was a good ally they wouldn’t ask so many questions and would just hand him over.

Erdogan says West is supporting terrorism

Turkey's president has accused the West of “supporting terrorism” and said the coup in his country was organised by foreign powers.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggested Turkey would be unable to continue its strategic allegiance with the US if it continues to “harbour” the exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen, who is accused by the Turkish government of instigating the coup attempt. ...

Justice minister Bekir Bozdag has sent a second document to the United States seeking Mr Gulen's arrest, the state-run Anadolu news agency said. The minister said the second letter explained why there was an urgent need for the arrest.

“They requested certain information following our first letter; we provided answers to the question 'why is it urgent’,” Anadolu quoted Mr Bozdag telling reporters in parliament, adding Turkey had intelligence indicating Mr Gulen might leave for a third country.

Turkey’s post-coup crisis arrives in Europe, dividing the diaspora

In the southern German city of Stuttgart, 15 members of a local football team quit last month after threats vowing to “drink the evil in our blood” targeted the club on social media sites. In the picturesque French town of Sens, a cultural centre was vandalised and burned just a day after the failed July 15 coup in Turkey.

Meanwhile in the Dutch city of Rotterdam, a cultural centre was pelted with stones for two nights in a row, and in Beringen, Belgium, a building used by a Belgian-Turkish NGO was attacked when a mob descended on the premises and reportedly tried to set fire to the building.

From a local German football club to a Dutch cultural centre to a Belgian meeting room, the one thing linking these places is their real or alleged links to the Gulen Movement.

The showdown between Erdogan and his former Islamist ally-turned-foe that has gripped Turkey is now making its way to Europe, ripping apart Turkish communities across the continent and posing yet another challenge for European governments juggling a controversial refugee deal with the Turkish government while condemning the excesses of Ankara’s crackdown after the failed military coup.

The war of hearts and minds between Erdogan’s AK Party and the Gulenists is being imported to Europe – and across the world – via institutions controlled by each camp and is destined to escalate as Turkey pushes its NATO allies to cooperate with Ankara’s crackdown on the Gulen movement.

Turkish, Italian leaders spar over probe into Erdogan's son

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says an Italian criminal investigation involving his son could complicate relations with Rome. Italy's premier dismissed the comments, saying that Italian judges don't respond to the Turkish leader.

Erdogan's son Bilal is under investigation for alleged money-laundering in Bologna, where he moved last year with his family. Erdogan told RAI News 24 Tuesday that the probe "could put our relations with Italy in difficulty" and added that Italy should instead concentrate on the Mafia.

War in Syria: army, allies counter-attack to regain Aleppo

Syrian rebels target regime supply lines in attempt to lift Aleppo siege

Syrian rebels fighting to lift a government siege of the eastern half of Aleppo are attempting to advance against troops and militias fighting for Bashar al-Assad, threatening to cut off the city’s western half.

Days into the campaign, launched by a broad coalition that includes thousands of opposition fighters, the rebels appear to be racing to cut off the government’s own supply lines, in an effort to impose their own siege.

Rebel fighters say the focus of the offensive is Ramouseh, a district in south-west Aleppo that contains a government artillery base, and whose conquest would sever the western half of the city from government territory in the countryside.

Humanitarian agencies believe control of Ramouseh could in effect place the western half of the city, which is under regime control, under siege. If successful, the rebels would likely use their advantage as a bargaining chip to secure humanitarian access to the eastern half of the city, which they control, rather than attempt to break the siege itself by military means.

Aleppo, Syria’s second largest city, has been divided since 2012 between the eastern half, controlled by rebels fighting to overthrow Assad, and the west, controlled by forces belonging to or allied with the regime.

Half of Guantánamo’s uncharged captives are OK’d to go

The Guantánamo parole board on Monday said it had cleared a Yemeni captive for release to resettlement outside his homeland, reaching a milestone:

Now, 33 of the last 76 captives at the U.S. Navy base in Cuba can go to nations providing security assurances that satisfy Secretary of Defense Ash Carter. Ten captives are charged with war crimes. So half of those long-held, uncharged detainees are now approved to go.

The figure could rise. Seventeen captives not currently facing charges await their parole board hearings, or decisions from them.

The Israeli Company That Fenced in Gaza Eyes Trump's Mexico Wall

The border security business is thriving and that’s good news for Magal Security Systems Ltd. boss Saar Koursh. His biggest showroom: the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli company, which wrapped Gaza in a fence to prevent militant attacks, has helped construct barriers along the Egyptian and Jordanian frontiers. It’s now competing for the contract to build a wall on Kenya’s border with Somalia, Koursh, Magal’s chief executive officer, said. If Donald Trump makes it to the White House, Mexico could be next.

“The border business was down, but then came ISIS and the Syrian conflict,” Koursh, 44, said in an interview, using an acronym for Islamic State. “The world is changing and borders are coming back big-time.”

SodaStream boss blames Netanyahu for Palestinian job losses

The chief of the Israeli company SodaStream has launched a scathing attack on the country’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, blaming him for putting 500 of his former Palestinian employees out of work.

Daniel Birnbaum, who has been at the centre of a series of rows that saw SodaStream’s factory moved from the occupied territories to a new site in Israel’s Negev desert, insisted it was untrue that his company had been forced to relocate by pressure from the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.

Instead, said Birnbaum in a hard-hitting interview in the Times of Israel that drew the immediate ire of Netanyahu’s office, it was Israel not BDS that was responsible for the 500 Palestinian job losses. Birnbaum, who was a key speaker at an anti-BDS initiative in the US earlier this year, accused Netanyahu and his government of perpetuating the conflict with Palestinians for its own benefit, describing Netanyahu as “the prime minister of conflict”.

He said: “It pains me to say that I believe this administration is nurturing the conflict in all its evil manifestations. They nurture the hate and the boycott and they nurture separatism.”

The claims by Birnbaum are doubly damaging because he had been held up by the Israeli government as an example of the harm they said had been done by the BDS movement. Indeed, the claim that BDS pressure had led to the loss of 500 Palestinian jobs has been a high-profile talking point of the Israeli government, embassies and its supporters.

This is a detail-rich report which has far more interesting information than can be fairly excerpted. Here's a taste:

Snapping up cheap spy tools, nations 'monitoring everyone'

It was a national scandal. Peru's then-vice president accused two domestic intelligence agents of staking her out. Then, a top congressman blamed the spy agency for a break-in at his office. News stories showed the agency had collected data on hundreds of influential Peruvians.

Yet after last year's outrage, which forced out the prime minister and froze its intelligence-gathering, the spy service went ahead with a $22 million program capable of snooping on thousands of Peruvians at a time. Peru - a top cocaine-producing nation - joined the ranks of world governments that have added commercial spyware to their arsenals.

The purchase from Israeli-American company Verint Systems, chronicled in documents obtained by The Associated Press, offers a rare, behind-the-scenes look into how easy it is for a country to purchase and install off-the-shelf surveillance equipment. The software allows governments to intercept voice calls, text messages and emails.

Except for blacklisted nations like Syria and North Korea, there is little to stop governments that routinely violate basic rights from obtaining the same so-called "lawful intercept" tools that have been sold to Western police and spy agencies. People tracked by the technology have been beaten, jailed and tortured, according to human rights groups. ...

The scope and sophistication revealed in the Peru documents approximates, on a small scale, U.S. and British surveillance programs catalogued in 2013 by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden. That trove showed how the U.S. government collected the phone records of millions of Americans, few suspected of crimes. Even after some reforms, there is still much to be done in the U.S. and abroad to rein in Big Brother, privacy advocates say.

Canadian courts leap ahead of the US in curbing the ambitions of their over-eager police authorities.

Court Throws Out Terrorism Conviction in Canada, Citing Police Entrapment

Sting operations — in which an undercover agent or informant provides the means and opportunity to lure otherwise incapable people into committing a crime — have represented the default tactic for counterterrorism prosecutions since the 9/11 attacks.

Critics believe these stings amount to entrapment. Human Rights Watch, for instance, argues that law enforcement authorities in the U.S. have overstepped their role by “effectively participating in developing terrorism plots.” Nonetheless, U.S. courts have rejected entrapment defenses, no matter how hapless the defendants.

In Canada, however, the legal standing of counterterrorism stings has suddenly shifted. Last week, a high-ranking judge in British Columbia stayed the convictions of two alleged terrorists, ruling that they had been “skillfully manipulated” and entrapped by an elaborate sting operation organized by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

“The specter of the defendants serving a life sentence for a crime that the police manufactured by exploiting their vulnerabilities, by instilling fear that they would be killed if they backed out, and by quashing all doubts they had in the religious justifications for the crime, is offensive to our concept of fundamental justice,” the judge wrote. “Simply put, the world has enough terrorists. We do not need the police to create more out of marginalized people who have neither the capacity nor sufficient motivation to do it themselves.”

This is the first time that a counterterrorism sting — whose tactics were developed by the FBI through modifying those of undercover drug stings — has been thrown out of court whole cloth in Canada or the U.S.

Amid City Hall Protests, NYPD Chief Bill Bratton Resigns, But "Broken Windows" Continues Nationwide

NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton is stepping down

New York's top cop Bill Bratton will reportedly resign on Tuesday, just a day after protests near City Hall called for his firing. Multiple reports claim that Mayor Bill de Blasio will announce Bratton's resignation and put Chief of Department James O'Neill in his place.

Bratton, 68, had already told the New York Times last week that he would leave the job before 2017.

His exit comes after demonstrations on Monday by a group associated with Black Lives Matter called Organized By Millions March NYC.

Bratton's continued position as police chief topped their list of grievances, along with his signature platform of Broken Windows policing — a theory and practice of policing that says cracking down on vandalism and lower level offenses keeps a lid on more widespread and violent crime.

Jimmy O'Neill: reform advocates skeptical NYPD vet can bring change

Jimmy O’Neill, a longtime NYPD veteran, was announced on Tuesday as the replacement for Bill Bratton as commissioner of the largest police force in the United States.

Mayor Bill de Blasio – who had a strained relationship with Bratton in his two and a half years in the job – said O’Neill would bring with him a new method of community policing that would be a “huge difference maker’’ in police-community relations.

O’Neill, will bring with him “true neighborhood policing,” De Blasio said, which would help heal the fractured relationship between the city’s police and its citizens. ...

Police reform advocates are skeptical, however, that a veteran as entrenched as O’Neill can bring true reform to the department. In his previous position as chief of department, O’Neill was the highest-ranking officer in the NYPD.

“With Bratton protege James O’Neil [sic] succeeding him and with Mayor De Blasio’s continued embrace of ‘broken window’, we see, in the short- or long-term, no break from the kind of abusive and discriminatory policing that the NYPD has applied for the last 2.5 years,” the Police Reform Organizing Project, a nonprofit that advocates for reform of the NYPD, said in a statement.

"When You Dial 911 and Wall Street Answers": Inside How Private Equity Profits off Our Daily Lives

Black woman shot dead by police during alleged standoff while holding son

A black woman who was holding her five-year-old son was shot and killed by police in Randallstown, Maryland, on Monday afternoon after an extended standoff.

The 23-year-old Korryn Gaines allegedly pointed a shotgun at officers and said: “If you don’t leave, I’m going to kill you.” Authorities said that officers then fired and Gaines returned fire, but did not strike any police. The five-year-old boy injured a limb during the firefight but it was not initially clear whether bullets from police or Gaines struck him. The injuries were not believed to be life-threatening.

“We discharged one round at her,” police chief James Johnson told reporters at an evening news conference. “In return, she fired several rounds back at us. We fired again at her, striking and killing her.” ...

According to court records, Gaines’ bench warrant stemmed from an array of traffic charges, including disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Gaines was charged after a traffic stop last March.

the horse race

The Democratic party elites reward each other for crimes and bad behavior committed in service of the interests of the 1%.

Democratic National Committee CEO resigns in wake of email hack

Amy Dacey already hired by Democratic consulting firm after resigning about a week after chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, party strategists said

The chief executive of the Democratic National Committee has resigned in the wake of an email hack that embarrassed the party on the eve of its presidential nominating convention.

That’s according to three Democratic strategists familiar with Amy Dacey’s decision to leave her job. The people spoke on condition of anonymity, because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly.

The Democrats say other personnel moves at the party are also expected on Tuesday.

Dacey already has a new job. She has been hired by Squared Communications, a Democratic consulting firm based in Washington.

Assange on latest leaks: Alleged Russian hackers not linked to Wikileaks docs

Three More DNC Officials Out Amid Email Scandal

Three top Democratic National Committee (DNC) officials have stepped down in the wake of the email scandal that has already forced the ouster of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

CEO Amy Dacey, communications director Luis Miranda, and chief financial officer (CFO) Brad Marshall all resigned on Tuesday after facing scrutiny for emails that critics say showed favoritism toward Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the presidential primaries. Marshall was particularly criticized for suggesting questioning Sanders' religion to sow dislike of him among the public.

Interim DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile apologized on Tuesday for what she called "insensitive and inappropriate emails."

Obama: DNC Hacks Wouldn’t Alter Relationship With Russia

[Speaking at a press conference today] Obama said that blaming Russia “requires us to really be able to pin down and know what we’re talking about,” suggesting he wasn’t particularly interested in doing that at any rate, because even if Russia did do it, it wouldn’t “wildly” alter US-Russian relations. ...

Other officials have suggested they are specifically not interested in assigning such blame because they don’t want to subject their evidence to any scrutiny.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton insists everyone “knows” Russia did it, and claims this might’ve been done as part of a plot to see Republican nominee Donald Trump elected. Obama himself had suggested last week that was “possible,” but now seems to be more cautious about assigning blame, even if the Clinton campaign is still making it a centerpiece of their campaign narrative.

Khan controversy: Donald Trump fans don’t know or don’t care

As Donald Trump battles through almost a full week of controversy and bipartisan condemnation for his attacks on Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a Muslim American soldier who died in combat, his supporters seem unperturbed.

In more than a dozen interviews at two Trump rallies this week many voters were not even aware of the controversy. And among those that were, it was simply another reason to rally around the bombastic Republican nominee. ...

Trump has repeatedly fired back at Khan for “viciously attacking” him and suggested that Khan didn’t allow his wife to speak because of their Muslim faith. The Republican nominee also said in a statement “Mr Khan has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things.” In an interview on Tuesday night with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, Trump reiterated that Khan viciously attacked him and claimed he had been hired by the Clinton campaign to do so.

Many of his supporters share Trump’s attitude.At a rally in Ashburn, Virginia on Tuesday afternoon, Bill McKee, a Trump supporter from New Jersey who worked in northern Virginia, thought it “was just a side track from real issues that are out there”.

McKee, who regularly watched Trump rallies in full on the One America News Network, a niche rightwing competitor to Fox News, added: “[Khan] shouldn’t have been attacking Trump. Trump didn’t vote for the war. Hillary did.”

The Billionaires love them some Clinton! There aren't any left for the Donald. While this is seen as a negative for Trump, the 1% money rolling into the Clinton campaign would be seen by an unbiased press as a warning sign to the 99%.

Billionaire donors don’t like Donald Trump

Donald Trump can't catch a break these days. Embroiled in his first disastrous gaffe of the campaign — if you can call attacking a bereaved military family a gaffe — Trump is also getting steamrolled by Hillary Clinton in the fundraising department.

For all his bluster, the mogul-turned-candidate can't seem to attract billionaire donors to pony up campaign cash. ...

Trump's latest rejection came from conservative kingmaker David Koch. "At this point, I can't support either candidate," Koch said over the weekend.

It's a worrying sign for Republicans as Clinton enjoys big money from hedge fund bosses, and the super PACs that accommodate them under Citizens United.

Her latest high-profile grab was financier Warren Buffett, who ridiculed her opponent at a rally on Monday and hinted he is a tax dodger. ...

Next up for Hillary is entrepreneur, reality TV host, and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who threw in with Clinton at a rally over the weekend and called Trump a "jagoff."

François Hollande says Donald Trump 'makes you want to retch'

French president François Hollande has said a victory by US presidential candidate Donald Trump could shift world politics to the right and that the real estate magnate made people “want to retch”.

A Trump victory in November could also affect France’s presidential election in the spring of 2017, said Hollande, who has not yet announced if he will seek re-election.

“If the Americans choose Trump, that will have consequences, because an American election is a world election,” he said.

“It could lead to a very strong turn to the right in the world, or to a correction ... the American campaign shows issues that will be reflected in the French campaign.”

The Socialist French president will face strong competition from far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen if he chooses to run again next year.

the evening greens

2015 had hotter temperatures and higher sea levels than ever before

By several measures, the earth is cooking and getting steadily hotter.

That's according to a new report that takes the earth's temperature each year, citing data from more than 450 scientists in 62 countries around the world.

2015 was the warmest year on record since the mid-19th century, causing more tropical cyclones, less sea ice, and higher tides, according to the report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

In 2015, the earth's global surface and sea temperatures passed the previous record high set in 2014, the report found. The data also points to "larger-than-usual" forest fire activity in North America in 2015, and increased wildfires in Indonesia between August and November, induced by El Niño. ...

For the first time on record, the annual atmospheric concentration of CO2 passed 400 parts per million in Mauna Loa, Hawaii. That's 3.1 ppm more than the year before, which was the largest annual increase in the 58 years since the record-keeping began.

Missoula Wins Right to Control Its Own Water in Victory Against Privatization

Missoula, Montana scored a major victory for community ownership of public resources when the state's supreme court ruled 5-2 on Tuesday that the city's use of its water system was "more necessary" than its use by a private company.

The city has been embroiled in a costly, years-long legal battle over control of its water supply. Missoula previously argued it has the right to use its powers of eminent domain to purchase Mountain Water Co. from then-owner the Carlyle Group—which has since sold the water company to Canada-based Liberty Utility—an argument which the Missoula County District Court agreed with last June.

Now, their argument has been vindicated, as the Montana Supreme Court on Tuesday found the lower court's "detailed factual findings" supported the eminent domain decision.

"The city desired to own the water system that serves its residents because city officials believe a community's water system is a public asset best owned and operated by the public," the judges wrote in their decision (pdf).

During the lower court hearing last spring, witnesses testified that Missoula is the only city in Montana that didn't control its own water supply. The utility has also been accused of charging customers unreasonably high rates.

New York's "Clean" Energy Plan Props Up Dirty, Dangerous Nuclear Power

New York state's Clean Energy Standard (CES), approved Monday, is being hailed as a "monumental step forward" toward a renewable energy future.

But it's also generating controversy, as it props up the state's faltering nuclear industry to the tune of about $500 million a year in subsidies—and potentially lays out a blueprint for other states to do the same. 

According to the Journal News:

The state Public Service Commission voted 4-0 Monday to adopt the Clean Energy Standard, a three-tiered plan mandating the state's long-held goal of getting 50 percent of its electricity from renewable sources and implementing a 40 percent cut in greenhouse-gas emissions by 2030.

As Utility Dive notes:

A key component of the CES is a subsidy plan to support the state's struggling nuclear power plants, which have been losing out in the marketplace largely due to cheap natural gas. The standard would direct about $965 million to the plants over the first two years, using a formula based on expected power costs and the social price on carbon federal government agencies use in rulemaking. 

"This will allow financially-struggling upstate nuclear power plants to remain in operation during New York's transition to 50 percent renewables by 2030," read a statement from the office of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who pushed for the CES. "A growing number of climate scientists have warned that if these nuclear plants were to abruptly close, carbon emissions in New York will increase by more than 31 million metric tons during the next two years, resulting in public health and other societal costs of at least $1.4 billion."

Bloomberg noted: "The decision stands in stark contrast to the strategy of other states looking to use cleaner energy. A bill that Massachusetts passed just hours earlier threatens to put New England's last two reactors out of business by replacing them with renewable resources."

Meanwhile, in California, a historic agreement was reached last month between Pacific Gas and Electric and environmental and labor organizations to replace the Diablo Canyon nuclear reactors with greenhouse-gas-free renewable energy, efficiency, and energy storage resources.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Spinning Hillary: a history of America and Russia's mutual meddling

The real reason Washington calls Putin a thug

Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Anti-Sanders Conspiracy

Codepink petition: President Obama: Stop Bombing Libya!

The Mystery of Turkey’s Failed Coup

Can Jill Carry Bernie’s Baton? A Look at the Green Candidate’s Radical Funding Solution

The Democratic Convention Film on Hillary Clinton Lied to America

Massive Deployment of US WMD Spotlighted by Peace Group

Jeff Wood Didn’t Kill Anyone, but Texas Is About to Execute Him Anyway

Life on the American river: Mark Twain romance, or false hope for the homeless?

A Little Night Music

Cousin Joe - Life Is A One Way Ticket

Cousin Joe - Bad Luck Blues

Cousin Joe - Lookin' For My Baby

Cousin Joe w/Earl Bostic Orchestra - Make Me Strong As Samson

Smilin' Joe - Misery

Cousin Joe - Weddin' Day Blues

Cousin Joe - Chicken A La Blues

Cousin Joe - Second Hand Soul

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joe shikspack's picture

it's a busy day for me. i'll check in this evening.

have a good one!

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lotlizard's picture

Music workshop in the Czech Republic, headed by a Dutch orchestra conductor and an American singing coach.

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michelewln's picture

If by any chance you see my artist friend Mark Hirschler when you are there please say hello for me. It is the type of event he and his family may show up at.

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A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde

lotlizard's picture

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joe shikspack's picture

have a wonderful time!

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JekyllnHyde's picture

... and then sings the blues with the show's cast members. I stumled onto this video looking for something else on YouTube.

[video: width:550]

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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

JekyllnHyde's picture

Here's another video of BB King with the show's cast members.

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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

joe shikspack's picture

thanks! that's really cool, a great find!

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Not going away

Let’s remember, economic circumstances produce political consequences. As I have said before, if we had better economic growth under President Obama, we wouldn’t have Donald Trump today. Despite all the headlines surrounding the lunacy coming from Trump, at the end of the day, economic issues are what drive votes.

Notwithstanding all the happy talk about the economy from the Democrats, Gallup found that 60 percent of Americans think economic conditions in this country are “getting worse.” That’s 60 percent of people who will be resistant to Clinton’s economic plans. Americans can see what is happening. The typical American might not be able to quote statistics about how if the labor force participation rate were the same today as it was when Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 9.2 percent instead of 4.9 percent or rattle off statistics about the decline in median household income under President Obama, but they can tell you firsthand about small businesses that have closed in their communities, friends who can’t find work, and their own financial struggles. And nothing they hear from Clinton makes them believe things are going to get better.

Clinton was forced to embrace all things Obama to win the Democratic nomination, so she is stuck with his economy. I can’t imagine a worse scenario for a Democrat less than four months before any election, especially as economic growth remains so weak. But then I remember the Republican nominee is Trump.

Johnson hurt Hillary morre than Trump

There’s also the fact the Libertarian ticket of Gary Johnson and Bill Weld is actually taking more votes away from Clinton, than Trump. Nate Silver at found this:
The majority of pollsters (12) have Clinton’s margin over Trump shrinking when at least one third-party candidate is included. The difference in margins, however, varies among pollsters, and a few, such as Ipsos, have Clinton’s lead rising by the tiniest of bits when at least Johnson is included. Overall, including third-party candidates takes about 1 percentage point away from Clinton’s margin, on average.
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joe shikspack's picture

clinton is in an unenviable position as the ultimate insider, establishment candidate in a year when people are looking for outsiders to come in, kick ass and take names.

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Hillbilly Dem's picture

But then again, in 2008, Barack Obama was given the imprimatur of an entire nation to kick ass. He has spent the last 8 years kissing ass instead of kicking it.

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

joe shikspack's picture

i suspect that obama's poor performance has only concentrated the minds of the working class on the goal of kicking some ass. the problem is that both candidates of the major parties have absolutely no intention of kicking any 1% ass.

unless a third party candidate wins the election, the working class will be disappointed again. perhaps they will take matters into their own hands and do a bit of ass-kicking on their own.

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michelewln's picture

I always love the fact that the song The End of the World As We Know It was played in Independence Day. I did a diary last night on the health care system using problems I have had and cross posted it on Street Prophets at TOP. Most of the comments there were great but one jerk told me that it was all my fault I got pneumonia three more times after the specialist didn't treat it properly the first time. I didn't "advocate" for myself and go elsewhere which I can't do on Medicare and living on poverty level Social Security. Even when I explained to him he doubled down and became more obnoxious. At that point people started jumping all over him showing him why he was wrong and that he owed me an apology. One person even apologized for his treatment of me. I guess the Hillary trolls haven't driven out all of the good people.

Thunderstorms coming in again tonight and tomorrow. The temperature is going down to the 80s which after weeks of upper 90s and low 100s is going to be a relief.

Up in the Air Tonight.JPG

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A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde

joe shikspack's picture

what, you didn't realize that obama perfected the american health care system, thus any remaining problems are the fault of those that experience them? Smile

sorry to hear about your troubles both with the system and the trolls.

heh, a little more rain would be ok with me as long as it takes the heat and humidity with it.

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enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

have a good one!

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

For us, it will extend into the coming week--so, a quick drive-by to say 'hi.' Mr M is taking 'use or lose' vacation time, so I'll do more lurking than posting for a bit. Unfortunately, we'll be forced to use most of this vac leave to continue to take care of personal/family business. We're hoping, though, to work in a couple of side trips to the beach, and a repeat visit to a pretty cool Aquarium. (Wanted to visit a couple of zoos, but it's too hot, right now--maybe late Fall.)

Anyhoo, here's a animal/pet story from the Daily Mirror, about folks figuring out ways to take their canines on the subway in New York.

Dogs In A Bag_0.png
[Mirror (UK) - News Weird News Animals]

The cheeky reason people are carrying their huge dogs around in bags
13:01, 26 JUL 2016 UPDATED 13:01, 26 JUL 2016, NICOLA OAKLEY
They're not as dainty as chihuahuas, but pet owners are still choosing to pop them over their shoulder

. . . There's a growing trend for pet owners carrying their huge furry friends in tote bags on New York City's subway, with photos of the companions being shared on social media.

But there's a perfectly sensible explanation. . . .

According to USA Today , what you can't do is walk on to the train with your dog trotting at your side - unless it's a dog helping a person with disability.

But the regulations don't give any specific size or weight limits, with passengers told to 'judge what you can reasonably carry and keep contained at all times.'

So it seems these men are testing their strength by carrying their huge furry friends around on their shoulders - but it's perfectly legal.

Thanks for tonight's edition of News & Blues, Joe. Stay cool!

Hey, Everyone have a nice evening, and (a little early) a safe and enjoyable weekend!



“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)

The SOSD Fantastic Four

Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Cole - SOSD

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

hester's picture

for a female at 145 lbs

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Don't believe everything you think.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

your girl, sometime, if you should ever have a hankering to post one.


Seriously, I've only had the opportunity to be around one Newfie--during our years in Alaska. At the time, he was a 'retired' working dog (his original Dad was a commercial fisherman, I believe), and he was a wonderful family pet.


“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

hester's picture

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Don't believe everything you think.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

joe shikspack's picture

stay cool! i hope that your travels go well.

heh, i could imagine putting my kids dogs in a bag, but i can't imagine them staying in it for long.

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dervish's picture

Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook

I wonder how many of us have encountered professional "correction"?

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

joe shikspack's picture

i suspect that quite a lot of us have encountered professionals working to manipulate public opinion and reputations online. this is the first time that we've had a hint as to how large the budget is for that sort of thing, though.

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snoopydawg's picture

You can tell who they are by their user names that usually have numbers after their names, anyone notice that?
I've seen them on other progressive websites like Truthdig, truthout, and others.
They are obvious that they are being paid because their talking points say the same thing.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Lookout's picture

and "once was a tree" plus all the rest- lots of fun- Thanks bother Joe! Liked the quote today too...Of course we're an imperial empire.

Turkey thinks the US created the coup...and we might have. Good to read some Guantanamo captives will get out as will Bill Bratton. I also like the line Bebe is the "prime minister of conflict". Ain't that right?

Great piece from Democracy Now on private equity taking over everything from 911 to fire depts to ambulance services. I've been going through this privatization deal with schools for a couple of decades. They only way they can deliver a better and cheaper service is to mistreat the hired help and despite claims actually provide an inferior service....happens every time.

I bet there's not problem for the fired DNC cheaters with billionaires lining up to support Hellery. A golden (sacs) parachute for everyone!

golden CEO.jpg

Great NASA clip on Climate tonight too. Here's another clip from aljazeera.
Too bad we don't get this sort of climate change info broadcast on MSM in the US! (about 3.5 min)

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

joe shikspack's picture

i thought that the revelation about bibi's meddling to kill palestinians' jobs was (while far from shocking and only a small taste of the much larger efforts that he's made to drive palestinians off of their land) an important one that i hope gets a lot of play. the bad faith that it represents gives credence to the voices rising in israel calling netanyahu out for his fascist leanings.

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OLinda's picture

Please click the link to see the picture. Smile Wink (No story. Just the picture so it loads in 1/2 second.)

Thank you for the news and blues, joe, and good evening everyone!

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OLinda's picture

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joe shikspack's picture

when you combine that list with the 120 nations that the us has special forces troops operating in, it makes for quite a picture, indeed.

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GOP Officials Considering Options If Trump Quits

First, Trump would have to voluntarily exit the race. Officials say there is no mechanism for forcing him to withdraw his nomination. (Trump has not given any indications that he no longer wants to be his party's nominee).

Then, it would be up to the 168 members of the Republican National Committee to choose a successor, though the process is complicated.

One Republican legal expert has advised party officials that, for practical reasons, Trump would have to drop out by early September to give the party enough time to choose his replacement and get the next nominee's name on the ballot in enough states to win.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

hester's picture

on the campaign trail. Too tiring, too much to say and do and too many people critiquing his every word. Lol.

Plus i've thought for a while he has no interest in the job, just in winning the contest

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Don't believe everything you think.

joe shikspack's picture

those goppers are an optimistic bunch, aren't they? Smile

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Shockwave's picture

From "The Economist"

More than war even, climate change is making the Middle East uninhabitable

I cancelled my 20 year subscription to The Economist when they supported the Iraq invasion in 2002 but in general it's a useful publication.

Unlike other parts of the world where climate change has led to milder winters, in the Middle East it has intensified summer extremes, repeated studies show. Even on the Middle East’s cooler western edge, temperatures in Morocco reached 47°C. Daytime highs, notes an academic study published in the Netherlands in April, could rise by 7ºC by the end of the century.

Megadroughts, extreme weather, one billion refugees, no agriculture no water, rising oceans, diseases.

The Paris accord was diluted thanks to the US Republican congress ; Republicans grope for way to kill Paris climate agreement They are the only political group in the world that is made up of deniers.

We are witnessing the end of the world as we know it before the end of the century.

The first book I ever read was Simulacron-3 which inspired The Matrix and The 13th Floor and now I hope that we are living inside a simulation.

Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?

High-profile physicists and philosophers gathered to debate whether we are real or virtual—and what it means either way

We talked to the Oxford philosopher who gave Elon Musk the theory that we are all computer simulations

Earlier this week, Elon Musk put forward a provocative argument: The odds are overwhelming that we’re characters in an advanced civilization’s computer simulation.

I hope the Higher Programmer tweaks the simulation and does not go for a reboot.

 photo artificial_intelligence_circuit_board_face_thinkstock-100528007-primary.idge_zpsngb1cdns.jpg

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The political revolution continues

joe shikspack's picture

heh, computer simulation or cruel cosmic joke - i guess they're about the same thing.

i guess you just sort of have to marvel at the dark sense of humor that would be required of the creator of this sort of mess.

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Azazello's picture

So, prominent Liberal, and Hillary supporter, Warren Buffet says Jamie Dimon should be Treasury Secretary. How do you like that shit ?
Hillary owes Fucking Lloyd a favor or two, maybe she can make him Chairman of the Federal Reserve when she's elected. Just turn the whole damn government over to Wall Street fraud artists, get it out in the open.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

joe shikspack's picture

putting them in those positions would be redundant and they'd probably come to resent the workload that could easily be carried out by less-talented, cheaper flunkies.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Had a wisdom tooth out today. Slept all afternoon thanks to pain killer oxy. Powerful stuff. Still a bit groggy.
Cousin Joe is so entertaining! Thanks, Joe. Lovin' the tunes. Smile
I was happy to read about Missoula taking their water out of private hands. Privatization is horrific where public services are needed.
Hoping for rain. Pipe your Maryland water our way, joe. Imagine the infrastructure jobs that would create. Such a dreamer am I.
Have a beautiful evening, friends!
Cheers! Drinks

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

joe shikspack's picture

have a restful evening, take your pills and relax. as i remember having my wisdom teeth out, it's better if you don't do anything more strenuous than lolling around on the couch.

if there was a pipeline, i'm sure that there would have been unanimous consent the other night to send some of that water your way. perhaps that's some new national infrastructure that needs built.

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mimi's picture

it's one of those little things one would like not to know about. But it's what it is:
Japan Names Defense Minister Linked to neo-Nazi Group

Her link to a notorious anti-Korea group was acknowledged by a court this year in a defamation case she lost. Inada also was seen posing with the leader of a neo-Nazi group in a 2011 photo that surfaced in the media in 2014.
Her link to a notorious anti-Korea group was acknowledged by a court this year in a defamation case she lost. Inada also was seen posing with the leader of a neo-Nazi group in a 2011 photo that surfaced in the media in 2014.
Inada, 57, is a supporter of Abe's long-cherished hope to revise Japan's postwar constitution. She has said parts of the war-renouncing Article 9 should be scrapped, arguing that they could be interpreted as banning the Self-Defense Forces.
Inada said she would do try to protect peace and safety under the Japan-U.S. alliance, which Tokyo considers a cornerstone of its security and diplomacy. Asked if she planned to visit Yasukuni to mark this year's Aug. 15 war-end anniversary, she refused to comment.

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[Inada], who has downplayed Japan's wartime actions and is known for far-right views, was named defense minister in a Cabinet reshuffle Wednesday, a move that could unsettle Tokyo's relations with Asian neighbors with bitter memories of its World War II-era atrocities. . . .

A lawyer-turned-lawmaker with little experience in defense, Inada is one of Abe's favorites. She regularly visits Yasukuni Shrine, which honors war dead including convicted war criminals, a gesture seen as an endorsement of Japan's militaristic past.

She also has defended Japan's wartime atrocities, including forcing many Asian women into sexual servitude in military-run brothels, and has led a party committee to re-evaluate the judgment of war tribunals led by the victorious Allies. . . .

Inada said she would try to protect peace and safety under the Japan-U.S. alliance, a cornerstone of Japan's security and diplomacy. At a news conference after her appointment, she refused to say if she planned to visit Yasukuni to mark the Aug. 15 anniversary of the end of World War II. . . .
Inada called the test launch of a North Korean missile that fell into the sea off Japan's northwestern coast on Wednesday a serious threat. She said the security environment surrounding Japan is worsening "by the day." Yet, when asked about her suggestion in a 2011 magazine interview that Japan should consider possessing atomic weapons, she said the country at the moment is supposed to keep its military capability at a bare minimum and it's not the time to study the nuclear option.

Looks like the global powers that be are setting us all up for the next world war in a hurry.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster