Open Sesame 07/30/16

Election days, come and go. But the struggle of the people, to create a government which represents all of us, and not just the one percent—a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial, and environmental justice—that struggle continues. And I look forward, to being part of that struggle, with you.
I thought that was a good speech. I think it would have been a better speech, without all that lauding ladled onto The Mad Bomber. But then, it wasn't my speech.
I have never agreed with The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, on everything. To turn it around: the Deli Man, he does not believe, everything that I believe. But then again, neither does anyone else on the planet.
I think the Deli Man, he is a good man. And I think he meant it, when he said:
I understand, that many people, here, in this convention hall, and around the country, are disappointed, about the final results of the nominating process.
I think it's fair to say, that no one is more disappointed, than I am.
The Deli Man, he has now made a Finding. And from that, he has reached a Conclusion. The Finding, it is this:
The Hairball is a bully and a demagogue. The Hairball has made bigotry and hatred the cornerstone of his campaign.
In objective Reality, every word of that is True.
The Deli Man's Conclusion, however, after having made this Finding, it is that people should then vote for The Mad Bomber, to be the president.
I think the Deli Man, he has the right, to come to this Conclusion. If he wants to. But I also think, that just because that is his Conclusion, that doesn't mean that everybody else, has to Conclude so, too.
It is kinda like when the Science Men, they dig up a bone. They all look at it, and then all agree on the Finding: this is a bone. But then come the Conclusions. "This bone, it is from an elephant," pronounces the first Science Man. "Actually," asserts the second Science Man, "it is from a donkey." "It is clear that this bone, it is a Fringe event," propounds the third Science Man. And the fourth Science Man, he Concludes: "This bone does not really exist."
And so it goes. As they say: other voices, other rooms. And all that.
It was not only the dream of the Deli Man, and of his people, that died its final death, there in Philadelphia. For, there, too, died the great dream, of Sergeant Schultz.
For years, the sergeant, she had creamed her jeans, anticipating presiding over the convention that would anoint her beloved, The Mad Bomber, as the officially nominated Democratic version of president-tryer. Through all those years, all humans who were Sane and Decent, increasingly they implored Schultz to give up her post, and go work as a fry-cook or something. But no. She would not be moved.
Until, very shortly before the convention would commence, and at last Sergeant Schultz would realize her great dream . . . well, some Badness, it got loose in the tubes. And—and very quickly—it became clear, that the sergeant, she would have to be driven, and at once, out into the desert. The dutiful scapegoat, draped 'round her neck, and upon her flanks, all the sins of the Bomber, and all of her people.
Sergeant Schultz, at first she fiercely resisted this exile. "No!" cried she. "I can do it! Just let me! Please! I will do it!"
But the Bombardiers, they knew what would happen. If the sergeant were allowed, there in Philadelphia, to take the convention stage. This, it would happen:
And it would only get worse, from there.
And so, the Bombardiers, they reached across the aisle, to Clint "I Talk To The Chair" Eastwood, and asked him if they could borrow that big-ass, armored bus, from his true-life documentary film The Gauntlet. Then, once having secured this vehicle, from the obliging Mr. Eastwood, the Bombardiers, they laid the limp, weeping Sergeant Schultz, down upon the ground, before it, and then they started the engine, and they ran her over.
I was Looking at this convention, against medical advice. Because shortly after the Republican version of a convention, a few hours after The Hairball, there in Cleveland, blew his last chunk, I suffered a delayed, but very serious, allergic reaction, and slipped into a coma.
When I returned to . . . whatever this is . . . the doctors, they sternly informed me that I could not Look at any more of the politics. To do so, they warned, could be fatal.
I already knew this. Because, back in March, I had invited H. G. Wells and George Orwell over here, to watch with me a Republican "debate," featuring them who were then the Survivors, who had not, yet, been tossed off the island: The Hairball, Mondo Boobio, Zed Crud, and Death Of A Salesman. This "debate" proved so horrifying, so beyond reason, or even the will to live, that both men suffered severe and irreparable shocks to their systems, and died in my home. I had to go rent a backhoe, so I could bury them out in the yard. Regular readers of this space will recall that I wrote about these tragic events, here and here.
But I figured that watching the Deli Man, it would not send me to the boneyard. And I was right. I otherwise endeavored to be quite judicious, in selecting what of the convention I might view. For instance, I assumed there could be no harm in dropping in on Sarah Silverman; indeed, I was hoping she would deliver one of her special invocations:
But, no such luck. Instead, Silverman, as a Deli Man person, she was paired with Al Franken, a Bomber person, in an extremely awkward moment, that was meant to urge all Bomber and Deli Man persons, to "bridge" their differences . . . this all as intro to Paul Simon taking the stage to perform "Bridge Over Troubled Water."
Now wait just a dern minute. My brain, it was having an extreme confusion. Because I thought I had only very recently read in a tube that Paul Simon, he was quitting the music. Yet, there he was. Had I just imagined the quitting? Was I having a relapse? Simon, he himself, was having, there on the stage, some kind of something. And it surely wasn't much like "singing." No, he was having an embarrassment, and it was in public, and people were Looking. "Bridge Over Troubled Water," that has never been a Paul Simon song; it is a Simon and Garfunkel song. And Simon, alone, has never been able to pull it off. And he was certainly not pulling it off now, now that he had quit the music. The whole thing—a complete fiasco. It is a very nice notion, this "bridging." But if Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, they could not put aside whatever are their endless eternal differences, to appear, on this occasion, for this song, on stage, bridged back together, then how in the bleeding hell, could the Deli Man people, be expected to, basically overnight, get all bridgey, and lie down, and get naked, with The Mad Bomber?
Sarah Silverman, by the way, recently appeared in a true-life documentary film, I Smile Back, that is better than anything in the politics. It is about the Americans. About how, sometimes, you don't get better. Because that's just the way it is.
The wheel keeps turning, and nobody stays atop it, for long. That, also, is just the way it is.
And so, there was Jesse Jackson, whose "God Has Not Finished Me With Yet" speech was the jewel of the 1984 Democratic National Convention, relegated, here in 2016, to a speech of five minutes. And those five minutes scheduled so early that, down on the floor, the cleaning crew was still running the vacuums, hoovering up the detritus from the night before.
So, 1984: there are some parallels there, to 2016. Then, too, the Democratic donkey, it was hobbled by an old, fucked-out ward-heeler, expecting the nomination because it was "his turn." Then, too, an insurgent, he came out of nowhere, galvanizing people heretofore not galvanized, offering a vision at odds with the usual head-down, defeated, slow shufflings of the same-ol' same-ol' jackass. And Jackson, they laid on him, too, some funky flim-flam, some smears.
People of the Deli Man, they might want to peruse the text of that 1984 address: for some of what was wanted then, it can be seen, has since come to pass. So there can. Then. Occur movement. The vision of the Deli Man, and his people, it is not just going into the trash can, out to the garbage truck, and into the landfill. Believe it. Or, be an Eeyore, and believe it not. ; ) Your choice.
The wheel—this may be the real, root, fundamental problem, with the Bomber candidacy. Because she, and her husband, The Clenis, they were already at the top of the wheel. For, more or less, eight long years. They had their time. And then, their time, it passed. As it does for everybody. But they won't accept that. They want—nay, demand—a time, at the top, again.
They're greedy. And the wheel. It don't like that. Greed.
And now a word from our sponsor:
The heat here at present is inhuman. Not because of climate change—god no—because we know from The Hairball that climate change is but a hoax, perpetrated by the Chinese. Something to do with the Chinese wanting to get all the money; I don't know: I can't really follow the argument; because I don't have great stinking streaks of syphilis crisscrossing my brain, like The Hairball does.
No, the Reason for the heat, is that set forth by The Hairball's running mate, Sixpence: since I do not believe in the particular form of sullen sky king as does Sixpence, I am going to go to Hell, and Satan, he is, now, just giving me a foretaste, of what is to come, while I am still alive, here on the earth.
Tuesday, or maybe it was Wednesday, it was so hot that when I went out on the porch to smoke, I just waved the cigarette in the air, and it lit right up.
That was the day I directed all available swamp coolers, fans, and fountains, to my suffering form, prostrate on the literal fainting couch, and slipped in and out of consciousness, as the fiery Jehovah-directed orb proceeded slowly, ever oh so slowly, across the white of the sky. At one point I understood that I had entered heat-hallucination, because I thought I heard the tipsy bubblings of that guy, experienced some twenty years ago, down there at the Irish bar, the one who drank boilermakers. Until I realized that the radio, which was softly on, had unaccountably switched over to the politics. And I was actually listening to the Bomber's would-be vice-president, the clearly-imitable Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
Then there was Michael Bloomberg. Ye gods. Yet another example of the Bomber campaign shooting itself in the stomach. Because no one, no one at all, cares about Michael Bloomberg, except white men, there in New York City, with white foam on their lips, as they fervidly masturbate, with money.
Bloomberg, his appearance at the convention, that will not bring to the Bomber a single vote. If she had to go to somebody New York, she would have been better off putting Anthony Bourdain up there, to appeal to the tattooed junkie globe-trotting haggis-eating slice of the electorate.
The Mad Bomber, when she was famously "dead broke," and casting about for a state to carpetbag to, so she could get, from said state, into the US Senate, and from there into the Oral Office, where her husband once so merrily sprayed so much semen around, she settled on New York . . . and thereby contracted that shiveringly embarrassing and apex of arrogance affliction, whereby New Yorkers are firmly convinced that everybody everywhere is at all times and in all ways vitally interested in everything and everybody New York.
Thus, she again shot herself in the stomach, The Mad Bomber, and several times, in closing her DNC speech with a rapturous reference to Hamilton, a play that has yet to move out of NYC, and that therefore nobody in the Real world knows the first fuck about. Unless your head is directly drilled with NYC Matrix feeder-tubes, you don't know what the hey she's ululating.
In truth, NYC is a hideous B. F. Skinner experiment, that produces mostly huge rats. Exhibit A: The Hairball.
Before the white people showed up, the entire NYC region was home to but 15,000 Lanape people. That is, therefore, all that the land supports: 15,000 humans. And so all but 15,000 of the rats, they are going to need to scamper off. To other venues. Other rooms.
As Bloomberg, there on the radio, started shouting that he had more money than The Hairball—"WAY MORE!"—and challenging The Hairball to meet him on stage, to measure their money, like The Hairball once measured his penis, live and on stage, against his Survivoring Republican foes, I fell into a heat-fever dream. Wherein Bloomberg, he decided to run as an independent, against both The Mad Bomber, and The Hairball, all of them trying to be the president. And all three of these NYC people, they convened for a debate, in Manhattan. And while they were, there, busy debating, the rest of the Americans, they got these big saws, and they sliced NYC off, completely, from the United States. And then they shoved it out to sea. So the three stooges, they could then bicker over, but who got to run their little raft. While leaving all the rest of the Americans, in peace.
I envisioned a humanitarian mission, sort of in the spirit of Dunkirk, a fleet of boats, that would be sent out by the Americans, to evacuate the Real people, from the B. F. Skinner pustule, as it floated, ever farther, out to sea.
And I saw that, eventually, the NYC pustule, it would strike land, somewhere in Africa. Where Muslim immigration officials, they would come aboard, and, politely, detain The Hairball. As an illegal immigrant.
This: Justice.
The Americans, they would meanwhile have elected a Sane and Competent president, who would refuse to accept The Hairball's return, branding him an "undesirable alien." The Hairball would then become like that Man Without A Country person, fated to remain forever at sea, no land willing to receive his bones. The people wo/manning the ships, that would float The Hairball from hither to yon, and back again, eternally recurring, they would be true Heroes, required to withstand the daily bellows blowing from his lips—"FASTER, LOLITA HAIRBALL, FASTER, OH YEAH, RIGHT THERE!"—and, when they die, plaques, everywhere, will be mounted, Honoring their names.
The Mad Bomber, since she is supposed to love children so much, she, there in Africa, will revivify the old Sally Struthers "Save The Children" gig. While Bloomberg, he will wander the streets, beating the tambourine, warning the people against the horrors of Big Gulps, and the menace of squeegee-men. Eventually, he will drift far inland, to the Mountains Of The Moon, where he will open a School, devoted to teaching people how to read Business Week. Someone, someday, eventually, will attend.
So let it be written. So let it be done.
When she came on, there for her big speech, The Mad Bomber, she almost immediately started the thing where her eyes roll back in her head, so you can only see the whites of her eyes.
No. I don't want to see that. For isn't that what happens when you have a seizure? Or are turning into some demonic doll, like Chucky?
I couldn't look. I covered her visage, here on the tubes. I went over only to the audio.
But then, commenced, the shouting.
What is it, with the politics people, and the shouting? Don't they understand about the microphone? That the microphone means there need be no shouting?
No. Apparently not.
The Hairball, for instance, there never comes from him, anything, but the shouting.
He is the only known human, in the history of humans, who, even when he whispers "sweet nothings," there in the bed, to his beloved, instead bellows "sweet shoutings."
And the chandeliers. From the shouting. They shiver, shimmy, shake.
Meanwhile: The Mad Bomber. I shut her off.
I went back for the end. Because I wanted to see what was her final, orgiastic, come-off song. When she, and it, and the whole convention kabuki, had completed. To determine whether it was as bizarre and as inappropriate as had been The Hairball's coda: "All Right Now," and "You Can't Always Get What You Want."
But I don't know what the song was. I heard it, but I didn't. Because I was fixated on the balloon.
It is traditional—I know there is a reason, but I don't want to look it up right now—to descend balloons upon the nominee, at a convention, and the balloons are many, and they flow freely, and they bounce around, and everybody is happy, and all the humans, they frolic, amidst the balloons.
And there was a red balloon. And it kept coming at The Mad Bomber. And she kept batting it away.
Which was the opposite of what had happened with The Hairball. There, the balloons, they had avoided the stage. The Hairball, he kept trying to reach out, to bat a blue balloon. But the balloon, it did not want him. It stayed away.
And then I understood. The wisdom of the balloons.
My friend Z, he is a musician. That is what he is on this planet to do. He's good at that. The music. But there's not a lot, otherwise, that he's good at. For instance, when he and I were both in the pharmaceutical business, I would have to go over to his house, every month, and retrieve his power bill. Because, although mass mounds of money were passing through his hands, pretty much every day, he couldn't get it together, to pay the freaking electricity bill. Because that just wasn't the way he was made. So, I did it for him.
Similarly, years before, Z, he was going to be drafted. This, during Vietnam. He wanted to fight the drafting: but in the apt words of Neil Young: "he tried to do his best, but he could not." Z's younger brother, he knew that Z would never be able to get it together to beat the draft, and he also knew that if Z were then shipped to Vietnam, he would be shot in the head and killed, the moment he stepped off the plane. Because he was just that kind of guy. In that kind of world.
So, Z's younger brother, he enlisted. To save Z from the draft.
This worked. Z stayed home. As his younger brother, went off to Vietnam.
Where he was broken, and he was destroyed.
He was made into a LRRP. People dropped far behind "enemy" lines. To then make it back out again.
This man has murmured not much to me, of what happened to him there. But I know it all. Because I have seen it in his eyes.
When he came back, he married a woman he had known before, and together they moved deep into the woods of Oregon. And from there they only rarely come out. He just doesn't want to be around humans. After the humans. There. In Vietnam. He was around.
Sometimes, he comes out for his brother. My then-wife and I, and our young daughter, we were then, at the time of this tale, living with Z. His brother visited. Our daughter, then, she was, more or less, in and out of the crib. And she really liked balloons. I would blow them up for her, and then we would bat them around. We were doing that one evening. Her in her crib. Me kneeling outside. While Z's brother was visiting. And, as he passed through the room, my daughter, in receiving the balloon, popped it. And Z's brother, he instantly went into a crouch. And then he peed his pants.
That's what they do to people. The Mad Bomber. And The Hairball. That is why they do not get to be the president. That is why they do not get to have the balloons. Because they destroy human beings. They transform an object that is of childhood fun. Into an object of adult pants-wetting fear. They are anathema. They are not to be borne. The Mad Bomber, she has actually been complicit in the killing of human beings. But I do not want to hear, any more, that The Hairball, he has not actually yet killed anyone. And therefore how do we know, that he ever will. Because everything about him, is of violence. Is of killing. His words, they are of violence. His every essence, is of violence. He has promised violence. He has promised torture. He has promised killing. He has promised death. He is the promise, of Thanatos. And he has already: become Death. He has killed the spirit, of the daughter, of my friend S. My friend S, who is ground zero, for the hatreds of The Hairball, and all of his people. S, he is Syrian, and he is Jewish. And his wife, she is Indian, and from Costa Rica. They have two children. The youngest, a daughter, she Looks, she Sees, there in the tubes, and there she Sees a nasty, sweating, scornful, violent man, a man flexing Power, who Hates her, and wants her to be Gone. She cries, and she wants to know, why, this man, he hates her, and wants her to leave. S, he says, it is okay, they will all be safe, because the family has a home, too, there in Costa Rica, in his wife's village, and they can always go there. But, his daughter, because she has empathy, which The Hairball does not, and never will, she says but what about her friends, who have nowhere to go? And S., he has no answer, to that.
The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, he is right, in asserting that The Hairball is absolutely unacceptable. He is wrong, in asserting that The Mad Bomber, she may somehow be. Acceptable.
Bloomberg got one thing right, there in his speech. He said that the Americans, they must vote for someone "sane and competent."
The Hairball, he is not sane and competent. The Mad Bomber, she is not sane and competent.
Therefore, the Americans, they cannot vote, for either of them.
The balloons, they are voting, for the Americans. To do the right thing.

Epic rant, epic rage--feel the same
Now we all understand Fear and Loathing first-hand.
Thank you, hecate, for risking your health to watch some of the psycho-something of bits of the coronation. Only for the brave and pure of heart. Plus the rest of the folk who would have been as happy to go to the Circus, or Ice Capades but were filled with heavenly patriotic fervor, for the second time in two weeks. Let the Crusades begin!
I stayed cowering in my house. Only to venture out to liquor stores and to the vet to take my unsuspecting pup to be spayed. Still glaring at me from her e-collar. I dug out previous dog's Tramadol Rx to ease things along after a 2AM desperate wakeup visit on my bed. And me. I was once recently prescribed Tramadol, never compared vet vs human retail. I will surmise that vet cost was lower than human. Go figure. Didn't do a damn thing for me, so I used it for my dog. Same pills.
PS-- got second mouse kill on kitchen counters. Not the sort of alien invaders we are supposed to fear. I did not check mousie sex before I tossed the corpse. Oops.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm a big fan of the Cowboy Junkies.
They have an interesting sound.
Today I will be shooting another video. I can't afford much makeup to compensate for the harshness of video, but it will have to do. I'm also going to see if anyone around here wants to see a movie with me. Another month is upon us. Need to get my project launched.
they began,
as neither cowboys, nor junkies. They were just some white kids. From out of Toronto. But then, they became it. And, eventually, came back out again. More or less.
before i do some rocknroll
i always like to sit down
i hope you're all comfortable
These Cowboy Junkies
are some kind of awesome. Where have I been?
Oh, yeah.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
is the Toronto, of Arizona.
You have been instrumental, as it were, in triggering a search
across time for an ancient instrumental of this:
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I can't believe that I am able to say thank you
for everything you wrote, because it's so horrifying, but it is all the feelings I had without the words, while following the conventions.
I would not vote, if I could. I am fainting anyway. The more it sinks in the worse it gets. I was so confused about Sarah Silverman and this man, Paul Simon, whose voice sounded like a saw scraping over a violin screeching off half tones. He never sang that bad, didn't he? You all know better, but I didn't recognize him as the man he used to be.
ok, you all know better than me. It's one piece of writing I should print out, put into plastic sleeve on top of my daily folder for the things to do in the new era of chaos, as to never forget that this shit is real. Thank you, hecate. You are excellent in analyzing the absurd in our times. I so appreciate reading you.
Mimi, we have hugged in virtual space.
I would be happy and proud and willing to learn more of your unique perspective in real life. You got the transportation? I have a bed and food and company. Hugs. we all need to see those folk here we virtually love eye to eye.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
ah, sigh and thanks, the US is soo large, I am still looking for
a little nook and safe haven. I often wished I had lived here through the Vietnam era, it would be so much easier to understand you all. I would know all the music you know and all of the hardships and hippie folks ... It is very nice to meet people in real space and just talk. You know, the usual way people used to do way back ... in the good 'ol terrible times. Thanks for your kind words, riverlover.
... no, you would not have wanted to live
through the Vietnam/Nixon era. Nasty times, those -- as the survivors will corroborate. Not just the police ("blue pigs", in the vernacular of the day) shooting down unarmed citizens (generally people of color) in their own neighborhoods -- but uniformed United States military personnel shooting down citizens who were attempting to exercise their (imaginary) First-Amendment rights -- "peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances --"
The story about the Dem convention in Chicago (1968)? The Machine put forth a "candidate" for president who was a long-time party hack -- WHO HAD NOT RUN AS A CANDIDATE IN A SINGLE PRIMARY/CAUCUS (good ol' HHH - Hubert Horatio Humphrey). Bobby Kennedy had been gunned down (inside job??) about two months prior to The Convention; and Eugene McCarthy (who HAD run in the primaries, and with Bobby, forced Lyndon "Bloody-Hands" Johnson out of the race) was deemed "unacceptable" [-> "too left-wing"] by The Deciders. Individuals who valued freedom (nothing was organized, around that convention) took to the streets in Chicago to protest the non-representative nature of the "nomination", along with numerous other associated injustices, and were bloodied (badly) by The Machine.
Hard times, then -- and it looks all too likely that the hard times are coming back again. Too bad that the 'Murican people are so resistant to learning from experience --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
he really can't sing, to anyone's best, without other people.
That's just the way it is.
Here, he is, for instance, with Ladysmith Black Mambazo.
Here he is, in the original bridging, with Art.
And here, is the Real, True, Bridge:
. . . i'm gonna be there . . .
oh yes, thanks, that's what I remembered, and Aretha
remember even from the late sixties. It had a record back then. Lost as so many things. My words very too harsh and overblown, I just had the distinct feeling that something was wrong with his singing at the convention. But then I was also probably way too emotional. I should check myself and go back and listen to it again. ... but I have so absolutely no desire to do so. (it's a good thing though to check on oneself's emotions to listen and watch twice).
Sarah Silverman is an unusual case, even for an entertainer
Here’s the ironic thing:
Sarah Silverman’s “edgy” humor involves constantly saying offensive things about religion, ethnicity, and other topics. (“I would kill Christ again”? Come on.)
Now she’s part of a political campaign that tells us Trump is evil because he sometimes says offensive things about religion, ethnicity, and other topics.
Clinton Campaign seems to be...
of a very Old-School Catholic Mentality
Bow Down Before Mother Superior, and everything is forgivable if you fork over enough cash.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I concur with your rant, hecate,
Except one thing: NYC is indeed the bestest place there is and the center of the universe.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
you people. ; )
I lived in NYC for
about 4 months in the 70's because I thought that to be a real 'fine artist' you had to live in NYC. I was told it was the center of the art universe which formerly used to be in Paris. Andy Warhol land. I subleased a room in an apartment with some Columbia students on 114st and Amsterdam right across from the university. It was the center of the universe as right around the corner there were all these embassies and think tanks? for professors and important people from all over the world would party in the buildings for important rich people.
We would dress all up properly and sneak in and eat the food which was the best in the universe. The son of the super of our building a 30 year old Puerto Rican man, lived mostly in our apartment in the hall. He hated the basement and he was our friend. He decided to take me under his wing and show me how to live in the center of the real universe. He had never been anywhere else out side of the center not even New Jersey. In exchange I had to tell him tales of the outer regions of the universe.
This was where Mayberry RFD was and he liked to hear about Aunt Bea. He never did figure out that Kansas and Oregon were not the same place. He would forget and call me Kansas. To him Chicago was the wild wild west. He was a good teacher and guide to have in the center of the universe. I learned not to speed rap around the junkies as it hurt their heads, how to navigate the subways, how to shop lift jeans from Macy's, and to stop waking up the grumpy street sleepers to see if they were alive.
Most importantly he carted me around and got me a job at a deli on Broadway owned by a Greek family. He was my interpreter job pimp, he convinced them to hire me and promised them that I would clean up the paint under my nails and work hard. I had to learn the language of the universes center as the Greeks would not respond to 'one coke' I had to say 'a short' to fill my order. So yes it is the center of the universe an alien world that's at the hub of everything.
First thing you learn...
... hmmm -- "Hub of Everything" --
is it a coincidence that Stephen King's DARK TOWER series revolves around New York (which, in the books, turns out to be The Hub of Everything)?
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
and then you learn
Where else in the known universe could I get
a chopped herring sandwich or a pastrami on rye — and an ice-cold bottle of Yoo Hoo — at 3 in the morning?
my house. ; )
Haha. Great Summary Of The DNC Shit Show Of Lies (TM)
Bernie is apparently planning an event for the Revolution in August. Personally, I am no longer going to listen to his public events. He's now in the Hellery camp, so this is likely going to be well salted with "We must elect Hellery" BS.
And since you baited me to post The Wheel ...
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Deli Man, he said:
Not so long ago, many people, they were, at and in every moment, veritably genuflecting, before the Deli Man. Maybe, now, they could at least give him, a bit of a, nother, chance.
Meanwhile, the wheel, it keeps on turning, whether there be baiting, or no. ; )
I always liked this version
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
a modern commie take
on an ur-wheel tune.
CitizenofEarth, just because Sanders had to sit through
through the humiliation of the convention and was forced into lying the shit out of the other side of his mouth, doesn't mean he has to be in the hellery camp in the future. I don't think he will be. I hope he doesn't help her campaigning. It's just too much of an offense to many, who took his messages and mission seriously.
If it's "our revolution" than it can't be a "hellery revolution", that's simply not possible. How much more of a self-destructive denial of our own conviction can anyone ask from us.
Well, I go with my (dumb) intuitions again (to see in a couple of weeks and month how damn off I was), but here it goes. Jane was all capable of smiling and laughing, while he sat there with a stone face. I was wondering if he got to understand something so awful (by those killer monsters, who didn't want him to win) that he even didn't tell Jane about it. There are lots of men who really are able to hide serious stuff from their wives. I remember quite some Nazis, who never told their wives what they knew about the atrocities of the KZ etc.
I want to know when he exits the Democratic Party and goes independent again.
He announced he was returning to the Senate as an independent
... for the next 2 years, at least. It wasn't clear to me whether he'd be retiring, or was pretending to leave the door open to running as a Democrat. I wouldn't blame him for wanting to retire after what he's just been through.
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well then and an independent Senator can still work
in our outside revolution, which will be for sure a call to vote against Trump and Hillary, our own outside revolution.. I want to see a brigade of amazons fighting both parties and candidates and running a revolutionary "do-not-vote" campaign.
I never thought I would come to that conclusion, but now I am at that point.
Who knows the laws. Isn't there a minimum number of votes that has to be cast in a presidential election? I want an election with less votes than requested by law. I mean, I guess that would be the only language both parties and candidates would understand. Because they would be nothing without our votes.
He said on the Bill Maher show last night
that he plans to run for re-election to the Senate in two years. Yay!
Twain Disciple
Ditto. I hear lots of coverage, so I'll report when he campaigns
with her, just so that folks can follow him.
Like COE, though, after that Convention, it would be difficult for me to take any talk of a revolution within the Dem Party, seriously. Obviously, it's up to others how they evaluate the Dem Party agenda, and Party platform.
Hey, hecate--excellent OT! I'm in the camp of being 'relieved' that these Kabuki spectacles are finally behind us.
It has been good to see that for some, the scales are falling from eyes. Maybe now more folks can move on. It's seems like it's been a mode of 'spinning wheels,' for the past 6-7 weeks.
When you think about it, there's really not that much time left between now, and the GE. I still haven't figured out how to counter the MSM and Political Party propaganda. So, I'm 'all ears,' if anyone has an epiphany!
I've been following on Twitter, and listening to on XM, an excellent report this year. (He was attached to Bernie's campaign.) I'll look forward to posting some of his Tweets from time to time, since he's going to continue to report on the presidential campaign trail. He's one dude who doesn't sugarcoat his reporting--unusual in the current media environment.
Hey, have a nice weekend!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
My "all-ears" reply to that would be "Don't listen!" YMMV
Speaking of all-ears, my little Skya had her spay surgery on Thursday and is giving me the ears in front of her lifetime e-collar (with padded neck and velcro closures, nice). I will take it off tomorrow, after I get one photo of Miss Pissed. I tell her I am sorry and then laugh. Poor bebe. External sutures get removed in 2 weeks, double row of internals, because you can't keep a terrier calm.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Hey, RL--hope Skya has a speedy recovery! Hey, I know
about those terriers--we've had mostly Spaniels, but we did have one Miniature Schnauzer, and all 3 mixed breed dogs we've had, judging from their appearance, skulls and bearded muzzles, were Terrier mixes. Anyhoo, glad that she gets the EC off soon--they don't look like they'd be any fun to wear, at all!
Oh, about the Cable News--I do worry that there does not appear to be an effective, or sure-fire way to push back against their propaganda, since millions of Americans actually believe much of what they say. Or, at least, it's my impression that they do. But, hey--I try not to lose any sleep over it!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I really enjoy your writing
Just started reading your stuff. So fabulously entertaining while being thoughtful and informative. Wow. Thanks.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
thank you! n/t
Brilliant and sadly true
If only the hot air expressed by the Mad Bomber and the Hairball had been captured in giant balloons, that would then lift them high above the convention halls and carry them off to Terra Incognita, where there be dragons. Where they would then wander until they met Khaleesi, and both become dinner for dragons.
I can dream, can't I?
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well, you know,
this wise woman, she once told me, that if you can dream it, it can be.
But, maybe, rather than the balloons, floating The Hairball, and The Mad Bomber, up and out, they might, instead, float, up and out, all we rest, instead.
Has anyone seen of or heard of any movement forming to
not vote for either of these two cretins? I've seen a few websites and a couple things on facebook but nothing major it seems.
beats me
I don't frequent the Faceborg places. I do know that, here, there seems to be some sort of movement towards Ms. Stein.
With the occasional howling imbecile, advocating voting for The Hairball, as some sort of brain-scrambled plan to "bring down," to "purify," the Democratic party.
I shall be sure to fully fill in, S' daughter, on the great white ignorant selfish privileged wisdom, of the latter plan.
it's called the Green Party. But I know that's not what you meant.
Ya, thot of that when I typed the comment.
Possible. But I don't think its enough. There are many millions of people who won't vote for Stein or the Green party but are also against both of these candidates. How to join forces to prevent Clinton or Trump from being president is a question. Voting for Stein is a good protest vote against the duopoly but it won't stop either Clinton (most probably) or Trump from becoming prez by itself.
It ain't over til the fat lady sings.
It depends on how many vote...
The obvious answer to that is for all the splinter parties to coalesce into one. Why not the Greens?
Finally, Al, you got a big hearty laugh out of me
at the very idea that voting for the Green party would probably not be enough to defeat Clinton (probably true), but that voting for nobody, would.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I'll be here all week B.
you and b,
are two of my favorite people on this board. That means that, actually, in Reality, you're companeros.
Why thanks hecate
I've grown to favor your perspective and outlook greatly. Me and B like to kid a little.
the very coolest thing
about you, is that you're a tightrope walker. Across a great chasm. But there's no, existing, rope, across that chasm. You just spin it out. From your own self. As you go.
Big Al
walks on the top of the wheel and sometimes hops into the center. He sees it turning and knows it's going nowhere any human should go.
the greens,
they are boring.
Also, they are white people.
What right do white people have, to be in the government, on this continent?
As I've been saying, for more than a year now, I am for Annabella Piugattuk. She is native, Inuit, has no expressed desire to be the president, and, to the best of my knowledge, has no idea, that anyone is even proposing her, for that position.
Thus: the perfect candidate.
are you a paid shill? Sounds like it to me.
oh jeez
The trollshilling j'accuse nonsense, here, it is, of late, so out of control.
So, it is inevitable, I suppose, that, even I, your faithful servant, would be so accused.
But by you! The site founder! Hisself!
Oh. Woe. Is me.
My reputation, it is now forever stained.
I can never, recover.
Thus, I must, now, take mine sword, to mine belly.
For I cannot live. With this shame.
Please try to settle this elsewhere folks,
not here amongst many hurting people. (Sorry to you both).
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I shall suicide. Right on stage.
So, then...
are you denying that you received any renumeration from the Annabella Piugattuk for President Campaign including any subsequent offers such as a future cabinet post or diplomatic position?
Like Ambassador to Etats-Unis?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
so far as i know,
no one wants her to be the president, but me.
I thought that I had invented the campaign, in my head.
But, maybe, now it's taken on a life of its own.
That's how such things happen. ; )
I don't want any cabinet or diplomatic posts. Or any monies. I want only to be a free human being. Alive on this earth.
Oh, ok...
never mind.
That would be a fine plank in any candidate's platform.
That's what I'm talking about.
Ok, you baited me to goog Annabella
She's Canadian. As much as I like that frozen land to the north, that makes her ineligible. Hahaha.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
exist only in stunted minds like The Hairball's. She is a native to this continent. She is absolutely eligible.
Jill Stein is proposing a Canadian Moat
all along the Canadian border. No need to build a wall there, b/c it's a known fact Canukers can't swim.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
But they can icefish year round and snowmobile, too!
There is an ice-free week in summer, when all non-swimming people are water-tested. Survivors emerge with blue lips and fingers. Encouraged to never swim again.Then they are permitted to take their trusty dogs into blinds in the marsh and blam away at waterfowl, in seasons. Steel birdshot only, so as to be environmentally sensitive.
Communication 'cross-border is by trusty hunting dog or snapping turtle, whose meandering habits have proved hard to control. Thus the postal delay between two unionized workforces, the weakest link.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Oh crap. i forgot they can skate
Greens obviously haven't thought this through.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
we can remind them. Greens are currently looking
for marketing and advertising specialists who work for peanuts. See? Something was learned via the Sanders campaign. Actually, inviting Canadians to take interest might be un miaou du chat.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
When we add the green amazons brigade to the Green Party
even Al will join in.
You need to get enough votes for specific other individuals
that one wins outright, or at least that said cretins aren't among the top 3 vote getters, because:
If no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most Electoral votes. Each state delegation has one vote.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
there we are
spot on description
thank you
But who paid for the balloons?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
don't do money. They are Free.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz was not fired.
She became Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chair in 2007. When that campaign 2008, she was appointed by Obama to be head of the DNC (part of the deal he made with Clinton). She ran the Hillary 2016 campaign from that position until it was accepted as fact that Hillary would be the nominee. And then she was moved back to the official Hillary campaign. Her job has not changed one iota...just her title.
This, though, is true:
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
no one here
said she was fired. It was simply Reported that she was run over by Clint's Gauntlet bus, and then shoved out into the desert.
True, no one said "fired".
I maintain that the bus simply drove past her, giving the illusion that she was under it, and then she went back to her old desk.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
she is pressed flat,
and she is flapping through the desert, weeping; I just saw her; she ran right by.
And I think, that she might be coming, for your airplane.
; 0
Joining also the Flat Stanley and Stella group.
A literacy-oriented roadshow. Flat Debbie. Fits inside an envelope from the DNC, DSCC, DCCC , whatever acronyms they cloak themselves with.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Best hecate essay ever. n/t
I don't read Hecate consistently, but whenever I do I think, "How could I possibly ever miss a word this poster writes?" I will be a much more faithful fan and reader henceforth.
Please help support caucus99percent!
"Deli Man"???
where is this coming from?
kinda back a-ways in the day, when there were only about thirteen or eighteen of us regularly here, and it was just kinda fun, to come up with, and affix, alternative names, to everybody who was out there, being real serious, in the politics.
I wish I had
not bothered to listen to 'The Hillary Show' last week. It's damaging. I did like following the story of the people outside behind the big wall and the ones inside who caused the DNC producers to have amp up their insanity. They were good gremlins who threw spanners in the works. If ever something need spanners thrown at it it was this disgusting display.
They had to call in some actors to fill in the empty seats. They had to devise tricky techie shenanigans to drown out the No More War chants. They had to lock the doors to keep people both in and out. The Oregonian and Californian delegates made me proud as when they turned the lights off over the OR spot to black out their signs the Californians got out their cells and lit them up. That white pants suit must have lit the whole place up during the Mad Bombers screech.
Thanks hecate, you outdid yourself, and your a tough act to follow. Whew! is it over yet? Are they gone yet? I think they should call the whole thing off. I am sick of all of the pols and the machine scaring and freaking out people for no good reason. The Chicken Little factor is intense. For some reason your politicking makes me calm down and regain a sane perspective. Hysterical people are tiring to deal with. I'm feeling so much better now.
No sharp objects for you
including swords!
On another note, this being open thread and all. Ther was a post I responded to reasonably yesterday that was kinda, let's say, passionate, and the comment and post both be gone? Curiosity?
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Paul Simon was painful.
Like he's become his own tribute band.
As he was singing I thought of this:
Funnily enough, it helps to watch the lower while listening to the upper.
Introduced by two overrated comedians, both in a flop sweat because neither allegedly witty person could think of a single word to say for a good two minutes while waiting for Paul to wake up from his nap. Franken (that Iraq War cheerleader) made a couple of ineffectual honks, while Sarah, after her ridiculous scolding of the Bernie delegates, was reduced to seductively posing into the camera like she was making a selfie for Ashley Madison.
The whole thing was such an embarrassing disaster. I was loving every minute of it.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Speaking of bridge malfunctions, another one last week
still somewhat confusing to me since I refuse to read the NYT, a crane collapse closed both sections of the Tappan Zee Bridge. I assume it was a crane lifting deck segments up for the "new" Tappan Zee Bridge, adjacent. I have a mortal fear of mechanical cranes (not the birds) and thus could never live in NYC.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Crane collapse in Alphen aan den Rijn (Netherlands) last year
Two cranes in tandem, floating on a barge, were moving a new bridge segment into place when the whole thing tipped over.
Like I said, heebee jeebees for me!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
You are not alone
Now, Cringing in the Shadows Cast by Cranes
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
One of your best ever!
I bow down to your art, hecate.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy