The democrat's obnoxious but Insincere attacks on Ralph Nader for Gore's Loss & Bush's Victory, and why we don't give a shit
It was quite shameful how the Democrats and many liberals viciously piled on Ralph Nader for somehow causing GW Bush to become president in 2000. However they refused to or ignored their own shortcomings that might have caused them to lose. Subsequent events have shown that the Democrats were being hypocrites in their criticism because they themselves have shown not to care enough to learn any lesson and not repeat their own mistakes.
Here are some specific criticisms and my responses to those:
1. Al Gore gave us George Bush: Oh yeah? Big fucking deal. The Democrats have shown that they will pursue the same or very similar policies as Bush and call it progress. Case in point, Barack Obama. Endless wars, drone attacks, unconstitutional surveillance, corporate welfare. See what I mean? The Democrat Obama didn't really inspire much in his presidency. Hillary Clinton is not expected to be any better but in fact would be worse than Obama.
2. Spoiler Effect or Ranked Choice Voting: If the Democrats' priority is to keep Republicans from getting into office, and if they truly care about preventing the spoiler effect of third party candidates, they would have long ago tried to pass Ranked Choice Voting. It has now been 16 years since Gore. How many places around the country have they implemented RCV so far? Yeah, so please STFU about the spoiler effect!
The truth of the matter is that they want to perpetuate their politics of fear based voting, in collusion with the media and other elite, wealthy, corporate interests, and it goes against their self-interest in continuously perpetuating this two-party duopoly rule upon all Americans.
That to me is truly unpatriotic and against the spirit of democracy. What we need is all Americans being made aware of the truth of our sham democracy and fighting for democratic and electoral reform at every possible moment and opportunity.
If in this election, Donald Trump somehow beats Hillary Clinton, they will of course try to blame it on Jill Stein, but nothing could be further from the truth.
It should be easy enough for any decent candidate to defeat a complete buffoon like Donald Trump but it looks like Hillary may still lose. Democrats themselves would be to blame because:
1. They nominated a weak scandal ridden candidate like Hillary
2. The Wikileaks DNC Leaks showing DNC Bias against Bernie Sanders
3. They did not pass Ranked Choice Voting in the 16 years since Al Gore
4. Legitimate platform and policy differences between the candidates.
5. Electoral fraud benefiting Hillary Clinton
6. Shabby treatment of Bernie supporters during the primaries and at the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia.
7. Extreme voter dislike and mistrust of Hillary Clinton
8. Bypassing an extremely popular candidate in Bernie Sanders for the nomination, who has been consistently beating Trump in the polls
[Cross-posted on

Well said, great essay.
They do seem flummoxed by our resistance and refusal to take blame any longer for their flawed choices.
I think the biggest reason we are seeing so much more hostility and Fauxtrage against us is they are finally realizing that those tried and true tactics of yesteryear that always assured compliance and led to victory are now not only not working but are having an negative impact and getting previously unseen pushback from the left.
They seem incapable of grasping that after the The Big Fuck You that they delivered to us openly and unashamedly this cycle why we are saying, "Nope, FUCK YOU!" right back.
It may be a little early for some rage music but screw it, I gotta get energized to go mow my yard anyway.
NSFW!!! Lyrics Below. (It does kinda sum up my feelings towards the DNC and the establishment atm)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
We definitely need to channel the rage
from their hypocritical selfish behavior into keeping on the fight! We are awake now and won't go back to sleep.
Love is my religion.
I kinda liked the refrain, in particular when you emphasize
the parts I put in bold.
Out of the Blue indeed, and on to greener pastures.
(I always love finding unintended meaning in songs and poetry.)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
If anyone's thinking about the 2000 race to
explain what's happening now, they need to get up to speed on the new way to campaign. ONLY SPEAK TRUTH. AND ONLY SPEAK ABOUT WHAT YOU INTEND TO DO. When Bernie began nipping at her heals, her immediate response was to attack. The electorate wanted to hear about how much better life would be with her policies and she gave them lies about Bernie. Ooooh---those were the particularly scary times over at TOP. And, now that she only has to deal with Trump, she still only runs in attack mode. And, ya know what folks, no one is in the mood to listen to someone else bitching all the time. We want green meadows, and she givin' us dumpsters in dark alleys. Jill Stein isn't her problem.
I agree with you that
Jill Stein isn't her problem. She's got a lot of weaknesses in her campaign and in her person, some of which I mentioned in my original post. In fact there is a good chance that she may lose to Trump. If or when that happens, her campaign (and other cannibalistic liberals) would inevitably turn to blaming Jill Stein for their loss. I wrote my post anticipating such an outcome. They are already using this line of attack against Jill and it will keep getting more crazy. We just need to be ready for it.
Love is my religion.
Nader ruined Gore? Oh please.
How about the fact that the friggin VP OF THE UNITED STATES couldn't around up 500 more votes? That's a pathetic fact.
Apparently, Gore rounded up 500 more votes.
Right around 9/11/01, a group of newspapers finished their count of FL. Gore won. It was too late to mean anything, and the information got buried by the attack on the country. That being said, would one also say that if not for all the votes Obama took, Romney would have won? Stupid argument.
plus several 1000 folks thrown off the rolls
It's one of the big dangers of registering by party as they do in FL. Jeb! had 1000's of mostly PoC dems thrown off the rolls. Gore would have easily won FL but he had the election stolen. He protested as loudly as Bernie did when the nomination was stolen from him.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The fact that he couldn't even win his home state's electoral votes! Its a canard that needs to have a stake driven through its heart and buried for good. Frankly, its time we push back against this vile falsehood.
I think the election was stolen in 2000
and so do many others.
I also think Bernie probably won the nomination. Election fraud is real.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
And don't forget the 200k Registered Dems in Florida
that voted for Bush.
"The Democratic Party Cannot Fail, It can only be failed..." seems to be the general theme.
Rather than admit that their 3rd way economic policies are not attractive to the left they will continue to lose both presidencies and mid terms until they fade away.
You cannot so completely and openly your core stated principles as a party and ever expect to regain the credibility of the voters.
I doubt that in the future, particularly after there is a new party, and their WILL be a new party, very few voters under 45 are gonna stay with the Democrats.
The DNC is gonna have the same problem as FOX. It's loyal followers are dying off and very few new ones are joining...
I would love to see #Demexit drop their numbers below to 25% by October.
That corrupt gang of thieves cant go away fast enough for me.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Not protesting a stolen election upsets me
I think the candidates owe their voters a certain obligation to make sure that they fight against any sort of vote theft and election fraud. It really sucks that Bernie didn't speak up against it and I don't know or understand his reasons.
Love is my religion.
How about he win his home state?
He couldn't even win his home state., Florida would have been moot if he'd done so.
He couldn't even win New Hampshire
Likely didn't try because its four electoral votes were "not enough to matter". Well, guess what - if he'd had those measly four electoral votes, Florida would not have mattered.
There's a lesson here that should not be overlooked: No state is "too small".
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Same with WV: Sen Robt Byrd promised Gore he'd carry WV if
he(Gore) would spend one day touring the state with Byrd. Gore could not fit Sen. Byrd & WV into his schedule.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The Democratic Party Throws Away Elections...
This time they started looking for a "Scapegoat" with only 3 or 4 states casting their primary ballots when they declared the "Mad Bomber" their "Winner."
Truth be told the Republican Party was dead, the divisions between the Old Guard Country Club Republicans and the Teapublicans had left the party unable to field a coordinated team that could play ball together. Then their "Al Czervik" showed up at the country club and we saw all the makings of Caddyshack...
The election was a given for the Democratic Party, all we had to do was field the best candidate out of the primary elections, and Gee Wiz those "Same Issues From 2000" and "OWS" reared their ugly head once again...
Instead we have a sham election for the primary, and the full monte of using everything possible to throw the election to the anointed one, with a complete circumvention of the will of the people toward a progressive agenda...
They Blew It!
Not Us!
They Just Don't Phuckin Listen...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Their arrogance makes them blind to the reality that
us peasants live in. That's also why they will not see it coming when the revolution bursts forth.
Love is my religion.
The revolution has begun,
and they have no idea how to stifle it. At the convention they locked delegates out, sat in their seats, chanted over them, prevented Nina Turner from speaking. And all that happened after they said WE NEED UNITY. They know they need the revolutionaries' votes, but those damn revolutionaries refuse to heel.
They think we're dogs that will come to the whistle
to be beaten and abused some more.
Some of us are cats. And cats don't stay where they are not treated right. They get on their four paws and they go, baby, go. And they never come back.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Not only that, they may just piss in your bag...
I had a cat a long time back that pissed in the guy my sister was datings bag.
Nobody liked him and I think the cat could tell.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Ranked choice
There's some of that here in the SF Bay Area and I think it has resulted in some "who is that person and how the hell did they win the election?" results (just my hazy recollection at the moment).
I think what we really need is proportional voting (as with a parliament) instead of the current winner take all, but that may require a Constitutional amendment so that is clearly not going to happen.
I've seen a lot of the "what about Nader?" crap recently over at the Guardian and I've tried to counter it when I see it. I notice that some other people have been taking on that task there too. I mention Gore not winning his home state, his very bad choice of Lieberman, and 250-300K FL Democrats voting R far outweighing the 90-95K votes Nader got in FL. But it is a hopeless task, the meme appears too firmly embedded.
The Democratic Party is clearly going to continue to make sure they've collected lots of excuses to have on hand if they need them. Stein and "BerniBros" colluding with Putin to throw the election is very likely at the top of the list.
You know what? I am sick and tired of trying to counter that
tired old D trope. If the left can bring down a D candidate and they realize it, why wouldn't they tilt to the left?? Because they don't believe their own BS, and would rather their party lost than give in to the left. (I'm at the stage of "oh yeah? Nader made Gore lose? well then ya better freaking get some better candidates, ya think?" ) In any event IF the left can be seen to bring down a D, WE WIN.
That's what we know that they don't grasp.
We don't have to win the battle to win the war.
All we have to do is make it readily apparent of 2 things.
1. They Cannot win without us.
2. We are done being taken for granted.
That would shake things up like a mother, because as much as politicians like their corporate masters, they like their job and power more.
We need to make them aware that we can and will take that away from them if they don't represent us.
But it is gonna take a commitment to a real difficult decision in that voting booth.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Not only do we need to send the clear message that there is no winning without our support, in addition, we need to build out our own infrastructure that will help us to win without their help. Everything from GOTV operations to organizational development to messaging, etc.
Love is my religion.