But seriously, how bad could a President Trump be?
The threat that we could elect President a shallow, egotistical grifter whose career can be credited entirely to his father's success and could engage us in a multi-decades war, crush the economy while siphoning the national wealth off to his crony friends and set American jurisprudence back 50 years doesn't scare me.
I've lived through it once already. #GWBUSH
How bad could a Trump presidency be? Nearly everyone on the planet has assumed it would be tantamount to armageddon. I won't vote for Trump. I think he's an ass. But I'm going to swat at the arguments against him.
Trump talks a big game about immigration, but what can he really do about it? No amount of bluster can change the fact that he can't deport 10 million people. A giant wall won't stop someone with a ladder.
Trump is a dangerous demagogue. I can't imagine if he actually became president and continued his line of disgusting remarks but I think it would be like exposing a festering wound to the daylight. At first his kind of people would come out of the woodwork, feeling a newfound safety under the umbrella of President Bigot. But the adults in America would quickly tire of this, Trump would undergo relentless criticism, and the racists who exposed themselves will find themselves eating crow with a side of humble pie. The problem with a lot of racists is they don't think that they are, but Trump would confirm all of them. Part of fixing a problem is acknowledging that it is a problem.
A lot of people have realized that Trump is a dunce, his business acumen is nil, and his net worth is a farce. Need I remind anyone that every. single. business. that George W. Bush was involved in either went belly up, or in the case of the Texas Rangers, relied on government's use of eminent domain and tax dollars to augment his investment by building him a stadium.
The country survived Warren Harding and GW Bush. The ripples from a Trump administration wouldn't become the tsunami that most envision.
The biggest argument that the Hillary campaign likes to throw around is the SCOTUS. It could do "permanent damage" to the court and to civil liberties. Here's an idea - if you're upset at the way the Court is interpreting the law, then change the law!
All the Democrats' talk about citizen activism, getting involved, etc., is nothing more than steaming heaps of words because their plan, their freaking strategy is to cop out and elect a single political figurehead who will appoint a few judges like an omnipotent deus ex machina who has come to make America Liberal Again.
For all his faults, and there are many, we know very little about the Trump platform. One of the few things we do know, the song that this pied piper began his march with, is his distaste for trade agreements. He's a protectionist, big time. He also knows the importance of reversing our trade imbalance (we import more than we export) which is the single biggest weakener of our economy.
The TPP, TPA, TTIP and all other trade agreements are designed to worsen our trade gap. They are built around an American economy that keeps the engine chugging by selling Treasuries to China et al.
Barack Obama has invested a lot of time and effort in these trade agreements. It's the height of folly to believe that Hillary won't sign them. But the Hillbots do believe. They tell me that Hillary used to be for the TPP, but now she's against it. It says so right there in the Democratic platform. Well, not so much that she's against it, but she's certainly not in favor of it. Because any agreement would have to include a list of very strict and iron clad demands. It would need to
support good American jobs, raise wages, and improve our national security. We believe any new trade agreements must include strong and enforceable labor and environmental standards in their core text with streamlined and effective enforcement mechanisms. Trade agreements should crack down on the unfair and illegal subsidies other countries grant their businesses at the expense of ours. It should promote innovation of and access to lifesaving medicines. And it should protect a free and open internet. We should never enter into a trade agreement that prevents our government, or other governments, from putting in place rules that protect the environment, food safety, or the health of American citizens or others around the world.
So you can rest assured, nothing resembling the TPP will pass the desk of President Hillary Rodham Clinton!
This little paragraph, with its nonspecific generalities, that little bullshit disclaimer that does nothing to address the problems with the TPP, is the only barrier to a TPP. It is the checklist that will enable Hillary to sign off on the TPP and all the other heinous agreements in draft. Gosh, I think I even saw something in there about rainbows and unicorns!
Fucking rubes. That's you, Hillbots, who so confidently exclaim that there will be No TPP on Hillary's watch. You are clearly being lied to. And you're o.k. with that, because you think it will entice the Sanders holdouts who are taking a principled stand against the TPP. We're not as dumb as you think we are, and certainly not as dumb as you. We see her fingers crossed behind her back.
Make no mistake about it, these trade agreements are the single biggest issue of the 2016 election. Nothing else, not even our tax code, will have as big of an impact on the quality of life in America. We should all become single issue voters in 2016, based entirely on the defeat of the TPP. At least Donald Trump is proud of his unpopular positions. Hillary, it seems, won't own up to hers.

Molly Ivins wrote about the wall
Read the hilarious results here.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Great god they are willing to walk 3 days in the desert
What most Americans don't appreciate when discussing immigration is these people were willing to travel 3 or 4 days through the desert with only the water they could carry. We think a wall is going to stop them? We think sending them home will teach them not to try it again?
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
There will be more immigrants sneaking in AFTER the wall
because most rednecks will feel all secure once the wall is up. That wall will put their guard down so far, it'll make things easier for the immigrants to sneak in.
Maybe we can have lots of fun
and pretend to be East Berlin. America, fuck
yeahnoThere is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I once had a student get deported on Friday.
He was back in North Texas by Monday, back at school Tuesday.
Why is anyone taking seriously the stuff Trump spews, it's as much of a joke ( and he KNOWS it) as the stuff $hrillary spews. We used to call her Windsock.
At least Trump makes up the stuff he plays us with. $hrillary PAYS a fortune to people to take polls, check with focus groups, see what Bernie Sanders is saying, to make up her latest version of what she'll do. How many revisions, relaunches has $hrillary been through? Why believe what either of them say.
Trump is a master at manipulation, reality TV, playing the clown, he knows it - and is probably laughing at the enormous amount of media attention he gets, not paying a penny for it, and laughing at people who make fun of him - seriously, who would bother to make fun of someone playing the clown.
Trump eliminated 16 opponents in the Republican party. He smashed the Republican dynasty. He got free media and promotion from the MSM. He's said what he needs to say to PANDER to the audience he wanted to win. Same as Clintons.
Don't want either one of them to be POTUS. AND, much more disgusted with Clintons, sick at the thought of their being back in the White House. Want to clean out the Democratic party the way Trump did the Republican party. Have said it many times, we've seen how Clintons behave when they are FOCUSED on maintaining their political viability - reckless, extremely careless, above the law - try to imagine what they'd be like back in the White House with NO concern anymore about their political viability. Terrifying. Warmongers.
It took the winner 30 seconds? Hahahaha
That'll show/slow em.
Well, beer was on the line
And they were Texans after all.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Israel, a tiny country with a miniscule population, has built 308 miles of wall so far and has planned 132 more, for a total of 440 miles. The wall towers 8 meters (26 feet) above ground with more below and other security features employed alongside it. The US-Mexico border is about 1,990 miles, or only 4.5 times as long as the Israeli wall.
Israel's GDP is less than 2% that of the US. It's population is only 2.5% that of the US.
To say that a similar or better wall could not be built on the US-Mexico border is asinine.
The truth is that we Democrats/Progressives/Liberals don't want a wall like that. Republicans/Conseratives/Trumpsters don't really want a wall either. Our friends at the Chamber of Commerce hate the idea of a wall because it cuts off the flow of workers that fill low- and mid-level jobs.
The absence of a wall and lack of a serious immigration policy leaves inner city people of color with little economic opportunity except selling drugs and robbing liquor stores and, as in my birthplace Detroit, stripping houses of copper and other building materials that are sold at pennies on the dollar to the white scrap man so he can make a big profit.
There's nothing funny or hilarious about the problems our nation faces. Maybe a border wall won't be the panacea Trump thinks it will, but doing nothing is getting exactly that done -- nothing.
In the last couple of years, many fewer people
have entered the US from Mexico than in the past. In fact, some people are returning to Mexico because Mexico now has job opportunities. As long as our job market offers only low wage jobs, the only thing to rally the economy is to raise the minimum wage. The economy needs a huge (yuuuuge) shot in the arm in the form of a major stimulus bill. And, we need to get serious about our trade deficit. Shipping jobs to countries with low wages becomes less attractive to manufacturers if the US begins charging tariffs to bring the products into this country.
My point: the least of our problems is workers coming over our southern border.
Israel has indeed the gold standard of walls for ingress control
Since 1648, ingress control has been seen as a basic feature of the sovereignty that nation-states exercise over territory.
Only since 1648?
China was there before 648! BCE! (They got really serious about it circa the tail end of the 3rd century BCE, under Qin Shi Huang.)
But in the long run it neither kept out the "foreign rabble" nor prevented invasions.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Of course all you say is true, but I meant the Westphalian model
of state sovereignty, which dates from the 1648 peace conference.
He and his Blackshirts will be opening ovens
I have it on good authority.
from a reasonably stable genius.
IF Trump is President,
he will need 60 votes to go to the bathroom. Unless he has large coat tails, he won't have them. Hillary oth will have the blessings of the Dems and the GOP sans tea partiers no matter what she wants to do. If we look at history we can see that it takes a Democrat to screw a Democrat. So if we don't put one into the WH, we ought to be safer y default.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I think you are seeing Trump through rose-colored glasses
Don't forget that he will probably have a Republican Congress with which to make mischief. Hillary with a Republican Congress will probably get nothing done. They will tie her up with impeachment proceedings, just like they did Bill.
Mind you, I'm not fearmongering here, I'm not voting for Her to stop Him. Just sayin.
What can Trump do about immigration? How about funnel billions of our tax dollars to his building companies to build that wall even though it will do no good? You don't think he cares about results, do you? How about filling up private prisons with "illegal immigrants" and building more at our expense and to the enrichment of his family and friends? How about cutting the social safety net even more because "we can't let those people benefit from our hard-earned money" so we all have to suffer financial hardship and relentless financial anxiety because we can't let "those people" have access to a single American dollar?
You think relentless adult criticism of Trump will move him or his followers the least little bit? Has it done so to date? Have you tried having an adult conversation with an "I'm not a racist"? How many more minorities will get hurt at the hands of the jackbooted thugs before the adults show up to stop it? Have you noticed that the majority of white Americans actually support the police and make excuses for the bad ones? How's that working out for minorities and the mentally ill so far? You think the Repugs will be better? Do you see them criticizing bad cops on the Faux Network or hear that on Rush Limpaugh?
You think changing laws once SCOTUS has ruled is easy? We have been fighting Citizens United since before SCOTUS ruled on it in the first place. See it going away yet? Do you seriously envision Trump's Repug Congress changing laws to our benefit, or the corporate-bought Congress of either party? No, this country has suffered under SCOTUS decisions for decades every time they've made bad decisions. A bad court will pass a lot of bad laws. Want to see your wife die in childbirth because she can't get an abortion because SCOTUS said the life of the fetus is more important than the life of the woman? Give Trump's Congress the opportunity to pass him a few names for the court. Sure, I know, Hillary's picks could be almost as bad. But Obama's picks have stood up for some good laws. Lord knows the Repug picks have been repugnant.
You believe what Trump says about the trade agreements? Then you trust too much. He has said whatever he thought he had to say on virtually every issue. He's a worse flip flopper than Hillary, and that's an accomplishment. You think he's smart? I don't. I think the Repug Congress will get to him and convince him that these trade agreements will make America great again, Pence will tell him they're great (remember, his VP will be in charge of domestic and foreign policy), and suddenly, "We'll make the greatest trade agreements, like no trade agreements you've seen before, I know trade agreements, I've done trade agreements, and let me tell you folks, these are some great, great trade agreements." If he wants some cash into his personal or family's or friend's business accounts to put the trade agreements through, they'll slip it to him under the table and he'll be good to go. You think he cares about your job?
Sure, Hillary will pass the trade agreements as soon as they add a little improved incrementalism. But Trump does not give a $hit about you. Channeling George Carlin. He does not care about you at all, at all. Put your trust in Trump and it may not be any worse than W. But it sure isn't going to be any better under Mr. Tribblehead. And remember, W caused the 2008 recession.
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Officially not a rant, by the way. Not a single use of All Caps.
Well, SCOTUS, but that's an official abbreviation.
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The thing about trump
He will by default become the yes man that rubber stamps every lunatic piece of legislation sent his way. As you say, he's probably going to have a republican house and senate, as has been the case for the last few years; the difference being Obama shot down some of the more asinine things the teabaggers sent his way, trump would sign said asinine bills and then make a blustering speech ending with something along the lines of "keep 'em coming, boys!"
Hillary is a shitty, shitty candidate and politician, and while I'm voting for Jill Stein, Hillary is better than trump.
Gold is the wealth of kings; silver is the wealth of commoners; barter is the wealth of peasants; and debt is the wealth of slaves.
This is a rose colored glass moment
Thank you for the thoughtful reply. To be sure, this is a rose colored glass moment, but only to counter the anti Trump hysteria. Look at today's headlines. He made an obviously sarcastic remark about the Russians having Hillary's emails, and now Harry Reid's trying to pull his security clearance. The media who propped up his candidacy has turned to cutting him down to size, and why the sudden change of heart? Could the same media that assisted Hillary in the primary now be trying to help her win the general? Anti-Trump hysteria to me has gone over the top and makes me feel manipulated.
I am perhaps one of the people who have the most to lose. I'm on dialysis, and the deal with that is it automatically qualifies me for Medicare, regardless of my age. It also automatically qualifies me as disabled and eligible for SSDI. If they ever come with a hatchet looking to make cuts to "entitlement" programs (which for the record are earned benefits programs) I'd be one of the first to go. But really, they're not going to pull the plug on 400,000 patients. They're not going to carve out an exclusionary group to the Social Security insurance pool.
We are fighting a war on several fronts. It sure seems as though social issues is the front line where the casualties occur. You chose a gruesome and personal example to get me to side with your priorities. How cold and callous could I be to say it's acceptable. But what about the 10 million Americans who aren't covered by the ACA? Or how does the economic impact of the TPP translate into a mortality rate in the U.S.? And shouldn't we be just as concerned if the TPP increases the mortality rate with our trade partners? That is guaranteed to happen if Hillary is elected President.
Part of the point of this article was that the billions of dollars Trump could spend building a wall is peanuts compared to the way O'Neil and Lay pillaged the country with rolling blackouts and smelting restrictions. Or Haliburton. Or the smug banks that issued mortgage derivatives.
Do you think the 2008 recession was an accident? It was the coup de grace. Nothing was a surprise. I wrote to my Congressmen in 2004 about the derivatives. Bush's buddies pumped the stock market up, and when they pulled the rug out from under the economy, they shorted the stock market down. I predicted the 2008 crash and I always said that the only flaw in Bush's plan is it worked too quickly and he was still in office when the debacle unfolded. So there's one problem with Trump pillaging the national wealth... Bush's friends done stole it all already.
I have had a conversation with an "I'm not a racist." I live with my 87 year old conservative dad. He's the most racist person I've ever known, but he won't admit it. What will it take for him to have an epiphany? I think his mental faculties are beyond that now. But having the television pundits repeating over and over that his point of view is a racist point of view is sure to rock the boat.
O.K. you nailed it when you described how Trump would reverse himself on the trade deals. But please don't construe the article as my thinking he's smart. Yikes. He's smart like a blind squirrel, and it's only in his self-centered world view, as a manufacturer and wholesaler of apparel, that his protectionist ideology has come about. The man knows few things and his opinions are firmly ingrained. He thinks the only way to make clothes in the USA is to put a tariff on the cheap Chinese stuff. It's his recipe to Make America Great Again. It's gonna be hard to tell him that he's wrong. He does have a history of lies, idiocy, and pandering, but if there is just one issue that he seems dead set committed to it is this.
So now we come to a philosophical conundrum. You convincingly present the argument that nothing he says, not even his core economic plan, can be believed. This pretty much refutes any point you could make that uses his words as its basis. If we can't believe anything he says, then we can't believe anything he says.
Certainly you don't think the SCOTUS decision is the barrier that keeps Congress from overturning Citizens United. Will Congress suddenly stand up and start creating laws for the public good? Bwahaha. Of course not. But we can replace this Congress and next time around elect a better President hopefully through a slightly less rigged system and hopefully if the 3rd party candidates do well in 2016 then maybe the next time around the notion of a 3rd party President won't seem so far fetched. I'm working on the political pendulum principle here, that the nation swings from left to right and back again. For as bad as Bush was, we're talking suckfacktor10, we ended up getting a black President as political pushback. A black President. Sometimes I still can't believe that happened. Trump would be bad, I'm not gonna deny it. But it could be bad in a good way, it could harm the GOP irrevocably, it could user in a competitive Green party, it could change the balance in Congress.
We have two best case possibilities. 16 years of Clinton-> Kaine, or 4 years of Trump and then back to the Left with better politicians.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
OK there's certainly validity to countering the anti-Trump
hysteria and manipulation that tries to convince us to vote for Her Heinous. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in favor of anything Clintonian.
My condolences on your Dad. He may have dementia as an excuse, but I haven't seen any racist of any age budge on the issues.
My best case possibility: Both candidates are SO bad, there's no harm in voting for Jill Stein. With no one having loyalty to either pathetic candidate, it doesn't matter if we split the vote, and we might usher in the greater good sooner than you think.
I'm not quite there yet, I'm still working out whether Hillary has any redeeming features. If not, Stein it is.
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Yes! Don't be afraid to vote for Jill
Getting you to vote for Hillary is certainly one goal of the hysteria, but making you afraid to vote for Jill is another. The obvious analysis is that the media is picking sides and trying to sway people toward Hillary, to take votes away from Trump. But they have gone so far over the top, ratcheted up the fear to the nth degree, they've got to be trying to convince a very committed part of the electorate. Hillary isn't trying to persuade the undecideds, she's using fear to take votes away from Jill.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Yes, all true... the problem is Hillary.
Other than the promoting racism and bigotry thing which is real, the rest of it is pretty much exactly how I see Hillary except she's quite a bit more hawkish. That's why my vote goes Green. I simply can't discern enough difference between those two narcissistic megalomaniacs to get excited about.
I don't have any real trust in Trump except I trust he'll be unpredictable. That actually compares favorably against Hillary who I think is very predictable (and effective) and I simply don't approve of the things I predict of her.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
That's where I'm going, I think. Don't delude ourselves about
Trump. If you want to vote against Hill, vote Jill.
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how does his position on trade...
...square with all of his products being produced outside of the U.S.? the talk and actions don't go together.
He says he needs a tariff
He says he can't make clothes in the U.S. without putting a tariff on the cheap Chinese stuff.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
And he's right.
Manufacturers produce products in countries with low wages because there's no penalty for doing so. If a pair of shoes costs $.50 to make in a low wage country, but the US charged the manufacturer $75 to get the shoes into this country, there would be no benefit to producing shoes elsewhere. And we'd get our manufacturing base back. And people would earn enough to be able to afford those shoes. Like Henry Ford saying he needed to pay his employees enough to be able to afford his cars. Do I think Trump is a genius? No. But I think he has a pretty good understanding of how business/the economy works. At least he's willing to talk about it. Hillary Clinton fought with Bernie about $15/hour. The difference between $12/hour and $15/hour is about $500/month (gross). To someone who has neither a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out, $500 is a bunch. Can employers afford it? Of course they can. They just have to lower their expectations about what a decent profit looks like.
it's a hell of a profit on imported goods
i look at the labels of clothing in Macy's. it's unbelievable that markup there is on stuff that is supposed to be produced cheaply. how do you justify $50 for a shirt made on the other side of the world where they pay pennies to the laborer? somebody's making money. i thought imports were supposed to make goods cheaper. i've tried shopping at Target but nothing ever suits my style, what little i have.
if i'm going to spend that much money for a shirt then i'll buy it from LLBean or Land's End. i know their stuff will at least make it through the first wash and then some. i have some shirts from both that have easily lasted me 10 years or more. i still have a collection of shirts from Alexander Julian dating back to the 80's in my closet. they're a little more faded, not as bright and colorful as they used to be and my favorites maybe a bit threadbare, but they haven't fallen apart.
It doesn't, but that won't matter,
because Trump will do what he always does with the 'he's a hypocrite' attack: he will say he takes advantage of the rules as they are but wants to change them when he's President, something Hillary wont do.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
They also seem to forget that there is a congress and
Supreme Court, unless of course they consider that the President all powerful, which sadly more and more seems to be the belief.
IF Trump is elected, I wager money that Congress will remain
Repug, maybe even more so. He will appoint at least one and maybe more fanatical right-wing judges to the SCOTUS, to which the Congressional Repugs will be happy to consent - heck, it'll probably be their idea who Trump appoints, he doesn't care. He's a panderer with no ideology other than he's the greatest, even with that tribble sliding down his forehead. Then all our laws, executive actions, and court decisions will be Repugnant across the board.
Merrick Garland or Antonin Scalia. What a choice.
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I predict the Senate will go 50-50
Regardless of who wins the Presidency, I see 4 GOP seats that are likely pick offs, in states that will probably vote Democratic no matter what. Remember, the last time these guys faced an election it was in an off year when the Dems got their clocks cleaned.
The House is anyone's guess.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
The Dems have the opportunity to take the Senate this year
because there are so many more Repukes up for election. The exact reverse happens in two years. So, it'll be worse than Obama. The pres will only have a Dem Senate, not the House. Then, in 2018, the Dems will lose the Senate.
Repub elites don't like Trump.
Can we admit this yet?
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
I do admit that. Yet the only one who didn't pander to unity
at the convention was Ted Cruz (the first thing I've liked that he has ever done), who has himself been called the least liked man in Congress. Plus I'm pretty sure Trump has no interest in actually governing. It's all ego with him.
So on the one hand in the unlikely event Trump does want to indulge some of his worst instincts, the Repugs will probably go along because they don't care about us either and it's not worth it to them to fight the bully. Gut affordable housing funding because we need the funds to build a wall? No problem.
And OTOH, for most things they can probably hand Trump any piece of legislation they want and he'll sign it. Tell him what to do and he'll do it. Give him a list of radical right-wingers to sit on SCOTUS? No problem.
Disliking doesn't mean not working together, especially when all Trump wants to do is sit around and bloviate.
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The president doesn’t need Congress or the Supreme Court
to make foreign policy and use the military.
The latter used to be constrained by Congress having exclusive power to declare war, but that particular constitutional check and balance has been inoperative since its last use in 1941.
Or have we declared war on all 160 or 170 countries our “special forces” are operating in? How about the countries our flying killer robots are murdering people in? Have we declared war on Syria? Did we declare war on Libya? No, the paper-thin excuse of the 9/11 AUMF now suffices for any kind of war we want, everywhere, forever.
“OCO” (Overseas Contingency Operation) my ʻokole (= my Hawaiian ass).
The president can also pretty much do what he or she wants with the CIA, NSA, and other secret agencies where congressional oversight has become a joke.
For me, that tips the scale substantially towards the right-wing neocon-endorsed Hillary being more dangerous in 2016 than Trump.
I don't care about the wall. Let them build it. The immigrants will still come (ba-dum, tsh). At least some schmucks down on their luck will make a few bucks.
I am all good...
with making this election a referendum on TPP and free trade.
Wage arbitrage to poor nations has decimated our manufacturing base and is a huge reason for the collapse of the middle class.
About time we had this debate out in the open.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Another debate that needs to be dragged into the open
is the enormous power the secretive, privately owned Federal Reserve Bank and its unelected board members — seemingly accountable to absolutely no one by law — have, to shape economic conditions in the U.S. and the world over.
"The Creature From Jekyll Island"
A book about the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. And fiat currency.
Interesting times.
Right now.
Heard good things about that book. Have yet to read it, tho. n/t
Wage arbitrage, globalism.....
Is Hillary a solution, or a problem?
ille neque ea
With all due respect to the diarist, I do ask myself for what reason should it be so difficult to accept the idea that neither of these individuals are worth zeroes and ones?
They are both horrible. Humanity's trajectory isn't going to change much in either case.
The Clinton Foundation is an entity of the US deep state. The Clintons got the job to be caretakers of those who are busy rearranging the little toothpicks on this molten rock.
Donald Trump will allow anything to fly that makes him feel important. He has no such connections and is a lightweight in comparison, who will have a great time in his new position, which he will try his hardest not to make a job which he does, but something above which he can rise to show how awesome he is - even bigger than the office of President. To some, that may be appealing. Others call that a Wall Street CEO position.
I am not endorsing any candidate. Vote if you can and hope the officials count it.
I have no prognostications.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
MamaBig Al said there’d be days like this.I don't pretend there even is an "election"
But as to the "choice" some are speculating on, here's the "choice".
Trump - we get dragged back 100 years.
Rodham - we get dragged in to 100 wars.
I don't think the planet and the rest of humanity can survive Hillary's warmongering and corruption.
Don't worry or shame me. I'm not voting for Trump. Hell....no one's vote really counts anyways.
Most are focused on this election. The rest of the world and many others in the EwEssAyyyy are getting ready for the much needed reaction to this coronation of corruption.
something's gotta give...
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
If we get dragged back 100 years, do we get do-overs on
100 years of CO2 emissions?
Oh. Darn.
You know there's only one possible response to this...
Damnit Janet!
(+1 for that user name *grin*)
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
I think people underestimate
what the Clinton's power is about, it's global and it means us all and the planet harm. Trump is a total asshole, demagogue bigot, lair and the epitome of reactionary populism at it's worst. Listening to Hillary's speech and witnessing this farce of a Hillary show convention I was struck by calculating evil of the Clinton's and what they represent. How could you listen to her speech and say that she is not a unhinged megalomaniac, fascist, demagogue in her own right. Scariest part is that the Clinton's already have in place and ready to go the global deep state behind them. They are the devil I know as we've been dealing with this monster for decades. Kissinger? If you look in her eyes you can see just how insane she is. My god that speech was chilling.
Both Trump and Billary are preaching the violent, lawless, nationalistic jingoistic anti-democratic, fascistic clap trap. Either as president are a nightmare. imo Trump is the lesser evil. America is good my ass. They both appeal to the worst, ugly, instinct's of the American psyche. I'm voting for Jill. She will not win and save us all from Trumpism. However I look at it as a start at pushing back on Axelrod's "world as we find it". This world is not the inevitable 'real' world it's a world these global psycho's have carefully created. Why acquiesce to their madness and power. People do have power and these asshole want to rule the world asshole always claim they are inevitable. There not. It's going to have to be a global struggle reining them in. First step is withdrawing our consent to be governed by any of them.
I'm having trouble believing that
Trump will even make it to the election before something, most probably of his own negligence or stupidity, removes him from the race. There's already tons out there.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage