The Evening Blues - 7-26-16


Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features Chicago blues singer Andrew Odom. Enjoy!

Andrew "Voice" Odom - Further On Down The Road

“Or perhaps the syndrome we are witnessing is preemptive capitulation: If we reduce our conscience to rubble before the bad men get here, they will have nothing to destroy.”

-- J. Budziszewski

News and Opinion

Bernie Sanders Left Delegates With No Way to Fight but Boo

The first night of the Democratic National Convention featured rousing tributes to Hillary Clinton, blistering critiques of Donald Trump — and a chorus of boos from Bernie Sanders delegates at invocations to vote for Clinton, even when they came from Sanders himself. ...

Throughout this process, Sanders openly considered bringing key issues where he was stymied to the convention floor itself, by submitting what is called a “minority plank.” That would have allowed his campaign to submit platform proposals to the floor for a vote among all delegates. ...

Fighting over the platform on the floor would have offered Bernie delegates the chance to continue doing what they do best — organize and make change. They would have had an opportunity to argue over issues the movement cared deeply about and possibly even move the Democratic Party in ways that Bernie’s inside negotiations with the DNC failed to.

But on July 10, Sanders’s campaign released a triumphant statement, calling the platform the “most progressive” in the Democratic Party’s history. On July 12, the Sanders campaign then abruptly ended its talk of a convention fight over the issues. “As a result of our success and the realization that further platform fights would be portrayed in the corporate media as obstructionist and divisive, the senator made the very difficult decision not to file minority reports,” Sanders policy chief Warren Gunnels wrote to key supporters.

Chaos on Convention Floor: Protests, Boos and Chants of "Bernie" Mark Opening of DNC

Bernie Sanders Hears Boos Again as He Asks Supporters to Back Hillary Clinton

Senator Bernie Sanders once again faced boos on Tuesday as his restive supporters continued to raise protests despite his efforts to persuade them that voting for Hillary Clinton is the best way to defeat Donald J. Trump.

After making the rounds at several breakfasts, the Vermont senator was met with a loud chorus of boos from members of the California delegation. The booing started immediately, with many people in the audience giving Mr. Sanders a thumbs-down sign. But Mr. Sanders was quick to wave the crowd to be quiet and to chide them for their response. ...

Earlier Tuesday, Mr. Sanders spoke to delegates from Wisconsin, Montana and Alaska. There, Mr. Sanders was met with tense silence when he tried to make the case for Mrs. Clinton. He started by calling Mr. Trump “the worst, least-prepared candidate for president in my lifetime,” and then went on to make his pitch.

“We have got to obviously elect Hillary Clinton,” Mr. Sanders said, as many in the room sat quietly. ...

The steadfast loyalty of Mr. Sanders’s delegates could lead to more scenes of discord on the convention floor Tuesday when the nominating vote is held.

Teva Gabis-Levine, a Sanders delegate from New Mexico, said he expects the roll-call vote to be filled with more emotional outbursts.

“I know that my state party is encouraging us to fall in line somewhat and wear our official polo shirts and show unity. I know a great number of my delegation are not going to do that,” Mr. Gabis-Levine, 35, said. “I’m expecting similar responses to yesterday, some turning of backs, some booing, some under-the-breath comments, some louder comments, a wide range of reactions.”

Will Bernie Sander’s Political Movement Have Life Beyond the DNC?

The day before the big climate and Sanders marches, during a quieter event at a Quaker meeting hall, representatives from many of these causes met to lay out a platform in a formal, online document. The “People’s Convention,” as participants called it, was designed to look beyond this year’s presidential race, toward creating the sort of wide-reaching political movement the Vermont senator so often invoked on the campaign trail.

The initiative came about largely through the efforts of two organizers, Jack “Jackrabbit” Pollack and Shana East. Both had volunteered for Sanders in the Chicago area. East was hired by the campaign once it started ramping up its organizing efforts in Illinois. But in April, they decided they would have to step away from the Sanders campaign to foster a wider movement.

“The Sanders campaign didn’t really seem to be interested in actually working with the grass roots,” Pollack said. “Once Shana and I realized that that was the case, we figured that for the political revolution that Bernie had been calling for since the beginning of his campaign, it was really essential that we be building for something, toward something. We were kind of giving a form and a framework to a movement that is currently very amorphous.”

“The reality is that Bernie, if you really listened to his speeches and the things that he said over the course of the campaign, he never actually said ‘I’m leading this movement,'” Pollack continued. “I think the mistake that a lot of people have been making is to think that they needed to look to him for this movement. The movement is us.”

'He convinced none of us': Bernie Sanders diehards react to convention speech

Standing on the stage to endorse his former rival Hillary Clinton, against whom he mounted an unexpectedly serious challenge, Sanders endured sporadic boos from his most ardent supporters when he asked for their support in putting the former secretary of state in the White House.

“There’s a long way to go before November,” said Cullen Tiernan, a Sanders delegate from California. “She’ll have to make some concrete commitments instead of the platitudes and fluff that we’ve been getting all day long.” ...

Several stadium seats away, Amy Erb and Luci Riley, members of the National Nurses United and California delegates for Sanders, watched the speech with pained expressions. At one point, Riley wiped tears from her eyes as she listened to Sanders applaud Clinton.

“It was obviously disappointing,” Erb said of Sanders’ speech, “but this movement was beginning and brewing long before Bernie became a candidate, and it will continue after him.”

Away from the hall, Sarah Hernandez, a 22-year-old marketing officer from Houston, Texas, live-streamed the speech from a campsite in New Jersey. A Sanders supporter, she had taken part in anti-Clinton demonstrations on Monday, which included an action outside Philadelphia’s city hall at which she and others chanted “lock her up”, a Republican chant aimed at Clinton.

“It’s not what a lot of us wanted to hear,” she said of Sanders’ speech. “We wanted to hear him lay down the law, saying: ‘This election was rigged from the start,’ and how if you compare the polls of him versus Trump compared to Hillary against Trump, he wins.”

Hernandez and four others from Texas had huddled around a cellphone to watch Sanders speak. It seemed the leftwing firebrand’s efforts to transfer his support to Clinton had fallen on deaf ears, with this group at least.

“From the quick poll of the people I’m with, he convinced none of us,” she said.

"Gosh we're sorry that we stole the election from you..."

DNC apologizes to Bernie Sanders amid convention chaos in wake of email leak

The Democratic National Committee issued an apology on Monday to Bernie Sanders and his supporters over leaked emails that showed bias among party officials towards his opponent, Hillary Clinton, as the Democrats’ national convention opened amid chaotic scenes of Sanders supporters booing the nominee.

“On behalf of everyone at the DNC, we want to offer a deep and sincere apology to Senator Sanders, his supporters, and the entire Democratic Party for the inexcusable remarks made over email,” Democratic Party officials said in a statement. The controversy led to the resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as party chair on Sunday.

“These comments do not reflect the values of the DNC or our steadfast commitment to neutrality during the nominating process,” the statement went on. “The DNC does not – and will not – tolerate disrespectful language exhibited toward our candidates.”

The statement further noted that the DNC was taking “appropriate action to ensure it never happens again”.

The FBI announced on Monday it was launching an investigation into the hack of the DNC’s email server that led to the publication of the emails, as Clinton’s bid for a week of unity began with renewed rancor among Sanders supporters who had long doubted the neutrality of national party officials.

Leak Confirms DNC Aimed to Squash Questions Over Clinton Fundraising Scheme

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) tried to hide the fact that Hillary Clinton's campaign allegedly benefited from a controversial joint fundraising project her team claimed was helping down-ticket candidates, according to leaked emails.

The emails, released last week ahead of the Democratic National Convention, are "validating concerns raised by campaign finance watchdogs, state party allies, and Bernie Sanders supporters" about the Hillary Victory Fund, write Politico's Kenneth P. Vogel and Isaac Arnsdorf.

For three months after concerns were raised about the fundraising venture, officials at the DNC and on Clinton's team were publicly defending the scheme, but privately working to shut down "questions raised by reporters, as well as Sanders' since-aborted campaign, about the distribution of the money." ...

Clinton's allies have long claimed that the extravagant donations the committee solicited that paid for large portions of Clinton's presidential run also contributed to campaigns of down-ticket Democrats from 40 states—but in reality, those parties "kept less than one half of one percent of the $82 million raised" through the Hillary Victory Fund, Politico reports.

Jill Stein vs. Ben Jealous: Should Progressives Reject Hillary Clinton & Vote Green?

This jackass just totally pisses me off:

The Sanders movement is bigger than Bernie. Now it must defeat Trump

Undoubtedly, the vast majority of Sanders’ supporters will vote for Hillary Clinton, despite a media focus on those pledging to do otherwise. Yes, his most zealous supporters refuse to distinguish between Clinton and Donald Trump. There is nothing radical about failing to take a stand on a far-right racist demagogue sweeping to power in what remains the world’s most powerful nation.

[Apparently, there is something radical about voting for a candidate whose platform represents real progressive change - something that frightens these morons, something really awful, like people not voting for the candidates of the parties of the 1%. -js]

The election of Trump would represent one of the greatest calamities to befall the west since the end of the second world war.

[Worse than Bush? C'mon, pull the other one. -js]

The task ahead is to ensure Trump’s defeat – as decisively as possible – and Democratic control of both Houses of Congress, and then to build pressure from below to enact progressive legislation.

[Yes, yes. Build up a party of the 1% to defeat a party of the 1%. Sounds like a winner! -js]

There are no shortage of social ills to address: that, as one Princeton academic study found, the US resembles an oligarchy more than a democracy; that wages have been stagnating or falling for many years, fuelling resentment that Trump feeds on; a racist judicial system; an inefficient private healthcare system; extortionate university fees; a younger generation facing a future of insecurity; the likelihood of further disastrous military interventions in the coming years; and so on.

[Seems like thousands of people have been assiduously working for decades, organizing, building up the party to address these very issues. How's that hope and change been working out for you? -js]

Facebook admits blocking WikiLeaks’ DNC email links, but won’t say why

Facebook has acknowledged it blocked links to WikiLeaks’ DNC email dump, though (again) hasn’t explained why. ...

It’s possible its algorithm incorrectly identified them as malicious, but it’s another negative mark on the company’s record nonetheless. WikiLeaks is a known entity, not some torrent dumping ground.

Previously, Facebook was discovered to have removed a Live video of Philando Castille dying, and posts of the Bastille Day aftermath were scrubbed from the newswire. Its news bar has also come under fire for being biased.

The rush to blame Russia for the DNC email hack is premature

Since WikiLeaks published the DNC’s hacked emails on Sunday, there has been a flurry of accusations – including from the Hillary Clinton campaign – that Russian president Vladimir Putin orchestrated both the hack and the leak, in an attempt to help Donald Trump win the presidency.

First, it would certainly be disturbing if Russia is trying to affect our democratic process, but maybe we should wait until we see actual evidence before deciding, as some have, that Putin ordered hackers to help swing the US election on the eve of the Democratic convention?

It’s amazing how quickly the media are willing to forgo any skepticism and jump to conspiracy-tinged conclusions where Putin is involved. He has been linked to everything from Brexit, Jeremy Corbyn, Greece and Spain. People treat him like an omnipotent mastermind who secretly and effortlessly controls world events. Here’s an idea: maybe we should stop giving him so much credit? ...

As Adam Johnson detailed, when you look closely, the evidence is shoddy and often contradictory. ... The bulk of the “evidence” has come from the statements of cybersecurity firms FireEye and Crowdstrike, both of which have lucrative contracts with the US government. As FireEye’s CEO once made clear, his company has a financial stake in nation-state hacking tensions.

If the allegations involving Russia are true, there are plenty more logical motivations besides evil genius-level electioneering, and the media should probably stop feigning shock that a country would stoop to this level. As Edward Snowden pointed out on Twitter with an accompanying NSA document, “Our government specifically authorized the hacking of political parties.” The US has also considered hacking and then releasing sensitive and embarrassing information in China in retaliation for cybersecurity attacks, as the New York Times reported last year.

Nusra Front to Rebrand in Public ‘Split’ From al-Qaeda

Believing that their public status as al-Qaeda’s formal “affiliate” in Syria has made them a target, the Nusra Front is announcing its intention to rebrand as the Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, or Sham Liberation Front, which itself won’t officially be affiliated with al-Qaeda’s parent organization. ...

Nusra’s “rebranding” seems like a cynical attempt to get around this US-Russia operation by suddenly not being al-Qaeda, at least in name, but might conceivably work, given the number of US officials openly objecting to attacking Nusra even as part of al-Qaeda.

At the same time, the ruse is transparent, since al-Qaeda’s leader Ayman al-Zawahiri released a public audio statement only back in May suggesting Nusra could make a public break with al-Qaeda as a way to unify Islamists to form an “emirate” to rival ISIS.

UN Reports Record High Civilian Toll in Afghanistan

Following a trend that has been depressingly familiar in recent years, the United Nations has released a new report today on violence in Afghanistan, finding record levels of violence against civilians in the first half of 2016, with 1,601 killed and 3,565 wounded. ...

Children are increasingly the targets of this rising violence, with the new report including 388 children killed and 1,121 wounded, a level the UN described as particularly shameful. This toll stops in June, and so doesn’t include the 80 civilians killed last week or the hundreds wounded in Kabul suicide bombings by ISIS.

US Still Can't Escape Calls for War Crimes Investigation into Its Bombing of MSF Hospital

New UN report finds record level of civilian casualties in Afghanistan; says there are 'prima facie grounds to warrant further investigation into whether US personnel committed war crimes'

A new United Nations report reveals a grim state of affairs for civilians in Afghanistan—a record level of civilian casualties for the first half of the year—and also renews the call for an independent investigation into whether the United States committed war crimes in bombing a Doctors Without Borders (MSF) hospital in Kunduz. ...

The U.N. report includes the U.S. military's own findings, in redacted form, into the bombing, which it released in April following a shifting narrative on the attack.

The U.N. report cites the U.S. argument that "the tragic accident resulted from a combination of unintentional human errors and equipment failures" while the designation of "'war crimes' is typically reserved for intentional acts."

UNAMA, however, questions the impartiality and transparency of the U.S. military's findings, and states that "there are prima facie grounds to warrant further investigation into whether United States personnel committed war crimes."

US approves release of last Russian held at Guantanamo

A former ballet dancer and member of the Russian military who has been imprisoned as an enemy combatant at Guantanamo for nearly 14 years was given notice Monday that a review board has approved his release from the U.S. base in Cuba.

Ravil Mingazov was deemed eligible for release by the Periodic Review Board, an interagency task force set up by the Obama administration to evaluate whether prisoners not facing charges can be released without endangering U.S. security. He is the last Russian citizen still held at Guantanamo. ...

Mingazov, who denied any involvement in terrorism, was never charged with a crime. ...

His lawyers have asked the government to resettle him in Nottingham, England, where his son and ex-wife live under political asylum. The review board statement did not say where Mingazov would be sent or when he would be released. Britain most recently accepted a Guantanamo prisoner in October with the release of Shaker Aamer, a Saudi citizen who was a resident of Britain before his capture.

Turkish PM: coup suspects' testimony points to Gülen's involvement

Binali Yildirim says country expects US to comply with extradition request for cleric, hinting alliance could be at risk otherwise

Turkey’s prime minister has said that testimony from suspects detained in the aftermath of the attempted coup has pointed to the direct involvement of Fethullah Gülen, an exiled cleric based in Pennsylvania.

Binali Yildirim said the Turkish government had not yet requested Gülen’s extradition, but would do so once the investigation was complete, with the expectation that Washington would comply with the request, hinting that the strategic alliance between the two countries could suffer if it did not. ...

“Of course, since the leader of this terrorist organisation is residing in the United States there are question marks in the minds of the people whether there is any US involvement or backing,” he said in an interview with the Guardian, taking care to note that Washington was not involved in the coup attempt. “So America from this point on should really think how they will continue to cooperate with Turkey, which is a strategic ally for them in the region and world.”

The US secretary of state, John Kerry, has said the US would consider an extradition request for Gülen if Turkey could supply “legitimate evidence that withstands scrutiny”. Turkey has so far provided limited public evidence on the role of Gülen and his Hizmet organisation, but Yildirim said it would make its case to Washington in a formal extradition request.

The Chinese government has banned news operations by internet companies

When floods killed at least 154 people in Northern and Central China and displaced tens of thousands over the weekend, Chinese web users may have wanted to know more about the extent of the disaster through reporting from Chinese journalists on the scene. But that kind of reporting was not available on the Chinese web, and it will be even harder to come by, after the government cracked down on web-based news outlets, forbidding them from running their own news operations.

With an edict made public on Monday, China's top internet regulator ordered online companies to stop producing original reporting from their news operations. Websites will have to hew to the official message of the Communist Party, or expect to see their publication "cleaned up" or shut down, according to the official statement in Chinese.

The order issued by the Cyberspace Administration of China or CAC is targeting the popular news portals owned by some the country's biggest Internet private companies: Sohu, Sina, NetEase and Phoenix. ...

As of Monday, some of the most popular news sections produced by those companies had already been taken down, such as Sohu's Click Today or People in News, with URLs redirecting users to Sohu's main page.

As for Western news sites, several of them aren't accessible in China, including the websites of The Economist, TIME Magazine, The New York Times, Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal, according to GreatFire, a website that tracks censorship on the Chinese web.

European banks prepare for possible shockwaves from stress test results

Europe’s biggest banks are braced for the outcome of financial health checks that could expose the extent of the weaknesses of the world’s oldest bank, Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS), and send shockwaves through the markets.

However, the tests – due to be published on Friday – are being viewed by some analysts as a missed opportunity to gauge the full extent of the fragility of the banking system in Europe. Only 51 banks are being assessed, compared with 124 in 2014, and they will not be given a pass or fail mark as in the past. ...

The fate of the Italian banks is being closely watched. “Italy could provide the watershed moment for European banks. If a banking crisis were to start in Italy, we believe it would spread throughout Europe with the more levered names in the sector bearing the brunt of the pressure,” said analysts at Berenberg. ...

The EBA has said the 51 banks cover approximately 70% of the EU banking sector. No banks from Portugal, Cyprus or Greece are big enough to fall within the scope of the test.

The UK’s biggest lenders – Lloyds Banking Group, Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays and HSBC – are being assessed. The outcome of the check on Deutsche Bank will also be closely watched.

Big tech asked to pay their 'fair share' in taxes to help San Francisco's homeless

The tech boom has generated thousands of high-paying jobs and vast amounts of wealth. It’s also contributed to a spike in housing costs, a steady rise in evictions, a seismic shift in the identity of neighborhoods and an ever-widening gap between the city’s richest citizens and its poorest.

Now some San Franciscans want the tech industry to pay what they call its “fair share” to mitigate some of the damage they believe it has done.

Last month, supervisor Eric Mar proposed a 1.5% payroll tax on technology companies that bring in more than $1m a year. The move, he says, will raise more than $120m, which would be used to provide low-cost housing for some of the city’s more than 6,600 homeless citizens. It would also lower some fees for small businesses.

This is in direct counterpoint to the 1.5% cuts the city offered companies such as Twitter, Uber and Spotify in 2011 to move into a blighted neighborhood a short walk from city hall – known colloquially as the ‘Twitter tax break’. According to a report by the San Francisco controller’s office, that break netted these companies $34m in 2014. ...

But Mar’s proposal has been met with fierce opposition from the mayor’s office, business groups and other local politicians. ... It’s a battle that’s been brewing for a long time, and Mar’s tax proposal may help bring it to a head.

The war comes home to Australia as it inevitably does everywhere.

'Abu Ghraib'-style images of children in detention in Australia trigger public inquiry

Australia’s prime minister has launched a public inquiry following the broadcast of footage of children in detention being abused, hooded and bound in a manner likened to Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo Bay.

Malcolm Turnbull announced a royal commission hours after the national broadcaster aired shocking footage showing children in detention at the Don Dale facility outside Darwin in the Northern Territory.

Footage aired on the ABC’s Four Corners program on Monday showed one youth being stripped and physically held down by guards.

In another scene that the program compared with images from Guantánamo Bay or the Abu Ghraib jail in Baghdad, 17-year-old Dylan Voller was shown hooded and tied in a restraint chair for two hours.

The revelations cast a new spotlight on Australia’s treatment of Indigenous people in general and also on the NT government’s hardline approach to crime.

Indigenous youths make up 96% of the young prison population in the Northern Territory and Indigenous people are overwhelmingly represented in the NT prison system across the board. Indigenous people make up 30% of the overall population of the NT.

Why a black man shot by Chicago police believes his case may be a sign of change

Antwon Golatte lifted his shirt to reveal the wide, dark scars of three bullet holes and two surgeries.

“I always said I was innocent,” said Golatte, 35, speaking to reporters for the first time since he was shot by police officers on the south side of Chicago in February 2015.

On Thursday, the city’s independent police review authority (IPRA) ruled that officers were unjustified in shooting Golatte. Their investigation contradicted officers’ contention that they shot him in self-defense, believing that Golatte was trying to run them over with his SUV. ...

Golatte and his lawyers said they think IPRA’s ruling signals that the movement for police accountability in Chicago may finally be having some effect.

“If IPRA is going to start stepping forward and giving some kind of fairness back to communities and other cities start following their lead, that stops all this chaos and madness out there of cops versus communities,” said Chris Stewart, an Atlanta-based attorney working with Golatte who also represents the family of Alton Sterling, killed by police in Baton Rouge earlier this month. “Because all people in communities want to know is we’re going to be treated fairly ... If someone gets shot, investigate fairly. That’s pretty reasonable.”

the horse race

Robert Kagan and Other Neocons Are Backing Hillary Clinton

As Hillary Clinton puts together what she hopes will be a winning coalition in November, many progressives remain wary — but she has the war-hawks firmly behind her.

“I would say all Republican foreign policy professionals are anti-Trump,” leading neoconservative Robert Kagan told a group gathered around him, groupie-style, at a “foreign policy professionals for Hillary” fundraiser I attended last week. “I would say that a majority of people in my circle will vote for Hillary.” ...

The event raised $25,000 for Clinton. Two rising stars in the Democratic foreign policy establishment, Amanda Sloat and Julianne Smith, also spoke.

The way they described Clinton’s foreign policy vision suggested that if elected president in November, she will escalate tensions with Russia, double down on military belligerence in the Middle East and generally ignore the American public’s growing hostility to intervention.

Sloat, the former deputy assistant secretary of state in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, boasted that Clinton will be “more interventionist and forward-leaning than Obama’s been” in Syria. She also applauded Clinton for doing intervention the right way, through coalitions instead of the unilateral aggression that defined the Bush years.

“Nothing that [Clinton] did was more clear than the NATO coalition that she built to defend civilians in Libya,” said Sloat, referencing the Obama administration’s overthrow of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. That policy, spearheaded by Clinton, has transformed a once stable state into a lawless haven for extremist groups from across the region, including ISIS.

The Neocons Have Whipped Up A Foreign Policy Blueprint For Hillary

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) released a report entitled "Extending American Power: Strategies to Expand U.S. Engagement in a Competitive World Order." It could just as easily have been entitled "What Hillary Should Do When She Gets Elected, and Why She Should Hire Us to Do It." The report's authors run the gamut from interventionist Republican neocons like Robert Kagan to Democratic hawks like Michele Fluornoy, the co-founder of CNAS and a possible candidate for Secretary of Defense in a Hillary Clinton administration. There is not a fresh or independent voice in the lot. As Stephen Walt rightly points out in his take-down of the report in Foreign Policy, this is at best a status quo document, and at worst a doubling down on the failed policies of the past two decades. And why should we expect otherwise? After all, as Walt notes, "the report's signatories helped create many of the problems they now seek to fix, so you'd hardly expect them to cast a critical eye on their own handiwork." ...

The CNAS report is breathtaking in its scope. As Daniel L. Davis has noted, "The theme of the policy options and recommendations throughout this paper reflect the ambitions of an imperialist, domineering and expansive global power." Davis further notes that if the authors were to "describe their aspirations in those unpalatable terms" no one would support their approach. So instead we get rhetoric about the need for "American leadership" to enforce a "rules-based international order." There is little discussion of who makes the rules, or how they should be made, but the underlying assumption is that they should be made in Washington. In fact, the CNAS document crystallizes the kind of thinking that Andrew Bacevich roundly criticizes in his 2010 book "Washington Rules: America's Path to Permanent War."

Email Dump: Hillary Clinton aide jumps on blame Russian bandwagon

The Hawks’ Election Strategy: Pushing a New Cold War

Begin with what is obvious: no responsible citizen ought to support in any way the presidential aspirations of Donald Trump. But in a wild election season, intelligent discussion cannot afford to end there. The past few weeks have cemented an extraordinary alliance to defeat Trump that joins two foreign-policy sects that were never entirely distinct: the neoconservatives who commandeered the Bush-Cheney foreign policy of 2001-2006, and liberal interventionists who supported the Iraq war, the Libya war, an expanded program of drone killings, and military intervention in Syria beyond what the Obama administration has allowed. With a spate of recent articles and op-eds, these people are preparing the ground for Hillary Clinton to assert that the Russian government is in league with the Trump campaign, and that Russia has intervened in the election by releasing hacked Democratic National Committee emails to embarrass Clinton.

In Slate magazine, for example, Franklin Foer explained that “Putin has a plan for destroying the West—and that plan looks a lot like Donald Trump.” The Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum echoed this verdict: “we finally have a presidential candidate, Donald Trump, with direct and indirect links to a foreign dictator, Vladimir Putin, whose policies he promotes.” Foer and Applebaum have written earlier about Putin, in articles that had a stronger factual basis, and their stances are not surprising. A more telling measure of the efforts in the mainstream media to project a sinister association between Trump and Moscow may be found in a column by Paul Krugman entitled “The Siberian Candidate.”

Krugman here floats the idea that Trump may be a Russian agent, “Vladimir Putin’s man in the White House.” Stimulated by his own conjecture, he goes on to suggest that Trump “would actually follow a pro-Putin foreign policy”; that “Mr. Trump does, indeed, admire Putin”; that Trump’s helpless fondness for Putin comes out in his insistence that our NATO allies pay their share of the cost of maintaining NATO; that among Trump’s advisers, there may lurk a more “specific channel of influence”; and finally (a nameless general menace) that “there’s something very strange going on here.” ...

Yet it was not Krugman but the Atlantic Monthly blogger and reporter Jeffrey Goldberg who stole a march on subsequent alarmists by saying the choice between Clinton and Trump was really a choice between Clinton and an agent of Putin. This, in turn, was a clever variation on the tune called by Goldberg’s neoconservative associates, who a few weeks earlier had agreed in designating Trump a fascist. ... The truth is that the charge of fascism against Trump was a stopgap measure. Now it has been replaced by a charge that he is soft on the Communist menace, or the next worst thing—which they are betting the American mind will translate into the same thing—he is soft on the Russian menace. Fascism was never a ripe choice of terms. It gets hardly any play and commands little attention in America. For the neoconservatives, Red-baiting is a more familiar tactic and in the absence of a Red, a Russian will do. ...

The hope cherished by Goldberg and Kagan, Applebaum and Foer and possibly Krugman too, as well as Jonathan Chait in New York magazine (who praised the “long and fascinating report” by Foer) and doubtless a good many others who have yet to weigh in—the hope is that Mrs. Clinton will put the Cold War accusation of Trump at the heart of her election campaign. The language and logical processes of these articles are shoddy, their texture is pure tabloid, and they are full of words like “stooge” and “patsy,” which the earlier writings of these opinion makers would not lead one to expect. The design calls for Mrs. Clinton to run against Trump and Putin—and to forge the closest possible linkage between the two names in the public mind. ...

We may deplore Donald Trump for his abridgment of the protocols of honest debate, his pandering to racial and religious prejudice, his contempt for plain facts and his lack of acquaintance with facts. But to picture Trump as an agent or enabler of Vladimir Putin—and to insinuate that anyone who seeks diplomatic arrangements with Moscow in preference to a new Cold War must be “soft”—does nothing to elevate the political discourse of the moment. It takes us out of the sewer and leads us into the cesspool.

the evening greens

EPA ruling on aircraft emissions paves way for new regulations

The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday declared that jet engine exhaust endangers public health by contributing to climate change, a key milestone as it works to develop regulations that will cut carbon emissions from commercial aircraft.

Large commercial jets account for 11% of all emissions from the global transportation sector. Aircraft emissions are expected to grow by 50% by 2050 as demand for air travel increases. ...

“Addressing pollution from aircraft is an important element of US efforts to address climate change,” Janet McCabe, the EPA’s acting assistant administrator for air and radiation, said in a statement. “EPA has already set effective GHG standards for cars and trucks and any future aircraft engine standards will also provide important climate and public health benefits.”

Both the EPA and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), are developing regulations that will cut carbon emissions from commercial aircraft. The ICAO is expected to finalise its emissions standards in 2017, but the EPA could not proceed with developing its own standards in the US until it concluded that jet engine exhaust poses a public health threat.

Solar plane completes round-the-world trip | DW News

Solar plane makes history after completing round-the-world trip

Solar Impulse 2 has completed the first round-the-world flight by a solar-powered aeroplane, after touching down in Abu Dhabi early on Tuesday.

The final leg of the feat, aimed at showcasing the potential of renewable energy, was a bumpy one, with turbulence driven by hot desert air leaving the solo pilot, Bertrand Piccard, fighting with the controls.

The plane, which has a wingspan wider than a Boeing 747 and carries more than 17,000 solar cells on its wings, began the circumnavigation in March 2015 in Abu Dhabi. It has since crossed both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans using no fossil fuel and has spent more than 23 days in the air.

Speaking to the Guardian from the cockpit shortly before landing, Piccard said he was feeling emotional as he neared the end of the journey: “It is a very, very special moment – it has been 15 years that I am working on this goal.

“I hope people will understand that it is not just a first in the history of aviation, but also a first in the history of energy,” he said.

Western Canada Oil Spill Drenches Birds, Will Taint Drinking Water for Months to Come

Despite a devastating pipeline leak that flooded the North Saskatchewan River with 200,000 liters of tar sands crude last Thursday, Husky Energy waited until Monday to shut down the leaking pipeline. An executive with the oil behemoth said the company was "deeply sorry" for the incident while announcing the pipeline closure.

The apology and pipeline shutdown also only occurred after two cities were forced to shut off their water supplies and photos emerged of birds drenched in "very, very, very thick bitumen," according to Saskatoon-based rescue organization Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation.

Provincial officials and wildlife rescuers both warn that the effects of the spill will be long-term.

Meanwhile, booms laid on the river to contain the spill have been ineffective, a provincial official who wished to remain anonymous told the Canadian Press, as high water levels have lifted the oil over the barriers. As of Monday evening, less than half of the oil spilled had been recovered.

The pipeline shutdown also came despite Husky's announcement on Sunday that the spill cleanup was complete.

California wildfire fills LA with smoke after a dozen homes destroyed

Thousands driven from their homes as days of triple-digit temperatures fuel unpredictable wildfire that has scorched more than 51 square miles

An unpredictable wildfire that destroyed more than a dozen houses filled skies north of Los Angeles with smoke on Monday after driving thousands from their homes.

Some evacuees were about to return home on Sunday when unexpected winds stirred up the blaze that ignited two days earlier in brush withered by days of 100F (38C) temperatures and years of drought.

The number of firefighters on the lines surged to nearly 3,000 as flames devoured heavy vegetation in rugged mountains and canyons near the fringes of the metro area.

“All the experience we’ve had with fires is out the window,” said Los Angeles County deputy fire chief John Tripp, one of many who noted the fire’s special volatility on Sunday.

More than 51 square miles were scorched and at least 18 homes destroyed since the blaze erupted on Friday. ...

About 300 miles up the coast, crews battled another fire spanning more than 23 square miles that destroyed six homes on Sunday and forced evacuations outside the scenic Big Sur region. The fire was threatening about 1,650 mountain homes and burning mostly out of control.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

On Day One of the Democratic Convention, the Boos Have It

“The People Want Bernie” — Sanders Supporters Protest Hillary Clinton Nomination at DNC

DNC Leak Shows Mechanics of a Slanted Campaign

Hillary Clinton exchanged top secret emails on her private server with three aides

Do Black Kids Matter in Memphis?

A Little Night Music

Andrew Odom - Night Shift Lover

Andrew Odom - Mother-in-Law Blues

Andrew Odom - I don't know

Andrew Odom - Woke up this morning

Andrew "Voice" Odom - Don't You Ever Leave Me All Alone

Andrew "Big Voice" Odom - I Can't Go On This Way

Andrew Odom - Bad Feeling

Andrew 'Big Voice' Odom - Feel So Good

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Can you think of a more accurate name for Al Qaeda in Syria?

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They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore

joe shikspack's picture

heh, that crossed my mind when i saw it. i was thinking that they should just go for truth in advertizing and call themselves the cia liberation front. but then again, i suppose it's pretty much the same thing.

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Lookout's picture

as the Moyers story says. Ain't that always been the story?

Loved the Jill and Ben Jealous debate on Democracy Now. Caught a couple of clips of the Greens in Philly
Party rally 17 min

Jimmy Dore with Jill at Philly Green rally 14 min

Pretty good summary of day 1 from the young turks too
12 min tyt group discussion

So no more people powered news in China. Hell we're arresting people who film police killings too. 17 min

Last week, an Air Force veteran named Chris LeDay posted the first video of the police shooting of Alton Sterling to go viral. LeDay obtained the video from a friend of a friend. He shared the video with some 10,000 followers on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Soon after the video went viral, LeDay says he was detained at his job at the Dobbins Air Reserve Base. Police then led him from his job in shackles and held him for 26 hours. He was then released after paying $1,200 in traffic fines. LeDay now feels his job is in jeopardy.

Pretty neat flying around the world on a solar plane though.

solar plane.gif

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

joe shikspack's picture

thanks for the links! enjoyed hearing jill expound on the problem of lesser evil voting.

0 users have voted.

Interesting article, on our arrogant and clueless Establishment, at home and abroad, starting with the new McCarthyism about Russia and moving to domestic treatment of us:

Maybe there's some reason for hope.

0 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture

excellent piece! i hope that americans are able to maintain their resolve and keep saying nyet to the 1%.

0 users have voted.

I also liked the picture and his description of what they were thinking, as a little something to smile over this evening.

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NCTim's picture

The convention and politics crapola is getting rote and stale. The contrived drama and media memes are feeble. So, I will talk about important stuff.

The Tedeschi Trucks Summer Soul Tour was awesome! It was our first time in the venue and the was great. It is integrated into its environment, so it is like being in a park. The handicapped access was OK and everybody was helpful and nice. It was a DFH show.

NMA came out in their standard power trio format except they had Kirk Joseph, Dirty Dozen sousaphone player, instead of a bass player. No vids, but it was like this ->

Los Lobos was a man down, no Cesar Rojas. Luther Dickenson sat in for most of the set, and Derek Trucks sat in for a couple of songs. They were nice surrogates for Cesar, since his main role is playing blues fills anyway.

Susan Tedeschi, the TTB backup singers (3) and TTB horn section (3) joined Los Lobos for What's Going On.

David Hidalgo and/or Luther Dickenson sat in for most of the TTB set. TTB closed with a little inspirational number.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

joe shikspack's picture

wow! now why did i bother with all that news stuff? Smile

sounds like a great concert was had by all, glad that you guys got out to it. the videos of ttb sound really good. i've seen trucks and tedeschi both, but never together. i guess i've got to get off my rusty dusty and get out to see them. nma with a tuba player sounds like a cool idea, too. i would dig that a bunch.

thanks for the review!

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Arrow's picture

Joe set me up a double and a beer chaser...

The worst for me is the 'civilian deaths' report...

Time to slide Jill Stein some bucks before the cutoff at the end of the month.

There will be better days...perhaps not real soon...but better.

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I want a Pony!

joe shikspack's picture

hang on while i go root around under the sink, i'm sure there's some booze back there. Smile

ok, i found something.

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Azazello's picture

I won't be watching that convention tonight. I can't take it. I watched it yesterday to see Warren and Sanders but I'll think I'll skip the rest of it. It reminds me of a Superbowl halftime show; a corporate crapfest of cynical identity politics and crude, sick-making emotional manipulation. Actual policy will not be addressed as establishment Dems use the next three days trying to make people forget that the Sanders campaign ever existed. Bill Clinton ? Shit. Every time I see that son-of-a-bitch I want to throw a brick at the picture-box. I think I'll pass.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

joe shikspack's picture

yeah, i watched some of last night, but tonight i'll just wait for the highlight/lowlight clips to show up on the internet tomorrow. i've got some stuff to catch up on and bill clinton is just a waste of time.

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mimi's picture

I ask you for the next week to publish the "Evening Rocking Rollers". Just need to get out of the blues to snap out of it.

Well Bernie is a very decent man, that's all I can say. To go through what he has gone through and stay true to his words, would be too much for many a man. Now Clinton was nominated by acclamation. I see people crying among the Sanders supporters. That's all not good and in fact I will not forget that. Never. It pisses me off quite a bit. No need to continue watching the convention.

This is the first convention I remember having followed that completely discouraged me. For sure I was not bamboozled this time around. I think that the information you provided in the EB had a lot to do with it. Thanks again for your dedication to help us with your work.

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joe shikspack's picture

the convention is pretty much over as far as i'm concerned. bernie pooped out and refused to fight any further and cast his supporters adrift in a sea of party sharks, leaving them to join in capitulation or to fight their way out of the convention.

i hope that at some point there will be a mass exodus of bernie delegates during a prime time moment, but i'm not holding my breath.


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NCTim's picture

Did this one too.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Unabashed Liberal's picture

go up in flames, is stronger than ever.

Last night, I posted in one of the threads, that I heard on XM Radio that there might be a 'partial roll call.' As much as I dislike the MSM, it shows that some of their reporting is accurate-- after what just happened during the roll call, a few minutes ago.

Of course, what I didn't know, was that Bernie himself would step in--declaring FSC the nominee by acclamation.


What is the most sickening to us, is hearing the multitudes of speeches about all the social programs that the Dems plan to enact--when they just spent the past 7 plus years chipping (or hacking) away at most of them.

We just switched channels to classical music--we've truly had all that we can take for a day, or so.

BTW, I look forward to the news project that you and Lookout are working on--so that we can push back on the Dem Party propaganda over the next months.

To clarify--to which of you Guys do we direct a PM, if we have a news story, or contribution?

I hope to start Tweeting some videos and articles which address FSC's toxic policy proposals, so I may include something like that [as my contribution].

This is a really good idea, and hopefully, a constructive use of our time.

As an aside, it's dangerously hot in every locale that I've been in for the past 2-3 weeks. So, stay cool.

Hey, Everyone have a nice evening!



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

joe shikspack's picture

it looks like bernie wants to destroy any credibility he might have had as a "revolutionary" committed to fighting for the issues of the 99%. it looks pretty much like he is just fine with having the election stolen from him and then grovelling for the bastards that ripped us all off.

i was expecting that he would have to concede, but i am a bit taken aback by the (sheep)dog and pony show that he's putting on in support of the dark corporate overlords.

lookout is organizing the video project, i'm sure that he'd be happy receive your contributions.

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Lookout's picture

for a weekly links page. Print or video. What do you see as the stories people should know? Please send me (Lookout) your links and a one sentence description. Sometimes the forest is lost for the trees. Help me to find stories that illuminate the forest.


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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

video that I mentioned to the Google Group back in 2014--about the 'deal' that Dems struck to lower the individual and corporate marginal tax rates. (in exchange for slashing entitlements as offsets)

To 24%.

At some point, I will post it, along with a screenshot of Trump's tax plan, to showcase the hypocrisy that I've been observing.

Mr M just saw a fact check piece on this earlier today, that I've got to check out, and possibly, add to the arsenal.


"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
0 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

snoopydawg's picture

with 3 people on her staff. Did those people have security clearance to read them? If not then Hillary needs to be charged with mishandling classified information. Period!
Gawd, the lies she tells and her supporters believe is beyond nauseating. The state department has proof that she broke the law and yet still nothing will happen to her.
And every single person who votes for her will be responsible for every single civilian death when she ramps up the wars in the Middle East.
That article about the neocons supporting her makes me so damned disgusted with the people that state Hillary isn't a warmonger.

Here's a link to Corbett's views on the election cycle we go through every four years. Great read

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

joe shikspack's picture

it pains me to say this, but if there is to be any chance that hillary will be held accountable before the law in the same way that average citizens are is completely dependent upon the efforts of republicans.

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snoopydawg's picture

Grassley questioned the legality of the Clinton's pay to play during her time as SOS but even that went nowhere.
Even though both congress and Obama told her to keep the foundation separate from her duties as SOS, she didn't and they knew it.
Hillary was asked if the foundation's donations would continue if she was elected president and she said yes.
They rented out the Lincoln bedroom for political favors during their time in the WH, and now they are going to do even worse this time.
I do hope that the republicans spend 4 years working with n impeaching her. They have gotten away with so much corruption, it's time for it to stop.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Clinton will be the ongoing soap opera of the next 4-8 years if Clinton is elected, entertainment for the masses while the 0.01% steal the last remaining bread crumbs, because some people can never be rich enough, I guess.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

Bisbonian's picture

that there WERE NO classified emails...but then turn around and say this. Well, I guess understand it; what I can't understand is why anyone sane puts up with it.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Big Al's picture

To me the only answer is to reject this political system.

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I've done was not voting in 2014, despite a lot of pressure from a friend, who I just learned this cycle is a Dem superdelegate, to "get to the poll, I'll give you a last-minute ride" blah, blah, blah.

Felt guilty as hell right up until polls closed at 7pm, turned on the radio to catch the results, and they just didn't matter that much, because I had no dog in the fight.

I've almost gotten pulled back in this cycle, because I'd never really noticed the Greens before and like what they say, but . . . Corbett is right. It's all a show, a sham, there are much better ways to spend one's time, at least for me.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

janis b's picture

Great choice of blues tonight. The news, not so much ; -)

I'm here in 'Fladida' (my childhood name for you know where), where I just saw an ad for Patrick Murphy (a former Republican) sponsored by our current president ... yuk.

Take me home

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riverlover's picture

and NZ is still next or nextnext week. Life in many time/day zones is tiring! Do not get Zika. Have a good time!

0 users have voted.

Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

janis b's picture

I have no doubt that he will enjoy his visit to NZ. Welcoming visitors is something NZ does exceptionally well. As far as I know, NZ mosquitos are safe.

If you or he need any more info, let me know.

0 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture

great to hear from you! wow, so you decided to go to florida in the summer? you must really enjoy hot weather and bugs. well, either that or you have relatives that you would do just about anything for.

the blues is pretty much always better than the news. Smile

0 users have voted.
janis b's picture

you're right on, it has to do with both loved relatives ... and the fact that it is winter at home.

your blues are always true, if not better.

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joe shikspack's picture

i hope that you're having a great time.

0 users have voted.
janis b's picture

I hope all is well with you too.

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shaharazade's picture

I'm flabbergasted, I'm not even angry which its my usual MO. Whew! This Hillary Show of a convention has blown me away. All these players including Ben Jealous whoever the fuck he is, is making my head spin. Never mind I just came to the end and found out he is a NAACP dude. A DEO type. What a farce. Kind of interesting as we all get to see the true colors of the political players on display in their inglorious high mass. "Them vs Ours " lol, Yeah right. Even Merkley, my senator folds like a tent to help circle the wagons in this phony carefully constructed partisan culture war of fear between the red and blue. It's absurd. Arguing about lesser evils of this magnitude is insane.

I'm talking above about the Mad Bomber vs the Hairball. When I look at what the Democratic party is doing including Bernie it's just as nuts. Unity, that's the ticket. from The Atlantic which lists 30 points I totally agree with.

All Hell Breaks Loose at the Democratic Convention.

1 - Hillary Clinton, her advisers, and their allies at the Democratic National Committee watched Donald Trump’s nominating convention in Cleveland with smug satisfaction.

2- Team Trump had insulted Ohio’s governor, approved a Melania Trump speech that plagiarized Michelle Obama, lied about the plagiarism, and allowed Ted Cruz to expose party divisions in a prime-time speech

3 -“Hey @Reince,” Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz tweeted GOP chairman Reince Priebus. “I’m in Cleveland if you need another chair to keep your convention in order.”Schultz reflected the Democratic establishment’s false sense of security. Headed to their convention in Philadelphia, Democrats felt more united than Republicans, better organized, and less vulnerable to the long-term disruption of a populist insurgency.

All hell broke loose.

4- WikiLeaks released 20,000 emails stolen from DNC computers, proof of the worst-kept secret in Democratic politics: The party worked against socialist-populist Bernie Sanders to ease Hillary Clinton’s path to the nomination. The FBI said it would investigate whether Russia hacked the DNC to influence the U.S. election.

All hell broke loose.

5- “Lock her up!” chanted Democratic activists in the streets of Philadelphia. These Sanders supporters carried signs and wore T-shirts that called for Clinton’s indictment, channeling those GOP delegates in Cleveland who drew rebukes for defying old rules of political decorum.

6- Schultz cut a deal with the Clinton team to resign, effective upon the conclusion of the convention. She planned to open and close the gathering with remarks lauding her leadership.

All hell broke loose.

And so it goes in this list list. Some of it I like but of course being a purist who wants their 'pony' I don't buy' random

They’re mad as hell and, as evidenced in Cleveland and Philadelphia, they’re just starting to realize how powerful they are. They don’t need to take it anymore.

6- Addressing delegates from her home state of Florida, Shultz chastised an unruly crowd carrying signs reading “Division!” and “EMAILS.” She said, “We know that the voices in this room that are standing up and being disruptive, we know that is not the Florida we know.” “Shame! Shame! Shame!” crowd members chanted. Schultz scurried out of the room.

7- Sanders himself tried to prevent a show of disunity on the convention floor, pleading with his supporters to back Clinton. Having promised his followers “a revolution,” he now fed them bitter pragmatism. “Brothers and sisters,” Sanders said, “this is the real world that we live in.”

All hell broke loose.

8- While the streets filled with a sweaty mass of angry Sanders supporters—mostly young and white and disconnected from the political system (me-oh brother)—the Clinton team told Shultz she couldn’t address the convention.

All hell broke loose

There would be more protests.

Somme more random unnumbered poibnts from this list which does have it bias yet hit home to me

Eventually, Clinton likely will regain control of her convention. Like in Cleveland, the desire to defeat a hated enemy will overcome internal differences. The blues will line up against the reds, Wall Street will support both teams, Clinton will win in November, and the status quo will declare victory over change.

Populist unrest will broaden and intensify. Or Trump will win. He won’t keep his promises, because he never does. He won’t make America any greater than it already is. He might make it worse. The status quo will declare victory over change.

Populist unrest will broaden and intensify.

Today will be long remembered, too. Sanders couldn’t calm the churning of his supporters and, as in a mutiny aboard a pirate ship, the deckhands have seized control from the captain. Most Americans want something better than what the Democratic-Republican duopoly crams down their throats.

They’re mad as hell and, as evidenced in Cleveland and Philadelphia, they’re just starting to realize how powerful they are. They don’t need to take it anymore.

All hell is going to break loose.

No convention for me tonight. And yet I want to see of any Bernie delegates have the guts to walk out. Or will this rumor that says there will be a walkout of some Bernie delegates just another piece of misinformation that is swirling around my head. Who knows, only The Shadow.

Some women blues. I heard these women on a KBOO blues show while gardening the other night. Shah okked them up for me so here's some women blues...


More women with the blues. 'and my chief occupation is taking out the wind in men' Or did I hear that wrong? Who knows I like it.


#3 woman sings the blues

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joe shikspack's picture

it turns out that there was a delegate walkout at the dnc. it must have been a pretty good-sized walkout because pbs was forced to mention it on air - goodness knows that they would never show such a thing on air or interview some of the people who walked out. they're just there to present the approved spectacle.

thanks for the tunes! great stuff.

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Bisbonian's picture

So did quite a few others. Beautiful thing. At least one thing went right.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

mimi's picture

comparisons of Clinton with some famous women, who fought for women's civil rights in the past of the US history. Oh boy all of it so dishonest. Drowned in show business, These "uniter' artists make a good buck I guess singing at the DNC and participate in the approved script of the show.

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shaharazade's picture

they walked. Still haven't tuned into the Hillary Show but saw the people walking out. So happy cause if we all walk out like these brave souls were gonna pry them off. Forget about Bernie's sheep dogging look to yourselves people and have courage. Whole lot o shaking going on right now. Strange things are happening...

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

media outlets/magazines/websites.

#Demexit: Sanders Delegates Walk out of Convention in Protest

Dozens of Sanders Backers Walk Out After Clinton's Nomination
But some may be back.

Walking Out of the DNC With Bernie’s Heartbroken Delegates


"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
0 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Bisbonian's picture

Everyone else says "dozens". Which do you suppose is closer to the truth?

0 users have voted.

"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Unabashed Liberal's picture

0 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

riverlover's picture

the NY DMV site is overworked, that is where we now are pointed for changing voter registration. Half hour wait times to get in online. I did that 7/12! Beat the crowd!

0 users have voted.

Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Bisbonian's picture

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X