I Still Have Bernie's Back
(Cross-posted from WayoftheBern)
So Bernie came out against the protesters.
People are rightfully upset and many people are justifiably feeling betrayed. It looks like he doesn't have our backs. But he does.
From my view, this really is a tactical move with a longer-term view. He's in a no-win spot, deep behind enemy lines, and doesn't want "Bernie encouraged..." whatever disaster can be spun out of the protests to be the headlines, as if he's the reason for the protests. He knows the protests are going to happen, regardless, either way. But where he's playing this correctly is he's just not going to let the press paint him as the nexus of the protests, or play him as an allies of Trump, when the real story is that Hillary is the nexus of the protests, and if Trump beats her no one can blame him, which the press and Hillary campaign have been trying desperately to do.
Any other move by Sanders and this becomes about him and not her. Any other move by Sanders and he's helping Trump, not that Hillary is such a weak candidate she can't even beat Trump with his "help."
The long view sucks in the short term. It takes us places we'd rather not go and it forces us to make tactical moves we'd rather not make and no one likes giving up pieces on the board. But when you're playing from a position of defense you have to keep the opposition from framing you into the position they want you in, and by Bernie saying the protesters are her problem, not his, that Trump is her problem, not his, he's doing exactly that.
He's making them own the problem, and for that I will continue to have his back.

Good analysis, Thumb.
You might be on to his thinking. To me, it's time for we, the people, to be the revolution, to be the change we want to see. Bernie ripped off the cover. They can't hide from us anymore.
Will we, the people, pick that damn "Bernie" torch up and continue down the dark path, lighting the way for those behind us? Are we willing to light the way for others? Or, will we go back to our teevee, our social media, our electronic-distraction devices, and our credit-card shopping until we are in so deep we can't get out? We're almost there, folks.
If not us, who?
If not now, when?
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
It is up to us
to carry the movement forward. Bernie is doing what he thinks is best. We must do the same. The Clintonistas thought Bernie could guide us into the corral. Bernie knew better. He keep telling them the $hill had to earn our vote.
After which she continued to condone fracking, opposing a carbon tax, refusing to say no to the TPP in the platform, opposing single-payer, selecting another corporist as VP....
Light the torch RA, it's going to be a long struggle!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
If this is true
and really happens, I think it would be a step tooooooo far...
what is this strange fear of Trump, when $hrillary & Billy are more dangerous, more corrupt.
Jesus Christ.
The HRC camp is ridiculous. What the fuck more do they want from him? And if they STILL don't understand that nothing he says or does will change our opinion of Her Heinous, they really ARE that stupid.
I sincerely hope this doesn't happen. Though I fear it will, given the way things have been going.
Apologies for the language but I'm pissed.
And to be clear
I'm not pissed at Bernie.
I'm pissed at "team" HRC and their bullshit. So fucking worried about party unity that Bernie now has to nominate her? Fuck that.
I'm a teensy bit pissed at Bernie
I wished he had had the balls to do the same thing Cruz did at the Republican convention: advise us to vote our conscience.
Still and all, I don't expect Bernie to be perfect. I still love him. I think he's wrong, terribly wrong, advising anyone to vote Clinton. That doesn't further the revolution, it kills it. You don't end corruption by giving it your vote.
What he said doesn't change what we must do. We all know in our hearts what that is, I think.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
I don't know what YOU think we must do,
knowing that we're all individuals and we all have to decide this for ourselves.
Bernie has much more class than Cruz. Cruz is an asshole. Why would you want Bernie to emulate that?
Maybe you're not on Bernie's mailing list, but he's been in touch, explaining that he has plans for the next step of the revolution. Perhaps he feels we have a better shot at achieving our platform if Hillary is in the WH. He's been in Congress for a long time. I assume he knows better than I.
Much as I don't want Hillary and Bill (the twofer) back in the WH, and I will never vote for that to happen, I trust Bernie enough to believe that he knows what he's doing. At this moment, I have no reason to change my opinion. If that changes, so will my opinion.
Question: Has he as yet asked for anyone to vote for her?
I have heard him say that Trump must not be elected. I have heard him say that he will vote for her. I have heard him say that he will do everything to defeat Trump. But has he actually come out and asked his supporters to voter for her?
On the other hand, I have heard him say that he cannot tell his supporters how to vote. Until he does all the boo hooing I am hearing is a waste of energy or maybe n excuse to abandon the revolution because...well, damn it is hard!
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
No, he has not.
He made the case for why he's supporting her. He thanked the people that supported him. But he did not in any way, shape or form tell or ask his supporters to vote for her in his convention address last night.
Reference: Bernie Sanders Speech Transcript
Thank you. I was pretty sure I had not heard
him say those words. I don't think I heard them during the endorsement speech either. This was a hearing check, and so far so good.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
They are political idiots!
They think that because they are the sort who fall in line behind their corrupt, arrogant, lying candidate, no matter what she does, the rest of the world is the same way! They are Bubble dwellers! They must honestly think we voted for Bernie because he's a cute old crusty jewish grandpa or something, instead of his positions, ideals, and long record of fighting for the public good.
When Bernie Sanders has spent his entire life fighting AGAINST everything the Clintons believe, do, is he so damn afraid of Trump. WTF? Does he really think Trump can do more damage to us than the Clintons have already done?
Why is Bernie Sanders doing this. Understand the "endorsement" of a few days ago - mild as it was. But there is something, probably awful, going on behind the scenes by the PTB which we don't know about. Just can't see how Bernie could go from what he's been speaking - especially during the campaign - to this almost threatening us with the MUST support Clintons? Telling delegates how to behave - they worked to get to be delegates, spent a helluva lot of their OWN money to be there - who is he to tell them how to behave? What have the Clintons got on Bernie to get him to behave like this?
What happened to Not Me, US?
Frankly - I'm done. Have no more energy to even watch what's happening - haven't watched any of the convention, except what I read here, or on RT, Democracy Now, and still listen to Lee Camp
Think electing Bernie Sanders was the last chance to cleanse the Democratic party. No stake in it tho' - became an very happy Independent years ago when the Clintons, Al From, DLC and their sycophants took over the party to which I used to belong.
Bernie knows his typical
Bernie knows his typical supporters supported the concept of democracy and a sustainable and self-sustaining society and will think and act for themselves; he's said so all along.
Thumb has it nailed, and Bernie - surrounded by the corrupt - will say what he has to say to stay in the fight, secure in the knowledge that the bulk of his supporters will likely do what they have to do to fight - organize, vote against both evils, (note he speaks against Trump, and this is a real warning; Trump is not a populist but another obvious sociopath/psychopath) and continue the fight for democracy.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Sometimes you have to leap to another log.
Some of you will remember Frogger. Getting the Left to a position of achieving its goals is Frogger. We will jump onto one log or leader or campaign or party for a bit, then have to leap to another to get a little farther across the stream. Bernie's campaign has been one of those logs, a much-needed, much-appreciated step closer to our goals. As this log has been carried downstream, we must look for another closer to the far shore. For some it will be the Greens, for others something else, and some folks will insist they can swim the distance on their own (in the game, of course, that's not a good option).
Glance back and appreciate the log that got you here -- it didn't betray you, it just wasn't enough to get you across the stream in one go. Then turn your eye to the far bank, and seek the next log. It's the far bank that's most important, not each log. But relish and respect each log, anyway; it helped you get you this far.
This cannot be repeated enough
I wish everyone would take this to heart.
Great analogy.
Gonna use this when needed, thanks.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Just did.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I love this analogy.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Bernie has been a progressive stalwart for over 40 years.
There's no reason I can't think about this for a few days before I decide whether his actions at the convention have been the right moves. He knows that Hillary is bad. He must. But unless one is an inner circle confidant, there is know way to know his thought process. He may truly believe that Trump would actually bring about the demise of this country, while Hillary won't (personally I'm not sure that she won't, that's where Bernie and I probably disagree).
But all this tripe about Bernie as a 'sell out' is over the top in my opinion. He was not a Democrat, but an Independent. He knew that the only way for him to have an impact was to run as a Democrat. He promised to endorse the nominee. He did. It probably galled him, but he did. His promise was not conditional.
But hey. If it really is a revolution, then it will continue. With or without Bernie Sanders. Hopefully with. I'm not giving up or giving in. This may be our last best chance.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Hear, hear!
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
IMO you have explained it perfectly
Thank you!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Two important issues were mentioned in Bernie's Speech.
First, the revolution needs to continue. Each of us can take individual actions to keep the effort moving forwards. Sometimes with Bernie and sometimes clearing the brush to make the path easier for Bernie.
Second, the importance of not having TPP pushed through the lame duck session (towards the end of the speech). Bernie needs to have very good senatorial relations and play the inside game to influence a vote. If the TPP passes our job is going to be much more difficult.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Bernies speech
What I saw him doing was nailing Hellerys left foot to the floor. She may pull out of the nail (she is actually that stupid) but he hammered it in.
Bernies game is fixing the Democratic Party. He has to because these are the people he works with every day. Some here still believe this can work. If that is you, find ways to back him up.
I'm less convinced myself, so the other thing we can do is put external pressure on them. My approach is to back Jill Stein with the money I can spare and my vote. I've also started watching her and she is way better than I expected. The Greens are barely organized but their candidate is a firecracker. She needs media people, so if that is your thing, please volunteer.
But it may be that we need a new party. That is a longer term plan, and needs to learn from the Greens mistakes. If you take this path, remember that parties are mortal: they are born with a lot of energy, grow old, and eventually die, so don't take them too seriously (that is one of the problems the Dems have right now). Parties are simply organizational structures so focus on who you can work with towards shared goals.
The energy is there, but is it the childhood energy of a new party, the adolescent energy of the greens or the mid-life-crisis energy of the Dems. I have teenagers, so I'm going adolescent for now, but I may be wrong.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
She will gnaw her leg off.
That should be great to observe. We can keep up the pressure while she gnaws.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
He's going where I will not follow
and yes, I'm deeply disappointed and angry. I don't know what else to say about it. I've expected it from the start, but that doesn't make it any easier. I think it's a terrible mistake.
That is good. You broke with him, a forward "hop",
just to keep froggers going. Now the mission is to Stay Together as much as possible, and form into a different arrow point, to mix metaphors up worse.
Confession, I did not see the good part of Bernie's speech, just the end. And things are blunted when seen from the end.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
You are way off base. Bernie
You are way off base. Bernie lost and he caved. You know after Jackson lost in 84 he crisscrossed Vermont stumping for Mondale. Didn't work of course. Probably won't work now. But the point is, Bernie has given up. To support Hillary is surrender. I don't necessarily blame him for that. But that doesn't mean its not surrender.
I can appreciate the input
Even if we disagree. Bernie HAS to remain effective to the ideals he's been promoting his entire career, and I can understand where he's limited by the system he operates in. He needs to ensure he doesn't become the story to the exclusion of the issues he's spent a lifetime advancing, and this move is consistent with that.
He wants to advance an agenda, not become our martyred messiah. It's now up to us to move our shared goals forward, Bernie in his way and us in our way. It is possible to fight the system from both the outside and the inside, simultaneously.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
It's a surrender with a built in expiration date
of November 8.
On November 9, he becomes her Number 1 headache.
I think Obama will drag Clinton over the finish line in a close election with Trump. She'll get Republican crossover votes to replace the progressive voters she'll lose.
If we want to strengthen Bernie's hand going forward and further the political revolution, we need to show that the HELL NO! Clinton vote on the left is a sizable number. That means voting third party.
If we want to make sure there is a primary challenge to Clinton in 2016, we must vote third party in 2012. That's just being pragmatic.
Politicians follow voters. If we lead, some of them will follow.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
Got a time machine?
"If we want to make sure there is a primary challenge to Clinton in 2016, we must vote third party in 2012"
Did you mean 2020 and 2016? Or do you have a TARDIS?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Very nicely written.
I've come to the same conclusion. He is doing what he needs to to stay alive politically, and we need to understand and respect that- even if it causes us some angst. His work is not yet done, and in the long game, a retrenchment needs to happen. He is also doing what he had to, which was to be seen making a good faith effort to herd us cats in HRC's direction.
The fact that we will not be herded represents an unfortunate miscalculation on the part of the HRC cabal. Sucks to be them, I guess- they'll have to try to win the election without us. It is too bad that the DNC has put all its effort behind a candidate who, in the final analysis, may prove to be unelectable, after having deliberately spurned the independents who make up 40% of the electorate. It didn't have to be that way, just as it wasn't really necessary to disenfranchise and defraud so many of us on her way to the "historic" (and Pyrrhic) achievement of winning 53% of the 26% of the electorate who (used to) identify as Dems. But damn, politics ain't beanbag, and if you just happen to piss off so many people that you lose, well hey- That's Just How The Game Is Played. Hire a competent consultant to tell you who to piss off next time.
It will be interesting to see what the political realignment ends up looking like, because there pretty much *has* to be one now. At the moment, it seems like it will be the Demothuglicans versus the Power Vacuums in our broken two-party system. Speaking strictly for myself, I am still savoring my #DemExit. I think I'm mostly interested what will fill the power vacuum after the merger of the GOP and Dems is complete, and will focus my attention and energies to finding the next frogger-log there...
Spot On
This will happen when you only care to win 50% +1. HRC doesn't care about a mandate or a coalition, she only wants to rule and further enrich herself.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
I agree...unelectable
I agree with you entirely...and having just watched the movie "Clinton Cash" Sunday pm, I am sickened that Bernie had to be competing against someone who appears to stop at nothing to further herself. I personally don't believe Trump is worse than having those two back in power because at least Donald isn't selling out the little people like the Clintons are for money.
Unless Hillary cheats (again) at the polls, I don't see how America could ever elect her in November.
His speech last night
Painted her into a corner on several issues. He publicly told us the parameters of their agreement on the issues we have been fighting for.
It is up to us to hold her feet to the fire. It is up to us to hold our Senators accountable. I am currently working hard for the opponent of Patty Murray who regularly sells out my state. A Bernie inspired person is running against her. He may not win but a good showing will put her on notice.
We take what we get and work to get more. Bernie is playing the cards he was dealt to the best of his ability. We must do the same.
We need to be willing to lose in the short term in order to build for success later.
That's why even a potential Trump victory this cycle is worth it in the long term if we kill the stranglehold that corruption holds on the Democratic Party.
Maybe we can't kill that stranglehold. Maybe we'll have to permanently reject the party in favor of the Greens or even a new party. I don't know.
What I do know is that giving away our votes to Clinton this cycle makes no sense whatever.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
It is up to us to hold her
How are you going to do that? If there are enough pissed-off voters to keep her out of office, then there's no political reason to hold her feet to any fire - but if there aren't, then she can safely give your demands the finger, knowing that she and her replacements can keep doing the lesser evil bit forever, or until the situation radically changes, and there won't be a damn thing you can do about it.
There is no middle ground here, no negotiation. Either you beat her or she beats you - and either way, the beating will be total. Because SHE won't have it any other way, and neither will her wealthy puppetmasters.
He was dealt
a two, a three, a five, a seven, and an 8.
We need a new game.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I had an uncle who
Bought a cattle ranch in Montana with his winnings playing poker in various bars across the west. He is still a legend. I got my card all of my card analogies from him. My favorite was the difference between walking away with nothing and winning the pot is playing your cards well no matter how bad they are. If all else fails bluff. If your bluff is good enough the other guy will fold.
I found it to be good advice in life too.
Everyone knows
what cards he holds.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Actually, the dealer used
Actually, the dealer used White-out on Bernie's cards, while slipping Hillary a replacement hand she liked better than what she'd had. What's needed is to wheel the dealers right out of the game.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I've been absent, because
well, I've been bodysurfing a lot (surprise!).
But thank you for echoing my thoughts. I detest pro sports, but a football metaphor is apt (if not a classic video game).
We went for the long bomb into the end zone. Incomplete. There was interference that everyone saw, but it wasn't called. It would have been a touchdown.
So, do we walk off the field screaming "It was rigged!" No, we set for the next play and do the hard work of moving the ball down the field.
Okay, enough football. I need to take a shower now (or get in the ocean).
It's easy to repost Bernie memes and go to rallies. It's harder to do the slow work of phone banking, door knocking, running. . . working on the local level, from Water Control Board to City and State assemblies, or organizing the workers at your job.
Look, I detest the Clintons as much as football. I don't want wars and financial feudalism. It's been said before, change never really happens from the top. I'm impatient. I've watched and experienced the suffering long enough. I'm tortured by the vision of what we could be as a country and as humanity. But. . .
“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” -Greek Proverb
We need to slow the bleeding before we can address the systemic illnesses in our society.
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. -- Jeff Spicoli
Your comment makes me teary (again).
Thank you for it.
Our City Council just installed a City Manager
last Tuesday that some 80% of the town is against. Many went to the Council Meeting to object. Loudly. The Council voted unanimously to appoint him. He is from Michigan...has a long track record of advancing neo-liberal/austerity policy.
In my experience, working from the local level just means you are beating your head on a smaller brick wall. The results are the same. And take longer.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Well said
I understand why Bernie did what he did. I still don't have to like it. I also do not have to vote for $hillary, #NeverHillary #NeverTrump #JillNotHill
And I hope to FSM everyone
And I hope to FSM everyone realizes the need to vote potential Bernie miracle/Green against both evils being shoved down everyone's throats.
It's the only way of not asking for evil - and taking the escape route out of the box the corporate parties hope to keep everyone trapped in.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The revolution needs a new name
The new revolution needs a new name.
BS has also "crashed the gates", and is enjoying cocktails with Marcos.
Progressive, Independent, Gnostic, Vermonter.
Hang on
I don't think Bernie's enjoying cocktails with anyone.
His endorsement of Hillary expires the moment the polls close on November 8.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
Her need to care what anyone thinks also expires on November 8,
All this empty talk of “holding her feet to the fire” — how’d that work out with Obama? Once Hill and Bill are in, they’re in — they can laugh in everyone’s face and do as they please until 2020 or, if we’re the least bit unlucky, 2024.
I'll be voting Green.
I'll also be joining the Green Party, just as soon as the Wicked Witch is crowned. It's not much, but it's the best I can do.
Twain Disciple
Thanks Thumb.
I agree. Bernie wanted to wake up the American people and start a movement. He made huge strides in that direction, unbelievable strides, and damn near pulled off the impossible.
And now he's a bum? WTF?
The fight isn't even close to being over. Bernie's not giving up and that's exactly why he didn't blow the place up last night. He did what he did because it was what he had to do to best continue doing what he's always done, fight the good fight. He knows what he's doing and I trust him to continue working for all of us, just like he always has. If anything he'll have more influence than ever has now.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
And thanks to you, burnt out,
And thanks to you, burnt out, for nailing it!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Thanks, I needed that.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
but I draw the line at stooging for Clinton. That's one step too far.
I hope these delegates continue to raise a ruckus and boo their
asses off. Let us not go quietly into the night.
Yes, the corporate parties
Yes, the corporate parties are getting a teensy view of the beginnings of The People realizing and showing that they will not - and have realized that they do not have to - take this sort of crap any longer, not from the public servants they pay or from self-interests who have no business taking over public policy and politics belonging to The People.
99 to 1% really aren't as good odds for the top fraction of the 1% as they were apparently assuming when planning their global take-over, for which an appearance of claimed 'legality' and absolute control, via their political candidates/cheated-in public officials, of the US military (among those of the other wealthy democracies, albeit much smaller,) would be required.
Edit: I don't need no stinkin' punctuation! Oh, wait...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Do not go gentle into that good night
They could also rise one by one and say, “O Captain, my Captain”
like at the end of Dead Poets Society after Robin Williams gets fired.