IMO this is a seminal moment in modern American politics

Bernie Sanders has unloosed the liberal genie from the Democratic bottle it had been confined in and it's refusing to be recorked.


(I know this isn't an essay, simply an observation, inviting your comment and discussion as to whether we are finally at the threshold of instituting Change We Can Believe In (For More Than An Election Pandering Nano-Second)

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sojourns's picture

the Occupy Wall Street movement began, I said to myself, O.K. Great. Now everyone knows who everyone one is what will they do with it? It really took Bernie Sanders to see this and tap into this great energy and have it coalesce into what it has become today. And it is not going to to anything but grow stronger.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

over by profiteers. I think it was during Katrina that the understanding of the concept of crony capitalism really kicked in when things like bringing in ice and bussing disaster victims out of the area suddenly became "business opportunities" for Bush cronies. Little did we know that Democrats at the top were watching and learning and refining the concept of government by and for the connected in ways we rank and file could never conceive of.

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

The willingness to be impolite! The freedom to be considered rude.

It's a fact that numbers of Americans choke each year in restaurants because they are so afraid of the social consequences and embarrassment of being disruptive that they would literally prefer to die quietly than discomfit others.

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

Damnit Janet's picture

I misread the title and my tired/dyslexic dirty mind read, "semen-al"

And I thought, "but we already had a defining semen-al moment in politics already.... cigar, blue dress, defining and clarification of the word "is". Yeah, I went there. Ack Biggrin

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Damnit, Janet!

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.


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Do you really think Bernie wants you to vote for corporate control, or do you think he expects the People's Movement to vote against both evils?

He can't say anything without being knocked out of any position of keeping the fight alive from within - but Bernie never quits fighting for democracy and the people, he just tries different strategies until he achieves at least something for them. But this, The People have to fight for themselves. As they are doing and must continue to do until the corruption is Berned out of governments and policy, and still keep fighting to keep it out, forever. Corruption never sleeps.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.


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