The Evening Blues - 7-25-16
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features blues slide guitarist and songwriter Tampa Red. Enjoy!
Tampa Red - I'm Gonna Get High, It's Tight Like That
“The Chairperson shall be responsible for ensuring that the national officers and staff of the Democratic National Committee maintain impartiality and evenhandedness during the Democratic Party Presidential nominating process.”
-- Article 5, Section 4 of the DNC Charter
News and Opinion
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange on Releasing DNC Emails That Ousted Debbie Wasserman Schultz
With DNC Leaks, Former ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Is Now True––and No Big Deal
For months, Bernie Sanders supporters and surrogates have complained about unfair treatment from the Democratic National Committee—only to have these concerns dismissed by media observers as petulance and conspiracy-mongering:
The Sanders campaign, by propagating these DNC conspiracy theories, doesn't encourage voters to be vigilant. They're encouraging paranoia.
— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) December 26, 2015
This weekend, Wikileaksrevealed thousands of hacked emails from within the DNC that showed what the New York Times described as “hostility” and “derision” towards the Sanders campaign from top party officials.
While it’s impossible to know whether systemic pro-Hillary Clinton bias at the DNC was decisive in the 2016 Democratic primary race, we now know beyond any doubt that such a bias not only existed, but was endemic and widespread. DNC officials worked to plant pro-Clinton stories, floated the idea of using Sanders’ secular Judaism against him in the South, and routinely ran PR spin for Clinton, even as the DNC claimed over and over it was neutral in the primary. The evidence in the leaks was so clear that Debbie Wasserman Schultz has resigned her role as DNC chair—after her speaking role at the Democratic National Convention this week was scrapped—while DNC co-chair Donna Brazile, who is replacing Wasserman Schultz in the top role, has apologized to the Sanders camp.
Pro-Clinton pundits were quick to dismiss what was literally a conspiracy to railroad the Sanders campaign as nothing more than a yawn:
If you are shocked by the Wikileaks DNC emails, you probably have never worked in politics
Most surprising thing is how tame they are...
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) July 23, 2016
Whole thing seems a bit silly. Emails come from period where Sanders camp was attacking DNC daily. Surprising, no?
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) July 23, 2016
This is a textbook PR spin pattern seen time and time again, what might be called the Snowden Cycle: X is a flaky conspiracy theory → X is revealed to be true → X is totally obvious and not newsworthy.
#DNCLeak: DNC instructs staff to covertly spread anti-@BernieSanders article #feelthebern
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 23, 2016
Leaked Docs Reveal DNC Determined to Undermine Sanders Campaign
WikiLeaks on Friday published roughly 20,000 leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
The whistleblowing organization describes the trove, which includes over 8,000 attachments, as "part one of our new Hillary Leaks series," and is just the latest in a series of document dumps that show the DNC—which, as the The Intercept notes, "isn't supposed to favor one Democratic candidate over another until they receive a nomination"—seeking to bolster the candidacy of the former secretary of state and working against that of rival Bernie Sanders.
It is unclear at this point whether the hacker known as Guccifer 2.0, who claimed responsibility for two previous leaks from the DNC servers, provided the latest documents to WikiLeaks.
The new leaks span from January 2015 to May 2016, and come from what WikiLeaks describes as "the accounts of seven key figures in the DNC."
Top DNC Official Wanted to Use Bernie Sanders’s Religious Beliefs Against Him
The email was sent to DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda and Deputy Communications Director Mark Paustenbach. It’s unclear who the “someone” in this message could be — though a member of the press seems like a safe bet. ...
[UPDATE at 1:03 p.m. ET: Marshall emails to say “I do not recall this. I can say it would not have been Sanders. It would probably be about a surrogate.” We have asked him who that surrogate could possibly be.]
And although Sanders is not mentioned by name, he was the only Jewish candidate from either party — an apparent weakness that Marshall believed the party could exploit in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Oh Brad Marshall. This is when you ask urself if after 24 yrs ur about winning or being human. very unchristian, Boo
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) July 22, 2016
Sanders Camp Says Someone Must Be 'Accountable' for What DNC Emails Show
Bernie Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said his team was "disappointed" by the emails from the Democratic National Committee leaked through WikiLeaks, which seemed to reveal staff in the party working to support Hillary Clinton.
"Someone does have to be held accountable," Weaver said during an interview with ABC News. "We spent 48 hours of public attention worrying about who in the [Donald] Trump campaign was going to be held responsible for the fact that some lines of Mrs. Obama's speech were taken by Mrs. Trump. Someone in the DNC needs to be held at least as accountable as the Trump campaign."
Weaver said the emails showed misconduct at the highest level of the staff within the party and that he believed there would be more emails leaked, which would "reinforce" that the party had "its fingers on the scale." ...
Another member of Sanders' staff, Rania Batrice put it this way: "Everything our fans have been saying -- and they were beaten down for and called conspiracy theorists -- and now it's in black and white."
#DNCLeak: DNC knew of Clinton 'paid troll factory' fighting Sanders supporters #FeelTheBern
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 24, 2016
Mission Accomplished at DNC, Clinton Hires Wasserman Schultz for Top Post
Though many progressives immediately responded by saying her ouster would not be enough to undo the damage her leadership has done, Democratic National Committee Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced her resignation on Sunday afternoon, saying she would relinquish her post immediately following the party's national convention which begins Monday.
Following Sunday's news, however, Clinton responded with a statement thanking her "longtime friend" for her service to the party and, seemingly without irony, announced that Wasserman Schultz would now serve as her campaign’s honorary chair.
[What's changed? Wasserman-Schultz was always Clinton's honorary campaign chair. - js]
"There's simply no one better at taking the fight to the Republicans than Debbie," Clinton said, "which is why I am glad that she has agreed to serve as honorary chair of my campaign's 50-state program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country, and will continue to serve as a surrogate for my campaign nationally, in Florida, and in other key states." ...
Meanwhile, the party's communications director announced that longtime political operative and pundit Donna Brazile, currently the DNC’s vice chair, will take over as interim chair through the election.
Hillary Clinton's showy rewarding of corruption by DWS is an ill wind for the corruption-overton-window of a future presidency.
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 24, 2016
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Booed at Chaotic Florida Delegation Breakfast
Outgoing Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was booed and jeered at a pre-convention delegation breakfast this morning in Philadelphia, a day after she announced she would resign from the post after the leak of embarrassing party emails.
Amid ugly scenes, an event organizer repeatedly tried to quiet the crowd, but the boos continued as Wasserman Schultz began speaking.
“Shame on you!” screamed some.
“You rigged the election!” was another repeated refrain.
Many of the vocal protesters were seen wearing shirts supporting Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Will Sanders Delegates Disrupt the DNCC?
Establishment Wins Again as DNC Rules Committee Rejects Proposal to Abolish Superdelegates
After several rounds of voting Saturday afternoon, an effort by progressive Democrats to abolish what they see as the anti-democratic superdelegate process was defeated.
The amendment, co-sponsored by 52 members of the Democratic Party Rules Committee, was defeated when 108 members voted against and just 58 voted in favor.
Though a stinging defeat for those who campaigned in favor of the rule change, spearheaded largely by Bernie Sanders delegates and progressive advocacy groups, supporters took solace that because more than one-quarter of the committee voted 'yes' they will able to introduce a minority report during the full convention next week and demand a floor vote.
Bernie Sanders says "we have got to elect Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine," his supporters react with loud boos, jeers
— CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) July 25, 2016
Sanders booed by supporters after telling them to vote for Clinton
When Bernie Sanders took the stage before his delegates in Philadelphia on Monday, he must have known he had a tall order to deliver. After a long and unexpectedly close primary campaign against Hillary Clinton, he had to convince his most hardcore supporters to join him in rallying behind his former opponent.
Cheers turned to jeers when the Vermont senator finally declared his support for the party ticket.
"We have got to elect Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine," he said to the room. The crowd recoiled immediately, as many booed and some pleaded for him to keep up the fight. ...
Most of the speech leading up to Sanders' call for party unity focused on his campaign's influence on convention rules and the Democratic platform. Among the victories he announced was a future reduction of party superdelegates from 715 to 250 — a 60 percent decrease — and the "most progressive platform" in party history.
After Chaotic Weekend for Democrats and Wasserman Schultz, A Class Action Lawsuit Lies Ahead
Three months before the Wikileaks dump of emails on Friday, which show a clear strategy by the DNC to undermine Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton, Wall Street On Parade had previously asked the question “Are Hillary Clinton and the DNC Skirting Election Law?” in regard to the clearly biased structure of the Hillary Clinton and DNC joint fundraising committee, which operated for the benefit of each other as if Senator Bernie Sanders didn’t exist. Wall Street On Parade also reported in April that the DNC’s direct marketing firm displayed overt bias in favor of Clinton over Sanders on its Facebook page. ...
The Wikileaks dump of the 20,000 emails will not be the end of disclosures about how the DNC under the tutelage of Wasserman Schultz orchestrated a campaign to coronate Hillary Clinton and undermine Sanders. A Federal class action lawsuit has been filed against the DNC and Wasserman Schultz alleging fraud, negligent misrepresentation, deceptive conduct, unjust enrichment, breach of fiduciary duty, and negligence. The suit, Wilding et al v DNC Services Corporation and Deborah ‘Debbie’ Wasserman Schultz (Case Number 16-cv-61511-WJZ) was originally filed by the law firm Beck & Lee on June 28, 2016. An amended complaint has subsequently been filed. Jared H. Beck of the law firm has indicated that over 1,000 plaintiffs have thus far signed retainer agreements with his firm in relation to the class action lawsuit.
Julian Assange: Choosing Between Trump or Clinton is Like Picking Between Cholera or Gonorrhea
Heh. Looks like Sanders' supporters want him to have the presidency more than he does.
Sanders seeks unity at Democratic national convention after chair resigns
Bernie Sanders will on Monday urge supporters to consider how “far superior” Hillary Clinton is to the alternative, as Democrats seek to defuse outbreaks of tension at the start of their four-day national convention in Philadelphia.
In a crucial opening night address to delegates, the Vermont senator will appear alongside first lady Michelle Obama as the party seeks a display of unity in contrast with Republican infighting in Cleveland last week.
The star-studded convention got off to a rocky start on Sunday, when Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced to announce her resignation on the eve of proceedings, following revelations of bias against Sanders during the long and bitter primary contest with Clinton.
But the Sanders campaign seemed keen to put the fight behind it over the weekend, despite the leaked emails which showed DNC staff sought to exploit his religious beliefs and Wasserman Schultz openly dismissing the notion that he could ever win.
Group of Bernie Sanders Delegates Object to Tim Kaine VP Pick — May Protest on Floor
A group of Bernie Sanders delegates to the Democratic National Convention announced their discontent with the selection of Tim Kaine as the vice presidential nominee on Monday and signaled they might protest that decision on the convention floor.
Calling themselves the Independent Bernie Delegates Network, the group includes 1,250 Sanders delegates — about two-thirds of the total Sanders delegate count — who have been organized by and Progressive Democrats of America. The group is holding snap straw polls among its members to help inform options for its actions at the convention.
In a survey of the delegates taken 10 days ago, just 3 percent said that Tim Kaine was an “acceptable” vice presidential choice for presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton. 9 percent were undecided, and 88.percent said the choice would not be acceptable.
Sanders delegates who spoke at the event cited the choice of Kaine as evidence that Clinton is not properly reaching out to their movement. Kaine has raised the ire of progressives by supporting moving the Trans-Pacific Partnership forward and backing the expansion of offshore drilling.
DNC Leaks Reveal Party Insiders Promising Access to President in Exchange for Cash
Wealthy potential donors to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) were courted with promises of access to the president, a Washington Post analysis of internal DNC emails released by WikiLeaks has found. The party insiders' pitches appear to be in violation of White House policy, the newspaper notes.
On Monday, the Post reported:
The DNC emails show how the party has tried to leverage its greatest weapon—the president—as it entices wealthy backers to bankroll the convention and other needs. At times, DNC staffers used language in their pitches to donors that went beyond what lawyers said was permissible under a White House policy designed to prevent any perception that special interests have access to the president.
Top aides also get involved in wooing contributors, according to the emails. White House political director David Simas, for instance, met in May with a half-dozen top party financiers in Chicago, including Fred Eychaner, one of the top Democratic donors in the country, the documents show.
Not only does the DNC appear to be pitching access to the president in exchange for donations, a McClatchy investigation on Thursday also revealed that large-ticket donors often demand such special favors. It also found that DNC insiders attempted to find ways to appease such donors—occasionally arguing about which donor deserved a reward more.
McClatchy reports:
In one exchange, National Finance Director Jordan Kaplan and Mid-Atlantic Finance Director Alexandra Shapiro argue which contributor should be allowed to sit next to Obama at a DNC event.
Kaplan told Shapiro to move Maryland ophthalmologist Sreedhar Potarazu and give the seat to New York philanthropist Philip Munger because he is the largest donor to Organizing for America, a group that pushes Obama’s policies. "It would be nice to take care of him from the DNC side," Kaplan wrote.
But Shapiro explained that the Potarazu family had contributed $332,250 while Munger had only donated $100,600.
Munich Shooting Sparks Push to End Post-WW2 Limits on Using German Military Domestically
Once again underscoring how quickly security officials will look to parlay any incident into an increase of power, Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Hermann is pushing for a revision of the German Constitution after Friday’s mass shooting in Munich to remove limits on using the military domestically, limits that were put in place immediately after the destruction of the Nazi government.
The German Constitution currently limits the military’s domestic deployments, only allowing their use in cases of “national emergency.” Hermann insisted this was “absolute” and that Germany, as “an absolutely stable democracy,” should be perfectly comfortable with their military deployed on the streets. ...
The Social Democrats and Greens were particularly critical of the call, accusing the ruling Christian Democrats of trying to use Munich for political gain.
Turkey failed coup: Erdogan holds meeting with political party leaders
Turkey unity rally draws thousands as post-coup torture claims emerge
Many thousands of Turks massed on Sunday for the first cross-party rally to condemn the coup attempt against the president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, amid a purge of suspected state enemies. ...
But in stark contrast to the broadly celebratory mood in Istanbul, human rights group Amnesty International in London claimed it had “credible evidence” of the beating and torture of post-coup detainees. ...
The mass event was called by the biggest opposition group, the secular and centre-left Republican People’s party (CHP), many of whose members carried pictures of modern Turkey’s founding father, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
Its leader, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, told the crowd that, amid all the turmoil, “the parliament stood proudly, Turkey stood proudly, lawmakers stood proudly, people in this square have stood proudly, and democracy won”.
But he also stressed that now “the state should not be governed by anger and revenge”.
“The culprits of the putsch should be tried lawfully,” he said, warning that torture and ill treatment would put the state on a par with the putschists.
In London, Amnesty alleged the government was already using such methods, citing interviews conducted with lawyers, doctors and one person on duty in a detention facility.
Amnesty claimed it had “credible evidence” some detainees were being “subjected to beatings and torture, including rape, in official and unofficial detention centres in the country”.
The group said it had received reports that detainees were being denied food, water and medical treatment and being held in “stress positions” for up to 48 hours.
Erdogan Orders 1,000 Schools Closed as Purge Grows
As post-coup Turkey enters its second week, the focus of the ever-growing purge seems to be increasingly centered on private schools and charities, which the Erdogan government has accused of secretly being in league with Fethullah Gulen, a cleric who was once a close ally to Erdogan, and is now accused of being behind the coup. ...
Over the weekend, Erdogan ordered some 1,000 private schools closed, accusing them all of being linked to Gulen. Under the current state of emergency powers that he has, there is no real recourse to the closures, nor any need for the government to provide evidence against the schools.
Erdogan seems to be in the process of redesigning much of the nation’s education system, with an eye on people loyal to him, as word has gone out that some 20,000 new teachers are to be hired to replace those who were “suspended” in the wake of the coup, suggesting those purged simply aren’t going to get their jobs back.
US Military, Intel Officials Pan Kerry’s Plan to Cooperate With Russia on Syria
Secretary of State John Kerry’s support for a plan to increase coordination with Russia on their respective wars in Syria, with an eye toward targeting al-Qaeda as well as ISIS, is bringing the plan closer to fruition, and as it gets there, more and more other US officials are blasting the idea.
It’s not so much specific problems with the design of the plan that has many US military and intelligence officials in opposition, so much as the general notion that Russia simply can’t be trusted on anything. ...
One specific is still producing some criticism though, and that’s the idea of expanding the strikes to include al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front, with some US officials quoted as saying that’s a bad idea because Nusra fighters are “commingled” with the moderate rebels.
Which if anything reflects Russia’s long-standing gripe about the US arming “moderate” factions, that so much of their gear is ending up in the hands of al-Qaeda. ... The intelligence community only adds to that obstacle, because they’ve also openly opposed attacking ISIS for months, arguing the war should be against the Syrian government, and by extension against Russia, with ISIS simply to be ignored.
Congressmen Push Dueling Plans for US Nuke Arsenal
A potentially massive expense which rarely gets a lot of debate, the question of America’s nuclear weapons “modernization” scheme is the subject of a pair of rival letters from Congressmen to the White House, advocating different approaches.
The first letter, signed by a bipartisan group of senators including Tim Kaine (D – VA), argues for massive expenditures to ensure the “interlocking triad” of US nuclear capabilities remains in place for decades to come, irrespective of the cost. Sen. Kaine was named just days ago as Hillary Clinton’s running mate in the 2016 presidential election.
The alternate letter, from a group of 10 Democrat senators including Edward Markey, Elizabeth Warren, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Al Franken, Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Patrick Leahy, and former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, argues for a substantial scaling back of the program.
Though President Obama has styled himself as in favor of disarmament, he has mostly expressed support for the modernization plan.
Wall Street Vultures May Have Wrecked the Central States Pension Fund
Bowing to the demands of thousands of angry Teamsters, the federal Government Accountability Office (GAO) has agreed to conduct an inquiry into the past investments of the Central States Pension Fund, the organization that manages the retirement benefits for more than 400,000 union members, both retired and active.
One goal of the inquiry is to determine whether Goldman Sachs and other investment advisors caused the Fund to lose money, endangering the future pensions of retired truck drivers and other Teamster union members. ...
“It’s astonishing to now read about how Wall Street firms hired by Central States invested retirees’ pension funds in Iraq in 2008, right in the middle of a full-scale war in Iraq. Or how they invested in unstable Russian banks, when the economy there is in shambles, or how they sunk $1.4 billion into risky Single A-rated mortgage-backed bonds in the middle of the housing meltdown. Something is simply wrong, and the GAO will get to the bottom of this,” Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) said.
Behind the GAO review is the conviction by some of the retirees that investment advisors like Goldman Sachs and the Chicago-based Northern Trust Corporation profited off the Fund by pushing questionable investment strategies while raking in exorbitant management fees. If true, a full accounting might lead to a return of some of the money lost and partial repairs to the damaged finances of the Fund, pension activists say.
“The pension plan lost $11 billion in a 15-month period,” while Goldman was advising the plan, and Goldman should pay some of the money back, said Leroy Goans, a retired union truck driver in Cincinnati.

Sometimes Obama likes treaties, presumably so long as nobody uses them to inform him that he can't employ a flying death robot to assassinate anybody he damned well pleases - anytime, anywhere.
Hillary Surrogate Obama condemns Trump on Nato and says rhetoric 'helps do Isis's work'
Barack Obama has said Donald Trump’s suggestion that under his presidency the US might not defend Nato allies shows a “lack of preparedness” on foreign policy, particularly regarding “the most important alliance in the history of the world”.
In a forceful interview with CBS’s Face the Nation recorded on Friday for broadcast on Sunday, the president also said Trump’s remarks about Muslims and immigration were “ultimately helping do Isis’s work”.
Obama said Trump’s remarks were “an indication of the lack of preparedness that he has been displaying when it comes to foreign policy”.
“There is a big difference between challenging our European allies to keep up their defense spending,” the president said, “particularly at a time when Russia’s been more aggressive, and saying to them, ‘You know what? We might not abide by the central tenet of the most important alliance in the history of the world.’”
Race to the White House: Hillary Clinton's poll numbers decrease
Can't Win? Post-Convention Bump Sends Trump Surging in Polls
Donald Trump has surged in election polls, bolstered by post-convention support, to overtake Hillary Clinton in the latest CNN/ORC survey (pdf) that finds the Republican nominee at 44 percent to Clinton's 39.
The latest poll measures Trump against Clinton, the Green Party's Jill Stein (three percent) and Libertarian Gary Johnson (nine percent). In a hypothetical two-way matchup, Trump beats Clinton at a slightly closer 48 to 45 percent. ...
The results were enough to influence FiveThirtyEight's election forecast, which on Monday estimated that Trump has an overall 57.5 percent chance of winning, while Clinton has 42.5 percent.
A Tectonic Shift in Conservative World: Trump Accepts Nomination as Roger Ailes Ousted from Fox News
Oil Lobby Paid Washington Post and Atlantic to Host Climate-Change Deniers at RNC
At the award-winning seafood restaurant in downtown Cleveland that The Atlantic rented out for the entire four-day Republican National Convention, GOP Rep. Bill Johnson turned to me and explained that solar panels are not a viable energy source because “the sun goes down.”
Johnson had just stepped off the stage where he was one of the two featured guests speaking at The Atlantic’s “cocktail caucus,” where restaurant staff served complimentary wine, cocktails, and “seafood towers” of shrimp, crab cakes, oysters, and mussels to delegates, guests, reporters and, of course, the people paying the bills.
The event was sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute, the lobbying arm of fossil fuel giants like ExxonMobil, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips.
Johnson, a climate denier and influential member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, spoke of a future when American scientists “solve these big problems” and “figure out how to harness the sun’s energy, and store it up, so that we can put it out over time.” His hypothetical invention, of course, is called a battery, and was invented over 200 years ago.
Instead of balancing Johnson with an environmentalist or a climate scientist, The Atlantic paired Johnson with another notorious climate denier: Rep. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., who is an energy adviser to Donald Trump. Cramer has called global warming “fraudulent science by the EPA,” and once told a radio audience in 2012 that “we know the globe is cooling.”
Both congressmen went nearly unchallenged by the moderator, The Atlantic’s Washington Editor Steve Clemons, who said he wasn’t able to find an opposing speaker, but went ahead with the event anyway.
[See article for information about Wapo and Politico-hosted climate change denial parties. -js]
Demonstrators Demand 'Clean Energy Revolution' on Eve of Dem Convention
Yesterday's 10,000 strong #CleanEnergyMarch in Philly on the front page of the @nytimes! #banfracking #DNCinPHL
— Frack Action (@FrackAction) July 25, 2016
With plenty of overlap between them, both climate justice campaigners and supporters of Bernie Sanders held marches and rallies in downtown Philadelphia on Sunday, making their presence and political demands heard a day before the Democratic National Convention officially kicks off.
Under a banner calling for a "Clean Energy Revolution," the climate march put a focus on key shortcomings when it comes to the Democratic Party's commitment to addressing an increasingly hot planet.
Those marching did so in the name of a host of climate-related demands, including:
- An immediate nationwide ban on fracking and offshore drilling;
- Support of polices to keep all fossil fuels in the ground, with priority on those beneath public lands;
- An end to funding and building of fossil fuel infrastructure project; and
- A rapid and just transition to 100 percent renewable energy by mid-century or earlier
As Major Parties Embrace Fracking, Report Shows Natural Gas 'Bridge to Climate Disaster'
As the Democratic Party comes under fire for not taking a strong enough stance on fracking, and Donald Trump considers drilling tycoon Harold Hamm for Energy Secretary in his hypothetical cabinet, a new report out Friday details how proposed natural gas expansion in the U.S. stands to undermine national climate goals as well as public and environmental health.
A Bridge Too Far: How Appalachian Basin Gas Pipeline Expansion Will Undermine U.S. Climate Goals (pdf), from Oil Change International (OCI) in partnership with 11 other organizations, "shows that current projections for U.S. natural gas production—fueled by a boom in the Appalachian basin—will lock in enough carbon to bust through agreed climate goals," according to a press statement from OCI.
Echoing arguments made by environmentalist Bill McKibben and others, the report undercuts the specious argument that natural gas is a "bridge" fuel spanning the gap between dirty fossil fuels and clean renewable energy.
Indeed, said OCI executive director Stephen Kretzmann, "expanded natural gas production is a bridge to climate disaster. Our report shows that even if we entirely eliminated emissions from coal and oil, the emissions from the natural gas boom alone would still blow our climate budget. This should be a wake up call to anyone promoting natural gas as a bridge to a clean energy future. Put simply, it's not."
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
DNC Staffers Mocked the Bernie Sanders Campaign, Leaked Emails Show
DNC emails: Behind the scenes look at care of big donors
U.S. Media Blames Putin Conspiracy for Homegrown Trump Phenomenon
Erdogan will be stronger after the failed coup, but Turkey could be the loser
‘The Public Is Viewed Not as Someone to Be Helped, but as an Enemy to Be Contained’
Killing with Robots Increases Militarization of Police
A Little Night Music
Tampa Red & Big Maceo Merriweather - Corrine Blues
Tampa Red - You Got To Reap What You Sow
Tampa Red - Don't Blame Shorty For That
Tampa Red - Things Bout Coming My Way
Tampa Red - Let Me Play With Your Poodle
Tampa Red - You Better Tighten Up on It
Tampa Red - She's Dynamite

It may not be the Russians
DNC hacker: Lone wolf whistleblower, or Russian saboteur?
But don't tell that to the Hillary campaign or to the Occupy Democrats (they look like Hillary trolls);
ITS OFFICIAL: Trump Has Teamed Up With Putin To Defeat Hillary
Waiting to hear Bernie speak at the convention. The media is ignoring the protesters outside.
The political revolution continues
evening shockwave...
omg, are there commies hiding behind your woodpile? better check your shed and under your bed!
of course, what matters is not the wrongdoing, but who points it out.
thanks for the links, have a great evening!
redacted - too much info about my former employer /nt
Oh man Joe, this is a day we may look back and say the
worm turned. I feel really bad about Sanders, but good to hear the designated delegates are holding. And more news coming out it seems by the hour. Only gets better for our progressives. More in the streets, lots more. They can't arrest millions.
And climate news gets worse by the hour. Batteries: who knew? At the pace inventors and engineers are going a viable, inexpensive house-sized battery will be ready very soon. Biggest obstacle is that for profit energy producers don't like the decentralized household production of energy. It's a new model, and they don't get money from it.
So much real stuff to do, not this political soap opera we have going.
Thanks for the News and Blues. Very rarely up real time.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
evening lch...
it appears that this will be a consequential couple of days, one way or another.
bernie appears to have pooped out, but it looks like there are some berners with spine still ready for a fight.
heh, from what i saw this weekend, i think that it might be possible for the cops to lock everybody up in philly. i have never seen more cops in one place ever in my life. the place is just crawling with them. they appeared to be polite and well behaved while i was there, so hopefully that will continue.
have a good evening!
LCH, reported that via email, Bernie has requested delegates
not to hold floor protests, 'out of respect for him.'
Warren will be keynote this evening, and (reportedly) will deliver a raucous and glowing speech in praise of FSC. MSNBC reporter Kelly O'Donnell has read Bernie's speech. She says that he will call for unity, and for folks to vote for FSC. O'Donnell also said that he will attempt to be a peacemaker.
It will be interesting to see what happens, as a result of the email. I'm 'guessing' that many of his delegates will not want to go against Bernie's wishes.
Of course, I don't figure that they were going to disrespect him, and would have booed, or walked out after he finished speaking. (if at all)
So, he must have been worried about the treatment that Warren, and others, would receive.
Also, there have been warnings issued from the DNC that disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. After they apologized for the emails, that is.
I'm 'guessing' that this is a result of the booing of Rep Marcia
Fudge when she declared, "Hillary Clinton, It's Her Turn."
Booing broke out big time!!!
Hey, it would be interesting if someone would post their email, if any of Bernie's delegates are members, here.
Sadly, it seems that the Dem Party has become the more authoritarian party. Obviously, I'm referring to the Leadership/Establishment, not activists or Bernie.
Hiya, Joe--thanks for tonight's News & Blues. I'll going to drop back in after the keynote speech, and Bernie's remarks. Right now, one of my biggest headaches is getting 'the B' out--I'm having to drag him out, almost.
Oh, just heard that Senator Merkley has been running around the cable channels saying that 90% of Bernie's supporters, according to polling, claim they will vote for FSC.
Hmmmmm. Somehow, I don't quite buy that.
Hey, just heard that some supporters are chanting "Lock Her Up" like Repubs did, and that they're trying to shut that down.
Whoah! I bet that has Hillbots heads spinning!!!
We've decided to tune in most of this evening--a switch from what we were planning just a day ago.
I'll skip Michelle, though. I'd need more than hip waders to listen to her, as she recites what a wonderful 7 plus years we've had. Whew! Sadly, I can listen to her, any more than I can listen to her hubby.
Hey, have a great evening, Everyone! Stay cool!!!
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evening mollie...
i really doubt merkely's count is correct. if the folks that i saw in philly were any indication, there are more than 10% of sanders supporters that will be voting for somebody other than clinton. after the wikileaks doc dump, i'd imagine that resistance has stiffened.
it will be interesting to see what sort of dissent breaks out at the convention in front of the cameras. one of the articles i linked upstairs said that in a private meeting with his delegates, some of them booed sanders when he told them that everybody had to unite behind the clinton-kaine ticket.
it sounds like folks are in a fractious mood.
evening joe
just sent you a message.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
evening nhk...
got it, thanks!
Turkey justified using drones in Penna?
I have been out for a week and Joe might have posted this article by Glenn Greenwald
Glenn points out that the logic used to justify drone strikes could be used by Turkey to justify a drone to kill the Turkish Imam who has been living in Penna for many years
Erdogan has used a claim against the pro democracy group of Gulen supporters to claim that they are the reason for the problems in Turkey - scapegoats
Erdogan has been on a path to gain the power to act like a Sultan for the last few years and used an attack on the Kurds as part of his divide and conquer strategy.
I went to Turkey over 3 years on a trip sponsored by the Gulen followers and was hopeful that there would be a democratic Muslim country in that region. That is now impossible. Sad to see what Erdogan has done.
Article recently suggested that US military action in the Middle East could have destabilized the EU. It has been horrible for the countries in the middle east for sure, but had not realized that it could be a major factor in the political problems in the EU.
Joe, thanks for your ongoing coverage of Turkey.
Here is the Glenn Greenwald article
Would Turkey Be Justified in Kidnapping or Drone-Killing the Turkish Cleric in Pennsylvania?
For those who want a real conspiracy article, here is one on Turkey
Ankara Mayor Accuses Erdogan Critic Of Using Genies To Control the Masses
evening don...
yep, thanks, i posted that one. it's a great article, and i'd love for that question to be put to people in the bush and obama administrations.
Sibel Edmonds of boiling frogs post, who has followed events in .Turkey for a long time, says that the coup was a CIA/NATO affair for Gulen that was botched. it seems like the war plans have been drawn up long ago and this kabuki election is a distraction while the preparations are made. Hillary and friends are awfully quick to demonize Russia every chance they get. peace on earth is not on the platform.
Hope its been a good trip to Philly, Joe
Another bombing in Germany
I think that's four this week.
They will be increasing military police.
Erdogan is cleaning out everyone he wants with the support of the people?
I guess the strategy is to use violence to seize more power.
Boy have the DNC leaks set everything on end. I enjoyed hearing Julian on Democracy Now. Saw a Bernie and Hillary supporter talk past each other on the show today too. The Clinton folks think the party will unify -HA!
10 min part 1
8 min part 2
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
evening lookout...
i guess now with the japanese conservatives trying to ditch article 9, the german conservatives don't want to be left behind... so they are going to strike while the iron is hot, so to speak. erdogan is also an authoritarian opportunist (though i wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that he had a hand in the catalytic events) - everywhere you look authoritarians are on the make.
I would love to see what's going on outside. I hope the
cops continue to be polite and in shirts not military gear.
I watched Bernie's speech at exactly 17 minutes of a 22+ minute address, he said to defeat Trump, must elect Clinton and Kaine. The delegates boo'd and jeered then chanted "we want Bernie". Just like the Tea Party, you can't wind them up then expect them to sit down and go quietly. I hope they continue to disrupt. Jane's last comment at the very end had something to do with his name being put forward in nomination.
Bernie's speech to the delegates.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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Evening, Joe and the Bluesters!
I may have unearthed something that could sink Kaine as Veep, if we could get it out quickly enough to people who are influential enough: In his last race, he lost 7000 votes to a cat! How sad a candidate do you have to be for that to happen? Come take a look at this evening's Caucus Critters. Lots of hilarious videos!
As far as the DNC leaks, I agree, we've seen this pattern before: First they try to gaslight us, "You believe in a crazy conspiracy theory!" Then we prove it. Then they say it's no big deal, "Not newsworthy!" I am tired of the corporate-rump-kissing MSM.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
evening ec...
wow, losing to a cat? sounds like a campaign made for twitter.
heh, the spin cycle is running very fast. i hope that wikileaks has a lot more revelations up its sleeve, though. because these will be edged out of the news cycle by the morning unless somebody famous mentions them at the convention.
Well no, that came out wrong, he didn't lose to the cat, but
the cat had about 7000 votes, so he lost those votes because 7000 people thought the cat would make a better Senator! Kaine received about 2 million votes to his opponents 1.8 million or so. Hank came in third. He didn't qualify for the ballot, but made this impressive showing as a write-in candidate.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Good evening & thanks, Joe. The latest stupifying idiocy, FWIW,
is that Assange only did this because he's a hard core anti-semite.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
evening el...
i hadn't seen that one. that's really quite spectacularly stupid.
Good that it has been raining in Philadelphia
My anger level has been ratcheting up all day, even gin&tonic is not working. I have no TV reception and can choose to walk away from the computer.
To hear Assange as a not-USian but leftist is refreshing, like bathing in not water. No aspersions on him, but outsider views are frightening and earth-moving, at least for me, every time.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
evening riverlover...
we had a really good rain saturday afternoon, just in time for the c99 meetup. for a while we all wound up under a tent with a security guard whose job was to yell at people who came through a gate the wrong way. he was very good at stomping around and yelling and quite nice to us, allowing us to share his shelter for a while.
So what happens if the people win the lawsuit
against the DNC? Does anyone know the answer?
And I find it funn that the US and Russia are going to work together in Syria while at the same time the US and NATO are putting troops in countries that surrounds Russia. Strange bedfellows, indeed.
Over at LOF the bots are dismissing the email leaks by focusing on the one that questions Bernie's religion. But there hasn't been any mention of the one from DWS to Chuck Todd about her telling him that he has to get Mika to stand down and apologize to Hillary for what she said about her.
And I believe it's illegal for the DNC to promise to reward people who donate to the DNC convention to get access to a president. Yep, pretty sure that's against all kinds of rules. But so is tipping the scales for one candidate over another.
And congratulations DWS for going to be picking the new congress members for Hillary. You did such a swell job getting Obama new members so that he can get his agendas passed. Oh wait, you lost both houses. Oh well, that works out well for Obama to be able to hide behind the mean republicans not letting him get anything passed. Except the TPP.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening snoopy...
presumably they will be able to claim compensation from the dnc and dws. i would assume that it would be some sort of financial compensation, assuming that the dnc probably won't offer some other sort of satisfaction.
the court would not be able to, for instance overturn election results or something like that, though it might be able to apply leverage to make the dnc consider the demands of the claimants.
More bad polling news for HRC in this article
from Will Independents Decide 2016 by Giving the Political Class Their Upraised Middle Fingers?
Loads of good info in the article and well worth the read. The money quote though, comes about berners intentions:
We have some work to do to convince those choosing Johnson to switch to Jill. He is a climate denying, entitlement cutting, free marketeer, and would be a real disaster. I think he gets most of his support for social reasons, marijuana and such, but boy, economically he's a loser and dangerous for all of us.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
evening cap'n...
thanks for the link, the polling data does look like it's going to be a pretty steep climb for clinton, though it is really early in the race at this point.
i think the key to the influence of stein and johnson is getting them in front of people's eyeballs to make them a competitive force. this would be a great time for people and some large do-gooder organizations to start applying pressure on the presidential debate commission to force them to put stein and johnson on stage with tweedledee and tweedledum.
The Common Dreams website is in need of donations
because pro-Hillary readers, resenting its coverage of Bernie, are now vocally refusing to contribute.
They probably were also unhappy with articles such as this:
evening lotlizard...
that's pretty sad, but then again, that's one of the ways that the democratic party works to suppress dissent against its corporate warmonger agenda.
#DebtTrapDebbie Wasserman Schultz
is facing a more difficult path to beating her primary opponent Tim Canova now that she admitted to being a total douchebag at the DNC. Little article in the Miami Herald
[edit] I just noticed that the Trumpies are taking advantage of her liability status for the Clinton campaign. They just came out with this quick, silent 15 second ad.
evening crider...
i'm sure that one way or another, dws will wind up in a cushy, highly-compensated job, regardless of whether she is re-elected or gets her sinecure from the clintons in government or from their friends in the corporate sector.
I think there
is a Bernie delegate walk out in the works. FB has blocked occupy from the feed but I copied a link to the page earlier.
Highway patrol arrests firefighter performing a rescue
Evening joe. Gotta pull an excerpt from your link on the failure of overpolicing:
Here's the video link of a Chula Vista firefighter getting cuffed by a Chipper:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn