Open Sesame 07/23/16

It's almost like she wants to lose. The Mad Bomber. I mean—Tim Kaine? Seriously? Some 300 million Americans to choose from, and this is what she comes up with?
A pale, stale slice of white bread, flaked right off a Pat Boone loaf. So somnambulant, he makes '90s-era wood-block Al Gore, look like Little Richard.
Way back in the day, when it was presumed the Republicans would nominate someone at least remotely resembling something sane, the Plan was to yoke the Bomber to a brown person. But now, the last throes of the white people having gone stone mad, selecting as their standard-bearer a genuine reptile, combining the very worst characteristics of Roy Cohn, Charles Lindbergh, Strom Thurmond, and Yosemite Sam, a lizard who cannot even shift slumbering position at night in his rockpile, without shouting out for some brown person to be bombed or burnt . . . well, the Bomber, apparently, now believes she can go with Rainbo boy, because she no longer needs to pander to any brown people.
In this, she is very wrong. In truth, the Bomber, she needs to pander, like she has never pandered before. Because 56% of the Americans, they believe she should have been criminally charged, for the server sleaze. This basically means they think she should be in the prison. This is not a real safe and secure place for a politician to be, some three months before an election: a majority of the voters thinking you should be lying atop some cold iron bed, rather than flying high up there on Air Force One.
If the Republicans had managed to nominate even a mammal, the Bomber today would be polling behind not only that semi-humanoid, but also Jill Stein and Gary Johnson, as well as Deez Nuts, Don Ho, and Dirk Diggler. Because no one really wants The Mad Bomber to be the president. She is like some politics version of Sheldon Whiteside in The Man Who Came To Dinner, who showed up one night, and now, years later, still never leaves, forcing everyone in the house to consume many Medicines. She is like a television show, from out of a time warp, that no one can understand why it hasn't been cancelled. She has been around so long that young people confuse her with historical figures like Betsy Ross, Carrie Nation, and Lizzie Borden, thinking she was the woman who sewed up the wounds in her husband with threads from an American flag, after she took an axe to him, when she caught him in a saloon spraying semen on the barmaids.
The only people who really want her to be the president, these are the fanatical PUMAs, who disappeared into the jungle back in 2008, after the Bomber was defeated by The Kenyan—refusing, like those WWII Japanese soldiers who wouldn't believe the emperor had surrendered, to face Reality. As was true with those Japanese soldiers, there are not, today, many survivors, among the PUMAS: most, in the succeeding eight years, have died, or gone into Homes. Not even the Bomber herself, these days, can she articulate why she should be the president. Other than that, many years ago, she and The Clenis, they Decided on it: "eight years of Bill, eight years of Hill."
The Bomber's selection of Kaine, this also expresses her great Hate for her erstwhile opponent, The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, and all of his people. Because Kaine, he is well across the great divide, from the Deli Man, and his people, on two core issues: Wall Street, and trade.
Less than 48 hours before his announced selection as The Mad Bomber's VP, Kaine signed a letter publicly weeping that "regulations" are strangling the banks, like some demented nanny throttling an infant in its cradle.
It is like it was not enough for the Bomber to have electorally defeated the Deli Man. No. Because, once she had him down, and prostrate on the floor, she then felt the need to put her thumbs to his eyes, and start gouging.
If The Mad Bomber thinks Wonder Bread there is going to draw any white people away from The Hairball, she is a nutbar. Because the last throes of the white people, at least the grunters with the y-chromes, they are determined to go out, crazed and in flames, there in the Danse Macabre, howling with The Hairball. They will not be moved.
But she might have maybe moved some of the people of the Deli Man. As they saddle up, and prepare to ride out into the wilderness. Like Chuckles Heston, and Nova, there at the end of the true-life documentary film, Planet Of The Apes.
I get that, as soon as she felt politically able, The Mad Bomber ran from selecting a brown person, ran like Richard Pryor with his body on fire. After all, her family's style, it is more executing brown people, especially when they are retarded.
But would it have killed her to select Elizabeth "I Was A Republican Because They're Best For The Markets" Warren? Or even the Deli Man himself?
Yes. Apparently. It would have.
She could have done something wild, and bold. Like: why not Cornel West? That would have made people sit up in their beds. But no. It had to be the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
Kaine has a son who is a serial killer in the perfectly useless United States Marine Corps. This means we will all need to be heavily sedated over the next three months, in order to withstand the ceaseless nauseating siren songs to fellate the troops.
In the days of my youth, I established two firm rules about political candidates: I would never support: (1) a member of a family dynasty; or (2) a general of serial-killers.
This made The Mad Bomber real easy for me. Because, as soon as The Clenis moved into the Oral Office, she became disqualified. Didn't matter if she developed into John Lenin. Not happening.
Meanwhile, with the wisdom of age, I expanded the general prohibition, to an anathema pronounced against anyone who serves as a serial killer, in any capacity, or allows their spawn to so serve. The only exception: if the spawn is publicly disowned, or, if the person his- or herself served, s/he publicly disavows the serial-killer service as Stupid and Wrong and Monstrous and a Disgrace. If s/he says, as has Tim O'Brien: "I was a coward. I went to the war."
They also say Kaine plays the harmonica.
Well, that's nice.
But the real question is: can he bring "Mystery Train?"
I think not.
Meanwhile, a different-one Caine, the British thespain Michael Caine, he has been having some troubles, because of the War On Terra.
See, his birth name, it was Maurice Micklewhite. But, when he went into the thespian business, back in the 1950s, he was Told to change his name, and forthwith, or he would never get any parts. So, he did. Selecting the name, Michael Caine.
But, come War On Terra days, when he would try to get on the airplanes, or otherwise cross a border, the gendarmes, they would all get very confused. For the gendarmes, they could see, and with their very own eyes, that he was the Michael Caine, who lives on the movie screen. And yet, he was showing them a document, saying he was Maurice Micklewhite. This was Wrong, they Knew, and also Suspicious. Could it be that, maybe, he was somehow in league, with SCARY ISLAMIC BROWN PEOPLE?
Referring to his experience with security guards at airports, he explained: "He would say, 'Hi Michael Caine,' and suddenly I'd be giving him a passport with a different name on it.
"I could stand there for an hour. So I changed my name."
So, he had to go into the court. And legally change his name. To Michael Caine.
I want Tim Kaine. To go into the court. And legally change his name. To Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
The other one, non-Kaine, vice-presidential striver, the severely Jesus-disabled Sixpence, he is maybe having something of a problem. Because the people, they have Found Out, that his daughter, she is not a human.
If you study the photo there to the right, which is from Sixpence's own twit machine, you will see that the alleged daughter, she is not reflected in the mirror.
Humans, they reflect in mirrors.
Thus, this being, is not a human.
This, is logic. Cui bono. Occam's razor.
Among creatures that do not reflect in mirrors, are vampires. It also possible that this is a Pokeman Go being. Therefore, I am thinking, this non-ordinary "daughter," she is a clever pitch, for the youth vote. Because the young people, they are still going, and very much so, for the vampires; and, everywhere, they are wandering, heads down, staring at the little screens, looking for the Pokemen people. I am thinking that The Hairball/Sixpence brain-damage trust, they will not even announce that the alleged daughter, she is a vampire, and/or a Pokewoman. They will just let the young people discover it for themselves. Who will then think it way Kool. That this Sixpence politics dude, he has a vampiric pokey, for a "daughter."
After a year of, out on the campaign trail, blistering The Kenyan for using a teleprompter, The Hairball, on Thursday night, he publicly and cruelly killed a teleprompter, by forcing it to scroll for him more words than are present in Birth Of A Nation.
Everywhere there are tubes recounting in detail the bizarreness and lies of The Hairball's endless sweaty stormfronting convention address. But I think among the most apt and accurate, not to mention succinct, wisdoms, were those emitted, by Billmon, in real time, on his twit machine. A sampling:
—So speech really is just Trump's same snake oil pitch, but dressed up in teleprompter language, with things like complete sentences, and verbs that agree with subjects, and arguments that don't veer into personal vendettas and pet peeves at the drop of a comma.
—The weird pauses & inappropriate stress words: not on Ambien—bath salts.
—He's picking up all the big endorsements. First David Duke, now Geert Wilders.
—It sounds like Nixon or (even more) Agnew—plus 40 years of accumulated rage and lust for revenge on Roger Stone's part.
—Overheard on the convention floor:
"It's just like the Berlin Wall. We're going to build one of those."
—President Trump: "Mr. Gorbachev, put back that wall!"
—"I will personally pat you down at airports!"
—"As most corrupt man in America, I speak with some authority on this!"
—"Death, destruction, and the heartbreak of psoriasis: THIS is Hillary's legacy!"
—Trump: "Did they ever find out who killed Bambi's Mom? NO! CHAOS!"
—This man sells fascism with exactly the same devil-may-care brio as when he was hawking Trump ties & steaks.
—Trump's only real rhetorical trick is taking his commercial hyperbole (best, biggest, most expensive) & applying it to the fascism business.
—Puppets on strings, manipulated by shadowy hidden forces from behind the scenes . . . this sounds familiar.
—"Humiliations! One after another! They laughed at my finger size!"
—You know who else talked constantly about humiliations?
—Give hate a chance.
—This is to a Bernie speech as a Black Mass is to a regular one.
—Fred would probably love it. Just like a Klan rally!
—"Believe! Clap, people, or Adolf will die again!"
—So, can we mark last year's big debate over whether Trump and Trumpism are fascist as "resolved"?
—So there it is: our national rationality test. One we've routinely flunked every time a snake oil salesman like Trump has gotten up on a stage and tried to sell us our own dreams.
The premier response, to The Hairball's sad spew of stormer sewage, that was delivered by Patty Griffin. On the television. And nearly a decade ago. Because time. Goes, wherever, we wish it, to.
Whoever was at the controls of the RNC's mighty musical wurlitzer, when The Hairball at last ceased his chunder, that person was clearly a saboteur.
For, blasted, first, out into the convention hall, as the balloons, they flaccidly floated down, was "All Right Now," Free's ode to casual pickup fucking.
Followed, pretty much unbelievably, by "You Can't Always Get What You Want."
Somewhere, Marianne Faithfull, she choked on, and spit out, her sushi. While Keith Richards, he wryly rolled another number, for the road.
A whole different being, was in charge of the music, when, earlier, Lolita Hairball, she took the convention stage.
Because her intro-song, it was "Here Comes The Sun." Which caused every sentient being, in this and all and every universe, to weep in despair.
The people these days in charge of the George Harrison estate, and twit machine, at the speed of light, they responded:
The unauthorized use of #HereComestheSun at the #RNCinCLE is offensive & against the wishes of the George Harrison estate. If it had been Beware of Darkness, then we MAY have approved it! #TrumpYourself
"Beware Of Darkness." Not bad. Though, maybe, I think, "Stupid Girl," even more appropriate.
Somewhere around this site, at some point, I observed that The Hairball, and Lolita Hairball, his daughter, they would fuck on the stage, live, at the convention.
Please note that while this did not completely happen, it very nearly did.
More intelligent, evolved, and attractive, than anybody in the Hairball clan, are honeybirds.
Science Men, they are having one of their "duh" moments, in excitedly yammering, that they have, Proved!, that these animals, and humans, they talk, and work, together.
Birds and humans 'talk' to each other as they hunt bees nests together in the forests of Mozambique, according to a new study.
As their name suggests, honeyguides have been known to help hunters find honey for hundreds of years, but researchers wanted to find out if there was genuine two-way communication.
This kind of collaboration between people and wild animals is incredibly rare.
Well, no, it isn't. And everyone who is a human, and an animal, they know this. It is just that the Science Men, they haven't really Noticed.
Other Science Men, they have been bickering, like "ezra pound and t.s eliot/fighting in the captain's tower/while calypso singers laugh at them/and fishermen hold flowers," and for more than a hundred years, as to why turtles have shells.
Some of the Science Men, they say the shells were developed for burrowing. Some of the Science Men, they say the shells were developed as defensive protection.
The burrowing Science Men, they are currently having the ejaculation, because they think that by Looking at a Fossil, they have Proved they are the Winners!
Both, they are wrong. For turtles. They have shells. Because they feel like it.
Then there are the Science Men, who are having a pout-lip. Because they made a Big Machine, to look at the dark matter, but the dark matter, it wouldn't be seen.
You know, Science Men, not everything wants to be seen. Especially by Big Machines.
Learn. The lesson. Of Diana. In her bath.
I think I might have mentioned here, that sometimes the books, they fall off the shelves. And that I thought this was the work of the cats.
But now, having pondered the true-life documentary film Interstellar, I have decided that it is me. That is: a future me. Having fallen into the black hole. I am there, in the wall, pushing out the books, to try to communicate. To the dullard that is the present me. About the relativity and the gravity and the dark matter.
Now that I know this, I have put the watches up, by where the books fall down. So the black-hole me, can send the evolved information, into the second-hand of the watch, via morse code.
Another reason. To learn the morse code.
When I figure it out. I will tell you.
Stay tuned.
In the meantime, mail yerself. Out to desolation row. Know there. That the ghost of electricity. Howls in the bones of your face. And that if you don't make it. You know your baby will.

I wondered who she would tap to make her impeachment-proof
It had to be someone with more odious policies than she, if that is even possible.
And just like Old Man McCain's pick of Palin for his own protection, both Palin and Kaine would stick it to Americans good, if either President kicked the bucket in office. A little parting gift for Americans on the Left.
Great good rollick of an opening essay for the day. For the times.
no one wants
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man as the president. He is a demonstrable menace. He transports even Igon into a place of terror, beyond the capacity for rational thought.
And. Thanks.
I laughed over more than a few of your lines
…which I call "the nonpareil of droll zingers."
The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man truly hits the mark.
More Stay Puft, less fascist. It makes more sense, intellectually, and is funnier.
Thank you for yet another brilliant essay.
i'm not
ready yet to call him a fascist. And I don't know that I ever will be. That was Billmon. I excerpted him, here, with that, because I understand what he's trying to get to. But it's not, to me, precisely right.
"Fascist": it is so freighted. And: concrete. Real.
There is something else, that The Hairball is. There just has to be found the right word for it.
And I refuse to go to "neo." Which is, to me, laziness, slacker, snoozerville.
To wit, and as but examples: neocolonialism, neopatriarchy, neoimperialism, neoconceptualism, neocatastrophism, Neo-Malthusianists, neo-Darwinism, neofeminists, neotectonics, neopatrimonialism, neoracism, neofeudalism, neo-realism, neosocialism, neogeography, neohumanists, neo-Lamarckism, neotraditionalists, neoglaciation, neoblasts, neo-Thomism, neo-Ricardians, neopuritans, neomammalians, the neobladder, and the neopenis.
And, of course, neosurrealism.
You know. Like Chagall.

Yeah, I guess. Stay Puft hits the mark. While a lot of the rest doesn't.
Because sometimes the magic works.
And sometimes it doesn't.
Even as it does.
Now I have to see it all.
Disappointed older man doing a male version of Mona Lisa smile. I have that almost perfected, that smile, but I am female.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
disappointed, is not what he most is
Instead, he's fulfilled.
It's too late for Trump to bring fascism to the US.
That horse left the barn fifteen years ago. The United States is now the shining Beacon of Fascism on the hill for the world to admire. Or loathe.
This is quite clear, using the classic definition of fascism, which describes a nationstate where the government and corporations form an unbreakable bond (see bailouts) and the people diminish themselves to support their (privately profitable) global adventures to bring back the bacon for themselves. The US has brought forward into the present the shining beacon of authority where law enforcement — and punishment — are delivered simultaneously by para-militarized police. Where a stunning ratio of citizens are incarcerated and forced to work as slaves (as per the 13th amendment) to profit the corporations and underwrite the social costs of tax cuts for the wealthy. Above all, a glowing epitome of fascism where the corporations are lifted to a position of authority higher than the government, itself. Other nations are then bent to the yoke of corporate rule on a global scale, accepting the discipline imposed by the Fascist ideology and suffering punishments for putting their national interests first (see TPP and TTIP).
Perhaps "fascist" doesn't mean what Billmon thinks it means.
well, see,
that's the other reason, why I don't like to go to "fascism." Because, everybody, & especially these days, has their own definition.
Below, is Kesey's. Which contains the absolute true root of the name. But is also, infected, by what he, personally, crippled, as all the humans are, through a glass darkly, limited, Saw.
sometimes when the cuckoo's cryin'
when the moon is half way down
sometimes when the night is dyin'
i take me out
and i wander round
i walk around
A very good definition and very close to Mussolini's.
Mussolini also included labor, conjoined at the hip with business and divided into industries.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good giggles as always.
Though as a nonpracticing Jarhead, I'm not in total agreement the USMC is totally useless. Just misused. Kinda like carrying a crescent wrench in your back pocket 'cause it makes a good pocket hammer. And you never know when that third tit comes in handy.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
the marines
are a swollen and diseased and wholly unnecessary appendix. They are dipshits originally intended as support troops for naval ships, that's all they are; that they are now sent to murderously drool all over the world, to fight even in landlocked countries, like Afghanistan, is absolute madness.
Hunter S. Thompson, back in the 1980s, pronounced, of these dribbling, dick-tripping serial killers, the truth:
Where but in the exceptional USA
could two fabricated candidates pick white bread twins from another mother? When one has proved that elections can be rigged and now DoJ (?) has announced no election monitors here-----they ever had those here? Ask Jimmy Carter about election monitors. Holy shit, what complacency in the voting public, a much limited selection of all the people living here.
Assange leaks incriminating hacked email conversations proving collusion between DNC and the Mad Bomber and the faithful shall say Assange is a rapist and a pedophile. Turn the page. Special ops to destroy the Sanders campaign, it now becomes soap opera land--will he finally get angry again and speak out against the 1%? And has anyone seen Jane Sanders recently?
What to do, what to do? Unless Hairball associates, if any, are computer-savvy Mad Bomber wins the election by a higher number of votes than exist in the US. Oh, forgot the unborn.
I just remembered to take my blue capsule. Are red pills or capsules even marketed now? Or did The Matrix nix that idea? Eye and stomach candy for Keanu Reeves fans. I just looked, that's his real name, born in Beirut, Canadian now. Born in Beirut, another good band name. Most cognicents in USA have no memory of old Beirut, 60 years ago. Time flies, coconuts drop, both can kill with no regard.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yes. There's your answer.
Well, I think it all comes down to this.
The less money you make, the less likely you are to vote, which means you put up more white people. And once poor people get forced to choose between two white guys who think terrorism is the biggest threat ever and never saw real poverty, they get used to not voting entirely.
And once that happens, you get Tim Kaine as your Vice Presidential pick, because the Democratic nominee considers the votes of Democrats her birthright. She only cares about how many Republican voters she can pull to her side.
An epic miscalculation
If HRH Hillary Rodham Clinton thinks she will get votes from anti-Trump Tea-GOPers, that is an epic miscalculation. She cannot afford to ditch progressives and Independents, but she just did. The political malpractice here is truly amazing.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I liked your essay
a lot. Artsy, humorous and it sinks in deep. I liked it.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
thank you
Those are high, fine words. "Artsy, humorous, and it sinks in deep."
Encourages me to write another. ; )
Tim Kaine as the VP Pick Doesn't Excite You?
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Has McAuliffe made a short list of replacements
in the unlikely event that this dastardly duo gets elected? And will the "cure" be worse than the disease?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Heavy psy-ops now happening. Something Bad will happen elsewhere, for super-news coverage. It might be Philly, my
votebet would be somewhere most could not find on a map.Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
i, for one, am extremely excited
Never heard that one before, TY.
Total art of tile painting and pantone. Great art on album covers that may even leave the band clueless. Artist laughs as long as they were paid.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
the heads, they are not clueless
To wit:
To wit:
To wit:
The vid of the fantastically expensive house-jack
is sad and happy at the same time. But, really, AK to WA? Perhaps for same family who desired uprooting but not exactly. I now have to look for videos about the end transfer onto the foundation. It'll be off by an inch or more.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
House Moving
This time from Herzog's 1977 Stroszek with Bruno S.
Brutal view of culture.
I have seen a few auction crowds like that. Only discomfort at the time. Fluorescent orange may be upstaged by hot pink in NY, a Spice Girl type of idea from our legislature.
Sure glad you see films, I got gun-shy (haha) after going to a viewing of The Deer Hunter with husband and friends and husband had a panic attack early on and we had to leave. Ya know, marital (but we were not yet) solidarity.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
That cover is mosaic? of poloriod camera
pictures. David Hockney made it.
How flattering to get a Hockney piece
Alas, not that talented for me.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
nicely written
thank you
thank you. ; )
If this fellow could be a revered rabbi, Trump can be president
for more than a year now, pretty much every time you've come into one of my pieces, you've been whipping some poor panting mule of a flog-the-Israeli jones (I notice, here, your contribution, typically, sourced in an aged piece, this time from back in 2013), even when, as here, Israel has not even been referenced in my piece: here's a little tune, back when such was considered "progressive": and just, here, now, for you:
??? Posting on an open thread ≠ "coming into one of your pieces"
Not sure why you always take anything I post that has to do with neocons or Israel as being personally aimed at you. This has nothing to do with you.
So I wander over to TOP to get a gander at the wreck list
to see just how they're polishing this turd HRH TMB has dumped onto progressives and lo an behold, the Second Coming has arrived!
No, not this one:
Nay, not that desolate apocalypse, but the true Rapture itself, where the True Orange Believers will ascend into that glorious Heaven of neoliberal neoconservative triumphalism!
Oh, and sprinkled with the usual Donald Trump Is A Poopy Head posts.
I read somewhere that it is La Femme Clinton's aim to turn the Dems into a new Republican party home for the disaffected Rockefeller Repubs. Really?
This Nelson Rockefeller?
Or maybe this Nelson Rockefeller?
Or perhaps this one:
I mean, that is what she's done to the whole of the progressive movement, and the whole "better democrats" spiel formerly a staple of GOS. In fact the site owner has done that to anyone even moderately questioning of HRH's fitness to lead the progressive cause into November.
Actually, I think she's just cemented her role as a stalking horse for That Other Orange Satan -- Herr Drumpf.
I've seen the liberal pundits over at MSNBC wondering aloud if Cleveland's RNC fest shows we're witnessing the break up and end of the Republican party. Wrong party. And it's Philadelphia where the crack-up will be on full display.
Medea Benjamin, will you be there in Philly?
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Brilliant. I see the shimmering future you describe
…beginning to take form, with many of those details in place.
The whole thing has a feeling of inevitability about it. But it could have not come about were it not for milestones of delusional self-sabotage that pushed it into existence. Like the ides of march stupidity, and the cheap election rigging and vote counts subversion. Without those mistakes, Hillary might have won.
She's now a pathetic figure, rolling downhill in the polls, with no vision and nothing to offer to the American people. The only good thing that will come out of this is that Americans will see the current Democratic Party bubble as tainted and corrupt operatives. This creates an opportunity for the Party of the American workers and people to take over.
the Mad Bomber,
she is a Loser.
She lost the health-care thing, under The Clenis, when she got all clingy and secretive; she lost in 2008 to The Kenyan; and she's a loser now—though, jeebus help us, hopefully that won't mean, that The Hairball, he shall insert his micropenis, into the presidency.
There has always been a stench about her, and the people have always known this, and that is why they have never, enough, wanted her.
The Democratic Party, under her watch, it is now exhausted, fucked out, over.
The Republican Party, The Hairball, he has exploded it: now, up front, it just wants to stab and shoot and strafe and slit, all the brown people. Because it knows. The white people. They are over. And so, it will rage. At the dying of the white.
The nation, it is in flux.
Like your sig line says: the old world, it is dying, and the new world, it struggles to be born.
But I won't see monsters.
I will see, instead: the lark, ascending.
Rapture =
The Donald's shadow-walk onto the stage on the first night of the Repub. Convention.
Thank you for another super essay. Shrieking with laughter at parts of it. (Neighbors peering in at the windows. . . .).
I also shriek on ferris wheels.
Why do we need a vice President?
Why do we need a President?
Answer, we don't.
But most people won't think that way. I guess they stopped teaching that "question everything" thing in school.
I don't need a vice President or a President. So I won't vote for one.
Of course, no argument
An anti-vote will not count now, fer sure.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
such "rulers,"
they survive only because the humans, they think they need to thumb-suck, in the shadow of some Big Daddy. Some Big Mommy.
They don't get it. The humans. That they're free.
It appears too many just don't want to be free.
They talk a big game but when push comes to shove, they acquiesce. I guess we all do that in some ways. But some keep fighting for it.
It is the DNC's new southron strategy, wrong time & place:
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
All of us have been stuck somewhere.
Air travel can bring out the best. For me, Huntsville/Al, Chattanooga/TN. No joy. More overnight delays are coming forward. Nice to hear Dylan and Dead together, fitting.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
like a fool i mixed them
and it strangled up my mind
and now people just get peoplier
and i have no sense of time
How true ...
"Not everything wants to be seen”.
And true, that many with sight don't even notice. Thanks as always for your insight and entertainment.
This essay is funny and on target. We live in very sad times.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks hecate
This is one of your best. Somehow your posts always cheer me right up. Your right about the politics. The sheer absurdity of this unfolding story has made me giddy. I might be mental. I think not but as my Mom used to say only crazy people think their sane. Well I just don't care at least I'm sort of functional unlike some of my family. Tragedy and Comedy are overlapping and it's freaking people out.
I spent yesterday reading through the DNC wikileaks dump. The collusion and scheming even the fixing, didn't surprise me one bit but the cluelessness and arrogance of the Clintonites, the DNC, SuperDupper delegates the courtiers and propagandists and hangers on was a good look at the privileged strange bubble these powerful creepy idiots live in. They bow and scrape to each other and ask for favors like can I bring my 6 year old kid to the convention or to the WH for a tour? could my wife please get an invite for our 5,000$ donation? It was like a glimpse into into the Forbidden City in ancient China. I even found a memo on how to legally get money from PAC donors. You have to repeat the magic 5,000$ number over and over.
I did learn about 'boolean operators' which has always escaped me. I could not understand a word of the definition and instructions other then put parenthesis around your terms or names. That worked fine. I also learned that Debbie 'what kill list' Shultz her email name is Does she wear her heart on her sleeve? If so it's a black heart and not a bleeding one. I was embarrassed and ashamed that my life has boiled down to eavesdropping on the Imperial Mandarins and psycho killer's shenanigans backstage.
Shah he's got the right attitude. He went off this morning to record a new CD at a studio with his merry band. In college (Antioch) his handle was Cliffy the Clown and I'm so glad I have a life partner who like you entertains and yet imparts some good stuff. Certainly not boring. Even he is getting cranky about this turn of history. I had to stop going to fb. to relate to my relatives and 'friends' as they are all not RW'ers but seem hysterical about the Hairball. Fear at this point just makes me mad. I like the Brooklyn Deli Man have had enough. Chicken little is wearing thin after 16 years of it.
I have 2 days of absolute freedom from my mate who says when's dinner and intend to use it to make somethings. Planting flowers to decorate my veggie patch is a good start. Maybe do some art. Thanks again and yes not everything or everyone want's to be seen and probed. My cat likes to stir it up and be seen but when you get up and yell Wake up! Wake up! at her when shes catnapping she has proper disdain for your seeing and messing with her. The plants and the weeds have taken a liking to DC funk. They say more funk please.
Trouble abounds.
the word
you are not
mental at all, shaz. It is the politics, that is mental. ; )
more amusing at TOP was their attempt to tamp this down
and Yep