Sometimes "Democrats" Confuse Me

Some seem to be cheering on Ted Cruz as some sort of foil against Trump, nothing that odious fart has to say interests me one iota.

Next Hillary chooses Tim Kaine as her potential VP, it's seems as anything that might give the left of the party some hope is to be avoided at all costs. Yet they seem conditioned to accept and applaud the choice no matter what they actually think of it, all this choice seems to give them is more right to shout at us "lefties" about voting and stuff.

There seems to be a complete denial that this VP choice is but more triangulation, after giving lip service to the left when it was expedient to do so, the choice says more than all the words spoken to date. I cant wait until they pretzel themselves into Gordian knots when/if she starts appointing her executive team.

When winning becomes all that matters you risk losing because believe it or not people can actually see what is going down, we are not all little bots to be threatened by fear. I have often said I dislike H R Clinton. that's personal not political, but I distrust her so much more and these manoeuvrings only serve to exacerbate that distrust.

Once more when and if it matters we are appealed to for support and time, one has to ask why because the campaign obviously thinks that we are not worth the effort, they have enough disaffected Republicans to get them over the line or at the very least to depress the turnout on the right.

I wrote a diary on ToP yesterday saying that Trumps speech [with twisted co-option of some of Bernie's policies] was actually dangerous, even if it was ugly. Obviously I'm wrong because centrist democrats believe that they have this in the bag, I would say it's going to be closer than they think. Democrats have forgotten why populist policies work since they have given them lip service for decades, they work because they appeal to the masses and not just political junkies inside the beltway.

They give me the reasoning that progressive policies of yesteryear are no longer progressive and that progressive pretty much means triangulation now. Now I would say H R Clinton is about as progressive as Theresa May, they say pretty much the same things, just a reminder, T May is a conservative.

I really hope they don't hurt themselves too much as they tie themselves up in knots following and desperately trying to justify every twist and turn in The Clinton Campaign, they cannot say that they were not warned however.

Tim Kaine is just boring they say, a poor choice even, then they try and convince themselves that it is only Clinton that matters whilst ignoring completely what her actual choice signifies.


They really do confuse me.

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WaterLily's picture

I've edited this twice already. Too many windows open on too many threads and I'm not paying close enough attention to any of them because I'm so freaking angry about what's happening.

But yes, my original comment was poorly directed. I stand corrected now that I've re-read everything. Lesson learned!

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Deja's picture

This too shall pass; and we'll get through it! At least, I hope so!

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Deja's picture

I before E except after C, my ass!

I was knocked out of the only spelling bee I ever participated in, in 3rd grade, because I incorrectly thought a seriously easy word was one of the tricks.

Please calm down. And please leave the hating, via splitting hairs, for GOS.

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riverlover's picture

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

general it does, then the DLC has completely taken over. It is now the party of constant foreign intervention and war, it is the party of disastrous trade deals, it is the party of tax breaks and incentives for the rich, it is the party of privatization, it is the party of deregulation, it is the party of fracking, it is the party of inhumane immigration policies (see Pr. Obama has deported record number of people). Hey, but they'll begrudgingly accept change on social issues.

So done with that shit. The behind the scenes connections between the Clintons and the Koch brothers are enough to make you sick. Several of her bundlers are Kock Industry lobbyists, yet she decries them in public. I just can't stand this shit anymore.

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But they need to stand up and either denounce and overhaul the DNC or join us in another party.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

WaterLily's picture

Can you point me to any reliable sources that draw these connections?

Because I would LOVE to point them out to a real-life friend (who is admittedly getting harder for me to respect), who just today publicly denigrated me for supporting Jill Stein because "the Koch brothers have funded the Greens." Of course, I asked him for a source and he ignored me.

Please, please please ... if you have something, share it.

I now feel his attack was classic projection.

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This is yet another gray area for the Clintons. They don't have to take fossil fuel money directly, they just have lobbyists bundle money from them. No problem there, everything is on the up and up. Right.

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Shockwave's picture

The era of triangulation and the Third Way are not helpful in the new dynamic of political polarization.

However divided you think our politics are, this chart shows that it’s actually way worse

Polarization photo Polarization_zps8cof5eny.jpg

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The political revolution continues

riverlover's picture

are Emails between DNC staffers comparing Bernie to Ted Cruz. Binary and simplistic. Us or them.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

They are embarrassing ostriches.

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Deja's picture

She wanted some guy to attend a Nordic leader state dinner and gave a bio of the guy to impress, I guess. Here's part:

During the Clinton administration, Mr. Berger had positions with the Small Business Advisory Council, the Environmental Finance Advisory Board and as Chairman of the Board of Sallie Mae. At Salle Mae, Mr. Berger led the efforts to privatize the government sponsored enterprise.

It's buried in the other "accomplishments" and titles held, but wth? Is this actually a good thing for a supposed Democrat to do?

I don't know what to think anymore.

If you have a link to the Sanders=Cruz email, I'd love to see it!

Here's link to mine:

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The Dems will turn themselves into pretzels, justifying Clinton's
moderate actions (ie. corporate interests) in the same way
FOX news anchors will now have to defend / embrace Trump.
See: Jon Stewart Takes Over Colbert's Late Show Desk

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"Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money." --Nineteenth century Nēhilawē (Cree) proverb
