Signs Of The Times?
I don't usually do two posts in a day, but I was struck by this juxtaposition on the Google News main page:
'Terror Situation': Munich Mall Attack Kills At Least 6, Suspects On Loose
Stocks climb, approaching record highs again Los Angeles Times
Today's shooting situation in Munich is ongoing, but the trend in targeting for these attacks seems to generally be public gathering places. Malls aren't just economic attractions. With the weather in Southern California being scorching today (116F in Palm springs as I write this, malls are also gathering places where a person can attend to certain purchasing needs and remain somewhat cool (assuming that the HVAC is maintained and operating properly). Such places make attractive targets for those seeking to impose their obsolete and ignorant religious beliefs upon the rest of us via violence (I also include Old Testament "christians" with this descriptive).
As the Munich police have repeatedly texted to the public, "Please avoid public areas." Should such terrorist conditions become more the norm and not an all-too-frequent aberration, the public would adapt their behavior to these conditions by not going to public places. People may be slow on the uptake all too often, but eventually messages CAN get into their dulled brains.
This would directly affect retailers, who already have issues with gross sales and operating income because of the massive unemployment from which the nation only now appears to be slowly recovering, while reduced wages and increased living costs eat up money which once went to them. "Many doubts are still hanging over the market, including the continued drop for corporate earnings and a U.S. economy that is growing only modestly." [LA Times article]
A large number of the shares traded on the NYSE are retailers. Munich should be causing them to lose capitalisation as investors seeks safer investments. Yet the market is up -AGAIN- into record territory.
Maybe one of you dear readers understands how this could be. I can't fathom any connection, yet there it is.
but this statement is wrong an many levels.
More are not only making less money at their jobs, many are underemployed.
Millions have fallen out of the employment picture altogether but are not counted as unemployed. May states have heavily cut unemployment benefits which throws many off of the unemployment stats before they get a job.
And really, how many are making enough money to be able to invest in the markets? All figures point to less than half and there is solid information that the number is closer to seventy percent.
Sooner or later the house of cards falls down.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Don't worry...
Either Hillary or Trump will throw (ed) cash out of helicopters over Wall Street when things go tango uniform.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Obama's concern for the innocent people who were killed
is touching.
I don't remember him making any sort of statement like this after the bombs from US jets killed those innocent people in Syria, does anyone else?
Gawd, the hypocrisy!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Well, Munich is a vibrant place, I'll give him that.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Probably vibrating in their
Probably vibrating in their chairs/cars/public places...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
But they meant to do it! We didn't mean to do it!
That makes it all better, right?
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Lesser Evilism
It's what we do.
Now, party member of good standing, Vote Hillary!
from a reasonably stable genius.