Open Thread - Wednesday September 9, 2015

As we are starting into early fall, I have noticed that my bird feeders need refilling more often. The shorter days trigger an internal body clock in the migratory birds and even for those that do not migrate, it seems as though they eat more from the feeders than during the summer. Here is a good article on bird migration from Cornell University which is my go to site on birds.

Within the month, all the ruby throated hummingbirds will leave and I will not see them here in western NC until some time in April. I usually keep my hummingbird feeder full for at least one week after I have last seen a bird come to it. Generally, the males such as the one pictured below are the first to arrive in the spring and the earliest to leave in the fall. The females follow shortly after the males. The females do not have the ruby throat and are a slightly duller green on their backs.

Note: all photographs are from the Cornell University All About Birds website.

As for the other birds, fall can be an exciting time for bird watching just as it is during the spring. This is due to my being able to see birds that normally spend the warmer months in the more northerly climates and then spend the winter further south. I am always excited to see these birds, such as the rose breasted grosbeaks and the purple finches, pass through. The male rose breasted grosbeaks are particularly spectacular in their coloration. And the females are also handsome birds in their markings even though they are not flashy in their coloration. And some of these migrants will stay in the area for several days before heading further south.

Male rose breasted grosbeak.

This spring, I was overrun by pine siskens who descended upon my feeders in huge flocks and monopolized them for over a month. It was the first time I had seen them here in the ten years we have been here. Apparently, their migratory routes can vary from year to year so I may see them again this fall or next spring, or I may not see them again for a while.

This is also the time of year when the birds molt, leaving some of them with a very ratty appearance before the new plumage grows back. I did not have any birds that were bald headed this year, but last year, I had a blue jay that completely lost all of his feathers on his head. He was strange looking for a while. And even when the feathers were coming back, he looked like he was wearing a Mohawk hair cut.

This year, the only oddity I saw in the molt was a male towhee who regularly comes to my hanging feeder. Generally towhees do not come to hanging feeder, but I believe this is the same bird who was here last year and has found he likes the seed in the hanging feeder. During his molt, this towhee lost all of his tail feathers. Otherwise he looked normal. It was amazing to watch those feathers grow back and within two weeks they were normal again.

Male Eastern towhee. I think towhees are one of the most beautifully proportioned birds around. The female is a gorgeous reddish brown color.

Female Eastern towhee. She is quite beautiful in her own right.

Soon the goldfinches will molt for a second time in the year. Goldfinches are one species that always molts twice a year. During the spring and summer, the male gold finches sprout their gorgeous bright yellow and black coloration.
Male goldfinch in breeding colors.
But after the fall molt, it becomes very difficult to tell the male from the females as they both are a yellowish olive color. Generally, the wing bars on the males are slightly darker, but for all practical purposes, the males and females will look alike until the spring when the males come back into their brilliant colors.
Male goldfinch in non-breeding colors. The female looks very much the same.

So fall is an exciting time for watching the birds in my back yard.

This is an Open Thread so, please feel free to post whatever thoughts you may have.

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Big Al's picture

Got lots of birds flying around my backyard. Some of them are pretty loud, especially when I tell them to shut up.

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gulfgal98's picture

The male towhees have a territorial call that sounds like "Drink Your Tea." Many mornings, we jokingly say that there is a whole lot of tea drinking going on out there. The only birds whose voices annoy me are the catbirds.

I find watching the birds to be very soothing. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

I wished I had the camera ready this morning, a completely red bird, I believe its called the Male Cardinal, local bird to MD.
Hmmm.... since some people believe that the deceased talk to you through birds (in some cultures), I am trying to forget that fact, but each time the guy complains loudly in the morning below my window, I can't forget that. He sounds angry and makes a lot of determined noise. Smile

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joe shikspack's picture

if they stopped calling people "twit." they're just so rude. Smile

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mimi's picture


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gulfgal98's picture

I love watching the cardinal parents. They bring the youngsters to the feeders and feed them. Usually the male cardinal is the one who brings the off spring to the feeders. The baby or babies will sit in the tree while the parent gets a seed from the feeder and gives it to the baby. These babies are as big as the parents and often the young male babies are in almost full color while the parents continue to feed them. As part of the courtship before nesting the male will get a seed from the feeder and feed it to the female. I really like cardinals. They are great birds. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

MarilynW's picture

I think the bird I found on Monday was a yellow warbler, thanks for that link to the Cornell website. I had a hummingbird feeder on my balcony because we have Anna's hummingbirds who don't migrate. There seems to be a flock of them living in a small protected treed area between two buildings. My feeder could handle 10 birds but I only had one and she would not let any other hummers on the balcony. During a rare winter storm she would stay all afternoon in the corner of the balcony. I could only photograph her through the windows. Eventually the feeder started to attract ants and I had to get rid of it. It's better for me to plant red flowers.

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To thine own self be true.

gulfgal98's picture

It seems as though there are a zillion warblers out there. Because they are tiny and are bug eaters, I do not see them that often and when I can identify one, I feel really excited. The only three warblers I see regularly are the blue winged, the yellow rumped, and the black and white which is a little bigger and very pretty. If I was a real bird watcher, I could probably find more.

I personally have found that hummingbirds only seem to share a feeder when they are migrating. Otherwise, they are very territorial over the feeders and we often have spectacular aerial battles over which bird is going to use it. In my experience the female ruby throats are more aggressive than the males, but both are fearless little birds. One year, I had a big female who "guarded" the feeder by perching on the same branch of a nearby tree so she could run off any interlopers, including bees and flies. Hummingbirds are great fun to watch and they are also good to have around as they catch and eat mosquitoes and other small insects for their nourishment. The feeder is simply their source of quick energy.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Big Al's picture

so we need more war.

The sad thing is there is no one to stop them.

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gulfgal98's picture

It will make the current refugee crisis seem like nothing. Again, why isn't the United States actively helping the refugees we created?

I have said it before and I will continue to say it. The United States is the largest purveyor of terrorism in the world. If I remember correctly, one of the ten commandments is Thou Shalt Not Kill. But we have all the good "Christians" out there calling for more war and more killing. One of my Peace vigil buddies has a sticker on his car that reads "Who Would Jesus Bomb?"

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy


The Ukrainian city of Uman, in the Cherkasy Province, is an historical site of pilgrimage for Hasidic Jews, which often draws tens of thousands of pilgrims during Rosh Hashana. The pilgrimage centers around the burial site of an important religious leader of the late 18th century.

This year, it’s going to be tough going for the Hasidim, however, as the massive tent city the local Jewish community erected to house the pilgrims was wiped out over the weekend by Ukrainian nationalist fighters.

The Ukrainian nationalist groups often style themselves as neo-Nazis, and have been demonized by the pro-Russian east because of this. They remained embraced in large by Western nations, who were pleased at their violent rallies ousting the former pro-Russian government of Ukraine. However much Western governments try to shore up the image of these groups as “democratic,” they continue to engage in ethnic and religious violence, as evidenced over this weekend.

The locals say the attack in Uman was scheduled for the Sabbath, knowing that the Hasidim would be unable to quickly respond. Police were informed and responded, but stood by and watched as the nationalists caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage.

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gulfgal98's picture

I am embarrassed (and ashamed) to admit that I actually remember when this song was out. Blush

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

almost gets airborne flapping his wings arms.

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gulfgal98's picture

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Shahryar's picture

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gulfgal98's picture

Damn, I am an old fart, aren't I ? I remember this one too. Blum 3

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

shaharazade's picture

which is a good way to start the day. Nothing like waking up to surf music. Here's a local Portland sort of surfer band from the 90's? Satan's Pilgrims doing a classic surf cover. Their still around and have an off shoot band called The Pynnacles.

Here's The Pynnacles one of Shahryar favorite local bands.....

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Shahryar's picture

I'm sure you know the Trashmen's version is a goof on "Papa-Oo-Mow-Mow". They did a song called "Kuk"...I'll go grab that...

"she started whipping surfing terms on me"

"everybody jumps and they pony and shout/I wish I knew what they were talking about"

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Because the government in Spain is making familiar sounds

(CNA).- The Spanish Defence Minister, Pedro Morenés, assured that the army won’t act in Catalonia during the 27-S as long as “everybody fulfils their duty”. In an interview with Spanish National Radio (RNE) this Tuesday he recalled that Catalan politicians “have sworn to obey and enforce the Spanish Constitution” and said that he expected them “to do so”. When asked about the hypothetical unilateral declaration of independence after the elections, he spoke in support of the implementation of Article 115 of the Spanish Constitution, which establishes the suspension of Catalonia’s autonomy. Morenés stated that he is for “applying the laws if they are disobeyed” and underlined that the army “is an absolutely and perfectly democratic” institution whose members “strictly obey” the rules.
The Catalan Minister for the Presidency, Francesc Homs, labelled Morenés’ words as “indescribable in a democratic context”. He stated that such statements were “not of this world” and added that it can only be hoped “that one day, a minister from the People's Party (PP) will take Catalonia’s vote into account”.

The spokeswoman for the Catalan government, Neus Munté, responded to Morenés by saying that a statement like this could only be made by “someone who is afraid of democracy”.

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And we further from winning it now than when we started.
A good article for it can be found here.

I'm incline to write something really inflammatory in anticipation of all the yellow ribbon/support the troops crowd.

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allow me to show you this

If there was ever any doubt that the US doesn’t have a good handle on who the ISIS leadership is, it should be exemplified by the new reports of US officials openly talking about, in their effort to “destroy ISIS,” assassinating people whose Twitter accounts are seen as too pro-ISIS.

There appears, at the very least, to be some debate among counter-terror officials on the matter, though none seem to be questioning whether or not it’s appropriate to assassinate people on the basis of speech, and are simply arguing over whether or not it’s worthwhile.

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gulfgal98's picture

and the War OF Terror has been extremely successful if spreading terrorism and creating more terrorists is the objective.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy