Introducing The Neoliberalcon
Submitted by Meteor Man on Mon, 07/18/2016 - 12:33pm
The Whiskey Bar is back in business! Well, not exactly, but I stumbled across Billmon at Emptywheel:
Anyhow here's the Storify link where we are introduced to Victoria Nuland:
Here's Billmon's new word:
Neoliberalcon, n. from the English "neocon" and "liberal." A follower of the consensus hawkish foreign policy line in Washington.
In addition to consensus foreign policy hawkishness, most neoliberalcons uncritically accept neoliberal economics & corporate globalization.
Go read the rest of the story here:

Good portmanteau! Suggests 'con' as well --
-- as in the 'Long Con(s)' that both neolibs and neocons have been subjecting the populace to.
One of the reasons I started reading Little Napoleon's blog, along with Steve Gilliard.
All those years ago. And the later Whiskey Bar was great, along with Gilliard's own place (Steve was a football/soccer fan, so the back and forth for the 2006 World Cup was tremendous). Good times.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Two of my old favorites as well
But Whiskey Bar was #1. Partly for the same reason Dead Guy Ale is my favorite beer. I have an irresistable psychological attraction to alcoholic imagery. Reading Billmon was like chatting with anbold drinking buddy. Solving all the problems of the world with profound metaphysical insights into human nature is a tradition as old as mankind.
If remembering the hazy brilliance of the night before wasn't so problematic the world would be utopian perfection.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn