Micah Johnson and Why America is a ticking time bomb

"How many Blacks have to have their homes, children, neighborhood, or lives stolen without recourse before someone acts out his rage? How much Israeli-styled occupation policing and graphic videos of police murders is enough for a person to feel hatred for those that do these things?"

"When a Black man violates the taboo of using violence against whites to express rage or hatred, he pushes a psychic panic button where white fear and (often feigned) Black empathy conflate. Many clamor to denounce Johnson as a crazed lone gunman, but others, holding a minority opinion, view his acts as a necessary evil to shake-up and sober-up White America and their compromised, quisling Black leaders. Johnson’s violent actions articulated the rage of millions of oppressed people wholly who are tired of being killed, jailed, poisoned and blamed for their plight created by an indifferent elite." -- Dr. Randy Short in Made in America, A failed Human Rights State

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Corporate America's Understanding of Political and Racial Issues

The USA is a broken, rogue empire and should be renamed as the the CEC America (Corporate Empire Central America) as it attempts to preside over the eminent destruction of the planet Earth and the enslavement or destruction of the world's population.

It appears in factual article after factual article in pieces separated by increasingly smaller time spans. Things like approving 1500 fracking wells in the Gulf of Mexico, juxtaposed with massive fires in the tar sands and the dying of mangroves in Australia...mixed with the inevitable murder by police of another unarmed black person, occupation of whole cities by goon squads dressed as and trained by the Israel Occupation Force, and genocide of middle easterner using the lame excuse that "ISIS" or "Assad" or the "Russians" are behind the now everyday mass murders by individuals whose motives are everything from hating oneself for being gay to, well, we don't know.

“Johnson’s violent actions articulated the rage of millions of oppressed people wholly who are tired of being killed, jailed, poisoned and blamed for their plight created by an indifferent elite.”

Running over, blowing up or otherwise maiming children is beyond my understanding just as treating a white girl or boy different in school than a black girl or boy is beyond my understanding... extending that to actual segregation into underfunded schools for the poor and people of color and rich schools with art and science programs for the white elite. I absolutely do not understand it. I not only don't understand it but feel powerless to do anything about it.


If the CEC America wants to destroy our economy in Dominica or Bolivia, which it has done many times in the past, it will just do it. Every mixed economy socialist government in Latin America is under attack by American vultures. The propaganda machine mows us down so I am having arguments with people who should, based on their political sophistication, color and poverty level, should know better.

I was glad when #BlackLivesMatter and their white allies shut down the interstates in various cities. I was happy that there was no state or protester violence in Dallas and later Memphis. I sat and watched the protests live and posted the feeds on facebook. I was enraged by the police goon squads in Minneapolis, Oakland, Baton Rouge and elsewhere. And I was "shocked (well I knew it was coming, so maybe not shocked) that the leaders of the CEC America spent so much time pandering to #BlueLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter and spewing out platitudes designed to put everyone to sleep.

"The same militaristic USA that taught Johnson and millions of others to kill in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the world over has long covered up the relationship between discharged servicemen and violence throughout the society. Why should Micah Johnson be portrayed as an anomaly? Neglected, sin-sick, mentally challenged, and guilty conscience-afflicted ex-killers for Uncle Sam—often homeless and disabled—are time bombs and a pathological inheritance to a society addicted to war. Furthermore, Micah is just a raindrop in the storm cloud of a new generation that came of age during the Great Recession with no prospects for the future. This cohort fears nothing and has little to live for, and their anger at being targeted for prison, addiction, senseless wars and early death represents a clear and present danger to the bigoted oligarchs in power."

This is exactly what I am seeing in all the recent terrorist attacks. Attacks created by institutionalized state corporate racism, bigotry, economic injustice and training for perpetual war.

The hidden thoughts and response of corporate America.

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mimi's picture

Nice flowers .... Smile

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Alex Ocana's picture

I certainly like your cartoon better... been there, done that. That is not how corporate America sees people of color. My caption for the two cartoons is: "The hidden thoughts and response of corporate America." Its how I see them as understanding us. I really don't see the point in kow-towing to racism and bigotry... the response has always been to smash the flowers in our face. I also don't see the point in violent response to violence. Non-compliance is much more effective.

I am not proposing a racial war... in any event, that has, in a very one sided manner, been going on for centuries. My preferred method, and I have made it clear in all my essays and posts, is massive, 24/7 street strictly non-violent street demonstrations.

BTW I hadn't seen the Baton Rouge news this morning when I wrote or posted. The point of the article and my not very well written essay is the analysis of why all these "lone-wolf" terror attacks have become a daily fare.

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From the Light House.

mimi's picture

its points it makes. I just have a scar that acts up, when I see something like that specific "cartoon" used probably once upon the time as blatant propaganda. I even don't think it depicts something that is not to the point, but I just don't like to be reminded of it. It's just me, I am tired. I want a break and think about something positive.

At least the other one with the big fat blackened white guys marching with the poor kids to get a free lunch meal made me laugh.

Reminds me of a thing my son told me. But what the heck, I won't talk about it.

I didn't want you think I put you in the corner of people advocating for a violence in potential riots. I just think that some people are mean enough to use that route of propaganda to do just that. I am fearful and sensitive to it and overreact easily. Sorry for that.

Here, I like your essays a lot. I am a white older gal, but have some nice flowers for you too.
Give rose

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There are multiple fronts, and each front has its own enemy. The one common denominator is that all the enemies belong to the 99%.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

divineorder's picture


... several posts discussing what might replace it.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

All hell broke loose in Baton rouge this morning and before anyone knew what was going on the president got blamed, Black Lives Matter were blamed and of course the protesters were blamed. Then the usual officials spoke their piece and it came down to "blue blood was spilled and we will not tolerate this". One said it was 'not a gun issue,but what is in a man's heart'. Hearing that I couldn't help wonder what is in our police men's hearts when they gun down blacks in cold blood. Everyone of those officials have been around for years and years and have failed to reign in those trigger happy cops who have caused a lot of the pain in my community.
I hate violence of any kind and my heart goes out to anyone who has lost someone to violence,but this is what happens when you tolerate violence.

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" El pueblo unido jamás será vencido. The people united will never be defeated "

Alex Ocana's picture

I spent a small amount of time reading the commentary at USA Today. The ignorant responses are a large part of what the problem is. The gun battle or ambush, or whatever it was (there was zero real information of what really happened) is, with suitable knee jerking, blamed on Obama, protesters, #BlackLivesMatter, racism against whites, or ISIS... we are asked to shed tears for our men in blue and forget what a pig pen their institution is or that a couple days ago they were making violent mass arrests of peaceful protesters on private property and public streets.

Note: I do agree that Obama needs to share the blame, but not because he has changed cities into liberal n....rtowns, but because he has been shining the shoes of the corporatists for eight years.

Its been a few hours since I checked the news so I can see what they want us to believe "really" happened.

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From the Light House.

I did see a comment post on this earlier which quoted a witness stating that there had been several gunmen in an empty parking lot prior to the police showing up, so that the gunfire was not initially directed at or designed for police, but each other.

According to this, the police were only targets after appearing, and not the purpose of the gunfire. Of course, I've seen no more recent information...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alex Ocana's picture


I couldn't locate a copy of his book "The End of Protest", but from the first video on his contact page I can remember that it was mass disruptive social protest in Bolivia that toppled rule by vultures but electoral politics, afterwards, that put us in power. There is, IMO, a place for both. The 2% who protest need to force the awareness of the problem into the consciousness of the those who are satisfied with watching soaps and being soccer dads (we need to show the system for what it is and how it negatively effects them), we need to disrupt the ability of the profiteers to make a profit, and we need to organize at a local level to win local elections i.e. take over police department policy making.

As he says, the corporate state either winks its hollow eyes at protest, or turns to violent police suppression. Nevertheless, it does play on a local level. I watched all the protests last week on local TV channels and affiliates.


Note: I did acquire: Poor People's Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail "... most concessions can be won from power through spontaneous, local and direct economic disruption, rather than through building formal bureaucratic organization and lobbying in the federal government."

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From the Light House.

divineorder's picture

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

I'm kinda big on boycotts myself... wish we could all get together on Big Pharma, Monsanto, the Koch brothers and others among the worst polluters who also interfere most with policy.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.