Wow! Jill Stein tweets would have Edward Snowden as member of her cabinet!
Submitted by vl baker on Wed, 07/13/2016 - 4:40pm
"@Snowden has revealed great violations of our civil liberties. I would invite him into my administration as a member of my cabinet" - Jill
— Dr. Jill Stein (@DrJillStein) July 13, 2016
I'm #StillBernie at least through the convention, but trying to face reality so have finally been following Green Party to learn more about Jill Stein and the Green platform. I'm in love with the platform and will write more on that soon, but today, I wanted to share Jill's tweet about having Edward Snowden in her cabinet. This is in your face gutsy and damn, I would like to get used to policy like this!

absofreakinlutly :-)
Edward Snowden is a national hero and should be awarded the highest honors our country can bestow from heroism, patriotism and bravery. Yes, I agree I would make him the head of the NSA, we would finally have someone in charge who has the peoples back for a change
Yes, head of NSA would be perfect....
But first, we have to make some changes....
Who else might we expect?
I am liking her cabinet choices.
From the Light House.
I haven't heard of any others but with the Greens awesome
climate platform, I could see Bill McKibben as head of EPA or perhaps head of new Climate Initiative, like a Marshall Plan for Climate, so necessary now.
Now we have a good idea about Stein's ethics and morals...
... and where she stands regarding doing what's right in life.
This could get interesting. We've had so many sleaze bags in office who lack morals and ethics for the last +/- 40 years that if we actually elected someone who knows right from wrong, who would follow the law of the land, and knows a hero from a criminal, we would most likely go into a state of shock with someone like Stein as president.
But, hey... a voter can dream, can't she...?
I have Stein's site linked, as well as her Reddit page, and I have to do some more reading up on her positions, but what I've seen/read so far I appreciate.
I have to wait until after the convention in Philly to make my final choice as to what I'll do on election day, but if Stein is on the ballot in MN I may consider voting for her.
The only ABSOLUTE decision I have made is that I will not, under any circumstances whatsoever, vote "for" $Hillary. [Well, I made that decision years ago, and while I have very few absolutes in life, that is one of them.]
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
How cool is that!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
The party of How? they have a lot of questions, answers not so much.
I liked Jill Stein's interview she is pretty good framing the issues and not getting too diverted from substance. It would great to see her in the debates, or else they're gonna blow. I guess ratings will be high because Trump will utter many inanities and Clinton will have yet another new bullshit speaking matrix to stoke FEAR on the national stage. Zzzzz.
Clinton will have to...
Make Jill as scary as Trump. She will have to put herself in a box and cut hersluf into two or three pieces. Ja Ja Ja, If d MSM wants ratings dey will make sure dey all on that stage together.
One thing that is missing is some solid, detailed plans for immigration. "Immigration reform" can mean anything. "Welcoming" can mean anything. We need a solid alternative to the barrier wall and the thousands of deaths it causes. We need a solid way to recognize refugees and migrants legal rights and citizenship if they so choose.
From the Light House.
and I agree with the sentiment.
Strategically, that tweet won't win the hearts and minds of that 10% of Republicans that would have voted for Bernie. In my experience they tend towards the knee-jerk patriotic type. Meaning that any person or argument can be neutralized for them by claims of 'endangering national security'.
I am a Stein supporter, but
I am a Stein supporter, but someone needs to tell her to back away from this comment. If she wants to be a serious candidate you cannot condone what Snowden did in releasing the documents. If elected she has to protect National Security and that includes enforcing the law. Also, you cannot criticize Clinton for being incompetent or careless on National Security if you talk about Snowden being in your cabinet. Two wrongs do not make a right!