Last Night I Spoke to Ashley Wolthuis, Bernie Delegate Behind Claim Sanders Was Coerced to Endorse Hillary
Yesterday, on Twitter and Facebook a post was making the rounds that Bernie had been "threatened" by the Clinton campaign" with losing all the concessions he achieved on the DNC platform, unless he endorsed Clinton. Here is a screenshot of the text of that post:
Last night, after reaching out to many of the people who had either posted or tweeted this statement, I tracked down the original source, Ashley Wolthuis, a Sanders delegate from Utah, who was kind enough to return my "cold call" to her cell phone. Here is what she told me.
The basic thrust of the post shown above is accurate, she said, but the use of the term that Bernie was "threatened" she explained was overblown. She did indeed have conversations with various delegates associated with both campaigns, and she said it was "common knowledge" among most delegates that the Clinton campaign was insisting on Bernie making an endorsement prior to the convention if the more progressive parts of the platform would be retained. The talk among her the those with whom she associated, both Clinton and Sanders supporters, was that Bernie understood Hillary needed Sanders' supporters and that was the only reason she made any concessions at all regarding the positions on the DNC platform for which the Sanders campaign fought.
So, yes, Bernie made the decision to "endorse" her yesterday. However, in her view, Sanders ambushed Hillary on stage with the speech he gave, which forced her to, as I said yesterday in my video, give a "Bernie Sanders speech." She directed me to read this article by Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post, which she felt best explained what happened on that stage the two of them shared yesterday.
[A]ll of the speeches Sanders delivered up until today's in Portsmouth were aimed at explaining to Democratic voters why he would make a better nominee than Hillary Clinton. The speech today was, ostensibly, an endorsement of Clinton's presidential campaign.
But, really, it wasn't. Yes, I know that's how it was billed by the Clinton and Sanders camps. And, yes, he did say this: "I have come here to make it as clear as possible as to why I am endorsing Hillary Clinton and why she must become our next president." (It was the only time that Sanders used the words "endorse" or "endorsing" in a speech that ran 2,161 words...) [...]
... Clinton stood by his side throughout this recitation of his successes, nodding her head politely with a smile etched on her face. But it's hard to imagine that she or her campaign team were thrilled with Sanders touting just how well he had done — and how much better than everyone expected! — as the lead-in to his long-awaited endorsement.
But, surely, Sanders was simply touting his successes as a way of winding up to the big moment when he acknowledged — even subtly — that Clinton's more moderate, cautious and pragmatic definition of "Democrat" had trumped (ahem) his more liberal, populist one?
Nope! Not really. What followed in the speech was a laundry list of Sanders's talking points and policies supplemented with the phrases "Hillary believes" or "Hillary understands" or "Hillary knows" stuck in front of them.
According to Cillizza, Clinton put up with all of this because she knew she needed Sanders endorsement of her, though I also cannot imagine that she was very happy with the tone and content of Bernie's speech. Certainly that was what Ms. Wolthuis took away from what happened at that event yesterday.
Then she spoke to me about the conference cal that Bernie had with his delegates last night. Audio of the call, which can be heard here. But here are the main points of what he told his delegates, as Ms. Wolthuis stated to me,m and which mahakali_overdrive2 posted online at the Kossacks for Sanders reddit:
1. Sanders did not suspend his campaign. He said "absolutely there will be a roll call vote" at the convention, and he wants all his delegates at the convention to vote for him. Said the he and other of his surrogates will speak at the convention.
2. He praised the work of his representatives in obtaining significant changes to the platform that Clinton and DNC representatives opposed.
3. He said that he "knew the math." In other words, he knew he could not win the nomination in light of Clinton's lead in delegates and super delegates, but that he did not intend to give up the fight to advance progressive causes.
5. Said that within the "coming weeks" he will announce successor organizations to his campaign with the sole purpose of continuing the "political revolution" and promoting progressive causes and candidates in all fifty states. Does not want the energy of the progressive agenda to wither away. Said he will remain as figurehead of the movement, and that he will run again for his seat in the Senate in two years.
6. Said progressives need a 50 state policy to win back not only Congress, but also state houses and governorships from Republicans, and for that reason that he intends to support progressives both logistically and financially. Said he hopes to endorse, campaign for and support at least 100 progressive candidates in this election cycle, if not more.
7. He said his main goal in the short term was to fight to transform the Democratic party into a grassroots party and not a party controlled by big money donors. Said Democrats need less super delegates and more open primaries and much less dependence on big money donors. If this cannot be won in the Rules Committee, he will fight for it on the floor of the convention.
8. Said the after the convention, he believes Trump must be defeated and that will be his major effort, despite the big differences between Clinton and Sanders on many issues. Said he wants for personal reasons to have a Democratic Party majority in the Senate and House after the election.
9. Said he got Clinton to agree on the record to support free tuition for students attending public universities for families earning less than $125,000 per year. And also a program to help with student debt.
10. On health care coverage, he got Clinton on the record to commit to a "public option" under the ACA and a "opt in" for Medicare for people 55 years old or older. Also he said she agreed to double funding for community health centers, which includes dental care, mental health care and low cost prescription drugs for 15-20 million people across the country.
11. Regarding his campaigning for Clinton, said that part has not been worked out yet.
12. On TPP, he says it should not come up in the lame duck session. Says our job is make all current elected Democratic Senators and Representatives to openly oppose the TPP. Wants Clinton to more forcibly oppose it. Said we have to wage a national fight with every ally we can find, even with those Republicans who have doubts about it, to stop the TPP from being passed in the lame duck session. We need as much pressure on Obama as possible.
Sanders delegate Ashley Wolthuis was very upbeat after getting off the conference call last night. She was especially pleased to hear that Sanders will continue to head up the fight for progressive change and a political revolution, and in her words "remain a thorn in the side of the Democratic Party."
For me, I will wait to see what happens at the convention, but I will not vote for Trump or Clinton in my state of New York. In any case, I am glad to hear that Bernie has not given up the fight for a political revolution.

I believe this is as many of us suspected,
although it is still a large pill to swallow and I'm still, somewhat, choking on it. Indeed, I will not vote hrc or Herr Drumpf. Third party is the way to go for me.
OTOH, I'm pleased that Bernie has the courage to do the hard stuff. He was not pleased, yesterday, and she had a cosmetic surgeon install a fake smile on her face while he put his platform squarely in her court. This will enable him and us to hold her accountable, if and when the time comes.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Well, she'd been stealing his lines for months anyway.
Brilliant move on Bernie to be like, "oh, you want the people to think you're just like me? Well here ya go then!".
Still, it's hard not to see the "endorse me or the concessions get axed" angle as not a threat, especially combined with the cops in Vegas, etc. As far as holding her accountable, it'll be interesting watching her squirm out of that one. She'll either have to admit she doesn't believe in any of it, or follow through on at least some.
Anyway, I'm with you. Neither Hillary nor Trump have earned my vote. Jill Stein 2016! Great comment, and thanks for sharing this info Steven D. You always do such a good job.
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
This right here sums up why I am leaving the Democratic Party...
That is totally both a threat, and a very telling indicator of a simple fact.
The Democrats are NOT progressives, if they were, how could they possibly say they would remove progressive agendas from the platform?
That would be tantamount to the republicans saying, "Endorse X or we will remove attempts to reduce taxes and take steps to increase illegal immigration." It would be the opposite of their stated agenda.
We all suspected what the Democratic agenda has become over the last 30+ years and now they have just confirmed it loudly and clearly.
They not only do not prioritize progressive goals, they use them as a cudgel to keep us unruly hippies in line.
It's the carrot tied to the stick in front of the horse. No matter how far we walk and pull the party cart forward that carrot will always remain dangling just out of reach.
Fuck that shit and fuck the Blackmailing assholes in the DNC.
They are dead to me, I will not only not vote for Hillary, I will not vote for ANY democrat after 2018 even if they claim to be progressive. If Hillary is indeed the Nominee I may even blackball them THIS election. That's how disgusted I have become with the party.
If they are truly progressive they can come join us at a truly progressive new party.
Screw the shills that wont. We need to make having that (D) next to your name just as anathema as having an (R), at least for progressives and those that believe in fairness and transparency.
The NeoCons succeeded in taking over the Democratic party, they won it a long time ago, but it took a Bernie Sanders to come along and make that clear to a lot of us.
They have been hurting us for decades under the guise of friendship, now I am ready for a little "Payback". They cost Millions of Americans their jobs, their homes and in many cases their lives, the least we can do is start handing them Termination paperwork.
We need to stop being willing victims to Democratic arm twisting, fear mongering and corruption.
{End Rant}
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I don't have any issue with that.
I'm an independent. It's hard for me to live with the Democratic party at any way at this point.
I'm not going to even try to suggest how anyone vote, but I would like to ask that people refrain from attacking Bernie Sanders. At this point, I don't know whether it would have been better for him to pull out and do a third party run or not. Whether or not it would be better, he did what he believed to be the right thing.
He's done something that is in my opinion, more valuable than winning the Presidency while both houses of congress are Republican. He's brought the argument for progressivism and put it in front of people who almost never hear about it in any positive away. The media made it very difficult and limited his message, but he still got it out in person.
Do whatever you think you need to do, but I don't think progressives should turn on each other.
THIS! THIS! 1000X's This!
Abosfuckinglutely spot on...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I believe progressives turning on each other is inevitable.
First, it's already happened. The Democratic Party has been fractured for years and it was certainly fractured during--and after--the 2008 primary and again during the 2016 primary.
Second, according to polls, 80% of Sanders' supporters threw their support to Hillary even before Sanders endorsed her. Those who decide to stay within the Democratic fold and those who do not will turn against each other, if they have not already. In the U.S., there is no troika, no governing coalition. Your candidate either defeats all other candidates to win or your candidate loses.
Yes, progressives can unite with each other around certain issues. For that matter, progressives can unite with Republicans around certain issues. But, when it comes to which candidates and parties to support, it's going to be division.
Do you have a link to those polls
showing 80% of Sanders supporters going to Hillary? It sounds very suspicious since a widely cited poll had 85% of democrats willing to vote for Hillary. This is a very different stat that looks extremely bad for HRC. if 85 % of the 29% of the electorate that identify as Democrats are willing to vote for her, how does it look with indies and the GOP?
I believe progressives turning on each other is inevitable.
First, it's already happened. The Democratic Party has been fractured for years and it was certainly fractured during--and after--the 2008 primary and again during the 2016 primary.
Second, according to polls, 80% of Sanders' supporters threw their support to Hillary even before Sanders endorsed her. Those who decide to stay within the Democratic fold and those who do not will turn against each other, if they have not already. In the U.S., there is no troika, no governing coalition. Your candidate either defeats all other candidates to win or your candidate loses.
Yes, progressives can unite with each other around certain issues. For that matter, progressives can unite with Republicans around certain issues. But, when it comes to which candidates and parties to support, it's going to be division.
Don't wait until 2018
Evaluate your local Democratic candidates NOW. If they pass muster, OK. If they don't, don't vote for them. One big clue is were they backed early by HRC or DWS? Were they backers of Sanders or Clinton? Now that Sanders has bent his head for the Queen, you can't trust his endorsement either. Look at records. Even in the down ballot races, don't settle for the lesser evil. If you are uncomfortable with electing a candidate, don't vote for them, even if it means leaving that office blank.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Yes, exactly! You can find out what they stand for. Don't vote
by labels, but by records and convictions.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Also, call the DC office of the candidate
ASK if the candidate is supporting Clinton. Whether the candidate is a super delegate or not. ASK if the candidate is supporting Clinton.
If you get a "yes" - then you have the opportunity to express your DISMAY the candidate is NOT supporting Bernie Sanders, and that's why you will probably be voting for a third party.
As they used to say in Chicago - "vote early and vote often" - you can make several calls - representing the other people in your household, etc.
Most effective to do this NOW - before the Convention
I have emailed my congresscritters
about this. I unsubscribed from my Rep's email after she sent out a fundraiser for her heinous. I told her why I was unsubscribing, as well.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
The party platform isn't binding
The party platform isn't binding on candidates anyway. Few voters will ever read it. It will be totally forgotten when the election is over. Progressives want red meat (or the vegan equivalent?) and they give us a nothingburger.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
The platform is far more visible
this year than it has been in the past.
Hillary has played fast and loose with it, thinking it's meaningless, but a lot of people are deeply invested in the platform now, it's been mentioned on MSM quite a bit more than usual this cycle, and can be referenced as often as we the people force it to be referenced over the next 4 years on ALL our Dems.
Just because we left/are leaving the Dem party doesn't mean we can't hold Dems to the language of the platform.
Remember the public option and no individual mandate?
A strong public option and no individual were far more than planks in the party platform. They were things Obama ran on, both during the primary and during the general, especially the public option. He said a strong public option was the only way to keep down medical costs. A few months after inauguration, Obama was chastising constituents who brought up a public option. We not only took it, but we re-elected him.
As long as we keep voting for people who say and do things we don't want, the only things we will get are things we don't want.
Very well
His healthcare platform which IMO was a big part of his win, was the public option, fast track generics, re-importation of drugs from Canada, no mandate, and transparency (we'd see the discussion on C-Span!). We got NONE of those, none, with a Democratic President, House and Senate. Instead we got Heritagecare written by and for the insurers and passed without a single Republican vote. The rank and file were so disgusted by this and other misadventures that the Democrats managed to turn a wave election into massive voter rejection in just 4 years. Good job Democrats! And now we have the only person in the world as our candidate that a Donald Trump could conceivably beat.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Remember the public option and no individual mandate?
A strong public option and no individual were far more than planks in the party platform. They were things Obama ran on, both during the primary and during the general, especially the public option. He said a strong public option was the only way to keep down medical costs. A few months after inauguration, Obama was chastising constituents who brought up a public option. We not only took it, but we re-elected him.
As long as we keep voting for people who say and do things we don't want, the only things we will get are things we don't want.
Excellent rant, Alphalop!
Yes, you put it exactly as I feel it. I'm not angry with Bernie for this endorsement. Call it "threats", or not, he was under YUGE pressure to endorse. So it was soul-crushing when it happened, but understandable. Many years ago, Bernie demonstrated that he was willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good when he had himself chained to a black woman during protest. He's still the same old Bernie now, entering the lion's den on all our behalf. He's a hero, and I'll never see him as anything less.
BUT. I will chase that carrot on a stick, as you put it, no longer. We each have to do what we feel is right, but for me that's going third party, in my own small way being a thorn in the democrats' side, following Bernie's lead the only way that's available to me. I won't automatically shun everyone with a D next to their name, because there are some great Berniecrats running on that ticket -- but I won't automatically vote for them anymore, either.
I think that's the greatest gift Bernie gave us. He opened our eyes (those of us who were asleep, myself included) and showed us the way to critical thought. We can't unsee it now. All they have left is blackmail, but it won't work in the long run.
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
Love your comment
AND your sig line.
Both are spot on. And Leo is a favorite of mine.
Thanks Eagles92!
On both counts.
A lovely friend introduced me to Leo's work back around 2001. His words were an anchor during a time of deep personal crises. He was a balm to many an aching heart.
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
And a righteous rant it was.
Well said. All of it.
Yeah, my mind went there too.
It's funny how what's best for the country isn't really part of the equation from her point of view. To be clear, by "funny" I mean "not funny."
Endorse me or I will order an air strike on Chicago!
Oh, or how about this one: Endorse me and you can be president next time and SOS in the meantime! Man, I hope that never happens. Can you imagine how pissed you would be if you voted for someone only because they sounded a little less insane when discussing foreign policy and then that person won and then gave their opponent the power to do the exact things that you feared the most?
This will enable him and us
Accountable how? If she simply tosses all those implied promises in the trash the instant she's elected, what will the consequence for her be? In what way will we hold her accountable? No, she's going to run her Presidency any damn way she wants, the American people can go fuck themselves, and if she wants to run again in four years - health permitting - they'll trot out all the same lies, smears, enforced loyalty, fake promises, Supreme Court pearl clutching and Republican bogeyman political blackmail, etc. that we're getting this year and every election year. And because she'll be an incumbent, and quite possibly a wartime incumbent at that, she'll win her second term handily.
I don't see any accountability in this whatsoever, and I think you're fooling yourself.
Clintons - accountability?
May I please have what ever you're smoking?
Seriously - the Clintons no longer have to be concerned with their POLITICAL VIABILITY - which is all they've focused on for decades, well, that and getting more POWER and more MONEY. SO, if you think their behavior was criminal at State and CGF ( sharing same server so they could double down on State contacts to feed the CGF with more money! Just wait to see their behavior, if Goddesses forbid, they do manipulate the vote to get back into the White House.
A.B.C. = Anybody But Clintons. Heck, I'm even curious about Gary Johnson and my Ole Gov Bill Weld.
McClatchy again:
Your request confused me for
Your request confused me for a while. I had to stop and think what reason you might have to assume I've been smoking anything, after reading your post a few times, and in the end I decided that you meant to reply to someone else.
I think the confusion may be because it was directed at me?
and the reply was just misplaced as sometimes happen here.
I am happy to answer that question though. Bubba Kush mostly and occasionally White Widow when I can get my hands on it.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Blue Dream here!
REALLY hard to find these days in Cali
If multiple people reply to a
If multiple people reply to a comment, don't the replies get stacked? The result may be confusing but I don't see how else it could handled by the system. Assuming that's the case here, of course.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Joking -
my thought is, any one who thinks the Clintons even KNOW what 'accountability' means = must be drinking or smoking something interesting ( which Bernie thinks, as do I, should be legal)
JOKING - meant no offense...
No worries, none was taken.
I sorta figured that was what ya meant but either way I got a thick skin so it wouldn't bug me.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
"It’s the first time she’s dropped below 50 percent support"
Oh no from your link. It is all downhill from here until November, no pun! What if she only gets like 33.33% at the end? lmao third way that would be funny
Peace & Love
Below 50%
Happy Dance time!
and, there are STILL Judicial Watch and other people looking at CGF, and how as SOS she handled government documents
BTW- anyone heard anything about Julian Assange? Wonder if he really does have anything worthwhile. Certainly hope so - maybe he's waiting until AFTER the convention - now isn't that an interesting thought!
Only a rumor
But I read (it was the Internet, so it must be true) that there's links to Clinton Foundation donors and foreign governments getting access to SAP documents that Hillary wasn't supposed to have in the first place.
Only a rumor, but when someone turns a career in public office into a $3 Billion slush fund......
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
The platform Jimmy Carter ran on called for single payer and
a massive public works program. Instead Cater gave up austerity and a rightward lurch. Michael Harrington and his democratic socialists crafted a decent platform that Carter spent 4 years both running away from and paving the way for Reagan.
The platform doesn't mean anything - it means less than Obama's promises: the platform is worthless
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Accountable to the Rank and file Democrats that don't yet
have the blinders removed.
The more light we can shine on her duplicity the less supporters the Democratic Party will have and the harder it will be for them to fend off accurate criticism from the left.
The only way we will win is by educating the Democratic rank and file to the facts, and the facts are that the DNC does not align with those of the vast majority of their membership.
By violating the platform and going against everything Bernie said in his endorsement they will be giving us tons of ammo to use against them with their members, (Nothing will work on the DNC leadership.)
You are free to think I am fooling myself, and who knows, you may even be right, but I doubt it.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
This is what I was (poorly) trying to articulate below.
Agree 100%.
This, exactly!
If they have to be strong-armed to give lip-service now, they'll run away from it as soon as they think the coast is clear.
If we've learned anything about Hillary in all of this, she's corrupt as the day is long and will say whatever she thinks any given audience wants to hear before she goes back to doing whatever the hell she wants.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
BTW - the joking was to cloudbaby speaking of Clintons & accountability - sorry if offended anyone.
I think you may be correct - hope you are. Just have seen for years how the Clintons LIE with straight faces, and repeat the lies, and repeat the lies - and if they're in the White House - we know the stonewalling will be even more extreme.
This is exactly the point of my original comment. eom
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
That worked fine against Obama's re-election, didn't it?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Assuming we haven't all been annihilated in WWIII ...
There is no possible way Her Heinous gets re-elected, should she actually "win" this time around.
The game is up. The DNC pulled it off by the skin of their teeth this time, but no more. Unless we all just take our balls and go home, which is EXACTLY what we shouldn't do.
Hillary thinks..., Hillary believes..., Hillary This, That....
Who knew Bernie knew so much about what Hillary thinks, believes...? [/s]
I haven't seen the whole speech on video (it's not yet on YouTube), of the excerpts I saw on the Jimmy Dore show, it was as if someone handed Bernie a script which was basically an outline of Bernie's own stump speech - the one that got him raves, cheers, and wild applause from the people in his overflow venues - and told him to read the teleprompter.
While it is true that $Hillary was plagiarizing most of Bernie's stump speech by the time of the DNC Summer Meeting in Mpls in Aug 2015 (DWS, O'Malley & others used Bernie's lines, too), she had not then quite stolen all of Bernie's words.
Essentially, anyone who hears HRC's script of everything said to be what she believes in or thinks, etc., coming out of Bernie's mouth is hearing Bernie's platform and proposals. If that fools the sheeple into voting for her, they'll wake up sadder but wiser a year from now IF she is elected. [Grrrrr... WHY would anyone WANT to vote FOR a lying warmonger and criminal??? I don't get it.]
Why elect a bad copy when the original would do so much better? The superdelegates could redeem themselves and prove they were not bribed by $Hillary/Billary/Clinton Foundation if they changed their minds and nominated Bernie in a couple of weeks....
As always, there are NO circumstances whatsoever under which I'd ever vote "for" Hillary.
Bernie or Bust!!!
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Special Present for Raggedy Ann
You'll love this:
esp the part about people leaving DKos.
Happy Dance Time.
Woohoo! C99P got a mention in the article too! :)
Thanks for sharing it, now back to reading it in order to procrastinate doing what I gotta do for just a few more minutes, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
C99 got lottsa mention, also TPW
Expect one of the "mentions" will put up an essay. Just wanted RA to get a smile out of the dump of Kos & GOS.
And I did smile - a huge grin!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Great article, Caerus!
Thanks for the link. joe is now famous, as well as Liepar!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Ed Rendell
was doing the actual threatening, or so I have read (I'll find the link if you want, I know I saw it a couple different times last night); other than that, I'm pleased to see everything in this post, and it's a relieving kind of read.
Meanwhile, for the Green Party, are they looking for volunteers anywhere in particular? Any points of contact anyone familiar with?
Thanks for posting this!
Stein continues to work to get on state ballots
You can find opportunities to donate and volunteer at her website.
She's also got a great statement on Sanders' endorsement of Clinton.
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
A very impressive
statement about Bernie's endorsement and campaign. Jill is one smart woman. She's right about the Democratic party and what they do to any candidate or faction that dares to challenge them.
That's dead on target
Voting for Democratic party is like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football. Fooled again.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Bernie really misplayed his hand here IMO
Ed Rendell threatening to pull the Sanders favored planks in the platform to get the endorsement just proves there's no actual real support for those items in the Party power base.
IMO Bernie should have said "go ahead and I'll tell my supporters exactly what's going on."
By agreeing to the charade, Bernie let himself become just another puppet in the puppet show.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Im the first one to admit
that Im a cheesy pushover and an optimist to a fault, lol, and I am feeling really ambivalent about all this right now, but... I think he might be doing it b/c its more powerful to show than it is to tell. Make them publicly commit to NOT supporting progressive stuff and make them OWN it, for all to see.
He is going on to Philly to the next fight, fighting on Rules Committee to get DNC to be more open and inclusive etc, and we all know they'll nix that too, because they frikkin HATE indies and hippies and the rest of it. They will vote down Open Primaries, mark my words.
le sigh
I agree. He continues to rip away the curtain.
The best way to deal with blackmail
or terrorism is to call their hand and publicize it loud and wide. Being afraid and cowering is a sure way to both pay dearly and lose that which you are trying to protect. The only way to execute such a plan is to have both the power to dominate those threatening you and be known to have the will to carry it through. The risk is that you may lose some or all of what you want to protect.
This is certainly doable and sometimes useful in politics but only if you are willing to accept the consequences of burning bridges with opponents who in some circumstances may be allies. Bernie gave away the second part, will to carry through, when he very publicly stated he would support the eventual nominee and told us over and over that beating Trump was his top priority. He can definitely wreck Clinton's shot at the presidency. (I think many of us are stuck on stopping her at all costs without fully considering the costs.) He can only do it with the very real probability that Trump would beat her or that the election would be thrown to a Republican congress where they could choose just about anybody. HRC knows he won't risk it which leaves him one play. We're seeing it in action.
Personally, I would like to see HRC prevented from becoming president. I think keeping her a private citizen is an important goal. I'd probably be willing to risk a Trump, or worse, as president to ensure she is denied. I'd also find it a hard choice if it were mine to make. It isn't and Bernie has already chosen for us. I think he's earned the right. I will support his decision. YMMV. My journey from deep disappointment with yesterday's announcement to acceptance is eased with the knowledge that Bernie remained true to his word, right or wrong, and his values. He would be lesser if he went back on his pledge although there is a way to make that right as well. He also has a plan for moving forward from here and I'm looking forward to seeing what he has. He's surprised the shit out of us many times during the past 15 months and I don't doubt he will again.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
jill 2016 dot com slash [your state]
That should give you the district contact in your area.
Even a small donation will make a statement.
They don't have a VoteBlue connection [naturally] and aren't set up for PayPal. You'll have to use a card.
I have a special bank account with debit card that I use for occasions when I don't want my main account accessed. SS isn't much but it's very important to me.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Sign up at and you'll have all the notifications
you could possibly want and more! They know I'm in KY, for example, but when they needed extra help in GA, they emailed me in case I could travel. They seem reasonably well organized, but still don't seem to have as many volunteers as they really need. Your state leader will contact you, as well as the national group. Their focus right now is getting on all possible state ballots.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
yea! got on the ballot in GA yesterday
News from my neighboring county
Evidently with room to spare. (more people but just in time)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Glad to hear it! I was a little worried when I received the SOS.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I'm just glad Americans accept our rapid
news cycles and maybe the amount of vitriol spewed at Sanders yesterday will be forgotten enough that it won't simply destroy any clout Sanders and the "left" might have in the coming days.
For all those who expressed hate towards Sanders: Fuck you, you're a larger impediment to change than Clinton and Trump combined.
The left would have a larger demographic than the right if we would drop the habit of turning on our own when someone has the gall to do something with which we disagree.
Katie, did you see hate towards Bernie expressed here at
c99? Perhaps you are confusing grief with hate! Perhaps I missed something? Should I sense hate in your "fuck you"? Or is that you just being angry? I'm not trying to be smartass, really!
There's some overblown drama being foisted
on this announcement. I share Katie's sentiment, though I would have stopped before the "fuck you" came out--but if it's just "grief", it's time to get over IN THE SHORT TERM. We haven't had the convention. All is not all lost, you weren't sold out and if you want a revolution, you have to suck it up and deal when shit doesn't always go your way.
Because it is NOT always gonna go your way.
Lunachickie, chill my friend. You don't know me and I don't
know you. Believe me, life has already taught me that lesson and I don't need you to try teach it to me in this space. I'm not a child any more, and I don't allow people to talk to me to my face the way you are talking to me here. So, I ain't goin to let it pass without responding appropriately.
I think you may be talking past each other Ajar...
From what I got from that comment Luna was basically agreeing and just saying we need to avoid turning on each other, fragmentation has always been the biggest impediment to progressive success.
I agree with her, there was quite a bit of vitrol yesterday directed at Bernie after the announcement here, and most of us realize it was a reaction to shock, disappointment and anger at the theft committed against us.
The "Fuck You" was a bit overboard, but other than that I agreed with the original posters sentiments and understand where it came from because I have been having lots of, "Fuck You's" boiling under the surface trying to get out myself.
But if we want to win, we need to be better than that. We need to not engage in infighting that does nothing to advance the goals we all pretty much agree need to be accomplished.
So lets all just take a deep breath, let out a few shouts of rage (but direct them in a useful direction) and then we need to shake off the dust, wipe our eyes and gear up for the coming fight.
Meaningful change like that which we are trying to achieve will not happen overnight, It won't happen even over an election cycle or two, this is going to be a battle that we will be fighting for at least the next decade.
But for the first time since, well, forever, I feel like we actually have a chance now, something that I hadn't felt in a long time.
So please, for all our sake lets all try to stay focused on who really is the enemy here and not let the little things divide us up, because that will be the road to failure not victory.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Alphahop, I think Lunachickie and I are doing just fine
thank you. I really don't need you lecturing me on what to say or how to say it, what to write or how to write it. And, who's shouting? I don't need to take a breath. I'm just fine, thank you.
Oh, and another thing, Lunachickie is not my enemy, and neither are you!
I was just trying to inject my thoughts onto the conversation
and attempt to help increase the dialog without unnecessary conflict, but you seem to want to pick a fight or something so I will just let you have at it.
I didn't think my comment was lecturing you or anyone else on anything and since you seem to just want to be argumentative I am just going to disengage with you.
You are obviously quite angry and I don't begrudge you it, just try not to take it out on those of us that are just trying to keep this place a home for civil discourse and build the movement.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Because I am speaking up
for myself and being assertive in an appropriate manner does not mean I'm angry or wanting an argument. Are you implying that I'm not being civil and respectful? Oh, I forgot you wanted to disengage from me --- lol, yes, now I admit that was me being a smartass
Amen, sisters.
Yes, there's been hate expressed towards
Sanders - including things like claiming he was just a dark horse to throw the election to Clinton, that he lied to folks about supporting/not supporting Clinton, that he should refund their contributions cuz he's just a huckster, etc....
Katie, was that hate expressed here at c99?
I guess I missed it here at c99. I suppose I was blinded by my own grief yesterday. I don't do Facebook, I don't watch mainstream media. I just get CNN news alerts on my cell. I stayed on c99 most all day yesterday writing my diary and reading/responding to the comments --- and reading and responding in other diaries. C99 got me through my shock of yesterday!
I often wonder if people
I often wonder if people coming out with such things - who obviously know nothing of Sanders - are trolls/sleepers. Could be just reaction, though.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Omigod people denigrating a POLITICIAN!
Is nothing sacred?
So let's see -- you've got large numbers of people being screwed over by... um... well corporations, but also... politicians... and so, sure, there's a lot of anger out there...
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Trusting a person, one gives the benefit of the doubt.
There is so much that remains unseen and so much information that is less than reliable that rushing to judgement is not a good idea. I trust Bernie more than any politician I have ever come across. My default position when he does something I was not expecting or seems inconsistent with his stated goals is to wait for more information and a better understanding of the reasons and context rather than being among the first to kick him to the curb.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
OMG, PLEASE make this its own post!
I wrote one yesterday before the announcement that was pretty
much the same sentiments.
And those sentiments haven't changed.
Am I disappointed? Yeah, totally! Who wouldn't after all the work some of us have put into this effort but do I feel betrayed?
Not in the slightest.
I don't have to trust Bernie, I know where he comes from. His 30+ year record of doing what he believes is the right thing and fighting for US leaves me little doubt that whatever his reasons for making the choice he did were most likely good.
His judgement was sound on almost every major political decision he has ever made and I see little reason to think that has all of a sudden changed.
Does that mean I will follow his endorsement? Not even close, and to be honest I don't think he expects us to.
I believe he expects us to continue doing what we have been doing, which is to keep up the fight.
His "endorsement" the more I consider it was actually probably the STRATEGICALLY smart thing to do, not the politically expedient thing to do.
Bernie has never been one to take the road of politically expediency over principle, so why would we think he would change now?
This is going to be a long fight, and this move that he did right there will do a LOT to enable us to recruit other dems, even Clinton supporters, into the movement for the 2018/20 cycles, because unlike Clinton Bernie never once shit on her supporters and this removes one of the Corporate Dems arrows from their quiver that the can no longer shoot at Bernie, at least not with any credibility.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Well, my friend, it appears that the road to political
expediency is exactly the road that Bernie choose this time --- tragic, but true. I no longer trust Bernie. His word is now worthless to me. Such is the game of politics. It is never boring. The neverending drama. The constant guessing and intrigue. Excellent entertainment to keep the peasants busy fighting among each other. I am awake now. I see clearly!
Question for Alphalop
I respect you, and agree with this comment. May I ask a question, don't mean this to be snark, it's something I really don't understand - your opinion, please, WHY do you think Bernie Sanders made this "joint announcement together on stage thingie" endorsing Clinton BEFORE the Convention?
What would Bernie have lost, changed, been different, if he waited until the Convention, after the first ballot? to endorse her?
Honestly, I am not sure as I am not privy to a lot of the detail
that the Bernie Campaign obviously has, but I think a large portion of it was so he would indeed not be denied a speaking place at the convention and this will allow him to get his message out one more time in front of what will probably be his largest mainstream audience to date.
There are probably several reasons that most of us have not even considered yet, but that is why we talk these things out here, between all of us we can speculate and come up with likely scenarios or reasons other than those already enumerated in other comments but the one reason that is absolutely the least likely in my opinion is that he, "Sold us out."
Just based on his long history of foregoing expediency for principle alone makes me think that would be the least likely of reasons for him doing so and I find it somewhat disheartening that so many allies in the fight seem so willing to throw him under the bus based on the little information that we currently have.
Also, thanks for the kind words, having the respect of some of my fellow C99P peeps is actually quite meaningful to me and I appreciate it.
And like I so frequently say, I absolutely could be wrong, I have been wrong before, after all, I used to vote Republican, lol! Ultimately though? I am just another asshole with a keyboard and too much free time.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I have no idea what was in Bernies' head
or heart.
But personally, considering he was always committed to not conceding to a Republican, ie, supporting whatever Dem, I think the timing was good for one reason: To prevent a scorched earth tactic on the part of Clinton and the media.
Which I'm sure was coming in a far larger way than we've already seen.
And I think that's smart - considering he was always committed to not conceding to a Repub Pres.
That sounds like a potentially very valid conclusion.
I agree that it could be, and likely is, one of the factors that lead him to do so.
Very solid point, thanks for sharing it.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I think this is an excellent theory . . .
. . . with actual support. I read somewhere yesterday (apologies for not remembering where; I've been reading all sorts of things all over the place the last few days) that HRC's YouTube channel mistakenly posted an anti-Bernie commercial that would have been aired between now and the convention. They've removed it with some half-assed explanation of "it was posted in March" and "we're looking into why."
That and the boos from Congress.
It was certainly coming.
And that would not be good for those on the left of the Dem party. Not now, not yet. We need to solidify as a force - if we do, then we can withstand the huge and constant ugly.
But I don't think there's enough truly committed yet to withstand a constant barrage of ugly from all corners. Our corner has to be larger and firmer in resolve.
And I say this as someone who thinks if things don't radically change very quickly, then we've cooked our children on a burning planet, a thought that I can hardly live with.
That is to say: I'm not someone who
believes we have time to "wait our turn". But also realize that BLM needs to be 10s of thousands larger, and I'm not seeing many white folks in the streets.
And you won't, because blacks
And you won't, because blacks basically own BLM, and they can't agree on what place whites should have, if any, in that movement.
I just thought of another theory in conjunction to this.
Perhaps Bernie wants the media focus to stay on hrc and her troubles rather than on "WHEN IS HE GOING TO FKN ENDORSE HER HEINOUS?", which has been the media's focus. Now they can concentrate on her shenanigans.
Just a thought.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Didn't consider that one at all but it does make sense.
It wouldn't surprise me with Bernie, he is pretty good at playing the game a few moves ahead.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
TY Alphalop
Hadn't thought at all about a speaking spot! Wonder if he will get one, and when it will be? At least we know we can get a live stream of it, and share the heck out of it online - if they try to hide him.
As for the audience size - even with the mute button on, know I won't be able to watch/listen to anyone but Bernie.
He was forced into the
He was forced into the endorsement in order to be able to keep fighting. Otherwise, he'd have been shut out. The campaign and movement continues, as the former would no longer have been able to, with no Hill endorsement. At great personal cost, he sacrificed his stainless integrity to endorse the corporate candidate in order to continue doing his best for The People.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
You have a hell of a nerve saying fuck you to