Reddit Crosspost: Bernie Conf call to delegates: DID NOT CONCEDE
Mahakali Overdrive (of LOF past history) was on Bernie's quickly formed conference call with delegates tonight and has "leaked" her first-hand summary as well as posting a second thread on the same topic, with extra details from another delegate on FaceBook.
Summary of her first-hand report:
Additional post about another delegate's report:
"First, and perhaps of critical importance, dear reader, he stated that he was in no way, shape, or form “suspending his candidacy” and was active still and through the convention even though he knows he does not have the delegates necessary to win." (more at the first link)
Bernie still needs delegates to show up to Philly. You can find worthy targets for donation, even if you aren't a US citizen:
And, bonus, Mahakali found a great analysis of how obviously physically painful it was for Bernie to endorse as a necessary step to remain in the DNC's rigged game:
Side note, I miss y'all, and TPW posters, too. Reddit is faster to access & interact with more threads on my phone .. We really appreciate the cross posts from here to there!!

Thanks for the links.
That Body Language article is excellent and very saddening. There is an interesting article at that link from someone that is holding onto hope for a last minute election of Sanders: By Endorsing Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders May Have Positioned Himself to Win The Presidency
Part of his hope is based on the number of super delegates who have recently been indited or found guilty of corruption, and a sense that it is the Clinton foundation that is the real FBI focus. In case someone has not been keeping track, here is his summary (he did not mention MacAullife):
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
They all learned at the heels of the master, Hillary
Anyone who believes Hillary is not 100% corrupt, at best is just not bothering to look.
great minds!
I found that link on the body language post and shared it on Reddit last night
He did mention Terry MacAullife, just a little earlier as he was starting to talk about the rot that follows HRC around.
Corruption is on her list of "Favorite Things."
The second article is silly....
and folks' hope in stuff like this has, in my opinion, played into peoples' feelings of being "betrayed" by Sanders.
The gig is up as far has Sanders winning the Presidency, and Sanders will fight to prevent a Trump Pres, as he has always said he would.
While I have mixed feelings about Sanders' long held beliefs that this is a good tactic or not, he has always been very clear about this.
As far as the body language article - body language gurus have a poor track record in predicting outcomes - like the outcomes of court room trials.
So, whatever.
But I'm sure that Sanders is both saddened and worried about the country given the choice between "less evil" Clinton and "more evil" Trump, and about the disappointment of his supporters.
And just as I'm sure he was surprised about the success of his campaign, I'm sure he's surprised by the amount of hate expressed towards him by his former "supporters". I feel really terrible for him.
And our country.
I've been shocked by how quickly some have thrown him under the bus, and it breaks my heart. I don't think they ever truly understood Bernie, or what he meant by a political revolution. He was always very clear that it was never about him. If they want to blame someone or something, that blame should rightly be directed at the fucked up system we have, that prevented what should have been his resounding win. Getting discouraged and quitting now defeats the whole point.
(Edited for missing punctuation)
someone that is holding onto
No doubt. The fewer true believers there are left, the more they will deny reality and cling to ever slimmer hopes.
Birds of a feather... /eom
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Thank you. Doesn't make sense to me...
Here is audio of the call. Sounds legit to me unless it is Larry David.
He does say in the call:
All the time and money spent to become a Bernie delegate,
not to mention what they had to and still are going through to get to the convention and Bernie says she's going to win and endorses her, what an effing kick in the teeth.
As one delegate said, she's not going to to the dog and pony coronation for Hillary.
And for the record, I'm not a moron: He conceded, period. It's over. The convention is a waste of time and money unless one is a hyperpartisan democrat who wants to party and rub elbows with corrupted elected officials and lobbyists.
Thank you for crossposting this here, martini!
I just think this is great ... keeping "the family" all together
Thanks for cross posting.
It is nice to keep the group's connected.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thanks for the semi-uplifting essay by Mahakali Overdrive
I miss her sage commentaries which were so enlightening on GOS, but now she has gone reddit--a venue which technically I don't find hospitable. My despair was immense yesterday when I read about Bernie's endorsement of Medusa. There were two things in this essay which have somewhat assuaged my bitterness at Bernie for endorfsing that lying bitch--if that comment is sexist, so be it. But I do very much like M.O. and the many fine female contributors here at c99. Earlier I ha published "A fable about fish and the shoehorn" in which I speculated that Liz Warren was trying to insinuate herself just behind HRC, fully expecting an HRC fail--which seems to be coming ever more likely, despite the "volcano logic" (with acknowledgment to Phoebe Loosinhouse for that wonderful phrase). The recent performance by Laughing out loud Lynch before the house oversight committee made me furious. A proffered theory as to why Comey used the pretzel logic, to defend the indefensible, "what any reasonable" prosecrator would do, in the security breach and national security hazard thereby implied, help him, in a way pass the buck onto Lying Loretta. (Forget "Lyin Ted" Democrats--we've got our very own lying Loretta).
So, still smarting over the Bernie endorsement, which I still view as a sell-out, I will express my feelings when first becoming aware of this: fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
I think of HRC as more of an
I think of HRC as more of an asshole, personally. See comment up thread about how Sanders may have just positioned himself for the presidency, if HRC implodes soon enough.
Aside, have you seen the links between Comey and Lynch and Clinton foundation that all involve HSBC bank? He was on the board before his current job, Lynch worked there, and HSBC donated a LOT to the Clinton Foundation. A reddit user on the Kossacks for Sanders page sussed that out.
Wow that kool-aid must taste good
to me it is offal, it stinks. But go on through the meat grinder if you must, everyone needs a reason to continue.
The worst part now is watching people contort and submit to the same old shit. Bernie is fine going back to his inside game, it is his career after all. No regrets about giving to his campaign while he was speaking for me against the oligarchy but now he doesn't. Now he has joined forces with them and I am back choosing the evil. It only gets worse, incrementally of course else the frogs might start jumping out of the boiling water if you know I mean. Ribit!
Peace & Love
I feel like you do.
Bernie succumbed to bullies. He didn't have to. He could have told the world what was going on. He could have addressed his supporters before standing next to that horrible woman. He could have had a call with his delegates beforehand.
One thing that never changes: Cognitive dissonance is alive at reddit and kos on both sides.
I agree with you: He didn't have to and it does nothing
to further the reform movement which is very much needed in our country.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Today's polls show Trump leading in multiple swing states.
I will never vote for her, and I am not alone. How is she going to win a close election with whopping unfavorables, Foundation investigations still looming, and no votes from lifelong Democrats who still have integrity?
Bernie can say whatever. She makes me sick to my stomach.
The DNC can stick their fingers in their ears and refuse to hear it -- but when she loses in November, it's all on her.
I, also, will never vote for her. I wouldn't have even if Bernie had never entered the race.
World Record
I kept it on mute because hearing the words come out of Bernie's mouth, before the convention, once was enough.
UGH, and LOL.
I had a sticky note over her face when Bernie gave his speech. Then I turned it off.
She would have preferred
her face be covered like this!
Another nonsensical statement from Sanders Campaign
The Atlantic
When you say your opponent won, that's the same as saying you lost, which is conceding. Can you concede and still run? No.
Is "formally" the key word? He didn't say the words, so it's not formal? Do you have to file paperwork with the FEC? He has conceded and his campaign for president is over, he just hasn't said it is? It all sounds ridiculous to me.
Nonsense statements galore. The Revolution = GOTV
That is what I heard "when millions of people come together and say enough is enough" or similar blah blah. Peaceful revolution means an engaged electorate showing up to vote for qualified candidates. LOL wow I just cracked myself up typing that haha! In my dreams.
Jeez I finally watched The Big Short wish I hadn't. This election is The Big Short of elections in my view, even if they make a hollywood movie with stars and cartoon explanations, the lemmings will continue going over. Incrementally of course. The end of the film they plunk down the little tidbit how the exact same conditions were appearing again in 2015, it's alive and growing. The pols are either dumb or devious or both, I have no confidence.
I see bullshit everywhere when I once saw hope.
I just wrote three paragraphs and accidentally hit the wrong key on this stupid phone and lost everything. So I'll just leave my subject line which really sums everything up for me. Plus I'm demoralized AGAIN.
Sorry for the loss of words, am feeling it...
because all this technology really does just suck. Hard.
Scotty beam me up! The robots are here and
theirthey're killing us. The blowback is horrific yet the talking heads just keep talking about I don't know what I finally turned it all off. Read Yeats Second Coming, the center cannot hold. Indeed!pew pew pew?
EDIT: the strikethrough part. Huh! Freudian misspelling that.
It does sound ridiculous
Under normal circumstances.
But this is no normal year. It's a long shot, but there are at least two instances where Hillary loses/is forced to exit the race:
1. The GOP ditches Trump this weekend and parachutes Jeb! or Ryan in instead; panic ensues, the supers realize HRC can't win against either, and flip to Bernie.
2. The CF / CGI investigation blows up.
If Bernie formally concedes, then he can no longer be considered for the nomination, can he? I think this is part and parcel of his campaign's ability to be highly strategic. I trust there's a reason for it, even if it makes him seem ridiculous in the short term.
Aye, #2 is the discussion on
Aye, #2 is the discussion on many posts on the subreddit, and I totally agree with #1. When the DNC sent me surveys BEFORE Trump was the presumptuous GOP nominee, touting him as the big bad enemy, it was all too obvious that Trump vs Clinton is as rigged as any world wide wrestling match, pure theater. And Trump knows wrestling theater… but the GOP honestly hates him, so I can't see him being the nominee. Even if he is, and were he to win, he'd quite before the first 100 days of his presidency. Too boring to do all the real work.
Trump is tied with/beating Clinton in critical states
And he beat all the other GOP candidates very soundly. They can't dump him. Besides, Bush is a laughing stock.
Isnt that called
an oxymoron?
Two weeks for other things to play out.
I am not betting on anything, eggs in more than one basket for me.
Is this now week 2 or 3 for high civil drama? Hard to remember. Most of us probably have home or family drama going on, too.
I never liked roller coasters.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm with you on that,
"eggs in more than one basket for me". I'm still a registered Democrat waiting for the convention, while collecting signatures to get Jill Stein on the ballot in KY.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
"I never liked roller coasters"
Isn't August still the deadest news month ever? So I think there will be more high drama pouring from every
edificeorifice, leading up to an October surprise. As Democrats dissemble for monarchy? Ha ha just kidding. I do sorta fear more wag-the-dog kind of media distractions.I hate war and yesterday learned about the escalations in Iraq and Afghanistan (last throes! stupid wars). Fudge the numbers with contractors, that is what corrupt governments do. I cannot wait for Obama to become not-President, but again the fear of alternative is creepy so even lame duck is better? They all want to keep bombing others, insulated from the blowback I guess for them it's brioche. Ta.
EDIT: another typo yeah I could use some edification.
Did someone say roller coasters?
Better and better.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Secret service removal
Casual observation: now She can have Bernie killed. Please don't rage against me over this people; it's just an idle thought based on two recent deaths in the Clinton camp: the young Dem data wonk who was killed on Sunday in D.C. and the UN official, John Ashe, who was killed in a "freak accident" right before he was to testify against Clinton. Since She now has immunity from prosecution of any kind via the president/FBI/Justice Dept./State Dept., whether it's mass killings, pay-to-play/RICO schemes, lying to Congress, electoral fraud, reckless use of classified records, FOIA subversion, stealing and destruction of government records, solicitation of campaign donations from foreign governments - whatever, she's golden. So, why not wipe out the current thorn in her side? Older people are always dying, right? It's plausible, and James Comey will give his stamp of approval.
Was Ashe going to testify against her?
He had his own pile of troubles, thought he was nailed on his own money scams.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Snopes doesn't think so: http
Snopes doesn't think so:
Good to see you, martini, thank you for cross posting!
I noted in his speech that he never said "concede," so glad to have that confirmed in his call. So we can still hold out hope that something will happen between now and the convention.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
thanks! I wish it were
thanks! I wish it were easier to aggregate c99%, TPW, dailykos comments from Don Midwest, and reddit into one (managable!) stream … that works well on my phone. A girl can dream…
and good on you for the signatures for Jill! #takeaJillPill was discussed on the subreddit, with various posts on her recent facebook live stream.
the reddit has shifted to open up to a bigger tent -- #StillSanders, as seen in MO's post that started this diary, but with action plans to boost the revolution in ways above & beyond Bernie, even while hoping he still manages to pull of a nomination this month.
I'm with you on that. A manageable stream would be a great
gift! I spend too much time hopping back and forth already, and I have barely even visited some sites I no doubt would like. I am here and the better parts of TOP, started Facebook but don't get there nearly often enough, signed up at TPW and hardly ever have time to go there, so I'm already over my time limit. Yikes!
I figure maybe Bernie will join Jill after all, and if not, having her team on the ballot doesn't hurt anybody. I want as many choices as possible come November, and since it takes many thousands of signatures due in September, didn't want to wait until after the convention. #StillSanders sounds like a good plan to continue the revolution.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Andrea Mitchell just said he hasn't turned over his donor lists
which is what HRC and the DNC really want. Screw Kumbaya - give us the list!
Okay Bernie, you did your job as Dem candidate and endorsed Hillary for this go-round. Now announce the formation of a brand new Party for the next cycle! Go ahead, I double dog dare you!
Because IMO the Sanders voters will not accept being relegated to the couch in the DNC basement as the "Sanders wing" of the Party sharing a bath with the Warren Wing while every 4 years we get crumb thrown at us on the platform.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Someone please tell me how effective Bernie can be in the
Senate if Bernie is already dancing to Hillary's tunes.
Example : Bernie and Warren say let's fight TPP. The dems wouldn't even put it in the platform. Obama doesn't need one vote from any dem to get it passed. Another dog and pony show.
At Hillary's order, the dems won't work with him in the Senate but they'll want him in their caucus because they know he'll vote with them. He caved and they know he'll now continue to cave.
So hell yeah, he can and should start a new party.
the subreddit I linked to is
the subreddit I linked to is discussing third party efforts, whether boosting Green or other angles, even while #StillSanders through this month, hoping against hope.
This might be good news on the TPP, and it includes a call to keep fighting until this monster is truly dead:
this website is trying to pull together info on all parties running at ever level:
So I should send a thank you card to
McConnell, then.
And Schumer? Please. I'm not falling for it. There will be some deal made like always, a cave-in. Just ask Bernie.
Maybe; Brexit seems to have
Maybe; Brexit seems to have damaged TTIP, French president said he'd veto it. The peasants are sharpening pitchforks and tarring up the torches.
Agree. Notice the 'caveat' in the Schumer quote,
Coming from Chuck Schumer, this could mean changing a superfluous word such as 'a, and, or the.'
It will pass this session--I'd bet the family farm, if I had one!
Probably just trying to tamp down the protests at the upcoming Convention.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Available For Sponsorship And/Or Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
You clearly haven't been paying attention
but sure are aggressively throwing Bernie under the bus every chance you get. If you were being honest, you would admit that.
indeed, I think he'll hold
indeed, I think he'll hold onto that list for his own purposes. if he shares it, his followers who have never been her supporters will raise all sorts of hell.
oh! per Alligator Ed, what's "volcano logic"??
Check out Phoebe's essay for solid definition. :-)
It's a descriptive phrase
that I used in two of my recent essays:
HRC Receives Gift Horse, Administers Extensive Dental Exam
The Loretta Lynch Logic Volcanoes
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Thank you!
Thank you!
I promise to read them.
I have had a very heavy work schedule, limited personal life.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I did just get this from Brand New Congress:
Okay but is Brand New Congress a sub-brand of
Democrats just marketed to different tastes like a snack company does?
Are they like liberal Pecan Sandies but made by the same company that turns out neo-liberal Clubhouse Crackers? Because that doesn't work for me. I'm looking for a brand new manufacturer.
I've been down this road before with Feingold's Progressive Patriots. I don't think trying a takeover of the Democrats is the way to go while the DLC types control the levers of power and money within the Party. Their behavior in this last campaign has only solidified my resolve to have nothing to do with them again ever.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Kamala Harrisburgers
That is what the Ds are serving up for me in California. She will vote with Clinton or Trump for war against China to protect her husband's thought-property clients, that's what I think. Just like DiFi votes for her husband Dick Blum to become richer. (why so many Dicks everywhere? never mind)
Venable LLP
Gnarly quoting I stopped at Blackstone it keeps going though. On an on. Round and round. Meh.
EDIT: spelling thought-property.
The conference call is posted on sound cloud
From the Light House.
I want Nina to give the nominating speech...
And will the delegates get to nominate an alternative VP candidate?
From the Light House.
Keep Stringing US along --- keep throwing crumbs to the peasants
More bullshit to keep delegates from leaving the fold. I was glad to read that about 40 Bernie supporters walked out of the rally after Bernie endorsed her.
Turn your back on the next Pledge of Allegiance
and stare into the faces behind you. Mildly subversive, in a graduation ceremony no fists were tossed. For me.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The Political Revolution doesn't end today
It is merely entering a new phase. First we changed the political landscape for the 2016 election. Now we will get in gear to change politics and society the only way the works: from the bottom up.
Bernie’s endorsement of Clinton represents both an end and a beginning. The campaign we have been active in is nearly over, but a new one starts today. Elections are opportunities to engage politically with our fellow citizens. While voting and endorsing is often a pragmatic decision, participating in a movement is a moral one.
At this time we should recommit ourselves to: This IS the Year of the Third Party and Independents !

PS:Don't blame us, DNC. This is from today
As has often been noted:
Her numbers _never_ go up. They only go down. I suspect that they will take a noticeable beating after the forced-at-gunpoint endorsement yesterday, and that that will cause the pundits no end of confusion. After all, the narrative is "Everybody Just Lurves HRC, And We Dems Are All A Big Happy Family". The poor stenographers would actually have to go do some digging to find out what really happened, instead of just printing the press releases from the campaign verbatim. Oh, the humanity....
It is indeed the year of the third party, and of the independent. I would love to one day see the stats on exactly how many people have chosen to #DemExit between the time at which it became obvious that the primaries were manipulated and the end of the DNC, and how many new Green registrations occurred during the same period. I know I'm never going to see that data in the MSM, though, if HRC wins- it'll be suppressed all to hellandgone....
Not that surprising if you consider: without Bernie, it’s either
Clinton for more of the same, even more intensely, or
(assuming the GOP follows through) Trump for change.
Just as in 2008, there are enough people who are determined to vote “change,” however it may be branded, whatever the risks may be, and however much it all may just be this year’s smart-ass marketing ploy.
For us it's not the DEM's vs the GOP,
it's the Global Elitists vs. the U.S. Constitution.
But in this election year Bernie's 13 million supporters / votes will be split five ways:
Write-In Bernie - Bernie or Bust supporters
Jill Stein - Go Green supporters
Donald Trump - Four years is better than eight years etc. supporters
Gary Johnson - Libertarian supporters
HRC - Establishment / 1st Female president etc. supporters
This Bernie Body Language Article Is Pretty Good read.
Worth a quick read if you are into such things.
Re: All this talk about Bernie not conceding. IMO it's all technical BS so he can address the convention with a speech. It's over people. Let it go. Bernie ain't gonna be the Dem nominee -- NFW. The platform is just so-much toilet paper. Did you listen to Hellery yesterday? She sounded like she was reading a Bernie stump speech obviously targeted to Bernie supporters who were watching. If you believed a single word, she has a bridge to sell you on the Whitewater river.
Oh there is also a twitter tale about FDR endorsing some guy before the convention and FDR went on to win the nomination. Well, FDR had lots of friends in the party. Bernie has virtually no friends in the Dem party. So fogeddaboutit.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
So what if he isn't?
If he loses and goes home, it will be over. I'm not convinced he won't go third party. There are a lot of people working on pulling it off.
I don't want any more bull shit about down party candidates. TOP peed all over that with their 10 year, more and better, getting nowhere propaganda. If we learned anything, we learned we can't trust any of them: Warren, Sherrod Brown, Al Franken. They all covered their asses and ran. How much money and hope was invested by the left in these people? Now all of a sudden, we have a stable of down-ballot candidates we can trust? lol, I have swamp land to sell.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I'm voting Green regardless
So done with these two corrupt parties. They need to be dissolved.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
That really clarifies things, doesn't it?
TOP was pushing "more and better" Dems and downballot propaganda in 2004, echoing Dean's fifty state strategy, when I first signed up there. It's been twelve whole years, and the party's more right wing than when "more and better" started. Dems are now fewer and WORSE. Warren, Brown, and Franken looked better than Daschle, but it was all smoke and mirrors. Even Dean was a phony. Damn.
Twain Disciple
He has to leave
For it to continue.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Yeah, right.
He may not have uttered the word "concede", but he did de facto.
A sentiment expressed by others here
I do not expect a deviation from the most probable course of events, that Hillary Clinton becomes the Democratic Party's nominee for President of the United States.
However, it is not over until Friday, January 20th, 2017.
If Hillary Clinton is in some way ineligible to become President, and by this I mean more than polls taken months ahead of the election which state the race between her and Donald Trump is close, and that therefore her delegates should endorse Bernie Sanders instead, then Bernie Sanders would be the logical choice for the Democratic Party.
If Hillary Clinton were to become ineligible after the ballots were printed, perhaps her electors could cast a vote for Bernie Sanders. However, it is not clear to me whether electors pledged to Hillary Clinton would be able to vote for Bernie Sanders without being subject to a penalty imposed by law, including the annulment of said votes.
Again, I believe that, as of today, Hillary Clinton will be the 45 President of the United States. Bernie Sanders has disappointed me by his decision, and I feel as though my donations to the Sanders Campaign may now be used to help elect Hillary Clinton. This possibility will give me pause before donating in a primary election ever again.
A digression. Will all due respect, I do not believe for one minute that the contents of a party platform have the slightest significance. They have no legal force. Moreover, while party cadres read these documents, perhaps, certainly the vast majority of voters do not. I surmise that Bernie Sanders is smarter than to believe that he or his supporters can in any way hold Hillary Clinton, or other elected officials in the Democratic Party, to any statement in the party platform. Therefore, I do not believe this played any role in his decision.
Thus, my largely unverifiable hypothesis is that Senator Sanders made this decision first and foremost in order to secure the opportunity to speak before a large television audience, unless of course the broadcast networks go to commercial. I think he would like the US public, or at least the small number of them who will watch this live entertainment, to see how big his support is, through the reactions of his supporters in the crowd. Perhaps there is some political advantage he may gain. Perhaps he will receive a cabinet post. I do not know how to speculate on the probability of this taking place.
I do believe that some positive benefit may accrue for progressive causes from Bernie Sanders' decision. However, since it is not necessary for Hillary Clinton to become President, and since it is not necessary for any good to come out of this result, and since moreover I believe that many of us will suffer and die as a result of her decisions, I cannot vote for her for this reason.
Irregardless of Bernie Sanders' decision, I shall cast a vote neither for Hillary Clinton nor for Donald Trump. If Dr. Stein is on the ballot in my state, then it is most likely that she has my vote.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
NB: edited twice for style and clarity - not that this may have helped much.