CA Election Update MON 7-11-2016 – 50+ Links – DAY 34 AFTER CA Election Day – Multiple Election Lawsuits-investigations all w/ National Ramifications
DAY 34 after California’s Election Day. Voter satisfaction with CA Election integrity at an all time low in my humble opinion. Things are heating up and new facts continue to come out about how the 2016 Elections have been handled.
CA Secretary of State Links
New Links
7-10-2016 -Richard Charnin - Confirmation: Bernie won California by at least 100,000 votes
7-1-2016 - LA Times - Touchscreen ballots and a choice in polling stations could be the future of voting in L.A. County - County Registrar-Recorder Dean Logan envisions a future system in which, instead of being directed to designated polling stations on a single Tuesday, voters will be able to choose from hundreds of voting centers around the county during a 10-day window leading up to election day. There, instead of marking their selections with pen and paper, they will enter their selections on touch-screen ballot-marking devices, print out a paper ballot to review their selections, and feed the ballot back into the machine to be stored and counted [Editors Note: Recommended Reading]
7-4-2016 - Your Call: Voting Rights matter - 52 minute radio interview of Michael Waldman, president of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law and author of "The Fight to Vote"
6-28-2016 - BradBlog - Thousands of CA Presidential Primary Votes 'Saved' by Citizen Observer in L.A. County: 'BradCast' - Brad joined by Julie Tyler, Los Angeles filmmaker and citizen vote count observer with Ballots for Bernie, to discuss how her oversight of on-going Provisional Ballot processing in L.A. has resulted in thousands of Democratic Primary votes cast by "No Party Preference" (NPP) voters being included in the tally, instead of being tossed out, as originally planned by election officials.
NEW SECTION: Multiple CA Local Grand Jury Investigations Possible/Probable
7-8-2016 – HuffPo – Californians Call for a Grand Jury Investigation of the Primary – A Grand Jury Investigation Into the Role of the Press – The media’s influence before, during, and after the election would perpetrate a fraud on the American public. The Associated Press called California’s election the day before, giving voters the impression that there was no need to waste a visit to the polls. The day of the primary, the press announced Hillary Clinton the winner without certifiable election results. And California’s Secretary of State Alex Padilla remained silent even though the County Registrars established that too many vote-by-mail and provisional ballots were still uncounted to be certain of the outcome. These tactics by the media are propaganda at its finest, to the detriment of the democratic process. Voters who have suffered any of the above issues are urged to make their problems known to The group seeks to start a Civil Grand Jury investigation as soon as possible. To file a California Voter Declaration, visit – Submit California Voter DECLARATION – This is a quick, simple task. Click the link to fill out and submit your Voter Declaration online: California Voter Declaration
NEW SECTION: National Class Action Lawsuit seeking redress for the fact that the Bernie Sanders Donors and Voters were defrauded by how the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz ran the Dem party primaries
6-30-2016 – Observer – Debbie Wasserman Schultz Served Class Action Lawsuit for Rigging Primaries This is the first of many consequences the Democratic Party will face for manipulating millions of voters – On June 28, the Miami-based law firm Beck & Lee filed a class action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee and DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz… The fifth claim alleges the DNC broke its fiduciary duties during the Democratic primaries to members of the Democratic Party by not holding a fair election process.
6-30-2016 DNC Fraud Class Action Court Documents
DNC Fraud Lawsuit Facebook Page
6-30-2016 Attorney Answers Questions about the lawsuit [1,000 video views as of 7-4-2016]
6-28-2016 – WE FIGHT BACK: Attorney explains Nationwide Class-Action filed Against Democratic Party and Debbie Wasserman Schultz – [7,000 video views as of 7-4-2016] WATCH THIS VIDEO YOU WILL GET A REAL SENSE ABOUT THE LAWSUIT AND THE PEOPLE INVOLVED
JAMPAC – The SuperPac Funded By YOU – Place to support the DNC lawsuit – JAMPAC was started by Husband-and-wife attorneys Jared and Elizabeth Beck founded JamPAC in February 2016. JamPAC is the first and only truly progressive grassroots Super PAC. It is powered by ordinary citizens to serve the people, rather than billionaires and corporations. JamPAC is fueled by donations from individuals from all over the country. JamPAC aims to hold politicians accountable to the citizenry. Its goal is to restore the voice of the people to government.
NEW SECTION – CA RICO Lawsuit to stop Certification of the CA Election Results
San Diego Lawsuit Court Details and 69 actions as of 7-9-2016 – Register of Actions (ROA) – Case Number:37-2016-00020273-CL-MC-CTL Date Filed:06/16/2016, Case Title:Lutz vs Michael Vu [IMAGED]Case Status:Pending, Case Category:Civil – Limited Location:Central, Case Type:Misc Complaints – Other Judicial Officer:Joel R. Wohlfeil, Case Age:23 days Department: C-73, Citizens Oversight Inc Plaintiff, County of San Diego Defendant, Helen N Robbins-Meyer Defendant, Lutz, Raymond Plaintiff, Michael Vu Defendant
7-4-2016 – DonMidwest – The OH group and RICO suit 7 links with descriptions and analysis on the CA RICO suit7-7-2016 – San Diego Election Certified; County Registrar Sued is The People’s Social Network for our Political Revolution. It’s #1 purpose is to assist the lawyers of the Nationwide Racketeering Lawsuit being filed by Cliff Arnebeck and Bob Fitrakis to prove that Bernie has in FACT received more votes then Hillary and has won by such a large margin he does not need the vote of the super delegates to receive the Democratic Nomination.
7-2-2016 – RT – Lawsuit Just Filed To STOP Certification Of CA Primary Election! [29,000+ views as of 7-3-2016]
7-1-2016 – TrustVote – The 2016 California Primary: A Disturbing Situation [Worth Watching!!! 1,300 views as of 7-3-2016]
Facebook page for Election Justice: description of some of the issues in San Diego County elections.
6-29-2016 Election Justice USA files lawsuit to Stop the Certification of California Primary Results – Attorney Bill Simpich of Election Justice USA, with plaintiff Citizens Oversight under the direction of Ray Lutz, filed a complaint for injunctive and declaratory relief against the state of California intended to stop the certification of the June 7, 2016 Presidential primary results. The defendants in the case are Alex Padilla, Secretary of State of the State of California; Michael Vu, San Diego County Registrar of Voters; Helen N. Robbins-Meyer, San Diego County Chief Administrative Officer; and San Diego County, a municipality. The filing indicates several issues with the large number of vote-by-mail (VBM) and provisional ballots and cites the Registrar of Voters office’s failure to adhere to the Voter Bill of Rights (Elections Code Section 2300), which protects citizens’ rights to proper observation of all aspects of the voting process, as well as ballot counting procedures. The primary cause of action is based on the violation of the right to vote. The intent of the voter was compromised when voters were not given proper ballots by which to exercise intent. Because of this, high numbers of write-in and provisional ballots have been removed from the counting process. In addition, the plaintiff alleges that the ballots cast for the Democratic presidential candidates have not been fully counted by either Defendant Vu or the county registrars.
6-30-2016 Is Seeking Volunteers To Help Recount Votes
6-30-2016 TrustVote.TV – Live Stream Thurs. 6/30/16 – California Primary: A Disturbing Story WOW! online views grow to 16,000+- as of 7-2-2016
6-25-2016 TrustVote.Org – The lawsuit against Edison Research and the Media Consortium: The lawsuit is being delayed because new evidence recently found is going to make the lawsuit even stronger. It will be revealed when the lawsuit is submitted. Many people have questioned whether the lawsuit is real. It is very real. It is getting stronger each day with new evidence and new witnesses.
7-3-2016 San Diego ballot processors caught using white-out on ballots, then barred public from viewing – 2+ minute video – [more documentation of what is wrong/shaddy with CA election system]San Diegans have been camped out daily for weeks attempting to view the vote count from 30 feet away behind windows – they did see ballots being changed with whiteout – in this video the County Elections official threatens to arrest them for filming what was happening. His salary and benefits for 2015 totaled $265,170.31 according to Transparent California making him one of the highest paid officials in California – making more than the Governor. Watch the video and see what you think San Diego is buying for all that money.
7-4-2016 – Link to Video from San Diego County election monitor with statement on the ballots being whited out by San Diego County Election staff. [1,600 views by 7-4-2016]
7-4-2016 Could One Million Bernie Sanders Ballots been Illegally Shredded – Complete with Pictures of the Truck – San Diego Registrar of Voters maintains his silence on what happened –While there could be a innocent explanation for why a paper shredding truck was parked in front of the Registrar’s office after the Registrar received an “above top secret” consignment of boxes at a time when there are almost a million provisional ballots unaccounted for, the insider believes they were provisional ballots that have now been destroyed. “I asked my boss and a few other people what the boxes were about because as far as I knew we weren’t expecting a delivery and I got told that it was above top secret and I didn’t have clearance. Everyone was acting edgy then the truck drove off. Sad.” and later “Everybody is talking about it.”
Election Justice Resource Links
7-1-2016 Richard Charnin 80+- excellent election resources and analysis on Exit Polls
The Politics of Triangulation: Surrender or Resist? 6-13-2016
The DNC Willfully Ignored Election Fraud in Chicago – The Ring of Fire – 6-9-2016
HuffPo – 6-16-2016 Over 220,000 Ballots Didn’t Count In The Presidential Primaries
Palast on PoliticKing – 4-20-2016 – political elites rigging the electoral system
Rosario Dawson, Greg Palast and Tim Robbins on Bernie, Trump, and Vote Theft – Jun 1, 2016 – When someone hijacks your car, it’s not car suppression. When someone hijacks your vote, it’s thievery. And voter “suppression” and news suppression have to go together — because if you’re stealing votes, you gotta keep it quiet!
Richard Charnin Blog of Election Analysis and Resources
Kansas Lawsuit – Emporia Gazette – 5-13-2016 and 2-21-2016 – Election Integrity Supporters Show Up in Full Force – Clarkson’s supporters showed up in force at the hearing. The courtroom was packed with a crowd of over 100. “I had asked people who’ve been following my case if they could make it to the courthouse to show up and express their interest,” she said. “We had a tremendous turnout. It was standing room only. All the chairs were filled. And I heard that there were people who were outside in the halls who couldn’t actually get into the courtroom.” Lahey toldThe Wichita Eagle that in his combined 26 years on the bench, he has never had so many spectators in attendance for this type of hearing. Clarkson said she felt overwhelmed by how many people came out to support her cause and also how the issue has become so meaningful to so many people. “I felt so really alone. Nobody paid any attention to this,” she said describing how she felt during her first days of examining the integrity of her local elections. “I’m really grateful and encouraged that so many other people share my concerns now.”
6-20-2016 – Exit Polls versus Reported Vote Counts. 2016 Presidential Primaries – Theodore de Macedo Soares – – Democratic Party Table. 2016 Primaries – Theodore de Macedo Soares –
6-15-2016 - WaPo - How behavioral science could get more Americans to vote - Making registration the default would be a small change that could have huge results - Sam Wang, professor at Princeton University, where he operates the Princeton Election Consortium
Links in the Past Updates:
7-8-2016 ANOTHER Stanford Study Shows Election Fraud, (starts at 8 min) [14,000 views as of 7-9-2016] a new damning Stanford University study showing that major voting machine companies actually donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation AND produced non-verifiable electronic voting results that drastically favored Hillary in an absurd contrast to 337 pre-election polls.
7-5-2016 – HuffPo – Snagged Votes In Los Angeles
7-5-2016 – In California, Ballots from Likely Clinton Voters Were Counted First While Unaudited Sanders-heavy Batches Came in Later – J.T. Waldron – After painstaking construction of spreadsheet data comparing batches of California 2016 Primary Election ballots counted from election day until now, elections expert John Brakey has found a pattern that is consistent with a technique that is aptly named the “strip, stack and hack” approach to election fraud.
7-2-2016 Bernie Landslide in CA Humboldt County (Open Source system) In California there is just ONE county which uses an Open Source System to audit votes. Could that be why Bernie had 68% of the vote in Humboldt County? It was his highest vote share in ALL 58 counties! The system is a deterrent to fraud.
7-1-2016 HuffPo – The UnDemocratic Primary
7-2-2016 NYT California Today: Yes They’re still counting the Presidential Primary Votes – [Bold assertion made by NYT – with absolutely no evidence: long waits for final votes totals are not rare in California]
6-30-2016 RT: NY Times Reporter Says There’s NO WAY To Tell Whether Election Is Legit [18,000+ views as of 7-1-2016] petition – U.S. Citizens Officially Request Emergency Electoral Assistance From The United Nations [28,000 signors as of 7-2-2016]
6-30-2016 TYT Establishment “Bewildered” Bernie Wants Policies Not Personal Gain [is a light going off for Election Justice] – the “bewildered” state of the establishment regarding Bernie Sanders’s goals and motivations. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.[132,000+ views as of 7-1-2016]
6-30-2016 – TYT – Nate Silver’s Predictions Aren’t What They Used To Be – Nate Silver had been known as an excellent prognosticator before this election cycle. He may have lost his way. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.[98,000+ views as of 7-1-2016]
6-30-2016 4 PM Vote Count Update – CA SOS Office
7-1-2016 – RT – Election Fraud Lawsuit, DNC Rejects Bernie Platform, Racist Algorithm Imprisons People [6,000 views as of 7-1-2016]
6-29-2016 California Primary Update – Sanders is also narrowing Clinton’s delegate margin in the Golden State. On election night, she had a lead of 63 delegates. Now, with her then 12.6 percentage point margin being narrowed a full 4.5 points, that lead has shrunk to around 40 delegates.
6-26-2016 Links and Video from the CNN Demonstration in LA – #StillSandersMarch, 6-26-2016 in LA
6-26-2016 Californians! Please ask that votes be counted – Please ask California Secretary of State Alex Padilla to count ALL the NPP (no party preference) DEMOCRAT PROVISIONAL ballots under the clause for honoring voter intention as they have decided to do in the Registrar’s office in LA county thus recovering over 60,000 votes. (credit NoHum for Bernie)
6-26-2016 Redacted Tonight – Google and hackers. A few weeks ago Lee covered how Google could possibly influence the primary election towards Hillary by manipulating searches.
NYT Article here 6-27-2016 – Exit Polls, and Why the Primary Was Not Stolen From Bernie Sanders – Next link relates to the NYT Story.
6-27-2016 READ THE ENTIRE COMMENT AT THE LINK – VERY INSIGHTFUL A media story about how wrong we are – and what we can learn from it by looking at it from a different perspective. – This article attempts to make us feel like the stupid, uneducated, conspiracy-obsessed sore losers. “The constant thrumming of election fraud conspiracists is like the noise made by that board game in the movie “Jumanji.” Wow!! The contempt that reeks out of that comment is striking. That’s what we are to many people.. That annoying, nagging voice. That little mosquito which keeps flying and buzzing and eventually, most of the time, it stings. I think we have stung and we have hit a nerve. Otherwise the opinion pieces would not be so blatantly obvious in their never-ending attempt to discredit any voice of criticism. So, I think that sentence should make us feel good, because we’re getting noticed, and we’re annoying enough that someone feels the need to put us down and dismiss our concerns. And ask yourself this question… Why is the media now telling us that exit polls really don’t matter because they are never accurate? Why does anyone need us to believe their version of the event? Remember, when we were all sitting here on primary nights , biting our nails and within ten minutes a winner was declared without a single precinct reporting? How could they know the outcome? Oh, those inaccurate, imperfect exit polls.
Angelenos Unite – Still Sanders March and Rally June 26, 2016 in Hollywood, CA – For those of you in the Southern California area seeking to ACT on the election issues: – ROSARIO DAWSON JOINS TEAM BERNIE LA FOR #STILLSANDERS MARCH LOS ANGELES, Sunday JUNE 26-WHO: Team Bernie LA, Bruce Carter, YahNe Ndgo, Greg Palast, Cary Harrison and Rosario Dawson – WHAT: Rally in support of Senator Bernie Sanders, who is still very much in the race as ballots continue to be counted in California, and to raise awareness about voter suppression and election fraud in California, Nevada, Arizona, New York, etc. – WHERE: CNN Building, 6430 Sunset Blvd. The march route will follow Sunset to Cahuenga, – Facebook events page : –WHEN: Sunday, June 26, 2016 @ 11am
6-24-2016 Bernie Sanders : Election Stealing in California
6-25-2016 I tweeted the Orange County Registrar – LA county’s recent decision to count all NPP votes in the Democratic presidential primary regardless of the particular ballot used (and which may salvage upwards of 66K additional votes) invites an obvious question:Was this policy being more widely adopted across the state? I tweeted the Orange County Registrar, among others: @LACountyRRCC: “NPP provisional voters issued DEM ballots will be processed as NPP-DEM crossover with the Pres vote as marked.” @OCRegistrar? His response: @SimonRedacted that is the way we have always processed them. So one county just implemented the policy thanks to a handful of eagle-eyed and vigilant volunteers. Another claims it has always been thus. I fear this rather egregious lack of uniformity among California counties in their vote-counting methodology is yet another tip of yet another iceberg. It further erodes any vestige of confidence I have in the process. How many valid votes have already or will ultimately go uncounted because of this reason alone? Anyone here know Alex Padilla? Seems the California SOS would have an interest in the integrity of this election. Maybe I should tweet him.
6-17-2016 Capitol Weekly Dem Presidential Primary AV Exit Poll Absentee Voter Exit Poll (N=16,281)
6-24-2016 California Primary Late Vote Election Map and analysis – Toby Ziegler
6-21-2016 California Primary Update: Yolo County Flips to Bernie: Toby Ziegler
WORTH WATCHING !!! 6-20-2016 UNCOUNTED: The True Story of the California Primary – TYT Politics – In an extensive mini-documentary by Michelle Boley and Taylor Gill and produced by TYT and Rogue Kite Productions, they tell the true story of what happened leading up too and after the California Democratic Primary. Two links totaling 178,000+ views so far (second link at TYT -UNCOUNTED – The Story of the California Election)
6-22-2016 – Alternet – RoseAnn DeMoro: Sanders Campaign a Historic Source of Political Education
6-20-2016 – CA FWD – How insufficient election funding can hold back voter turnout
6-24-2016 – SF Chronicle – Sanders edging closer to Clinton in slow California vote count
6-21-2016 California Primary Update: Single Digits: Orange County Example: Toby Ziegler
June 17, 2016 California Primary Update –Toby Ziegler – After extensive counting of tens of thousands of mail in ballots over the past two days, Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) has steadily reduced former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s California lead by another full percentage point.
6-15-2016 Time Magazine: Primary Voting Problems Have Advocates Concerned About November Elections
6-7-2016 Stanford University [and Tilburg University – The Netherlands graduate student] Study Adds To Election Fraud Argument – “Are we witnessing a dishonest election? A between state comparison based on the used voting procedures of the 2016 Democratic Party Primary for the Presidency of the United States of America” – link to the short 4 page study
Main Chart from the “Are we witnessing a dishonest election?” study: which could be re-stated as States with a verifiable paper trail Bernie Wins, States without any paper trail Bernie loses 65/35 – the data analysis finds a statistically significant difference between the groups of States.
LA Times: L.A. County voters bring concerns about election day issues to supervisors 6-14-2016
WaPost: California primary vote tightens as Sanders supporters hope for a miracle 6-14-2016
Could California Flip for Bernie Sanders? 6-15-2016 Less than 7,000 ballots remain to be counted in Nevada County’s June election 6-16-2016 (editors note: that is 20% of the counties vote still not counted 10 days after the election as if that is a small matter).
June 13, 2016 California Primary Update some analysis of the numbers
Racketeering Lawsuit Exposing Nationwide Vote Rigging in DNC Primaries Could Derail Clinton 6-12-2016
Voter Fraud Probe In California Turns Into Voter Intimidation Boondoggle TPM 6-10-2016
HEY CALIFORNIA, YOUR ELECTION WAS RIGGED 6-9-2016 “If the 2016 Democratic primary in California is rigged, it’s ‘‘the boys’ from one company—Sequoia Pacific nee Dominion Voting Systems, working out of San Leandro, and Oakland, and tiny Exeter in the San Joaquin Valley—who’ll likely be charged with making it happen.”
Lawsuit Finds Millions Of Uncounted Bernie Sanders Ballots 6-12-2016
42% of votes have yet to be counted from California’s primary election 6-10-2016
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law: Voters Encounter Barriers at the Polls During June 7 Presidential Primary Elections – 6-7-2016 More than Half of all Calls to Election Protection Received from California Voters
CALIFORNIA PRIMARY ELECTION CHAOS 6-8-2016 – ‘It was just chaos’: Broken machines, incomplete voter rolls leave some wondering whether their ballots will count in June 7 Primary– LA Times reports filing, on June 6, a RICO lawsuit over election fraud
6-10-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Election Integrity – Fact or Fraud?
7-6-2016 – Romano: Who needs voters when Florida elections have fixers and frauds? – Tampa Bay Times – Presented with evidence that a legal loophole had been used specifically to keep 440,000 voters from casting ballots in a local race, the judge basically shrugged his shoulders.
Action Items:
6-30-2016 Is Seeking Volunteers To Help Recount Votes
Donate to to help CA Election Lawsuit
Support is The People’s Social Network for our Political Revolution. It’s #1 purpose is to assist the lawyers of the Nationwide Racketeering Lawsuit being filed by Cliff Arnebeck and Bob Fitrakis to prove that Bernie has in FACT received more votes then Hillary and has won by such a large margin he does not need the vote of the super delegates to receive the Democratic Nomination.
Donate to JAMPAC to support lawsuit against the DNC
To report a problem with your voting experience, please fill out theCalifornia Voter Declaration at
Closing Thoughts
Who are you going to believe: us, or your lying eyes? That’s the good word from Democratic Party powers that be and their transcribers in the corporate media, in response to the “allegations” by Bernie Sanders supporters that the nomination was stolen by Hillary Clinton.
I used scare quotes around the word “allegations” because the truth is plain to see and undeniable by anyone with a microgram of honesty: Hillary Clinton cheated. If the rules had been followed, Bernie Sanders would be the nominee.
As with all things Clinton, of course, definitions matter. It depends on what the meaning of “cheat” is.
To most people, “cheating” means breaking the rules of a contest. By this standard definition, there’s no doubt that the Clinton campaign, its political allies and the Democratic National Committee cheated in favor of Clinton and against Sanders. They broke the law. They disenfranchised voters. They broke party rules. And they violated long-standing customs that are so widely accepted that they are essentially de facto rules of the Democratic Party and the American political system.
Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, ran a clean campaign.
Right of revolution From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In political philosophy, the right of revolution is the right or duty of the people of a nation to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests. Stated throughout history in one form or another, the belief in this right has been used to justify various revolutions including the English Civil War, theAmerican Revolution and the French Revolution

Stealing this election from us
is all the reason I need not to vote for Hillary and her crappy Democrats. If the machine is counting and they control the count, there is no guarantee against election fraud.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Tomorrow I'm staying in bed - with the covers over my head.
Thank you for all you've done for this country, Senator Sanders. Please don't endorse HRC on Tuesday. For some of us her platform is meaningless when she makes promises she can't or will not keep.
Vote for her privately if you feel compelled to. But please no public endorsement.