Open Thread - Tuesday September 1, 2015

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Is this the way you wake up?
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Good Morning! Your own ideas on any subject are welcome here.

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Four years after tsunami, Japanese fisherman reunites with his boat in B.C.

After he clambered aboard, Mr. Sasaki sat in the bow, buried his face in his hands and wept. It had been a long time since he’d last seen the small open boat, which drifted across the Pacific, along with more than one million tonnes of debris, after the tsunami struck Japan on March 11, 2011, killing more than 15,000 people.

Mr. Sasaki’s boat was salvaged near Klemtu, on the central B.C. coast 200 kilometres south of Prince Rupert, in 2013. The barnacles were scraped off, and it was named the Japanese Drifter and put into service by the Spirit Bear Lodge, which uses it to take tourists looking for the area’s famed spirit bears.
She said that in addition to seeing his boat again, Mr. Sasaki was lucky enough to see a spirit bear, a black bear with white fur.

For more on the Spirt Bear and the Great Bear Rainforest check out David Suzuki's The Nature of Things.

Fukushima Update is a site that promises to remain neutral with neither a pro-nuclear or anti-nuclear focus.

Most of the information from Japan on this disaster comes from its nuclear industry TEPCO which supplies the UN with its data. The damaged reactors at Fukushima have been leaking into the ocean on and off for 4 years. Yet studies of the Pacific Coast of North America are proving that there is very little radiation to worry about on our side of the ocean.

Scientific information on our side of the Pacific ocean comes from a collaboration between US and Canadian researchers under the acronym InFORM. The Canadian study at University of Victoria is financed by the Canadian government, the nuclear industry and other industries with economic concerns, like seafood, fishing, ship-building, etc.

How Worried Should We Be About Nuclear Fallout from Fukushima?

By June 2013, the "Fukushima signal," as it is known, had reached the Canadian continental shelf. By February of this year, the signal had increased to a value of 2 *Becquerels (Bq) per cubic meter throughout the upper 150 meters (500 feet) of the water column. The study's authors said that the increase resulted in "an overall doubling of the fallout background from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests."

Global cesium-137 levels, pre-Fukushima. (Image: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

While "doubling of the fallout background" may sound somewhat ominous, 2 Bq per cubic meter is a tiny amount of radiation.

From my layperson’s interpretation, I doubt that there’s “nothing to worry about.” From the article above, if one is worried about the long term damage to the environment and human health from the Fukushima disaster, one is likely suffering from “fear of radiation” because people have “radiophobia - the fear that any level of ionizing radiation is dangerous.” Another talking point is that “radiation is everywhere, so get used to it.” But what the experts fail to emphasize is that radiation is cumulative in the human body and also that the health problems from exposure do not always show up right away. I am just a little skeptical about the reports that 4 years of leaking into the ocean have had little negative effect on our coasts. We are not getting the full story on this.

[*The becquerel (symbol Bq) (pronounced: /ˈbɛkərɛl/ BEK-ə-rel) is the SI derived unit of radioactivity. One Bq is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second.]

Greenpeace releases confidential IAEA Fukushima-Daiichi accident report

[Greenpeace doesn't agree with the June 2015 IAEA report. This their initial analysis:]
Yukiya Amano, the IAEA Director General says the report is 'an authoritative, factual and balanced assessment, addressing the causes and consequences of the accident, as well as lessons learned.'
Yet our experts find it to be full of inaccuracies, uncertainties, and that it fails to address several highly important issues. We've sent our findings to Mr Amano.
Here are some examples.
- The IAEA admits that radiation monitoring was not working properly in the days immediately after the Fukushima disaster began.
- Despite this uncertainty, the report downplays the health risks to the disaster's many victims.
- This means that the estimates of the levels of radiation the people of Fukushima were exposed to cannot be trusted.
- The IAEA's analysis of the new safety regulations in Japan are superficial at best, and they offer no evidence in the report that the Japanese nuclear industry is operating to the global highest standards of nuclear safety.

The reality is that there are major flaws in nuclear regulation in Japan with seismic and other threats to nuclear plants safety ignored or underestimated.
The report dismisses the environmental impact of the disaster on animal life despite scientific investigations finding measurable effects on the region's fauna.
The report fails to acknowledge the uncertainties that still surround the causes of the disaster. Much of the critical systems inside the reactors that melted down have not yet been inspected.

Coastal Temperate Rainforests

We have two seasons on the west coast, wet and dry but this year we had a very scant wet season. I can't find the figure for the rainfall so far this year. The conditions are all around us though. Recently we visited Mystic Vale, a sliver of a rainforest near the University of Victoria. I had great memories of it from a visit at the end of May 2014 around the end of the rainy season, when the Hobbs Creek was running right through the ravine, the air was misty and the forest undergrowth was lush and green with native plants but how things changed.

The “sensitive eco-system” of Mystic Vale features over 75 native plant and wildlife species including oceanspray, snowberry, Indian plum and sword fern. In fact, some species, such as rattlesnake plantain, stink currant and vanilla-leaf, are seldom found anywhere else around Victoria. The oldest verified trees in Mystic Vale are approximately 100 to 150 years old but some trees are likely between 350 to 500 years old.

A wide-array of mammals inhabit the ravine including black-tailed deer, raccoons, eastern cottontail rabbits and bats. River otter tracks have been spotted along the creek bed and there was a rare cougar sighting in 2005. Birds found in Mystic Vale include the bald eagle, Cooper’s hawk, the great horned owl and five species of woodpeckers. Wiki

A rainforest is a mystic place in the best of times, it’s bursting with life. This year by May we were in a drought. I didn't know how badly the drought had damaged Mystic Vale when I invited my son to come for a hike there. When we arrived we were somewhat disappointed. The canopy was tall and beautiful, alive with bird song and we saw a Pileated Woodpecker quite close up. We expected to see a seasonal difference but the forest in late August looked more like late October, it was tinder dry. ivy was growing up most of the trees and it had sucked the forest undergrowth dry, in fact in many places all there was only ivy. Hobb's Creek and the ponds that were restored as recently as 2011 were mostly dried up, with only a small wet section here and there.

May 2014 First Graders on a trek show just how tall the forest is. I only capture half length of those trees.

This is the lush moss, May 2014, about 7 months before the drought began.

This is moss August 2015 and when it's dry it becomes tinder for forest fires.

Since that August visit to Mystic Vale, the Pacific North West Coast has mercifully received lots of rain.

Will This Be Remembered as The Summer North Americans Woke Up to Climate Change?

“It was a surreal experience,” says Lertzman, who teaches at the University of San Francisco and Victoria’s Royal Roads University. “We’re all driving along and it’s so smoky and it’s terrifying. Yet we’re all doing our summer vacation thing. I couldn’t help but wonder: what is going on, how are people feeling and talking about this?”

It’s really the question of the hour. Catastrophic wildfires and droughts have engulfed much of the continent, with thousands displaced from their homes; air quality alerts confine many of the lucky remainder behind locked doors (with exercise minimized and fresh-air intakes closed).

Firefighters have been summoned from around the world to battle the unprecedented fires, which are undoubtedly exacerbated by climate change. Yet the seemingly reasonable assumption that witnessing such horrific natural disasters may increase support for action on climate change is vastly overestimated, Lertzman tells DeSmog Canada.

When the rain storms came this week, 400,000 people were left without power. I imagine that's when Climate Change literally hits home - when we are shut off from our electricity and the cell towers go out.

“There’s real opportunity there because it can force us to really think creatively and critically about how we live and how we want to live and what kind of future we want to have,” Lertzman concludes.

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morning folks. Thanks for combining the Tuesday Greens with the Tuesday Open Thread, great idea and great job! Can't stick around, off to work. See ya' later.

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burnt out's picture

anymore. I think that it's finally become an accepted fact, at least for all but the most extreme denialists. The problem now seems to be that while the general population finally accepts the fact that it exists, they've apparently at the same time chosen to ignore it. I say this because we're still drilling new oil wells, still building/buying gas guzzling luxury and sports cars, still burning train loads of coal, still draining our aquifiers and rivers to grow plants in areas that nature never intended, etc. etc. I don't see massive numbers of folks doing anything different. I mean, what's changed other than the fact that the arguments against it are getting weaker? Not much in my opinion. We'll change our ways when we have no other choice.

On a happier note, we are being over-run by hummingbirds right now. An increase in their numbers this time of year is a natural occurrence, with this years offspring obviously adding their numbers to the count. But this year we're seeing the biggest increase ever here. A few days ago we were sitting on the back porch trying to get some kind of count, which if you've ever tried counting hummingbirds, you know is difficult to say the least. Sitting in one place is not one of their strong points. Nine at the feeders, a dozen in the air, ten in the redbud tree, 11 on the clothes line, three in the maple, four on the porch railing,and all of them switching positions ever ten seconds, zoom zoom zoom zoom.
But between two of us we are confident that we had at least thirty hummers scattered around the yard at any one time that day, very likely more than that.

I was trying to get as many as possible into one picture but they weren't having it. With them darting around like bottle rockets the most I could get in the frame at any one time was eleven. So just for fun I took that photo of 11and with a little tweaking, using birds from other photos I took that day, I came up with something that while I admit is fake, does in fact reflect our impression of the activity. Hope you'll forgive me cheating just a bit, for fun's sake.

PS. Need sugar! ( :

 photo Bee hive-2015-08-28-500_zpshgpcryjd.jpg

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All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon

MarilynW's picture

And thank you for the artful mélange of hummingbirds! Imagine being swarmed by them. I've only seen large groups at Goldstream Park nature house where they had quite a few feeders. There were some fights going on with them and I was surprised that they were so feisty.

Yeah, most of us know about Climate Change but there is so little political leadership calling for us to change our ways. Many changes are happening though even without that leadership and those changes are not keeping up with the speed of Climate Change.

We've been hit with forest fires to the point where it's making hundreds of people homeless and creating days where breathing is difficult in major cities. I think its waking people up in a terrible way. And the fire chiefs are telling us that most of the fires have been started by tossed cigarettes, fewer fires were caused by lightening. So we are waking up to the fact that climate is causing the drought and drying the forests but human stupidity is igniting them.

Still, where would we be without hope?

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To thine own self be true.

lotlizard's picture

Can anything besides a huge false flag attack, staged for maximum psychological effect, really mobilize Americans anymore?

Viewing U.S. history with all the knowledge from declassified archives we now have, when was the last time anything other than a staged and trumpeted incident ever mobilized the whole country in the past?

Furthermore, as the U.S.S. Liberty incident shows, sometimes U.S. elites will even move heaven and earth to make sure a shocking, dastardly incident is downplayed to ensure it doesn't move Americans or change their consciousness in any way.

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Big Al's picture

They've (the ruling class) put a lot of time and effort in developing ways to control and manipulate the
public. Maybe we need to pull a page from their book.

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mimi's picture

trying to read your marvellous Morning Greens OT, is that I can't read it right now. But the Sea Otter waking up is just soooo funny to watch. Reminds me of me. Smile

In the photo with title: "This is the lush moss, May 2014, about 7 months before the drought began" there are the little brown thingies (like a worm in a little bag) in there, I don't know how they are called it's a well known pest), but I have them in my evergreen needly plants (geesh how could I search for the proper name, if I even don't remember how they are called in German - I hate my brain) and they "eat up" the evergreen plant quite nicely. One of my plants is 80 percent brown and dried out. Some gardener told me I have no other choice than to spray the plants. I tried, but when I saw that the stuff I was supposed to spray at the plant, was an all red fluid, the chemist in me revolted and I stopped spraying. As you can see I always was a lousy chemist and did everything to not deal with my past "education". That's how my brain got corroded. I sprayed it with too many chemicals.

Anyhow, just that those "pests" can also make a difference in turning a lush green plant into a brownish, dried something that just loves to be ignited...

Ok, I have to go. That comment is embarrasing. I will look up the words I needed, just not now.

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MarilynW's picture

I was using a 200mm lens so I wasn't that close to it. The park relies mostly on volunteers to maintain it because the university doesn't want to spend money on it.

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To thine own self be true.


And yet a new Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll reveals that a whopping 65 percent of Republican front-runner Donald Trump's supporters say they're "unsatisfied" or "mad as hell" at Wall Street.

Overall, the poll exposed bipartisan disgust among those planning to attend Iowa's presidential caucuses in February with those who invest in business or politics: 64 percent of those planning to attend a Democratic caucus voiced dissatisfaction with Wall Street, but in the stereotypically more business-friendly Republican Party, the figure was an almost equally high 62 percent. Among likely Democratic caucus-goers, 94 percent rated themselves unsatisfied or "mad as hell" about the amount of money in politics. For Republicans, the figure was 91 percent.

But stupid political partisanship keeps us divided. Otherwise something real might happen.

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burnt out's picture

"But stupid political partisanship keeps us divided. Otherwise something real might happen."

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All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon

lotlizard's picture

"Four out of five leading writers" (so to speak) at That Other Forum seem to believe that gender, race, religion, and ethnic group identification with (D) rather than (R) are the key to U.S. politics, in the 2016 cycle and beyond.

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mimi's picture

struggling too much for the basics necessary to make a living, eat, have a roof over their head and be taken care of, when sick. Who is they anyway. It's getting stupidly boring. I can't take them seriously anymore. But then who is me?

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shaharazade's picture

The FP is 100% into identity politics, fear, string the R hatred, hysteria about Trump or Cruz or the latest odious loonie and nothing else. I suspect the management sets and assigns their agenda. Some lowly diarist caught them messing with a news story about the stupid fundie who won't issue same sex marriage licenses in butt fuck TN. The Other Forum is as twisty and sick as Red State at this point. They dispensing KoolAide as they used to say about the RW propaganda machine. They lie, overtly and by default and not even subtly.

Obama care is great as x+ more (suckers) people are on the rolls of the insurance healthcare insurance racket. Is it affordable well no but it's better then nothing. yeah right. McJoan who used to be my favorite Front Pager is unreadable. Everything every issue is all the obstructionist Republican's and their 30% lunatic voters fault. Pardon my ire but the coverage of Obama's jaw dropping environmental speech in Alaska compared to the reality of Shell Oil and fracking piping shipping and the TPP just pissed me off. Not to mention cranking up GM to produce more and bigger earth destroyer's just blew me away. Reality based my ass. You need to be proficient at double think to be able to not gag at the bs. false flag propaganda, the site now pumps out.

If that's not enough they are really into divide and conquer, all to keep the sick New Democratic status quo alive and in power. Pit Bulls that set one side against the other regardless of the reality we all face globally. Black, white, whatever, race, creed, economic demographic, stupid faked up political ideology you adhere too, it's all disregarded because we the people cannot win. It's an inevitable irreversible black and white binary world. The Other Form is particularly weird as they ignore all real news both here and globally. If it contradicts the meme of this is all you can get and embrace the suck as it's a fixed point with history backing it up then it gets no traction and it's blown away as it contradicts their version of reality.

Axelrod once described this fucked up, viscous death dealing, global mess as 'the world as we find it'. No it's not. This is the by-partisan 'world view' that keeps these fuckers in power and the populace at each other throats while the real evil continues to pillage, kill, destroy, create poverty and human misery, set the world on fire and generally reek havoc on the world and this country. This is no world as we find it, this is the world these fuckers have created. It needs to go and if people united and stopped blaming each other we could perhaps get a world that was not hell on earth. Get real people.

Well you did comment on that Other Forum that is no forum but instead a place to gather the sheeple and keep the machine intact and running. Also there are no liberals left there. They have managed to run them off with using the conservative's that vote Democratic out of fear of change and the truth.

My rant for the day. That felt good. Now because I'm a tenacious addicted sicko I'm going over there and telling them in no uncertain terms. But you know it's getting boring to even mess with the idiot's left there that believe this utter bs.

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I see plenty of opportunity. I'm happily surprised that people still have Wall Street on their minds. If this market crashes or some facsimile thereof, older people who were forced into it are going to be 7 years older with no time to recover. Which candidates will stand up to the banks? I see only Saunders and Trump.

I am one of the very few that thinks Trump has a chance. Mainly because I feel the rumblings of the big middle finger in the eye of the status quo coming. If there was any year (in my 60) that this has a chance of happening, I think this is it. Otherwise, both Trump and Saunders would have been buried by now.

We're still going to have a GOP congress. I don't think the Dems are going to turn the Senate with their play cautious approach. SO which candidate will be most likely to appoint people to the DoJ that won't do business like Holder?

I still can't believe Holder said that it was better to fine corporations (shareholders)than to "single out people" when asked about why no bankers went to prison. This was as he headed back to Covington and Burling where his partner in crime, Lanny Breuer is happily pulling down 4M a year plus partnership equity dealing with Banksters.

If this market goes down hard, I can see the Saunders or Trump as our next President. It's a long shot. The Fed could cave and announce QE4. But, they may have run out of bullets.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

…If the market looses 1/2 to 1/3 of its value, people will vote for candidates rather than Parties. That's because the market will have collapsed under both parties. Sanders and Trump will remain in play.

This was from Trump's savvy salvo at the beginning of his campaign:

As pundits search for the source of Trump’s resilient appeal, reformers say they’ve long known the answer: the constant emphasis on how his staggering wealth immunizes him from insider influence. It has arguably now become the campaign’s most salient theme.

“I don’t need anybody’s money. I’m using my own money,” Trump scoffed at his campaign announcement in June. A month later, he told the Wall Street Journal, “When you give [contributions], they do whatever the hell you want them to do.”

And primary voters seem spellbound. “The guys who want to give me a million—I said, forget it. Who cares?” Trump recently told a rapt audience. “All of the money that’s going to Hillary, and Jeb, and Scott and Marco? They’re totally controlled. Totally.”

The drubbing has only continued, and many share the sentiment that Trump has become an educator, if accidentally, on campaign finance.

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mimi's picture

I am one of the very few that thinks Trump has a chance. Mainly because I feel the rumblings of the big middle finger in the eye of the status quo coming.

Trump is the biggest miserable idiot with chuzpah out there, and if you get "fascinated" about him, then I have to control my middle finger from pointing into your direction. All the same spiel. Palin, Malkin, Trump and other eye-blinking hairy beauties uttering blah blah seductive nonsense.

OMG. Sigh. JtC, don't give me time out. I will behave better tomorrow... Wink

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Great to be on a site that won't HR you to oblivion as 80 people admonish you on the rules. Middle fingers are great. They are there for a reason. Use them.

Just to elaborate a little bit. I think that most Dems still have this unshakable optimism that Govt can do no wrong. Yet here we see major wrong after wrong . As long as "our guy" is in there than the wrongs are overlooked. You know, little things like scrapping the rule of law for people with wealth and the right
connections. It's almost comical to see people at DK who talk policy like the Dems had any power to change anything even when they had the majority.

Conservative believers are the same way. We are all told what we want to hear as long as we look over "there" and not over "here". So people believe. So the status quo, which is really a downward glide path to oblivion, is protected. So what does a Trump or a Saunders win mean? The status quo , the downward glide path, the in-our-faces corruption, is interrupted severely. Of course the next question is ; could either candidate to do anything to reverse the slide? Don't know. But , we've tried everything else . Anyone who thinks the establishment candidates are going to do anything but maintain that downward glide path are simply fooling themselves.

Keep an open mind. I'd rather see an upheaval now when I'm still physically strong enough to take the consequences. Instead of waiting until I'm too weak to find out that Soylent Green was the real plan instead of a movie.

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and gracious, nice to see that, thanks.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Don't mistake my intellectual/academic curiosity and sociological reporting for fan-girl antics re: Donald Trump.

I am post-national re: the US. I'm just looking for behavior patterns in your species to send to my home planet.

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your home planet isn't considered a planet any longer.

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lotlizard's picture

Jest pulling y'all's Legolas, of course.

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mimi's picture

fancy wording, right? I mean ALL of you, not your's alone, Pluto.

I just had read another article that convinced me so badly about how some folks manipulate the audience with their
"chutzpah" spectacle and how they all liked it and even "respected" it, it made me so angry that I had to get it out of my system.

I didn't believe for a minute you would be an undercover fan-girl antics reporter for the Trump brigade. So, please, report my behavior pattern as part of our species to your home planet. Are you lucky to have a home planet...

Thanks Pluto for your planet's inhabitants kindness. Smile

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joe shikspack's picture

Trump is the biggest miserable idiot with chuzpah out there, and if you get "fascinated" about him

i don't think anybody on this forum is fascinated by trump himself, rather they are perhaps fascinated (i personally am amused) by the spectacle of trump leading the rethugs while touting policies that are diametrically opposed to much of what the modern rethug party stands for.

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mimi's picture

and then I just throw out my feelings anywhere I am at the moment. (I read Hedges and he has a way of getting in some points that really hit me and get me into fight mode). It happened to be here to drop my shoot-out. I didn't mean to say that this homey place has some folks who can't look through Trump, especially not Pluto or basically all of you. Sorry for shouting in the wind.

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shaharazade's picture

I find Trump, like the nasty upside down teabaggers a symptom of a populist uprising that totally misdirected. At this point I'm pretty disgusted with Bernie's brand of milk toast populism that seems to want to keep the Empire all fired up and killing. how can this be reconciled with this ranting about the oligarchy and a needed revolution. At this point my middle finger is pointed at all of these political charlatans that dare to fly their phoney baloney populism as a cure for the sick mockery of a democracy which neither side is willing to take on. When the authentic Dem. candidate starts talking drones that only kill bad guys I'm done listening and salute the candidate with my middle finger. Trump is the walking definition of Idiocracy. The fact that Bernie is supposedly the liberal smart guy who will lead to a more democratic just society and yet keep the Empire intact pisses me off more then the ludicrous demagoguery of a idiotic reality TV star. Fascinating and yet depressing to watch the public unraveling of any pretense of democracy or decency. Such misplaced outrage that is used to herd humans into bogus right left ideological political stances that do nothing to shake the global disease we are all living in.

Strange love, pain will you return it? will you give it me?

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bleeding, cyst on the buttocks of the American political system.

But that's why his rise in popularity is so fascinating. It's not him that is interesting. It's what he says about the American public that is fascinating. If we don't listen then we are going to miss something important.

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mimi's picture

... the fascination about what his "spectacle" says about the American public and us, even if we are listening carefully. I still might not help to miss the importance of the fact that people love his spectacle. The public and us can listen or not, obviously we/they don't get rid of the guy and that's what counts. What good does it do, if we are spending time to listen to his idiocies, if we can't stop him from seducing the public for all the wrong reasons and goals.

Enough is enough for those figures. It's a shame what types can run for office. Of course he and us have the liberty to sink to the bottom and pull all of us in the sewer. I don't see how you are going to fight him and send him where he belongs, to hell, by listening and find it a "fascinating" political occurrence. Why accept this spectacle as if it were acceptable and normal? It's not. You (not you you, but the you persons out there) are seduced, cuddled, betrayed and dropped like a hot potato, while being distracted and occupied with your own "fascination of the Trump".

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lotlizard's picture

In the 1930s … not Charlie Chaplin, the other one …

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mimi's picture

at least the US seducers and persuaders and clowns show some comedy skills and humor at times. So the seduction is even worse. I get tired of resorting to comedy or satire, though it seems the only thing people can get relief from their own political system and situations. I wait for the days when the comedians get serious with politics. The only time I saw Colbert sorta serious is when he testified before Congress. ok, sorta ... sigh. Funny, eh? Effective, no.
Couldn't embed the video.

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gulfgal98's picture

the exposer of the ugly under belly of deep seated racism in the United States.

While the media sees Trump as an entertaining side show circus act, I see him as a keg of dynamite that is frighteningly close to a lit fuse. The type of people who are supporting Trump suddenly are beginning to feel empowered to act our their twisted fantasies. That is very scary.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

lotlizard's picture

Must be true, I read it in the comments section of That Other Forum.

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Low-income workers and their families do not earn enough to live in even the least expensive metropolitan American communities, according to a new analysis of families’ living costs published Wednesday...
The updated Family Budget Calculator shows that even the most affordable metropolitan areas in the country are beyond the reach of millions of American families with incomes above the official federal poverty level. The official federal poverty level for a family of two parents and two children in 2014 was $24,008, according to the EPI. But the least expensive metropolitan area in the country for this family type is Morristown, Tennessee, where a family needs an income of $49,114, according to the Economic Policy Institute’s budget calculator.
The Economic Policy Institute also estimates that minimum-wage workers -- who almost universally earn less than the federal poverty level -- lack the income needed to make an adequate living in any of the communities surveyed, even if they are single and childless.

This is what they should be talking about on DKos.

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hecate's picture

it was determined that not a single home for sale in San Francisco was affordable for a schoolteacher. Teachers are also being priced out of Silicon Valley. The people who work in county government in Marin County cannot afford to live in Marin. Etc.

Meanwhile, the people who can afford to live in these places, are increasingly expending their money on plastic surgery.

Twenty years ago, when Seth Matarasso, a cosmetic surgeon, first opened shop in San Francisco, he found that he was mostly helping patients in late middle age: former home­coming queens, spouses who’d been cheated on, spouses looking to cheat. Today, his practice is far larger and more lucrative than he could have ever imagined. He sees clients across a range of ages. He says he’s the world’s second-biggest dispenser of Botox. But this growth has nothing to do with his endearingly nebbishy mien. It is, rather, the result of a cultural revolution that has taken place all around him in the Bay Area.

Silicon Valley has become one of the most ageist places in America. Tech luminaries who otherwise pride themselves on their dedication to meritocracy don’t think twice about deriding the not-actually-old. “Young people are just smarter,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told an audience at Stanford back in 2007. As I write, the website of ServiceNow, a large Santa Clara–based IT-services company, features the following advisory in large letters atop its “careers” page: “We Want People Who Have Their Best Work Ahead of Them, Not Behind Them.”

And so it has fallen to Matarasso to make older workers look like they still belong at the office. “It’s really morphed into, ‘Hey, I’m forty years old, and I have to get in front of a board of fresh-faced kids. I can’t look like I have a wife and two-point-five kids and a mortgage,’” he told me.

A labor lawyer I spoke with told me he recently got a call from a thirtysomething supervisor at a startup who said her job was at risk because the team she was managing—most of them ten years younger—had rejected her on account of her age. “She was being referred to as a den mother,” says the lawyer.

There meanwhile exists the problem that what all these monied young people are producing, in truth has no value:

And then there is the question of what purpose our economic growth actually serves. The most common advice venture capitalists give entrepreneurs is to solve a problem they encounter in their daily lives. Unfortunately, the problems the average twenty-two-year-old male programmer has experienced are all about being an affluent single guy in Northern California. That’s how we’ve ended up with so many games (Angry Birds, Flappy Bird, Crappy Bird) and all those apps for what one startup founder described to me as cooler ways to hang out with friends on a Saturday night.

Brave new world.

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MarilynW's picture

wisdom and experience, just on superficial "looks."

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To thine own self be true.

MarilynW's picture

we have a global homeless crisis so what are politicians planning to do about it? Lack of housing works its way down the economic ladder pushing those on the lowest rungs out onto the street.

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To thine own self be true.

Pluto's Republic's picture

… for Human Rights violations against the American people in disregarding their human right to affordable housing. I can't find my link to the Report, but I do recall that it looked at how this human right was systematically destroyed from the Reagan years to the present. The stats were excellent.

Unfortunately Americans have no idea that affordable housing in their city is their right and that all other developed nations enjoy such human rights. That's tough to campaign on, ideologically, after 50 years of Neoliberal sociopath training.

For example, health care is a Human Right, ratified by all the nations of the world at the UN General Assembly — except the United States. Ail nations strive to deliver this right to their people. But the only way the PPACA could sell it to Americans was to tell them they would save money. They still have no idea its a human right, and mostly they are furious that someone they don't know might be getting help with health care from the government.

Back to housing, I read in the NYPost that in Manhattan, alone, 87,000 elementary school children are currently homeless. The average child is homeless for 4 years at a stretch.

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Great diary. Your pictures are so clear, and the beaver looks how I feel. I've been on the phone with the Census bureau poking around at poverty rates. Now that I know what they are, I need to know which ones qualify as high poverty. Do you know there are multiple definitions for this? I need one for WIOA. Sounds like Gjohnsit and I are enjoying the same type of day.

I'm taking a break from data to say hey and thank you for the Tuesday am open thread.


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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

MarilynW's picture

Governments and politicians keep messing with the "poverty line" in Canada. Maybe they don't want to help people unless they are actually starving.

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To thine own self be true.

You can't make this shit up

The former commander of U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan has been quietly urging U.S. officials to consider using so-called moderate members of al Qaeda’s Nusra Front to fight ISIS in Syria, four sources familiar with the conversations, including one person who spoke to Petraeus directly, told The Daily Beast.
It would also face enormous legal and security obstacles. In 2012, the Obama administration designated al Nusra a foreign terrorist organization. And last year, the president ordered airstrikes on al Nusra positions housing members of the Khorasan Group, an al Qaeda cadre that was trying to recruit jihadists with Western passports to smuggle bombs onto civilian airliners.

Yet Petraeus and his plan cannot be written off. He still wields considerable influence with current officials, U.S. lawmakers, and foreign leaders. The fact that he feels comfortable recruiting defectors from an organization that has declared war on the United States underscores the tenuous nature of the Obama administration’s strategy to fight ISIS, which numerous observers have said is floundering in search of a viable ground force.

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MarilynW's picture

but their war plans have helped create the greatest refugee crisis the world has ever had.

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To thine own self be true.

Welcome to American politics

Several parents say they are shocked by comments Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.) made to second- and third-graders about suicide bombings and nuclear weapons last week.

The congressman was giving a presentation to students at San Tan Charter School about how bills become laws, when he reportedly began talking to the children about Iran, according to CBS 5 Phoenix.

“The congressman chose to give an example of the current situation in Iran, and made some inappropriate comments about ‘Do you know what a nuclear weapon is? Do you know that there are schools that train children your age to be suicide bombers?” parent Scott Campbell said.

Campbell said he later had to console his daughter.

“After school my daughter was very concerned and said to me she actually didn’t even know what suicide was and was very afraid,” he said.

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Two sisters in India will be gang-raped for a social “sin” committed by their brother unless the country’s Supreme Court intervenes with protection, according to a report by Amnesty International.

The sisters, one 15 and the other 23, were condemned to this brutal fate by an informal legal system with a history of doling out egregious punishments. Their so-called crime was that their brother eloped with a married woman of a higher caste. The sisters and their family are from the Dalit caste, commonly called Untouchables, which is the lowest in the Indian social hierarchy. On July 30, the village council in the northern Indian district of Baghpat decreed that the two sisters would be raped, then paraded around their village naked, with their faces covered in black paint.

The ruling from this all-male panel is not legally valid, but these unelected panels called khap panchaya controversially act as courts throughout the country and still command power.

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lotlizard's picture

So, who's genuinely working to overthrow this system of evil traditions? Anyone? Maoists? Christian missionaries?

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hecate's picture

—In Yemen, where cleric Shiek Abdul Majeed Zindani claims to possess "scientific proof that women cannot speak and remember simultaneously," there is Amal Basha, who strives to legislatively end the practice of marrying off Yemeni "women" as young as eight years old, seeks to help Yemeni women who are victims of domestic violence, of sexual harassment, of illiteracy, of caste prejudice, and advocates for prisoners and refugees, and, for her pains, has been threatened with death, had the brakes cut on her car, had acid hurled in her face, been branded by her countrymen as "un-Islamic," a "Zionist," an "agent of the West," a "temptress of Eve."

—In India, Shasis Kiran, who practices before the India Supreme Court, who married outside her caste, and who, in the wake of a particularly gruesome murder melee, offered that "[t]he recent rise in violence actually shows that the younger generation—especially women—are slowly gaining individual freedom in marriage. But the older generation still cling to the old ways where marriage is still a symbol of status, not emotional love. It shows a society still in transition and wrestling with deep change."

—In Iran, Jila Baniyaghoob, women's rights activist recurrently imprisoned and curently prohibited from practicing journalism for 30 years.

—In Turkey, Medine Memi, who went to the police when her grandfather beat her for talking to boys. The police did nothing. Two months later her body was found, having been buried alive, six feet beneath a chicken pen, by her relatives.

—In Pakistan, poet and singer Ayman Udas, shot and killed by her brothers for marrying for a second time.

—In Saudi Arabia, Rania al-Baz, televisions news anchor beaten into a coma by her husband, who then went public with her injuries. "I am a disruptive presence," she said, "because I give women ideas."

—In Pakistan, Mukhtair Mai. In the rural Pakistani village of Meerwalla, three members of the high-status Mastoi Baloch clan sodomized in a sugarcane field an adolescent boy of the lesser-status Gujjar Tatla clan. To cover up their crime, the Mastoi accused the boy of having sexually violated a Mastoi girl. Then, as "revenge" for this fictitious violation, four Mastoi men gang-raped in a stable the sodomized boy's sister, Mukhtair Mai, after which they pronounced their grievance against the Gujjar "satisfied." Traditionally, Mai would then commit suicide. As her older brother said: "A girl who has been raped has no honorable place in the village. Nobody respects the girl, or her parents. There's a stigma, and the only way out is suicide." But Mai refused to take her life. Instead, she insisted on bringing her rapists into the legal system. Belated police investigation and subsequent court proceedings revealed the Mastoi’s assault on Mai’s brother, and their invention of the boy's purported assault on a Mastoi female. Mai was awarded 500,000 rupees, or $8200, by the Pakistani government, which she used to build local schools; previously, there had been no school for girls in Meerwalla. The children of the men who attacked her she enrolled in her schools.

"To transgress against diehard obscurantists and their unholy rules is an inescapable sacred duty."

—Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
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MarilynW's picture

beyond belief. Let's hope the publicity will stop this.

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To thine own self be true.

MarilynW's picture

on Climate Change in Alaska! Isn't that the place that he has just handed over to Royal Dutch Shell to drill for oil? But he was also in Alaska to take an acting part in a tv series. Maybe that's where his talents are - in acting.

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To thine own self be true.

lotlizard's picture

There's a recently vacated niche in the entertainment pantheon that might be just the thing for the soon-to-be ex-POTUS — the image and persona formerly occupied by Bill Cosby.

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joe shikspack's picture

i'm sure that obama could help them out. B)

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lotlizard's picture

Or: "It's simple. Ford wants to be your car company."

It's simple. Goldman Sachs wants to be your facehugger.

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gulfgal98's picture

How can this man profess to support actions to thwart climate change while at the same time allowing drilling in the Arctic? His words mean nothing when compared to his actions which at best are always far too little and way too late.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

MarilynW's picture

You ain't seen nothing yet! Northeast’s Next Winter Is Going to Be Freakishly Cold

Those warm-temperature areas are “an indication that the jet stream is taking a big northward swing, creating what we call a very strong ridge,” said Jennifer Francis, an atmospheric scientist at Rutgers University who studies Arctic ice and its effects on weather patterns in lower latitudes of the northern hemisphere.

“Downstream of that ridge, the effect is like taking a jump rope and giving it a big whip: It creates a big wave further downstream, a southward dip in the jet stream,” Francis said. “That means that cold air is able to plunge down into that area from the Arctic, and that’s been contributing to these very cold winters in eastern North America.”

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To thine own self be true.