Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Talks for Possible Endorsement Next Week
Bernie Sanders’ and Hillary Clinton’s campaigns are in talks about a possible event at which Sanders would endorse Clinton, ABC News has confirmed, according to sources close to his campaign.
Sanders confirmed the discussions during an interview Wednesday night on MSNBC.
"I think at the end of the day, there is going to be a coming together, and we're going to go forward together and not only defeat Trump, but defeat him badly," he said.
MSNBC's Chris Hayes then asked, "You're not denying the report that there are talks about a possible endorsement?"
Sanders replied: "That's correct."
No. Just NO. Not after all the lies, cheating, name calling, the attempts to make him look bad, calling into question his civil rights work, his honesty, his wife's honesty.
I've been watching this Kabuki dance between the two parties for decades now. We are sitting watching our rights, liberties, and government being taken from us by the elites in this country with the help of pay-for-play political whores. Now it looks like Sanders is going to endorse another politician who's record for lies and corruption are well documented and who with her hubby, Slick Willie, helped put us in the disastrous place we're in today. We could never have gotten here without them. Both.
I KNOW what he said at the beginning of his primary run, that he'd support the 'Democratic' candidate. But that was BEFORE they showed the country what a foul bunch of liars and cheats they are. We actually watched the Clinton camp, the Obama Administration, the FBI. and the media circus rig this primary, and we watched Clinton skate for something the head of the FBI stated anyone else would be in big trouble doing. For the rich and corrupt, the payoffs never end. And fas or us, we get the privilege of paying to bills, providing the low-paid labor, and fighting in their wars.
There's always somebody going to fight for us. Until they don't. I know, Bernie's got a day job to protect. But his endorsement will destroy the faith of many new and young people he brought to the election. Many will see his endorsement as acceptance of the same old way of doing business. And some will become Clinton supporters because 'Bernie is going to vote for her'. And some, will finally get tired of all these promises to help us 'take back our country' . (Thanks Obama for all that Transparency and Hopey/Changey.) It's business as usual. I wonder, what did Sanders expect? Did he think he could just walk away? He's being treated like shit by the Senate 'Democratic' quislings already. That was inevitable. He will pay dearly for his run regardless of what he does, so why not strike back at those who destroyed his campaign and our chance of a clean, grifter-free presidency?
We don't have a lot of time left to save our country. Or save our planet for that matter. And the Clinton creature doesn't give a damn about any of that. And she cannot be trusted. He needs to go with the Greens and run on or support their ticket.

Bernie, Please, Please, Please Do Not Endorse
I seriously don't get it
after all the shit they put him through, why the hell he'd keep playing their game.
Is it because "he's just another politician"? I seriously do not believe that, and I'm not even from Vermont. Ask them. They tell you over and over he's no such thing. So....if that's true, really true, then from where I sit, he's got nothing much left to lose at this point in his life.
I understand that I can't know everything about his personal situation, and for all I know, he's a stone's throw from bankruptcy or something else one might call "legit" (I can't be the final judge of that. Only he can. ) But this makes no sense. He *has to know* they cheated, and how can he just let that go and endorse her? Does he really think Trump is that big a danger, compared to what we know HRC is capable of? I'm not seeing that. I'd like him to elaborate and tell me why I should be so scared.
I am not seeing it either.
Why would a 74 year old throw away a lifetime of ideals, and acting upon those ideals, for Clinton's worthless promises?
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Hollow Promises From Hellery
to take a few progressive stances. That's the only reason I can come up with. And it's hard to believe Bernie could be naive enough to believe that Lying Sack Of Sh1+ Hellery. Plus maybe he gets to keep his senate committee chair roles. At least he can keep throwing sand in the gears from his committees.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Maybe it's just the Clinton mafia...
Seems like no one stands up to the Clintons for long, and I truly don't get it.
But regardless of what Bernie says or doesn't say at this point, it makes little difference to me. He's got to do whatever he feels he has to do.
I will always be grateful to him for exposing the corruption for all who have eyes to see, but an endorsement is meaningless to me. I wonder how many Bernie supporters would be swayed by it? Also, we haven't heard the endorsement yet, I can't imagine it will be a ringing one... But even if it is, it sways me not one iota.
As I just said in Steven's thread
I will never, ever vote for that lying, corrupt, in-it-for-herself harpy. EVER. No matter what Bernie says.
Not voting for Clinton; not voting for Trump.
Provide me with a candidate who meets minimal standards of honesty, integrity, ethics, and respect for the rule of law as expressed in the Constitution, then I'll vote.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
entirely possible that...
...he stood to loose his lead committee positions once Clinton was in office if he didn't endorse her. you think they aren't vindictive enough to make those threats now? i won't believe any talk of an endorsement until it actually happens but i still won't vote for her.
They are vindictive and liars
So why are they going to keep any promises to him?
keeping promises is a bernie hallmark
Bernie's greatest asset--the thing that attracted some conservative indies and others--is his trustworthiness. When he says he'll do something, he does it. Having pledged to support the party's eventual nominee, he will do so. If he didn't he'd lose many supporters and any hope of remaining effective in congress. I don't like it either, but you don't have to assume blackmail or bribery to see why he might do this.
I just hope the endorsement is as tepid as Comey's "exoneration" of hillary. A day I would strongly prefer that he wait until the Convention.
It's a stab in the back, as far as I am concerned.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Yeah, I've been expecting it though.
This will sure cut down on attendance at his Convention Eve Rally. I am not able to go, but if I had planned on it, I'd change my mind. I sure wouldn't have a reason to go if he has conceded and endorsed Hillary. Why go to his rally then?
Speaking of his rally...
His endorsement will also take the wind out of all of the rallies, marches, protests, etc. planned for the convention. The purpose of March on DNC is listed as to try to sway superdelegates. Marches for Bernie are planned in various cities across the country on July 24 as well. What would be the point now? All of them are in support of Bernie. #StillBernie, etc.
It's a lot of time and expense to go to for someone who has endorsed the opposition. And, of course, endorsement means concession.
I sure wouldn't bother to join this:
We're looking at several million disappointed people.
Above quote from here:
I googled and came across this page which lists some of the planned events.
That's why I wonder if this is more media LIES
because it may very well be. It might be complete bullshit.
Why would he have a rally to deliver his supporters to someone he knows they won't vote for? What is the point? All it would do is piss people off. I'm having a real hard time believing this story about an "endorsement" is true, no matter what he says. If it is, though? He reaps what he sows.
And how many Bernie delegates won't attend the
convention after being so demoralized. Many are still trying to find the financing for them to attend.
Look, we all need to have a little more faith
instead of just giving in to every single solitary MSM story posted--we should know by now that those sources LIE, REGULARLY.
every day
I become more and more disillusioned as I read the news. I know politics is like making sausage...something we'd rather not see, but this is a step too far. I supported Bernie financially as I never have a candidate before. It may be the last time I give any political candidate a dime.
There are so many options other than stooping to Monica's level regarding the Clintons. I think Bernie could be far more succinct, in his endorsement by giving Hillary one of Bill's BIG, FAT CIGARS
As Did I
"I supported Bernie financially as I never have a candidate before. It may be the last time I give any political candidate a dime."
Only this year did I find it within me to give my hard-earned dollars to political candidates. It was a struggle, and meant putting off other things of importance to me. I thought he was the real deal, and could have a beneficial effect on the direction of this nation.
But an endorsement of Hillary is the end of the trail for me. Any such endorsement, and Jill Stein gets my vote.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Then you should join the law suit against the DNC
which one can enter if they have contributed to Bernie's campaign.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I've not heard of this lawsuit. Got a link?
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Anyone wanting to join the suit
Just email them and ask for the paperwork, they'll send it to you via email attachment.
Indeed, I'm not sure why more here have not
I sure as hell have. You stand to get that money back, if nothing else.
who would be responsible for paying the money back?
Sanders or the DNC?
Maybe that last line right there IS his plan?
I too am having a real hard time thinking he's actually going to do this, but with all the multi dimensional chess moves around now, I wonder about that? Maybe that's his only tactic left - to piss off enough Berner's that we all vote Green? Not that Green will win, but if they get big numbers of support it is at the very least a small slap in the face to Shillary? And really, Bernie does still seem to believe the Democratic party can be reformed, but that may be only what he says in public. I'm not giving up on him until after Philly, maybe only because I'm not ready to concede yet, even though I know that's terribly naïve. I know he's not getting that nomination though, they'll never allow that.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
The day he endorses
Is the day I switch party affiliation to Green
Related item:
I went to the brand new Congress organizing meeting last week and they said they'd support Democrats, independents and even republicans if they had the right platform.
I asked, "Since there's very little daylight between the Green platform and Bernie's, you'll support greens to, right?"
Answer, "We're not trying to grow a third party"
"But you said the platform is what's important"
"We really have to move along. Next question?"
Do you know what the placeholder location was before they secured a venue? It was called "Gepetto's Computers"
Gepetto. The puppet maker.....
Dig within. There lies the wellspring of all good. Ever dig and it will ever flow
Marcus Aurelius
there goes the neighborhood ... /nt
Bernie now pays for running as a Democrat
His loss. Ours too, but more his.
He is negating everything, every single word, he said during his campaign.
Bernie is saying, by his possible action, "we all have a price" - sadly, Bernie's is much lower than I thought it would be. Bernie is on his own now. The Progressive movement will move forward with or without him.
No matter what Bernie, Obama, Warren, anyone, says or does, I WILL NOT VOTE FOR CLINTONS.
BTW- more than 142,000 signatures on the petition.
Hope everyone has called their Senator, Member of Congress, Super Delegates in their State and said they will not vote for Clintons, and if elected officials endorse or vote for her, you won't vote for that elected official next election. Comey's statement Final Straw, Red Line - and unlike Obama, we stick to our red lines!!! Enough is Enough.
Must do this before Convention.
And the sad thing is
he will have given them what they really want- to marginalize him and the energy he harnessed. He will sacrifice his vaunted integrity by doing this. That's much worse than an endorsement.
And to have it done in New Hampshire seems to be to be just shoving the shiv in deeper and twisting.
That's why
I have half an idea that he's not doing any of it completely willingly.
Hellery is now endorsing "Free college" for all.
I wonder if that was part of Bernie's bargain with the Devil. Of course, we know full well she has no intention of fulfilling that campaign pledge.
Sad to see Bernie going down in flames after he single-handedly raised the awareness of the Corpro-Fascist US Govt. But I guess he wants to go back to his job in the dungeon of the Capital building.
I for one, thank Bernie for what he has done so far. And wish him well in the future. I'll vote Green (if they ever get on the ballot in CT).
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
No, only "free" for those fams making < $125,000
So she hints at means-testing. SS will be next. If your assets are worth going after, they will.
News from MSM. Do you believe that they are not above also shoving him to endorse? Rumor has it...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Did they define "family size" with that
I'm glad he's happy about that one, it would appear to have some potential. However, the devil is in the details, as they say
As rl says above,
only free for families making less than 125.
This was a compromise reached in discussions between Bernie and Hillary. In the middle of her complete means testing and his totally free. I saw Bernie speak to it. He is very happy about it.
Bollox to that!
from a reasonably stable genius.
I don't care
who Bernie endorses. I will still never vote for $hillary or Trump.
No wringing of hands for me.
What's true is still true.
What's important is still important.
I do not need Bernie leading in order to stay committed to what is still true and what's still important. I feel it inside, it is a part of who I am. And I am sure Bernie still feels it, and is still committed.
My commitment will not be swayed by the "endorsement" of another. My vote will still follow my beliefs, which will make it impossible for me to vote for Hillary or Trump. Bernie's possible endorsement changes nothing for me.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Exactly true.
We can't be so easily dispirited, primarily because we, as adults, do not have that option.
Word up.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
If i was him...
I'd be in talks to give a big public endorsment too. Start with some very backhanded complements that sound like a lead in to a tepid endorsement. Start talking about two track justice...then before they cut the mike go into a furious rant about corrupt political parties and announce a 3rd party run. Then maybe do a mic drop for good measure and to be badass.
An octopuss can dream no?
He has the perogative to endorse her if he wants.
Doesn't mean she is getting my vote but it's his right to do it.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I'm PISSED!! At Bernie!!
How can he possibly be considering endorsing those slime balls that STOLE the primary, essentially RIGGED every state, starting with Iowa, and coerced the people that were investigating her CRIMES against the people of this country.
I for one will not "thank" Bernie for exposing the corruption, if he is now willing to say he's fucking fine with it! He should have kept fighting, joined with the greens, and he would have had a shot at winning a 4 way race.
Stand for your principles goddammit! The Clinton Crime Syndicate must have made him an offer he cannot refuse, but I don't give a shit. This was our chance to take on the PTB, and now they are going to cement their power and take even more!
My hope for the future of my daughters in this country has been completely destroyed.
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
Maybe he likes
The thought entered my mind too... but you are the one who told me to lighten up last weeK
Ho hum - another betrayal
An endorsement of HRC by Bernie would constitute a declaration that he's out of the race. I then will consider myself released from continuing to support him and will shift to Jill Stein.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Endorsing War Criminals
No surprise. On domestic issues the Bernie campaign brought many issues front and center and changed the perception of some of the issues and made them palatable for the empire and its power structure. Like gay marriage, they can throw lame attempts towards free college tuition and universal health care your way and then amend it to the point where it becomes more corporate welfare.
But there is not a peep now of justice for Palestine, or an end to funding the Syrian "opposition" and Haitian and Puerto Rican and Honduran et al colonization. I looked up USAID etc. non-confidential historical and 2017 budgets on Syria, Haiti and Honduras last night, its sickening... millions for Dynacorp for "training police" in Haiti, more millions for Monsanto's GMO seeds... billions of dollars of graft and militarization of countries America has obliterated.
The rest of the world has been thrown under the tank treads, bunker busters, and apartheid regimes. They are asking me and you to support a war criminal and his war criminal wife and their war criminal corporate/NGO friends to continue destroying the Earth for power and profit. They can't control so they obliterate. With the screams of mangled and starving children in the American nightmare of perpetual destruction you are still supposed to go along for a domestic facade of free public education after the perpetrators shuffle their party favors.
With an endorsement of the war criminal dynasty next week, in the days before the convention, is everyone planning to celebrate the ascension of the same old war criminals? Will the millenniums deliver Occupy to the war criminals? Will African-American, Hispanic and White working classes count their illusionary crumbs and swallow more anti-depressants as they cheer on genocide?
Read: The Scourging of Iraq: Sanctions, Law and Natural Justice
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From the Light House.
Thank you. This should be
Thank you. This should be written across the skies. Not in my name.
Exactly! He's going to endorse this woman.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
As Bernie said
Our vote has to be earned and Hillary has only earned our no vote of rejection. Jill Stein will make a great President.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Socialist Parties
I am looking at the more radical parties on the socialist left. The ones who spend more time on the streets protesting than trying to scrounge up votes. Peace and Freedom, Party for Liberation and Socialism, Socialist Alternative (not a party)...
Green needs someone like Nina Turner who can fire up crowds. Jill is so soft spoken she puts me to sleep... I do hope Nina does the nomination speech for Bernie and I'd love to see McGibben, Zogby, Killer Mike and Brother Cornel do seconding speeches...
From the Light House.
JIll doesn't put me to sleep
She almost had me tearing up when I was watching an interview of her the other day. She is anti-imperialism.
Beware the bullshit factories.
This 2 days after we learn about Hillary's betrayal?
How she exposed national secrets to protect her own secrets and lied about it so brazenly. Endorsing her only hurts Bernie it doesn't help Hillary.
Beware the bullshit factories.
The main crime was using her
The main crime was using her office as a pay to play arrangement for enriching the Clinton family through "speeches" and, primarily, through donations to the Clinton Foundation.
probably an overdose ...
An edit... sorry for any bigoted sounding implications
Edited the quote to read, "Will African-American, Hispanic and White working classes count their illusionary crumbs and swallow more anti-depressants as they cheer on genocide?"
From the Light House.
Okay, I just re-read the article
and am feeling a little calmer:
All Bernie has done is confirm there have been talks about a "possible" endorsement.
I'm going to take that at face value. If we've learned nothing from this election cycle, it's that the MSM will spin, spin, spin any story to look favorable for Hillary. I'm sure there have been talks about a "possible" endorsement since June 7th. Hasn't happened yet. No reason to believe it will happen, at least before the convention, just because TPTB want it so desperately.
Somebody please update this to the POST TEXT?
Seriously. Before any more hair gets lit up around here with all the new people around and such.
We must present at least some semblance of coherence
What? Sanders says they're currently in discussions about his
endorsement. They weren't talking about it before, now they are. That's the ugly truth of the situation. He's got a choice to make and its coming soon. But if he does endorse, he can say good-bye to his political 'revolution' because if he really means what he says, he could never endorse a money grubbing war whore like the Clinton creature.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
That's what he told the interviewer on TV, yes
Now, I agree with this much:
but he hasn't done it yet. Do you understand? The media is asking him about it and his answer was "We're talking about it".
I think it would really help to understand that Bernie Sanders doesn't HAVE TO do anything. He can walk away tomorrow, from all of this. So all I'm saying is maybe we should just chill out about it a little. He hasn't done it yet.
If HE can say goodbye to his revolution, it's because he'll see people giving up the minute something looks adverse. You'll never have a revolution that way. Never, ever--and let me tell you something, that won't just be on HIM. It'll be on ALL OF US.
What it will be is a missed or discarded opportunity to change
the course of this country. To at least put us one the path and start the grunt work of making this place resemble the country he's been describing for all these months. To acquire the resources and funding needed to fight climate change. Poverty is rampant. There are TENS OF THOUSANDS of children out on our streets full and part time every single night. WTF? How such a wealthy nation that honestly does have the resources to cure most of our social problems be so petty, mean, racist, bigoted, and just damn stingy?. We need to find those tax havens and go after them. Tax Wall Street for each trade, Raise the cap on Social Security. Stop these horrible trade agreements that will cost the 99% of the world more of our rights and privileges and the 1% gain even more rights, privileges, and wealth. End fracking period. I read today that the US has the largest oil reserve in the world. We do not need and we cannot afford more fracking.
I have a list that I could type all night, but I know you get my drift. That's what we're throwing away. Unless the Greens can start to pick up steam. But if Sanders endorses Clinton, he's blown his chance with a large number his supporters and will have a problem attracting others.
We will see.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
How do
you know what it will be?
That's the essence of what I'm saying here. You don't. NOBODY DOES. And even if you could know, what in the actual fuck good does it do to cry about it? When you expend all this energy thinking thinking thinking about how BAD it MIGHT get, you have no energy for things that DO happen NOW.
Save that energy for something you CAN control and stop beating down morale, just like your media wants you to do.
Just stop giving them exactly what they want. That is what the endless litany of woe DOES.
If posting the facts of what happening or being said by
Sanders or anyone else upset you I really don't know what to tell you other than don't read my posts. Because 1) If something is said by anyone that effects this primary/election, I'm gonna post it. 2) If Sanders himself makes statements to the press PARTICULARLY on things like his intent to vote for and eventually endorse Shills, I'm gonna post it. 3) People speak on this primary and what may or may not happen every singe day. I do not seem to be the only one who is displeased. And crying may be your style, but I'm livid. But the thing is people are talking abut the setbacks, thinking of alternatives, and deciding what to do about where their vote will do the best good. And those decisions are based on the information we get from one another. I have yet to see you wag your finger at anyone else, and I wouldn't advise doing it to me again. I've read all that kvetching and concern of yours about not knowing if all the votes will be counted. How you didn't believe they will be. In fact in one post you indicated that was your biggest worry about this election and gee, what will we do if the votes can't be verified? There's a major downer of a topic if there ever was one in election world. And it is a possibility. But you don't know will be and I don't know what will be but that hasn't stopped you from bringing that up several times. I don't think that's very morale building, do you? But it does need discussed. (See how that works?)
If the discussion of missed opportunities kills our 'morale', then we deserve to continue to lose. We need to recognize our failures PAST AND PRESENT AND POSSIBLE FUTURE and change course, salvage the situation, fight back, fight dirty. Every freaking attempt at Liberal revolutions fail because the minute things get hard people don't want to hear about it so flames out like a dud firework and in about a month, the only movement Liberals are thinking about involves their bowels.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
And here we are.
Thanks for noticing.
There is a huge difference between "discussion" of Sanders' candidacy and where it might be headed verses encouraging the whole "fuck this, he's just another pol and he's giving up" motif when that has not even happened. Have you not seen that in the comments section of your posts yet? I have.
You can talk around and around this all night if you want. The point has been made more than once and I'm not the only one making it. I'm sorry that you took umbrage to having that pointed out, but you aren't the only one falling for the propaganda press on this, I'm not the only one that's noticed and I'm not the only one that is sick and tired of it. It is a hard habit to break. Can you stop trying to defend yourself long enough to understand that it's not about "wagging my finger at you", it's about seeing how best to move forward realistically. We do seem to agree on that much--but understand this. too: worrying about whether or not the ballots are counted correctly is apples to oranges here. Whether or not the ballots are counted correctly--or at all--is the entire basis of the election. Whether or not this one man "endorses" that other candidate or not isn't.
Defense? I don't owe you a defense.And I am asking you
to point where I said anyone should give up.
"...but you aren't the only one falling for the propaganda press on this, I'm not the only one that's noticed and I'm not the only one that is sick and tired of it."
And I'm sick of people always talking big talk, like you for instance. Right now there is no organization, no spokesperson, nothing, What I've looked around and seen and have heard are lot of others who are looking around for the 'next step' and finding that there isn't one. That's not our fault. Maybe you got the answer. Basically most, including myself, say we'll vote green since this campaign seems to be in the process of ending prematurely and in utter capitulation to the Clinton creature. There are people all over this country who are not happy about it. A lot of people are even more upset at what he said this week. There is no way that he didn't know how that would make his die-hard young supporters feel. His message now is the TOTAL opposite of what it's been the entire campaign. What's the deal, they want to know. Is he lying now? Was he lying then? Because this makes no sense coming from a man who was cheated, libeled, slandered, and who they tried to make his civil rights legacy out to be one big lie.He 'owes' then nothing. But he will do what he will do, People want answers and they want to hear the reason why he has made the remarks recently. THAT is what is demoralizing people. I'm frankly amazed by the number of posts that are saying that people regret sending him money. I think that's a little harsh. I also recognize that this will cause funding problems for the next candidate and their 'revolution'. So don't hang that crap around me or any other poster's neck. It a problem emanating from the campaign itself and what Sanders has said and done (and not done).
We are discussing OUR options,organizing our thoughts, and trying to figure out what to do next. If you don't like the conversation always know that you're perfectly welcome to butt out. We won't even get 'sick' of you. I'll even hold the door open.
And as for "... I'm not the only one that is sick and tired of it."
Take a couple aspirins and call your doctor in the morning. I''m speaking collectively for all the people that "make you sick" when I say that Pepto-Bismol will do wonders for all stress you're causing trying to mind other people's business. No one's telling you what to think. Try returning the courtesy.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Thank you for believing and reposting so frequently
the demoralizing MSM spin.
You're very welcome. But I don't remember forcing you to read
my posts, but then again, I do occasionally forget doing things so please, skip over anything I post if it upsets you so much. And don't forget to skip all the other posts like mine, which are the majority of posts in this thread.
My Dad said a long time ago that politics isn't for crybabies, something the damn Repubs have known all along. They don't cry and they don't give in. They fight for everything, even when they don't have a leg to stand on. We don't fight for squat. Some of the failed Repub candidates are doing exactly what Sanders SHOULD be doing, refusing to support their front runner and soon to be office candidate (Trump) because he's so horrific, so dishonest, and is a proven liar. Well our candidate is worse. Not only do we have her past record to judge her by, the head of the FBI has come out and stated that she's a liar and basically incompetent, something we already know from her time in the State Department. How many Honduran children (besides the 5 we KNOW of) are dead now because the bitch had to 'send a message'????
There is still the Clinton Foundation problem hanging over her head as we 'speak'. And she perjured herself before Congress. This is NOT the kind of person you support for the Presidency regardless of some promise that was made BEFORE the Clinton camp cheated him (and us) out of a fair primary. It makes no sense and goes against everything Sanders has said if he stands up in front of millions of people who KNOW what a corrupt and unfit person she is to hold office and endorses her candidacy. Particularly after what she, Brock, DWS and the DNC have done throughout this entire contest. Not only was Sanders cheated, we were too. And we need him to fight back for us and for himself. We need a fighter now. This election is being hijacked right in front of our faces, and all some people can do is whine about having to face bad news. This ain't Home on the Range where rarely is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day. This is the real world where, contrary to whatever you may have heard, the meek do NOT inherit a damn thing. You have to fight for everything you want and everything you hold dear. Especially when it comes to politics.
And if I can cause you so much emotional trauma, for God's'sake, turn off your television and dump the internet and don't buy any newspapers because you'll end up having to see the reality and what the world is saying and doing anyway.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
So we can count on you to keep repeating MSM spin about Bernie?
And seriously, WTF?
You sound just like those "kossacks" who shat all over OWS and Sanders, demanding leadership and presuming to speak for everyone else.
Your concern for my emotional trauma is almost as touching
as your faux concern for Bernie and his betrayal. Condescending and dishonest. Your tone sounds familiar to me, but you may not even know whose water you are carrying.
The email put us to sleep
I am ashamed to say that I found myself more interested in the damn emails than researching corruption in Haiti and past and present war crimes.
From the Light House.
If Bernie's Internal Polling
shows he has a path to 270 electoral votes, he would be a fool not to run independent. If it doesn't, he's a fool to try. I think he firmly believes that Clinton is the lesser of two evils (vs. Trump). I'm not sure I agree, but it's certainly a defensible position. Running without a path to 270 gives us President Trump.
First place gets Air Force One, second place gets a set of steak knives. Bernie is probably trying to get whatever crumbs he can. We are shocked at how few crumbs there are, but Bernie probably knew this going in. It's the way he got things done in Congress.
Without Bernie we would be in a position at least as bad as the one we're in now. If he gets a crumb or two it will be crumbs we would not have had otherwise. Not much to show for an historic campaign.
What Clinton promises us isn't worth the paper it isn't written on, but I always got the impression that the Clintons stuck by the backroom deals they cut. No guarantee that free college or $15 minimum wage makes it through Congress (probably not a chance in Hell), but maybe Clinton agreed not to work against it and to sign it if it comes to her desk.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Free college and a $15 an hour salary gets you nothing if there
aren't any jobs. And Shills, she has a jobs program but it's not for us anyway.
And trust me, you'll grow hair on your teeth before you see that had push for any of what Sanders wants.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
For me, this is indicative of
For me, this is indicative of what happens when a system is so corrupt and beyond redemption that anything and anyone who wants in, must conform, must tow the line even reluctantly to stay "relevant" and, who knows, maybe even alive. Change will not come from electing better democrats. The system ensures that.
That Bernie has adopted the standard scare tactic of the powerful to lead his supporters into lining up behind Hillary, is a betrayal, an easy one to hide behind, but one nonetheless. We've been played with Trump, another piece of the incredibly thorough, cover all bases, Clinton strategy. I see the Clintons as mafia like. Rule of law is dead and we are no longer living in fear of an oligarcy taking over our republic, it is here.
He has endorsed every Democrat for President since 1984
why this is a surprise is beyond me.
Has he ever run in a primary before this year?
And while I'm at it, I'm not sure if "surprise" is the operative emotion on display here.
So what?
This time, if Bernie endorses this candidate, it will destroy all the credibility and trust he built during his campaign. Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. Is it more important for him to keep his promise to Dems who despise and mock him, or us, his supporters?
Hillary is a liar and her promises are worthless.
If he endorses her, Bernie will be sacrificing his brand and getting nothing in return for legitimizing corruption and criminality. Maybe he just sees this as an extension of the Washington game, where you actually fight for what you want and settle for what you can get at the end of the day, but these are desperate times and I hope he understands that desperate measures are required. It's time to play hardball.
If he endorses her, Bernie will lose a lot of good will and support among his base, even if we all recognize that the corrupt party is strong arming him into it. Most of us won't vote for Hillary anyway, so what's the point?
Don't do it!!!
Here's the message I just sent to him:
Please don't endorse or campaign for Clinton!
I see no way to do so without selling your soul. No good can come of it. Please hang tough! You have MILLIONS of enthusiastic supporters who will be devastated if you go to the Dark Side. They will follow you to the Green Party (or a brand-new party). There's no way to effect meaningful change via the Democratic Party. They broke countless promises to you, they marginalized you at every turn, they implied you were a racist, sexist, gun-humper who lied about your civil rights record, etc., so I think that nullifies your agreement to support the Democratic nominee.
At the very least, please don't endorse or support her in any way. She's only 1% less terrible than Trump, but she'll have the enthusiastic cooperation of the corporate shills in Congress to push through her terrible agenda (when they're not holding impeachment hearings, of course). There will be no work being done to solve our oh-so-urgent problems for the entire term. We can't wait another four to eight years to get down to business.
My Wishful Thinking had been:
after both campaigns meld some of the Sanders campaign's ideas into both the platform and HRC campaign. Then Bernie would endorse HRC after she was appointed the nominee and during his speech at the DNC.
The Reality:
I went looking for Bernie because I would never have voted for HRC in the first place
Now it appears he will be endorsing HRC.
The Clintons, and HRC in particular, hold the American public in utter contempt, especially so their own supporters. How else to explain the countless frauds, crimes, and lies they perpetrate upon their devotees, whose own intellectual honesty is devalued to nothing by their loyalty.
As long as HRC has been on the national scene she has left a path of destruction and wreckage in her wake that is both impressive and terrible to behold. She is a testament to the extent of damage that can be done by one person determined to conquer everything before her in the quest for unlimited power and self-gratification. The only prize left to her in American politics is the presidency, which she has always felt is hers by right.
While such determination comes at a staggering cost, we should remind ourselves that the bill is never paid by HRC. It's paid by the country.
For those paying attention, we are being treated to a preview of coming attractions that has been running on a continuos loop for the better part of thirty years. The goal has always been the attainment of power masquerading as public service. HRC has always served herself, and nothing else.
My vote isn't Bernie's to give. It's his to take, but not to give away.
But nobody is giving away your vote
not even Bernie.
I would understand his conceding
and releasing his pledged delegates. But endorsement? No, No, and No!
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
You can tweet to Bernie
There's a blue spot on the left for sending a tweet to Bernie.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Watch his CNN interview with
Watch his CNN interview with Wolf Blitzer. A couple of things are obvious to me in the interview, first he is cutting a deal to help vulnerable Americans. The first thing he mentions is the free college program, the next one is to expand Social Security. Lastly, he is asking that TPP not come up for a vote. Bernie could fight on as Third party candidate and hopefully bring change, but there would be policy changes in the interim that would hurt a lot of Americans. He has decided to stay in the party and have more immediate impact.
The other issue is he does not want to be responsible for electing Trump. This could have a devistating impact on the creditability of the progressive movement down the road. If he endorses her and she still loses it is all on Hillary. It is obvious the Democratic Party is desperate for the endorsement. Bernie is giving us a voice at their elitist table. It is unfortunate that the Democratic Party has lost it's soul and has to be leveraged to protecting programs for the working class.
The thing to remember is we have to stay committed to the movement. A lot of things are going on like the People's Convention that Steven D has been promoting. It is bigger than Bernie and must continue to grow outside of his campaign.
The endorsement does not mean we have to support or campaign for Clinton. I am still going to the Green Party, I would recommend it for all Progressives this year.
The bigger movement is intact, regardless
Yes, that is important. Bernie Sanders is not The Movement. He's one person in it. We have to stay committed to that.
That is not part and parcel of my November vote, however. Going Green with your American General Election ballot is hobbled by not knowing whether or not the vote counts.
If you vote your conscious
If you vote your conscious that is what is important in the election. Don't fall for the false reasoning that not voting for HRC is a vote for Trump. In the meantime supporting Jill in the polls and getting her in the debates will help break up the duopoly.
So much for my $2700. I think it would have been better spent
on Stein. At least it appears she will be on our ballot. Never again will I vote Democrat for president. Some how, some way, the duopoly must be destroyed.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Same here
but we must find a way to verify that our own ballots COUNT.
I don't see anybody trying to do that, and it's driving me nuts. That needs to be a top freakin' priority!
After the damning Comey comments, he is still going to endorse this person?
It's one thing speaking out against Trump or specifically his crazy ideas, but it's another to tell people to vote for someone who is not qualified, not trustworthy and who you know will take up positions much more pro-establishment than what she's currently campaigning on.
In the end of the day it comes down to the lesser evil concept. Either you embrace it and postpone the revolution another 4 or 8 years or you take a stand against all evil and work against both candidates.
“The first duty of a man is to think for himself”
If it happens,
I'll be beyond disappointed. I've emailed him my sentiments.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Bernie's a Fool
The end justifies the means. He figured out the means, but not the ending if Clinton played dirty. He almost succeeded in creating a viable third party and should have gone all in. His rhetoric and bombast fooled us all into believing he would fight till the end. Bernie worked hard and honest, took us to the precipice of victory, and then turned around 180 and ran away. He's adamant about honoring a promise made to the Dems but not us, his supporters? The type of success and name recognition Bernie got is almost impossible to achieve, but Bernie had it. Now, he's broken but doesn't know it yet. Wait until they marginalize him in the Senate and get even. The Clintonistas will make his life hell. And what of the so-called revolution? Nobody has yet come up with a plan of action and we are rudderless and demoralized.
Supporting Jill Stein seems to be a popular plan of action
Since she's not part of the 2 party stranglehold, she might be a better plan of action than Bernie was. I think Hillary and the DNC are making their usual mistake of assuming it's about the personalities for us and not the very serious issues. "Not me, us".
Beware the bullshit factories.
That's my current plan
I've got no intention of voting for Hillary. And the arguments against voting for Hillary are at least as strong against voting for Trump. My vote doesn't elect a president, and anybody guilt-tripping us with that implicit assumption is engaging in nothing but bullying.
If Jill Stein is the most practical protest vote this year, that's the way I'll vote. That way, if Hillary squeaks by Trump while Stein pulls in a substantial percentage, the Democrats might finally realize that "Where else are they gonna go?" actually has an answer.
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