Sanders booed by House Democrats

Lawmakers press Sanders during a tense question-and-answer session on whether he would ultimately endorse Clinton and help foster party unity.
By Heather Caygle and Seung Min Kim
07/06/16 10:49 AM EDT
Updated 07/06/16 11:05 AM EDT

Sen. Bernie Sanders is still talking like a guy who's running for president. But frustrated House Democrats — who booed him at one point during a morning meeting — say it's time to stop.

House Democrats including John Garamendi of California and Joyce Beatty of Ohio asked Sanders for specifics on when he would ultimately get behind Clinton — questions that were accompanied by some cheers and clapping from other House Democrats, sources inside the room said.

Sanders didn’t give them a clear answer, according to attendees. Instead, the Vermont senator emphasized that elections are not necessarily about winning, multiple sources said, but about transformations — an answer that was met with some boos from lawmakers, one person inside the room said.

The senator also talked about his outstanding issues with the party's platform, particularly when it comes to trade.

"To say, as he did, that the goal is not to win elections but for people to embrace his ideas is disconnected from what we are trying to do here. He had a chance to talk about getting things done and instead talked about prolonging his process," the Democratic source added.


Okay, it's eat shit or die time according to the so-called 'Democrats' who only care about winning elections regardless of how low and crooked you have to be to win one. Now they're going to turn on him. They're demanding HE support Hillary and down ticket Dems when the Democratic Party and these shits haven't supported or stood up for him for a single minute during this rigged primary.

I say fuck 'em. But that's just me.

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chuck utzman

TULSI 2020

kharma's picture

but isn't it more like they left you?

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

I will be joining you as well. After 40 years as a registered Dem, calling, knocking on doors, contributing and defending them against people leaving the party, I am heading for the exit.

Every time a Clinton opens their mouth, a lie comes out and another Dem will abandon the party.

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karl pearson's picture

I'm leaving with all of you, too. I've been voting Democrat since 1972. I'm outta that hole and free! Yippee! I just wish I lived in a state where I could officially change my registration to Independent. In my state, one calls for their party preference when they vote during the primary election. I so want to make it official, after all my donating, canvassing, and defending the Democrats, who no longer even try to pretend they're the party of FDR.

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SparkyGump's picture

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The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.

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Sea Turtle

Alphalop's picture

These parties think they own us and our votes.

Fuck em.

I already left one party because it betrayed its stated principles, why the hell would I ever stay with one that doesn't have any respect for the nation, it's own platform or its constituents?

At least the Republican party by and large was smart enough to not throw shit directly at the faces of the Teabaggers and instead tried to incorporate them into the party despite their nuttiness, but the Democrats?

"Fuck you Peasant, We WON!" seems to be their mantra. (While completely disregarding the fact that they haven't "Won" anything. (At least not yet.)

They are too arrogant to even notice that not only are they shooting themselves in the foot but they are using a frigging RPG to do so.

The Democratic Party has sold its soul to the Devil that is the Oligarchy and I for one will no longer be a part of it.

I am even tempted to not vote for Down Ticket dems even if they are claiming to be progressive after this cycle simply because I know they will never get anywhere near the levers of power in the party. If they want to really pursue a progressive agenda they will need to do it in another party to get my support.

My singular mission now is to see the destruction of this corrupt two party system. That is my primary goal moving forward as none of my other ones are going to be even remotely achievable with the current stranglehold TPTB have on our political and legal systems...

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

WaterLily's picture

Now I'm curious how you'll amend it!

I would be leaving, too, except I never belonged. I've always lived in states (three so far) where I could be "unenrolled," "independent" and "unaffiliated." It's too bad in a way, because I'd love nothing more than to give the Democrats (for whom I've always voted) a giant middle finger with the rest of you.

My consolation this time is that I can NOT vote for Hillary, and the Dems can't blame me for it. It's been clear they don't want me in their party, so they certainly don't need my vote. And Hillary's loss will be on THEM, not me.

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karl pearson's picture

Maybe your state is like mine. You're don't actually register as a Democrat, but you call for a Democratic ballot in the primary. I can't officially unregister as a Dem, but I can ask for a non-Democratic ballot in the primary. The local Democratic party will know what I've done because my name will appear on a different list. This way, I do get to give them the giant middle finger. I am waiting for their "OMG, after all these years, _____ _____ did that?" "Yes, I did that!!"

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Alphalop's picture

I really like my sig line too. Wink

Maybe, "I used to partake in the two party system...."?

So many difficult decisions to make, lol!

Thanks for giving me a chuckle just thinking of the irony of my sig at this point in time....

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Alligator Ed's picture

He says he quit voting Republican--he doesn't say he is voting Democratic. BTW, I endorse his sentiments. Bernie because FUCK THIS SHIT!

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Alphalop's picture

Maybe if I get my gator tag I can even find ya a "companion", lol!

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Alligator Ed's picture

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Unfortunately, the corporate candidate doesn't need votes because they cheat.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

thanatokephaloides's picture

Leaving the Dems/DNC is an Exodus in all ways!

[video: width:480 height:360]

"We're leaving Babylon, and going to our Fatherland..."


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Alphalop's picture

and then on the deregistration day make a point of sending a CC'ed copy of our deregistration to every one of them with just the words, "Go Boo yourself by yourself" in the body. Smile

These Political bullies and cowards got nothing to offer us, so lets give them the only thing we can.

A pink slip...

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Those named in the article (at least) should be rejected at the ballot box in November. It's time to take scalps.

And I, too, will be leaving the Dem party after a lifetime as a member.

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WaterLily's picture

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Alligator Ed's picture

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Oooooo, I like your idea!

However, it seems, going by the OP quotes, that they booed the notion of transforming America into a democracy: '... the Vermont senator emphasized that elections are not necessarily about winning, multiple sources said, but about transformations — an answer that was met with some boos from lawmakers, one person inside the room said. ...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

reflectionsv37's picture

on some these jerks. In fact, with just a very few exceptions, I think people should vote every incumbent out of office this year. Doesn't matter if they been there 1 term or 10. Vote them all out and start over again. Nothing would make me happier than seeing a 90% turnover of Congress.

When is deregistration day? I can't seem to find a way to change my party affiliation in Hawaii. I can't find any government website that allows me to do that. I sent a email to the Green Party telling them I wanted to change and ask what I need to do. I'm not sure I can wait until deregistration day. I want out and I want out now!!

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

Haikukitty's picture

a strongly worded letter - ha! Haiku-husband always makes fun of me for writing letters, but I don't care, it makes me feel better, and there's always a chance if enough people write or contact it might get through their thick skulls.

I especially would love to know if any Dems from my state booed, so I can assure them they'll never get another vote from me.

Although, I am no longer a registered Democrat (yeehaw) so maybe they won't care - they apparently don't need the votes of the 43 percent of the country that is Independent.

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Bulldawg's picture

for the Greens last month.

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“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck

reflectionsv37's picture

I'm tired of waiting for politicians to reform our corrupt system. It's time to take matters into our own hands and send a very loud message. It's time to vote out the incumbents. It doesn't matter who they are, vote against every single incumbent running for re-election. Do it for Congress, the Senate, Governors and your state assemblies. And keep doing until they are begging people to stop voting them out of office. One term and you're done!! They can either work for the voters or get the hell out of the system.

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

Lookout's picture

they have ignored and booed Bernie.

drawing a croud.png

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lily O Lady's picture

sit-in. Dems have let me down too many times.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

Good for Bernie!

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I second that "fuck 'em". With very, very few exceptions, I'm done with the democrats -- and suspect there will be millions and millions more "fuck 'ems" along the way.

The saddest, most infuriating part of this is what they did to the young people. Bernie brought gigantic numbers of them into the party, and the party responded by spitting in their faces. I don't think they'll be back.

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them." Maya Angelou.

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Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia

the only representative who understands what Bernie is doing is Rep Peter Welch (D-VT). Like you said, the loss of so many young people is a major loss. But these fools are so busy playing the raising money game, they have no time to concern themselves with their constituents' needs. They just have to WIN. If their winning had any benefit to the rest of us, I'd be with them. But they still have absolutely no idea what Bernie's campaign was all about. And I doubt they ever will.

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I hadn't clicked on the link till reading your reply, knowing what I'd find there. It was no surprise to see all the rah rah Team Hillary trolls there, falling all over themselves to insult the most genuine candidate to have run for higher office in many years. And they not only wonder why young people are disenganged from politics, but THEN expect them to show up this time around for "party unity" anyway? Not gonna happen.

Like you said, they're clueless, a common trait it seems amongst the selfish and entitled. My oldest son is one of those young people we're speaking of. I was so proud of him for showing up to caucus for Bernie (would have been proud if it was another candidate, too, but am even prouder of his wise choice:) ). Now he says after all he's seen, he plans to sit the general out. No amount of pleading for Stein or down ballot will get through. It was hard enough getting him to participate in the first place, though Bernie gets the credit for that more than I. That's what these DNC stooges don't get. THEY -- not Bernie, not Trump -- have alienated an entire generation of people, possibly for good.

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Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia

Cassiodorus's picture

Conservatives. They don't believe what you and I believe, and they're going to show that in its full glory unless some sort of miracle can deny Clinton the Presidency.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Pretty words, bread and circuses, that's all they have to offer. Soon as you look away, selling us off piecemeal, for their own selfish interests. It took me too long to figure that out. Defended Obama until quite recently, and still am finding it hard to shake the infatuation. These young people, though, they're sharp. They learn quick. From what I've seen, you cross them but once, you'll never win their trust back again.

Oldest son started high school just as the market was crashing. He's heard all the promises, experienced the betrayals, is facing a reality that doesn't match the "hope and change" messenging shoveled at him as he came of age. It was miraculous that he showed up for the caucus after all that, and for subsequent meetings, too! Speaking of miracles. Yeah, we're gonna need a whole lot more of those. The democrats should have had the good sense to celebrate the one that dropped in their lap. They'll blame us if/when they lose, because they're incapable of self reflection, conservative as they are.

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Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia

going on. And they're still counting on us to cave and vote for Hillary. I won't post anything over there until after the Nov election, if then. But I want so much to tell them how I see it. If Hillary doesn't win, it won't be my (our) fault. It will be Hillary's fault (lousy option). Or how about her supporters' fault (so nasty, ugh). I'm being nice. I won't vote for anyone for president, so all they have to do is find just one person who wouldn't otherwise vote. If I voted for someone else, they'd have to counter my vote with two other people. So I really want them to quit insulting me with their assumption that I don't know what I'm doing, and get off their butts and go find some other saps who'll vote for Hillary. Better use of time than staying on the computer insulting people. I'm getting to the end of the road, so I don't really matter so much. But if they fuck up their chance with all those young people, they're just stupid.

Note: It sounds like you raised a wise son. Good job!!

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Mark from Queens's picture

adage of getting less and less people to vote through suppression and fraud. With this election the Dems have shown that they not only abide RW economic policies (Neoliberalism) but they also are not above voter suppression and fraud, just like their counterparts. There is no such thing as a red or blue team, they both work for the green team, as in $.

Anybody who challenges or disrupts the duopoly power of 1% oligarch/corporate monopoly rule (as Sanders has) gets shown the door. The fraudulent party of Voter Rights just sent millions of new young voters and potential party adherents to despair by stealing the election. All that hard work, volunteering and belief that if we all just "got out to vote" we'd win.

The Dems have finally proven to all how full of shit they are about ensuring voter rights, revering GOTV tactics, etc.

They had a chance with Bernie to really have people believe in this thing called participatory democracy.

They were telling us to keep believing in Santa Claus.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Alligator Ed's picture

Conservative, my ass! Corksoakers (euphemized to avoid outrage). I still think that as idiotic as his campaign is, he could still elected president. Why? Mass desertion of Team Blue if her Heinous gets the nomination. She is doing her best to alienate Berners--as good a job as Trump is doing shooting himself in the foot.

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MonetaryLeviathon's picture

in its current corporatist/globalist form is the only change I can believe in any longer. Bill Clinton already destroyed my life and career with legislation that he eagerly passed, if someone thinks I will vote for a shillary administration they've got another thing coming...

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Amanda Matthews's picture

says he is now voting for Hillary because Sanders is, and that's good enough for him. So I have the opposite problem. And he too won't listen to a word I say.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Mark from Queens's picture

are trying to spread which has grabbed your grandchild, that Bernie will be voting for Hillary, so you should too?

There is something called the Green Party, which last time I checked, lines up pretty squarely with Bernie's platform or at least way more than does the RW Neoliberal farce of the Clinton Cabal.

Sanders can not in good conscience, and I hope will not, endorse the blind cheerleading of the faux feminism associated with the corrupt, lying #ImWithHer monarchy campaign.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Aardvark's picture

Don't give up yet. The election in November is a long way off, with two conventions, and much more to come.Without saying or implying that Senator Sanders is the measure of all things in this election to me, clearly he means a great deal to your grandson. Senator Sanders has not endorsed any candidate. From the diarist's report, he is leaving his options open. There is sufficient time for him to act in such a way that his supporters, even those who are not deeply engaged in the issues, will accept an alternative to Mrs. Clinton.

Peace and love be with you, reader.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

just posted and ABC article regarding the two campaigns discussing when Sanders will endorse and it was confirmed by Sanders. His acceptance of her will destroy his 'revolution'. They young will bail and the 'they're all the same' will be reinforced in their minds. What Clinton and her campaign did was rig the 'Democratic' (haha) Primary with the help of the media. The optics of railing against corruption and then endorsing it are not good.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

is that they like it that way, low turnout guarantees them only the zealots vote. Look at the Tea Party and how low their actual turnout is, but they win because they'll by God go to vote their bigotry and ignorance like good little foot soldiers. That's a big part of what scares me the most about this election - low turnout may be all they really need to keep on "winning" as long as this shitty ass system holds out.

But I do hope with the young, they are so smart and sharp at what seems to me such a young age - I know I wasn't engaged when I was young and my very first vote was for St Ronnie the Dim in 1980. Still makes me sick, but my best friend and I have since realized we were young and dumb and we are not solely responsible for Ronald Fucking Reagan even if I fully admit this, but cringe thinking about it. I guess my generation hadn't really seen the true ugly brunt of Supply Side neo-liberal economics then, but this new one sure does. And Shillary has merely confirmed for them all that they instinctually probably grasped by now - she's not gonna do shit and she and Obama are the same ilk, he just comes in a more pleasing package. While the Repugnants are easier enemies to focus on, "Democrats" have shown their obvious similarity. They allow the Baggers to set the agenda and then "work with them" to "get things done." And we all see very well by now just what gets done.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Edited to add the post (waaaaay up there, lol) to which I was replying:

According to the linked Politico article,

the only representative who understands what Bernie is doing is Rep Peter Welch (D-VT). Like you said, the loss of so many young people is a major loss. But these fools are so busy playing the raising money game, they have no time to concern themselves with their constituents' needs. They just have to WIN. If their winning had any benefit to the rest of us, I'd be with them. But they still have absolutely no idea what Bernie's campaign was all about. And I doubt they ever will.

Actually, I rather suspect that they do, which is why they booed the 'transformative' point in Bernie's speech.

Think about it: they cheat and rig elections for corporate hand-fed servants to 'win' and continually get away with it, because 'oh, we'll fix that next time' somehow works every time, and faked electoral results are allowed to stand, no matter how blatant and unconstitutional they may be - why would they need actual voters to 'win'? Rather like: why should police stop harassing, falsely arresting, beating and killing PoC, war vets, homeless people, the disabled or anyone else identifiable as vulnerable to such abuse because obviously not One Of Those Who Matter Because They're Worth Something In Real Money and when the abusive/murderous cops essentially get a paid vacation and rapid exoneration for such behaviours?

None of these pathological symptoms will stop manifesting until they are stopped - and the Clintons demonstrably have no problem with any of this sort of horror, at all. The law only applies when used against non-multi-million/billionaires.

Justice for Alton Sterling

This is what the lives and happiness of their fellow-citizens are worth: nothing, except maybe a few tax-payer-funded bullets, while the people fruitlessly petition and beg their public servants - whom they pay - for justice and the public services for which they also pay.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

kharma's picture

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

Raggedy Ann's picture

This is what he needs to see. He needs to realize that everything is rigged and everything he stands for is in the way of the rigged system. These clowns are afraid of their gravy train being derailed. Perhaps once he realizes that he stands along with the throng of people behind him, he can go his separate way. We need to remain a strong force that fuels him and his agenda to the forefront of our government, no matter the path we take.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

shaharazade's picture

all along what their true colors are. If you listen to his speeches and look at what he has done over his political career it obvious he knows. I do not understand why he feels the need to placate these corrupt Democratic machine pols. What's he got to lose? Well he would be run out of DC and his political career would be ruined like the Dems. did to Kucinich. Even if he comes back to the fold like Kucinich did, after he had his little 'friendly' chat with Obama, Bernie's insurrection will not be forgotten or forgiven. He's dead to the New Dem. party including the so called progressive wing Dems. Why not finish up what he started and stop playing their game. Refuse to endorse her and stop playing sheep dog because we must reform the party and Trump. Stand up to them Bernie they are not a lesser evil but the evil you talk about.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

He needs to read this. It is exactly how I feel he needs to move forward. I'm happy to send it to him - just would like your permission.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

shaharazade's picture

I am a Bernie supporter and donator. I wish he would move forward and quit messing with the hopeless Democratic party. In it's present state of ownership it might be for the best if people did not give in to Trump fear and refused to give their consent to govern to the so called lesser evil. I cannot vote for Hillary. It's not voting or democracy it's extortion. Nice country you have be a shame if The HairBall and his goon fascist followers wrecked it beyond repair.

Like the damage done could be worse. Even the one thing the Dems. claim they are better on social issues the Clinton's policy and agenda has inflicted major damages on poc, women, old folks and children, all of us ordinary people both here in the US and globally. Bill was right about one thing 'it's the economy stupid' and then proceeded to create a globalized neoliberal anti-democratic new world order where austerity is imposed and nothing is public.

I'm at a point where I say a pox on both their houses and let them fall. With or without Bernie people need to stop this madness. I do believe however that the movement he gave voice to is not going to fall in line after we all got to see this farce of a primary. I just wish Bernie would take a stand against the thoroughly broken Democratic party.

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MonetaryLeviathon's picture

"The HairBall and his goon fascist followers wrecked it beyond repair" globalism neoliberalism and all that is far more fascist than trump is ... that is why both Bernie and Trump are getting steam rolled by their respective parties ... if you read what 'liberal' or 'democratic' sites write about both of these ppl versus actually listening to what those candidates actually say .. there is a world of difference.

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He's been dealing with them for 25 years, and it's gone from bad to worse. I also think that's why a 74 year old man ran all over this country teaching lots of people about what democracy really can be. That's why he said winning isn't the only possible goal. The shallow money-grubbers aren't stupid. They know that he's right. But they don't want to give up the gravy train. If you learned nothing else from Bernie Sanders, you learned selfless dignity. The selfish try to impute all kinds of motives on him. They have no idea what selfless dignity even means.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

I so wish Bernie would move away from the dems. After being a dem for all but the last 10 years, I see no reason to stay with this corrupt party. I want both of them to fall, as well. I believe it's the only way to move forward in our country.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Pluto's Republic's picture

It would be a shame if anything bad happened to it.

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shaharazade's picture

it's not a nice little party. It's a big gnarly global 'great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.' Not to mention wraped arounf anything that smells like democracy, justice or peace.

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I keep hoping he'll work out a deal with the Greens to somehow become their candidate. Use the millions of people who support his message to start a real third party, a third party that could spoil everything for the Democrats. Unfortunately there's only room for two parties in this first past the post system, but until a third party destroys the Dems chance of holding office, they will not change. Without a force to push them left, they will continue to tack further and further right, pushing the Reps even further in right wing nutter territory, until the only "choice" we have is the far far right Dems and the far far far right Reps.

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skod's picture

that will end on #DumpDemsDay after the now-seemingly-inevitable coronation.

Fuck 'em until they glow blue, so we can strafe 'em in the dark- or something like that, anyway.

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EdMass's picture

So, septuagenarians and octogenarians in the Dem House somehow think they're OCW and BLM?

What a farce.

Milk for the uninformed imho.

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

Amanda Matthews's picture

oh-so-not-effective sit-in for gun control? Those pictures of Liz with the doughnuts were adorable. But are we any closer to an effective way to regulate the sale of guns? Of course not. Unless you call the shit Paul Ryan is stirring up 'effective'.

Democrats end gun control sit-in; Paul Ryan blasts it as a 'stunt'


The politicians have forgotten this place
Except for a flying visit in a black Mercedes
On election time
They cross the line
And everybody runs to watch the pantomime
If they could see what's going on around here
So many people hanging onto the edge
Crying out for revolution
The odds turn out even
When you give up believing in the...

0 users have voted.

I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Alison Wunderland's picture

Fuck 'Em All

Made famous by George Formby as "Bless 'Em All", but you know what he meant... Altered for piratical purposes.

They say there’s a fine ship just leaving the bay
Bound for a fairer shore
Heavily laden with what kind of men?
Well, we’ll find out for sure
There's many a lad just finishin’ his time,
There's many a swab signing on;
You’ll get no promotion this side of the ocean
So cheer up, my lass, fuck ‘em all!

Fuck ‘em all! Fuck ‘em all!
Fuck the long and the short and the tall
Fuck all the captains and their number ones
Fuck all the gunners and their fucking guns
And we’re saying good-bye to them all
As back to their hammocks they crawl
You’ll get no promotion this side of the ocean
So cheer up, my lass, fuck ‘em all

They say if you work hard you get better pay
Well, we’ve all heard that before
Put in some muscle and tighten your bustle
And you’ll never be wanting more
There’s many a lass that has taken it in
Hook, line, and sinker and all
You’ll get no promotion this side of the ocean
So cheer up, my lass, fuck ‘em all


They say that the captain’s a very nice chap
We won’t confirm or deny
Ask him for leave on a Saturday eve
And he’ll make you pump the bilge dry
Many a sailor has blighted his life
By writing rude words on the wall
You’ll get no promotion this side of the ocean
So cheer up, my lass, fuck ‘em all


Fuck 'em all! Fuck 'em all!
Fuck the long and the short and the tall;
Fuck all the barmaids and and drink all their rum
Fuck all the sailors and their bastard sons;
For we're saying goodbye to them all,
At least ‘til our next port of call
You'll get no promotion this side of the ocean,
So cheer up my lads, fuck 'em all!

Nobody knows what a whore you have been
So cheer up, my lass, fuck ‘em all!

from Take Everything, released April 24, 2013
Music: George Formby, 1940
Lyrics originally: Fred Garvey, 1917
Altered lyrics: Hollyanna Smith McCollom, Jessica Hebert, Brandee Haynes
Vocals: Jessica Hebert, Hollyanna Smith McCollom
Additional Vocals: Wood Jackson
Guitars: Christian Lipski

Recorded in the Magic Murder Room, Portland OR

All music copyrighted by original publishers, claimed under fair use. The Supreme Court ruled unanimously that parodies are protected under the fair use doctrine in the landmark case Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. 510 U.S. 569 (1994). The PDX Broadsides' parodies and satires are under this fair use doctrine; no copyright infringement is intended.

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vtcc73's picture

An earlier bastardization of Bless 'Em All was a popular fighter pilot song of the Vietnam era. I first encountered it being sung in the stag bar while I was in UPT during 1974. By that time the sentiment had changed from this is a suck ass war to the peacetime bullshit sucks worse. I'd always wondered where it came from and now I know. Thanks again.

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"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

Citizen Of Earth's picture

Can Go To Hell.

This may be a good thing. Maybe it will piss Bernie off and he'll skip the sham convention and go meet with Jill Stein.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

How dare they boo Bernie for not selling out his country.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

featheredsprite's picture

running for the US House of Representatives, please let me know.

Brand New Congress is too wedded to their 2-year timetable to bother to help.

There are some good people in Congress, there are some good people running as Democrats, and there are some who will be running as Independents.

I don't know them. I don't know how to reach them. I don't know how to contribute to their campaigns.

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

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moneysmith's picture

I really wanted to do it after the convention, but letting HRC walk in spite of obviously breaking a number of laws -- that was just one too many straws. So the Green Party has two new members.

After the way the Dumocrats treated Bernie -- not to mention rigging the election -- why would anyone want to be part of that?

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Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare

Steven D's picture

is all I have to say.

Bernie's power now is not inside the convention, it's outside, and if he gives up now, those people outside may not show up.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Bollox Ref's picture

Juvenile assholes!

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Mark from Queens's picture

and give them a serious piece of my mind, these little gutless corporate whores.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Lol, would they know what to do with a serious mind, or even a piece of one? What's one worth in real money, after all, as opposed to that gained by those mindlessly following the corporate/billionaire funding/lucrative job trail? Almost as bad as threatening them with a conscience, empathy, common sense, enlightened self-interest...

Please, go for it, give them nightmares, when they realize what they're doing and what the consequences really are!

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

SparkyGump's picture

and I thank them for self identifying.

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The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.

Amanda Matthews's picture

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

DesertRose's picture

July 29th unless you live in in a state with a Dem primary. In AZ, we have open primaries, so I will vote as an Indie. First time ever in my 45 yrs of voting.

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DesertRose's picture

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The behavior we have come to know all too well from Dems over the past 25 years.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

1.contemptibly lacking in courage; cowardly.
"a craven abdication of his moral duty"
synonyms: cowardly, lily-livered, faint-hearted, chicken-hearted, spineless, timid, timorous, fearful, pusillanimous, weak, feeble; informalyellow, chicken, weak-kneed, gutless, yellow-bellied, wimpish; contemptible, abject, ignominious
"a craven surrender"

noun archaic
1. a cowardly person.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Shahryar's picture

why....why they're dishonest liars!

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Alligator Ed's picture

First, they could neither see nor hear a giant demonstration outside their own offices by people disgusted by their Bernie avoidance syndrome.

Second, this condition is accompanied by other symptoms. One example is visual hallucinations whereby they were very positive that they observed UFC (unidentified flying chairs) at the Nevada Caucus.

Third sensory symptom in the Bernie Avoidance is total hearing loss for massed booing. A more extended version of this symptom is prolonged inability to hear Bernie Sanders.

I think they are every bit as bad as Faux Spews.

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I agree, and would add that these are all also symptoms of a corporate-culture pathology which needs to be Berned out of everywhere.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

edg's picture

Bernie should give Democrats exactly as much support as they gave him in his fight for the presidential nomination. That would be zero.

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Cassiodorus's picture

Do we know which side we're on?

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

lunachickie's picture

The People are frustrated with their support of a GRIFTING POS for the highest office in this country.

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Fuck hrc Fuck the dnc and Fuck all the down ticket Fucks unless they support Bernie !

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When is this big switching day, by the way?

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skod's picture

The convention ends the evening of 7/28, so (speaking strictly for myself) a number of friends and I are going to make the trip to the county courthouse en masse and change our registration that day. Sounds like many folks nationwide plan to do the same: #DemExit or #DumpTheDems.

Now, they might get sane and nominate Sanders after all- but I think that the chances are better that The Unindicted Co-Conspirator will arrange to have him separated from his SS coverage and marched out of the place in handcuffs, to rousing cheers from her minions. Nothing exceeds like excess, and she's got *that* in spades- that, and more-than-sufficient hubris and tone-deafness.

Honestly, I expect to see her prancing around the place puffed up like Lord John Whorfin from Buckaroo Banzai (John Lithgow's Mussolini-based performance was arguably better than the real thing!) as her minions stomp the shit out of everyone who doesn't agree with them....

"Sealed with a curse as sharp as a knife. Doomed is your soul and damned is your life..... History is-a made at night! Character is what you are in the dark!"

It will be interesting to see how many people will still admit to being democrats after 7/29. The Unindicted Co-Conspirator will have solid support from 50-odd percent of the 26% of the electorate willing to admit that they are dems- but I don't think it is going to be 26% much longer. I'm glad that the HRC cadre told me that I'm not a real democrat. Cleared up a lot of things for me, it did...

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All these outraged demands for loyalty made me think I was reading from a republican forum. I guess if the party really matters more to you than what it's supposed to stand for than your behavior will be much the same regardless of which part of the political spectrum you claim to lie on.

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Cassiodorus's picture

Goldwater Girl is a Republican.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

skod's picture

Patient: "Doc, it hurts when I do this..."
Doctor: "Then stop doing that!"

MyDK/LOF/whatever the name is this week isn't worth going to, and doing so will raise your blood pressure to unhealthy levels. Just like Heinlein's character Lazarus Long said: "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes time and annoys the pig..."

Besides, party loyalty doesn't mean a damned thing when you've been told repeatedly that you aren't a member of the party anymore. To the folks belching that gobbletygook at me, I have to say "You know what? You're _right_! I failed the fuckin' purity test, after 40 years. Have a nice day!"

C'est la guerre, I guess... Other pastures beckon.

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All these outraged demands for loyalty made me think I was reading from a republican forum. I guess if the party really matters more to you than what it's supposed to stand for than your behavior will be much the same regardless of which part of the political spectrum you claim to lie on.

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polkageist's picture

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-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

When is this big switching day, by the way?

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...of pledged delegates yet has she? why should Bernie be forced to endorse someone who hasn't officially gotten the nomination yet?

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Because the hostile corporate takeover technique in process uses bulldozers for fun and profit?

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
