Lynch to accept FBI recommendations in Clinton law breaking investigation about government records
After the debacle on the tarmac in Phoenix in which Bill Clinton and Lynch created an unacceptable appearance of impropriety, Lynch is expected to make an announcement that DoJ will accept whatever recommendations about criminal charges the F.B.I. proposes.
From the NY Times source:
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch plans to announce on Friday that she will accept whatever recommendation career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges related to Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, a Justice Department official said. Her decision removes the possibility that a political appointee will overrule investigators in the case.
The Justice Department had been moving toward such an arrangement for months — officials said in April that it was being considered — but a private meeting between Ms. Lynch and former President Bill Clinton this week set off a political furor and made the decision all but inevitable.
The article indicates this decision was a long time coming, but the events in Phoenix accelerated the announcement. My view is that the announcement itself is its own indictment of what terribly corrupt government we have. In a functioning democracy where the rule of law applied truly equally to the elite and the mass it wouldn't even be necessary to have such an announcement. It's a testament to the stink of corruption the Clintons have that it permeates so deep and wide in our system.
For the impact on the Presidential campaign, this may or may not be welcome news for Bernie supporters. My view is Hillary is trying to stall the FBI until after the nomination occurs in July. I think she's trying to influence Comey or other high level and potentially politically ambitious parties in the investigation. I also think she believes having the nomination will put her in a more favorable position to shrug off an indictment recommendation. Here's a scenario I don't see happening: Bernie getting the nomination because Hillary's under indictment.
I never thought the news around this would get this bad for her, to be honest. I still don't expect an indictment for Hillary. I also think any indictment of her aides, close or not, is unlikely (but perhaps less unlikely). I also think this still isn't an issue that will scuttle her campaign. Any legal fallout is something she'll just find an analog for in Trump, and a complicit and captures mainstream news media will help her considerably.
Note: if you hit the NY Times pay wall try doing a search for the article title. Plenty of news outfits will have this story for free soon enough.
Update: According to this Bloomberg article, a "DOJ Official" claims Lynch is still reserving the right to overrule prosecutors:
Attorney General Loretta Lynch is reserving the right to overrule prosecutors and FBI investigators on whether to bring charges after their probe into Hillary Clinton’s personal e-mail server, but she is strongly inclined to follow their recommendation, a Justice Department official said.
So, yeah. This conflicting report, if true, certainly means that concerns about ethics, integrity, and impartiality are still warranted.
I'll update the essay with some remarks after Lynch talks at the Aspen event.

Bill's sneak meeting
may have backfired on him.
My thoughts, too, O.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Hardly... Bill's meeting w/Lynch was a set up to provide cover
for Lynch and Obama... Do you think for one minute that the Clinton machine would have not known what the appearances would be? Why did the media just happen to know? Why did the Clinton bought and paid for media raise the questions of impropriety for a day or two? Just to make sure that when the AG recused herself, then the 99% would then think all was now above board.
Who would be easier to influence w/ a stick or a carrot? A high profile AG and President with the media watching their every move or a career bureaucrat? Now all the bribing can be done behind closed doors and Obama and Lynch can raise their hands in innocence... 'what me? I had nothing to do with it? if the rank and file find her innocent?' Just like Pilate this is a well orchestrated way to wash their hands of any appearance of collusion in the decision.
We are being played like a violin.
This whole staged show suggests to me that we are looking at acquittals and soon.
Sea Turtle
Not sure I agree with this
I can think of a lot of reasons Bill Clinton might meet with AG Lynch -- none of them savory, and none of them including talking about their grandkids, as the laughably lame cover story proposed. But I can't think of any reason why they would want that meeting in the news, giving fodder to the Republicans. The Clintons used to be too smart for that, but Bill has been slipping for years, and Hillary isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer anymore either.
I'm sure there's endless agita about this in Hillary's Wolf's Lair, and Bill's probably in the midst of yet another internecine fight with Hillary's handlers over it. If the FBI and DOJ decide not to indict Hillary, there was always going to be a Republican Congressional circus investigation. This meeting only guarantees that the Republicans will have even more plausible reasons for launching one. I can't honestly see how this could possibly be a good thing for Clintonworld.
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I don't believe the "grandkids" story either.
But all in all, it is an improvement of sorts. Legend has it that when Bill Clinton's friend Vernon Jordan, former director of the Urban League, was asked what the POTUS liked to talk about when they golfed, Mr. Jordan said "Pussy".
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Bill's a pootie lover? /S & n/t
He is. Remember the First Cat, Socks?
Like all cat lovers, he just LOVES to talk about teh kittehs. /s
Not the 4 legged kind. Meow.
Hmm. Looks like that's become one of those quotes that
is going to end up attributed to multiple persons as time goes on.
I first heard that story at least a decade ago, about someone asking W what he and his father talked about while golfing.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I don't believe the 'golfing' story
Why would Bill be golfing in Phoenix when it is so hot there? It is over 100 degrees before noon and Bill has heart problems, so I don't think there is any way he would go to Phoenix to golf, he would go somewhere cooler.
Only an improvement of sorts...
at least THAT explanation had an element of truth!
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
A Republican investigation is great for Clintonworld
They can spin that it's Benghazi all over again and the poor Queen is being unfairly savaged with bogus claims.
it's MUCH easier to dis a Republican Congressional Committee as politically motivated than to dis the FBI.
Experience shows that every time the clown car attacks Hillary, her popularity goes up. Yeah, throw her into the briar patch.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Not necessarily
It depends what the investigation turns up. Unlike Whitewater and Benghazi, if they start delving into emails and the Clinton Foundation matters they're going to find some ugly stuff. If they did this on purpose they're going to rue the day....
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Speaking of the Clinton Foundation
It will continue if Hillary is elected president. There will be no one to tell her to keep it apart from her duties as president as both congress and Obama did when she was confirmed as SOS. She agreed that she would keep the foundation separate from the state department. But she used in Haiti, Libya, Hondorus and everywhere else her plane touched down 30 minutes after Bill's did.
Dallasdoc, you had me at "agita".
Both the grandparents on that plane discussing grandkids and travels knew that eventually the entire world would know they had their 30 minute chat session.
I had initially been hung up on the "planned to be or not planned to be" aspect.
Now, I am turning to the issue of who benefits from that exposure?
And how is it a benefit? And how much benefit?
To whom is it a benefit?
(Lawyers disqualify themselves, judges recuse themselves. a clusterfuck should be couched in proper terms, people.)
Again, who gets an inch toward the goal from public exposure?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Cui bono?
Otherwise known as "Follow the money."
As a very wise friend once advised me, "When something doesn't make sense, look for the financial angle."
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We shall see.
That's my current "sleep on it" whirring in my head.
I cannot anticipate the cui bono.
Lynch is tarnished for a job as a Supreme.
Bill looks like a mafia don. Ok, there is $ in that.
And Obama. How does he get his sugar?
Here the graft is, happening in front of all of us, and I can't anticipate even the immediate, much less long term, pay off.
One of the hardest things I do as a defense lawyer, is try to think like a crook.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
When I was a land use planner,
working for local government, I had a small sign in my office that read, Follow the Money. In the end, that is what it is all about when nothing else makes sense.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
But I can't think of any
Can't or won't?
Cause it should be real clear that's exactly what happened.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
But I can't think of any
Can't or won't?
Cause it should be real clear that's exactly what happened.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
My thoughts exaclty, Sea turtle
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Do you think for one minute
Yes, as a matter of fact I do find that entirely believable. As someone else says further down, there was a time when Bill was a skilled politician, but that was a long time ago. He's out of practice, he's accustomed to being unquestioned, and frankly, I'm not sure he really cares all that much about Hillary's ambitions anyway. He's already had the top job, how enthusiastic can he really be about returning to the WH as essentially nothing more than First Lady? Whereas Hillary has never shown any particular skill or ability to present a good public face. Just the opposite - her whole campaign has been a study in cluelessness.
And as for the Clinton "machine" - I don't see much in the way of "skill" or "finesse" there, either. It's really just based on raw, naked power. They have the power to run things because they have been running things long enough to gain that power.
So while I don't believe for one minute that it was a "chance" meeting, and was probably something less than "innocent", I do think it's quite possible that it had nothing to do with Hillary and her emails. After all, it's not like Bill doesn't also have his own, shall we say "issues", that he might want to discuss privately with the AG.
With you until that last paragraph
I don't think this was about Bill's own issues. I think Bill was trying to earn hisself some cred in Hillary's political adventure.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Even if these two were doddering fools,
there are enough people around them working to make an HRC presidency happen who are quite capable of bending every rule. The fact that WJC saw no problem with campaigning at the polls in MA as well as the meeting with Lynch suggests that this is just part of their privileged thinking whether the idea was his, hers or their puppet masters.
I totally disagree with the idea that WJC is not anxious to get back in the WH. HRC already announced that she will handle choosing the flowers and the china and that WJC will handle the economy. Getting back in solidifies their opinion of themselves that they can do no wrong (and not get away with it).
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Even if these two were doddering fools,
there are enough people around them working to make an HRC presidency happen who are quite capable of bending every rule. The fact that WJC saw no problem with campaigning at the polls in MA as well as the meeting with Lynch suggests that this is just part of their privileged thinking whether the idea was his, hers or their puppet masters.
I totally disagree with the idea that WJC is not anxious to get back in the WH. HRC already announced that she will handle choosing the flowers and the china and that WJC will handle the economy. Getting back in solidifies their opinion of themselves that they can do no wrong (and not get away with it).
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
'Misdirection' is a common tool employed by federal
bureaucracies when engaging in crisis management.
OTOH, I 'suspect' that this was more the offshoot of arrogance--on the part of both parties.
IOW, they consider their conduct to always be beyond reproach.
But, who knows?
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Yes, Sea Turtle, its clearly theater.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
I agree, but cannot
political figure out the end run, basically, the money flow.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Perhaps Lynch had indicated she was going to
recuse herself so Bill set up the meeting to try to convince her otherwise?
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Who knows...
Maybe this meeting was to get Lynch to announce this on one of the worst (best?) Fridays of the year for the news dump.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
I don't think there's a day on the calendar that can help this one, unless she's NOT being indicted.
I have to say, I disagree with this posts' postulation that it won't benefit Bernie Sanders like it never will in any way. IMO, the only way it does not benefit him is if she stalls long enough to get to the convention. Otherwise, I'm Bernie and I'm calling the hell out of people named "Superdelegate" all weekend long.
Now, if I'm James Comey, I'm insistent that these people get served on Tuesday morning, July 5, 2016. Otherwise, it's a new chapter of the dog and pony show and I'm gonna start screaming at government officials by phone, starting with DeSantis' office. The slow-walking motif needs to end.
Didn't say it wouldn't benefit him. I just don't see it making
a scenario whereby Bernie gets the Democratic nomination because Hillary has been indicted any more likely. That's because there's nothing here that indicates an indictment is any more likely.
I just read Alligator Ed's post "summarizing" HA's deposition
The whole thing. Took me about an hour.
At this point -- though I'm a die-hard Bernie supporter and want desperately for him to be the nominee -- I don't give a shit if this announcement benefits him or not. I *do* give a shit about the disgusting levels of corruption (that are now plain for all to see) in Clintonworld, and I want her to go down. Hard. And she can take Bill with her. If this still doesn't result in Bernie's nomination, I'm actually okay with it at this point.
I agree completely. If the Clintons go down that in itself
will be a win, because it will have shown that at least some among the powerful can be subject to the same laws the rest of us are subject to.
Another view: it's pathetic that would be considered a "win." It just reinforces the point I made in the essay: that it even has to be considered a win is a strong indicator that we don't have a functioning justice system. I'll add, since Clinton's a nominee for POTUS, it also reinforces that we don't have a functioning democracy, either.
Yep. (nt)
Meeting AG Lynch jet to jet? Coincidence.
Why just last week, Bill Clinton, while on his private jet, happened to bump into Sec. of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, who was on his private jet on a tarmac. The week before that? Bill ran into Sec of Energy, Ernest Moniz on an airport tarmac. Three weeks ago? Bill happened by Robert McDonald, V.A. Secretary on a tarmac, again private jet to private jet.
Do you know what else? Last month, Bill Clinton happened to run into Penny Pritzker, Sec of Commerce, on the subway in NYC! Whether Bill really ran into Treasury Sec Jack Lew in the men's room at T.G.I. Friday's in Schenectady, we may never know for sure. But we do know that both men just happened to pick the Powerball jackpot. The very same week. Hey, anything's possible.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Bill has a history of 'helping'
with Hillary's campaign.
Holder and Petraeus
I knew Holder was responsible for Patraeus' slap on the wrist, but I thought it was simply because he was AG at the time. Didn't recall that he went against the FBI recommendation. Probably had outrage overload at the time and blocked it out.
(From the NYT story.)
Holder's entire job was wrist-slapping
He got the job, no doubt, because of his authorship of the "Collateral Consequences" memo in the late Clinton administration. It was his only significant legal achievement, and his choice while the ruins of the world economy were still aflame was very telling. He did the job he was hired to do, which was to not indict banksters. Just like he didn't indict Bush-era war criminals. Is it a surprise that he didn't go after St. David of Petraeus?
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Thinking very optimistically...
The FBI, if thinking strategically, politically, could have been toning down language and charges somewhat in an attempt to help their recommendation get accepted by Lynch. They don't need to be concerned now and can be as harsh as they believe is required according to the evidence.
[small edit for clarity.]
Coupla things
Most articles I'm reading keep focusing on the fact of the inappropriateness of the meeting given the investigation of Hillary and lost in the fog is the point that it has been reported that the Clinton Foundation and by extension, Bill himself, is a possible target of an ongoing investigation, making the meeting doubly insupportable and inappropriate. Since Bill was apparently the initiator of the incident, it just proves once again how questionable his judgement is and this is the guy Hillary is going to rely on as one of her biggest advisors.
Also, as much as TPTB may like to bury everything about the Clintons and their server, that's really just not a possibility because the entire contents of the server have likely had so many different intrusions/hacks from so many different sources - foreign governments, rogue hackers, etc. There's no telling who and when and where some of these forces will choose to release the most embarrassing and/or criminal emails and they could be concerning the State Department or the Clinton Foundation or any other entity that was so foolish to think they should consign all their internet communications in one place being overseen by people who it seems had very little real IT security expertise. Given this outside threat, the FBI itself is boxed in and pretty forced to do the right thing, since they also are in possession of the server and its contents since it would look pretty bad if some really stinky, smelly smoking guns of corruption and payoff were released after they said "nothing to see here". Bear in mind, the server was backed up to the cloud as well and two different internet companies were involved in the security and storage of the data and who knows how their employees are vetted and what they might not be tempted to do with access to stuff cleverly labelled "clintonmail" and President Clinton and Clinton Foundation dot coms.
For comparison, just think about the Sony hacking and how embarrassing that was for all the participants. IF anything untoward and/or illegal was going on, I don't know how anyone who had one of those emails for their primary communications sleeps at night, knowing that the shoe could drop at any time.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
The jig is up
Obama is not a member of the Clinton crime family. I am a very happy guy this morning as I think it is inevitable that HRC will lose her position as the presumptive nominee. I don't expect her to go quietly. I look forward to the spectacle of watching her figuratively dragged kicking and screeching from her position. The Republicans certainly don't want to run against anyone else so I expect to see many of them support her.
I hope there's a Clinton implosion
They deserve it.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I am crossing my fingers.
But I am mostly convinced that all of this drama will be swept under a very dirty rug somewhere, maybe the Oval Office, and she will be coronated on schedule.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
P.L., I agree with you
After crawling through 6 Judicial Watch depositions, it appears quite plain that there will a very large number of possibly indicted State Department co-conspirators. Not only did DOS do a terrible job (if they tried at all to do their job) at retrieving HRC's emails but it seems like there was a lot of "misinformation" (euphemism for lying) spread about by all deponents except HA: that nobody was aware of HRC's non email account, when HA herself said in her deposition the Clinton's email address was no secret and the entire top echelon of DOS knew that address. Also, there are plenty of little fish as well as the big fish in the know who could possibly be tried for conspiracy to obstruct justice charges. One reason why JW asked so many questions about various people in DOS that most of us have never heard about, is that these public records go straight to the FBI as well as Judge Sullivan. Believe me if the roof starts falling in, HRC won't be the only one getting crushed--a lot of DOJ staffers will be also.
I tend to agree...
RE: what is going to happen with Hillary. I don't think there are going to be any indictments for her. I think they will find some low-level staffer to sacrifice. Don't shed tears for them - they will get a nice job in the Clinton Foundation.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Haha. I think I just heard Harry Reid
say about Loretta Lynch:
"She is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."
(CBS News morning show clip.)
From the Manchurian Candidate.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Unless this denotes a sea-change at federal level
it may be less-discussed on MSM. Or, as after the last week, the holes in the dam can no longer be ignored. There are still many probable voters who have not connected dots, mostly due to MSM theatrics.
For the not-yet-awake voter, Hillary, Inc. is now (finally) Obama's albatross. I can see him dig out to look like the Good Guy.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
After that announcement about the email release delay
Obama is now aiming with a gun at his other foot if he tries to cover for that woman and her idiot husband.
Dude better shit or get off the pot, or any legacy he has left is going to crumble like a stale cookie.
My view is he hasn't much positive reputation to lose.
He started squandering it with his very first transition team consisting of neoliberal garbage from the 90s and has been losing it steadily since.
Yeah, but that's all stuff HE did. He's not going to
fuck up the entire rest of his professional life for shit that SHE did. His bank is secure from his own actions, he won't risk that for her.
At least not until his approval ratings drop.
The fact that his ratings are so high is a clue that many people are clueless, and he feels protected right now. If those numbers were to drop, I think he might begin to understand that his perceived legacy is in danger, but not before then.
He will protect her because he is protecting himself. How much did he really know? HRC did everything he told her not to do, and he said nothing. Why when the DNC decided to accept lobbyist money after his decree that they couldn't did he not make a big stink about it?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I tried to embed tweet, but don't know how. ;(
Thank you, Dro
Posted it below in response to ChemBob before realizing what your post was.
This apparently isn't true
Mark Halperin tweet just indicated the Lynch has reserved the right to not bring charges even if the FBI recommends them and that the NY Times was wrong.
So she will defer to the FBI and the career prosecutors
except when she doesn't?
Glad that's all cleared up.
This will do nothing except to prolong the uproars and to make her look even worse if that's possible. She's saying essentially that her inappropriate meeting with Clinton yesterday changes nothing. This is quite the clusterf**K at this point.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
The story is a headline on The Guardian
They confirmed the report directly with the Justice Department.
Thanks, ChemBob, ...
Thanks, Bob. Looked it up.
Sounds like The NYT had it right, but it later got "clarified." If she flatly defers to the FBI, it's basically a recusal. I suppose it could be said that her job is to have the final word, approve/disapprove so she would not be meeting her job responsibilities by saying ahead she'll defer.
Thus the clarification.
The "evolution" of the early NYT article was caught
by me and others on Clinton email timeline, a site on multiple non-FB sites. So we can watch scrubbing or otherwise take place real-time. Thank dog for ordinary people who can read and use a computer.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The fix is in
Not voting for ANY Democrats, ever again. If they jump ship to another Party, maybe.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I think that's mostly right.
She's won't overrule the FBI recommendation, but she still wants final say over any negotiations/plea bargains that follow from it.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Yes, there is conflicting information. I've updated the essay to
reflect it.
I'm more inclined to believe the Bloomberg report. It's disgusting, really. Lynch should have nothing more to do with this case, period.
I've updated the essay to include different info
from a Bloomberg news article.
How did you do that?
What do you do to embed a tweet? I attempted before using embed code and it did not work. Thanks in advance!
Dro, to embed tweet
Click the 3 dots under the tweet. Click "Embed Tweet" and copy and paste the highlighted code into the comment box. Sometimes it looks at first like it didn't work. But, reloading the page should make it appear. Is that what you tried before?
Yes, thanks.
That is what I tried. Thanks for your help. I'm new here and haven't posted much. Since we have scattered, I've been attempting to learn the software no multiple sites. They are all different! And sorry for the double post. Thanks again.
Twitter embed from my phone es no bueno
I found a code tool app thingy somewhere that seemed to work, but gave up. Too much trouble for my taste. It's not this site, I think it's Twitter combined with my pos phone. Oh, and add a little middle aged bleh when it comes to hand-held devices and mobile app limitations.
Dear Dro,welcome and please feel free to comment and
write essays--but beware of the malignant spell-checker that eats words and is tyrannical about its preferred spellings. No matter how short, proofread all entries to make sure Spellcheck didn't mess it up.
New leaks or disinformation:
FBI was at the FBO in PHX. For some that makes sense. I get it. Was that a sting?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I wouldn't make too much of that. I'd be surprised if there
weren't FBI that travel in Lynch's retinue, actually.
Faith Based Organization?
For the Benefit Of?
Fixed Base Operator?
Framebuffer Object?
Fecal body odor?
Foreign banking organization?
Furnished by other?
EDIT (much later) - Ah! A typo. I can relate.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Please join me and others in the "I Hate Acronym Club"
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today requested that the U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General investigate the meeting yesterday between Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch:
Clueless why Obama wants to risk his hollow legacy on Lying $hillary, who is a traitor, liar, grifter, con artist, and psychopath. Bill is all of the above too. Especially since Obama is gearing up to get his Library built in Chicago and boning up on the $350,000 a pop speech circuit.
Personally, I see this one getting batted around
back and forth for a while, another delaying tactic. And I'd be willing to bet that out of that comes the Special Prosecutor, which adds another delay. Then if State does not have to release anything for 27 months, we're into the 2018 Midterms. I don't think it matters one whit to Shillary if she would end up with a Repugnant dominated House and Senate after that - I think that works in their favor, but I highly doubt they care which way that goes, as long as they can keep this thing under wraps until we all 'forget' about it. And as we've all seen, the American public has a rather stellar ability to 'forget' about the things that are done in our name, with lots of help from a compliant media of course.
While Lynch may be somewhat tarnished right now, she'll rally and they'll find a way to keep her hands clean. Either that, or they throw her to the wolves, but either way, I don't think this matters. I don't see that bitch Shillary getting indicted before the Primary.
While this one may not work for them this time, we've seen this type of shit before. And yes, they're playing us. I don't believe for one minute that Bill just got "caught" this time, no matter how stupid the Shillary campaign is. He sat on that tarmac for 30 minutes and I personally think that if Shillary didn't want that done, whoever his minders were that day they could have stopped him. Bill wasn't called Slick Willy for nothing, even if we did all think that was merely a RWNJ smear.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Look at the Language
Lynch will "accept" FBI recommendations, but will she rule and act on them as well? And if she does act, will her actions be in line with recommendations or contrary to them? She's as slippery a lawyer as the Clintons and Obama are. Can't help but think we're characters in a George Orwell novel.
That was one of the first things that jumped out at me.
"Accept" and 'act upon' are not the same thing.
They really do think we're all stupid.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Bill started Lynch's rise to power when he appointed her as a
U.S. Attorney. They are pals from way back. "Someone" leaked the meeting to the press & now Left & Right alike are rising to the bait.
Lynch has her representatives inside both FBI task forces (Public Corruption & Espionage) & know exactly what the state of play is.
If Comey's work becomes public before the Convention, HRC as POTUS gets a little shakey. Obama can now reluctantly concede to the demands for a Independent Prosecutor.
This will require time to vet, appoint, bring up to speed Lynch's replacement. Mission accomplished. Hillary gets the nomination and Bernie is SOL.
Then we get 2 years of Impeachment hearings by the gang That Can't Shoot Straight.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
If this comes to getting a special prosecutor confirmed, it will
probably take the Repub a light-second to get that one confirmed--with a kick in the butt on the way out of the confirmation hearing and an encouragement: "You got the ball, now run like Hell with it".
I don't believe a damn word that comes out of the mouths
of any of these people from Obama down. Lynch is covering her ass and this crap is a way for her to slide out from under the trouble caused by her unethical behavior.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa