
The tale of the tarmac OR the accidental coinkydink at Sky Harbor: Bubba and Lying Loretta

Okay. What happens to the news-sated political junkies on Friday when the typical hide-it-in-plain- sight news dump occurs? It stays buried. Unless some intrepid soul digs deep into the slime, er news to find juicy morsels. I prefer my morsels closer to the surface but, hey, you get it where you find it.

Lying Loretta Lynch suffers acute case of lockjaw

News flash! Lyin' Loretta of the Department of Injustice has refused to testify before Congress. When a government official refuses to testify before Congress about issues which pertain to national security by asserting nonexistent "privilege", one can pretty much make a prima facie case of misconduct.

Lynch to accept FBI recommendations in Clinton law breaking investigation about government records

After the debacle on the tarmac in Phoenix in which Bill Clinton and Lynch created an unacceptable appearance of impropriety, Lynch is expected to make an announcement that DoJ will accept whatever recommendations about criminal charges the F.B.I. proposes.

From the NY Times source:

DOJ gets a Federal Court reprimand

Seems like the Department of Justice just can't seem to avoid stepping in crap of its own making. First they were tardy looking into Hillary's email fiasco, of which there was knowledge as far back as 2013.
Then Loretta Lynch refuses to appoint a special prosecutor in the Hillary emails.
Third, DOJ allowed the entire correspondence of Clinton IT guru, Brian Pagliano, to disappear without a trace from State Dept files.