Latest statistics from the California Primary
I can't find the reference right now but Sanders just flipped a heavily Hispanic congressional district in LA. I have been following the whole thing on twitter... Also a Congressional District in Oakland and San Francisco.
Machine vote for Clinton higher by 15% across the state than the hand counted vote. Chance of that being honest? Approaching Zero. This is why the initial reurns were so high in favor of Clinton, not the early mail-ins.
Added: The coalition also reported scattered statewide problems with broken polling machines and ballot scanners. USA Commerce Daily
Here is a history of the vote count up to Friday Evening.

Voter Roles Hacked -- Riverside County
DA confirms hackers are culprit of voter registration changes.
Its the Republicans who are investigating their own party... but if the GOP was hacked, what about the Demos?
From the Light House.
That should add fire...
to the election fraud suit. I hope they file soon!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I just sent in my paperwork a few minutes ago. If anyone
here hasn't seen it and wants to become part of the class: There is no cost to become a member of the class. The more people that get involved the better.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Another spreadsheet
It looks to me like most of what is left to count are provisional ballots and these are going heavy for Sanders, but being tossed in the trash at a high rate.
From the Light House.
this concerns me to no end
IMO, NO ballots should be tossed in the trash..period! All voting should be required to maintain a paper trail and said paper trail (the ballots) should be maintained for a minimum amount of time (at least 6 months) after the election is certified. I am absolutely appalled that there is no way paper trail to allow for voters to prove that voter fraud has occurred.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
By design, gulfgal
Precisely why there can't be a paper trail.
San Fernando Vally flips
Sanders flips the San fernando vally Congressional District.
From the Light House.
Almost everytime I click on a link to articles about
election fraud, I get redirected to some unknown page that wants to install a firefox patch. Makes me wonder if Googles support of Clinton goes beyond just search result manipulation. It just happened again when I clicked on the link to Richard Charnin's blog.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
I use addblockerplus
and am not having that issue.
I highly recommend it if you're not using it.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Sounds like you have other problems
I go straight to the link. Make sure your firefox is up to date (version 47.0). Is it asking to install an update or a patch? Are you set for automatic updates? You don't need patches for Firefox, if it is using that word it is probably some sort of malware.
Your add-ons don't get updated automatically, so it might some content on the page using an add-on that is out of date, leading to a prompt to update it.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Yes, my firefox is up to date. I just switched over from Chrome
a couple weeks ago. I had Ad Block in Chrome and I'll add it to Firefox. It's definitely not a legit patch they are trying to install.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
I use Linux Mint with Firefox
and I rarely get the weird stuff that Windoze always seems to pull in for the netherworld.
May I ask
what OS you are using? I use Firefox on a Linux machine and have zero problems.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
We should do a survey on Linux usage
I'm on a Windows box more often than not because that's where my games are, but my "real" machine runs Fedora Linux. I wonder if c99ers have a higher rate of Linux use than the general population.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
i'm using
mint here, on my main box.
Running arch linux, with vfio for windows VM
I am using PCI pass-through support to provide a Windows VM that still has full accelerated gpu.
If you setup your VM correctly the lose of performance is very minimal, less then 3% from bare metal. And with the hard drive image file in a btrfs formated drive, I can create snapshots before software updates, and soon I will be upgrading to zfs and using an nvme drive as a cache drive for stupid fast io.
This setup makes it fast for me to switch between work vm, and gaming vm, and more then anything else, I like the idea of windows being in a tightly controlled VM cage.
Sounds like
you've got it going on!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Not surprised @ Bernie taking L.A.
I saw on Twitter or here(?) a compare/contrast pic of his rally next to her dinky, dark gathering of 50-100 people. I also saw the serious demonstration both inside and outside her pathetic visit in a YouTube video. I wouldn't be surprised if there were more demonstrators than attendees.
So, will the new, accurate counts in Cali actually change things for Bernie? I sure hope so!
The day Bernie spoke to 35k in the Bronx while Hillary on same
day spoke to 500, 50 of whom were protesters, really drove home the deep fraud of the 2106 Democratic Primary election. There's no way Bernie lost NY by 16 fucking points. In fact I don't believe he lost at all. All that energy we saw in the streets, out canvassing, at the rallies, in the dominant campaign signs everywhere and even kids walking by, was reminiscent of Obama 2008. It make my blood boil just recounting this here. But it must be said and chronicled for posterity.
Nobody in the MSM would touch scenes like these, though they happened everywhere. At Purchase College there was a big organized protest against Hillary that dominate her appearance there. Leave it to the campus college paper to do the work.
Here's a really good firsthand report of the scene there from a student who attended the speech to protest. In it the student relays that the auditorium Hillary spoke in holds 250 people. To be fair one other account (they're hard to find) claims 500. Click the link to read about how tightly controlled the appearance was to minimize protest and ensure supporters.
As was the disgraceful case of the 2016 Dem Primary election season there just wasn't a lot of media coverage of this incredible historic campaign that took the country by storm.
Totally endemic of this pathetic media covering for Clinton is this report from the local ABC News affiliate, in which there's no mention of the size of the crowds, only dumbed-down quotes paltry quotes regarding the horse race.
But here are a few pieces I found of that day:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I agree. There's no way
Bernie lost by 16. As TOP notes, "we don't go to rallies, we go to vote." Maybe. But, if there was as much support for Her Highness as Team HRC says there is they would have shown up at a rally or two.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Citizens' Oversight Projects Sues San Diego Registrar
Citizens’ Oversight Project Sues San Diego Registrar Of Voters, Claims Failure To Audit 285,000 Ballots
Citizen's Oversight Project is no tin foil hat organization but is in front of enironmental justice and corruption law suits and action.
From the Light House.
Before we get behind a candidate--before we bolster a party or get it noticed or get it matching funding or whatever --we must ensure our ballots will be counted.
If November's election has to be delayed, it must be done. If you've donated to Sanders this cycle, you should get in on that lawsuit as well. This is how the 1% does it when all else fails--they lawyer up.
How about putting Padilla in jail for moral turpitude
and if fact, I would guess most elections officials should go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
These are RICO violations, all serious felonies, worse than Hillary's emails.
Must see TV
Bolivia - Election Law
In Latin America we call the shenanigans the DNC has been down to an "electoral coup".
Thats why Bolivia has instituted a rigorous, practically fraud proof, paper ballot system of elections and an independent fourth branch of government whose sole purpose is managing elections. the provisions are quite interesting in many respects since it regulates election propaganda, design of ballot, counting and voting procedures, finance etc. in order to assure free, open, fair and fraud-proof elections.
I have monitored three elections as a (MAS) party observer, and my daughter has been selected precinct captain twice in the lottery which selects poll workers.
Ok, its in Spanish and Hugely long....but I used google translator addon for this link... You might scan down to CHAPTER II ACT OF VOTING -- SECTION I -- GENERAL PROVISIONS ELECTIONS just to see the mechanics of voting.
Let me know if the link works for you.
From the Light House.
excellent information and link worked fine with me
After scolling down past the technical details, I found what was most interesting to me:
b) Exit polls: Are quantitative studies of voting behavior, made during the voting process at polling stations, selected within a sample to determine the orientation of the vote by consultations with electors, immediately after having voted in a process election, referendum or recall.
c) Quick counts: Are quantitative studies of voting behavior made at the conclusion of the voting process to determine the trend of the results using survey data counting of votes at the polling stations included in a sample, in an election, referendum or recall mandate.
Further down in Article 136, it specifies fines for any person or company which does not comply with the technical and methodological criteria defined in (its) Regulation."
and "In all cases, the ballot paper is unique, multicolored must have security measures to ensure their authenticity.'
..."questions submitted options in different boxes: The "Yes" in green and "No" in red."
In other words, in Bolivia, paper ballots are mandated! Simple color-coded paper ballots. And I assume all electronic voting machines are prohibited in Bolivia like they did in the Netherlands in 2006.
Then we have Article 168. (PUBLIC COUNTING VOTES).
After the vote, the Electoral Jury will [perform] the scrutiny and counting of votes in the same place where the polling station was installed in a public ceremony in the presence of the delegates or representatives of political organizations, voters and voters, and members of electoral support missions wishing to attend.
I am impressed with this Bolivian method of insuring clean and honest elections. This is a great modern heritage equal with the ancient Incan quipu system of using colored strings and knots in ropes to keep important statistical records for their society.
A rigorous model that the USA needs to immediately adopt, if only it was this far advanced! Unfortunately the corruption in its election systems is rampant and systemic here in the USA. It is ranked the lowest in the world for integrity.
Now by following this model, we can import a real Bolivarian Revolution into the US election process. And it will be purely American in origin.
thanks again, Alex!
Yes! Counting ballots in public where they were cast!
After I read her comment, but before I read the info at the link, I immediately thought of the woman (Clinton supporter) at a caucus in Hawaii I think, who (allegedly) tried to run off with some of the paper votes. Said she needed something from her car, if I recall correctly. Not sure how that would have worked considering everyone surely knew how many people were in attendance, and the total would have been off had she succeeded.
But, yes, we desperately need this system in place immediately!
Remember WineRev's riveting diaries at TOP
on the meticulous recount in Minnesota that put Franken in office? I was very impressed with the overall process in Minnesota.
Oh how we need something like this here in the U.S.!
It makes so much sense! I'm jealous and sad that we have such a crooked system. Paper ballots and poll workers assigned via lottery.
Oh, and the link worked perfectly for me.
So once again
machines, which are hackable and able to be programmed dishonestly, are again showing higher amounts for clinton than the hand count, which I assume can be easily checked for accuracy. Just like across the rest of the country.
Machine Voting = Kabuki Theater
There is no doubt, I mean zero that the Oligarchs have figured out how to use the machines to fix the vote.
1. Destroy all voting machines
2. Class action suit against all manufacturers
3. Change the voting system in the US to something like Oregon where everyone just mails it in
Empty out our super max prisons for all the politicians and Oligarch's guilty of treason for stealing the vote
optical scanners are 99.99% accurate
so to avoid the risk of being criticized as a Luddite, I don't think the machines themselves are responsible for any kind of defective mechanical issues. There are none.
It's the secretive nature in which the votes are counted and hidden from public scrutiny. It's the closed-source software and mysterious 'patches' which are uploaded to the machines on Tuesdays when the votes are being counted. In short, it is human corruption at its highest level in US politics.
You don't need all the complex lines of code to do simple arithmetic anyway. Fractional vote counts! What a scam.
There comes a time when the majority of people will have to take action against the corrupt political system, which is essentially operating as a positive feedback loop cycle. Crooked officials are rigging the machines to keep re-electing themselves and to bring in more crooked officials, who in turn must provide job security for themselves, by expanding the fraud with rigging more and more voting machines and putting more like-minded scoundrels in office.
We haven't reached a saturation point, but each year the problem gets bigger.
IF the count in California shifts enough toward Bernie
and if there is ballot recount after the night's primary results (is that being done??) will the MSM even report that tabulation fraud is occurring? Will enough people wake up to care that their vote was never counted?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I doubt it, if MSM will report this election fraud
it's the same old mystery, not why the dog barked but why the dog did NOT bark.
since our established parties are systemic and entrenched in political corruption, it never occurs to Hillary to question the discrepancies of the astronomically-high exit poll MOEs. Even if you were the legitimate winner of all those state primary elections, you would at least want to know what is going on here. If you have a real concern about democracy.
She is part and parcel of the same class that makes up the US oligarchy and which also controls the MSM. Newspapers, radio, TV.
Trump does operate a little independently but ultimately his allegiance is to the same economic class. Whether he works against Hillary or for Hillary, the end result will be the same.
At some point, I would think that Bernie needs to point out the inconsistencies of the published voting results by the election officials, in contrast to the randomly sampled population of votes.
If these are the only two choices, then the message must be a vote for the Green Party, no matter if Jill Stein will win or not, it is important to break away from the corruption of the two parties.
It'll be just like in a book I once read
a true story about a lawyer who defended a magazine from a libel suit for saying one of the men from the Watergate break in killed JFK. They had to prove he actually did it to avoid having to pay damages. They brought in tons of evidence of how this guy was involved, even called him up on the stand.
the lawyer won the case, defended the magazine and not a single newspaper reporter was out side waiting to hear the story. To this day, crickets are still chirping.
I imagine it will be like that here too.
If a tree falls in the forest
who hears it besides the lumberjack with the saw?
Do we know what the mail vote
Do we know what the mail vote -- and just the mail vote -- results are? I'd be curious to see those percentages compared to the polling station votes.
the lawsuit will start answering those questions
from the Institute for American Democracy and Election Integrity
"The lawsuit is being delayed because new evidence recently found is going to make the lawsuit even stronger. It will be revealed when the lawsuit is submitted. Many people have questioned whether the lawsuit is real. It is very real. It is getting stronger each day with new evidence and new witnesses."
"...California election results and assessment of the exit polls can only be announced after all the vote-by-mails and qualifying provisional votes are counted. It will be then that the results of the citizen exit polls can be completed ..."
the "Hillary was used" excuse
Although I respect Cliff Arnebeck's defense of Hillary in the election fraud lawsuit, basically she is considered innocent til proven guilty, yet it does not exonerate her from a failure of exercising one basic civic duty, to have voiced some public objections or comments on the blatant discrepancies of exit poll MOEs in at least 23 of the state primaries.
Perhaps the fraud was engineered by the Rethugs to keep Bernie out of the race, by letting all the vote counts float toward Hillary. So she was insulated to some degree from the crooked scamming. OTOH a fair and open-minded person would have said something, irrespective of whether the counting was benefiting any one party or person.
We should recognize that there is a complete lockdown on the voting machinery from public scrutiny, only secretive private companies affiliated with Republicans have command and control functions to access these machines. That very fact should be enough to legally nullify any election we've ever had since that covert infrastructure was placed on the public electoral process.
This is full spectrum dominance of the political process by shadowy rightwing corporations accountable to no one but themselves. It's essentially a soft coup that is robbing us from our democracy, like what was done in Honduras and most recently Brazil.
Ultimately the lawsuit must take down this illegal racketeering operation that defrauds the public and will lead to a dictatorship of the government by private corporations.
the priority for change
People's Summit, Bernie or Bust, Green/Jill Stein, Progressive Democrats. All are great political movements, but are we missing the forest for the trees?
The forest, the big picture, it is the normal standards associated with the election process: such as exit polling, hand-counts, and open-source software and rigorous inspection of any electronics hardware used to tabulate the election totals. Until then, our individual 'trees' may be fabulous and some will do better than others, but we will be spinning our wheels trying to get free from the vast wilderness of political corruption.
Radical election reform is the paramount issue of our times, that is, if we wish to remain as a democracy. Radical, as in, getting to the root of who is, and what exactly is, screwing with the final tallies of the votes.
But really, I think we pretty much already have it narrowed down to a few secretive rightwing corporate fascists and their paid henchmen, in collusion with Democratic and Republican elections officials. It requires the political will to shine the spotlight on this criminal activity, it's pure racketeering, and until people are found guilty and put in jail, the problems will persist.