Taking our movement local
Brothers and sisters,
You may recall I had a house fire last November, and was not insured. Although the fire was an accident, the management company is pursuing me for $100,000.00. My contract job, which I though would carry me through this summer, ended suddenly in February. I felt frustrated, scared and broke. I really had no idea what I would do next. No idea at all.
Someone on TOP suggested, out of the blue, that I run for local office, like City Council. I scoffed, of course, who would vote for someone like me?
But guess what. I thought about it. The idea grew, and now I have met with the the Seattle Ethics and Election Commission a few times, this week I open my campaign bank account, so I can start qualifying my candidacy by collecting 400 signatures from registered Seattle voters and collecting at least a $10 contribution from each of those 400.
Most people won't start campaigning until next year, since the election isn't until November 2017. But I'm getting a head start and already designing my outfit for next year's pride parade and wondering about how to get a spot in the parade for our campaign. Hee hee, can you tell I was totally inspired by yesterday's Seattle Pride events?????
The city council campaign is a direct descendant of Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign; that is to say, it's ours, not mine. There are a lot of people in Seattle who aren't heard, who don't have a voice. One of the (or The) richest man in America, Bill Gates, has a house here. Amazon, Starbuck's, Microsoft and many other companies who have brought a lot of business and money to Seattle. Those people do not have a problem being heard in our local government.
But the people living in the tent cities, or under the freeway, or in a tent on the jailhouse steps, the single moms struggling to pay their rent, the disabled trying to make ends meet on less than a thousand bucks a month in a city where you can't even find a normal size apartment for $1,000 a month. (I say "normal" size because Seattle's brilliant developer class has built a bunch of teeny little "pods" where kitchens are communal, they are basically dorm rooms, but for adults who work.)
This campaign is for those Seattleites.
That's all, I just wanted to share with you that there are many next steps, and I've found the ones I need to take and I hope all of us find our place in this r/evolution.
Peace & infinite love y'all!

Wishing you the best of luck
And I'll be rooting for you from across the Sound. But you should say single parents, not single moms. There's an unconcious sexism that's permeated our society. Dad's are parents too and there are many single dads, like myself, who find the doors opened to single moms are closed to single dads because of this unspoken sexism.
I'm sexist!
Sorry about that.
that someone was yours truly
So glad to see your plans coming to fruition! If I were in Seattle, I would go door to door for you. It would seem like name recognition is the key to win, and that requires a blend of approaches -- not only Twitter and maybe some nice looking YouTube videos (Dan Rolle's valiant but failed attempt in NV-4 was instructive here), but also door to door, civic events, etc. To the extent Seattle allows signs outside of voting precincts, I cannot emphasize enough the need to max that out. There is a reason in my neck of the woods why the signs proliferate outside voting precincts like mushrooms after a summer storm. When television isn't a factor, name recognition at the last minute can tilt the scales.
Please keep us updated on your campaign, and good luck!
Thank you Darkmatter, I'm glad you are here
You changed my life, truly.
I owe you a ginormous debt of gratitude!
I was at DK for years
My account says I registered in 2008, but I knew that place from the very beginning (2003). In all those years, I think the only time I ever advised someone to think of themselves as a public servant in the making was that moment where I suggested you run. Curious how these things happen.
I was so glad that Bernie started to encourage his supporters to run for office. I almost wish he had started on that theme earlier! There is a lot of untapped talent out there, and we have to support each other to get over the barriers to entry (financial and psychological) into the political arena. We have so many people, particularly young people with college degrees and little in the way of job prospects, who could be transformative in public office.
darkmatter aptly describes the
latest evolution of blogs without a social purpose. "Money, Money, Money, it's a rich mans' world."
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
Wish you the best Angel!
I hope you accomplish what you're after.
hey angel...
good luck with your run for office. seattle will be fortunate to have you working for them.
as time permits, please keep us updated on your progress.