Whoa! Bernie mentions third party on C-Span interview!

Don't know what this means, but we know that Bernie is not happy with limited progress on DNC platform.

Also, we know that Bernie sticks to message so his mention of third party was no accident.

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Wow. The way he says it leaves no doubt that it was a threat.

He has taken the first glove off.

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Sea Turtle

mimi's picture

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Exciting times.

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and more of a warning along the line of (paraphrasing) "if you make peaceful revolution impossible..." with the idea of being made irrelevant by a 3rd party as an example of the potential response to their arrogance. He doesn't appear confident the dems will hear or heed.

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It was JFK who said:

Those who would make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. — JFK

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...Bernie cannot state that he supports anyone but the Party Nominee given his status as a super delegate. He has opted into the Dem Party. Seemed like a great idea until the Party pulled the rug out.

Delegate Selection Plan
For the 2016 Democratic National Convention

: that the delegates and alternates to the Convention shall be selected in
accordance with the Delegate Selection Rules for the 2016 Democratic National
Convention: and that the delegates certified will not publicly support or campaign
for any candidate for President or Vice President other than the nominees of the
Democratic National Convention.

I believe this takes any discussion of support for Jill Stein out of the picture for Bernie.

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CaptainPoptart's picture

this is anything more than a threat from the DNC that has no legal standing. It is a party rule, nothing more and nothing less. Can anyone tell me with a straight face that all 1900+ delegates for Bernie are going to line up behind $hillary after the party finishes screwing them over the way the platform committee did? Nonsense. All one has to do is opt out of the party and the rule no longer has any standing. I don't think Bernie will support Stein, but because he's so afraid of Trump, not because of some cockamamie rule by the DNC.

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I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings

But so many are suggesting he go rogue and that is what he is suggesting in the linked vignette from the author. I don't think he has given up on taking over the Dem party.

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CaptainPoptart's picture

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I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings

paradigmshift's picture

If Bernie goes third party. This election will go in the history books.

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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

GreyWolf's picture

I think it's already there, but I get what you mean, this could still go from a 'footnote' to a whole 'chapter'. ;->

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Centaurea's picture

History of the World, Part Deux

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

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If Bernie can still win, the current ecology, including us, might have a chance.

We're done if Hillary gets in. The rocks of the world and the bacteria would go on, though.

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Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

Bern Down The House...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Not Henry Kissinger's picture

is to open up the Democratic Party."

The goal six weeks from now....

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

snoopydawg's picture

"I'm against the TPP 'as its written now'."
She left a lot of wriggle room in that statement, and I believe Bernie did too.
The bots on kos keep ranting about how Bernie is attacking the Democratic Party.
Well guess what? Many of us attacked them too during the Bush administration. How many times did we see comments asking for Reid to grow a spine? Same as the other congress members. Fight back, damn you!
The democrats just showed who they are answering to when they wouldn't vote against the TPP, protecting federal workers pensions or fracking.
DK used to be for all of those things until Obama and Hillary came along.
One person wrote that the democrats shouldn't go against Obama's signature legacy of the TPP while he's leaving office. Wtf! No one can say anything about Obamas because his feelings might get hurt? Jesus, the people on that site have lost their minds.
There was a diary on DK yesterday about George Will leaving the GOP and it was a good thing, so why is it bad if someone leaves the Democratic Party?

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

There was a diary on DK yesterday about George Will leaving the GOP and it was a good thing, so why is it bad if someone leaves the Democratic Party?

for the GOP.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

when the Rethugs were in office. Then we all are united against a common enemy. But they showed their true colors even then. Most people just hadn't woke up yet.

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Kurichan's picture


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I admit, wasn't too clear on my message as originaly written and the typo didn't help lol.

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Kurichan's picture


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The Hillbots are moderate Republicans. Most are successful affluent professionals who want social change. It provides that air of being "cool" in social circles. There is no interest in their part to enact economic reforms to rebuild the middle class. In that regard they are content with pulling up the ladders and not allowing anyone else on the ship to wreck their party.

This is why they are so vile in their comments and not worth reaching to at The Orange Satan.

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bondibox's picture

In light of the Republican party becoming extremist, he predicted that the action would be in the Democratic party. Then, sensing the unknown, he added "or a third party".

I don't think it was a threat, he's wondering what's to become of the movement he's created. He is still maintaining a unified front for this election, but I think he believes that people leaving the GOP won't necessarily go to the Democrats. There was an ABC / WaPo poll out today, showed Hillary beating Trump by almost 20 points in every demographic, but what it REALLY showed was that 18% of the youngest bracket voters refused to commit to either major party candidate. If that sentiment solidifies, and continues in 2020 and 2024 then a third party could easily be a plurality of voters.

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“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”

You are quoting a poll by the MSM whose owners owe their wealth, power, influence, and existence to the Clinton Telecommunications Act. Should there be any question why the MSM has blacked out Bernie, Stein, the FBI investigation, the Panama Papers, the Clinton Foundation etc.??

These figures show HRC v DT. If ( I hope it is" when") you put Bernie in the picture as a 3rd party, the figures, the dynamics of the entire election would change so quickly our heads will spin.

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There will be a lot of push polling taking place, especially since Wall Street and the MSM have cut the deal with Clinton's. I think the NBC poll had Clinton up by 5 points yesterday. In my travels I have yet to hear of any Republicans or Independents supporting Clinton. They all seem to think the majority of the country is against Clinton.

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A turnip should be able to beat Trump by 20 pts. I saw the same bull shit article at dkos. It said 81% of Bernie's supporters have rallied to Hillary. Total propaganda. Look mom, everybody else is doing it so I want to do it to.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

WindDancer13's picture

primary season, they are trying to drive it for the general. Given what we have learned lately, I think we know who is changing the sheets, who is fluffing the pillows and who is cracking the whip in that large bed that HRC, the DNC and the media are sharing.

Like many things this season, this could come back and bite them in the ass.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

Mosquito Pilot's picture

Now you're talking!
Love me some mixed metaphors

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Dig within. There lies the wellspring of all good. Ever dig and it will ever flow
Marcus Aurelius

but I suspect she may be in for a rude awakening.

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orlbucfan's picture

WAPO has been in the $hrill tank since the Stone Age. Also, as Brexit has proved again: take polls with a grain of salt! Rec'd!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

bondibox's picture

For the last year, everything pro-Hillary that I've read at TOS has held the aroma of being professionally prepared. All of the B.S. "why I'm voting for Hillary" come straight from her campaign, and now that I've read the Guccifer 2.0 files I can see right through the article published yesterday. If you read between the lines, it says desperation. It's just wishful thinking.

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“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”

Climate change is breathing down our necks. As Cornell West stated we are looking at our species extinction unless we move fast. Bernie knows this.

Listening to the DNC platform discussion left no doubt that if Hillary is elected there will be no serious action to stop the worst effects of climate change.

These are drastic times and we need to take the risks necessary to stop the Earth killing neo cons from killing all the rest of us.

Bernie is capable of taking that risk if he is willing.

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ngant17's picture

The atmospheric CO2 currently is 400 ppm. With an exponential increase, which is entirely likely with the positive feedback cycles, we'll soon see it doubling or tripling very quickly, hitting 1000 ppm long before the end of this century. A re-run of the Cretaceous, 100 million years ago, all polar ice melted away and vast increases in sea level. 300 ft. higher sea levels.

The Aquatic Ape Theory will no longer be a theory, some of us survivors will have to get used to living like the mermaids. Except that the oceans will be radioactive and swirling with plutonium for hundreds of millions of years.

That will happen after the flooding and we have multiple and uncontrolled nuclear power meltdowns, 400 separate Fukushima-type radioactive meltdowns worldwide, and almost all going off simultaneously.

Any reduction of CO2 to lower levels took tens of millions of years by nature, but it won't get rid of the radioactivity anytime soon after that.

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kharma's picture

What you say scares sensible human beings. Unfortunately there aren't many.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

mhagle's picture

Says Prof. Peter Wadhams ScD, one of the world's experts on Arctic ice.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Amanda Matthews's picture

How can they be lied to and led around by the nose to fight against their own survival and the survival of future generations>

I used to live in Anchorage in the 70s. This is horrifying. This is a tragedy. The effects of this will effect not only this traditional race, it will affect all life, land and sea.

Alaska’s winter is so warm, the Iditarod is importing snow and shortening the ceremonies.
The lack of snow is not a new concern for the Iditarod.

A similar problem along the race’s route last year forced organizers to move the post-ceremony starting point — the “Restart” — from Willow to Fairbanks for just the second time in the race’s four-decade history. (The first was in 2003.)

And for three years now, organizers of the Iditarod, Fur Rondy and the snowmobile race known as Iron Dog have been in touch with the Alaska Railroad about the possibility of transporting snow to Anchorage, Sullivan said. This week happened to be the first time it proved necessary.


“Over the past 60 years, Alaska has warmed more than twice as rapidly as the rest of the United States, with state-wide average annual air temperature increasing by 3°F and average winter temperature by 6°F, with substantial year-to-year and regional variability,” reads an entry in the federal government’s 2014 National Climate Assessment.


It's so warm in Alaska they are importing snow. In contrast:

Teams generally race through blizzards causing whiteout conditions, sub-zero temperatures and gale-force winds which can cause the wind chill to reach −100 °F (−73 °C). A ceremonial start occurs in the city of Anchorage and is followed by the official restart in Willow, a city 80 miles north of Anchorage. The restart was originally in Wasilla, but because of too little snow, the restart was permanently moved to Willow in 2008.[3] The trail runs from Willow up the Rainy Pass of the Alaska Range into the sparsely populated interior, and then along the shore of the Bering Sea, finally reaching Nome in western Alaska. The trail is through a harsh landscape of tundra and spruce forests, over hills and mountain passes, and across rivers. While the start in Anchorage is in the middle of a large urban center, most of the route passes through widely separated towns and villages, and small Athabaskan and Iñupiat settlements. The Iditarod is regarded as a symbolic link to the early history of the state and is connected to many traditions commemorating the legacy of dog mushing.


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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

riverlover's picture

And I am beyond scared.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Amanda Matthews's picture

AND THE SHITS IN THE DNC/CLINTON CABAL totally ignored it in their platform even though Sanders, who said this is the biggest crisis we face, asked for it. And here we silently sit letting them have their way. Well, except for the now-regulation petition and emails that won't be read, of course.

Shows how much pull we got with those people, doesn't it? I have started looking into the Green Party. Lord knows, I'm am over and done with this one. This is where Sanders should go now. He was sabotaged by the 'Democratic' Party and he owes them nothing. All the lies, all the smears, the Clinton supporting corporate media blackout, lies and cheating during caucuses and primaries (Ex. California, Iowa, Arizona...)

Just weeks after leaving his job after three controversy-filled years as the elections director in Ohio’s largest county, Michael Vu got a new job – with a $10,000 raise – in San Diego County as the assistant registrar.

How Vu, arguably the most controversial elections official in the country in 2007, ended up with a job halfway across the country just six weeks after the end of his tumultuous tenure in Cuyahoga County has always been a bit of a mystery.


Moot has argued that Vu abused his discretion as the registrar in deciding not to count the ballots, which were provisional and mail ballots submitted by registered Chula Vista voters. Vu disqualified them because the voters put down an address that was a mailing or business address that did not match the address on file.

While the challenge focuses largely on technical issues of election law, Moot has raised Vu’s history as the elections chief in Ohio, and the testimony about how he got a job in San Diego, as an issue in the case.



It's the Democratic Party that's screwing us. Isn't that the opposite of how it should work or do I need to go back and take an undated Civics class?

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Meteor Man's picture

Bernie is playing his cards close to the vest. So far he's played his cards to maximize the pot, because he knows he has the hole card. WE are Bernie's hole card. Bernie is leading AND following our lead.


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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

The week before Philly, Berning our Dem Party affiliation and going Independent/Green all on the same day. Sending a powerful statement like that will make a difference. But we can't just talk about it. How do we organize it and get the word out there?

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ZimInSeattle's picture

he needs to make a very public announcement of scheduling a meeting with Jill Stein. The media would go nuts. And Bernie would have major leverage going into the convention. It'll be like, 'get your shit together or we're going to burn this thing down.' And what a beautiful thing that'd be.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

mouselander's picture

make dissolution inevitable.

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inactive account

darkmatter's picture

and if he is just making a threat, I hope he (and we) leverage it properly and get more for it than just better language on a document that will be instantly ignored in January 2017.

But I prefer him following through on the hint/threat. Power only understands power.

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He'll say the people have spoken and they're not going to give the Dem Party any more chances. It's time to move on to a third party to revitalize democracy and open it up for the millions out there who aren't being listened to.

You know, 99% of us.

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that the move to set up a third party should begin after Nov. 2016. People might disagree with the approach and the timing, but I suspect that's what Sanders is suggesting.

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What fucking bullshit is that?

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is just a BS way of calling off the dog. Hillary propaganda.

Don't you know???? It is her turn...even if she is under FBI investigation on several criminal issues. Can't we just let her have her tiara...just for one day even??

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Amanda Matthews's picture

'movements' or whatever you want to call them off and on. The 'Progressive' movement(s) generally do a little good then co-opt into the status quo because they can never establish themselves as a threat to the establishment. Eventually the 'Progressive' movement just fades away and we are back fighting the same old same old. Take our right to be free of fear of our own government. Or how about all the rules to level the playing field, like madatory air time to all candidates? Or the right to vote and honest elections? How's that going?

"The Bosses of the Senate", a cartoon by Joseph Keppler depicting corporate interests–from steel, copper, oil, iron, sugar, tin, and coal to paper bags, envelopes, and salt–as giant money bags looming over the tiny senators at their desks in the Chamber of the United States Senate.[37]

[37] Published in Puck (23 January 1889)

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Bluesee's picture

Didn't read it as a threat.

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Bernie is a win-win.

blazinAZ's picture

I don't mind Bernie and his team going thru the motions of trying to reform the Dem party, if that's what it takes to show him and some of his followers (who think that the Dems might change) that it's not going to happen.

Most of the politicians and the entire apparatus are completely corrupt, and their stances on the most important issues are not mine. Every opportunity I get, I write to Bernie and his team and urge them to work w/ Jill Stein and the Greens NOW during this election. I don't want to have to live thru 4 years of either Clinton or Trump, and it seems like I'm not alone. Watching the comment stream on the youtube channel while Bernie spoke in NY last week (not conceding, not even mentioning Hillary), over and over again people were asking him to run as an indie (not the best idea, imo) or as Green. I hope he listens to us. We mean it.


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There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka

Hey, I know! Have it so at the convention something happens that pisses off the Bernie delegates so much that they walk out in protest and join with the 30,000 or so already protesting outside. Bernie steps up and announces he and Jill Stein have met and agreed to merge the Green party with the United Progressives into a new political party to be named the United Fuck This Shit party with the motto Peace, Justice and Free Stuff. After that I don't know, man. Maybe something good will develop like Bernie could select Susan Sarandon as his vice presidential running mate with Jill Stein designated to be the new Secretary of Agriculture. Maybe get Wesley Clark to be the Sec. of Defense and have Robert Reich be Sec. of Treasury ( or something to do with money).

Maybe this is a bad idea.

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blazinAZ's picture

I am so ready for this platform!

Take all the military money and "defense" money and prison money and policing money and campaign advertising money and use that cash to support the people. Guaranteed income, safe housing, free healthcare (including mental health and addiction), free education, high-quality food, childcare, sustainable energy sources, preserving and healing the environment, public transportation, upgrading the country's infrastructure -- none of that costs as much as war and prisons and policing and repression. Heck, even if you threw in reparations for the descendants of the Native victims of colonial genocide and for the descendants of enslaved Africans and other people abused by the US government, we'd still save money over perpetual war and the hoarding habits of the greedy elites.

Peace, Justice and Free Stuff 2016!


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There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka

MonetaryLeviathon's picture

went on to work on trade 'deals', no more f'g globalists please

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featheredsprite's picture

I hope Bernie will follow us. He would certainly be welcome.

The way the Dems gutted the platform, a merely symbolic piece of paper, was the last straw for me.

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

This post has been edited to show a brand new website for the United Progressive Party.


After seeing this interview last week, I did some searching and found this, an article from late May


Then, I found this:

But now clicking there brings an error message (Error establishing a database connection). But, I have been to this site several times over the past week, and found this:

The United Progressive Party is a grassroots political party that is forming now with the following stated objectives:
1. Get Bernie Sanders elected NO MATTER WHAT! we are committed to doing the research regarding what is required for ballot access for Independent Candidates. We support the possibility of an Independent run by Bernie Sanders if that becomes necessary. We vehemently oppose Voter Suppression, Election Fraud, obvious DNC and Media bias against Senator Sanders.

2. We’re committed to organizing Marches and Rally’s in all 50 states as well as Internationally during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia between July 25th-28th in order to show our solidarity with Bernie Sanders. This event will be broadcast via our live stream media servers so that it can be viewed and shared across the globe.

3. Organizing into local and state chapters under the Banner of the United Progressive Party in order to have local and state candidates on the ballot by 2018. We plan to do all the necessary filings with the FEC and IRS. Bernie’s Campaign Platform is our political Manifesto! Mainly, get monied interests out of governance! NO SUPERPACS, NO SUPERDELEGATES AND NO SUPER EGOS!

Disclaimer: Bernie Sanders and the Sanders Campaign have not endorsed nor have any knowledge of our plan regarding an independent run. We are citizen activists who want to be prepared in case the DNC moves to coronate the queen of their oligarchy against the will of the people. We believe that the convention may be contested and that Bernie would have every legal and moral reason to consider an independent run due to the shenanigans that have been happening in every single state primary and caucus.

There is also a Facebook page:


Because of the error message on the original site today, I did a little more research, and found a brand new web site. It looks far different, and it's clearly about Bernie Sanders. I haven't had time to look at it in depth yet.


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I just joined and expect the old man and the kids to join too. Thanks for the info

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Is there a transcript or a quote somewhere?

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

I haven't been able to find a transcript yet, will continue to look and post if I find one. This wasn't an announcement, it was just part of his statements about whether the Democratic Party is willing to open the door other than to say "you can vote for me"..........

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Using Firefox which doesn't support Flash any more as a security risk.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

angel d's picture



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Hetrose's picture

the Green Party is on the ballots in my state, West Virginia. I can mix it up as to who I cast votes for at any level from the top to the bottom of the tickets. I am currently leaning toward Stein and then a mix of Berniecrats and Hold-My-Nose-Crats. There will be no Repuke votes. However, if Bernie were to decide he has experienced quite enough Crap from the Dem-elites and walks out to run under another banner, Bang, I would get to cast a vote for him once again and become a very happy camper. I have believed for some time that Bernie would win going away in a three or four way race for POTUS. Still hoping for the best.

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LeChienHarry's picture

That should make it easy. The following is what Lookout wrote to my questions on where things are at the moment:

Here's what I found on write-ins:

Currently, 43 States allow Write In Ballots for President of the United States.

States not allowing write in ballots include; Arkansas, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Dakota

Most States require a candidate to register, however; Vermont, Wyoming, Oregon, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Iowa, Delaware, and Alabama do not require registration.

Thirty-five states require that a write-in candidate must submit some form of affidavit and, sometimes, a filing fee at least one month before the election. In North Carolina, these candidates must circulate a petition. Then their names are posted on a list at the polling place, though not on the official ballot. All other write-in votes are tossed.


It looks like the green party is on 22 state ballots and working on others http://www.gp.org/ballotaccess

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You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce

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