Orange Koolaid
No, that's not really a jab at the GOS. It is my little term summing up all that has been going on with the DNC and All Trump All the Time.
I had a very nice lunch with OPOL and nancyjones last Thursday. We met at Pho Dai Loi #2 on Buford Hwy in Atlanta. We talked about the state of things with TOP and with the Primary. They ordered Bun Tom, a vermicelli salad with shrimp; I had pho bo vien. It's very good.
Nancy and I independently noted that OPOL's been absent from TOP of late. He indicated he had become so angry with the ay TOP is being run, with the de facto policy of bullying and shitting on Bernie supporters and Kos's own terrible articles about Bernie.
Kos's writings do seem to be encouragement to bully and harass Bernie supporters as a means of shutting down discussion of Clinton's possible weaknesses as well as shutting down the discussion of more progressive ideas and values.
I have come to the conclusion that the DNC plan has been, aside from the appearances of establishing her as the nominee more than a year ago, to DWS essentially anti-progressive values, engaged in an All Trump All the Time 'strategy.
I recall that in the run-up to the election in 2000, Team Bush had bought up a few unflattering websites. I get a strong impression the DNC has somehow coordinated a variety of things with a variety of online communities, a la what we have seen with TOP since about March 15th. Clearly everybody here from TOP is aware of the wide-spread bullying and baiting there: it's at a variety of other places too.
I have had relatively innocuous comments pulled in significant numbers by a moderator at Disqus/Raw Story. Mildly anti-Clinton, nothing terrible, just less than thrilled. Poof. Gone. Worse, profanity-laced stuff untouched. Priorities.
Nancy expressed some frustration with an onslaught of Clinton fans and I agreed. It's like the days when W was in office and wingnuts were crowing about this and that and there was no talking to them. She said some of the stuff made her feel like she was frequenting RedState versus a liberal blog.
After kicking this around for a bit we created a new oxymoron for the George Carlin Memorial List of Oxymorons: Up with "Jumbo Shrimp" and "Hot Water Heater" goes "Clinton Liberals" They say they're 'liberal' but they certainly don't act that way.
Maybe its just the mean season of a presidential primary. I think that this stuff appeals to certain personality types and ego structures. I have no need for a cult of personality. I admire whom I admire but I don't have posters of politicians on my walls. (I actually have Vietnamese silk prints on the walls....)
Some of the fervor with which I have seen pro-Clinton fans trolling posts make it seem more like a religious worship. Some of them might even actually be foaming at the mouth, they seem so wildly intense.
All Trump All the Time
ATAT appears to be the main DNC plan to (A)unify the democratic party behind a common cause, (B) stifle complaints about various policies and such, and (C) keep the focus off of her.
It is fearmongering in its basic, plain form: Donald Trump would be a disaster if elected. Hyping this is largely the plan
It is true he would be an unmitigated disaster, such that W would be pushed down to the Second Worst President of All Time, but really, it doesn't stand to reason he would win.
And I strongly believe he isn't going to win. It's just too preposterous. No koolaid for me, thanks.
Even Bush had his brother as governor of one of the important states and the fledgling FOX news. Trump has no relative in government to come to his assistance and he's cultivated a crappy relationship with FOX. The GOP is generally up in arms about him, CNN staff are revolting over CNN hiring Trump's ex-manager, so on and so forth. George Will told him to pound sand. He's dug a hole for himself in Scotland and England. He's absolutely hated by Latin Americans, a rather huge voting block, I am told.
Nobody's doing a better job of destroying Trump than Trump. He is like a roving toxic spill, moving from place to place, issue to issue, befouling everything he touches.
I mean it really looks like a farce.
The koolaid is that we are asked on one hand to view her as brilliant and experienced and awesome and on the other hand somehow mysteriously vulnerable to a cheeto with funky hair and zero government experience who is alienating everybody with an IQ above room temperature. It just doesn't wash.
Ergo, I call this nonsense the Orange Koolaid. Some recognize it and stay away, some drink it, and some gargle in it. Some at TOP appear to shower in it.
This leads to some of the bullying. If you haven't drunk the koolaid you will be chided for speaking out of sync with the Koolaid values. Your dissent is weakening her and letting Trump win.
One part of this I call "It is impossible to not like Her unless you are a bad person". You've probably seen the diaries purporting to explain how you were mislead into not liking her. But they mean it: if you are dissing her it's because you have some personal short-coming. They get defensive and pissy when this is pointed out to them.
This mindset plays into the bullying too. Bernie's supporters are accused of a hell of a lot of strange and terrible things, and I suppose there are isolated things that have happened that are being generalized to smear Bernie supporters, but mostly I think it fills an ego need to (A) be superior to others by (B) scolding them and flexing some desired self-righteousness.
Purging the Democratic Party of Progressives?
Scolding is a HUGE part of the ugliness, to me. I am so sick of certain personalities haranguing every word I write with THAT TONE they have. The names change but the final product is annoyingly consistent. Thank God at Disqus they implemented user blocking. It is just so awesome to turn these people off and go about my day. I have maybe blocked 6 people so far.
It annoys me because site rules always forbid the exact replies appropriate to this nonsense, which, in and of itself, exacerbates the problem by encouraging baiting with hopes of getting some to post something hasty and get banned.
One of my conspiracy theories about TOP is that Kos refuses to do user blocking because flame wars generate ad revenue. I could be totally and completely wrong. Kos may really care about long as they support her. It's probably why there is a hidden list to begin with, so some can go and gloat or pile on or whatever. Can't do that with discus.
Aside from the ATAT the other significant thing going on may be/appears to be a purge of the more progressive and liberal elements in the Democratic party.
As I was typing this I recall that thing Kos did a few months ago encouraging people to write up things they fear about Trump. This may have created a substantial number of new posters. There was quite a large turnout with "trump" diaries clogging the recent list, shutting out the 'real work' established people were doing. I am there a whole lot less and I see lots of new names I don't recognize, all gargling the koolaid.
The bullying and scolding and fear of time outs and banning cause self-censorship. Worked on me. I post a lot less now and few things related to the primary. I actually posted something this morning and then unpublished it because that place is just choking on the primary. I just didn't want to deal with it today.
OPOL talked some about being uncertain if he will ever post there again. We both noted that is just not the place we found back during the dark ages of the Cheney Administration. It was a haven for me in 2005. In 2016 it is NOT the same place. I have suspended my blogging contract with them. Wondering if the place will return to itself or if this is a permanent change. I have had the musing that maybe it would be jacked up in readership and visits during the Primary and after she won, Kos would sell it while emotions are high.
I know that Caucus99% is largely TOP ex-expatriates so I will assume that many recognize what I am getting at. Hell, some have probably written far more and far better about this and I am just unaware. Oh's one by Cassiodorus.
The DNC does not care about the 99%
So the Orange Koolaid is the DNC plan to get her elected no matter what, and to bury this whole 99% thing.
It's built on stifling dissent through fearmongering and bullying, it is All Trump All the Time to suck the air out of real issues discussion and to motivate people out of fear to chide those who refuse to drink said koolaid in general, and Bernie supporters in particular., and to smear their memories going forward.
It's not enough to chide - condescension and belittling are used in large quantities to smear Bernie's message. Because he's a horrible, crotchety old man with too much ego who should have given up years ago, and shit like that. It actually reminded me of some of the so-called liberals who despised and denigrated Occupy Wall Street and that whole message.
Which really seems to have been reincarnated as "Bernie's Message". Those same personalities appear to be against this 99% message: holding banks accountable and breaking them up, improved minimum wage, and things like this that help the common person.
The DNC wants to have nothing to do with it, outside of maybe plagiarizing some of it as campaign promises that we will find in boxes underneath the bus with us once the Great Fascist Cheeto is vanquished and the Coronation is complete.

After I posted this I see a lot of pieces describing all this much better.
A lot of people here get it and most other places they don't.
Thanks for the Diary, Doc
When you see OPOL or talk to him next, please give him my regards. I hope he continues to write here on c99%.
Your comments about DK are spot on. This what pissed off folks over there. The coronation didn't exactly happen as planned.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Here's OPOL' FB page if you are interested
in talking with him.
I have been following what he has been writing and he hasn't given up, but I don't blame him for leaving DK. That place has become a cesspool and I agree with Doc. It doesn't resemble anything like it used to when I joined it in 05 for the same reason. To talk about what was happening during the Bush/Cheney years.
Everything that was unacceptable when they were doing it became acceptable when Obama continued doing them
And it's just an echo chamber in the countless Hillary diaries.
None of them have a problem with her taking advantage of citizens united because they say that she has to in order to beat Trump, but once she's elected then she will work on changing it.
I reminded them that was what people said when they excused Obama for voting for the FISA bill. He had to vote for it so that he could be elected, but once in office then he'd work to change it. I remixed them too about how he expanded the illegal spying instead of working to change it. I got a lot of flack for that.
Lysis wrote that single payer would cost more than the multiplayer insurance that people have now, after I remind her about Hillary telling us that single payer will never happen.
Absolutely fucking wow, that she will go to any length to defend Hillary and her policies.
None of the war policies she put into place during her time as SOS don't bother her. And it's also okay for Obama to use drones that have killed thousands of innocent civilians because none of our troops are in harm's way and risking their lives. Unfuckingbelievable the way that they can defend anything he or she does, isn't it?
I think these tell the truth about him.
And one more.

Great essay, Doc. I couldn't have said it better myself.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
too many coincidences. dKos in league with the DNC
we all know that the front page at dKos has stopped writing about Democrats. Maybe it never did. Maybe all those old articles were just anti-Bush. Lots of us yelled, saying "stop already! We know the Repubs are bad. We want to know what the Dems will do?" and we saw that the twerp who runs that place told us to go $%%^ ourselves...and continued running it the exact same way the Democrats/DNC are running Hillary's campaign.
Which reminds me, I read an article at HuffPo that was hilarious, about what Hillary has learned from 2008. It was 100% BS, including how she's learned to be personable and reach out to people. And it must be working because she's ahead of Trump in the polls! Jeezus H Christobel! Anyway, no doubt written by a supporter, whether paid or not but it made me want to jump up and down and when I finished doing that I'd get a bomb and blow them up.
"she's learned to be personable and reach out to people"
She's learned to give the press talking points which include that she's personable - why worry about follow-through when one has a plethora of SuperPACs to buy
reportingads which can say it's so whether or not it is?But I hear in my inbox (I think I saw it noted here, first) that I could get flown to NY to watch Hamilton seated next to her. If I wanted to sit next to someone that noxious, I'd visit my family.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
correction: article was on the CNN site
This bit was very, very odious...
who, exactly is an outsider candidate like Trump? I mean, this lady wrote the piece. Did she mean Bernie is like Trump? And it's notable that she DID NOT name Bernie. You know that was on purpose.
It goes on to talk about how she's a proud grandmother. Isn't that wonderful and heart-warming? Although, really, she's an anti-Christ grandmother of the devil spawn of Chelsea and some bankster so maybe it just doesn't work for me.
Try to read this without looking for your stash of explosives:
Under the paragraph header "An Unapologetic War Hawk" there's this, with the writer thinking it's a good thing!
really....if you read the whole thing you wonder if they (CNN) think anyone will believe it.
Your best comment, evar.
I could have said that lots of times, sure, but this time is special.
I remember when Hillary welled up and almost cried ...
some time during the 2008 campaign in a diner...
I remember wondering if that was just exhaustion and honest or not. Back then I didn't believe it was "staged". Today I am not sure about that. Back then I still fell for some good shows at the convention and could be carried away a bit. I even wrote a somewhat dishonest diary about it on TOP just to test out the reactions. Well I wanted to believe in the goodness of Obama's efforts, but somehow wasn't that sure anymore. But what I said in there didn't honestly reflect what I thought. I was very ambivalent.
I remember also when I for the first time understood why the whole "first female" thing is so important for many women. I had to learn some stories of how badly some women were treated and such life experiences explained a lot. It would also explain to me why elderly afro-american women, who were so enthused about the Obama presidency, now might just so inclined to stand behind Hillary, as there is no way anymore to support Obama. Those women fell for that "first female president" thingy, the way others fell for the "first black president" thingy and believed by having voted for "the first something" gender or race meant that those among the people of same sex and gender would be "better off" with them.
One of those tragic hopes being betrayed and misjudged. That's why so many feel so betrayed. A very sad story, really. And a unique American sad story, I believe.
Now they throw an old Jew independent socialist under the bus, one, who never used the anti-semitism card in his campaign, but is attacked for being a "trojan horse" dyed in the wool pro-Israel guy slipped into the Democratic Party. I mean you hear the darnest things. It's really very sad.
I would so much like to forget that last 16 years.
Better actor
Shes a better actor than Ronny Raygun.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Not a tear was shed, in true Sociopathic form
They can't cry because they don't possess normal human emotions. She's one of them. Ted Bundy was too.
They do not possess the capacity for empathy. They compulsively lie.
They attempt to mimic emotions displayed by others.
Detroitmechworks said it in another thread, and I've said it before. She's a sociopath. And there's no cure for that. She needs to be locked up because any sociopath is dangerous, but one with the power and money she has could wreck havoc on the entire world! (And she wants to do just that, apparently.)
Just today, I had a Facebook friend (and real-life acquaintance) refer to her "kindness and graciousness." What the ever-loving f*ck?
The talking points seem to be working among the willfully blind. That they regurgitate them in the presence of zero proof boggles my mind.
I asked Armondo about the talking points once
And no, he wouldn't respond.
Gotta say, I just love this, but I have a potty mouth:
They said that Hillary has learned from 2008? Ha.
With Hillary as it was with the Bourbons..."They have learned nothing and forgotten nothing."
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Now that we've all read the memos
Together with the smoking gun that is the Guccifer 2.0 files, we know that ATAT is just another facet of the corrupt blogosphere. Reading the files is like owning a pocket full of kryptonite, everything coming out of TOS is so transparent, none of it is convincing at all. The other day they tried to run a story about how Hillary could turn Texas blue, when the headlines I've read have said that nearly half of Sanders supporters in Texas would not vote for Hillary. That's what TOS has been reduced to - propagandizing its own readers.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
I'm in Texas and will NOT vote for. . .
. . . that evil sociopath. My conscience will not allow it.
However, even if I did, my vote wouldn't count anyway, because I have to use a hack mobile to vote. No paper ballot for me.
You should stay away from the Orange Koolaid.
It's made with Agent Orange.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
It's evil! Don't touch it!
When all they have is fear
they will lose.
The boy who cried wolf learned an easy lesson.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I stopped by last night
Saw very few names I recognized and got a headache after the second diary. It's the first time in a month or more. A good reminder of why I stopped going there.
My impression was very similar. I am tired of the meme calling working folk dead enders, losers because they don't have $60,000 in debt for a college degree. I am also tired of the constant harping that everyone who is for working people having better conditions and pay is a racist. Really? That simply doesn't compute to me. Given I come from a town where the major employer is the local tribe, a group that frets about making sure wages remain living I find this thought really strange.
This, this, this!!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Jut a side note
but a late friend was in the CA National Guard after Jonestown. and he remembered that at mess they were awash in grape Kool Aid, because after Jonestown the makers couldn't sell it to anyone else.
On to Biden since 1973
Thanks for this
It's exactly what I've been feeling, thinking and witnessing. It is toxic in ways a truly liberal or progressive place could never be. I visit rarely. Always leave a few clicks later, shaking my head.
Another Refugee from the Great Orange Purity Troll
I also think that Markos might sell the site
It has become a laughing stock on other sites and people noticed how he censores or has banned so many people because they said mean things about Hillary.
He has sold his part of vox and some other gaming site and bragged about how he's now rich enough to buy a telsa.
And the timing of the rollout of DK5 to ATTRACT new users was convenient wasn't it just when the election was starting in the guise of attacking new members and Hillary's superpac started paying people to say nice things about her.
He's working for a think tank that evolved from the DLC. It's sad to see what many of us called home for so many years has devolved into.
Oh well, I enjoyed my time there and made some great friends who helped me out when I was in a dire financial situation.
ETA: Attract new users to his site, not to attack them.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Unsure about the attacking of new users
because of the effort that appears to have been made to attract a bunch of new people to the site, but the change to the new blogging format, with all the automated formatting tools, I thought was a boon to those who don't know how to do it manually but also made it really difficult - time and labor intensive - to reformat your work for posting elsewhere. In the old format, I'd just copy what I did and paste to another site. Now you cannot do that and have to substantially re-write the article and do the manual stuff.
Thanks for the validation! I thought I smelled a noxious gas there, but wasn't sure.
I meant attrack
will edit comment.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Don't you mean a "NO-think tank", snoop?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Why not? He sold his soul a long time ago n/t
Top is a PR site for the DP.
It is a place to put on a pink pantsuit and join the cheerleaders in Hillary's Hangout. Stay away from it. Not worth the click.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Well, sorry to say this but MM has always been somewhat of
a punk, and he runs the site like a punk. It's that simple. I say this because one of the most innocuous requests I ever made which was supported by 98% of the commenters was met with scorn by him. (In a diary of his, his image of the Elephant rethugs was actually one of a real, now dead elephant that had been poisoned along w 90 others in a watering hole in Zimbabwe. It was a big deal at the time.. I wrote a diary pleading w him just to switch out the image. To use anything else that wasn't so offensive. Many many people agreed. ... Not only didn't he change it, he wrote, "it stays!".) What was the reason? .... He's a punk.
For whatever reason he either switched his beliefs or was from the beginning a fraud. Either way it doesn't matter. I rarely wander over there, and every time it's worse and worse. Nasty, mean and dismissive. Why bother?
Oh and his exhortations not to spike the football were just fraudulent as his tone and encouragement to dis Bernie and his supporters has been evident all along.
Don't believe everything you think.
A couple of years ago, I sent an email to kos about having the site focus more on issues rather than Republicans. I am not going back there to dig it out, but I did send a copy to OPOL who agreed with me on it. I heard absolutely nothing back from Markos. Nada.
Fast forward to the edict of March 15. I had a discussion online with Armando over how this was causing people to self censor. Being the lawyer, he vehemently disagreed which led me to write this essay here at C99.
LOF (Little Orange Footballs) showed just how establishment they were when most of the front pagers dismissed the Occupy Movement and the Edward Snowden revelations. Both of these events were first and foremost about our Constitutional rights. Being naive, I was shocked that a supposedly liberal site could hold such conventional and right leaning opinions about abrogating our rights under the Constitution. Like most of our elected officials, LOF is all about protecting the status quo and by doing so, they reveal themselves as having a greater interest in appeasing the establishment than sticking up for the people.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
forgot all about that. Mr. Kos didn't give '2 shits' about Snowden's revelations and said so clearly several times.
it's like a relationship that one has tried to maintain despite 'things' here and there.
Then, one day, things line up.
Once upon a time, I was driving to Florida through south Georgia and drove into what seemed like a huge forest of very similar trees.
At one point they all lined up and I recognized it as a pecan orchard.
Kos's trees have lined up.
I put up with a huge amont of crap from my first wife.
Until she tried to take my head off with a boat oar.
THEN the trees lined up and I booted her completely out of my life.
Kos' pecan trees have lined up ?
now we know where all the nuts come from on his site. ... /ducking
(insert cymbal crash HERE)
She's here all week, folks! Try the veal...
The site was marginally better
the more hands-off MM was. While writing the Book (lol) and again probably around the vox selloff. When he was involved, and writing it got increasingly then absolutely His Way or the Highway. We mostly took the road out.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I wrote a comment
yesterday to nomandates that the BNR and the contributions by Don midwest are all I read there.
I hope Don finds us here.
My clicks are wanted, my opinion and content are not. I refuse to provide income to MM and get nothing in return but the sure fire knowledge that I will nod and say yes Boss, like Texas prisoners are required to say to the security guards, or be put in solitary confinement.
I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't change, I do not deserve to have my rights taken from me, and I refuse to volunteer (and pay) for that kind of abuse.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Don is a member here
and has been for some time. I think he enjoys poking the koolaiders in the eyes over there.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Has anyone asked OPOL to join?
I miss his enthusiasm and music list. His diaries were always a good read.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
Opol is here.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Good, I hadn't noticed.
I think TOP is becoming kind of uninhabitable at this point. Does he have the same ID here?
Yep. /nt
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
If he posted here, I would not go there.
Don? Are you reading this?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
DNC=King George to the revolution
In the musical "Hamilton" there is a song that King George sings, and every time I hear it, I imagine this is what the DNC is telling us 99% - "You'll be back." When someone thinks there is no other option, the condescending attitude cannot be any stronger.
It is funny to me that she is renting out the whole theater for her super-rich donors to see a private performance of the musical that has sustained me with revolutionary fervor this year. I hope someone plans demonstrations.
"And when push/comes to shove/we will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of our love."
Boxseats at Woodstock
Comes to mind
Box seats being the antithesis of what Woodstock stood for.
Mall Hippie
My best friend had a name for a girl I was dating once. The Mall Hippie. I met her at a Dead show, when about 20 of us were camping on a friend's farm for the weekend. She was the only one staying in the house.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Because she's hip and cool and timely
and that's all. You can bet the actual irony is completely lost on her....
a gift is required to entice people
While thousands and thousands like what Bernie says enough to stand outside to hear him, she must pair her Royal presence with the hottest musical in the country to persuade people to pony up big cash to see her. I mean, who will attend this that has not already been able to afford tickets?
Let's see, a guy who fought against the status quo, blew up his political career with a sex scandal, still wrote pushing for dramatic change like ending slavery...oh, rich irony.
Doc, I am glad you and Jane
and OPOL hooked up and had a lovely lunch and lively discussion.
We are all pretty stunned about our 10 years, more or less, of daily discourse with people of like mind, ending without us having any input.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I wanted Bernie vs Trump so we'd have the 99% vs the 1%
Not to have the 1% vs the 1%
TOP is embarrassing to anyone with half a brain, nauseating to
anyone with more.
It's been that way for a few years. The steady decline of critical thinking and rational responses showed itself most prominently when discussing issues like Wall St criminality, the surveillance state, the healthcare debacle, the gap between rich and poor, the housing bubble, etc. There also was to me a disconcerting aversion to movement building, direct action protest and criticizing their own elected officials.
Many times I also felt, as a participant in the Occupy movement, like I had to constantly remain vigilant about how it was perceived and slandered, always correcting the RW meme that it fizzled out with the hard cold facts that our own gov't conspired to crush it violently. Even black folk on Kos could hardly manage the kind of enthusiasm I was feeling as an activist in the streets with the #BlackLivesMatter movement, their reluctance culminating in an aversion to publicizing and aiding some of the incredibly strong protest actions, such as the wildcat-style actions of protesters in NYC to shut down the bridges and tunnels and the Mizzou State football team forcing the college President to step down. These were truly revolutionary acts and portended to a major shift going on, one in which young black activists were clearly forming an Oppressed People's Movement, centered o both racial and economic oppression with a keen understanding of the linking of the two.
I said my piece OT with "As Another Pissed Off Liberal There Are Some Things I'm Not Interested In." It was fulfilling to have it stay on the Rec list for three days, joining Dallasdoc's of around the same time (spring of this year) as two of the only diaries to go over 1000 Rec's in recent times. What that proved to me, along with his brilliant as usual essay, was that there are way many more of us than there are of those mainstream sheep rooting (or paid to be be) for "It's The Woman's Turn Next." The explosion of laudatory comments from Progressive Liberals who have been under the gun of Neoliberal pricks there proved that the beliefs we have here at C99 are those of the vast majority in this country and the world, and sometimes people need to hear those values expressed publicly in order not just to not feel alone but to know we're on the right side of history and we owe it to our rebel antecedents to carry the torch proud and high.
I haven't been back, and don't intend to.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thank you Doc, please ask OPOL to consider
joining us here.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
The transition was sudden
I remember back when hypothetical polling had Bernie +6 over Trump and Hillary -3, that head to head match ups were really unreliable. Then, just after March 15 they dropped Bernie from the polling, Hillary was net positive against Trump and suddenly it was Hillary beats Trump in national polls!! After that, it was ATAT over at the SOB. It already was on the Front Page, but once she was ahead in the polls the message spread to the foot soldiers. Those foot soldiers have always been suspiciously in-sync, and now the Guccifer 2.0 files prove it out. If it's felt as if the last 6 months have been a battle against a united and well coordinated army of trolls and sycophants, it's because the last 6 months have been a battle against a united and well coordinated army of trolls and sycophants.
Trump isn't going to win because he doesn't want to win. He never has. He's just in this to increase his brand value, which is his biggest asset. He's never done a real day's work in his life and the Presidency isn't a cake walk, not even for someone as non committed as Dubya who seemed to think it tremendously ennuyeux. Trump is good friends with the Clintons and he is a former Democrat. It's just plausible enough that his penultimate goal is to sabotage the GOP's chances, and make Hillary a cinch to win even if she does get indicted.
And remember, there is zero money going his way. I think that is the GOP sending him a clear sign. I really don't think he's going to be the eventual nominee. The running joke for me is that he's been trying to alienate his base, but there's nothing that he can say or do that is beyond the pale for these folks. It's like they're gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe. He could say something as outrageous as "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," and that statement wouldn't lose him any voters.
And what is up with THAT TONE? I've noticed it over there ever since the first time that someone tried to intimidate me into deleting a story (which as it turns out was a lucky guess calling out the sock puppets who took down Rep. Weiner). The last article I posted there (and cross posted here) made the simple observation that you are more likely to get the support of Independents if you value their concerns. Even though I tried to forestall the personal attacks they still came with the personal attacks. At this point I don't know if it's a strategy run amok or if they just can't help themselves.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
It's the ego thing.
They ARE truly wrapped up in the pettiness. They wallow in it.
The nasty tone, the scolding, the outright attacks are facilitated by the greenlight Kos gave them March 15th and act as ego fixes.
It's also probably pretty addictive for them.