I keep getting told that the vast majority of Bernie supporters are going to fall in line obediently behind Hillary in November. The justification for this is that it is what has “always” happened “historically”. I find this a flawed argument and here is why:
Historically, the people voting were the ones who are registered members of a party, who always vote and always fall in line for their party. Bernie’s supporters are largely people who are independents and/or never bothered to vote before, because they saw both parties are corrupt and/or felt their vote wouldn’t count. Many refused to vote against someone and would only vote for someone they could believe in. Bernie made them believe, and Hillary openly destroyed that, simultaneously confirming every single reason they refused to vote before. Fear never forced their vote before this primary and fear won’t force their vote this November, certainly not for someone who disenfranchised them in the primary while calling them stupid children for wanting fair treatment and a government that represents them. And that’s not counting the lifelong Democrats who did always fall in line before, but have now lost their last lingering illusions about the party. Lifelong (former) Democrats like me.
Historically, the establishment never stole an election using voter suppression and election fraud so blatant it was only marginally less obvious than just stacking up the two candidates votes at the convention, burning their opponents pile in front of everyone, then declaring unanimous support for their own candidate of choice. There has been suppression and fraud in the past, but back then they at least didn’t do it out in the open. This time, they didn’t even try to hide it. Now they’re calling us crazy conspiracy theorists for not pretending we didn’t see what everyone clearly saw.
Historically, the establishment candidate didn’t insult the opposition’s supporters to their faces. The candidates themselves were fair game for slander and lies, but the actual voters were not slandered and lied about, because the establishment knew it was necessary to treat the voters with some modicum of respect if they wanted their votes in November. The voters were lied to but not lied about.
Historically too, a candidate like Bernie should have crashed and burned shortly after announcing. Historically, a mainstream media blackout was the death knell for a campaign. Historically, not dropping to one knee before Big Money was suicide for any candidate’s political pursuits. Historically, even if such a candidate made it to and through the voting, they could only realistically expect about 5-10% of the vote collectively. At best. Being competitive was a pipe dream and the idea of actually winning was a joke. Such a candidate could expect his 15 minutes of fame, then collect his participation trophy and a pat on the head, “deliver” his voters to the winner like a pizza, then slink off to miserable obscurity.
I’ve heard about what can be expected “historically” since Bernie announced, and based on that I’ve been expected to just give up and vote for Hillary. Yet history has been consistently wrong every time. The thing is that historical observations are not a set of rules like in trigonometry or something. What happened historically does not become an immutable law of the universe that can never be changed or eliminated. If it was, blacks would still be slaves, women wouldn’t be voting, and America wouldn’t even exist in the first place. Because “historically”, monarchy, slavery, and females as chattel were just the way things were, and there was no point in thinking things could be any different.
What I’m saying is that history is worthless right now. Nothing in this primary has adhered to history, and I see no reason that the future will either. The past is the past, but the future is infinitely plastic and changeable. We’re at a major turning point now, and someday the history books will reflect that.
And then, hopefully, people will say, “Free college, universal health care, and basic minimum income are historically the way things are, and they are good. We have no intention of changing them!”

I think what we are hearing is mostly
media hype. The thinking is that if Sanders' supporters keep hearing that other Sanders' supporters are willing to hold their nose and vote for HRC that they might as well also which creates another label...that we are sheep and cannot think for ourselves.. It is the same kind of thinking we heard from many who voted for HRC in the primaries...well, everyone else is (perpetrated by the media), so I should too. Sad.
I have seen the numbers behind some polls and they are being twisted to fit the narrative.
Historically? Ted Kennedy did not give up so easily, and he never endorsed Carter, so there is no set rule.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The Bandwagon Effect. n/t
Brexit has them asking if
They under estimate the strength of Bernie and Trump voterz. Ya think? Bernie would be if the nominee if they hadn't rigged and stolen the election. No way in hell Bernie supporters let them get away with that.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Sorry, but what has BrExit have to do
with your piece?
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
There's nothing about brexit in the essay. Was the essay edited to remove the reference?
I agree. The media are going to continue to be surprised by
this election cycle because we are determined to make history.
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Historically it worked for...
Al Gore...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Historically, things tend to go on until they don't.
History in replete with examples of empires that collapsed. Often the signs were plain to see for a long time. Or plain to see in retrospect. Sometimes collapse is due to a Black Swan Event. Sometimes collapse is due in large part to the sheer accumulated weight of corruption at every level of society.
I'm not sure where we are at this point, but fixing an entire election for a carpetbagger and serial warmonger can't be in any way good for the future of the Republic.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Watched a documentary about the last Roman Emperors
The last part of Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire (on youtube). Those last few emperors kept thinking they were going to bring back the glory of Rome even though there was no real Rome left and no structure of any kind. It was a fantasy land and a lot of the Roman people couldn't get their heads out of the sand either.
Beware the bullshit factories.
it is a flawed argument because....
...2016 is not 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000 etc. my eyes are open now and fear will not rule my decision.
Originally a reddit comment,and only edited to clean up typos and abbreviations, etc. I haven't been following BrExit recently and don't really know much about it, so I can't really comment on it
is a lesson the head in the deep sand Democrats won't listen to.
Up until the very night of the vote, it was "we can't lose" - in other words, REMAIN was going to win. Until it LOST by more than about 1,500,000 votes.
Too much going on for Clinton to continue to dodge. We don't need her to lie her way thru a press conference anymore -
they're coming at her from all sides - she can't hide from everything.
FBI has to do something very soon too. Expect Lynch will duck and appoint a Special Counsel.