Socialist Alternative Platform -- My New Direction
After watching the joke of a Democratic corporate/statist platform last night I have decided to abandon the Democratic Party as a hopeless case. Its time to build a socialist alternative. For those who suffered through last nights Democrat Party platform fiasco, I offer the Socialist Alternative platform as an alternative. I see no reason to continue paying attention to Trumpoclintonian narcissisum and corporate/state cluster fuck. Socialist Alternative Platform and Magazine
I will do what I can to help Sanders until the delegate walkout and mass demonstrations at the Democratic Convention and hope he joins the alternative.
Fighting for the 99%
-- Raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an
hour, as a step toward a living wage for all.
--Free, high quality public education for all from
pre-school through college. Full funding for
schools to dramatically lower student-teacher
ratios. Stop the focus on high stakes testing
and the drive to privatize public education.
-- Free, high quality health care for all. Replace
the failed for-profit insurance companies with a
publicly funded single-payer system as a step
towards fully socialized medicine.-- No budget cuts to education and social
services! Full funding for all community needs.
-- A major increase in taxes on the rich and big
business, not working people.-- Create living-wage union jobs for all the
unemployed through public works programs
to develop mass transit, renewable energy,
infrastructure, healthcare, education, and
affordable housing.-- For rent control combined with massive public
investment in affordable housing.
-- A guaranteed decent pension for all. No cuts
to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid!
-- A minimum guaranteed weekly income of
$600/week for the unemployed, disabled,
stay-at-home parents, the elderly, and others
unable to work.
-- Repeal all anti-union laws like Taft-Hartley. For
democratic unions run by the rank-and-file to
fight for better pay, working conditions, and
social services. Full-time union officials should
be regularly elected and receive the average
wage of those they represent.
-- No more layoffs! Take bankrupt and failing
companies into public ownership.
-- Break the power of Wall Street! For public
ownership and democratic control of the major
-- Shorten the workweek with no loss in pay
and benefits; share out the work with the
unemployed and create new jobs.
Environmental Sustainability
-- Fight climate change. Massive public
investment in renewable energy and energyefficient
technologies to rapidly replace fossil
-- A major expansion of public transportation to
provide low fare, high-speed, and accessible
-- Democratic public ownership of the big
energy companies, retooling them for
socially necessary green production. A
“Just Transition” for all workers in polluting
industries with guaranteed re-training and new
living-wage jobs.
Equal Rights for All
-- Fight discrimination based on race, nationality,
gender, sexual orientation, gender identity,
religion, disability, age, and all other forms of
prejudice. Equal pay for equal work.
-- Black Lives Matter! Build a mass movement
against police brutality and the institutional
racism of the criminal justice system. Invest
in rehabilitation, job-training, and living-wage
jobs, not prisons! Abolish the death penalty.
-- Defend immigrant rights! Immediate,
unconditional legalization and equal rights for
all undocumented immigrants.
-- Fight sexual harassment, violence against
women, and all forms of sexism.
-- Defend a woman’s right to choose whether
and when to have children. For a publicly
funded, single-payer health care system
with free reproductive services, including all
forms of birth control and safe, accessible
abortions. Comprehensive sex education. At
least 12 weeks of paid family leave for all. For
universal, high quality, affordable and publicly
run child care.
Money for Jobs and Education, Not
-- End the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Bring all the troops home now!
-- Slash the military budget. No drones. Shut
down Guantanamo.
-- Repeal the Patriot Act, NDAA, and all other
attacks on democratic rights.
Break with the Two Parties of Big
-- For a mass workers party drawing together
workers, young people and activists from
environmental, civil rights, and women’s
campaigns, to provide a fighting, political
alternative to the corporate parties.
-- Unions and other social movement
organizations should stop funding and
supporting the Democratic and Republican
Parties and instead organize independent leftwing,
anti-corporate candidates and coalitions
as a first step toward building a workers’ party.
Socialism and Internationalism
-- Capitalism produces poverty, inequality,
environmental destruction, and war. We
need an international struggle against this
failed system.No to corporate “free trade”
agreements, which mean job losses and
a race to the bottom for workers and the
-- Solidarity with the struggles of workers and
oppressed peoples internationally: An injury to
one is an injury to all.
-- Take into public ownership the top 500
corporations and banks that dominate the U.S.
economy. Run them under the democratic
management of elected representatives of the
workers and the broader public. Compensation
to be paid on the basis of proven need to small
investors, not millionaires.
-- A democratic socialist plan for the economy
based on the interests of the overwhelming
majority of people and the environment. For a
socialist United States and a socialist world. J
Thanks. Kshama Sawant would be proud.
JOHN ADAMS, letter to Jonathan Jackson, Oct. 2, 1789
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
A couple things
came to mind on reading.
Social Security needs to be expanded, not just not cut. And all of the weasely ways they get away with no cost of living increases need to end.
Also, I like a guaranteed income for all, not just for disabled, unable to work, etc.
And it needs to quit being used as a piggy bank.
Make the pigs go elsewhere.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Thanks for reminding us what we stand for
I too was disgusted by the platform committee. It just goes to show there is no hope for the corrupt DNC and its fellow travelers. Bernie is wrong to attempt to change this clusterf&ck from the inside, when even the most popular progressive ideas are excluded from the platform. He needs to run as an independent/third party candidate and start the process of destroying this group of corporatist enemies of the people. #NeverHillary.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Right (just a little insufficient in the vision part)
We are rapidly being forced into a world where the concept of "job" is obsolete; and that makes some of your platform out of date. You see that yourself when you say that a raise in the minimum wage is a stepping stone to a minimum income.
I suggest, for example, calling for a rise in the personal deduction, to something like $25k. The next step would be making that amount a refundable credit for the elderly (set at 55) and disabled, etc. The next step would be everybody. This would have the added advantage of phasing out the FICA tax, as the personal deduction - now a credit, would replace Social Security.
The same applies to health care. Rather than create a (even a much smaller) bureaucracy to administer a single payer system, make all medical procedures a tax credit. This is not as good as single payer because people would still avoid the doctor, but that could be circumvented by "mandating" regular procedures (at government expense)
I am not giving suggestions as absolutes, nor am I condemning yours. But I am saying that we need to plan for the future in the future's terms, and an employment based society is not it - nor should it be.
On to Biden since 1973