Well ... this is Disturbing

Shocking is a good word for it ... on SOOOO many levels ...

SHOCK VIDEO: Computer Programmer Testifies He Coded Computers To Rig Elections

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Published on Jun 11, 2016

When campaign minions aren’t fudging the physical vote count, computers, tasked with tallying the vote,
are susceptible to hacking. In 2006, the documentary Hacking Democracy,
exposed Diebold and their role in rigging elections with their electronic
voting machines. Clinton Eugene “Clint” Curtis is an American attorney,
computer programmer and ex-employee of NASA and ExxonMobil,
who also exposed election hacking. He is notable chiefly for making
a series of whistleblower allegations about his former employer and
about Republican Congressman Tom Feeney, including an allegation
that in 2000, Feeney and Yang Enterprises requested Curtis’s
assistance in a scheme to steal votes by inserting fraudulent
code into touch screen voting systems. Curtis is seen in the video
below testifying under oath in front of the U.S. House Judiciary
Members in Ohio. He tells the members how he was hired by Congressman
Tom Feeney in 2000 to build a prototype software package that would
secretly rig an election to sway the result 51 / 49 to a specified side.

Well, thank you Mr Curtis for that eye-opening testimony.
Disturbing, but perhaps not anymore disturbing that this ... which disenfranchised MILLIONS of people, out front and in the open.

And hardly anyone in the National Media blinks an eye about it ... Afterall they have "Winners" to declare!

2.5 Million Votes Still Not Counted in California!

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Published on Jun 10, 2016

More than 2.5 million ballots or 42% of votes have yet to be counted from California’s primary election. 720,000 provisional ballots, 1,800,000 vote-by-mail ballots have yet to be tallied. State election officials have until July 5 to submit their final presidential delegate results and until July 8 to submit results for all other offices. Hillary Clinton was declared the winner of California’s primary and will likely remain the presumptive nominee after all the remaining votes are tallied. Mark Sovel and Nik Zecevic take a closer look at California’s uncounted ballots and on the Lip News.

42% percent of California Voters -- NOW they don't REALLY MATTER ... now do they ???

Afterall, they had the "Illusion of Voting" -- and isn't that what "counts" most?

And they have the illusion of News Reporting too ...

Bernie Sanders Supporters Await Full Ballot Count In California,The State He Might Have Won

Video link

Published on Jun 11, 2016

“A potential one million or more, maybe two million, I even today heard three million ballots still to be counted”, estimates Paul Mitchell with the Political Data firm which tracks political and election trends.

Thursday, during a post-election panel held by the organization “Future of California Elections”, election experts spoke about California’s accomplishments such as record voter registration, and need for improvement such as making sure no party preference voters... a voter block believed to favor Sanders could easily vote for president.

Welcome to your {cough} "democracy" America! ... Oh Well, it was nice while it lasted ...

Shocking, Disturbing, Disenfranchising aren't the only Illusive adjectives that come to mind, now are they?

I hope we enjoy ... our Media-induced-Coma -- were gonna be there a while ...

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Much like those voting machines, the game is designed to make the player think they're winning due to actual skill. In reality, it's set up for only some people to consistently "win", which prompts the "losers" to pay money in order to keep up with the Joneses, as it were. I used to play it, until I got wise to the scheme. Too many instances of "glitches".

That's really all this so-called democracy is to the power elite. A game, rigged so that the results will always get them the power and money they want, and it's never enough. People have been conditioned to believe that pulling a lever or dabbing their finger on a screen has some actual effect on outcomes. They (whoever they are) like keeping us like that: zombies pushing buttons, waving flags, spiking footballs when we "win", forever playing the game against ourselves.

Jeezus, it's like living in Idiocracy. Thank gods many of us are wising up. Too late? Guess we'll see.

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Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia

Isn't it funny that the DNC dropped exit polling right before make-or-break Cali and the other states on the last super Tuesday? No need for revolution, just reinstate exit polling. The Repubs were more honest in 2016 than Dems, as their exit polling was aligned almost exactly with primary results, but the Dems were off by wide margins. Further evidence of Clinton cheating.

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Haikukitty's picture

They generally modify the exit poll to match the announced vote, which is just mind-boggling.

The only reason we even know about all the discrepancies is because people took screen captures or downloaded the data from the exit polls before the official vote was announced.

We need to have REAL exit polls, preferably administered by an independent body like the UN. At this point, I don't think the US should be trusted to run its own elections.

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NonnyO's picture

At this point, I don't think the US should be trusted to run its own elections.

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I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960

ZimInSeattle's picture

American Exceptionalism will keep us from doing that.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

riverlover's picture

I suggested (not "legal" most places) taking a photo of your ballot before it goes into the maw. Of course, someone will scream voter fraud, although the problem is not that. That could give someone instant polling results, which apparently are very important to Americans, because we are exceptionally hoodwinked.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

...and probably still has not been counted.

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jwa13's picture

"the $hill won by a nose!!!?! ... "

Regarding the track stewards (= election monitors) they could not give one single fucking shit.

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When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
