What I learned on NPR today
I caught the Diane Rehm show while in the car running errands. The segment to which I listened seemed to be all about the Trump campaign and his relative lack of SuperPac money and organization compared to the Clinton campaign. I heard next to nothing about any policy differences. All I heard was how critically important big money donors are in this election. Here's specifically what I learned from NPR's "expert" panel today:
Hillary's massive advantage in big money donors to her campaign and to the SuperPacs backing heris a good thing, and not just because it will help her win the election.
Really, Hillary's ability to fund raise, and the political organization she created to structure a group of large SuperPacs who coordinate with one another, and in many cases with her campaign itself, is a huge plus. It shows she will be a more competent President than Trump because she knows how to get billionaires and millionaires to fork up millions of dollars to fund her historic race to be the first female president.
Oh, the panelists blithely admitted big donors expect "time with the candidate" for their donations, but nothing negative was said about that fact, or that they expect more than just face-to-face meetings with the politicians to whom they invest such large sums of cash. Indeed, as far as the panelists were concerned, the fact that Hillary's campaign is spending millions right now for television ads running in Ohio and other "battleground states," and that her SuperPacs have been spending money on general election ads attacking Trump since May, is an example of her advantage over Trump, as both a candidate and as a potential leader of the most powerful nation, economically and militarily, on the face of the planet.
Trump, on the other hand was sharply criticized for not creating a similar SuperPac structure to fund his campaign going forward. Apparently, big money donors are confused regarding where to place their bets to which SuperPacs they should donate in order to help him and other Republicans win.
Not one panelist, nor the guest host sitting in for Diane Rehm, said a word about the corruption inherent in a political system that relies on billions of dollars of contributions, mostly from the wealthiest one percent and .01 percent of Americans to fund our elections. Nada. Zip. Nothing.
Not one considered how our democracy has been buried by billions of dollars of campaign funding. Oh, they shared a few jokes about how both Trump and Clinton are so unlikable that one woman's obituary recently stated that because they were her two options, she decided to go to heaven. Ha, ha. Very amusing. To them, anyway. That was the closest they came to raising the issue of money as a corrosive influence on our politics. A gallows humor joke.
On to the next thing I learned:
Trump's attacks on his opponent's reliance on SuperPac money in the primaries, and the corrupting influence of big money represents a leftist critique of our political process.
Gee, I wonder, if you asked all those Tea Party supporters of his if they think his attacks regarding the SuperPacs who supported his GOP establishment opponents constituted a leftist critique, how they would respond? Well, surveys have shown that his supporters consistently approve of his stance that big money in politics is a bad thing. For example, he did much better in counties where white GOP voters were financially distressed.
When NBC went to Trump rallies to ask people why they supported Trump, they gave reporters a consistent response as the single biggest reason they backed him:
If you go to a Trump rally and ask people why they support him, what’s the most common answer? You might be surprised. [...]
... [I]t’s an issue that’s been almost entirely ignored by the Republican Party in recent years: Money in politics.
“He can’t be bought,” Eleanor Crume, 72, said at a South Carolina rally. “He’s not going to be bought by the lobbyists.”
“He can speak his mind because he’s not backed by these donors who say what he can and can’t say,” Travis Klinefelter, a 39-year old Iowa nurse, said.
“He’s not bought and paid for by special interests,” Dominic La Rocca of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida said. “Insurance companies, the banks, they get the law that they want.”
I don't think any of these people would consider themselves leftists, do you? Yet, NPR's panelists live in such a bubble that they simply assume that anyone who criticizes the corrosive effect of money on politics must be making a lefty argument. I speak to Trump supporters on a regular basis. Trust me, they are as far right as you can get. But they all say the same thing to me that they told NBC: they think our politicians have been bought by big money interests and they are sick of it, and that's what they like about Trump the most.
Okay, last thing I learned:
NPR is worthless as a news source.
Actually, that's not quite true. I knew this a long time ago. But today's panel discussion on the Diane Rehm show is just more piece of evidence that demonstrates our news media, even our so-called politically independent, publicly-funded news outlets, PBS and NPR , are nothing more than shills for the political elites of both parties, The the media elites share the same opinions about big money in politics that establishment Republicans and Democrats, who achieved their exalted positions because of their fealty to their big money donors, do - it's just the way things are, and that's not so bad. It helps to pay their one percent salaries, after all.
Well gag me with a spoon. Such boot-licking acceptance by the media of our failure to provide even a minimum semblance of democracy is appalling, and I'm being way too kind by describing them in that manner.

The #1 reason at the Texas Dem Convention
for not signing a petition on limiting money in politics was a David Brock* line, saying that they did not want to 'unilaterally disarm,' in other words, MASSIVE amounts of money in politics is OK with those Dems, at least in this instance.
*granted, I'm sure none of them knew the origin of the meme.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Yeah because
all that money raised the last few years sure helped them win control of Congress, state legislatures, and more governorships, etc..
Oh, sorry. My mistake.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Give 'em hell Harry Truman
One of my favorite quotes from Harry Truman:
"Given a choice between a Republican and a Democrat who acts like a Republican; the voters will pick the Republican every time!"
It has helped make a lot of very poor campaign consultants
Excellent reasons
why it's so important to get the Democratic party OUT of the corrupting hand of the Clintons and their sycophants.
Short term consequences worth getting rid of the Clintons.
Still have hope FBI Comey, Loretta Lynch will do their jobs - but time is getting short.
Julian Assange - whatcha' got? We're waiting!
Obama was strongly in favor of single payer when he was
in the IL legislature.
When he ran for president, he raked in so much money from the insurance and financial sectors that he became the first nominee to run without federal funds. He outraised McCain 3 to 1 from these deep-pocketed sources.
As soon as he became president, single payer was out the window and the neo-liberal construct that came to be known as the Affordable care act was all he would support. Even though administrative costs in the private sector are 8X higher than with Medicare, he only would support this giveaway to Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Finance.
In 2014, administrative waste in the ACA grew 10.6%, faster than any other component of health care except for medications.
So did tons of money sway the "greatest president ever?" Did insurance companies and other corporate entities skimming public money from this scheme get more than face time?
I think a reasonable person would say "yes."
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Wall Street Donations to Dems & Repubs
This graph shows the amount of $$ Wall Street has donated to Dems and Repubs from 1990-2012. You need to hover over the data points for each election cycle by political party to get the exact amount of $$. The year 2008 is the outlier in the line chart ($95.2 million to Dems vs. $71.2 million to Repubs). The Dem party contributions from Wall Street are stacked on top of the Repub contributions. The blog post's source is opensecrets.org.
But I don't think that Obama was ever, at any time, really a progressive.
He had a publicly stated admiration for Ronald Reagan, and had no real interest at all in FDR. His mother also had a background with the CIA (which probably explains a lot of things). I think he was always a "groomed" candidate that was setup to act out a certain public role (community organizer), and have a certain public profile. But he never had any commitment at all to actual progressive policy reform in any real sense.
So the point is, that it wasn't so much that he changed once he ran for President. He was always inauthentic, and always just a prefabricated actor. And this also explains his unprecedented rise from a "no name" to instant political celebrity and maximum exposure.
For no particular reason, this no name guy was given the "keynote speaker" job in 2004 (which allowed him to make a speech in TV prime time). And then he was immediately declared the new Democratic "Rock Star", and the U.S. Media couldn't stop talking about him, and projecting him as a future President. Clearly, the Establishment was behind him, and made him, right from the very, very, very beginning. That never happens to real progressives, and real political reformers.
I agree - Now - but admit to having be taken in by the promises
that were never kept and the veneer of "community organizer" and other markers for a progressive.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I too was taken in by him
There were a lot of people saying that he wasn't for real and asked people to look at his voting record in both the Illinois senatoo and when he was in congress. To look at how many times he voted present instead of taking a stand on issues.
People gave him a pass on his FISA vote and said that once he's elected he would change the rules. Instead he expanded the spying program.
I gave up on him after his cabinet picks.
He put the same people in charge of the economy that was in the Clinton administration and set up the global economic crisis.
Finally when he did jack shit during the health care debate and worked with the insurance and pharmaceutical companies behind our backs.
Now we have this shitty insurance give away of people's money who have to buy insurance that they can barely afford and can't use.
And his supporters keep saying that it was a step towards single payer. Anyone know if anyone in congress is even working on this goal?
Then Hillary tells everyone that universal health care will never happen and people are okay with that and are going to vote for her anyway?
And we used to make fun of the republican voters who vote against their interests? LOL!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I understand...
Many people were fooled by Obama, because he is a good speaker (and overlooked his threadbare and "empty vessel" history).
I preferred him over Hillary Clinton in 2008 of course, but I was rooting for either Dennis Kucinich (who was polling well in NH) or Mike Gravel to break through, and gave support to both. I held my nose and voted for Obama in Nov., but I felt dirty doing it. I voted for Jill Stein in 2012.
My unease with Obama was confirmed immediately in Nov. 2008, when right after winning the Election -- he: 1) rehired the Bush-Cheney Cabinet guy Robert Gates (also an Iran-Contra criminal) to come back and run the Pentagon War policy, 2) then hired Neocon Hillary Clinton (who the public had rejected) to corrupt and run the State Department, and 3) hired the sleazy, crony Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of staff, and then appointed Lawrence Summers as his Sect. of Treasury.
Nothing says "Change you can believe in" (?) more than forming your whole Cabinet around the exact same corrupt policy people who created all the original problems, and aggressively promoted all these corrupt policies. No serious person would ever do that. What Obama did is immediately flip the finger at his entire constituency -- contradicting everything that his speechifying (but not his real record) suggested he stood for.
So I knew for sure that Obama was an absolute Fraud just 3 days after the Nov. 2008 Election had occurred.
There was going to be no change, and no hope (and a whole lot more War, and Cartel-driven, right-wing policy).
Proof, please
Do you have proof of this statement:
. "His mother also had a background with the CIA (which probably explains a lot of things)"
I know she was doing research for Women's World Banking, and several other excellent organizations working for women in developing countries, but I've never heard anything about the statement you made.
Can you please give a link to the source for your statement.
Thank you.
Here is one link I found
About his mother working for the CIA. His father was a member of Suharto's military in Indonesia during a CIA backed coup which saw thousands of innocent civilians murdered and tortured.
Gee, maybe that is where young Barry got desensitized about seeing innocent people being killed? He certainly doesn't have a problem with killing thousands with his drones and his illegal invasions in dog knows how many countries. And he says that he's good at killing people. Nice guy, huh?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Barry got desensitized.
Right after he got the premature Nobel Peace Prize for doing what exactly?.
Big mistake Oslo.
Never give up. Never surrender.
Vote Green Party: Jill 2*16
Hindsight is 20/20...
And I can completely see that now. His 'change' was more to solidify the Reagan Revolution into the Democratic Party. Reagan was famous for saying 'The I didn't leave the Democratic Party, it left me!' Well now the Democratic Party pretty much is the party of Reagan. I think the Democratic Party has fully embraced this cancer and I am not confident in the surviveability of the Party.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Why are you listening to the Rehms'?
It is the worst of the "liberal" POV. She, her guests and replacement hosts are crazed.
Here y'a go. For her age she is pretty good looking. She has been censured and sanctioned by NPR for wanting to legalize euthanasia.
Just yesterday they whined that there was income inequality between Boston and Springfield and Pittsfield. Wondering why all the Manufacturing jobs have disappeared.
Well, duh. Mass has led the way in screwing working men and women since they vomited the textile and leather industries decades ago.
FYI, my wife listened, not me.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
I'm a masochist
What can I say?
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Heh. Thanks for listening so we don't have to, I guess.
Don't forget the brain bleach now juniah!
Really, want to add I enjoy your work here. Came over from Evening Blues and What's Happening at TOP and you have interesting posts when I get the chance to check in. Thanks.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
It's important to know what we are supposed to think
That's why I follow the msm.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Susan Page
seems reasonable on most shows.
Had to stop listening to Rehms for my own health
Found myself slamming my head into the steering wheel a few minutes into the show. But this is true for most of what passes for news and discussion on NPR (No Political Reality) these days. I've just given up on it and put it in the same category as the rest of the MSM. A waste of my time and an increase in my blood pressure.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
For her age, she's pretty good looking?
And None of the Panelists Mentioned Bernie?
when they were talking about $$$ in politic$? Fuck them.
They didn't talk about Bernie when primaries were still
going on.
Why expect them to change now.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
NPR is bankrupt for me
They've been bought out. Koch reps on the board. Terrible coverage of issues. Pandering to Clinton and dissing Bernie and now T-rump. Once my go to source, now I won't even listen to their news (I still like "on the media" and "wait,wait"). My money goes to Democracy Now and C99.
BTW Steven on another topic, the people's convention. Have those powers that be looked into the LEAP manifesto?
https://leapmanifesto.org/en/the-leap-manifesto/ Might be a starting point for the convention group.
Thanks as always for your insights!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
One of the great successes of post Gingrich Republicans
and too quiet limp dck Demos was the murder by strangulation of NPR.
RIP, used to really enjoy it.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Post a comment on Diane Rehm's show's website,
and on NPR's. I send them comments all the time. I complained about that Ralston fellow and the invisible chair throwing in Nevada. They will answer you - they answered me and tried to downplay it but I had none of it. Send them a comment, please. When they don't hear from us they assume all is well in neverland. They must hear from us.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Sorry Ms. Ann...
But IMHO, they simply don't care. You might as well yell at your cat for piddling on the laundry basket. It may make you feel better, but the cat doesn't care why you are yelling. NPR gets their cash from corporations and the 1/10 of the 1%. They are almost wholly owned by the Koch Bros. If the die, no biggie. But right now, it is a nice tax right off and a fig-leaf that the oligarchy can point to and say, "See, we support 'liberal' media!"
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
I don't care if they don't care.
They're going to hear from me anyway. They can diss me - fine - I'm going to have my say.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I listened to NPR radio on my commutes to work
morning and evening. Never could stand Diana Rehm much. But a couple of years ago it started that whoever's show it was, "morning edition" or "all things considered", the host started to include often and regularly spoken words to tell the listeners who has funded their broadcasts. It got worse over time. Today it's as often as you would see an ad on msm media TV.
I have even thought that C-SPAN's Washington Journal had some some (female) host which you could clearly identify as biased in the way she asked her questions to the people who called in. I didn't bother to find out her name. Most of the times the people who call in are eye-opening to me but also disturbing.
Need to keep my mind sane. So I listen less and less. Strangely enough the more "media" there is, the more difficult to find out what's for real.
I came to the conclusion that the NPR/PBS axis is worthless
quite some time ago, about the same time that I figured out that the Kochs were major contributors. Of course, it's still good to know that the Kochs expect completely unbiased, conflict-of-interest-free reporting (no slant at all) from NPR/PBS in return for their generous contributions --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
there's no escaping the bs
There's really no place you can get to on your TV where you can find untainted content. You can't find Democracy Now on there, for instance, unless maybe there's some kind of "local access" channel. (There was one here, but, under a dem governor, the cable providers were allowed to cut a deal with the state instead of having to deal with each municipality; things like local access channels and local gov't intervention with the providers went right out the window) Older programming is the same deal, but from a more innocent time...
NPR just another Training Mechanism
Thanks for the article. As I have said before, very early on I caught a subtext in clinton's campaign: not only is she ostensibly 'running for president', but the whole Dem machine is also very clearly 'training' Dem supporters to accept policies and actions which are traditionally completely unacceptable to most of them: campaign financing, fracking, money launering, hawkish international policy, debilitating trade policy, etc.
The NPR segment is just a somewhat blatant attempt to proceed as if all of this is 'business as usual'...as natural as the sun rises and sets....
It's chilling, albeit there have been signs of NPR heading that direction since Obama's first term....
Dubya's administration began weakening NPR, going
after the ombudsman. Things have gone downhill from there. In a contest between Dems and Repubs I find a dilemma, not a choice.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
We're being re-grooved
Without even being sent away to camp. So far.
Hillary gave a speech today and Thom Hartmann aired
some of it live on his show. I listened to less of a minute of her talking about special interests and lobbyists. You've got to be effin' kidding me. She is the queen of that which she was bitching about.
She must think there are enough stupid people who will vote for her with that speech.
So I turned off Thom Hartmann then.
Because all of us are going to have amnesia.
The primary never happened. The nomination was never stolen. Yeah, many of the American people ARE stupid because they're going to vote for her. It's frustrating, distressing, disgusting, troublesome, infuriating,! I thought it was a speech on the economy. It's the economy, stupid! Did she mention how Bill's going to save us (rhetorical question)?
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Well, she also said this...
With that kind of rationalization, she'll soon be telling us that Corporations and Business, and the Wealthy, etc., are 'the primary victims' of economic downturns and a bad economy.
She's a sexist (fill in the blank.)
I heard her say that women got into the workforce and propped up the economy (and they need to be paid for maternity leave.) While true about paid maternity leave multiple decades over due), she's so late to the game that she smells like the bad stuff from a baby's diaper.
WTfuckityfuck. I've known women who joined the military and served overseas during WWII and I've known women that worked here in the U.S. to help out with us winning WWII.
She is so freakin' out of touch, stupid, tone deaf, you name it.
She only has a daughter
Which is why she can say stupid stuff like this with no sense of irony.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
If what is coming out of NPR does not reflect reality
then by definition, it is propaganda.
Enjoy every sandwich. (ripwz)
I haven't enjoyed NPR
since Bob Edwards retired.
Anymore, it is commercial radio sponsored by no less than the infamous Koch Bro's. I, like many, have seen this coming, but I didn't care until the first videos of the ISIS be-headings were not made public. I watched those videos, braced for the worst, only to find that they were fake beyond belief. Belief that anyone would attempt to foist a such a hoax with such ridiculously bad production values. The special effects of the worst Hollywood B Movie studio you can imagine excels by comparison. NPR along with all other MSM outlets refused to address even the possibility that these propaganda videos were faked. So much for equal time. NPR doesn't practice journalism anymore; they practice stenography.
Diane Rhem has alway been a bit of a wet blanket when discussing anything grittier than poetry. She often gets great guests, but should a caller be even mildly disagreeable, then out comes the guillotine. She's says she's retiring after the election. Perhaps she will hand over the reigns to someone less squeamish.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Koch Brothers
On Democracy Now this morning they had a report where the interviewer was almost giddy over David Koch saying that he could maybe vote for Clinton over Trump, just because of the amount of money that he would donate to her.
I guess we only care about money in politics when it goes to the other side.
I learnt in 2003 that NPR/PBS/local public radio
are worthless, with the obvious pushing for consent for the war in Iraq.
Haven't listened/watched since.
They should all be unfunded. They don't serve the Public's interest.
from a reasonably stable genius.
They're not really publicly funded any more, they're privately
funded by the Koch brothers. I stopped listening when I found that out. They'll sound more and more like the Faux network.
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